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83 786 bytes (81.82K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 361


                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
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|               .    \_____|                            \______|             |
|                                                              :             |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|     -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-     |
|                                                                            |
|        rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB!        |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|   +31-(o)-548-54O-653   +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848        +tEL-NET        |
|     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-          -·>28k8 dUALS!<·-        23:30-06:00 gMT +1   |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY ZOLTRIX          oN nODE #03        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 22:34:07 , 04-25-1996   .

                          this collection is dedicaded to


                                    sara alstöm

             b l u e

          æ***'""""`***#_      "She doesn't care about me"
         Æ"             ¶¸
        JÞ               F     I want to see nude girls on my monitor
        JL               F     no us-wife will stop me. I want to see
        J&              ÆF     their bodies, their legs, their everything
        JMK            J F
        JÞ¬µ          æ´ F     I want to see the news on my TV-screen
        JÞ ¬#µµæææmµ_Æ   F     no us-wife will stop me. I want to see
        JÞ  ¬#_    j@    F     the good things, the bad things, the everything
        JL    ¶µ _d"     Þ
         #     ¬##      Æ      I want to see what's important to me
         ¬K      °æ_   J       no us-wife will stop me. I want to see
   crL    ¬µ       ¶&_æ´       it all, feel it all, do it all, be it all
          a##        °b_
       _æ@¯ ¬#_        °#w_    no moral-bitch will ever stop me! word..
    _aøP      ¶µ         ¬*m_
 __ø@"         ¬#_          °#w_
 ¶"           _#´°æ_          ¬¶Q            / gerald williams -96
 JÞ         _"    ¶&_         JÞ
  L       a#"        ¶æ_       7
  L    _æ@¯            °#w_    7  p^d
 JÞ _aøP                 ¬*m_  l
 J_ø@"                      °#wJÞ
 °"                           ¬¶#

                      do not [v] this file; [f] or [r] and [d]

         ,    æç
         ç   JØظ
         #   ØØØK
         ØK  ØØØ#           copyright Pioneer design 1996
         #Øç ØØØ#
         0Ø# #ØØF     __,
         ¶ØØQ`ØØ'__µ*P"Ø"   this collection may not be rented
         JØØØK¶*°¯  µP     hired or sold without the permission
          ØØØØM"    æ"      from the author
          ¶ØP     _Æ
         _Æ"     ,P         feel free to use the featured logos
        ,F'     µZ          but remember to include the crL-tag
       jD      µØ#ç
      ,F      µØØØص        this collection do not contain any
      á      jØØØØØØÑ__,    illegal rip-offs. any similarity to
      F     ,ØØØØØØØØØ# æ   other artists are fully coincidental
     JL__  á  ¶ØØØØØØ# FÆ
   æmµ@"¶#_F   ¶ØØØØØFJ F
   ÑØØØÑm_¶L    `ØØØØ&FJ
    ¬¶ÑØØØNF     ¬¶@@5 #
       ¬°¶@¹ crL     ØJ

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                        :    :  :_aÆ@"     µ#´           :
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                            _æÞ :_ÆP           _µÆÑP"    :
                           µ#"  æ@"   JL    _µØP"        :
                         ¸ÆF   Æ"     Æ'  _Æ@"           :
              ......... µ@".. JF:     # _ÆP¯             :
              :        dF   : Ø :    J®Ø@"               :
              :      _Ø"    : # :    °"                  :
              :.... _Ø .....: Q :                        : ....
                    Ø'  __ø'  # :........................:    :
                   JL_µæØ@'   ¶L             .                :
                   ¬¶¶°¯       #             :................:
                        crL    ¬&
                                    ¦m_   p^d
                                -·- crL -·-

                             -·- member of -·-

        _ _     _ _         _ _       _ _       _ _       _ _       _ _
     _____)\_. ___)\_   ______)\_. _____)\_. _____)\_. _____)\_. _____)\_.
   ._\___.   |_\_    \_.\___.    |_\__.    |_\_ .____|_\_ .____|_\_ .    |
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     .   ____)\_   ______)\_. ___)\_.   ___)\_    _____)\_. _____)\_.  :
     :  .\___.  \__\_  .____|_\_ ___|_._\_    \_._\_ ._   |_\__.    |  :
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     .  |    |    |    |    |    |    |         |\___.    |    |    |  .
     :..|    |    |    |    |    |    |         |    |    |    |    |..:
        |  __|    |    l_   |    l    |         |    l_   |    |    |

                          -·- pioneer design -·-

                               _æ#°¯   ¬K
            ................ _Æ@"...    #
            :                Æ"    :    #
            :                Ø     :   JÞ
            :                #     :   Ø
            :............... ¶K_ ..:  JÞ
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                           crL `¶#_  Ø'
                                 ¬ÆmÆ´ .................
                     ............. Æ#_ :          _g'  :
                     :           ·æ" ¶m_        _æ#"   :
                     :           æ"   ¬#µ      µØ°     :
                     :          æ"     .°#_  aØ°       :
                     :         æF:     : ¬¶mÆP         :
                     :        jF :     : _æ@#w         :
                     :        @  :     _æ#" `¶Ñ_       :
                     :       Æ   :   _æ#"     ¬¶m_     :
                     :...... K ..: _æØ°         ¬#ç    :
                            JF  _aæ#"  :.........."....:
                            ¬#æMÑP'                   p^d

                                 -·- & -·-

     ___ ___ |    |___ ___  _______
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.  /         \    :        \  __/____  .
: /           \   ù         \  |     \ :
|(      :      )  :   :      )        )|
| \_____|_____/   |___|_____/________/ |
`------------:    |--------------------'           ____
             `----'         ___  _______  _______ |    |_______  ___ ___
                   .   ____!   \/   ___/_/_  ___/_|    |  ____/_/   \   \   .
                   .  /    |    \  __/_______     \    :  \__   \        \  .
                   : /     :     \ |      \  |     \   ù   |     \        \ :
                   |(             ):       ) :      )  :   :      ) :      )|
                   | \___________/________/________/   |_________/__|_____/ |
                   `------------------------------:    |--------------------'
                                                  `----' flare . p^d

