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File size:
135 813 bytes (132.63K)
File date:
2018-01-06 21:14:56
Download count:
all-time: 596


     ·.*.·                          .::.
      .:·                           .::.
no nee·:.                           .::.
d to w.:·                           .::.
rite s.:·                           .::.
omethi·:.                           .::.
ng rea.:·                         .::::::.
dable .:·                         ·::::::·
and se·:.                         ::::::::
nsible.:·                         ········
becaus.:·   budzisz sië w ôwiecie którego nie znasz. ludzie sâ caîkowicie
e i kn·:.                         ::::::::
ow tha.:·   obcy i zîowrodzy. nie znasz nikogo, kogo mógîbyô spytaê o rad
t ther.:·                         ::::::::
e is n·:.   ë, drogë,  kogoô kto mógîby podaê ci rëkë. jesteô zdany tylko
o peop.:·                         ::::::::
les wh.:·   na siebie i na umiejëtnoôci które zdobyîeô przez caîe swoje û
o will·:.                         ::::::::
read t.:·   ycie. teraz juû niczego nowego sië nie nauczysz. wkroczyîeô w
his li.:·                         ::::::::
ttle f·:.   nowy zupeînie obcy ôwiat, z którego nie ma juû odwrotu. przek
ormat .:·                         ::::::::
but it.:·   roczyîeô bramë prowadzâcâ tylko w jednym kierunku. jesteô ter
reveal·:.                         ::::::::
s some.:·   az straceïcem, nic nie wartym zbiorem atomów gotowych w kaûde
sensat.:·                         ::::::::
ions a·:.   j chwili rozprysnâê na wszystkie strony ôwiata. i nie ma juû
nd eve.:·                         ::::::::
rybody.:·   dla ciebie ratunku. pozostaje jedynie dostosowaê sië do obceg
knows ·:.                         ::::::::
that t.:·   o ôwiata, peînego puîapek i niebezpieczeïstw. przekroczyîeô b
he mos.:·                         ::::::::
t expe·:.   ramë do innego wymiaru myôlâc ûe bëdzie ci lepiej, ûe znajdzi
nsive ·:·                         ::::::::
thing .:·   esz tam coô czego my nie moûemy doszukaê sië tutaj. nie wiesz
in thi·:.                         ::::::::
s fuck.:·   jak bardzo sië mylisz i jak pîytko siëgajâ twoje myôli. nie m
ing wo.:·                         ::::::::
rld is·:.   moûna patrzeê na to z takiego pryzmatu. ôwiat do którego zacz
inform.:·                         ::::::::
ation .:·   ynasz przynaleûeê jest sztuczny i pozbawiony duszy. wysysa z
so i'l·:.                         ::::::::
l star.:·   kaûdego kto do niego wstâpi chodú na chwilë - wszystkie pozyt
t reve.:·                         ::::::::
aling ·:.   ywne energie, chëci do ûycia i poznawania. niszczy przyjaúï,
scene .:·                         ::::::::
news f.:·   îamie dotychczasowe bariery, sprawia ûe zmieniasz sië w jedne
rom ve·:.                         ::::::::
ry pro.:·   j chwili... nie masz wyjôcia, musisz dostosowaê sië do nowego
vocati.:·                         ::::::::
ve sid·:.   otoczenia z którym sië utoûsamiasz. to sprawia ûe sië zatraca
e...  .:·                         ::::::::
at fir.:·   sz i topisz we wîasnym, nowym ôwiecie...
st i'd·:.                         ::::::::
like t.:·                        .::::::::.
o comm.:·                        ::::::::::
ent a ·:.                        ·::::::::·
man ca.:·                     .:::::::::::::::
lled b.:·                     ::::::::::::::::.
y itse·:.                     ::::::::::::::::·.
lf azz.:·                     :::::::::::::::::::
aro he.:·                     :::::::::::::::::::
use di·:.                     :::::::::::::::::::
avolo .:·                     :::::::::::::::::::
to sen.:·                     ·::::::::::::::::::
d his ·:.                                  ·:::::
stuff .:·                                   :::::
everyb.:·                                   :::::
ody kn·:.                                   :::::
ows th.:·                           .       :::::
at but.:·                           |       :::::
this t·:.                           |       :::::
ime hi.:·                      +-------------+:::
s driv.:·             +--------|--+ |        |:::
e took·:.             |        |  | |  ______|:::
some m.:·      _______|        |__|_+ /   7    \:
inor p.:·    _/       \___________|  /   o|      \
roblem·:.    \_                   | /  __||  \    \
for me.:·      \  /  ______   --o |/      |   \_o /
 becau.:·     _/ /    __/ /     __|   \   |      /
se dis·:.     \_/     7   \     \      \__|  \__/
k with.:·      /      |    \  |  \______\     \::
latest.:·     /       |    /  |\  7      \     \:
19 iss·:.    /________|___/___|/__|!vCr!  \____/:
ue of .:·             |           |          |:::
pack s.:·             +--------·trap·--------+:::
avedav·:.                         |          ::::
inyl h.:·                         |          ::::
ave so.:·                         |          ::::
e void·:.                         ·          ::::
s, hol.:·                                    ::::
es and.:·                                    ::::
canion·:.                                    ::::
s i re.:·                                    ::::
ally d.:·                                    ::::
on't k·:.                                    ::::
now wh.:·                                    ::::
at hap.:·                                    ::::
pens w·:.                                    ::::
ith hi.:·                                    ::::
s driv.:·                                    ::::
e, but·:.                                    ::::
it's t.:·        second ascii collection from voicer/apathy+void
ime to.:·                                    ::::
buy a ·:.                                    ::::
new on.:·                                    ::::
e - az.:·                                    ::::
zaro! ·:.                                    ::::
second.:·                                    ::::
sensat.:·                                    ::::..
ion is·:.                                    ::::::::::::::::··..·o
very s.:·                                    ::::·
ad for.:·                                    ::::  dedicated to
amiga ·:.                                    ::::  traitor/tng
maniac.:·                                    :::: "
s who .:·                                    ::::  this collection
thinks·:.                                    ::::  have some infor
that t.:·                                    ::::  mations directe
heir c.:·                                    ::::  d to you       "
ompute·:.                                    ::::
r stil.:·                                    ::::
l rule.:·                                    ::::
