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File size:
44 356 bytes (43.32K)
File date:
2018-01-06 21:14:55
Download count:
all-time: 458


  __      |                                                        |
 /_/\  ___|__¦______ ______________¦_______________________  _ _/\_|______
 \_\/  \·    |     /_\______  /·   |    \_______   _ /    /_________    o/
  +:    \\   |    /    ______//          \     /   //    /    /    /   //
  :o     \_______/______|   /______|______\________/________ /________ /
  .·      |                        ¦                       \/      | \/
          |                                                        |
  .       | U   P   H   O   L   D        T   H   E       L   A   W |
          |                                                        |
 ______/\_|_______¦____    __________     _____     _____   _____ /\ _____
 \ _ o     _ /    |   ·\  /  ___    /    /    /____/o   /___\ _  /  \    /
  \//      \/          \\/    _____/    /    /    //   /\    \\ /    \  /
  /_________\_____|______\_______ /    /________ /____________\___/\___/
          |       ¦             \/             \/                  |Sk¡n 

                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

        aMiGa · pC · c64 · sPecCY · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII

                  ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

      rEAsOn wHQ (Amiga)  ·  dARkaGe eHQ (Amiga)  ·  pHAnTaSY gHQ (8Bit)

        sAc dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)  ·  nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

               Node 1 :         dA sYSOPs aRe:       Node 2 & 3 :
           USR V.90 I-Modem                           Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-44730311                      +49-(0)30-44730312
             Node 4,5,6 :             &&                oR tRy
              24h Telnet             pASo
                              -- nO RaTiOs !!! --

     _____                _____    _____
   __\    |_____    _____|    /____\    |_____    _____
 _.\      _____/____\    |      /\      |    /____\    |_____
|  \_____|       /\      |______/\_____.|      /\     _|    /__
|   ===/        _/\_       \==========/ |     _/\_____\|      /._____________
| …·  /________/====\_______\        /_______/===pO!/  '     _/              |
|                                                  /________/  _157 gROUPS!  |
|  w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g  ______    _______        aSCII^rEVIEWS!  |
|      _____            __     ____|     /____\    _/____   lATEST^iN^nEWS!  |
|    __\    |_____    _(__)____\    _______/\     _|    /__    _iNTERVIEWS!  |
|___.\     _|    /____\     /\      \______/\_____|       /._________________|
     \_____|       /\  \____/\       \===========/       _/
      ====/       _/\    \====\_______\         /_______/
         /_______/   \____\                                16th December 2OO1

  t h i s   f i l e   p a s s e d   t h e   a s c i i   a r c h i v e   a t
          w   w   w   .   t   h   u   g   l   i   f   e   .   o   r   g

SOF! - 16.12.2oo1

                          _/______________________ _
                       .: /
            afte[R] a long of 4-years           (/)
            unactivity on the ascii scene,
            i decided to back for a moment and
            make something in my old ascii style.
            anyway, i'm probably out of practice
            in making this, so be understanding. ;)
                 //     yours slave of ascii ...
                 /  ... the founder / ex. u'race
              \/     /____ _

  ._\ _ ___ __________ _\ _________    ____   ________              __     .
  | \\\                 \\\_     _/___|    |__\_     /____:_ _______\//\___|_
  |   \                    /_____\   _|        /____/    _|         \/     |
  |                             /____\.    ______________\  cDr/m's        |
  |      ________ _____   ______      |    |   _____    _______  _______   |
  |    __\  ____/  _  /___\    /______|    |___\_   \___\_    /__\_    /   |
  |_      ____/    /       \    \     \         /    /   /___/   _/   /   _|
   /________|____________________\___\     _________/____________\________\

                    . . .   o n e    m o r e    t i m e   . . .

                                __ /
     _ _______________________ _\/_ __________________________ _
   . . . w i t h   p l e a s u r e   t o   s h o w   y o u
a n o t h e r   p i e c e   o f   a s c i i   a r t   c a l l e d . . .
                          _ ________________________
                                                   //___________________    o.
                                                                       //_____ _

                                   ___ ___ _/___
                                ___\ _)\_  /(  /___.
                             _:\\ _     \        //._
                             \|                    |/
                              |                    |
                              |        t h e       |
           ___         _______:       _____________¦    ____
          /  /________/      /________\_  \       /____/  _/_________
         /___        /      /\             /     /¦   /   _/       //
         «-no!l124----------- . -- -         -  -- . --------------»
                              |                    |
                             _¦_                  _|_
                              ¦//___  _ _     ___\\¦
                              ·    /__)/__\(__\    ·

