File Archive

File download


File size:
63 866 bytes (62.37K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:39
Download count:
all-time: 550


       ____________ ______  ____________. ___________  ____________
     ._\    ______/(______)_\    __     |_\    _____/_.\_______   /_.
     |      ___/   |      |      \______|\_______     |      /      |
     |       \     |      |       \     |      /      |     /       |
 - --|________\----|______|________\----|_____________|p!--/________|-- -
      ___|_   |____     .____.____  _______  ____  ________. ________.
    ._\  __   (____)____|_   (____)_\  ___/_(____)_\  __   |_\  __   |
    |     /   |    |     /   |    |\_____   |    |     /   |     /   |
    |    /    |    |    /    |    |    /    |    |    /    |    /    |
- --|_________|____|\________|____|_________|____|_________|___/_____|-- -
- -- -------------------------------------------------------FDIVAD--------- -
   After 5 years offline, the ultimate hideout is back. The place where 
     firendship still rulez, First Division. All accounts are intact.
      - Amiga Elite - The Worlds Largest /X Conf. - DayDream Utils -
          - GBA - PC - Golden Games and Utils - Modules - Demo -
        Royal Swedish HQ - DC Scandinavian HQ - Uprough Swedish HQ
                  Crude European HQ - Moods European HQ
                - Running DD/Linux with FTP/FXP Support -
            -* First Division - Not just a regular hangover *-

  ...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24h Static Telnet on 768/128k ADSL  /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  mOD/mP3/hANDhELD aRCHIVE ____    |
    |_  \_\        \ /____/   _      _____ _      _____     ./  _/    .
 .   /_    \________\________\\    ._)  _ \\______\__  \____|   \_ _ _: _
 :     \______\\t^/lp!        ____ |   _/     /     /   \  _|   _////__\\
                             /   /___  \      \ __ \\  _/__\|   \     :/
  tHE hOTTEST sCENE sPOT! _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9602 |_

     _____                _____    _____
   __\    |_____    _____|    /____\    |_____    _____
 _.\      _____/____\    |      /\      |    /____\    |_____
|  \_____|       /\      |______/\_____.|      /\     _|    /__
|   ===/        _/\_       \==========/ |     _/\_____\|      /._____________
| …·  /________/====\_______\        /_______/===pO!/  '     _/              |
|                                                  /________/  _169 gROUPS!  |
|  w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g  ______    _______        aSCII^rEVIEWS!  |
|      _____            __     ____|     /____\    _/____   lATEST^iN^nEWS!  |
|    __\    |_____    _(__)____\    _______/\     _|    /__    _iNTERVIEWS!  |
|___.\     _|    /____\     /\      \______/\_____|       /._________________|
     \_____|       /\  \____/\       \===========/       _/
      ====/       _/\    \====\_______\         /_______/  25th December 2OO2
         /_______/   \____\                                

  t h i s   f i l e   p a s s e d   t h e   a s c i i   a r c h i v e   a t
          w   w   w   .   t   h   u   g   l   i   f   e   .   o   r   g

_____  __________ _____ ________
\_   \/    |     \    /_\____  /_  mNz    
_/         |    | \    \   _____/------,
|/                                    \|
|        sHAD\mNz <-> iRC liFE         |
|                                      |