z. unf·:.                                   .::::
ortuna.:·           who treat his rules::::::::·
telly .:·                              ::::
only o·:.           who treat all ideas::::
ne thi·:·                              :::: ... himself
g stay.:·            who scream loudest::::
ed on ·:.                              ::::
this p.:·              who draw fastest::::
latfor.:·                              ::::
m in u·:.                              ::::
ntouch.:·                              ::::
ed for.:·                              ::::
m - cl·:.                              ::::
imate .:·                              ::::
rest i.:·                              ::::
s alwa·:.                              ::::
ys wor.:·                              ::::
se tha.:·                              ::::  traitor is a small example of
n on p·:.                              ::::  people who screams AMIGA RULEZ
c so m.:·                              ::::  on every situation. he was our
any sc.:·                              ::::  leader, because he was very ta
eners ·:.                              ::::  llented (still is!) and we all
buy th.:·                              ::::  think that he had greater moti
is shi.:·                              ::::  vations than our motivations..
t now ·:.                              ::::  but we were wrong.  he's now a
and th.:·                              ::::  pc user far away from us. why?
ird se.:·                              ::::
nsatio·:.                              ::::
n for .:·                              ::::
you - .:·                              ::::
who ha·:.                              ::::
ve ver.:·                              ::::
y big .:·                              ::::
intent·:.                              ::::
ions t.:·                              ::::
o read.:·                              ::::
this s·:.                              ::::
mall c.:·                              ::::
olumn..:·                              ::::
syciu ·:.                              ::::
of alc.:·                             .::::.
is a s.:·         .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.
trange·:.         ::·i request:·-----·::::::·    ·::
person.:·         ::-----------------|·::::·      ::
who re.:·         :: voicer          | ::::       ::
lease ·:.         :: apathy          | ::::       ::
some l.:·         :: oldbulls        | ::::       ::
ame pr.:·         :: void            | ::::       ::
ods on·:.         :: sniff           | ::::   ·trap·
polish.:·         :: sniff fileiddiz : ::::       ::
parties:·         :: 214             · ::::       ::
like a·:.         :: chaos           . ::::   2nd collection
strosy.:·         :: drugz rulez       ::::       ::
n2, xe.:·         :::                  ::::       ::
nium e·:.         :::                  ::::   released in
tc. th.:·         :::::                ::::       ::
e fact.:·           :::::::::::::::::::::::       ::
is tha·:.                              ::::   August 1999
t he'l.:·                              ::::       ::
l kill.:·                              ::::       ::
us soo·:.                              ::::   in voicer head
n with.:·                              ::::       ::
new gr.:·                              ::::       ::
eat mod:.                              ::::.      ::
ules a.:·                              :::::.    .::
nd he .:·                              ::::::::::::·
told m·:.                              ::::·
e that·:·                              ::::
he wan.:·                              ::::
ts to ·:.                              ::::
suppor.:·                              ::::
t some.:·                              ::::
magazi·:.                              ::::
ne i'm.:·                              ::::
waitin.:·                              ::::
g for ·:.                              ::::
his gr.:·                              ::::
eat wo.:·                              ::::
rks at·:.                              ::::
last i.:·                              ::::
send g.:·                              ::::
reets ·:.                              ::::
to def.:·                              ::::
of flo.:·                              ::::
ppy my·:.                              ::::
provoc.:·                              ::::
ation .:·                              ::::
idol..·:.                             .::::.
                                       :::::·                     ·::
                                       ::::· don't skirt babe...   ::
                                       ::::                        ::
                                       ::::  you don't have to     ::
                                       ::::                        ::
                                       ::::  enter to this awful   ::              ::::
                                       ::::                        ::
                                       ::::  rare world. you can   ::
                                       ::::                        ::
                                       ::::  find peace and under- ::
                                       ::::                        ·:
                                       ::::  standing here...      .:
                                       ::::                         :
                                       ::::                         :
                                       ::::                         :
                                       ::::                         :
                                       ::::                         :
                                       ::::                         ·
                                       ::::                         .
                                       ::::                         ,
                                     O :::: O
                                    /  ::::  \
                                   O   ::::   O
                                  /    ::::    \
                                 O     ::::     O
                                /      ::::      \
                               O       ::::       O
                              /        ::::        \
                             O         ::::         O
                            /          ::::          \
                           O           ::::           O
                          /            ::::            \
                         O             ::::             O
                        /              ::::              \