                            -·- nine design -·-

                      -·- in a collection called -·-

      |'   _______   _______   ___ ___   ___       ___ ___   _______   `|
      :   /___    \ /       \ /   \   \ /  _|___  /   !   \ /   ___/_   :
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      : /         \     |     \   :     \   |     \   :     \   |     \ :
      |(           )    |      )  |      )         )         )         )|
      | \_________/___________/___|     /_________/_________/_________/ |
     _`------------(flare . p^D)--!____/--------------------------------'_
   |' ______  ___/\__ _______     ___ ___ ______  ______  _______ _______ `|
   : |  ___/_|___`   |___    |___|   |___|   |  `|  ___/_|   -___|___    | :
   : |  \_   |   |   |   |___|   |   |   |   |   |  \_   |   |   |   |___| ·
   · |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   | .
         `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'       `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'
                         -·- pontus gårdinger -·-

 :                :
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 :        __µµµµµµ___
 :    ,aø@°"¯    ¯¬°¶M
 :..,µ@"      __µµµµµ,
   ,æ"     _æ@°"¯   ¯"
   d'    ¸ø°.......
  JÞ    ,P        : ....
  á    ,K ........:    :
  #   JÞ      .        :
  ¶   J       :        :
  JÞ  J       :        :
   #  ¬L _æ#  :        :
   `,  0æP F  :........:
    ¶  ¬  J
   _Ø     Ø  crL.p^d
  æE      K
 ..°æ_   JÞ .......
 :   "Ñw_J        :
 :     ¬*# f i r s:t  w o r d s  f r o m  t h e  a u t h o r
 :                :

           There are so many boards out there, and what's the same
           for all sysops is the seeking for good traders. But its
           not easy. One was is to bribe or persuade them, but another
           and much more common way is to make the traders interested.
           That is often used adders and loose .txtfiles in .lhafiles.

           This time I present to you boardadds make, not only for the
           staffs, but also for you. Visit them, use them, love them..

           By the way, you might just want to know about the title of
           this collection. Pontus Gårdinger is a Swedish fotomodel and
           showhost in Swedish Public Television. He seems to be a hype,
           meaning he is everyware, and on any channel just because he is
           Pontus Gårdinger. So if you, by any chance read this Pontus;

           Welcome to the ascii-scene, now you are here too.....

                        /   crL . pioneer design . nine design

                     -) be sure to read more words

             c o n t e n t s  o f  t h e  c o l l e c t i o n

                    name                   artist


                    another step.......... crL/p^d/nds
                    slammer............... crL/p^d/nds
                    highlight............. crL/p^d/nds
                    total eclipse......... crL/p^d/nds
                    city of joy........... crL/p^d/nds
                    eurotrade............. crL/p^d/nds
                    interchange........... crL/p^d/nds
                    softcell.............. crL/p^d/nds
                    wasted youth.......... crL/p^d/nds
                    virtual trap.......... crL/p^d/nds
                    wastelands............ crL/p^d/nds
                    deathrow.............. crL/p^d/nds
                    dial hard............. crL/p^d/nds
                    terra firma........... crL/p^d/nds
                    future entrance....... crL/p^d/nds
                    dreamphase............ crL/p^d/nds
                    the order............. crL/p^d/nds
                    uss enterprise........ crL/p^d/nds
                    electric warrior...... crL/p^d/nds
                    cement city........... crL/p^d/nds
                    discustin............. crL/p^d/nds
                    last resort........... crL/p^d/nds
                    the yench house....... crL/p^d/nds
                    fortress.............. crL/p^d/nds
                    paradise lost......... crL/p^d/nds
                    wild palms............ crL/p^d/nds
                    simon says............ crL/p^d/nds

                           [random statusorder]

                    late requests

                    water world........... crL/p^d/nds
                    eletric power......... crL/p^d/nds
                    rooster............... crL/p^d/nds
                    ultimo imperio........ crL/p^d/nds
                    the last inn.......... crL/p^d/nds
                    x-files............... crL/p^d/nds

                            [random ordertime]

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
    name: another step    sysop: fatal       maingroup: epsilon design
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                           __w*°"               ¯°^mw_
                        _aæ°¯                        "*w_
                      _øP                               "*_
                    _ø°     you won't believe your eyes   ¬*_
                   µF                                       ¬b_
                  d´                                          ¶_
    _______      Æ  __    ____    _____      _______    _________  ___________
.---\___   |-------/  |---\  /---.\   /_____|      /---|   _____/,|   __     /
|   ___/   |      /   |    \/    | \_/_____/|    _/    |  ______)-|    /   _/
               F                                                  #
             HáO S T E D  B Y  F A T A L / E P S I L O N  D E S I G N
              #       ________ _____      _________               ¬Þ
              F    .--\   ----|\   /_____|   _____/  _____.----.   F
              F    |   \___   | \_/_____/|  ______)-|     :    |   F
              Q    l____------^----------^----------l_____|----'   F
              ¶  crL                                          p^d J
              JL         epsilon design world headquarter         #
               0                                                 J
                ð   more than 30 of the leading artists online  ,F
                ¬K                                             _F
                 ¬ð_        the first ascii-only system       µK
                   ¶_                                        ø"
                    ¬b.          +46 21 33 o9 75           2P
                      °*.                               _æP
                        ¬*w_                         _aæ°
                           ¬9mw__                __w*°
                                   another step

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
         name: the slammer     sysop: distler     maingroup: honey
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

             ¦                                               ¦
            distler.honey · darkside.royal · diz'nee.honey · qen.honey
            black panther.honey.beavers · mr nielsen.led · swerx.royal
   ________ _____         _______ ______     ______     _________  ___________
.--\  -----|     |----.---\___   |\     \___.\     \___|   _____/ |    _     /
|   \____  |     |    |   ___/   | \__  ___/| \__  ___/|  ______)-|    /   _/
|    ------|_____|----^---\______|----\/----^----\/----^----------^----\    \
l____crL     ¦                                               ¦       p^d\____\
           honey world headquarter . world support . amiga & fun
           node 1. +46 8 623 o19 6   ·   node 2. +46 8 623 136 6
             ¦                                               ¦
                                the slammer

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
       name: hilight         sysop: soxius      maingroup: azkiness
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