              :    ___________________________    :                     
            __! ___\·                       ·/___ !__                   
            \_||         <--P - R - E-->         ||_/                   
            ø--'   <G - R - E - E - T - S - !>   `--ø                   
            ||¯                                     |
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            ! .:eLEND:. you rock da show m8         |
            !           thx for friendship !        |
            |                                       |__
            .                                        _/
           _| .:lFC:.   i loved to pass the         | .
           \/           years as lfc member         | .
            |           scene history roxx !        | :
            |                                       |
            | .:iRC:.   you know who you are        |
            |           special lowang kami         |
            |           jops #scrip0r  `_~          |
            ¦                                       |
            | :fLiRT:   yeahh im the flir00r        |
            |                                       -.
            |                                        |
            | ok havent done  ascii  since my last  -|
            | Amiga HD  crash  it was  in 1997  so  |
            | expect nothing ~_~ i have no request  |
            | till now but if you  need some ascii  |
            | stuff  dont  hesistate  and  drop me  |
            | an email °_~                          |
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
           -- U - S - E - D   S - Y - S - T - E - M--
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            | computer: A1230/50T cgfx              |
            | soft    : legendary GoldED !  ~_~     |
            | support : pure chipmod powaahh        |
            |           played on AMiGA and         :
          __|           some booze ~_~              |__
         /_/\-_ _                              _ _ -/_/\
         \_\/-                                     -\_\/
            |                                       |sDW!
            |                                       |
           _|_                                      !
           \ /                                      |
           /x\        [·DEEP÷DOWN÷BELOW÷·] ¢        !
           \ /   °                             ÷    |
           _/_  ÷  ¢                        ¤       |
           \·/    __/\__ [·i÷FEEL÷DXM·] __/\__°     !_
            :   ° \ Oo /                \ oO /     __|
            !     /_. _\                /_ ._\     ||
            |       \/      [·TRiP·]      \/      _||
            O--.                                 .--O
            /¯|l__                             __||¯\
            ¯¯!  /·                           ·\  !¯¯
              :  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  :
              .               .:.                 .
                              :::       <eld0r> WORD PAD ist bei meiner ascii colli abgenippelt
                              `:'   sM0KE SUPP0RT: MARLBORO ;P

                   POTT 54 ;) `:.
                              :::    MUSIk SUPPORT: CHIPMOD POWER !
                              ::: (Zero) l33t? Ist das n Rang beim Schiffchenschieben? 
                   .    .  ...:.:... .    .
          _                   |.                    _
       __/    ___/             .             \___    \__
       \    .       dA ASCii tERROR MATE  1       .    /
        \___l____                             ____|___/

             L O V E  G O E S - F R I E N D S  G O

                 S C E N E  I S  F O R E V E R


             G I R L S  J U S T  W A N N A   H A V E

                    F   U   N  --  I   F E E L

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : Lowang                        __ \
 /___________ No 1       SAY     : GRAfFiTi CiTY diZ            /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 10x36                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           |_______\  /______________________________________\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

                      _                 _
                      )\_______ _______/(
                      \__     /-\_  ____/ pASSED tHROUG
                    _/   ____/___   |/  \_   GRAFFiTi
                    \    \__    /   |    /  C -I--T- Y
                    |\_____    /\__     /--------------+
                    |                                  |
                    |    |
                    |   <===========================>  |
                    |                                  |

<eld0r> Ich leck ihre pussy und fertig.

          :   .                              :
          :   :                              :
          :...:                              :

                                             : <meggy_> ich kann nicht mehr leben ohne dich


                        yOUD lOVED tO bE iN hOLY sECURE
                                       tHEN yOU toOk tHE sTEP aHEAD...
                                             .    :
                                             :    :
                                             :    .

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : elend\lFC                     __ \
 /___________ No 2       SAY     : elend                        /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 14x64                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

             _                                   ;)        _
            /(_____        .               .         ______)\
          <-\_ ___/_      _ ::..       ..:: _       _\       \
         _/     ___/_____/(  :.:.......:.: /(_____./  \____   \_
          \     /    /    |    : . : . :  _\_   \  \       _)   |
           \____    /_    |___ :...:...: /     | \  \_______.   |
            ::`----' /    |   \.  ______/      |     |sDW:::`---'
             :::::::/_         |.-\  ___/______|     |:::::::::::
              :::::::/__       |      ___/_::::`-----'::::::::::
               :::::::::`------'_    /    /::::::::::::::::::::
                ::::::::::::::::\____    /::::::::::::::::::::