     [sorry, polish only in most parts of collection... i'm just too lazy]

 wiëc  staîo sië...  ukazaîa sië druga moja kolekcja i wszystko wskazuje na
to ûe bëdzie to juû trwaê nieprzerwanie.  jak wyczytaliôcie u góry kolekcjë
tâ  dedykujë  Traitorowi/TNG  -  który  niestety  nie  naleûy  juû do grona
Amigowców.  Wolaî przerzuciê sië na peceta, po tym jak zakupiî PPC+BVISION.
Staî sië  ofiarâ chujowych  firm  jakie  rzâdzâ naszym  rynkiem  - Phase5 i
Amigo.   Dwie  te  firmy sprzedajâ lewe karty PPC, które nie chcâ dziaîaê z
BVision.   Oby  tak  dalej,  a  na pewno Amiga utrzyma sië jeszcze dîugo na
rynku,  bëdzie  biê na gîowë peceta...  hahahahahhhhhaaaaa.  pomimo tego ûe
kolekcja  ma charakter maîo pozytywny, myôlë ûe logosy nie niosâ doîujâcego
przesîania   i   kaûdy   zainteresowany  znajdzie  tutaj  coô  dla  siebie.
tradycyjnie  nie bëdzie tutaj przeplatanki znanej z róûnych ascii kolekcji.
wali  mnie to czy komuô sië to podoba czy nie, ale ja wszystko przedstawiam
w  takiej  a  nie  innej  formie i mam nadziejë ûe moja oryginalnoôê kiedyô
zaowocuje.   wszelkiego  rodzaju  requesty  chëtnie  przyjmujë pod adresami
                       zarówno snail jak i e-mailowymi...

