File Archive

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File size:
41 000 bytes (40.04K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 375


 _____  ______|_______ _|_ ____ _____ ______
|  .  \|  _   |___  \_  |  .__/__    \     /
|  |   \  _}--:  ____/  :  l_   /   \     /s
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.------------------/    :-----\_____|------.
|               bR/     |NGS:              :

                "... if destiny like his 
                 awaits me, i shall rest when i have fallen!
                 Now, though, may i win my perfect glory ...  "
                                               Homer, The Iliad

               _________________   _______   _______   _________
              (  ______/\    / ¬\ (_____ ¬\ (______¬\ (   _____/\ __  __ 
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     __  __ /___/   / /___/   / /___/   / /____/ /  /___/   / /         | 
    l__||   \__/___/ /\__/___/ /\__/___/ /\____\/   \__/___/ /   ..O F  | 
     ___|      \___\/    \___\/tGø \___\/              \___\/           :  
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    : \___\/    \___\/    \___\/    \___\/    \___\/    \___\/    \___\/:
    |                                      N                            | 
    |    ...s U B U R B A N  b A S E ... a . D ...  d E Z ¡ G N...      | 
    l____________________________________ _|_ __________________________|



                   .                  .           .                       |
 ________ _________|____________  ____|_ _______ _|_ _____ _______ _ ____.'
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:     \____l__|\__/______/  l___l______\________|  |\__/______/_____/
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.                            /  |  |   |___/ .... ...  .  .
|                          s/   |  |   _)   ... ... .  .
|                          c\______l___|  .... .. . .
:         .              .              .               .
_______ __|__._________ _|_ ____________|__._____.__  __|____ ______________
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||____\___|  |__l__l__|scl______/_____/ l__l__|__l__|\__l____\_______/ |\__/

            tH¡S wAS oF cOURSE rELEASED uNDER tHE dEZ¡GN lABEL!

          .                                                         .________
 _________|     . ________.   .________.   _____   ________.   ____ |       /
 \       _.     |     ____|_._|_____   |_. _____}     _____|_.____ \|      /
  \      \|     |   ____|   |    ______| |       |    \      |    \ \     /
   \      \     |    \      |    \       |       |     \     |     \     /
.--->                                                                   <---.
|    [· Sk¡N · aMbL¡N · DeSerT · ReD dEV¡L · sH/\PEcH/\NGER · bOOMER! ·]    |
|                                                                           |
|                [· GERMANY · THE U.K · SWEDEN · F¡NLAND ·]                 |
|                                                                           |
|___.                [· THE TRUE ASC¡E/ANS¡ LEGENDS ·]                  .___|
 __ |                               .                                   | __
|__|l_____________________________ _|_ _________________________________||__|


                      .         .                          .              |
       _______ __  ___|______.__|_ ____.     ______ ____.__|_ ___  ___    |
.------\   __/_  \/   |  __  |  |___   |-----\_  _/ __  |  |__   |/  /----'
| ·tHE· \__   / \  /  |  _/  |  |   \  |¯¯¯\ _/  |  _/  |  |  \  /  /  s
|       (____/   \/___|  l___l______/______/ \___|__|   |_____/__\  \_ c
 Hello, and very welcome to my brand new collection. This one was a real  |
 fastie do make, and it has less design than the previouse one i think.   |
 I wasn't so keen on making a new 1 because dis fastie only contains file |
 description logos, so there. Hum, what else is there to say ? Maybe that |
 my next production will contain alot of logos for your bbs, and also     |
 alot of requested things, so look out for it. Ok, gotta go now, cya!     |
                ...Shapechanger/Suburban Base/Dezign!                     |
                                                                     ||   |
               "And if you gaze for long into an abyss,                   ·
                the abyss gazes also into you....       "                 .
                Friedrich Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Bose            :
                                                                         \ /

                  ... lETS hAVE sOME aCT¡ON hERE dUDES!