                       :  :     :
                       :..:     :             :
                                              :  <meggy_> ES GIBT MENSCHEN, DIE BRAUCHE ICH! 
                                              _  <meggy_> ES GIBT MENSCHEN; DIE LIEBE ICH!
                                              :  <meggy_> UND ES GIBT MENSCHEN WIE DICH, 
                                              :           ICH BRAUCHE ICH, WEIL ICH SIE LIEBE !!!!!!!!
                                   ....       :
                                   .  :       :
                                      :       :
                                      :       :
                                      :       :
                                      :       :
                                      :       :
                             .........:       :
                             :                :
                             :                :
           ........          :                :          ......
           :      :          :                :          :    :
           :      :          :                :          :    :
           :......:..........:                :..........:....:
                  .                                      :
                  :                                      :
                  :                                      :
                  :  __ __ __ ____            ___ ___ _  :
                 _:__\                                /__ _
                  :          WARM AND BRIDE...           :
                  :                                      :
                  :          ..SO SHOULD IT BE           :
                  .                                      .
                  :          ...BUT IT ISNT...           :
                  :                                      :
                 _.___       WASNT, OR WiLL BE        ___._
                  :  /_ __ ___ ___           ___  __ _\  :
                  :                                      :
                  :                                      :
                  :   ...                                :
                  :   : :                                :  ..
                  :...:.:                                :...:
                      :                                     :
                      :                                     :
                      :..                ......             :
                      :                  :    :             :
                      :                  :    :             :
                      :                  :    :             :
                      :                  :....:.............:..
                      :            ...        :             : :
                      :            : :        :             :.:
                      :............:.:        :
                                   :          _
                                   :          :
                                   :          :

<meggy[[stirbt> wenn ich aan dich denke, kribbelt ist in meinem bauch und mein herz fängt an zu rasen, 
                ich frier am ganzn körper, und ich fang an zu heulen!!! so wie jetzt

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : shadow\lfc ~_~                __ \
 /___________ No 3       SAY     : shadow email sig             /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 5x40                           \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

                                                                  :  :
        ...                                                  .....:..:
        :.:..................................................:..  :
          :                                                  : :  :
          :                                     ;)           :.:  :
          :        .____  __             .__.                     :
          :       ..\__-'| _l__   ___  __|__l____  _ _ _ .        :
          :      .:| |/  | \__ \_/__/-! __/\_ __/-| | | |::.      :
          :     .::|_____|__|/  | \|  | \|  | \|  | ' ` |:::.     :
          :    .:::::::::sDW/__/|_____|_____|_____|_____|::::.    :
          :     ..................................................:
                :  : mY LiTTLE SiGNATURE ASCii FOR EMAiLS ~_~
                   :                         .
                   :                       ..
                   :                    ...::
                   :                    :  :
                   :                ....:..:
                   :                :   :
                   :                :   :
                             .      :      .
                               .    :    .
                                .   :   .
                                 .  :  .
                                  . : .
                _                  .:.                    _
             __/    ___/                           \___    \__
             \    .           I   S A W   M Y           .    /
              \___l____                             ____|___/
                       |    B  A  N  S  H  E  E    |

                       Within the book of time lay
                       stories  of agony and  pain
                       and if  i flip  through the
                       pages i realized  that most
                       of the stories once started
                       with love. We are  to blind
                       to see where it leads  us !
                       will it ever change ?
                       will  we   ever  reach  the
                       point of  realizing ? Do we
                       really  wanna  reach  it  ?
                       Why dont we care ?
                       I guess the answer lay deep
                       in the pages of time,hidden
                       from sight but clear enough
                       to feel....

                       will I be able to see ?

                                 shadow & dragonfyre 2k

        \/..                                                    ..\/

(Joulie) er lebt on ner ganz anderen welt..manchmal versteh ich ihn gar nicht, 
         abgesehen von den ausdrücken aus der scene
(Dangun_Feveron) Ja so ist der sHAD einfach.
(Dangun_Feveron) du kannst ihn auch nicht aus dieser Welt herausholen, weil es SEINE ist. 
                 Du könntest sie höchstens mit ihm teilen.
(sHAD) ausdücke aus der scene °__? kloppe, was meint sie damit aka lame aka ich bin l33t ~__~
       ich lebe nope in ner andern welt aka in der coolsten, mein leetchen °_!!!