                            .| stanislaw delost |
                            | nocznickiego 36/1 |
                            ·--| 68-100 zagan |-·
                               ·--| polska |--·

::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
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::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        :kurwa!:        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        :::::::: czy naprawde w kazdej  ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        kolekcji        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        :::::::: musza byc takie paski? ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::  przeciez nie lubimy   ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        :paskow:        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        :::!!!::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        :::::::: wiec paski wypierdalac ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::!!!!::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::!!!!::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::        ::::::::
 ::::::          ::::::          ::::::          ::::::          ::::::
  ::::            ::::            ::::            ::::            ::::
   ::              ::              ::              ::              ::
   ··              ··              ··              ··              ··
   ..              ..              ..              ..              ..

   .               .               .               .               .
    .               .               .               .               .

    .               .               .               .               .

                     .-----·teraz zarzâdzâ kratki!·-----.

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        in this collection you can find many difficult  ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::    traps:::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :are you sure that you can pass all dangerous traps???      ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::  you can't:        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        :::because chaos is a big trap
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::which can't be stopped,::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::    nobody could pass it        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  only fate deciding who can pass:::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::there is first person near chaos trap...    ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                           ::·    .:  :  :.   ·::
                           ::       ·:::·      ::
                           ::    :::.:+:.:::   ::
                           ::     ·:::::::·    ::
                           ::        ·:·       ::
                  _________::_________:        ::
            _____/            / \__   _\!vCr!  ::____________
           /                 / o   \  \       /  o \    \__ o\
          /___________      / _/    \  \_____/    \ \     /   \
         /                 /      |  \       \  __/ / \__/  |  \
        /                \/       |___\  __o  \    /   \    |___\
       /__________________\_______|    \_______\__/_____\___|
                    -                                    -
                    - chrabia tomasz grzegorz zaborowski -
                    -                                    -
                           ::  ·     .:.     · ::
                           ::  :    .:::.    : ::
                           ::  :   .:· ·:.   : ::
                           ::  : .::·   ·::. : ::
                           ::. .::·       ·::..::
                           :::.              .:::

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   he comes near strange chaos trap:        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::    he stops and thinks how to pass:
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  he found solution in strange old book named:::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
                              .          ::           .
                             ::          ::          ::
                             ::.         ::          ::
                              ::         ::         .::
                               ::        ::         ::
                               ::        ::        ::
                               ·::       ::        ::
                 .::.           ::      .::.      ::·     :::.
                    ::::.        ::  ..::::::..  .::    .::
                       :::       .::::::::::::::.::    :::
                        ·::.   ::::·::::::::::·::::.  ::·
                            ·::·::::::::::::::::::·::           ___
                             ::::::::::::::::::::::::            \ \
             .-------.:::::::::.:::::::___::::::__::::::::::::: //  \
            /         \      _::______/7 /:::::/  \:· .----·   //  o \
           /           \    / \/       | \____/____\ /     |__//  _/  \
          /     _       \__/ o \       |   ___/_____/   __    /     .__\
         /       \__/    |  _/  \__ \__/   \       /    7    /   __/|
        /________/       |   ____\    /  \__\     /     |___/       |
                7        |____/ /____/____\/_\___/______|   \_______|
                ·--------·   -                         -!vCr!  :::·
                    ·:::.    -                         -    .:::·
                      ::::.  -      ·born to rule·     -  .::::
                        :::::-                         -:::::·
                             -                         -

