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File size:
36 030 bytes (35.19K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:37
Download count:
all-time: 753


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                    _____  ____
        ._____:   ._)   /__\  /__.
        |  _  |   |   \/    \/ __|
        l__/  l   l____________\ !CE
          ´        nirvana
   a asc² colly called THE EDGE by iCE

- [ c A N a D I A N   m I S T ] -
This File Had A One Night Stand At:
   _|____ /  _|_______________|_                                
    |\  //\___|__________/\___|__________/\______/\__________/\______
    : \// ___________ _ /___  _ /____ _ /___  _ /________ _ /___  _ /
       /  /____/      //   /  //      //   /  //   /      //   /  //
      /______ /___/   /___/__ /___/   /______ /___/___/   /___/__ /
     /_ _   \/|  /____ /    \/|  /____ /    \/       /____ /Sk!n\/
              |      \/       |      \/                  \/
      ________|________/\_____|____/\______Digital Corruption Canadian HQ!
      \___________  _ /___/  _____// _____/    Royal          Canadian HQ!
          /   /  /  //   /\___  \/.  /_        Real                   CHQ!
         /___/__/  ./___/_______/____ //\ :    Food     Distribution Site!
              |/____ /        |.    \//__\|_   GODS                   CHQ!
              |    \/       / ||    /_ _  |
              |            // |:       :
------------ -|---------------|- ----------------------------------------
 "CANADIAN MIST" - NODE#1--> (xXx) xXx-xXxX -> 33.6k V.Everything
                   NODE#2-4> (STA) TIC-IP!! -> Get On IRC
 A3000/040 -> 2.18 Gigs Online -> Lightning Quick Background File Checks
                            REFERRAL ONLY!
                       ONLY THE ELiTE NEED APPLY
------------ ------------------- ----------------------------------------
           uPPER: Arlequin                     tIME: 00:10:34        
     aFFILIATION: *!* Pungas *!*               dATE: 27-Apr-97        
                                nODE nUMBER [2]                    

         .                            ____
         :   _______ _______ _______ /    \ ____.:____ __  _______:_
         :___\     //_     //_     //      \\   ||   /           \|
         :   /    / _/    /  /____/             ||    \  cDr/m's  |
         :_______/__\________________       ____\/_____\          |
         .    ________ ___.:____ /            \ ______ ________   :
         :____\      //   ||   //              \\    //_      /____
         :    /_____/     \\                    _\     /_____/    /
         :______|  _______||_____\               __________________\
         :                   /_________/\_________\
                  sTUBBLE/rENEGADE! ÷ gHASTER/iNDEPENDENT!

               NODE1: +46(0)612-30711 ÷ NODE2: +46(0)RINGDOWN!
             _____ ____ ______\__/____ dNo/jA! ____  __  ______  
          ___\ _  |    |     /____\ _ |-------|    |`--'|   _ /  
         |__  \/  |  --|- _ /|__   \/ | __    |  --|-   |   \/|  
       |    ÷  a  ÷  t  ÷  l  ÷  a  ÷  n  ÷  t  ÷  i  ÷  c  ÷   |
       |------- CBK ------- STS ------- GNX ------- OVK --------|
       |        Absolutly one of the fastest in Europe!         |
                       rUNNING 4nODES + 4tELNET (24H)
     Node1: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node2: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node3: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node4: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node5: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node6: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
     Node7: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node8: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
                    SUPPORTING : AMIGA - PEZE - N64

           aber hier ist eine probleme!,...


                       :                            :
                       :                            :
                      .:                            :.
                      :                              :
                      :.                            .:
                       :                            :
                       :                            :

   ____.  ______  _______    _______           __/ l_      ______ ________
 ._)   |__)    /__) -___/__ _________ ______:  \_  _/____ _)    /_) ___  /.
 |  __ |      /            Y         Y  _   |   |  \     Y     /    ¬  ___|
 |  ___|____\/_____________l_________l__/   l   l________l___\/________\ !CE
 l___\                                 ´

                   ____   _______   ____    ____.            :  ____.
 ._________:    | ________)     /___\  /__ _\__ l_______:    |__\__ l___.
 |     _   |    |_)            /     \/   Y  --     _   |    |   --   __|
 l_____/   l    |____________\/___________l_________/   l    |________\
      /_________|           ...                    /_________|
           :................: :..............................: !CE