<-- -------------------------{    aRCLITE    }------------------------------. 
_ ____|___________ __|_ ___._________|_ ___                                 |
   __ |  _  / .__/_  |__   |  __/_   |     |                                |
   _/ :  / /  l   /  |  \  |  |  _}--:s    |                                |
_ _l__l_(  \_____/______/__l__l______|c    |                                |
<--------\__/------------------------------'                                |
.- --------------------------{    aRTCORE    }------------------------------' 
|                                _____|_____________ ____|____________|_ __
|                               |\___ |  _  / __/._/__ . |  _   / _   |    :
|                               |  _/ :  / /  |  l   / | :  / _/  _}--:s   |
|                               |__l__l_(  \__l_____/____l_(   \______|c   |
|                               <--------\__/---------------\___/----------' 
`- --------------------------{    aNTHROX    }------------------------------. 
   _____|___ __.______|_ ____________|___                                   |
  |\___ |   \  |  __/ |_ __  / _  \_ | _/                                   |
  |  _/ :  .   |  |   _/  / /  / _/  |  \_s                                 |
  |  l__l__|___l__:___l__(  \____\___|___/c                                 | 
  `--'------------:-------\__/--------------->                              |  
.----------------------------{    cENSOR!    }------------------------------' 
|                               _____ _____|___ ___._____ ____|_______
|                              |  ._/__ _  |   \   |  __/_   .|  _   /
|                              |  l   / _}-:    \  :__   /   ||  /  /s
|                              |_____/_____|  \____l____/_____l_(  (_c
|                              `-----------`--'------------------\__/-----> 
`----------------------------{    cLASSIC    }------------------------------. 
   _____ _|_ _______|_____ _____ __|_____                                   |
  / .__/_ |_____ _  |  __/_  __/_  |  ._/__                                 |
s/  l   / l  \  _/  :__   /__   /  :  l   /s                                |
c\_____/_____/  l___l____/_____/___l_____/ c                                |
<---------------'-------------------------->                                |
.----------------------------{    dELIGHT    }------------------------------' 
|                               _____________.__|_ ___._____ ___|__________
|                              l__.   _  _   |  |__   | .__/__  |_ __   __/
|                              |  |   \  _}--:  |  \  : l_  _/  _/ \/   |s|
|                              |______/______|_____/__l_____\___|   \___|c:
|                              <--------------------------------l____/----'
`- --------------------------{   eLITENDO!   }------------------------------. 
 _____.__|_ ___._______ _|_ _ __.__________.                                |
|  _  |  |__   |  __  _  |   \  |  .  ___  |                                |
|  _}-:  |  \  |  |/  _}-: \    :  |  \ /  |                                |
|_____l_____/__l__|\_____|__\___l_____/____|                                |
`--sc-------------------------------------->                                |
.----------------------------{   fAIRLIGHT   }------------------------------' 
|                                ________|__.________|_ ___._______|__._____
|                               |  _____ |  |  _   / |__   | .__/_ |_ |  __/
|                               |  _) _/ :  |  /  /  |  \  : l_  / _/ |  |s:
|                               |__l__l__l__l_(  (______/__l____/__l__l__|c|
|                               <--------------\__/------------------------' 
`- --------------------------{     fUCK!     }------------------------------. 
  _______|___._______ __  /\___                                             |
 _\_ _   |   |  ._/_    |/    /   f.U.C.K                                   |
|    _}--'   :  l   \   /    (_                                             |
|____l_______l______/   \_____/  bRING yA:                                  |
`-----·sc·---------`----'------------------>                                |
.----------------------------{    h.C.C!     }------------------------------' 
|                                __|_____ _|_ ______._____|__. _ __________
|                               |  |_ | _  |  __ |  |  _/ |  |             |
|                               |  _/ | _}-:  _/ :  |  \___  : cOOL cRACKS |
|                               |__|  |____l__l__l_____|___ _|_            |
|                               `--|__|sc--------------------|-------------' 
`----------------------------{    hOODLUM    }------------------------------. 
 __|__._________._________|_ ___._____  __|                                 |
|  |_ | __ | __ |  .  \_  |__   |  |  \/  |                                 |
|  _/ : \  |  / :  |   /  |  \  |  :      |s                                |
|__|  |____l____|_____/______/_____|  \/__|c                                |
`--|__|----------------------------|__|---->                                |
.----------------------------{    mYSTIC!    }------------------------------' 
|                               _ _  ___.__|__.____________|______ _ ______.
|                                  \/   |  |  |  __/_  __  |  .__/_        |
|                                 _  /  :___  :__  _/  |/  |  l   / da /X  :
|                                  \/___l_____l____\___/   :_____/diViSiON!|
|                               _ _|<--sc-------------\____|---- ----------' 
`- --------------------------{    pARADOX    }------------------------------. 
 ___________|___________.__________.__|____                                 |
|  .   / __ |  _   /__  |  .  ___  |  |   /                                 |
| _|__/  _/ :  /  / \_  :  |  \ /  :- . -{_s                                |                                
|__| \___l__l_(  (___l__l_____/____|__|___/c                                |                                
`--------------\__/------------------------>                                |
.----------------------------{   pREMIERE!   }------------------------------' 
|                                _______________._____ /¯¯\ __ _|_ ________.
|                               |  .  /_   / _  |      \__/  _  |  _  / _  |
|                               | _|_/ / _/  _}-: \  / |  |  _}-:  / /  _}-:
|                               |__|  (   \_____|  \/__l__|_____l_(  \_____|
|                                sc`---\___/----`--'---------------\__/---->
`----------------------------{   pRESTIGE!   }------------------------------. 
 _________________|__________._____ ______|_                                |
|  .   / _   / _  |  _/_  _/ | .__/__ _   |                                 |
| _l__/  / _/  _}-:__  /  |  : l_   / _}--:s                                |
|__| \__(   \_____l___/___l__l_____/______|c                                |
`--------\___/----------------------------->                                |
.----------------------------{    rEBELS!    }------------------------------' 
|                              .__________|__. _______.__|_ _______ ______.
|                              |  _  / _  | _|____ _  |  |__\   __/__     |
|                              |  / /  _}-: \_   / _}-:  |   \__    /s    |
|                              l_(  \_____l_____/_____l______/_____/ c    :
|                              <--\__/------------------------------------'
`----------------------------{    rEDNEX!    }------------------------------. 
 __________ _|_ _______  _________._ _|_ ___                                |
|s  _  / _   |  .  \_  \|   / _   |   |    /                                |
|c  / /  _}--:  |   /      /  _}--:-  .  -{_                                |
|__(  \______|_____/  \___/_______l___|____/                                |
`---\__/----------\___|-------------------->                                |
.----------------------------{    sCOOPEX    }------------------------------' 
|                              ______ ____ ___ _|_ __.___________|__.____
|                              \  __/_ ._/__ __ | __ |  .   / _  |  |   /
|                              :\__  / l   / \  |  / | _|__/  _}-:- : -{_s
|                              |(___/_____/_____|____l__| \______l__|___/c
|                              `------------------------------------------> 
`----------------------------{    sKIDROW    }------------------------------. 
______ __. _____|__________________|________                                |
\   _/__ |/   / |  .   _  _   / .  |  ||   /                                |
:\__  _/ /  _/  :  l   \  / _/  l  :  ||  /s                                |
|(____\__\   \__l______/_(   \_____l_____/ c                                |
`---------\___/-----------\___/------------>                                |
.- --------------------------{   sNEAKERS!   }------------------------------' 
|                              ____________._____|______  ________|_______
|                              \  __/_  \  | _   |\___  |/  / _   |___   /
|                              :\__  /     : _}--:  _/  /  (_ _}--:  /  /'S
|                              |{___/__\___l_____|__|   \___/_____l_(   \_
|                              `-sc-----------------`---'------------\___/-
`- --------------------------{ sUBURBAN bASE }------------------------------. 
______ ___|__.____._.________|_ _____ __ __.                                |
\   _/_ | | _|___ | :  _  / _|______ |  \  |                                |
|\__  / | : \_  / | |  / /  \_  / _/ |     |                                |
:(___/____l____/____l_(  \_____/__l__|  \__|                                |
`---sc-----------------\__/-bASE-----|__|-->                                | 
.----------------------------{    t.R.S.I    }------------------------------'
|                             _____|______________ ___|_ ________________.
|                             \__  |\___   /  ___/_   |                  |
|                             s_/  :   / _/___   _/   | tHE /X-dIVISION  :
|                             c\___l__(   \______\____| tODAY bRING YA:  |
|                             <--------\___/-----------------------------'
`------------------------------------------------------------------------ --.
 .----------------------------------------------------------------------- --' 