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : #script0r                     __ \
 /___________ No 4       SAY     : scriptor                     /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 13x65                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

           ______\____  /_/\_                   ______  ________
          _\     \  _/ / \  /___________________\    /__\____  /
          \    ___\     \   _\      /         /       /    _/  \
         _/____   |_\    \_/  \__   \___   __/     |  \    \    \
         \    /   |  \____\     /___/_      \_     ·   \____\    \_
        <=\___    |:======|     |=sDW/_______/__________/====\____/==>
             `----':      l_____|
                :::::::::::::::::::::::.      ;(

                     damn, forgott the "C" character ~_~
                     so i used the points as "C" hehe

                     but dontknow, looks crapy... :/

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : lowang                        __ \
 /___________ No 5       SAY     : HBO iSO ~_~                  /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 13x80                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

       ____.____     ________   ___________
       )   |   (_.___)____  (___)         (__
      /          /      _/     \      .      \
    _/     .      \_    \__     \_    |       \_  OUR VCDs ARE HOT
    \____  |       /_____     _  /____.        /
        `--|______/      `-----\/     `-------´       ;)
                                ________ _____________ __________  _
                               _)______(_)     ______(_)         \/(__
                :. HBO-iSO    /          \_______      \      .       \
            .   ::          _/            \_    /       \_    |        \_
     .      :   ::      :.  \_____,        /_            /____,         /

                   Damn, requested wasnt HBO-ISO it was
                   HBO-VDC so i have to do all the fuck
                   again but no problem for the flirt0r
                   shadow ~_~

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : lowang                        __ \
 /___________ No 6       SAY     : HBO VCD                      /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 18x67                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

           _         _____          ....
           )\________\    |       .::::::.
          _\   |   (_     |____  :::·  ·:::.
        _/           \    |_   \:::     :::::
        \      |      \_  |/    \__..  .::::::    H  B  O   -   V  C  D
         \_____|      _/__       _/:::::::::::
               `------´   `------´::::::::::·
                          ._____ ·:::::::::·        _
                     _____|    / ________  ________/(
                     \    |   /__\_   __/__\______  /_
                     _\   |    \      |/   \     /   \   ;)
                     \    ·     \_    l     \_  /     \_
                      \___      _/_____     _/____    _/
                       :  `-----´     `-----´sDW:`----´
                    :  :                            :  :
                  ..:..:    OUR STUFF IS HOTTEST    :..:..
                  :.:                                  :.:

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : hitman/d-s                    __ \
 /___________ No 7       SAY     : Dream-Sequencer diz          /\   \
           |             SIZE    : o9x39                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

                          .---- \¯¯¯¯¯/
                       ___|__   /  __/__ !! BACK AGAIN !!
                  .--./     /   \____   \.--------------.
                  |;)|_    /|   ___/  dREAM - sEQUENCER |
                  |   /_________\^/      ! - - - -- -÷> |
                  | <÷-   -  -- --- -----'              |
                  |            CHRiS HÜLSbECK           |
                  |          TURRiCAN I MEDLEY          |
                  |        [÷MP3 44.1KHz Stereo÷]       |

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : elend\lFC                     __ \
 /___________ No 8       SAY     : elend                        /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 14x79                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

                                                                   :      ·::::
               ,æÆ&@##@@&æ,                  :                     :        :::
   _            `@°"¯¯"°@@#                ..:....................... _      ::
   )\________         ,%#@"     __________   :   _________      _____/(__     :
  _\    ____/___    ,%#@°  æÆÆæ,)    ____/___:___)   \   /__.___\_____  /_    :
..\      ______/ ,æÅ&%°  ,Æ#@#@#¼     ______/:      . \     \     .  /    \...:
: _\     \      a##@Æ, ,æ½##¼#@@¼%    \      \__    |  ·     \__   \/      \__
: \____   ·     ##@@###@@#@°"¯°$%ë____ ·       /____|          /___          /
:      `--------`@##@##@@'      `ç    `-------´sDW  `---------´    `--------´
::.       :                      ¬           : .
::::.   .....................................:.::.       ;)
::::::....:                                  : :·