                                              t h e   s l a V e

        _ ______________________ ______________ ________ __
                                _)__ _ _______(_
                               ( )_)        ( )_)
The danger of Rome...           (_)          (_)
                                  |          |.
                                  | |        |:.. .
Hic annus periculo potius ingenti quam clade insignis.
Servitia, urbem ut incenderent distantibus locis,
coniuraverunt, populoque ad opem passim ferendam
tectis aedificiis intento ut arcem Capitoliumque
armati occuparent. Avertit nefanda consila Iuppiter
indicioque duorum comprehensi sontes poenas dederunt.
Indicibus dena milia gravis aeris (que tum divitiae
habebantur) ex aerario numerata et libertas praemium fuit...
                                  | |        |
                                  | |        |
                                  | | |      |
                            . .,(______________),,...... .

                 i t   w i l l   b e   v e r y   f a s t . . .

 _ ___  ______________ _ _________________________________
       (______________)                                  //____________________ _
       _)__ _ _______(_
      ( )_)        ( )_)     t o d a y ' s
       (_)          (_)
         |          |      m a i n                           I.    fighter
         |          |                                        II.   shepherd
                    |          m e n u                       III.  no delay
        =X+;XX+     |                                        IV.   danone
      +X=++=+++#+++ |                      .+   .            V.    xero 1
   .X=#=        =#X#.                      .X####+;          VI.   xero 2
   X;X   |          |                      ;##X#X###+###;    VII.  hanek
   .+    |          |                     +#XX=##X=X######   VIII. damianus
   ;+    |         ||                    +#+##=##X=;+XX#+    IX.   noches
   ;;;   |         ||                   +##+#X+##.X=  X.     X.    azzaro
   ..#+             |                  ####+######+=;        XI.   simonking
     X+;#X.                          =######+====###=+       XII.  the loop
       ;+=##########X+=;.          .+###XX######X;           XIII. impure 1
          ###########################;;####+ ;X##=           XIV.  impure 2
        +;##########X+X##############+########=+#+           XV.   ola 1   __
        X;##########+##+X######################.XX;          XVI.  ola 2  |
        #+##########+####+=##############X#####X=#;          XVII. crew   |
       .## +########+;XX###=+X###########=#####X.#.          XV.   gacus  |
      +#####+=#######;          ;=+#####X=#+####=                     ____|__
   +#######=   ;X####+             =#X###;##;X###                    |
 XX#####X=       .###X             X;##X   ;#=;##+                   |
X+##+    |        =###           .#X=#;      =#.+#X                  |
+##      |        =X##.         +###;          X#+#+            _____|____ __
+#X      |        +X=X#+.  ;;.  ###+=##         +X=X.;##       |          |
+##++##+ |          ;=#####=;.X +###XX;#=        ;X#+#X+#;     |          |
;##XX#X=#; |        .     ===+.                                |          |
 ########= |        |                    _________        _____|____ _____|__
   .;;.. | | |      |                   |         |      |          |
         | | |      |                   |         |      |          |
        _|__________|_  tF! '2ooi       |         |      |          |
        )____________(                  |_________| . .: |__________|________
   . .,(______________),,... .

                   . . .  o k ,   t i m e   t o   s t a r t  . . .

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  no delay     .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  simonking      .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :                        [ as pack support ]
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

                  \                         :/
                   \                     \\ | _______   _______
                ·  n 0   d E l a y  ·     \ |/   _   \./   _   \.
                     \                      |    /    |    /    |
                   .: \                     |___/     |_________|
                     ____         _ ._____. |  /______|
               ______)_  |_______ / |     | | _____ _ _____ tF! '2ooi
               \     _/  |      /___|   __|_|/   _    \    \_____
                \    \   |  7__/    |   \   |    _    .\    \   /
                 \____\__|__________|_______|____/    |        /
                            \              _|   /_____|_______/ :.
               _ ____________\__           \:_____________________ _
                              \/            .