 .                                              .
_|_______ __________________.________|__________|____ ____ __ _____ ________
 |    __/___   _    /  _    |   _    |_    __   |    \      /   __/___  ___/__
s|   {_    /   /  _/   _}---:   _}---:/    |/   |     \   _/   {_    /___    /
c|________/___(    \________l________|_____|____:_   \____\_________(_______/
            |                                                               |
            |  · Greetings to the following Eggheads ·                      |
            `-------------------------------------------->                  :
            Sniffet, Randall, Princip, Twister, Hurricane, Desert           |
             Rhys & Danzig, RedDevil, Nightshade, Demax, Lacoste            |
            Exterior, Ill Catino, B-real & Raven, Amblin, Boomer!           |
        Hero!n, Hotwire, S.M.M, Bilbo Baggins, Tango, Case, Jericho         |
       Exocet, Stain & U-man, Vegas, Nero, Core & Godhead, 911, Juan        |
     Metalbasher, Redskin, Maz, Ozzy, Fix, Eracore, Meleth, Karma & Kain    :
   Splatt, G.e.m, Virus, Goblin, Oep, Disc, Rip, dHM, Sandman, Zin, Energy  |
      Manta, Elaka Fredrik, [KM], Zcandler, Kingpin, Dr.Space, Karon...     |
                       · Asc2/Ansi Greetings to ·                           :
|        Splatt, Metalbasher, RedSkin, Red Devil, Skin, Desert, Amblin 
|      /Y\ascot, Maz, Boomer, Rip, Oep, Danzig, Rotox, Rat, Fckw, Exocet
|  Enforcer, Masterbard, Metallikat, Seven M, Cardinal, Karma, U-man, Tango
|  Hotwire, dHM, Gem, 911, Zin!, Sy Klone, Rapid, Mogue, Manta, Count-Zero!
|                A big "I'm Sorry!" to everybody Forgotten... 




