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File size:
5 155 bytes (5.03K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:07:11
Download count:
all-time: 4


    _____ |__|___________     ____   ____  
   /     \|  \_  __ \__  \   / ___\_/ __ \ 
  |  Y Y  \  ||  | \// __ \_/ /_/  >  ___/ 
  |__|_|  /__||__|  (____  /\___  / \___  >
:  eXHUMED! - (c) 1997 lOBOTOMY sOFTWARE   .
`-[68040+/32M RAM/AHI]---------------[nF0]-'

      _____   ________/|  __/l____   __/l___    __/l____   __/l____
      \    \_/     /   | /  __    \_/       \  /        \_/        \_
       \/        \/    |/    |     /   \_/   \/    ______/    l_____/
       /    Y     \    :     |    /     |     \    l_____\    ___/  \
      /     |      \_  |     ____/      _      \_         \_  |      \_
      \     |       /  |     |   \      |       /          /  |       /
       \____|      /___|_____|    \_____|      /_____     /_____     /
            \_____/          l_____/    l_____/    \_____/-R- \_____/

                             ...On May 9th 2021...    

                             -=)>   Exhumed   <(=- 

All game content + audio added + converted by Jack!

Release Notes By BSzli:

Performance considerations:

FFS is quite slow at seeking in large files which can lead to pauses in-game
when new data has to be loaded from the DAT file. It can be improved by adding
more buffers, but it's recommended to run the game from a PFS or SFS volume.
The texture/sound cache is also sensitive to memory fragmentation, so if you
have 32 MB or less memory, it's best to start the game after a clean reboot.
To enable the framerate counter open the console with [~], type "showfps 1",
then press Enter, and close the console by pressing [~] again.
Vampire V2 users:

Please use the 040 executable, as the 060 one is currently not compatible with
Vampire V2 cards.


The game defaults to stereo Paula DMA audio, but AHI is also supported for sound 
card users.
For AHI, after the first start open PCEXHUMED.CFG in a text editor, and in the
[Sound Setup] section set FXDevice = 8 and ReverseStereo = 1. The game will
use the Music Unit for sound playback, make sure it's properly configured in
the AHI prefs. To switch back to Paula, change both values back to 0.

In-game console:

The original game had very little in the way of settings, so this port mostly 
relies on console commands for configuration. The console can be opened with 
the Tilde [~] key by default. You can use the PgUp and PgDn keys on your numeric 
pad to scroll the text.

Changing resolutions:

To change resolutions, you can use the "vidmode <xdim> <ydim> <bpp> <fullscreen>" 
console command. Only 8 bpp modes are supported. Examples:
- "vidmode 320 240" changes the resolution to 320x240
- "vidmode 640 480 8 0" switches to 640x480 windowed mode
- "vidmode 320 200 8 1" switches to 320x200 fullscreen

Keyboard bindings:

You can use the "bind <key> <function>" and "unbind <key>" console commands to 
bind keys to various functions. Keep in mind that one function can only have 
two keys bound to it, so older binds will be overwritten.
- "bind q jump": makes Q the jump key
- "unbind q": deletes the bind from the Q key
- "bind showkeys": list all the key names
- "bind listsymbols": list all the available functions
- "bind": list all the current key bindings
You can also view and change the key bindings in the [KeyDefinitions] section of 
PCEXHUMED.CFG with a text editor.

Keyboard and mouse controls, controllers:

The default keyboard mapping is a mix between the PCExhumed and original 
DOS controls, to facilitate both mouse + WASD and keyboard/controller only 
play styles.
To toggle Mouse Aiming, press the [U] key in-game.
To toggle Auto run mode, press the Caps Lock key.
The game also supports 7-button CD32-compatible controllers. It's recommended 
to turn off mouse aiming and auto run when playing with the controller.


The game asks the OS for the best Mode ID for a given resolution, but this
can lead to unexpected results if there are unused monitor drivers in
Devs:Monitors. I recommend putting these away into Storage:Monitors, but if
this is not possible, you can use these tooltypes to force specific modes:
- FORCEMODE: filters the available modes via the mode name. possible values:
- FORCEID: forces a specific mode, the value is a Mode ID in hexadecimal format

Windowed mode:

You can play the game in window on high color (15-bit) or better RTG screens.
The game will still render in 8-bit color, the higher color depth is required
to avoid the expensive color remapping necessary on paletted screens. This is
not a issue in fullscreen, as the game can freely change the palette of its
custom screen.
To release the mouse pointer bring up the in-game console. This is bound to
the Tilde [~] key by default. To override which public screen the window opens
on, you can set the "PUBSCREEN" tooltype.


    _____ |__|___________     ____   ____  
   /     \|  \_  __ \__  \   / ___\_/ __ \ 
  |  Y Y  \  ||  | \// __ \_/ /_/  >  ___/ 
  |__|_|  /__||__|  (____  /\___  / \___  >
:  eXHUMED! - (c) 1997 lOBOTOMY sOFTWARE   .
`-[68040+/32M RAM/AHI]---------------[1/1]-'