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  fighter      .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  tsw            .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

             .  °  °  .      fig h  t   e    r     <-
           o             o                 ...........
         _____             .  .............:  _____  :............... .
       ./  __/__  ____    _____    ____.    _|     |_ _____     _______
    __ |    ___/_|___(__./  __/___|    |____\.     _/ _   /___._\___   \  __
   /  ||      |         |   \     |    _     |     |  /__/    |   _/  _/.|  \
.//___||______|_________|___/     |____/     |_____|__________|___\     ||___\\.
                 ......... /______|   /______|   °       tF! '2oo1 \____|
    . ...........:               .              .
                                  o            o
                                    .        .
                                       °  °

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  the shepherd .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  tsw            .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

  _____  ______________________
_|     |_ __    ________      //___________________
\_     _/   |___\   ___/__                        /
 |     |   _     | __/    |                     //   the <-
 |_____|___/     |________| _                  //      shepherd
          /______|          \ ________         / :.                 ____
  ____    _____    _______  ._\__    /__     _/____    ______    ___\_  |
./ __/____\    |___\   __/__|   /   /   |___\  ___/__ _\__   \  /    /  |
|______    |  _    | __/    |      /   _     | _/    |  _/  _/_|    /   |
 /___(/    |__/    |________|______\ __/     |_______|__\      |____\___|
-=-=-/_____|-/_____|=-=--=-=-==-=-=-==/      |--=-=-=-==-\_____________ _
                           _ ________/       |
 tF! '2oo1                                   .


       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  danone       .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  noches         .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

                        .  °  °  .
           ____.      o            o                d  a  n  o  n  e      ___ _
      .____\_  | _______   _______  .            . _ _____   ________   __\  .
. .:..|    _/  |/   _   \./    _  \..............:..   _  \./  _    /__\\....:.
   :  |    `   |    _    |     /   |  :... .     :     /   |   /___/         :
   :..|________|____/    |____/    |.............:____/    |____________ _ ..:.
                   /_____|   /_____|             :   /_____| tF! '2oo1       :
                      o            o
                        .        .
                           °  °

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  xero         .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  pawellos       .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .


          .  °  °  .             .
        o            o           .  x e  r   o   <-
       .       ________          :                    _______ _
      ________/       /______    : ______ ___________\\
_____ \     _/       /      /____:_\ _   \      _
     \ \    \_       \  /__/     :  _/  _/_.    /     tF! '2oo1
 _ __/ /______\_______\ _ _______:__\      |____________ _
       .              .          :   \_____|
. ..... o            o ..........:.. .
          .        .             :
             °  °                .

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  xero         .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  pawellos       .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

         _ ______        __                 ýk        _____ _
     e          (______ _\/_ _________ _  ÷@@ük  _____)
 x       r   O      .   \/\/           __jüP *@l
 _ _______         /         ______agüN@@F   øüüüüÒgp
         /        /________ _\  _  \"$@@_       _@@Pø
 _______/        /   _____/|   _/ _/__ @ü   _   @P
 \    _/        /   __/    |___\       @.M@N@u @L
  \   \_     .: \_____________ _\__ _ j@@@"  ª@@@l  tF! '2oo1
-=/_____\________\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-j@Pï -=- $@l -=-=-=-=- -
                                     ª"         ø

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  hanek        .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  hanek          .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

    .:  h  a  n  [E]  k  :.     @@@@@@@@@@F :.. .
 _ _______                  __ @@@@@@@@@@L ________________
.______. //________________\\  j@@@@             _______  //___ _
|      |_____ _____   ______ _ @@@@@@@@@# _____/      /
|   _       /  _   \./   _     @@@@@@@@@F     /      / ___
|___/      /   _    |    /    _@@@@@øP@@@L    /      / /   | __
   /_______\___/    |___/     j@@@@      _ ___\      \ \   ||  \
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/_____|-=/_____ ý@@@@@@@@@@-=-=-=\______\ \__||___\
                                   Sø9@@F               tF! '2oo1

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  damianus     .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  damianus       .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

                    . . . . . . . .
     _ ______       .  /          .     ->  d  a  m  i  a  [N]  u  s  <-
      ____  //____  . //          . _ __________
  ____\   | _______   ___  ___    ____ _ _______\           _____    ____
 /     \  |/   _   \ /   \/   \ _(____)_     _   \______   /    /__ / __(_____ _
|      /  |    _    |    \/    |        |    _    \    /__|    /   |____
|_____/___|____/    |____/     |________|____/    |\      |___________)/
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-/_____|=-=/______|-=-=-=-=-=-=/_____|\\     |-=-=-=-=-=-/ :.
  _ ___  __________ .             . _________       \\    |          /________
                    .             .         //_______\\   |              _____)
                    . . . . . . . .                    \__| tF! '2oo1   (__ _

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  noches       .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  noches         .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

          .                                   n o c  h  e   s    <-
          :    _ _______________________    ________________________
    _____ : _______   ____      .____. //__\\  _______       ____  //____
  ./  _  \:/   _   \./  _(______|    |_______./  ____/____ ./ __(________)
  |   /   :    /    |   \       |    _       |  ___/       |___
  |__/    :_________|___/_______|____/       |_______________(/          . .:
-===/_____:=========================/________|===============/______________ _
          : tF! '2oo1
      . ..:............... .

