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20 974 bytes (20.48K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 364


              ______      _______     __________
              \____ \ ___ \_     \___/       /  \ ____
               |  |  \\_ \ |  ____\_ \__  __/    \\_  |
               |  |   \|  \|  |____|  \|  \|  _|  \|  |__
               |  |    \   \  |    \   \   \  \_   \  |  \
               |  |     \   \ |     \   \   \  |    \ |   \
               |  |     /   / |     /   /   /  |    / |   /
               |       /   /       /   /   /   |   /     /

                     P   R   E   S   E   N   T   S 

--------------- Rad! Ascii Collection Volume No.6 Groove -----------------

                         _______ __   ____
                         \_ _  ( ) \ |___ \
                          |    (/ _ \|  _) \
                          |  |  \__  \_/   /
                          |__|\  / \  /___/rAd


                   IN THE BEGINING... THE WAS RAD!


Here it is again! Rad's 6th Ascii Collection! It's about time I released
Some new titles and artwork! So I hope all enjoy these logo's... I must
appologize for the groups I missed in my rush and also for the fact that
some of my logo's will not fit in the standard Ami-X description box!
Sorry for this problem but I had to make them larger or the font I made
wouldn't look so great... So Please check them out, use them for what you 
want, but please leave my Name included so that I can get the credit
I deserve after the hours I worked on this! Well, Now on to the greets!

                                                         - Rad!


Greets go to the following guys : 

Intreq, The Master, Tiger, Alcapone, Perry, Mad, No.5, Joe Panic, Devil,
Centre, Beast, Scout, Insider, Anarchy-X, Ashton, Roger Rabbit, Slade,
Cosy, Fornax, Luke & Chuck, Cia, Mr. Hell, Pirate, Mystic Brain, Smm,
Ice, Dreamscape, Kirk, Subzero, Cap. Hirni, TheGodFather, Gazzer, Palladin,
Joker, Torgall, Black Screen, RamRaider, Surf, [-Sony-], Teacher, Monty,
Dextor, Bogus, Vixon, Son Doobie, Gothmog, And All Digital Members!

Special Greets To The Following Ascii Artists :

Rotox!       - You are my ascii Idol! hehehe
Metalbasher  - Simply Amazing!
Amblin       - More Greatness!
Anf          - Thanks for all the great works!
rAt!         - When Will you make me a BBS Ad???
Splatt       - Some wicked Shit man! Keep groovy..
Joe Panic    - The Original Teacher of Ascii To me!
Anybody Else - Good Lucks with all your logo's!

Maybe when somebody notice's my ascii's I'll get a greets??? :) eheh...


  Here Are The Group Logos! Some May Fit BBS Descriptions, Some Might Not!

    ____  ____  _______  ____  ____  ____
Rad/ _  \/ _  \/  ___/ \/ _  \/    \/  / \
  /__/  /  /  /  /     /  /__/ _/  /_   _/\
 / \   /  /  /  /  /  /  /\_/  \  /     /\/
/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ //_____/__/__/ /
\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\/ \_____\__\__\/

    ____  ____  ____  ____  _______  _
Rad/ _  \/ _  \/  / \/    \/  ___  \/ \
  /  /__/  /__/ _/  /_  \_/  /__/  /  /__
 /  /  /  /\__\_   /  \  /  / \   / _/  /\
/_____/__/ /   /__/_____/__/__/__/_____/ /
\_____\__\/    \__\_____\__\__\__\_____\/

    ____  _  ____  _  _______  _
Rad/    \/ \/    \/ \/  ___  \/ \
  / _/  /  /  /\_/  /  /__/  /  /__
 /  \  /  /  /  /  /  / \   /  /  /\
/_____/__/_____/__/__/__/__/_____/ /

    ____  ____  ____  ____  ______  _  ____
Rad/    \/  / \/ _  \/ _  \/  _   \/ \/  / \
  / _/  /  /  /  /  /__/  /  / _  /  /_   _/\
 /  \  /\_   /  /  / \   /  / /  /  /     /\/
/_____/ //__/__/__/__/__/__/_/__/__/__/__/ /
\_____\/ \__\__\__\__\__\__\_\__\__\__\__\/

