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96 208 bytes (93.95K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 308


\\_   ¬\  _ ¬\___ ¬\--- -  -  - ----- - ---o
 /  /  /  /__/\__  /         NE7 OF        :
/  /  /  ___/  /  /     DUAL CREW SHINING  |
¯\/__/¯\___/zS!¯\/          PRESENTS       |
:---- - --- ---------- - -- - ------- - ---:
|_,._  S H I P L E S S    O C E A N S  _.,_|
`-------- -- -  - ---- - ------- - -- -----'


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            .                 o
   shipless :     o                 |                    .         o
            .                       |_____.
 |          |           .           |     |     o        .                  _
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 |   _   /  |     |_____| .X. |          \|      ________|________/   ___  /  .
 |   \  /___:     |     |-XXX-.  ___     /|     |   _____|   ____/___ \___/___!
 |    \/    |     !     | ^X^ |  \/     / |_____|   _/__|           |         |
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|-----------!NE7--|_____|     |     |    /      |     \     \_____/|  _     / !
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            o     |           :         /        \ |       /  \    |          |
                  |__       __|________/_________/_|______/____\   |__________|
                    \_______/ !              o     !            \__|          !
                                  o                .               |  oceans  .
                              .                              o     !
                                                   .               :
                    I    did    all my best      to smile          :
                    'Til   your  singing eyes and fingers          `.
                    Drew    me loving   to   your    isle            ;
                    And            you               sang          .'
                    Sail    to    me,    sail   to     me           ^.
                    Let         me        enfold      you             x
                    Here       I      am,     here   I am              X
                    Waiting         to    hold        you             x
                    Did  I dream  you, dreamed  about me?
                    Were   you hare when,    I  was  fox?           :
                    Now my   foolish,   boat  is  leaning           .
                    Broken  lovelorn    on    your  rocks
                    For          you                 sing           0
                    'Touch   me   not,   touch    me  not
                    Come       back              tomorrow
                    Oh    my     heart,   oh    my  heart           O
                    Shies      from    the        sorrow'

                    I     am    puzzled as    the  oyster           o
                    I      am      troubled as   the tide
                    Should  I stand,  amid your breakers?
                    Or should I lie, with death my bride?
                    Hear             me              sing           .
                    'Swim     to    me,    swim   to   me
                    Let        me        enfold       you
                    Here    I    am,      here    I    am
                    Waiting        to     hold       you'
                    tim buckley    /    song to the siren

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.












         !                                                    .XXX.
        .X.                                                  .XXXxX.
       .XXX.                         !                       `XXXXX'
      .XXXxX.                       .X.                       `^X^'
      `XXXXX'                      .XXX.
       `^X^'                      .XXXxX.

                      !                               .XXXxX.
                     .X.                              `XXXXX'
                    .XXX.                              `^X^'
                    `^X^'            !

                   x           `

                                  .        '  o     x
                                  X   .
                              `  .   xXx               o
                         o      .X    ^     '
                             i did some logos for
                            some pals. no requests
                           this time, just presents
                                  for m8's...
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                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "              .

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.
       .                              "

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
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                        ^X' x.
                          .XXXx.              .
                  o          ^XX;

                               xXx                                    o
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                                .xXXX'        "

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  __/\__                                                                \    /
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          aSCII bRUV's            aCE aRTISTS:      :: fAB mUSICIAN pALS
         .dEVISTATOR             .h2o                 .tDK
         .nUP                    .kENET               .4mAT
         .aBHO            +      .aLIEN               .vIM          __/\__
         .zANER                                       .sYPHUS       \    /
         .sAL-oNE              :: wONDERFUL fORUM     .hOFFMAN      /_  _\
         .aRCLITE                                     .pANIC          \/
         .dMG         +          .bITFELLAS           .dALEZY
         .zEUS                                        .zALZA      +
         .sKIN                                        .sUBI
         .zORRO                  __/\__               .kANEEL
         .zITO                   \    /               .gOTO80
  +      .zEFYROS                /_  _\               .xERXES               +
                                   \/     __/\__
                    __/\__                \    /    :: fOR mY oL' GROUP-m8s
                    \    /                /_  _\      .nAPALM
    ----------------/_  _\------------------\/-----------------------------