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : shadow  ~_~                   __ \
 /___________ No 9       SAY     : meggy ( our l33t babe )      /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 15x74                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

          _                                                        _
          )\___  ____ __________ ________    ________    _____ ___/(
          \_   \/   /_\_   ____/_\    __/____\    __/___.\    \    /_
        _/          \     _____/      |     \     |     \           \
        \      \/    \__  \     \     |      \__  l      \______     \__
       _/      ||      /  .      \_____        /___       /    /       /
       \_______|`-----´/__|       /sDW|       /:::`------´\___        /
   .::::: .     . ::::::::`------´ :::`------´:::::::::::::::`-------´:::::
  .::::: ::::.:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 .:::::: `:::::::' :::::: :::::    ::    ::       ::::  ::: :::::::::::::
.:::.     `:::::'     .:: :::::::: :: :::::::. .::::::  :::: :::::::::::
:::::::::: `:::' :::::::: :::::::  ::  ::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::
::::::::::: `:' ::::::::: :::::::: :: :::::::: :::::::  :::: :::::::::
::::::::::::   ::::::::::    ::    ::    ::::: :::::::: ::: :::::::::

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : shadow ~_~                    __ \
 /___________ No 1o      SAY     : nO PC !! AMIGA RULEZ !       /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 29x74                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

           _                 _
 _/            \    \    ·           \
 \            . \    \__ |            \_
  \           |        / ·             /
   \__________|       /__.            /
    Y         `------´   `-----------´
    |       ::                   __________  _________
    :      ::::           _______\   _,   (__)   ____(_______
    .       ::          _/           \_____/     |/          \
            ::          \               \__      |            \_
            ::  ;)       \                /      ·             /
    .       ::            \__________    /_________           /
            ::             Y        `---´      sDW|          /
            ::             |                      `---------´
            ::             :
            ::  A  M  i  G  A      R  U  L  E  Z     !  !  !
            ::             .                                            :.
        ....::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        :   :                                                           :·
        : · :              Ñ O T H I N G   M O R E   T O   S A Y  ! ! !
     :  :                  .
   : :

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : shadow ~_~                    __ \
 /___________ No 11      SAY     : lightforce                   /\   \
           |             SIZE    : ??x??                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

   _____      ___  _______   ____ ________________
   \   |     (___)_)   __(___)   Y   (           /
 _/    |_____|   |     |    \    |    \____  ___/
_\     |     \_  |     |     \_  ·     \_      \________________
  \    ·      /  |     ·      /  |      /       \_
   \____     /_  |______     /___|     /____     /
       `----´ `--'     `----´    `----´    `----´
    .                __________ _______  __________ _______   __________
    :               _\   ______)      (__\_____   (_)   __/___)    ____/
 ...:...    ________\      ___(    .    \    _/    \    |/   \    _____/_______
    :  :            /       \_     |     \_  \      \_  |     \_  \     \_
    :..:..          \        /_    ·      /   \_     /  ·      /   ·     /
       : :           \___   / /____      /-----/    /___      /____     /
       :.:..            `--´       `----´      `---´    `----´sDW!`----´
            ·             T E R R O R    C R E W    I N    2  0  0  1

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : blackr0se~                    __ \
 /___________ No 12      SAY     : prime diz                    /\   \
           |             SIZE    : 10x45                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |
                            ________________________  ____________
                         .-|   __   / _   /_____)   \/   |  __   /---. 
                         | |   \___/  \_   \    |   __   |  \___/___ |
                         '-|___| - ----|    \___|___||___|_________/-:
                         | <---------- |_____\ P R E S E N T S  ---> |
                         |                                           |
                         |       GRAND TOURISMO +99 TRAINER          |
                         |               [PSX NTSC]                  |
                         |                                           |