    ____  ____  _  ____  _     _  ____  ____________
Rad/ _  \/ _  \/ \/ _  \/ \   / \/    \/  /  /  ___/\
  /  /__/__/  /  /  /__/  /__/  /  /\_/     /  /\__\/
 /  ___/ \   /  /  /\_/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / /
/__/\_/__/__/__/__/ //_____/__/_____/__/__/__/ /
\__\/ \__\__\__\__\/ \_____\__\_____\__\__\__\/

    ____  ____  __________
Rad/ _  \/ _  \/  /  ___/ \
  /  /__/__/  /  /  /     /\
 /  ___/ \   /  /  /  /  / /
/__/\_/__/__/__/__/__/__/ /
\__\/ \__\__\__\__\__\__\/

    _     ____  ____
Rad/ \   / _  \/ _  \
  /  /__/_  \_/  /  /\
 /  /  /  \  /  /  / /
/_____/_____/_____/ /

    ____  __________  ____  ____
Rad/ _  \/ ____/  / \/  / \/    \
  /  /  / __/_/_   _/  /  /_  \_/\
 /  /  /     /     / _/  /  \  /\/
/__/__/_____/__/__/_____/_____/ /

    ____  ____        ____  ____        ____
Rad/ _  \/    \____  /    \/ _  \____  /  / \
  /  /  /__/  / _  \/__/  /  /  / _  \/_   _/\
 /  ___/ \   /  /__/ \   /  /  /  /  /     /\/
/__/\_/__/__/__/\_/__/__/_____/_____/__/__/ /
\__\/ \__\__\__\/ \__\__\_____\_____\__\__\/

    ____  _________  _______  ____  ____  ____  ______
Rad/ _  \/ ______  \/  ___  \/    \/ _  \/ _  \/   _  \
  /  /  / _/_/  /  /  /__/  /  /\_/  /__/__/  / _  /  /\
 /  ___/    /  /  /  / \   /  /  /  /\_/ \   /  / /  / /
/__/\_/____/__/__/__/__/__/_____/__/ //__/__/__/_/__/ /
\__\/ \____\__\__\__\__\__\_____\__\/ \__\__\__\_\__\/

    ____  ____  ____        _____________
Rad/    \/  / \/ _  \____  /  ______/  / \
  /  /  /  /  /__/  / _  \/  / __/_/_   _/\
 /  /  / _/  / \   /  /__/  /     /     /\/
/___\_/_____/__/__/__/\_/__/_____/__/__/ /
\_____\_____\__\__\__\/ \__\_____\__\__\/

    ____  __________  ____  ____
Rad/ _  \/ _   /___ \/    \/ _  \
  /  /__/__/  /  ___/ _/  /  /__/\
 /  /\_/ \   /  /  /  \  /  /\__\/
/__/ //__/__/_____/_____/__/ /
\__\/ \__\__\_____\_____\__\/1911

    ____  ____  ______  ____  _  ____  ____
Rad/ _  \/    \/   _  \/  / \/ \/ _  \/    \
  /  /__/ _/  / _  /  /   __/  /  /  /_  \_/\
 /  /\_/  \  /  / /  /     /  /  /  /  \  /\/
/__/ //_____/__/_/__/__/__/__/_____/_____/ /
\__\/ \_____\__\_\__\__\__\__\_____\_____\/

    ____  _  _     __________  _______
Rad/    \/ \/ \The/  ______  \/  ___  \
  /_  \_/  /  /__/  _/_/  /  /  /_  \_/\
 /  \  /  / _/  /     /  /  /  /  \  /\/
/_____/__/_____/_____/__/__/__/_____/ /

    ____  ____  _  ____  ____  ____  ______
Rad/    \/  / \/ \/ _  \/ _  \/    \/  / / \
  /_  \_/   __/  /  /  /  /__/ _/  / _/ /  /\
 /  \  /     /  /  /  /  /\_/  \  /   _/  / /
/_____/__/__/__/_____/__/ //_____/_______/ /
\_____\__\__\__\_____\__\/ \_____\_______\/

 ___________  ______
/___   ___  \/  ___/\
\__/  /  /  /  /\__\/
  /  /  /  /  / /
 /__/_____/__/ /

    _______  ____  _
Rad/  ___  \/    \/ \
  /  /  /__/_  \_/  /\
 /  /  /\_/  \  /  / /
/__/__/ //_____/__/ /
\__\__\/ \_____\__\/