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::       zabora finds solution to pass strange trap       ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::  but book named maskine have a lock!
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: after many hours of explorations, zabora find:the key to maskine
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                        .-----·_·---------··------·!vCr!   /\__.
                       /      | \_    _   |::     |       /    |
                      /       |o  \__/7 __|::\    |__.__./ \   |
        []         .-·        |\_  \  | |:::: \   |  |      \o |
         []        |      ----·  |  \_| |___.  \     |         |
          []      .------   /    |___\  |   |   \    |     \___|
           [-]   /_________/_____||  |__|   |    \___|        /
            [--]                  |     |___|        \_______/
              [---]     _____ ----+---------+-------    [-----]
                [---]___\   /_____|_________:_______________[----]
                   /       /    \           |               \  [---]
                  /       /      \      __o |_____  __o      \    [--]
                 /        \__     \    _____|    /       |    \     [----]
                /      _____       \            /        |_____\  [---]
               /____________\_______\__________/_________|       [--]
                              -                    -            [-]
                              - ascii mastakillas! -            [-]
                              -                    -           [-]
                              -                    -          []
                              ------sative mea------         []

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  zabora insert the key to the lock:        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::    and trap is now disactivated::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::      gate to chaos dimension is now opened ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        :::: zabora pass the gate and dissapeared
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  in one moment everything was white        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::but after some seconds::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::he opened eyes and saw different, chaos world:::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::   a strange person stayed close to him
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                                                            | aka          |
                                                            |              |
           _________.                          ,;;;;;;;,,   |     ·blaze·  |
          /        '|!vCr!  ._____.  .----·,,;;;;'  '  .___.|              |
         /          |       |    '|  |'   |;;;;'      /|    |              |
        /       __o |_______.     |  |    |;;''      / |    ·----          |
       /     __     |,          o |  |   ,|'        /  |                   |
      /      7      |        ___| |_.|  __|________/   |           ________|
     /       |      |             |     7       |      |           7
____/        |______:       ______|     |       |   o  |    _      |
7            |    | ·__|      '|        |   ____| ___\ |     \     |
|            |--· |_._|        |    \   |   \          |      \    |
|            |  |_  |          |     \  |    \         |       \   |
|            |   |__|__________.______\_|_____\________|________\__|
·------------·    ;;;     -                -
                ,;;;      -                -
   ';;;;,     ,;;;;'      -                -
      ';;, ,;;;;;'        -                -
        ';;;'''           ------renton------

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::     renton comes to zabora and look at him suspicious  ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  he decided to help zabora     ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::  renton opens his bacpack and takes a potion:::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                              [] [[]][[]]
                            [][[]]      [[[]]]
                           []         ...    [[]]
                            [[]]     (%%%)      []
                               [[]]  |®®®|[]   []
                              [[]]  .|¼¼¼|.[] []
                         [[[[]]]]   :½¾¾¾¾:[[]]
                       [[[]]]      .½½¾¾¾¾½.                 .------------.
         ·--------.  [[]]         :½½½½½½¾¾½:                |           /
         |        |[[]] _________.¼½½¾½½½¾½½¾.     ____.     |          /
         |   __   |____/   /    ·-----.½½½¾¾¾½:    7   |!vCr!|       ._/
         |     \o |       /          /¼¼¼½½½½¾½.   |   |     |       |
         |        |     _/\       __/¼¼·-----·-----·   |-----·       |
         |   \    |  o  7  \   __/¼¼¼¼½|     |         |             |
         |    \___|  \  |   \  7¼¼¼½½½¼|____ |       o |             |
         |     \    __\ |   /  |------·|     |   ____| |       \_____.
         |      \       |  /   |             |         |        \
         ·_______\______. /____._____________._________|_________\
                          -    ·½½½¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾½·    -   []
                          -     ·½½½¾¾¾¾¾½½½¾½·     -    [[]]
                          -      """""""""""""      -      [[[]]]
                          -  ·i've got a potion     - []      [[[[]]]]
                          -                         -   [[]]       [[[]]]
                          - ·you've got the remedy..-     []         [[]]
                          -                         -     [][[]]      []
                          -----------potion----------         [[]]   []