                           p r e s e n t s   a

       _____ ___     _____     ______ : ______            ·
   .___\__ l_)_/____ ) __/___ ________:________.          ·
   |__  --   \___   Y  ¬     Y        :        | a s c i i c o l l y
           ...................        :...................:........
           :         _____   :_______  _.        _.       ._______
           :        .) __/___:) __  /_/_l______ /_l_______|_     /___
           :        |  ¬     Y         \       Y \         /        |
           :        l________l_________________l________________ ___|
           :............. .................   .        /_________\

                               c a l l e d

                               ._  (__  ._
              .··············  l_, | /  l_' ··············.
              :   _______     .____         ________      :
              :  .) -___/__ __l_  l________.)  -___/___.  :
              :. |         Y   --      -- (|           | .:!CE
                 l_________l_____________  l___________|

                      t o t a l l y   m a d e   b y

                   ..............................:. :
                   :                              :.:
                     _____  _____      ______
                   ._______ ) __/______) -__/_____.
                   |       Y  ¬                   |
                 ...                              .
                 : :..............................:

                        2 0 ' t h   A p r   9 7

                       :                            :
                       :                            :
                      .:                            :.
                      :                              :
                      :.                            .:
                       :                            :
                       :                            :

                         |                           |
                         |                           ·
     :........           ·            _.                         ........:
     : ..... :   _______ |         __/ l_      ______ ________   :::::::::
     : ......: ._________|______: `\_  _/____ _)    / ) ___  /.  :::::::::
     :.......: |         Y  _   |   |  \     Y     / Y  ¬  ___|  : ..... :
     ::::::::: l_________l__/   l   l________l___\/__|_____\,!CE : ......:
     :::::::::           · ´                         |           :.......:
                         | ___                   ___ |
                         | [_(   i  n  t  r  o   )_] |

                         this   will   be  pretty    easy   to  understand
                         cause  i     won't   make    it too   long for ya
                         friends.    this  is    let   me say     a  small
                         ascii colletion.  i put    this      one together
                         due      nothing        else        to        do.
                         it    consist     of    only  a   couple of logos
                         cause  there's     almost       nobody   ordering
                         ascii's from me, dunno why, but  so    it     is.

     i've   n e v e r   made my releases to a big deal
     telling all you   c  o  o  l   guys out there i'm
     good at s o m e t h i n g. but it's making me sad
     when people don't even know i exists, b u t i do,
     f  u  n   n  y   eh? this is, well about me 10'th
     colly i've made for different groups  s i nce the
     late  1 9 9 5  . my stile have changed alot since
     the first one but i haven't made any  r  a  p i d
     changes, the   s t y l e   have changed a bit for
     every colletion. in the  f i r s t colly my stile
     was changing from logo to logo, i had     n     o
     special style, but n o w the changing has stopped
     and i will keep this s t y l e , maybe sume small
     changs will be made in t h e future, if i keep on
     a    s     k     e     e      '      i    n   g .

                            maybe i quit it and
                           use the time in front
                          of tha  miggy to code or
                        something else. but how much
                     i tries  making the group nirvana
                  to a group people knows as a nice group
                with nice members&nice releases the destiny
               for the group seems having different thoughts
               about it. anyway, i see no reason in  keeping
               chasing members for me group i founded in the
               beginning of the year now, 97. i'm sick of it
                  all, i can't go on chasing members for
                   eternity but i'm not the one giving
                  something up. therefor all the shitty
                  crap i just have written is all false.
                             may it be erased,
                       fuckin' blovd outh thaz windw.

     of course i will keep on making ascii's for ya freaks. but you
      have to remember to only use logos made for YOU, and don't b
       e a lamer who removes the little !CE tag, friend. thou, yo
        u won't believe it, THERE REALLY IS people doing such th
         ings to the us ascii-artists. well to let the expressi
          on 'cut the crap!' do any good i just cut the crap n
           ow and go on with the art for they who have ordere
            d askee from me. .

                                         -  ---8< [CRAP CUT!] 8<--- -

             :::::                                         :::::
             :::::   ______     .____  _____     __        :::::
             :   :  ________ ___l__ l__) -_/__   \/   ___. :   :
             :  .:  |       Y    --           \_    _/   | :.  :
             :      l_______l_________________/      \___|!CE  :
             :                                                 :
         ....:     logo               ·         orderer        :....
                                         (may only be used by)
          o1 destiny                                    the worm o1
          o2 fatal vision                                  shine o2
          o3 fucking chaos                                fenriz o3
          o4 greets                                        shine o4
          o5 index                                         shine o5
          o6 masturbation station                         edward o6
          o7 twinbee                                       shine o7
          o8 vocal justice                            enterprice o8
          o9 x-zone                                        shine o9
          1o logoend                              me, myself & I 1o
         .....                                                 .....
             :                                                 :
             :  ..                                         ..  :
             :   :                                         :   :
             :   :                                         :   :
             :::::                                         :::::
             :::::                                         :::::