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                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

   > meteorik
                               fOR                 /\
                  ________  fRIENDSHIP.   ______  /  \      ________
           _______\_     / ________ ___  /      \/    \_____\       \
          /    _   /    /_/__  __  \   \/       /      \     \       \
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     /    /     /    /   \/    \    /\      \            \     \/       \
    /     \____/    /\_________/___/  \_____/\___________/\__            \
    \_____/    \___/!NE7                                     \___________/

                                   .x. .x.
                                      '                           ________
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

  > devistator
                        __/\__._____/_    \
                 ____   \_  _/   _    \   / _____
         _____  /   / __/_\/ \   /    /  /\/     \ __________
    ___ /     \/   / /   /   /  /    / _/__\      \__        \  ________
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 |____/       /\    / /     /     / /   \  /    \     \          /____\
    /________/  \  / /     /     / /     \/      \     \________/!NE7
                /\/ /     /     / /      /\       \     \_
                \__/    _/     / /      /  \       \_____/
                   \__________/ /______/    \_______\
                                   - thx for the lovely logo bro!
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                  > nup
                                _______|       |
                               |       |       |
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         \         _ \/        |       |       |     \_____________/
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   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/
             > abho                /        /_______
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                 _______ /      /        /       /              \
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               _\______  \       /     /       /     / /       /
              /    /__/    ___  /     /       /     / /       /
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                    /         /             /     / /       /
                   /________ /     /       /      \/       /
                         /  /     /      \________________/
                        /________/       /!NE7
                                /       /
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

      > zaner                      ___________.
                           _ ______\         "|         _
     _             ________//       \         |_________\               _
     \____________/         \        \ _      |  ___     \______________/
      \      __  /  .___     \        \/      |  \________\   __       /
      _\______/ /     \|      \    _          |        /      \/______/_
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    /      \/     \    |\       \   \\        |     \/     \    \/       \
   /_______________\___! \______/_____\       |_____________\____\________\!NE7
 _/                 \_                 \______|              \_            \_
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/
         _____          _____          _____          _____          _____
        /     \        /     \        /     \        /     \        /     \
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 /     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //
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       \       //     \       /      \       /      \       //     \       /
        \_____//       \_____/        \_____/        \_____//       \_____/
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 /     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //
/       \_____//       \_____//       \_____//       \_____//       \_____//
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 /     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //
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        \_____//       \_____/        \_____/        \_____//       \_____/
        /     \\       /     \        /     \        /     \\       /     \
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 /     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //     \       //
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        \_____/        \_____/        \_____/        \_____/        \_____/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

    > sal-one
                    _________                            _________
     ________  _____\_       \            __________ ____\       /________
    /      _ \/       \       \          /          \     \     /  ______/
    \      \_/_        \      /__   __  /    __     /      \   /  ____/__
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   /       \//  \/      /  \/     /      \        /    /     /     \/     \
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  \________/                                                  \____________/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

          > arclite for nup     ____________
                        _______/_          / __/\ ______
                ______ /         \        /__\  /_\     \___
          ____ /      \          /       /_\_ \/ \          \________
         /    \   __   \   \____/___    /    \    \___    ___\  __   \
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       /  \/   /   \     \   \      / /        \      \     \    \/    \
       \___\__/    /\____/         / /         /       \     \_________/
             \____/!NE7\          / /         /\        \_____/
                        \________/           /  \_______/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

         > dmg      ______
                   /\     \                      _____________
                  /  \     \  _______  _______  /             \
                 /____\___  \/       \/       \/     _________/
                 /        \  \      ___        \     \  _____/_____
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               /\     \ /\     \     \     \/    \     \__       __/
              /  \     \_/      \     \     \     \     \/       \/
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             \     \_______/\____/\____/\____/\     \_______/\     \
              \    /      / /   / /   / /   /  \____/      /  \____/
               \  /      / /   / /   / /   /   /   /      /   /   /
                \/______/\/___/\/___/\/___/\  /   /______/\  /   /
                                            \/___/!NE7     \/___/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

