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40 626 bytes (39.67K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:37
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all-time: 530


    _______. _________: _ ____ _  __________  _ ______________________
   _)      l_\   ._   |_________ _\    ._   \.                       (.
   \.      ./    |/   |   _.   /       |\    |                        |
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     /_.___\__________|    j\    \\___ /    _|                        |
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       |   T  O  W  N        _)      l_\   ._  / __\     /   /_\   ._   \.
       |                     \.      ./    |/   \\      /     /    |\    |
       |_                     l_     |    /l     \     /     /     |/    |
        /___________________ _ /_____\___________/ ___/\   _/|_____/    _|
                                           +sD+       /____\      /_____\


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   .___      .___    _____        ____
  _|_  \__ __|_  \__/_   /__ .___/  _/____
 /  /  /  \   /  /  _/ _|  /_|_ .\_  \   /__
/__/___\  \\_/__.\_  \_____\  / |____/ _|  /
             |               |
 the essence of phunk : thanks for nothing!
nineteenninetyseven ascii adventure (c) taxi
_            |               |             _


        Taxi/Nonsense 1997 Released: The Essence Of Phunk! Subtitled:

                    t h a n k s   f o r   n o t h i n g !

    lousy style · lousy asciis · lousy ansis · lousy anims · LOUSY DESIGN
                        lousy artist · lousy english

                    :_ _________________ _ _________________
                    |     _______                .______.  //
                  __:____.\     (_ __.______  ___|___   :  /
                _|       |_\_____//  |\     \/   |  /   | ø
                \.       ./  ____   /|           : /    |·
                 |_      |    _/    _| _ ___/\__ | _\ . | .:
                  /_.____| ___\_____\  +sD+      |______|  :
                    |                             .        :
                    |____________ _/\  _ _        :........:
                                     \/           :

            __                 __                      __
       ____/  \________   ____/  \______    ___   ____/  \______   ____
  ._.._\___.   |  .___/_._\___.   |  __/_.  __/_._\___.   |  __/_.  __/_.._.
  | ||     |   |  |     |     |   |___   |  -'  |     |   |___   |  -'  || |
  `-'`-----|   |--------^-----|   |------^------^-----|   |------^--wpr-'`-'
        - -^---'              `---^- -             - -^---'

                        presents a production called

                                      |     ____|_
                                     _|__  /   /:
         ____    ___                /   / /  _/______       ____
         \  /_  /  /__       _____ /  _/__\__  / ___/____  _\_  \_____|_
         / __/_/  /  /____  / ___/_\__  /  /  / __/__\_  \/  /__/ ___/:
        /  /  /__/  / ___/ / __/_/  /  /_____/  /  /  /  /  /  / __/_
       /  /  / \_  / __/_ /  /  /_____/     /  /  /  /  /_____/  /  /
    _|/_____/__/  /  /  //  /  /     _|_    \____/__/  /     /  /  /
     :        /__/  /  / \____/ t!   \ /           /___\     \____/
                 \____/  ______       \
                  ____  _\_   / ____  |__               ___/__|_
                 / _  \/__/__/ _\_  \/  /__      ____  /  /  /:
                /  /  / \__/  / _/  /  /  /__/___\_  \/   __/
               /  /  /___/   /  \__/__/  /  /  /  /  /    \
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             :\____/             /__/  /  /  /__/  /  /___\
                                   /__/  /  /  /___\


                  ___     t!      ______  _\__   \ - -/---/----------------->
                 /  /_   ____    _\__   \/   /   /---/   /_____
                /  __/__/   /---/ __/   /   /   /    ___/   __/_
               /   /   / __/   /  \_   /---/____\     \_\___   /
               \______/  \_   /---/___/   /   /___/   /   /   /
<--------------------/   /___/-----------/   /---/----\______/
                ____/_  /               /   /
               _\__   \/_____          /   /    f o r
              /   /   /  _   \___     /   /               ______
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            /---/____\  /   /  __/__/   /---/__ _\__   \/   /   /
                    \______/   /   / __/   /  //   /   /   /   /
                           \______/  \_   /   /   /   /\___   /
                                 /---/___/   /---/____\ /_____\
                                        /   /


                      Verdens mest laksete collection.

