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                SATELLiTE'98 PARTY RAPORT by the organizer!

* First words *

We  planned  Satellite'98  party  long time ago.  At last we decide for the
party  date  -  7-8november  bcoz  we don't like to make stupied discussion
about the date with the other party organizers (io, grv).  You asking why ?
Look  up  for  the  summer holidays!  - there were THREE (!!!) party events
(quast,  intel  outside,  gravity)  !   One of them was something like WEEK
after other party !!!  That's the way why we decide for this date about one
month before TP'98.

I  don't want to describe all party-work before party but the point is that
all  stuff  was  organised  in  about  2  months.   When I got back from my
holidays I started in the party stuff.

Main  Satellite party main organizers are :  me - Madbart, Enter, Adamsoft,
Pike  help  from  all Appendix mates and my girl friend.  But main idea and
whole  stuff  was made by us - four mates.  I think that's the best idea in
party  making.  I tell you one fact.  I was on "some" party.  First edition
was  organized  in small group.  Party was really nice.  Second edition was
in  my  opinion really crap.  And...  There was many various organizers not
only people from the group.  (if you're interested about party name mail me
;)  Too many organizers are bad.  Nobody know what they exactly must to do.
Important  is  that  those  mates must be really good friends who know what
exactly  do,  with  ideas  etc.   Those two months of work are really hard.
Btw:   In  that  moment  -  some  months  after party i'm ending commercial
animation  for  the  company who lend out video projector.  ;) For me party
work is not ended.  ;)))

* Some days before party *

So  few  days before party we were trying close all sponsors list and I was
talking  with  RMF  FM  radio - Satellite'98 main media patron.  There were
recorded  "official"  invitation  (for the masses) with some my words about
scene and parties.  That's all were in played in the radio some days before
Satellite.   That  was really crazy.  ;) Btw:  We gave them ten free idents
for the Rmf fm radio station listeners.

* 6th november - one day before zero point!  *

5th  november  I early go to bed for long sleep, I planed wake up something
about  12-13 but....  early morning screaming to my modem Enter wake me up.
(he  was trying to connect with my TheSect!  board ;) He told me many words
but i don't understand him - coz i was really sleepy...  Night was hard for
all  main  organizers  - no body can't asleep !!!  All night I was thinking
about  party.  dammnnn..  Anyway..  After his call about 1 or 2 hours later
Pike  call me.  He doesn't scream coz he phone my personal phone.  Fuck.  I
was  necessery at the party place - carpets for the party was too heavy for
Enter and Adamsoft.  :(( For me party stared at 10am at 5th nov.  After all
tired organizers back to houses.  When I back Juma/Apx was at my place - he
was  ending party bulletin in Scala.  He was very angry bcoz his hard drive
doesn't like Adamsoft's harddrive.  When i pluged them together with my hdd
and  cdroms, on the Juma's hdd and Adamsoft's hdd rdb was crapped.  Sukz...
Party  is on, TWO disks are fakked out.  About 17pm we leave my home I went
to  the  train  station for the Carson/Apx, Rappid/Apx, Cerber/Apx .  After
all  they  went  to the party place I return my home.  About 22pm i went to
the  party place.  There were many persons who helped us in hard works.  We
install all and we welcome first visitors!!!  Party was started.

* 7th november - party is on *

After hard night, when we were installed all stuff in party hall from early
morning  we  were attacked by sceners.  :) Good, party was really on.  From
the  beginning  demos  were played on the very big screen (7M diagonal !!!)
and many crazy compos were organized.  All sceners were parting!  After all
about  16pm  first  real  compo were organized - it was music compo.  After
little  break  was  organized  next  compos  like c64 msx compo - which was
really  big shock for all !!!  In my opinion that was better than Amiga, Pc
modules  !!!   C64  rocks  !!!   After all we played Venture's video called
"Ognista  Bejbe  by  V-Block".  That really rocks!  All sceners were really
enjoyed,  singing and dancing.  (i think nobody outside poland watched this
cool video - too bad :( Next point was 64k and 4k intro compo for Amiga, Pc
and  8bits  -  quite  good  productions.  After those compos we made little
break.    We  were  installed  Voice's/Appendix  and  R.T.'s/Venture  music
equipment for live acts !  First was INDYGO - Voice/Appendix and his friend
Ksiu.   They  played over 40mins of really GREAT their own music - LiVE !!!
When  they were playing on the big screen was played a video clip made some
hours  before  party  -  there  were mixed lot's of funny scenes like party
installing  (6th  nov), some camera movements into the Szczecin's city etc.
That's  roxx  -  coz  it was really fast production.  I think that live act
were  really good surprise.  I'm very enjoyed.  Btw:  Appendix records were
born!   We'll  try  to  made  Voice's/Apx CD soon.  If you're interested in
INDYGO  (Voice's)  music  -  you can leech their live act!  It was digitaly
recorded  -  now  it's an 44mb long mp3 file.  This live act rules but CD i
hope  will  be  better  -  much experimental.  :) After Voice/Apx and Ksiu,
Wierza  and  R.T.  of Venture entered into a stage.  Yep - Second Live Act!
They  really rocks!  I don't know how to describe it but they really rocks!
Wierza jazzed R.T.'s techno.  Those live acts were really good point of the
party.  After live act they performed live "Ognista Bejbe", second time all
sceners  were singing and dancing with them !!!  Really i don't know how to
describe all spontaneus sceners - you should watch it !!!  (Satellite video
report  soon  -  I  hope!)  After  this R.T.  countinue live music with his
incedible  minimal  music.  All live acts rulez !  I promise - they will be
in  the  next year on the next Satellite party!  Next point was the gfx and
trace  compo.  After those compos and the break time was for the main point
of the party - demo compo.  Then was funny crazy demo compo and video demo.
If  you're  interested  in  the  quality - watch them all.  I don't want to
coment  any  productions.   I  really  enjoy  a couple of intros like Venus
Art's,  Floppy's,  Network^Ozone's,  Phase  Truce's  and  Venus  Art's  and
Venture's  demo  -  you  must  watch  this  production  and think about the
contents of it.

* end words *

I think that's was a successful event.  This was a first party organized by
Appendix.   I  asked  many  persons and they are very enjoyed too.  We were
tryed  to  make  a  party  like old time ago partys with lots of fun, crazy
compos  with scene feeling.  That's it !  I want to invite you for the next
Satellite party edition.  !