      > zeus
        __________________                    ______
        \                /________________   /      \
         \              /                /___\       \  ____________
          \________    /\     ___       /     \       \/    __     /
               /  ____/__\____\________/\      \       \    \_____/____
              /              /  ____/____\__    \      _\________      \
             /              /   \           \_   \    /        \/       \
            /______________/\________________/    \   \_________________/
   thanks for that ace updated diz pal <3    _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/
                 If      you're    listening  to   this   song        --|--
        []       You  may  think  the  chords  are going wrong       --[]-
                 But                               they're not   -[]------
                 He just          wrote it          like that.
   --___---      It doesn't   really matter what chords I play         __
   --|-|--       What   words           I                  say     ----|--
   -[][]--       Or             time   of   day   it        is     ---[]--
                 As      it's   only   a    Northern      song     -------
       |         It doesn't  really matter what clothes I wear
      []--       Or         how         I                 fare
    ------       Or           if        my  hair is      brown
   --------      When    it's    only    a     Northern   song   --___---
      ___        When you're listening   late     at     night   --|-|--
    --|-|--      You may think the  band are not  quite  right   -[][]--
   --[][]---     But  they are,  they just play  it like  that
   -------       It  doesn't really  matter what chords I play
                 What  words  I say  or  time  of  day  it  is
                 As  it's     only a            Northern song.    --------
    []           It  doesn't really matter what clothes I wear    --[]--
                 Or                                 how I fare    --------
       __        Or          if my hair               is brown    __
   ----|--       When     it's       only a      Northern song    |
   ---[]--       If    you     think    the            harmony   []
   -------       Is a       little dark         and out of key       __
                 You're     correct, there's     nobody there.       |
      ___        It doesn't really  matter what  chords I play   ---[]--
      |-|        What words    I say or time of   day    it is   -------
    -[][]--      And    I told you there's        no one there   -------
   --------         ^> Only a Northern Song / The Beatles <^
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

           > skin
                      ________           ______              __
              ________\       \  _______ \    /_________    /  \
             /   __    \_      \/      /__\  /_\        \  /    \
            /    \______/_     /      /\   \/   \     _  \/      \
           /              \         _/__\_       \     \  \       \
           \___________    \      __      \       \     \          \
             /       \/     \     \/       \_      \     \          \
            /         \     /     /         /       \     \          \
            \          \   /______\________/\_______/\____/\_________/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

   > zorro       ____________             _______________
                /            \ ___________\_      __     \ ____________
   _____________\__    /\     \      __     \     \/_____//            \
   \               \   \ \     \     \/_____/      __      \     /\     \
    \_________     /    \/      \     __     \      \       \    \ \     \
         /   _____/\____________/      \      \_____/\______/     \/      \
        /              /!NE7    \______/\_______/           \_____________/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

          > zito                              ________
                                       ____  /        \
                  ____________  ___   /    \/          \
                 /       _   / (___)__\    /__          \
                /________/  /_/     /__    __/   __      \
                     /   __/  \       \     \    \/       \
                    /    \/    \______/\_____\             \
                    \________________\!NE7  \               \
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

   > zefyros           ___________/  |  \  __________
             _________/   __      \  |   \/          \  ___________
   _________/  __     \  /        /  |    \           \/          _\______
   \_____  /   \______/  \_______/   |     \     /\    \    __   /   ____/_
      / __/__   ____/_    ____/      |      \    \ \___/___ \/   \______   \
     /_______\     \/ \     \/       |       \    \/       \      /________/
          \___________/     /_____   !   _____\   /         \_______/!NE7
                /             \  /       \ \      \          \
                \_____________/ /         \ \_____/\_________/