   ________       ________  t!  ______
  _\___    \____ _\___    \     \    /_    __________
 /    /    /   //    /    / __  /   __/__ _\_._     /_______
/    /    /    /    /    / /_/ /    /   //   |/    /   _    \
\____    /    /____/_____\     \________/    /    /    /    /
 /_______\   /                          |    \____\   /    /  th/\  gin-tro!
       /    ø                           `----|   \________/ /________________

yeah, i can feel the summer coming. it's so damn hot here i  can barely stand
it. i've not been in the so-called 'mood'  for doing asciis  either. i've got
my phonebill,  and lost the power for my modem..  so i'm kinda bored, not too
much do to except studying.  but i've ordered a  new power now, gonna cost me
much money,  but i guess it's worth it..  ahh, gotta get myself  a summerjob,
i've gotta earn some money so that i can by myself a pc.  well, it's no going
to happen until 98. see ya!
                    (does all my (g)in-tros look alike?)


                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.               C l a s s i c               .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

          |                                                       |
        __|_____                                ________       ___|____
_____  _\_._    \_____               ________  /    ___/_______\_._    \  ___
    / /   |/____/    / t! ________  /    ___/__\____    /    /   |/____/ /
   / /    /    /    /_____\___    \_\____    /    /    /    /    /    / /
___\ \________/    /    /  __/    /    /    /_________/    /\________/ /_____
         .|   \________/   \_    /_________/         \____/       |
         :|           /    /____/                                 |
         O/          /_____\                                      |
         /|                                                       |

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.                 C o m p o                 .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

                 Hey Baffle! A b.i.t too late, huh? I know.

                                   ________              |
   ________            _________  _\___   ¬\ _ _____  ___|__________________
_ _\_._   ¬\ _ _____  _\_____  ¬\/   _/    /  ._   ¬\ \  :
//   |/____/  ._   ¬\/   /  /   /    \____/   |/    / /  COMPO-TiME HERE AT
/    /    /   |/    /   /  /   /_____/   .    /    / /   :BUMBLE BEE LAND!
\________/    /    /___/___\  /       t! |________/ /____:__________________
         |________/      /____\          :               |
         :                                               |

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.                 P a r t y                 .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

                       Thundercat: That's the spirit!

                                  .  __________
 :                        ________|__\_._     /___
_|___________  ________  _\___    \    |/    /   /_ t! _____
 | _        / _\___    \/  __/    /    /    /   __/__ /    /----/ _________._
 | \       / /   _/    /   \_    /|    \____\   /   //    /    / /.        |/
 |_      _/ /    \____/----/_____\`----|-->\________/    /    / /o         /
 |/______\ /_____/                                  \____    / //         /|
 /                                                   /_______\ \___________|_

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.                    P c                    .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

                PC sux, and you (should) know it, Thundercat!

                         ______________  ______________
                      / _\______       \_\____._       \
-+------------------//-/      _/       /      |/_______/\  /
                   /  /       \_______/       /       /\/-//---------------o-
                     /________/\______\______________/ /  / t!
                     \________\/       \_____________\/

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.               S h e l t e r               .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

                  _ _.________|_
         ________    |       /:
        /    ___/______     ø
       _\____    /    /----/______
      /    /    /  __/    /   ___/  _____
     /_________/   \_    /   __/___/    /  ______
              /----/____/    /    /    /___\    /_    _______
             ø  t!   .  \________/    /    /   __/___/   ___/  ________
            /________|_ _        \________/    /    /   __/____\___    \
                                          \________/    /    /   |/    /
                                                   \________/    /    /
                                                            |    \____\

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.              S l a p s h o t              .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

             Hey Slapshot: Was I supposed to anim it as well? ;)
                    I will do it, as soon as I have time.

           ______                          ______   |      /
          /   __/_____            ______  /   __/_____    ø
         _\___   /   /   ______  _\__   \_\___   /   /---/_____
        /   /   /   /____\__   \/  _/   /   /   / __/   /  _  _\___
       /_______/   /   / __/   /   \___/_______/  \_   /   /  \   /_
               \______/  \_   /____/          /---/___/   /   /  __/__
                     `---/___/               ø t!   . \______/   /   /
                                            /_______|        \______/

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.               S t r a t o s               .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

                      Dedicated to Stratos/Low Profile!
 Thanks for NOT making me the Nonsense filediz. Other than that, nice colly!