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  azzaro       .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  noches         .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

_ _____                                   .:....................:.. .
      /______                              :                    :
     _____  /____       ____       ____    : a  -z  z-  a  r  o :
  _ |     /  _   \._____)__ \._____)__ \. _:____   ________   __:____ _____
 / ||    /   _    |     _____|     _____|/  _   \._\___    \ /   _    \    | _
/__||___/____/    |     \)___\     \)___\   _    |   _/   _/|    /     \   || \
            /     |_______\ _ _______\ _____/    |___\      |__________ \__||__\
 tF! '2oo1 .      | --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/_____|=-=-\_____| =-:-=-=-/____
                  .                        :                    :         /___ _
                                       . ..:....................:.
                                           :                    .

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  simonking    .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  simonking      .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :                        [ as pack support ]
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

                _   _   _
               ) (_) (_) (
               \_________/   s  i  m  o  n     k  i  n  g
    ____        |  o 0  | _ __  ___   _______   ________
  ./ __(______  _\ (_) /_     \/   \ /   _   \./    _   \
  |____        | | ,_  | |    \/    |    /    |     /    |
  /__(/        |  \___/  |____/     |_________|____/     |
     /_________|         |   /______|             /______|
      ._______ |         | _ ______   ______
      |      /_|_        |     _   \./  ___(___ _   _
      |     /   /        |     /    |   \          | |  __ _
      |     \   \        |____/     |___/          | |_|
      |______\___\       |   /______|  /___________|
   -=-=-=-=-=-=|      .: |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -
  tF! '2ooi    |_________|

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  the lo0p     .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  simonking      .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :                        [ as pack support ]
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

       .  °  °  .
     o     ____   o
    .     |    |                             p
   _____  |    |    °        t h e   l   o
 _|     |_ __. _ ________     _________°__ _
 \_     _/   |____.     /_____\__                 o  °  o
  |     |    _    | /__/       \/              °           °
  |_____|____/    |_______ _                 .               .
          . /_____|    .               _________                °  .  .    .
          |    | _ ______    ______  __\___    /
          |   _|__     _  \ /   _  \|     /   /
      . .:|   \   |    /   |    /   |       _/  tF! '2ooi
  -=-=-=-=|_______|________|________|_______\ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -
                         .              .
  loop of the             o            o
                            .        .
                               °  °

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  impure 1940  .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  simonking      .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :                        [ as pack support ]
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

                         ____\\ //____
                    _____)           (_____
             ______\\   _______           //______  tF! '2ooi
  _ _________\  _____ __\__    \ ____            /__________ _
    ___   ___  /     |    /    /    /______ _ ________ ________
  _(___|_|   \/      |        /    /       .__\___    \       /__
 |       |   \/      |       /             |    _/   _/_. /__/   |
 |_______|___/       |_______\_____________|____\       |________|
 .          /________|                           \______|        .
 |                                                               |
 |_____      ::::::: :::::::::: :::: ::::: ::::::::::       _____|
      //____ ::::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: :::: ::::: _____\\
               ::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: :::: :::::
           .:  :::::      :::::      ::::: :::: ::::: :.
               :::::      :::::      ::::: ::::::::::
             i  m   P   u   r   e       i   9   4   o

       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  impure       .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  simonking      .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :                        [ as pack support ]
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

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                                             . .: \               //
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       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  ola          .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  my honey ;)    .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

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       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  ola          .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  again my honey .::
   |_______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

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       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  crew         .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  tsw            .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

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       |          .        .           .                           __________:_
       |          |        .           .    _______________________)         :
    ___________________ ...: _________ : ___\                               .:
   |                    :..__......... :        logo name:  gacus        .:.::
   |          .. ........._\/_.......: :.... .  requester:  gacek          .::
    _______ _  : :........\/\/.. ____________________________________________|_
         . ....:           ....:                                             .
       |          |        :
       | |        |        .
       | | |      |
 . .,(______________),,...... .