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::     drink this potion! it will heal your state of mind!::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::     says blaze and gives potion::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::     to zabora's hands::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::he drinks all potion with one -gulp-
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::    and then his state changed much...      ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        :::: te, blazior, palimy trafke?    ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

        []                                []                         []
         [[]]                             []                        []
          [[[]]]                          []                      [[]]
            [][[[]]]                     [[]]                   [[]]
                [][[]]                   [[]]                 [[]]
                 [][[]]                 [[[]]]              [[[]]]
                   [][][[]]             [[[]]]            [[[]]]
            .-------.[[[]]][[]]        [[[[]]]]         [[[]]][·----.
            |       |[[]][[[[]]]]   ..... []]]]] \     [[[]]][]|    |
            |    o  |\          /   :    |[]]]]]] \   [[[/]]][]|    |
        ____.    |  | \        /]]  :    |!vCr!·--------/-·------   |
       /       __|  |  \      /]]   :____.[]]]]|    \\//  |    |    |
      //            | o \    /[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]|     \/   |    |    |
      \\            | \  \  /[]]]][].-----.----·      \   |    |    |
       \\           |  \  \    \[]].|     |        :   \  ·--.      |
   [[[]]\\     -----·      \       |__    |        :         |   .--·
[[[[[[]]]\      |           \             |        :         |   |[[[[]]]]]
  [[[]]]][\     |     ---.   \            |        :         |   |[[[]]][[[[]]]]
        [[]\    |        |    \           |        :_________|   |[[]]][[[]]]
            \   |        |_____\__________.--------· \___________.[[[]]]]
        |        |           |   \                  |   |____.          |
        |        |    ___o   |    \                 |   |    |      o   |
        |        .          .| \_o \           _____|      ._|   ___|   |.
        |         \         |       \____.        7        |            |:
        ·------.   \     ----.           |        |      __|     .___.  |::
           ::: |    \        |           |  __.---·  .   \__.__  |   |__|::
            :::|     \  \    |    \      |    |   |  |  .   |    |__ |  :::
             ::|     /   \   |     \_____.    |   :  |__| . |        | ::
              :|    /     \__.      \  |      |   .  |-|__| |________.::
              :|___/_______\-|_______\ ·------·------·-::|__|::::::::::
              ·:::::::::::::-                         - ::::::
                            -  ·bo wszyscy bakacze·   -
                            -                         -
                            -   ·to jedna rodzina·    -
                            -                         -

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   yes! i see that my potion helps you!!! okay!:        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::    says renton and they start smoking
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::    ya know what? i have an idea - says renton::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::hyhyyhy... what?    ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::     let's go to this big mountain. there is a village where
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::we can buy some cheap wines there - says renton:        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::o w morde! bedziemy pic tury!!! ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  says Zabora and runs first to village on the high mountain
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                   .------.  [[[]]][][][[[]]][[]]               .
                   |      ·-.]][][[]][[[]]][[[]]][[]]          /|
                   |   |    |]]][[[]]][.______.[[[]]]][]    ._/ |
                   |   |__o |[[]][[[]]]|      |!vCr![[]]]   |   |
                   |        |----·-----.  __o |[[[]]][][[]].|   |
                   |   .----·_   |            |_[[[]]]\----|\   |
               ____:   |___|__|  |_.    ___.  |        \   |    |
              /        |      |    |   /   |__|         \__     |
             /         |      |    |  /    |        _.    /\    |
            \__________.______|   _|       |     \   |   /_/    |
             \          |_       /\        |      \__|  /       |
              \        /  \_____/ |\_______._______\___/________.
               \       \       |  |        ||__.   |_  ._|
                \_____. \      |--.   --o  |   |       |_
                  ²22²|  \_.   :  |    .___|___.  .____||
                 ¹223 |    |   .  |  \ |_.        |.-|  |--.
               ¹2223¹ |    |      |   \__|        |:       |
             ²2222333³|____|______.____\__________.: [tur] |
              2333¹        -                   -::::       |
               2233        - ·najlepsze ûury·  -:          |
                 23        -        ·gdy...    -:::::::::::|
                  3        -                   -
                  ³        -----pijemy-tury-----