                    .----------------------------------.    :.
   .................:..................................:.. ::::  ..........
   ::::::::                                               ::::        :::::
   :·....·: :::::::. .:::::    .....                     ::::  nrv 97 : :::
   : .....: ...... : ::::: ·: ::....:                   ::::          :  ::
   ::.....: ········ ·······: ·:.....                  ::::           :   :
   :····:::             - ---.--- -                   ::::            ·
   :[o1]::[ destiny        ] | [ the worm        ]   :::::::::::::·
   :....:::         ·  - -- -^- -- -                        .:::·     .....
   ::::::::.........|..................................... .::: ......:...:
                    |                                  ·  .::·  !CE
                    |__________________________________|  ::'
        .___·        [ d  e  s  t  i  n  y ]            :
        |  (. ______ ___      _.       _____            ·
     .__l_  |_) -__/_)_/_____/ l_     ________ _____:   |_________
     |  --  |        \_____    _/_____)       Y  _  |   |        /-----(
     l______l________________  \      \_______l__/  l   |______        /
            :               /__________\        /_______|  /__________/!CE

   ......................................................  :     ..........
   ::::::                                                 :::         :::::
   ::::::   [NRV 97] [THE EDGE - iCE/NiRVANA] [FOR FUN]  :: ::        ::: :
   ::::::                                               :: . ::       ::  :
 ..:....:..                                            :: .:: ::      :   :
 : :    : :     ørderer ->          <- løgø           :: . ::: ::         ·
 : :[o2]: :[ fatal vision   ]   [ shine          ]   :: ::: ::::
 :.:....:.:                                           :: ::::::    . ......
   :....:                           .................. :: ::::  ......:...:
   ::::::                           :                   :: ::   !CE.  :   :
   ::::::                                                :::          ·   :
   ::::::.............. .  .   .                          :               ·

   ______          __                  .___.
 _|  ___/________//  \___    _________ |   |
 \_   _(_\_____ (_)  ___/____\______ (_|   |
  |           -      \             -   l   |
                        _    _____  ______         _____  ___________
               ________ /___________)  __/_______ ________\_______  (________
               \_     \/   l        \________,   Y               ¬     _    (

                    .----------------------------------.    :.
   .................:..................................:.. ::::  ..........
   ::::::::                                               ::::        :::::
   :·....·: :::::::. .:::::    .....                     ::::  nrv 97 : :::
   : .....: ...... : ::::: ·: ::....:                   ::::          :  ::
   ::.....: ········ ·······: ·:.....                  ::::           :   :
   :····:::             - ---.--- -                   ::::            ·
   :[o3]::[ fucking chaos  ] | [ fenriz          ]   :::::::::::::·
   :....:::         ·  - -- -^- -- -                        .:::·     .....
   ::::::::.........|..................................... .::: ......:...:
                    |                                  ·  .::·  !CE
                    |__________________________________|  ::'
     __)  __/       ______ _____  _____       ·
     \_   _( ___ ___) ___/_\   /________ _____:  |______
      |     Y   l              _/       Y  _  |  |   - (__.     ......    .
      l_____l________________l__\_______l__/  l  |____    |!CE
  :     ´                                 /______| )______|
  :     _                                                                _
  :   -/(_     f u c k i n g               ·               c h a o s     (/\-
  :                          ______ .__      ______   _______   ____
                            .) ___/_| /    __\__  /_._) -   /___) _/________.
                            |              \  --    |           \_________  |
  .                         l__________\___(________|_______________________|

   ......................................................  :     ..........
   ::::::                                                 :::         :::::
   ::::::   [NRV 97] [THE EDGE - iCE/NiRVANA] [FOR FUN]  :: ::        ::: :
   ::::::                                               :: . ::       ::  :
 ..:....:..                                            :: .:: ::      :   :
 : :    : :     ørderer ->          <- løgø           :: . ::: ::         ·
 : :[o4]: :[ greets         ]   [ shine          ]   :: ::: ::::
 :.:....:.:                                           :: ::::::    . ......
   :....:                           .................. :: ::::  ......:...:
   ::::::                           :                   :: ::   !CE.  :   :
   ::::::                                                :::          ·   :
   ::::::.............. .  .   .                          :               ·