 _______ |     ____    _____         ____               _______ |  _____
|      /---.---\  /---|     |----.---\  /---.-----_____|      /---.\   /_____
|    _/    |    \/    |     |    |    \/    |     \    |    _/    | \_/_____/|
`----------^----------|_____|----^----------^------\   |----------^----------'
         |                                          \__|        |
   · soxius.azkiness.deja-vu · dmg.deja-vu · chaos ·
        · azkiness swedish distro site -> over 5oo ascii-collections ·
         |                                                      |
         |                      +46 8 779 347 8                 |
         |                                                      |

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: total eclipse   sysop: zcandaler   maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

      :     _____          __     _____       : _______ _____
      :    .\   /_____.---/  \---.\   /_____.---\___   |     |----.
      :    | \_/_____/|   \__/   | \_/_____/|   ___/   |     |    |
      : crL`----------^----------^----------^---\______|     |----'p^d
 _________  ______     _____         ____     :        |  ___|____ _________
|   _____/ .\     ----|     |----.---\  /---._____.----|  \  -----|   _____/
|  ______)-| \________|     |    |    \/    |     :    |   \__    |  ______)-.
      +46 31 572 545    zcandaler · dale^x3m · keldon    +46 31 572 545
      :                                       :
                               total eclipse

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
       name: city of joy     sysop: b.b king    maingroup: anathema
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                           ¦                 ¦
                ______     ¦  ____    _____  ¦     _____
               .\     ----.---\  /---.\   /_____.--\    \__
 .-------------| \________|    \/    | \_/_____/|   \      |----------.
 :          crL|          |----------^----------^----\     |p^d       :
 :       __    |_________ |¦               _____     _\    |   ____   :
 :  .---/  \---|        / |¦          ___--\    |---/  \   |---\   \__·
 :  |   \__/   |     __/  |¦         |   \  \_  |   \__/   |    \     |
 :  `----------|_____|----'¦         `----------^----------^-----\____|
 :        -·- anathema whQ -·- corrupt schQ -·- sardonyx shQ -·-      .
 :                         ¦                 ¦                        :
                           ¦                 ¦
                          node 1.  +46 ask elite
                          node 2.  +46 ask elite
                          node 3.  +46 ask elite
                           ¦                 ¦
                           ¦                 ¦
                                city of joy

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: eurotrade       sysop: ghost rider maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                _________¦ _____      ___________¦   __
               |   _____/¦|    /-----|   __     /---/  \---.
               |  ______)-|    \/    |    /   _/|   \__/   |
            crL`----------^----------^----\    \`----------'
          _____      ____¦______   _______ \__  \¦___ _________
         .\   /_____|   __     /---\___   |---\      |   _____/
         | \_/_____/|    /   _/|   ___/   |    \     |  ______)-.
                   ghost rider · topflight · black mail
                         ¦                       ¦
              -·- similar¦in crime; we walk the same line -·-
                         ¦                       ¦
              +46 4o 22o 697  +46 4o !ve ry!  +46¦4o !so on!
                         ¦                       ¦

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: interchange     sysop: princip     maingroup: quartex
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                        ¦                ¦
                        ¦                ¦
                       your favourite sysop Princip
                        ¦        presents¦
               ____     ¦      __ _____  ¦   _________  ___________
        crL.---\  /---.-------/  |\   /__¦__|   _____/ |   __     /
           |    \/    |      /   | \_/_____/|  ______)-|    /   _/
           `----------^-----/    |----------^----------^----\____\
     classic shQ · quartex shQ · motion shQ · euphoria whQ · lsd schQ
    oldskool console shQ¦·/fairlight c64 shQ · divine stylers ascii whQ
       .----------------¦/       |       ¦-------------------------------.
    three nodes ringdown¦[33k6] -> amiga -> c64 -> consoles -> pc games  ¦
       ¦               /¦        |       ¦                               ¦
       hurricane · pitch¦· logic · bilbo baggins · ufok · ring+ring      ¦
       `-------sys-·-slayer · ironcode · flatline-·-snapcase-------------'
       ______     __/     ______ |_____  ¦      __            _________
      .\     ----|       /--.---\___   |-------/  |-----_____|   _____/
      | \________|     _/   |   ___/   |      /   |     \    |  ______)-.
                        ¦                ¦
                        ¦                ¦

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: softcell        sysop: route 66    maingroup: access
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

      ________  ¦ ____    __________ _____     ________  ¦ _________
   .--\   ----|---\  /---|         /.\   /_____\       ---|   _____/p^d
   |   \__    |    \/    |     ___/-| \_/_____/|\_________|  ______)_
   l____------^----------l_____|----^----------^----------^----|     |----.
                ¦                                        ¦  crL|     |    |
     node 1. +46¦ask someone     hiway&route66.acs.sft   ¦     l_____|----'
     node 2. +46¦ask someone     christ.ips.ihs.gah      ¦        |     |----.
     node 3. +46¦ask someone     tix.p^d                 ¦        |     |    |
                ¦                                        ¦        l_____|----'
                a c c e s s  s w e d i s h  h e a d q u a¦r t e r
                ¦                                        ¦
                ¦       a3ooo/1o-25.24oomb.mfc3.ase.cdrom¦
                ¦                                        ¦

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: wasted youth    sysop: dansken     maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                     _______ ¦ ________ _____  ¦   _________     _______
      .----.-.---.---\___   |--\  -----|\   /__¦__|   _____/ .---\      |
      |    | |   |   ___/   |   \__    | \_/_____/|  ______)-|    \     |
      |    |-^---^---\______|----------^----------^----------^-----\____|crL
      |   _|__        __     ¦____      _____  ¦   _______
      |   \   \__.---/  \---|    /-----.\   /__¦__|      /---.
      |    \     |   \__/   |    \/    | \_/_____/|    _/    |
                           sysop -·- dansken -·-
                             ¦                 ¦
                   [node1. +46 91o 266 65 ] [33k6 v34+]
                   [node2. +46 91o 366 65 ] [33k6 v34+]
                   [node3. +46 91o 779 578] [28k8 v34 ]
                             ¦                 ¦
                                 wasted youth

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: virtual trap    sysop: coke        maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d                              ·   __ __._        _