          Now We Begin The BBS Logo's For Conference Headers

    ____  ______  _  ____  ____
Rad/ _  \/   _  \/ \/    \/ _  \
  /__/  / _  /  /  /  /\_/__/  /\
 / \   /  / /  /  /  /  / \   / /
/__/__/__/_/__/__/_____/__/__/ /

    ____  ______  _            ____    __________  ____  _     ____
Rad/ _  \/   _  \/ \          /  / \  /__   ___  \/    \/ \   /    \
  /__/  / _  /  /  /\ ___    /_   _/\ \_/  / _/  / _/  /  /__/__ \_/\
 / \   /  / /  /  / //__/\  /     /\/  /  /  \  /  \  /  /  /  /  /\/
/__/__/__/_/__/__/ / \__\/ /__/__/ /  /__/_____/_____/_____/_____/ /
\__\__\__\_\__\__\/        \__\__\/   \__\_____\_____\_____\_____\/

    ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  _     ______
Rad/    \/    \/ _  \/    \/    \/ \   / ____/\
  /  /__/ _/  /  /  /__ \_/ _/  /  /__/  _/__\/
 /  /  /  \  /  /  /  /  /  \  / _/  /  /  /\
/_____/_____/__/__/_____/_____/_____/_____/ /

Rad!/  _  \____        ____  ____  ____  ____
   /   /  /    \      /    \/    \/    \/    \
  /  ____/  /__/\    /  /\_/  /  /  /  /  /\_/\
 /  /\__/  /  /\/   /  /  /  /__/  /  /  /  /\/
/__/ / /_____/ /   /_____/__/\_/_____/_____/ /
\__\/  \_____\/    \_____\__\/ \_____\_____\/


        Here Comes My BBS Titles I've Made Over The Past Months!


[=]:::::::::::::::/¯¯  \::/\::::::/¯\::/\/¯/o ¯¯¯\::::/\::::::::::::::::[=]
[=]::::::::::::::/     o\/ o\::::/   \/ __/       \¯¯¯  ¯¯\:::::::::::::[=]
[=]:::::::::::::/   /   /    \::/    /  \   ______/o /    /:::::::::::::[=]
[=]:::::::::::\¯   / __/     _\/       o/\__   o\   _____/\:::::::::::::[=]
[=]:::::::::::/      \o    / \    /\   /   /    /        o/:[Rad!]::::::[=]
[=]:::::::::::\o ____/\  _/___\o /::\_/\o _____/\  ______/::::::::::::::[=]
[=]:::::/¯\::/¯\::/\:::\¯¯¯  ¯\::/\::::::/¯  \:::\¯¯¯  ¯¯\:::::/\:::::::[=]
[=]::::/   \/  o\/ o\::/ __  o/:/ o\::::/  /  \::/   /  o/\¯¯¯¯  ¯¯\::::[=]
[=]:::/    /    /    \¯ /::\_/:/    \::/     o/:/     __/:/   /   o/::::[=]
[=]::/       __/     /  \:::::/      \¯       \/  \   \:\¯    ____/\::::[=]
[=]:\o    /  \o    //    ¯¯¯\¯    /  /   /    /   /\   \/         o/::::[=]
[=]::\  _/\/\ \  _/_\o _____/\o _/___\o _____/\o /::\  /\o _______/:::::[=]
(Special Thanks on this one to 'Joe Panic'!)


              _______..../\____________/\________ .
       .   .:/__     \::/ /\____   ___/ /\______/\ . .
   . .  .  .:\_|  |\  \/ /  \__/  /\_/ /  \_____\/ .  .
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    .  .   .:__|  |_/  / /\     / //   /\   \:::.  .      .
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     .  .  .::\_______\_\/:/  /\/:\___\/::\___\:.  .      .
   .    .   .:::::::::::::/__/ /[Rad!]:::::::. .   .  .  .
    . .  .    .:::::::::::\__\/::::::::. .   .  .
   .   / _____   __________________/\.._____..______.... .  .   .     .
     ./ /\___/  /       /      \  /\/:/    /\/  /  /\/\:.  .  .   .
    . \/ /::/  /   /   /   /   /  \/:/  /\/ /  /  / / /\:.  .  .     .
     . \/::/  /     __/   /   /    \/  / /\/  /   \_\/ /:. .   . .
   .  ..::/  /  /\  \/   /   /  /\    / /:/  /  /\  \\/::.   .    .  .
     . .:/__/__/ /\__\______/__/ /\__/ /:/__/__/ /\__\:. .  .  .  .
    .  .:\__\__\/::\__\_____\__\/::\_\/::\__\__\/::\__\::. .  .        .
   .   . .  . .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .  .    .   .
[=================NEW USER PASSWORD = CoCkTaIl==========================]