                                                  _ ___.
  .__________       ______ _________  _________     _  l__  _______
  |      -- (___.___)    /_\ -_____/__\ -_____/__.__)  __/__\     (_______.
  l________     |____  \/                        |____ l     \_______     |
    l___________|)  /____________________________|)  /___________________ |
                   /                                / !CE               ´

                    .----------------------------------.    :.
   .................:..................................:.. ::::  ..........
   ::::::::                                               ::::        :::::
   :·....·: :::::::. .:::::    .....                     ::::  nrv 97 : :::
   : .....: ...... : ::::: ·: ::....:                   ::::          :  ::
   ::.....: ········ ·······: ·:.....                  ::::           :   :
   :····:::             - ---.--- -                   ::::            ·
   :[o5]::[ index          ] | [ shine           ]   :::::::::::::·
   :....:::         ·  - -- -^- -- -                        .:::·     .....
   ::::::::.........|..................................... .::: ......:...:
                    |                                  ·  .::·  !CE
                    |__________________________________|  ::'
              ________                 ____.  _________  .   ...... O
           _____________________ ______)   l__\ -_____/__________  o ·
         ..\_            _     ( \   --                        _/     :
       .----(____________/______________________________________\!CE ---.
       `-------------:                                                :-'
    .   .............:                                                :

   ......................................................  :     ..........
   ::::::                                                 :::         :::::
   ::::::   [NRV 97] [THE EDGE - iCE/NiRVANA] [FOR FUN]  :: ::        ::: :
   ::::::                                               :: . ::       ::  :
 ..:....:..                                            :: .:: ::      :   :
 : :    : :     ørderer ->          <- løgø           :: . ::: ::         ·
 : :[o6]: :[ masturbation,. ]   [ edward         ]   :: ::: ::::
 :.:....:.:                                           :: ::::::    . ......
   :....:                           .................. :: ::::  ......:...:
   ::::::                           :                   :: ::   !CE.  :   :
   ::::::                                                :::          ·   :
   ::::::.............. .  .   .                          :               ·

               ____. ___   _.       _________     ____.  _.  __ _______     :
._____  ____ __\__ l_)_/__/ l_._____)    /__/__ __\__ l_/ l_.__ ) _   /__:  |
|\    \/    Y   --   \__    _/' l      \/ --   Y   --     _/'  Y      _  |  |
l_____  ____l___________________________l______l_______________l______/  l  |
      \/                                                              )_____|
         :       [ m a s t u r b a t i o n  s t a t i o n ]         :
         :      ___      _.    ____.   _.  ______  _______     ·    :
         :   .__)_/_____/ l_.__\__ l__/ l_._______ ) _   /__:  :    :
         :.. |  \____     _/'   --      _/'       Y      _  |  | ...: !CE
             l____________________________________l______/  l  |

                    .----------------------------------.    :.
   .................:..................................:.. ::::  ..........
   ::::::::                                               ::::        :::::
   :·....·: :::::::. .:::::    .....                     ::::  nrv 97 : :::
   : .....: ...... : ::::: ·: ::....:                   ::::          :  ::
   ::.....: ········ ·······: ·:.....                  ::::           :   :
   :····:::             - ---.--- -                   ::::            ·
   :[o7]::[ twinbee        ] | [ shine           ]   :::::::::::::·
   :....:::         ·  - -- -^- -- -                        .:::·     .....
   ::::::::.........|..................................... .::: ......:...:
                    |                                  ·  .::·  !CE
                    |__________________________________|  ::'
      _.            .-----  t  w  i  n     b  e  e  ------------------.
    _/ l___         | _______    ______   __.     ________  ________  |
    \_  __(____/\___:____________)_   (_._) l___._) -____/__) -____/__.
     |  \           Y          _   |    |    -- |                     |
     l_________/\___l__________/   l    |__     l_____________________|
                    ·         /_________| /_____( !CE                 !
                    :                                                 .
                    l..  .