                         ¦             ¦
               ____    __¦_____________¦     _____         _______ _____
 ______.---.---\  /---|   __     /\   /¦____|    /-----.---\___   |     |----.
|      |   |    \/    |    /   _/| \_/_____/|    \/    |   ___/   |     |    |
`----------^----------^----\    \`----------^----------^---\______|_____|----'
                 _____   ¦  \    \_____¦  _______
                .\   /___¦_| \___     /---\___   |_____.----.
  .-------------| \_/_____/|    /   _/|   ___/   |     ¦    |-------.
  ¦          crL`----------^----\____\`---\______|_____|----'p^d    ¦
  ¦                      ¦             ¦                            ¦
  ¦           amiga · pc · modules · porno · h.p.a.v · asc² order   ¦
  ¦            a12oo.o3o.5omhz · 545 meg space · 28k8 modempower    ¦
  ¦      staff: coke.ilt · sinister.ilt.mnc · schizh.adr · randy.sos¦
  `----------------------¦             ¦----------------------------'
                f r e e  d o w n l o a d  f o r  e l i t e
                         ¦             ¦
           +46 96o 218 o8¦  neither nup¦nor spw   +46 96o 218 o8
                         ¦             ¦
                          virtual trap

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: wastelands      sysop: nightshade  maingroup: ram jam
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                      : _______   ________ _____  :   _________
         .----.-.---.---\___   |--\  -----|\   /-----|   _____/
         |    | |   |   ___/   |   \___   | \_/_____/|  ______)-.
      crL|    |-^---^---\______|----------^----------^----------'
         |    |       : _______         __    ____:__   ________
         |    |-----.---\___   |-------/  |---\      |--\  -----|
         |    |     |   ___/   |      /   |    \     |   \___   |p^d
                      :ram jam europen headquarter:
                      :                           :
                o-1 days amiga & console at friendly ratios
     _________________:                           :______________
    |                 :  -·- the beloved staff -·-:              |
    |                 :                           :              |
    |        nightshade.ram jam · oden.razor 1911 · payday.rj    |
    |___________vietcong.euphoria · mr·_phenox______|
                      :                           :
                      :   node 1. +46 8 15 74 72  :
                      :   node 2. +46 8 612 4141  :

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: deathrow        sysop: shadower    maingroup: hoodlum
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

             _______ _________¦    _______ _____     ¦_______
         .---\      |   _____/¦.---\___   |\   /_____|      /---.
         |    \     |  ____/---|   ___/   | \_/_____/|    _/    |
      crL`-----\____|----------^---\      |----------^----------'
                     _________¦_    \_    |          ¦
                    |   __     /---/  \   |----.-.---.
                    |    /   _/|   \__/   |    | |   |
                              ¦                      ¦
             hoodlum whQ · nut¦& bolt whQ · arclite ascii whQ
                        insane¦ushQ · sneakers trhQ  ¦
                              ¦                      ¦
                       shadower.hlm.snk.ins.dlm.n&b  ¦
                              linebacker.n&b         ¦
                              ¦/\utopsy.hlm          ¦
                              ¦!           ¦
                              ¦                      ¦
                          node¦1. +1 8o1 476 9o68    ¦
                          node¦2. +1 8o1 479 4678    ¦
                          node¦3. +1 8o1 476 8916    ¦
                          node¦4. +1 8o1 479 o267    ¦
                          node¦5. +198.6o.22.218 <TELNET>
                              ¦                      ¦
                                    death row

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
         name: dial hard       sysop: fury        maingroup: crux
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                     _______    ____ ¦     _______ _____            ¦
                 .---\      |---\  /---.---\___   |     |----.      ¦
                 |    \     |    \/    |   ___/   |     |    |      ¦
              crL`-----\____|----------^---\______|     |----'p^d   ¦
                  _______       _____¦_ __________|   __|____       ¦
                 |      /---.---\___   |   __     /   \      |      ¦
                 |    _/    |   ___/   |    /   _/|    \     |      ¦
                 `----------^---\______|----\____\`-----\____|      ¦
       crux ami world-hQ · hellfire ami swiss-hQ · insane ami swiss-hQ
     motion ami swiss-hQ · anthrox snes/sega swiss-hQ · tsa! pc world-hQ
          .--------------------------¦                              ¦
          ¦                 -->> fury.prestige <<--                 ¦
deathknight · beast · echo&guido · snake&delboy · -[devil&raven]- · artic cat
          ¦                          ¦                              ¦
          ¦       [ node.1: 33.6 v.34+]  [ +41 ask-4-it ]           ¦
          ¦       [ node.2: 33.6 v.34+]--[-+41-ask-4-it-]-----------'
          ¦       [ node.3: 33.6 v.34+]  [ +41 ask-4-it ] ¦
          ¦       [ node.4: isdn x.75 ]  [ +41 ask-4-it ] ¦
          ¦       [ node.5: isdn x.75 ]  [ +41 ask-4-it ] ¦
                                    dial hard

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: terra firma     sysop: psyche      maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                       ¦                           ¦
          _____      __¦_______ ___________________¦__   _______
         .\   /_____|   ______/|   __     /   __     /---\___   |
         | \_/_____/|  __/-----|    /    /|    /   _/|   ___/   |
      crL`----------^----------^----\    \`----\____\`---\______|
          _________    ¦____    _____\    \_____   ¦     _______
         |        /-.---\  /---|   __/    /\    \__¦_.---\___   |
         |   ____/  |    \/    |    /    /| \__  ___/|   ___/   |
                       ¦   australia's finest      ¦
       .---------------¦                           ¦--------.
       :               dvs.hf!.pdy.otl.tce.myth ozhQ        :
       :               ¦                           ¦        :
       :               ¦  psyche.dvs.hf!.pdy.myth  ¦        :
       `---------------¦  felon.dvs.hf!.pdy.myth   ¦--------'
                       ¦      demolition.dvs       ¦
                       ¦      daffy duck.otl       ¦
                       ¦                           ¦
     node 1. +619 247 3o25 · node 2. +619 247 1935 · node 3. +619 247 1931
                       ¦                           ¦
                   amiga · pc · amix · ascii · requests
                                terra firma

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: future entrance sysop: vital       maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