   /   __/____             ______         t!
  _\___   /  /_   _________\__  _\___             ______
 /   /   /  __/___\__    / __/  \   /_ _ ______  /   __/_  __________________
/_______/   /   /  |/   /  \_   /  __/__   _   \_\___   / /
        \______/   /   /---/___/   /   /  |/   /   /   / / brooklyn gangster
               |   \___\       \______/   /   /_______/ /____________________
 s t r a t o s `---|----------------->\______/

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.          S t r a t o s p h e r e          .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

       ____                                           .______
   t! /  _/___          ____                    ____  |     /
____ _\__  / /_  ____  _\_  \__          ____  _\_  \___   ø
    /  /  / __/__\_  \/__/  / /_  ____  /  _/_/ _/  /  /--/____       _____
__ /_____/  /  / |/  / \_  / __/_/ _  \_\__  /  \__/__/  / ___/____  / ___/
         \____/  /  /--/__/  /  /  /  /  /  /___/ / \_  / __/__\_  \/ __/_ __
              |  \__\     \____/  /  /_____/     /--/__/  /  / |/  /  /  /
              `--|             \____/           ø     .\____/  /  /\____/____
                                               /______|     |  \__\

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
:: \   _ \ __|_.  |/ \ |  _ \ ___\   \|    _/_\   _ \ ___\   \|    _/____ .::
::: \  \  \\   | /l   _|  \  \\   \   \    \   \  \  \\   \   \    \    \ :::
:::  |  \______| _____\ |  \____ /__ __\ __ /___|  \____ /__ __\ __ /___/ :::
:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.   S t r a t o s p h e r e   [ A n s i ]   .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

       ____                                           .______
   t! /  _/___          ____                    ____  |     /
____ _\__  / /_  ____  _\_  \__          ____  _\_  \___   ø
    /  /  / __/__\_  \/__/  / /_  ____  /  _/_/ _/  /  /--/____       _____
__ /_____/  /  /  /__/ \_  / __/_/ _  \_\__  /  \__/__/  / ___/____  / ___/
         \____/  / \`--/__/  /  /  /  /  /  /___/ / \_  / __/__\_  \/ __/_ __
             /__/__/      \____/  /  /_____/     /--/__/  /  /  /__/  /  /
                               \____/           ø     .\____/  / \ \____/____
                                               /______|    /__/__/

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
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:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.   S t r a t o s p h e r e   [ A n i m ]   .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

                               Made for Tango!
                 You gotta base64decode it, and un-lha it ;)

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                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                         one ugly logo after another

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :

·                                                                           ·
|/             __                                           __             \|
/------------ o|/ ----------------------------------------- \|o ------------\
¯.::::::::::: :/                                             \: :::::::::::.¯
::::::::::::: .| The Essence Of Phunk © 1997 Taxi & Nonsense |. :::::::::::::
:::::::::::::. |                                             | .:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: |______          _____   _____           _____|  _____ :::::::
:. ______ :: ./   ._ _\.____    \   / ./    _)______    \   /|./    _) ::::::
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:: //____\ ... :       /____\                  /____\ +sD+   | ..........::::
:..........:: _|_                                           _|_ :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: \|.          T h e   J u n c t i o n          .|/ :::::::::::::
_ :::::::::::: \z.                                         .ø/ :::::::::::: _
|\             : ·                                         · :             /|
.                                                                           .

                      _______          |        /
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               \______/          o            \___/   /   /___/____\
                                  \               \______/

                                     .  .
                                     :. . ..
                             . ..  ...: :..:
                                :..:  :  : ... .

                             no more ugly logos

                             . ..: :  :: ....
                                 ..:. :..:  :. .
                                 :. : :.
                                    .  :


               It's like this whenever I release a collection,
                  I get bored, and don't bother designing.

| ø                                                                        _
o/  Respects out to the ones who respect me. Respect is a two-way thing.    /
/_           No use respecting those who don't respect you back.           /o
                                                                          ø |
     " G I V E    R E S P E C T    A N D    G E T    R E S P E C T   ! "


            Speed Devil & Whooper & Exocet: THANKS for the logos!


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   .___      .___    _____        ____
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 /  /  /  \   /  /  _/ _|  /_|_ .\_  \   /__
/__/___\  \\_/__.\_  \_____\  / |____/ _|  /
             |               |
 the essence of phunk : thanks for nothing!
nineteenninetyseven ascii adventure (c) taxi
_            |               |             _

                             ( Nå er det mat.. )


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