   ......................................................  :     ..........
   ::::::                                                 :::         :::::
   ::::::   [NRV 97] [THE EDGE - iCE/NiRVANA] [FOR FUN]  :: ::        ::: :
   ::::::                                               :: . ::       ::  :
 ..:....:..                                            :: .:: ::      :   :
 : :    : :     ørderer ->          <- løgø           :: . ::: ::         ·
 : :[o8]: :[ vocal justice  ]   [ enterprice     ]   :: ::: ::::
 :.:....:.:                                           :: ::::::    . ......
   :....:                           .................. :: ::::  ......:...:
   ::::::                           :                   :: ::   !CE.  :   :
   ::::::                                                :::          ·   :
   ::::::.............. .  .   .                          :               ·

   ____     _________   ________   ________  __.
.__\  /_____) ___   /_._)  ____/___\____  (_/  |________.
|   \/                |               --       l        |    ...............
l_____________________l_________________________________|!CE               :
    .        .______.          ____       __.    ______   ________ ______  :
    :   .____|      l ____.____) _/______/  |_  ________._) _____/_) -__/_____.
    :.. |    l       Y    l    \______      _/ /        |                     |

                    .----------------------------------.    :.
   .................:..................................:.. ::::  ..........
   ::::::::                                               ::::        :::::
   :·....·: :::::::. .:::::    .....                     ::::  nrv 97 : :::
   : .....: ...... : ::::: ·: ::....:                   ::::          :  ::
   ::.....: ········ ·······: ·:.....                  ::::           :   :
   :····:::             - ---.--- -                   ::::            ·
   :[o9]::[ x-zone         ] | [ shine           ]   :::::::::::::·
   :....:::         ·  - -- -^- -- -                        .:::·     .....
   ::::::::.........|..................................... .::: ......:...:
                    |                                  ·  .::·  !CE
                    |__________________________________|  ::'
         ____.____             _______.  ______ ·   _____.  _________
         \__ l __/ _____ : .___\____  |__) --  \:___)_   l__) --____/___.
         /___    \ \____): |  --------'         Y  _  |                 |
            /_____\      : l____________________l__/  l  _______________|
                         |                      : ´    --'!CE
                         |                      |
                         :                      |
                         :                      :

   ......................................................  :     ..........
   ::::::                                                 :::         :::::
   ::::::   [NRV 97] [THE EDGE - iCE/NiRVANA] [FOR FUN]  :: ::        ::: :
   ::::::                                               :: . ::       ::  :
 ..:....:..                                            :: .:: ::      :   :
 : :    : :     ørderer ->          <- løgø           :: . ::: ::         ·
 : :[1o]: :[ logoend        ]   [ me, myself & I ]   :: ::: ::::
 :.:....:.:                                           :: ::::::    . ......
   :....:                           .................. :: ::::  ......:...:
   ::::::                           :                   :: ::   !CE.  :   :
   ::::::                                                :::          ·   :
   ::::::.............. .  .   .                          :               ·

   _____.    ...........         ............                  .___
   \    |    :_______  [ logoend ]   _______:_____             |   |
   .\  _l____:) --- (_____._________ ) --- (:) -_/______:  .___l_  l____.
   |   \     Y            |   --    Y       |        _  |  |   --    ___|
   l_________l____________l_______  l_______l________/  l  l_________\
             :                 /______\     :       ´
             :....                      ....: !CE
                 [ !end of logos today! ]

             people you have the right to H·A·T·E :

             people who in any way hate people of different color, women,
                                                       children or amiga.
             thay who abuse the ascii's
             bill gates
             thay who destroys for others without any reason.
             me, i won't hate you back! ;)

      no time, no greets, no msg's, no thanx to, no bull, CRAP CUT!

                nirvana today consists of theeze people:

                      ice - tweezer - sims - alex
                            stalker - creep

    _______   ______  _____    _______         _________          _______
   .\   __/___\___ /_.   _/____\    _/___.   ._\ ___   /__________)     /
   |             -   |   \          \    |   |         |    l         \/|
   l_________________l___________________|   l_________|________________|
   ·                                                                    ·
   :     [     n i r v a n a   b o a r d s   w o r l d w i d e     ]    :
   |                                                                    |
   :  access denied +46-371-82218   WHQ                    iCE          :
   ·  subzero       +44-tRYfiNDiT!  UKHQ                   STALKER      ·
   :  illusions     +46-371-80141   SHQ                    SiMS         :
   |                                                                    |
   :  digital-x     +31-570-637050  neatherlands dist site BALTIMORA    :
   ·  moldavia      +46-480-411887  sweden dist site       CASE         ·
     ____      _________.  ________   ________    _____  ______
   ._\  /____ _\ ____   |__\____  /___)      /_ __\   /__) ___/_________.
   |     --  Y          |     --           \/  Y --      \_____         |