              ¦                                                       ¦
online since 91.o7.12    tfa shq · mnc ehq · ilt ehq    online since 91.o7.12
     _________¦ _____      _____      _____      ____________________ ¦
    |        /-|    /-----.\   /_____|    /-----|   __     /   _____/ ¦
    |   ____/  |    \/    | \_/_____/|    \/    |    /   _/|  ______)-.
 crLl_____|----^----------^----------^----------|    \____\`----------'p^d
 _________    ¦     __ _____      ___________   |      |              ¦
|   _____/ .-------/  |\   /_____|   __     /---|___   |   __ _____   ¦
|  ______)-|      /   | \_/_____/|    /   _/|   ___/   |--/  |\    -----.___
`----------^-----/____|----------^----\____\`---\______| /   | \_______ |__/
 your future is in your past------)               `-----/____|----------'__)-.
              ¦                                                   `----------'
   fast majors¦   kickin' msg base     asm-one swedish support centre ¦
   swedens biggest game conference     image design raytracing conf   ¦
   huge manga area online              running s!x for ultimate speed ¦
              ¦                                                       ¦
             2¦networked a3000, 32mb ram, 4.0gb hd and 9gb dat        ¦
              ¦                                                       ¦
      node 1  ¦           node 2              node 3              node¦4
+46-60-574461 33k6  +46-60-574465 33k6  +46-60-574467 28k8  +46-60-true-elite
              ¦                                                       ¦
              ¦                                                       ¦
              ¦                                                       ¦
                              future entrance

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: dreamphase      sysop: sonic       maingroup: osiris
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                      ¦              ¦ legend^osiris^saints^pioneer design hq
             _______ _¦______________¦___     _______ _____
         .---\      |   __     /   _____/ .---\___   |\    \____
   .-----|    \     |    /   _/|  ______)-|   ___/   | \__  ___/.-----.
   ¦  crL`-----\____|----\____\`----------|   \______|----\/----'p^d  ¦
   ¦                 _¦______      __¦____|  ___|____ _________       ¦
   ¦      _____.----|       /--.---\___   |  \   ----|   _____/       ¦
   ¦     |     ¦    |     _/   |   ___/   |   \__    |  ______)-.     ¦
   `-----l_____|----^ ---------^ --\______|____------^ ---------'-----'
                      ¦              ¦
                sonic/osiris/legend ·¦baggen · acs · legazy
                      ¦              ¦
             +46 612 3oo 13   |- 33.6k ds -|   +46 612 3oo 13
                 amiga¦wares o-3 · requests · ascii · dat
          2* credits for major · 3* credits for own groups major
                      ¦              ¦
                      ¦              ¦

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
       name: the order       sysop: mathews     maingroup: intellect
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d
                :    _____      _______    _________     :
                :   .\   /_____|      /---|   _____/     :
                :   | \_/_____/|    _/    |     /----.   :
                :crL`----------^----------|   _/     |   :
              __:    ___________   _______|          |___________
         .---/  \---|   __     /---\      |          |   __     /
         |   \__/   |    /   _/|    \     |          |    /   _/
                :                                        :
                :       intellect world headquarter      :
                :                                        :
            mathews.intellect · charlie.intellect · wraith.lsd
                :  etrigan.intellect · vinyl.intellect · :
                :                                        :
       node o. +46 26 272 656         node 3. TELNET 193.45.137.DYN
       node 1. +46 26 272 656         node 4. TELNET 193.45.137.DYN
       node 2. TELNET 193.45.137.DYN  node 5. TELNET
                :                                        :
                                 the order

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: uss enterprise  sysop: picard      maingroup: anthrox
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                           __w*°"   anthrox whq ¯°^mw_
                        _aæ°¯ swat whq · razor site  "*w_
                      _øP                               "*_
                    _ø°      node1. +1 412 233 o8o 5      ¬*_
                   µF        node2. +1 412 233 341 3        ¬b_
                  d´         node3. +1 412 233 261 1          ¶_
                 Æ               also internet × 3             °w
                Æ    _____        ________   ________           ¶,
               J    |    /-----.--\  -----|--\  -----|           ¶
               F    |    \/    |   \__    |   \__    |            #
              á     `----------|     \----l____------'            ¶
          ___#_____          __|     /     _________  ___________ ¬Þ
         |   _____/ .-------/  |\   /_____|   _____/ |   __     /  F
         |  ______)-|      /   | \_/_____/|  ______)-|    /   _/   F
      crL`----------^-----/    |----------^----------^----\____\   F
             ¶       ____/   __|   ____      ________ _________   J
          ____J.----|    \     /---\  /---.--\  -----|   _____/   #
         |     ¦    |    /   _/|    \/    |   \__    |  ______)-.J
      p^d       ¬K  picard·mario·elvin·sigma-seven·kirk lytox  _F
                 ¬ð_                                          µK
                   ¶_     gvp o4o/3omhz  12meg  32bit ram    ø"
                    ¬b.   line amplifiers  battery backup  2P
                      °*.         four gigs! online     _æP
                        ¬*w_      leech accts avail  _aæ°
                           ¬9mw__                __w*°
                                  uss enterprise

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: the yenchhouse  sysop: the yench   maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                     _____ ¦    _______    ____¦____
                    .\   /_¦___|      /---|   _____/
                    | \_/_____/|    _/    |  ______)-.
              ____    _____¦___          __ ___¦__     _______
          .---\   \__|    ____/ .-------/  |\     ----|      /---.
 .--------|    \     |   _____)-|      /   | \________|    _/    |----------.
 ¦        `-----\____|----------^-----/    |----------|     |----'          ¦
 ¦         _______        _¦     ____/ ____|  _¦______|     |___            ¦
 ¦        |      /---.---/  \---|   / /    |--\   ----|   _____/            ¦
 ¦        |    _/    |   \__/   |   \/     |   \__    |  ______)-.          ¦
 ¦     crL`----------^----------^ ---------l____------^----------'p^d       ¦
 ¦  the yench·strauss·zip jam·happis·scooter·gonzo·swoop·legazy&anthrax     ¦
 `-------------------------¦                   ¦----------------------------'
        -·- /X4.9 -·- amiga¦3ooo.o3o.6 -·- 5 gig storage online -·-
            -·- amiga -·- pc -·- console -·- o-3 days wares -·-
                           ¦                   ¦
                      [node1. +46 155 266 441] [33k6]
                      [node2. +46 155 266 439] [28k8]
                      [node3. +46 155 pri vat] [16k8]
                           ¦                   ¦
                           ¦                   ¦
                              the yench house