                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

                         xXx                                           .xXXx
                         ^X' x.                                      .xXXXXXx
                           .XXXx.                                  .xXXXXXXxX^
                            ^XXXX.                               \xXXXXXXX^'
                              ^XX;                               \\'XxXX'
                                "                                 \\x^'
               .X                                                  ^\
             .xXXx              xXx                                 \\
           .xXXXXXx             ^X' x.                               \\
         .xXXXXXXxX^              .XXXx.                       .       \
       \xXXXXXXX^'                 ^XXXX.                     .Xx.
       \\'XxXX'                      ^XX;                    .xXXxx
        \\x^'                          "                    .XXXXXXx.
         ^\                                                  `xXXXXXXx/
          \\        Well   I     learned    the      trade     `xXXXX//
           \\       From       Piggy      Knowles      and       ^Xx'/
     .       \      Sing   Sing     Tommy     Shay    Boys         x/
    .Xx.            God    used  me  as   a  hammer  boys;        //
   .xXXxx           to    beat    his   weary   drum today       //
 .xXXXXXXx.         Hoist            that              rag       /
   `xXXXXXXx/       Hoist     that                     rag      /
     `xXXXX//       The   sun   is up   the  world is flat              .x
       ^Xx'/        Damn     good   address    for  a  rat            .xXXx
         x/         The     smell         of         blood          .xXXXXXx
        //          The         drone      of        flies        .xXXXXXXxX^
       //           You know what to do if the baby cries!      \xXXXXXXX^'
       /            Hoist      that                    rag      \\'XxXX'
      /        .    Hoist that                         rag       \\x^'
              xX.   Well     we   stick our     fingers in        ^\
            .xXXX.  the       ground,     heave        and         \\
          .xXXXXXX. turn     the      world         around          \\
        .xXXXXXXxX^ Smoke      is     blacking out the sun    .       \
      \xXXXXXXX^'   At    night  I pray and  clean  my gun   .Xx.
      \\'XxXX'      The      cracked    bell    rings   as  .xXXxx
       \\x^'        The    ghost bird sings  and the  gods .XXXXXXx.
        ^\          go              begging           here  `xXXXXXXx/
         \\         So        just         open       fire    `xXXXX//
          \\        As          you   hit      the   shore      ^Xx'/
            \       All      is     fair    in        love        x/
                    And                                war       //
        .           Hoist                         that rag      //
        Xx.         Hoist         that                 rag      /        .X
       xXXxx        Hoist                         that rag     /       .xXXx
     ,XXXXXXx.      Hoist    that                      rag           .xXXXXXx
      `xXXXXXXx/                                                   .xXXXXXXxX^
        `xXXXX//      /^- Tom Waits / Hoist that Rag -^\         \xXXXXXXX^'
          ^Xx'/                                                  \\'XxXX'
            x/                                                    \\x^'
           //                                                      ^\
          //                                                        \\
          /             xXx                                          \\
         /              ^X' x.                                         \

                               ^X' x.

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.

      > bitfellas       __/_____ \  _____________        for alien/antitrax2010
                   ____/       /  \/            /________
           ____   /   /       /    \           /      __/____
     ____  \  /  /   /       /      \         /       \      \__________
    / _  \ _\/  /   /  _    /        \       /        /\      \_    _   \_
   /  / _//  _\/  _/_ /    /  _       \_    /        /__\____   \   \____/___
  /  _  \/  /       //    / _/         /   /        /_____ \/    \ _______   \
 /   /   \ /__  ___/ \___/  \_________/   /        /      \ \     \     _/   /
 \_______/  /   /_  ___/        \        /______ _/       /  \    /_________/
      /____/   / /  /     ______/__     /      /         /___/\__/
          /_____/  /\     \/      /   _/      /_________/
             /____/  \___________/           /!NE7

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

                        ^X' x.

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

              I don't want to set the world on fire...
              I just want to start a flame in your heart <3
                                            - The Ink Spots

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.