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      tF!/2oo1  ::           :  _\/___ _
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         o k ,   e n o u g h . . .

         i ' m    2   o l d   4   m a k i n g   m o r e . . .  ;)

:_____     ____  ______         ___________
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|   _    //     \    /\  \    /     |//     \
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                     /    /__//     \   /   /     |//     \/    /__/     |
                    /_______/\______/__/   /______|________\______/______|

     t h e   f o u n d e r  /  e x .   s c u m   &   u ' r a c e   w h q

                     f o u n d e r @ u r a c e . z . p l

                               also check this

                       w w w . f o u n d e r . z . p l

because of i'm out of scene, don't write for any asciis, gfx, sheet pages etc.
      . . . "no-bussines" letters - only pure friendly contact . . .

       _:_/       //                      //         |
        |        ____     _____ ____     ____    ____·   _____    _____
        |.     .-\  _|__.-\   //   /__.-\\   \_.-\   \.-\\__  \_.-\   /__
        ||   _/     \   \_   ______   \_     _/       \_   /  _/.____/   \_
        |    \______/____/___/_________/_____|_________/___\____|      ___/
       _|_                         [sTZ!/sE ©'96]    .          |_____/
        : \___________________//_____________________|

                     ...the founder's collection so far...

   [COLLY NAME]                                  [LENGHT]         [RELEASED]

   TF!-UNV.txt   (The Universe)..................... 39472 ......... 2o.12.95
   TF!-NMD.txt   (No More Drinks).................. 27174o ......... 27.12.95
   AZK-FUT.txt   (Futura).......................... 1142o9 ......... 17.o2.96
   AZK-OMS.txt   (One More Step)................... 2o423o ......... 3o.o3.96
   AZK-N7A.txt   (N/A)............................. 258412 ......... 22.o6.96
   U'R-MACH.txt  (Time Machine)..................... 94136 ......... 28.o9.96
   U'R-CHUJ.txt  (Chuj)............................. 85767 ......... 2o.1o.96
   U'R-FBET.txt  (Friendship is better than love)... 93837 ......... o9.12.96
   U'R-TINT.txt  (There's nobody there)............. 88165 ......... 1o.12.96
   U'R-BOMB.txt  (Atomic Bomb)...................... 99o96 ......... o6.o1.97
   U'R-WIMK.TXT  (Where is my key?!)................ 95554 ......... o7.o2.97
   U'R-BASS.txt  (Burst ass)........................ 84049 ......... 1o.o7.97
   TF!-SLV.txt   (The Slave)........................ 40284 ......... 16.12.o1

[ of course except one colly which was made in co-operation with guma - ex. draw]

          - tOTAl iS 1442900 bYTEs oF aSCIi iN 12 cOLLYs (7o2 lOGOs)! -

       ________        ._________ _______    ________    _____ ___________
     _/     __/____ ___|_       //    __/_ _/     __/_ _|      \        _/
  ___\      /     //    /      /.    _/    \     _/    \_      .\       \ ____
 (____\_ ._/     ·ø     \_______|___________\___________|______|_________\ ___)
         |______ /_______|-La\!oM

          g r e e t s   4   m y   o l d   s c e n e   f r i e n d s

                     a n d    o l d   a s c i i   g u y s

      _________                                                  _ ___________
   ___\__     / ________               __________          _________  _      /
  /     /  __/__\ _____/    _____  _ __\__      /__________\__     /  \_____/
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       \    /__________/     /     /____/   /    \       /_________/
        \  /        /_____________/         \___________/rpd!
_ _______\/__________________________________________________________________ _

                  t o d a y ' s   n o   r e s p e c t   l i s t

i ' m   s o r r y   b u t   i ' m   o u t   o f   t h e   a s c i i   s c e n e

          a n d   d o n ' t   k n o w   w h a t s   m o v i n g . . .   =)

          .o  but anyway if you think you're REALLY GOOD ascii maker  o.

                      .o  this respect is flying to you  o.

                               t h e    s l a v e
           __        _______ ______/ ________    ___        __     __
          / //______/      /_\ _  //_\      /___/ _//______ / /-/ /_/
        _/___      /      /   __     /     /   /   _/     // / / /_
       _\   /i    /      /____/     /     /   /___/i     /  
       /__________\______\-- /______\_________\  /_______\ no!l124--------»

   i s   a    h a n d    m a d e   a s c i i   a r t   e x c e p t   s o m e

   c o n v e r t e d   g f x    u s e d    f o r   b e t t e r   d e s i g n

        dodn't you think that was my shortless ascii colly so far? Hmmm... ;)

                            - copyright (c) the founder '2oo1 -

EOF!  -  16.12.o1

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 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
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                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZascii colly by the founder                  
called "the slave"