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   two persons - zabora and renton climbs up::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        :::: they enter the village:        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::and jumps to shop with table above - cheap wines for everybody...
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::   renton! you've got a great idea with these wines!
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: yes, i know that. but be quiet now, shopper is watching us!
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   who's that! i'm sure that i meet him some time ago!  ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::you're right, stranger. i'm azzaro!:        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                                  /  |  \
                                 /   |   \             ______.
                       .::....__/    |    \__....::.  ·.aka· |
                    ___::____________|__________  ::  |:     |
                    \  __     / __      /       |_::__.»ronin|__.
                _____\__/    /\__/     /    __o |       .    |  |
               /       |    /_. |     /         |       |____|  |
              /   __o  |   /  | |    /--.____   |        |      |
           /\-- |      |      | |       |  |    | \______|  ._o |
          /     |______|   ·--|_|  ·.---|  |____.  \   |   _|   |
         /      |    |        |         |!vCr!|     \  |        |
        /-------.    ·________._________.    -|______\ |________|
                              -              -                  :
                              -              -                  :
                              -              -                  :
                              -              -  .__.            :
                              -----azzaro-----  |  |            :
                                     |          |__|_...........:

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   you'are entered to my mystical shop! what da ya want!::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   give us cheap wine! - says renton        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::  cheap wine? never! first you have to challenge
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: with my guards!    ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::  okay! okay! but who they are? - says
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::zabora
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::     you'll have to challenge with mad wizards!:        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                  .OOOo.                    .:    ::::::::::::::
                .oOOOo·                     ||:::::     ·:·    :::::
               ·O·OOOo.                    _||           :         ::
                ·OOooOO.                  |  | fireball  : ancient ::
              .OOoOO·OOOoOO·              |  |           :         ::
           .OOoOOOo.o  _____________      |  | lighting  :spellbook::
              OOoOOoOOo  __. /      \  .__|  |     bolt  :         ::
            ·OO·.OOOOO___\  /     _o \_|  \  |           :      .: ::
             ·oOOOoo/     \/___.      \      | invisib   :      || :::
               ·oo·/     _/    |   |___\_o   |      lity :    ._|| :::
            .o .O·/        ____.___||       .|________.  :    |  | :::_____.
              oOo/__________\_______|_______|         |  :    |  | ::|     |
   ______________         |         |       |         |!vCr!  |  |---·     |
   \            /______   |____     |       ·-.       .__:____.  |         |
    \          /      | ....   \_   |  __o    |    \    \        |   ....  |
     \        /\      | :  :        |      ·  |__   \___ \  __   |   |     |
      \      /  \     |_·__:    .------.   .     |   \_/__\  /   |   ._____|
       \         \    | .  |           |   |     |     7   \/    |      |
        \             .    |           |   |     |     |  o_     |      |
         \           /     |           |   |     |     |         |..·   |
          \_________/______|___________.___|-----·_____._________.      |
                         -                     -       :                |
                         -                     -       :.................
                         -    ·total magic·    -
                         -                     -
                         -                     -
                         -                     -