     __________    ___   _____________   ___  ____________  _____
     \        ¬\  !___! |            ¬\ |  ¬||        ¬\ (  )   /
      \_____    \  ___  |   \_______   \|   ||    _____/  \/   /
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        )__|\    ¬|        /¬\     ¬\ |  ¬| \        ¬\ - rAd!
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    \    ____/_   \      / /\_/   _   /  |    \__   \/    /_   \/
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      .  .::::::::::::/   /   /   /       /   /   /\_\/::::::.  .
       . .:::::::::::/       /   /   /\__/       / /:::::::::. .
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       . .:::::::::/___/___/___________/___/___/ /:::::::::::. .
      .  .:::::::::\___\___\___________\___\___\/::::::::::::.  .
       . .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .
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      .  ./___   \/           / __/   /      \       \       \  .
       . .\__/   /   /   /   /  \    _\ _    /       /   ____/ .
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       . .:/   /   /   /   /   /   /  \    /   /   /   /   /:. .
      .  ./\______/_______/___/___/___/   /_______/_______/::.  .
       . .\/_____/_______/___/___/___/\__/_______/_______/:::. .
      .  .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::\/_/:[Rad!]:::::::::::::.  .


 .   .  ./\   .  _______/\___________ . .   .     .    .   .   .  .   .
   .  . /  \ .  .\        \         /\ .  .    .     .   .   .     .  .   .
[Rad!] /    \. . /\                /  \  /\ .  /\ .    .   /\  . /\  .  .
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      The...       __________/___/__    ______________
                __/  _   /  ____   /\  /      \____   \
               /  \   \_/  /   /  /_/_/ __/   /   /   /
              /    \   /  /   /  /   /  \    /   /   / - Rad!
             /________/______/______/___/   /___/\___\
              _______/ \_________________________________
           __/  _   /  /  __/  _          /___________   \
          /  \   \_/  /  /  \   \_/   /__/__/__/     /   /
         /    \   /\_   /    \   /   /   /    /   /_/   /
        /________/ //  /________/___/\_______/___/_/___/
        \________\/ \_/\________\__/\/______/___/ /___/

        __________________|    |     ___________________
       |                  |    |    |        \          \
       |    ___________   |    |    |   _|    \_____    /
   ____l____     |    |   |    l____|   \_    |    /   /
  /\             |    |   |         |    |    |    \   \
  \ \____________l________l_________|    |____l____|\   \
   \/____________|________|_________l____l____l____| \___\
           |      \    |    /             |         | /\  /\
           |    ___\__ |   /    ______    |  _______|/  \/  \
       ____l____     |   _/l____     |    |   ___|__/        \
      /\             |   |           |    |         |   \/    \
      \ \____________l___l___________|    |_________|    \_____\
                                     |____|      \________/

 ________  ___________________________________________
/\____   \/\    _______________    \    ________\ _   \  _______
\/___/\   \_\   \    __   \    \    \    _\___\      __\/\__    \__
     \ \         \   \/\   \    \    \   \     \        \/_/\______\
      \ \_____________\ \____________/\_________\____\   \ \/______/
                            ____                     \/___/
      ______________________\___\____  _______________________
     /\    ________\ _   \    ____   \/\    _______________   \
     \ \   \_____\      __\   \   \   \_\   \    __   \    \   \
      \ \   \__   \        \   \   \         \   \/\   \    \   \
       \ \_________\____\   \_______\_________\   \ \___________/
        \/_________/____/\___\______/_________/\   \/__________/
                        \/___/                \ \___\[Rad!]


   That's All For Now! Read These BBS Ads After This For More Fun! hehehe