                           fini finito caputto


             _____ ____ ______\__/____ dNo/jA! ____  __  ______  
          ___\ _  |    |     /____\ _ |-------|    |`--'|   _ /  
         |__  \/  |  --|- _ /|__   \/ | __    |  --|-   |   \/|  
       |    ÷  a  ÷  t  ÷  l  ÷  a  ÷  n  ÷  t  ÷  i  ÷  c  ÷   |
       |------- CBK ------- STS ------- GNX ------- OVK --------|
       |        Absolutly one of the fastest in Europe!         |
                       rUNNING 4nODES + 4tELNET (24H)
     Node1: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node2: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node3: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node4: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node5: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node6: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
     Node7: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node8: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
                    SUPPORTING : AMIGA - PEZE - N64

[MorphADD by Icarus/TRSi Version 1.05] USER: ATLANTIC POWER

               _______________________________________  __ __       
             _ )      .\_____   \_   ____/     -\     \/ .\\ \ _
               \    __ \\   /____/ ____/__   |  \\ __     \\\ \\\
               /\  /     \     +\         \_     \\  \  _  \\\ \\\\
        _ __ _/  \/       \  \  \\_       ./ |     \  \/    \\\_\\\\\   \ \
       \\\\_\\____________/___\   /____  //__|__    \__|      \_
         _ ___________________________________________ __ _
            )      .\___   .\     .\        \_   ____//_//// / //   
            \  ___  \\  \_  \\_ |  \\___ ____/ ____/__
            /\/  ____/   _    /     \\  \__   \_      \_ mYSTERY of DARK!
      _ __ /      |     /    /  |    \\  \/    /      ./ bACK oN tRACK! 
    //// //_______| ___/____/___|__    \______/____  //       
  --:-- -------------------------------------------------------------- --:--
    |   uLTIMA 7 oSIRIS 7  qUASAR 7 5th DYNASTY Swedish headquarters     |
  --:-- -------------------------------------------------------------- --:--
    | fAAST 0-1 dAY aMiGA wAREZ oNLY · dAT · rEQUESTS · aSC² oRDeRiNG    |
    |    running on =T=              · bLAZiNG aLONG aT 33.6K DS         |
    |   sYSOP: bUBBA/5th dynasty     · CoSYSOP: nASTYbOY^                |
               HARDSEQUENCER^SAINTS  · cHARLIE/sTEEL/                    |
    |    nODE 1: +46(0)612-30711     · nODE 2: rDOWN                     |
         nODE 3-5 TELNET /WHOIS BUBBA ON #AMIELITE,                      |
    |     *2 cREDZ fOR mAJOR uPLOADS · *3 cREDZ fOR oWN gROUP mAJORS     |
  --:-- -------------------------------------------------------------- --:--
    | wHEN qUALITY iSN`t nUFf aND u`re sTill looking for pHUN tHEN tHERE |
    |      is oNE board open for yOU eVERY dAY 7 DAYS a Week 24H!        |
  --:-- -------------------------------------------------------------- --:--
    : -+-       uLTIMA^qUASAR^oSIRIS^5th DYNASTY sHQ                 -+- :


This File Had A One Night Stand At:
   _|____ /  _|_______________|_                                
    |\  //\___|__________/\___|__________/\______/\__________/\______
    : \// ___________ _ /___  _ /____ _ /___  _ /________ _ /___  _ /
       /  /____/      //   /  //      //   /  //   /      //   /  //
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     /_ _   \/|  /____ /    \/|  /____ /    \/       /____ /Sk!n\/
              |      \/       |      \/                  \/
      ________|________/\_____|____/\______Digital Corruption Canadian HQ!
      \___________  _ /___/  _____// _____/    Royal          Canadian HQ!
          /   /  /  //   /\___  \/.  /_        Real                   CHQ!
         /___/__/  ./___/_______/____ //\ :    Food     Distribution Site!
              |/____ /        |.    \//__\|_   GODS                   CHQ!
              |    \/       / ||    /_ _  |
              |            // |:       :
------------ -|---------------|- ----------------------------------------
 "CANADIAN MIST" - NODE#1--> (xXx) xXx-xXxX -> 33.6k V.Everything
                   NODE#2-4> (STA) TIC-IP!! -> Get On IRC
 A3000/040 -> 2.18 Gigs Online -> Lightning Quick Background File Checks
                            REFERRAL ONLY!
                       ONLY THE ELiTE NEED APPLY
------------ ------------------- ----------------------------------------
           uPPER: Arlequin                     tIME: 00:10:34        
     aFFILIATION: *!* Pungas *!*               dATE: 27-Apr-97        
                                nODE nUMBER [2]                    