                                .                .                          |
  __________ _________________ _|_ ______________|_______________           |
  \_    .__/___    _    /  _    |    .     __    |_     __/  ___/___        |
 s_/    l     /    /  _/   _}---:    l     \/    |/     |____      /s       |
 c\__________/____(    \________l__________/     |______:_________/ c       |
|                                                       ·
|   Design & Logo Drawing By: .......................Shapechanger/Sub/Dezign
|   Guest Artists This Time: ..............Tango/Ogn/Artcore & U-man/Artcore
|   Beer Sponsor This Time: ........................................Heineken
|   Music Support From: ....................Alot of Jungle/Breakbeat RecordS
|   Do-A-New Colly Support By: ..........Hotwire/Fine Dezign & U-man/Artcore
|   Navy Support From: ................................Randall/Suburban Base
|   Give-Me-Mo-Money Support: .........................Sniffet/Suburban Base
|   Overall Support: ..............................My lovely Fan Club (Thx!)





                                              .                             :
       ____  ___.______|______ _______ _______|_______ _______|______       |
       \_  \/   |  _   |  ___/__   __/_   __  |    __/__  _   |   __/__     |
     s  / _  /  :  _}--|__     /__    /   _/  :   (_   /  _}--|__     /s    |
     c_/   \/___l______(______(______/    l___l_______/_______(______/ c    |
|  U-man/Artcore :  Here it is man, Cool eh? Well, Anyway cya around!
|  Manta/Artcore :  Nice ascie base at Far out....
|  Mogue/Artcore :  Cool ascies.. Do you call Far out or ?                  
|  Randall/Sub   :  We will soon Dominate the swedish scene! Code Like hell!
|  Case/Dcs      :  Better sober up! Easier to communicate with ya then! :)
|  B-Real^Raven  :  Hey! Call Interchange Wanna talk with ya.. Please?
|  Sniffet/Sub   :  Hullu Peter... Hope ya are drawing some gfx's right now!
|  Hotwire/Ogn   :  Breakbeat is fast! I just love it .. hehe Cool Work!
|  Princip/Rbs   :  Hullu, Look at the end of this colly! Hope ya like it! :)
|  Logic/Rbs     :  I know ya love DIF! You haven't the guts 2 admit it! :)
|  Lacoste       :  The same too you + Heineken...    
|  Sub Members   :  We rule!!
|  EveryBodyElse :  Jepp, jepp.. I'm still around doing ascies.. :) 