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : blackrose~                    __ \
 /___________ No 13      SAY     : prime                        /\   \
           |             SIZE    : ??x??                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

         _                                _/\_                                  _
        /___,                      _ _ ___\  /___ _ _                        ,___\
            |    _                 \   _         _  /                  _     |
            |    )\________  _________/(         )\___  ____ _________/(     |
          __|____\   _,   (__)_____    (_        \_   \/   /_\     ____/     |
        _/  |        \_____/     _/     /      _/          \      _____/_____|__
        \   |           \__      \      \      \      \/    \__   \          |  \_
         \  |             /_______\_     \_   _/       |      /              |   /
          \_|______      /mNz!     |      /---\________|     /_____          |  /
            |     `-----´          |     /             `----´sDW  `----------|-´

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : sHADoW                        __ \
 /___________ No 14      SAY     : cHEiNy                       /\   \
           |             SIZE    : ??x??                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

        _                                     :                             _        .
        )\_________ ______ _____ ____________ _______ _____ _____ _____ ___/(       .
       _\_    ____/_\_    |    /_\     _____/(_______)\    \    /_\    \    /      
     _/       |/   \            \     ______/        |      \    \_______    \                     
     \        l     \_           \_  /       \_      |       \    \_   _/     \_                 
      \_______       /____|       /           /______|____|        /           /                  
             `------/sDW!-|      /-----------´:       mNz!|_______/_____     _/                   
                          `-----´             :                        `-----´            
                                              :	 erst wenn du alles verlässt :                                               
                                          :   :                              :.:                             

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : sHADoW                        __ \
 /___________ No 15      SAY     : zAUBi                        /\   \
           |             SIZE    : ??x??                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

    _   M E I N   L E E T C H E N      :                             _                                     
    )\_________  ___________      .____:_   ___________    _________/(                                     
  ._\____     (__)______   (______|     (___\_______  (____)_________/__                                   
  |     / ______/     |/      \   |        \      _/     \              \                                  
  |       \      \_   |        \_ |         \_    \       \_             \_                                
  |_______.      _/___|        _/_.         _/____.       _/______       _/                                
          `------´sDW!`--------´  `----:----´-mNz!`-------´      `-------´                                 
                                       :   :   D U R C H   D I C K                                         
                                       :...:..         U N D   D Ü N N                                     

     __l_____             (____________________________________
   __\   ___/__ _                                             (_____
  /   \___               REQUEST : sHADoW                        __ \
 /___________ No 16      SAY     : bUNd                         /\   \
           |             SIZE    : ??x??                          \___\ |
           |       __                                        ___  /   / |
           `-------\  /--------------------------------------\  \/___/  |
                    \/                                                  |

                                   _\  /_ 
                              ._)    °°     (_. 
                            ._)               (_.
                            |                   |
                            |                   | 
           ___________   ,__| |._____   _____ __|__    _________ 
    _    ._\______   (___|__ _|     (___\    \    /____\_____  /_mNz!     _    _____         
  ._)\   |      _/      \     |        \      \    \        /    \_______/(   /    (_____, 
  |   \__|      \        \_   |         \_     \    \_    \/      \__     l__/           |  
  |       |_______.        /___           /___|       /____,         /                   _| 
  |               `--------´   `---------´    |______/sDW  `--------´                    \
  |           tHE TiMES iM aWAY, tHE tiMES i sAY                                         \
  |                      ... i'll bE bACK, sTRONGER, bETTER ...                          _\
  |                                 ... cOZ sOME tIME aLL tHiS WiLL bE ...               |
  |                                       ... hiSTORY aND hiDDEN iN mY MiND ...  sHAD   _| _   
  l_____________________________________________________________________________________\ //
             `-----------.--|                   |--.-´  
                         :  `-------------------´  :
                     ....:.........................:....     °_°/   niCHT miCH
                     :   :                         :   :          fÜR dEUtSCHlAND \°_°
                  ...:...:                         :...: 