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: we don't wan't to fight with your guards. we just want to::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::  buy this wines!   ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  hmmm. okay, but i'll drink with ya! - says azzaro     ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::    ofcourse, our new friend! - says
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        zabora and renton
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: but where we'll drink these wines? - asks zabora       ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        :::: i know very good place for it. it's
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::close to my house, there was a camp this year...        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::       but where it is! where!!!::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: it's on the beach! close to the sea!       ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                         ,;;;;;';;;;;|         |
               ;;;;;;;           ';;;|         |    ;;;;;;,
             ,;;'  ';;;;;;  .--------.         |,;;;;'  ';;;;;,
                            |               o  |  '         ';;;;;,
      ,;;;;;            ;;; |            ___|  |     ,;;,,
       '  ';;;;;;    ;;;'   |                  |                 ;;;;;;,,
                ';;;    .---.                  |;;;  ;;;;;,    ;;;'
                        |   |                  | ';;;;;,'
        ;;;;;;;     ____.   |        .---------·\                     ;;;,
    ,;;;;'  ' ;.---/        |        |      |    \      ,;;;;;;,, ,;;;;'
               |  /     .___|            .--· _o  \  ,;;;;'
               |        :   |            |         \          ;;;;
               |        :   |            |    |_____\       ;;;  ;;;;;,,
               .........:   |____________.____|
                             -           -
                             - . ascii . -
                             - ·artists· -
                             -           -

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: and group of three wine drinkers come to the sea.      ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::     they drink wines and talk about
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   world where they have to live::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::     we are alone here. let's go to WELC! - says
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        zabora
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                                      []        []
                                    []¾[[]]  [[]]¾[]
   ________________________.  [[]]¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾[[]]
   \                    --.|!vCr!¾¾¾¾¾¾.-------.---.................
    \                     ||    []¾¾¾¾¾|       |   |:·             :
     \                    ||   .-------·       |   |·              :
      \                    |   |            __ |   |.              :
       .                   |___|___.     .__ | |   |      .::::::::·
       |____.              |       |     |   o |   |      ::
            |              |       |     |     |   .______::_.....
            |              |       |     |_____|            /    |
            .-----.                |        |          ____/     |
                  |           |    |        |          \_        |
                               -            -][]
                               -            -[]
                               -            -
                               -            -

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  okay! let's go to welc!!! -says renton and azzaro     ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::   we're on welc! i see someone! -says
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        :renton
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  look! it's mecenas! i know him, let's go and give him a wine!
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

                                     . . .
                                 . . | | | . .
                                 | | | | | | |
                               . | | | | | | | .
                               | | | | | | | | |                      .___.
                               | | | | | | | | |                      |   |
                               | | | | | | | | |                      |   |
                               | | | | | | | | |           ......_____.   |
                               | | |...... |._____.       :·    |         |
         .-------.      ._____.| | ||    : ||     |_.     :   o |__.      |
         |       |!vCr! |     |_.___.    :__.  |    |\....:.. |_   |  ____|
     ____.       |___.__.  |    |        :     |_o  | \     |      |     |
    /                |     |_o  |  ·     :          |  \    |   ·  |     |
   /                 |          |  :.....:    ______.   \   |   .  |\    |
  /          |___\   |    ______.   |__. |        |    | \  |   |  | \__ |
 /           |-------·       |         | |        |    |    |   |__|     |
/------------·  .__. |_______|_________| |________|    |----·---·        |
             |  |  |      |    -               -  |____|_________________|
             |  .__|______|    -               -
             ._____|           -               -
                               -               -
                               -               -

        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::   hi mecenas! we have... hey! where is the wines?      ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::thief! a thief stole my wines! - says
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        :azzaro
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        :::: but it's not a thief! it's voicer running with our wine! - says
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::zabora
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::  damn! he'll drink now and draw making this collection!::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!!::::::::::::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::  says voicer       ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::     ***NOW YOU HAVE TO BACK TO NORMAL WORLD!!!****     ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::  -okay, okay! but give us our wines, okay? ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::
        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::        ::::

i tak wszystko wróciîo do normy a kolekcja przekroczyîa zdrowo sto kilobajtów.

niestety, jedna osoba pozostaîa nadal w ôwiecie chaosu - zupeînie sama i zdana

tylko na siebie...                            szkoda traitor!

                                trap-voicer collection in 08'99!