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
     name: fortress        sysop: tfx         maingroup: purple turtle
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

         ¦                   _________________           ¦
     __  ¦  ________________|     ___________/________   ¦________   ________
.---/  \---|   __     /\   /|____|   __     /   _____/ .--\  -----|--\  -----|
|   \__/   |    /   _/| \_/_____/|  ../..../!.....___)-|   \___   |   \___   |
 ........¦               crL|           |        |p^d    ¦................
 purple turtle world hQ     |___________|--------'       ¦      nup installed!
 :       ¦                                               ¦               :
 :       ¦            a m i g a   w a r e s   o n l y    ¦               :
 :.......¦                                               ¦...............:
         ¦           hosts: tfx -·- below 0 -·- franky   ¦
         ¦                                               ¦
         ¦     node 1. +32 3 829 o87 2        a4ooo·o3o·882
         ¦     node 2. +32 3 825 oo6 9        13oo mb hd ¦
         ¦                                               ¦

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: paradise lost   sysop: picard      maingroup: supreme
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                                ¦               ¦
                           __w*°"               ¯°^mw_
                         _æ°¯   :               :    "*w_
                      _aæ¤      :               :       "*_
                     ø°         :               :         ¬*_
                   µF           :      .---------------.    ¬b_
                  d´  .----------------|               |      ¶_
    _______ __________|   _______    __|____    ____   |  ________ _________
.---\___   |   __     /---\___   |---\ :    |---\  /---.--\  -----|   _____/
|   ___/   |    /   _/|   ___/   |    \:    |    \/    |   \__    |  ______)-.
`---\______|----\____\`---\______|-----\    |----------^----------^----------'
              J       |                |\   |          |          #
              F       |________________|-\  |----------'          ¶
              á    _____        : __      \ |___:__ _____         ¬Þ
              #   |     |----.---/  \---.--\  -----|\   /_____     F
              F   |     |    |   \__/   |   \__    | \_/_____/|    F
              Q   |_____|----^----------^----------^----------'    F
              ¶                 supreme. world hQ..               J
              JL                decision euro. hQ..               #
       .-------0                osiris.. euro. hQ..              J-------.
       ¦        ð               real.... euro. hQ..             ,F       ¦
       ¦        ¬K              outlaws. germ. hQ..            _F        ¦
       ¦         ¬ð_            lsd..... dist. site           µK         ¦
       ¦           ¶_           sad..... dist. site          ø"          ¦
       ¦            ¬b.         :               :          2P            ¦
       ¦              °*.       :               :       _æP              ¦
       ¦crL             ¬*w_    :               :    _aæ°             p^d¦
       `-------------------¬9mw_:               :__w*°-------------------'
 -·- sysop: picard.hellfire.supreme.lsd.sad.decision.outlaws.osiris.real -·-
    cannibal.hellfire · division · mosh.decision.real
                                ¦               ¦
      [node o1]·[28k8]·[+49-?]·[fastline v.34]  ¦ [amiga..] [tempest]
      [node o2]·[64ko]·[+49-?]·[fastline v.34]  ¦ [console] [porno..]
      [node o3]·[64ko]·[+49-?]·[fastline v.34]  ¦ [amiex..] [cbm 64.]
                                ¦               ¦
                                  paradise lost

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: wild palms      sysop: radavi      maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                          :   ____    _____         ___:___
               .----.-.---.---\  /---|     |----.---\      |
               |    | |   |    \/    |     |    |    \     |
            crL|    |-^---^----------|_____|----^-----\____|p^d
               |    |   __:____ _____      _____       :________
         ._____|    |---\___   |     |----.\    \____.--\   ----|
   .-----|     :    |   ___/   |     |    | \__  ___/|   \__    |------.
   ¦     l_____|----^---\______|_____|----^----\/----^----------'      ¦
   ¦                      :                            :               ¦
   ¦         radavi · delite · whirlwind · hi-fi · msw · zych          ¦
   ¦                      :                            :               ¦
   ¦            dreamcharts running     amiga      graphics            ¦
   `------------dutch traders list!     pc demo    ascii---------------'
                disabled 4:everyone     modules        :
                          :                            :
                +31 - ask cosys               +31 - tel-net
                          :                            :
                                wild palms

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
        name: simon says      sysop: or!on       maingroup: unknown
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

              ________  ¦ ____    _____   ¦      __             __
           .--\   ----|---\  /---.\    \____.---/  \---.-------/  |
           |   \___   |    \/    | \__  _   \   \__/   |      /   |
           l___-------^----------^----\/-\   \---------^-----/____|
                    ____¦___    _______   \   \      ________
                 .--\   ----|---\___   |---\   \__.--\   ----|
    .------------|   \___   |   ___/   |    \     |   \___   |------.
    ¦         crLl___-------^---\______|-----\____|___-------'p^d   ¦
    ¦                   ¦                 ¦                         ¦
    ¦ or!on · soxius · rawfow.axxis · orlando · dmg · cyclone · leson
    ¦                   ¦                 ¦                         ¦
    ¦    amiga · console¦· online ascii · requests · /X · modules   ¦
    ¦                   ¦                 ¦                         ¦
    ¦                -÷ oR!On ÷-          -÷ sOXiUS ÷-              ¦
    `-------------------¦                 ¦-------------------------'
              o  n  e   ¦g  i  g    h  a  r  d  d  r  i  v  e
                      2 ¦8  8  o  o    p  o  w  e  r
                        ¦                 ¦
                        ¦    +46 8 531 829¦44
                        ¦                 ¦
                        ¦                 ¦
                                simon says