                          D E E P   D O W N   B E L O W

                                    A  G  O

                _                                         _
             __/    ___/                           \___    \__
             \    .     I T S   T O O  L A T E   4      .    /
              \___l____                             ____|___/
                       |    E V E R Y T H I N G    |

                       ok dudes just designed the colly
                       together and  its now  damn late
                       and  im damn  boozed  so no more
                       ascii drawings for today. i must
                       take some holy silent sleep  now
                       to pass the next day.
                       i think this will b the smallest
                       colly in the whole scene history
                       with only sixten drawins ~_~ but
                       who cares.  i`m no ascii  artist
                       and done this  only for  fun and
                       some profit ~_~

                       i  hope to  see some  new  ascii
                       from  elend becoz  he  is really
                       talented ! check his first colly

                       ok finally some greets =)

   rKr ..................... for beeing the man who brought lfc back !
   hudson hawk ............. for the same case ;)
   zaner ................... keeping the bbs scene alive, you rock !
   case .................... i miss your arguing :)
   digiman ................. for beeing damn leet ! bbs scene roxx !
   woober .................. bring ethernity back ! good luck 4 familie
   Z-bOY ................... 4 bringing me in the scene
   Hitman .................. 4 show me the first bbs systems
   perry ................... for my first modem call
   engine .................. i still got the phonecall as ADPCM ;P
   jester .................. tought me the protracker ! thx !
   striker ................. thanx for alot of RL fun ! and the 14.4k modem ;P
   cosmos .................. spend nights and alot of money for chatting ;P
   steel ................... for bringing me in lightforce
   zinko ................... for the beer on WOA 98 :D
   dragonfyre .............. thx for loyal support in any case !
   apu ..................... trading competition rocks ! ;P you won coz
                             i was in vacation :)
   zoltrix ................. damn i miss fine line aka spaced out
   saint ................... i`ll miss you MÖÖÖÖHRRÄÄÄH :D
   aphex ................... my first board i was cosysop in :)
   rubberduck .............. lokal scene roxx
   WiZLeR! ................. lokal scene roxx
   sierra .................. lokal scene roxx
   elend ................... know you since some days.. but know you best!thx
   lowang .................. our 5 mins throw up bomber :)
   kamikaze ................ you are a bot! you are allways online chatting ;)
   Don ..................... your phonecalls rock ~_~
   jops .................... flirt power
   Magic ................... My dear digital sanctity cracker :)
   lopez ................... supplied me with the newest apc&tcp stuff ~_~
   ironfist ................ ;P telia roxx hehe

   all the best to my "stuben kameraden" at the army yard in Pfullendorf ! they have no clou
   what the word "scene" means but i've flashed them all... XD solong 

   and greets to all the other guys i get in contact with over the years you are all
   great :) like capslockman ~_Q exon, phyksy, alex w., enzo, mousi, lalala 1000 more ;P


   cya sig. sHADoW\mNz @ Fernspäher II kompanie

                                              ¡    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||      aEROHOLICS/mO' pLAYAZ/dTR/aSL       !| _
  |!     bAD kARMA/aGEEMA bLUES/uP rOUGH       | ;
  |      dIVINE sTYLERS/pHANTASY/tEQUILA       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  &  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lIGHTfORCE/lOW pROFILE/sICK oF iT aLL   |
  ¡     oLDSKOOL/rOYAL/dRUNKEN/pUNGAS/100%     |
_ |                                            | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
  |   gAMEBOY aDVANCE/wSC/nGPOCKET/sNES/cGB+    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |   pSX/pS2/dC/e-bEATS & hIPhOP/cHIP tUNES   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =c64/aTARI8/mODULES/dANCEhALL/dAYDREAM   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   rUNNING oN a pRIVATE sYSTEM w\ 8 nODES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   aVAILABLE oN 24/7 sTATIC tELNET @ ADSL       `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'