      .__ _|_ _______________________________________________________ 
      |    |                                                         | 
      :    ·     wHEN yOU dREAM oF aSC¡ES - yOU dREAM oF uS!         :        
   __________  _____________ __________ _____.__________ ________  ________  
  |    .     \|     _      /_\__      \_     |    _____/____     \|       /  
  |    |      \     _)____/     .______/     |    \_       /      \      /   
 s|    |       \    l     \_    l    _/      :     l      /      \      /    
 c|____________/___________/_________\_______l___________/       |\____/     
     |                  tHE lEGENDARY mEMBERS aRE:                    |
     |                                                                :
     |           sKIN...........................[ gERMANY ]           |
     |           aMBLIN.........................[ gERMANY ]           |
     |    .      dESERT.........................[ gERMANY ]           |
     | _ _|_ _   rED DEVIL......................[ tHE u.K ]           |   
     |    |      sHAPECHANGER...................[ sWEDEN! ]      .    | 
     |    ·      bOOMER.........................[ fINLAND ]   _ _|_ _ |         
     |                                                           |    |       
     |                                                           ·    |        
     |____.       ¡F yOU wANNA rEACH mE sHAPEcHANGER yOU         .____|
      ___ |    mAY rEACH mE oN mOST oF sWEDENS eL¡TE bOARDS!     | ___      

                     aND hERE aRE a l¡TTLE nOTE fROM:

              .________.       ._______      .___.                  .________
  ____________|      / |_______|      /______|   |______ ______. ___|       /
./  _______/  |     / _._    / |     /___   /.  _._    /___    |__  \      /.
|\____    \_  |    /   |/   /  |    /  _/ _/ |   |/   /  _/    |  \  \    / |
|    /     /  |   /    /   /   |   /   \     |   /   /   \     |   \     /  |
|_________/______/________/_______/_____\____|______/_____\____|____\___/   |
`------------------------. .____.                                           |
:  sUBURBAN bASE aRE     | |    |_______ __________ __________ ________     |
|  aLWAYS lOOK¡NG fOR    | |   _._     /  _._     /   _______/    ____/__   |
|  tALENT pEOPLE l¡KE    | |    |/    / ___|/    /_____    \_   ____/   /   |
:gOOD cODERS,tRADERS eTC | |    /    /  \  /    /     /     /    /     /    |
| ¡F yOU tH¡NK yOU aRE   | |________/____\     /___________/__________/     |
:pRODUCT¡VE eNUFF 2 jO¡N :-------------uMn\___/aC!------------------.-------'
:g¡VE oUR wORLD hQ A cALL|                                          |
                          | * No Nup/System Pw · Sub Demos Free Dl +
                          | +    Masters: Sniffet & Shapechanger   *
                          `--------------------------------------------- ->

                ... aND aT lAST a lITTLE cOMMERCIAL tHING:

                  _______                       .:.
              ___/__ ::__\___                    .·.    .
             /:::   \:/      \         .       :: ·..   .
            /:  ___  ¯  ___:  \        .    ..:· ·· ...:·    .
   ·       /:  /_ _\   /_ _\:: \       .   :· ____·___ :.    .
   :      /:  / ___\\_//___ \:  \      ·:.: _/__  V __\_ :   ..
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       |    / /¯¯¯¯/   _         \_____/   l__l__l__:  |\__/_______/___ _|_
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