                       ·            |          ·
                        \           ¦         /
           .             \     .... ·        /           .
            \_          ...::::··::::..     ·  ...     _/
              \    ..::::::··       ·:::   ..::::::.  /
               ..::::::··            ::· .::::··:::: ·
           ..:::::::·             ..:· .:::·    ::·         ...... _____
       .    ·::::··  ...       ..:·· .:::·     .:·_________ :    :/    /
    _ _¦_____.·:·  .::·    ..:··   .:::·     .:· / ____   ¬\¦   _/    /
       |     ¦    .::· ..:··      .::·     .:·  /   T/      ¦   \     ¯\
       |     |   .::·   ··:..     :·    ..·    /____/       |    \      \
  . __ |     | .:::·       ·::..  ·:.              /        l_____\      \
     __l_____l__________     ··::.  ·:::....      /_____________\  \______\
     \___________      /       ··::.  ···:::::::..........
       |     T_/      /          ··::..     ··::::::::::· xCz  ____ _ .
       l_____        /             ··:::..     ··::::::
           /________/                ··::::·      ·::·    .
             .                           ··                \_
           _/                                      .         \
          /         .                               \         ·
         ·         /         .             .         \
                  /         /       .       \         ·
                 ·         /        ¦        \
                          ·                   ·

              m o r e  w o r d s  f r o m  t h e  a u t h o r

    so I broke my promise, that is common among us swedes! I guess that
    it is a national sickness, who knows? maybe the Nobelcommitée.

    anyway, I'm back again although I promised in my last collection that
    I would leave this scene. but what the hell, I figured that there must
    be someone who wants to know about my future in scene, and since you
    are reading this at this very moment, then you must be one of the ones
    that I thought of.

    ascii is a drug, if you have started, then you are stuck. it doesn't
    matter what you do, as long as you don't sell your computer, you will
    always be reminded about the fun times when typing.

    I changed my handle the other day, and to make it easier for those
    maniacs know tries to follow the scene, here is my handle 'crL'.

    I had to change the old [c-real!] since far too many started using
    '[' and ']' in their handles. So now it's simply crL.

    Be well my ascii-friends.... take care..


                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
           name: water world     requested by: water world crew
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                        _______ _____      _________  ___________
         .----.-.---.---\___   |\   /_____|   _____/ |   __     /
         |    | |   |   ___/   | \_/_____/|  ______)-|    /   _/
         |    |-^---^---\______|----------^----------^----\____\
         |    |          __     ________________         _______
         |    |-.---.---/  \---|   __     /     |----.---\      |
         |    | |   |   \__/   |    /   _/|     |    |    \     |
                                water world

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
               name: electric power  requested by: hot shot
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

                         .-.¡  .-..-.¡- .-..-..-.
                         | ||  | || !|  | | | | !
                         | ||  | ||  |  | | | |
                         |-'|  |-'| ¡|  | ! | | ¡
                         `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`  `-'`-'___  ___________
          _____.----.---/  \---.----.-.---|   _____/ |   __     /
         |     ¦    |   \__/   |    | |   |   ___/---|    /   _/
                               eletric power

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
                name: rooster         requested by: rooster
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

             :                     :        _______
 ___________ :  __         __      :________\     /     _________  ___________
|   ___    /---/  \---.---/  \---.--\   ----|\   /-----|   _____/ |   ___    /
|    /  __/|   \__/   |   \__/   |   \__    | \_/_____/|  ______)-|    /  __/
             :                     :p^d

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
                 name: ultimo imperio  requested by: bøøth
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

            :              _______     :
      _____ :    _____     \     /     :  ____    ______         __
     |    /-----|     |----.\   /-----.---\  /---.\     \___.---/  \---.
     |    \/    |     |    | \_/_____/|    \/    | \__  ___/|   \__/   |
  crL`----------|     |----^----------^----------^----\/----^----------'p^d
    ____    ____|_    |           _________  ___________   ____        __
.---\  /---.\     \___|_____.----|   _____/ |   ___    /---\  /---.---/  \---.
|    \/    | \__  ___/|     ¦    |  ______)-|    /  __/|    \/    |   \__/   |
            :                          :
                              ultimo imperio

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
               name: the last inn    requested by: topflight
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

______               ................................
     /      _______  : __________                   :
\   /______|      /---|   ______/                   :
|\_/______/|    _/    |  _______).                  :
`----------^----------^----------'              _______
                _____·        _______   ________\     /
               |     |----.---\___   |--\   ----|\   /_____
            crL|     |    |   ___/   |   \__    | \_/_____/.
                     .                          ____:           __         __
                     :                      .---\  /---.-------/  |-------/  |
                     :                      |    \/    |      /   |      /   |
                     :                      `----------^-----/____|-----/____|
                               the last inn

                 .-..-..-..-..-..-..-. .-¡.-..-..-..-..-.
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |`-. | |-.| |
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || || | | | || |---------------×
  ¦              |-' | | || ||-'|-'| ! | ||-'| | | | || |               ¦
  ¦              `  `-'`-'` '`-'`-'`   `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'` '               ¦
                name: x-files         requested by: herbie
  ¦              .  .-..-.. ..-..-..   .-..-..-..-..-.. .               ¦
  ¦              |-. | | || ||-.|-.| ¡ | ||-.  | | | || |               ¦
  ×--------------| | | | || || || || | | || |  | | | || |---------------×
                 | | | | || || || || | | || |.-' | |-'| |
              crL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-!`-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d

:::`½½½½. :::::::: ,¼ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::   `½½½.      ,¼¼'                           ::
::     `½½½.  ,¼¼' _________     ____    _____ ::   _________    ________
::       `½½,¼¼'  |        /-.---\  /---|     |----|   _____/ .--\   ----|
::        ,¼¼¼'   |    ___/  |    \/    |     |    |  ______)-|   \___   |
::crL   ,¼¼¼'½½.  l_____|----^----------|_____|----^----------l____------'p^d
::   ,¼¼¼¼'  `½½.                              ::
:::,¼¼¼¼' ::: `½½. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

          :           :
          :           ·
          :         __µµæÑÑ
          :      _aæØP°"¯æ"
          :    _æØ°¯  : JF
          :.. µ#".....: Ø
             dF        JF
        crL Æ"         á
           Æ´       ___Ø
          JF      æÆÑ@ÑØ
          Ø     ,Ø°    ¬ p^d
    ..... #    ,@ .....
    :    JF   ,P      :
    :    JL   #       :
    :    JL  Æ        :
    :     Q JF        :
    :.... ¶¸Æ ........:
           ¬F  µÞ
        _ ___µØØ
         ¶K   #
          °K Æ
                   d e s i g n  a n d  l a y o u t  b y

                    crL . pioneer design . nine design

                   a d d i t i o n a l  d e s i g n  b y

               handle   group           tag      logo

               booth    ultimo imperio  bo       pioneer design
               flare    pioneer design  flare    nine design
               flare    pioneer design  flare    pontus gårdinger
               xcluziwe save our souls  xcz      break

                               p o e m  b y

                        "She doesn't care about me"
                        written by Gerald Williams

                                taken from:

                      ' a lemon needs a guitar'

               t h e  a u t h o r  w a n t s  t o  t h a n k

                   guestartists: thank you for your work

                gerald williams: thank you for your support

         musicpark / chech rep.: lovely place, i'll be bakk

     t h e  a u t h o r  w a n t s  t o  s e n d  m e s s a g e s  t o

     [if you do not understand Swedish, don't care! it's not you then]

       stockholmare: Jag kommer att tillbringa vecka 19-21
                     i Vällingby/Bromma. Om det är någon som
                     vill bjuda mig på fest så ring till

       enhaced: fan vad jag är slö! mm.. men det fixar sig..tror jag
         v-cut: din lille bock:) var fan håller vi hus??
         flare: väntar på din collection...
       zeus II: och var i helvete håller Du hus?????:)

      paszczak: damned, lost your address, call underground today, pliis

             sysops at the boards featured in this collection:

      i do hope that you appriciate the ads i made for you, and that
       you will use them. thank you for your work...

           all: make me a 'pioneer design'-logo to our tributepack

                           blue ribbon forever!

       g r e e t i n g s  t o  t h e  a r t i s t s  o f  a s c i i

                              none forgotten!

                 p r e v i o u s  c r L - r e l e a s e s

       nr  name          date      name                          nr

       o1  re-asco1.txt  o7/o7/95  real mystory................  o1
       o2  re-asco2.txt  12/o7/95  real pleasure...............  o2
       o3  re-asco3.txt  22/o7/95  is this really real.........  o3
       o4  re-asco4.txt  24/o7/95  real personalities..........  o4
       o5  re-asco5.txt  31/o7/95  plainful memories vol 1.....  o5
       o6  pls-dott.txt  o3/o8/95  dotties place...............  o6
       o7  pls-hof!.txt  11/o8/95  hall of fame................  o7
       o8  p^d-sis!.txt  23/o8/95  surviving in scene..........  o8
       o9  p^d-kmw!.txt  31/o8/95  keeping my word.............  o9
       1o  p^d-jlal.txt  1o/o9/95  just like a legend..........  1o
       11  p^d-atsc.txt  1o/o9/95  and the story continues.....  11
       12  p^d-mdm!.txt  o9/1o/95  million dollar mouth........  12
       13  nds-diat.txt  31/1o/95  deserted islands & tequila..  13
       14  p^d-!ts!.txt  o6/11/95  the sign....................  14
       15  nds-tmts.txt  17/11/95  t minus 12 seconds..........  15
       16  p^d-acac.txt  24/12/95  a competitive art-collection  16
       17  p^d-jawa.txt  o5/o1/96  jamie walters...............  17
       18  p^d-mis!.txt  o7/o1/96  made in sweden..............  18
       19  elt-wtfc.txt  24/o1/96  who the fuck cares..........  19
       2o  p^d-age!.txt  24/o1/96  ascii goes elite............  2o
       21  p^d-tdr!.txt  16/o2/96  trebbiano di romagna........  21
       22  p^d-aiyc.txt  16/o2/96  as if you cared.............  22
       23  p^d-tsoa.txt  o1/o3/96  the singleton of auchroisk..  23
       24  p^d-bye!.txt  o4/o3/96  chevalier montrachet........  24
       25  p^d-pogå.txt  24/o4/96  pontus gårdinger............  25

               ____      ¦ __             __ _________  __¦______  ___________
 _____.----.---\  /---.---/  \---.-------/  |   _____/ |   _____/ |    __    /
|     ¦    |    \/    |   \__/   |      /   |  ______)-|  ______)-|     /  _/
          a s c i i      ¦   a n s i             g r a p h¦i c s
                         ¦                                ¦
          crL....... crL ¦   zeus II..... zII    who?.. who
          flare..... fl  ¦   grim ripper. gR              ¦
          tix....... tix ¦                                ¦.............
                         ¦                                ¦            :
           s y s o p s   ¦                              t r a d e r s  :
                         ¦                                ¦            :
     whQ   kidnix.. underground.....   +46 4o 469286    razid          :
      hQ   xtc..... citydump........   +46 435 8o354      ¦............:
      hQ   zeus II. carnal devotion.   +46 46f indit!     ¦
        _______ _________¦   ________    ____             ¦         __
    .---\      |   _____/¦.--\   ----|--/    \--.-----____¦.-------/  |
    |    \     |  ______)-|   \___   |  \____/  |     \    |      /   |
 crL`-----\____|----------l____------^----------^------\   |-----/____|p^d
                         ¦                              \__|
                  p  i  o¦ n  e  e  r    d  e  s  i  g  n ¦
                         ¦                                ¦
                         ¦                                ¦

                                W a n t e d

                    Pioneer Design are looking for more
                    members. If you want to join in as
                    a member, please call Underground
                    for further instructions

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ           _   _______ © Pioneer Design 96¡
 _____.----.---\      |-------------------|
|     |    |    \     | crL of p^d proudly|
|_____|----^-----\____| presents his 25th |
art-collection. This time it's named after|
the Swedish model Pontus Gårdinger. This  |
collection is dedicaded to the lovely Sara|
Alström in the Swedish soapserie Rederiet.|

                                                                                               * there is no need to argue... choose crL *

    [c] Pioneer Design 1996     written by crL     All rights reserved

            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_
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 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \
   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

         rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4OOO wITH a cYBERSTORM O6O/5O mHZ/22 mB
                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--
          ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

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   -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-           -[ 28k8 dUALS ]-       -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: ZOLTRIX          ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 03 ]]-]
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 22:34:07, 04-25-1996 ]]-]