                   ___________  /           \           you know what......
       > h2o      /     __    \/      /\     \          ...................
             ____ \______/    /      / /      \         talent   is   talent
        ____|    \ /   ______/_.    / /       /         + pals  are  always
       /    |     \    \/      |    \/       /          gonna  be    pals -
      /           /     \      |            /           always  ace  talking
      \_____|____/_____________|           /            to  all   of u  guys
            !           !NE7\_____________/             over   the     years
            .                                           and  u   r    all
                                                        fecking   awesome <3
                                     ________           don't   forget that!
       > kenet      ________ _____  /       /_______    life   is    far too
         _____  ___/__      \     \/       /  __    \___________  short   to
        /     \/     / __   /      \      /  /      /           \   fall
       /      /   __/ /    /        \    /   \_____/            /     out
      /           \   \___/             /       /___      _____/ over   art.
     /      /     /____/__             /   ____/__/       /     i   know   i
     \_____/\____/ \     /  _         /    \     /_______/   sound   like  a
              /     \   /   \        /      \   /!NE7      complete    hippy
              \________/    /\______/          /        but  it  did   kinda
                    /______/      \___________/         make    me'      old
                                                        heart  weep a little
                                                        to see y'all falling
       > alien  _______  pdx                            out    recently   so
         _______\      \  _______ _________ _____  __   this  is  me  hoping
        /        \      \_\___  /         /    _ \/  \   that     everything
       _\____/    \      \    \/\   _____/\     \ \   \   gets resolved  for
      /     /\     \      \      \   __/___\__   \     \   the better and  u
      \     \_\_   /\      \      \   \/     /    \     \_  can all  move on
       \______/\__/  \______\_____/\________/\____/\_____/ n get  back   to
        !NE7                                              making awesome gfx
                                               _____         <3        - ne7
                                              /    /\
                                             /____/  \
                                             \    \  /
       /    /\
      /____/  \                                    xXx
      \    \  /                                   "^XX'
       \____\/                        xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "
                                ^XX^                        _____
      _____                      "                         /\    \
     /\    \                                              /  \____\
    /  \____\                                             \  /    /
    \  /    /           xXx                                \/____/
     \/____/            ^X' x.                                          _____
                          .XXXx.                                       /    /\
                           ^XXXX.                                     /____/  \
                             ^XX;                                     \    \  /
                _____          "                                       \____\/
               /    /\
              /____/  \        xXx                           _____
              \    \  /        ^X' x.                       /    /\
               \____\/           .XXXx.                    /____/  \
                                  ^XXXX.                   \    \  /
                                    ^XX;                    \____\/
          /\    \                                  xXx
         /  \____\                                "^XX'
         \  /    /                    xXx       .x. ^'            _____
          \/____/                    "^XX'     xXXX              /    /\
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'             /____/  \
                                  xXXX       ^XX^               \    \  /
                                .xXXX'        "                  \____\/
                                ^XX^              _____
                                 "               /\    \
                                                /  \____\    _____
                                                \  /    /   /    /\
                        xXx                      \/____/   /____/  \
    _____               ^X' x.                             \    \  /
   /    /\                .XXXx.                            \____\/
  /____/  \                ^XXXX.
  \    \  /                  ^XX;                    _____
   \____\/                     "                    /    /\
                                                   /____/  \
                                                   \    \  /
                _____         _____         _____   \____\/____         _____
               /    /\       /    /\       /    /\       /    /\       /    /\
         _____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \
        /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /
       /____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/
       \    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\
    ____\____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \
   /    /\    \    \  /     \    \  /\    \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /
  /____/  \    \____\/       \____\/  \____\____\/       \____\/       \____\/
  \    \  /    /    /\       /    /\  /    /    /\       /    /\       /    /\
   \____\/____/____/  \_____/____/  \/____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \
        /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /
       /____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/
       \    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\
        \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \
  _____       \    \  /     \    \  /\    \    \  /    /\    \  /     \    \  /
 /    /\       \____\/       \____\/  \____\____\/____/  \____\/       \____\/
/____/  \      /    /\       /    /\  /    /    /\    \  /    /\       /    /\
\    \  /_____/____/  \_____/____/  \/____/____/  \____\/____/  \_____/____/  \
 \____\//    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /
       /____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/
       \    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\
        \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \
      _____   \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /
     /    /\   \____\/       \____\/       \____\/       \____\/       \____\/
    /____/  \  /    /\       /    /\       /    /\       /    /\       /    /\
    \    \__/_/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \
     \__/    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /
       /____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/
       \    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\
        \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \
         \    \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /    /\    \  /
          \____\____\/       \____\/       \____\/       \____\/____/  \____\/
               /    /\       /    /\       /    /\       /    /\    \  /    /\
         _____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \____\/____/  \
        /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /
       /____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/
       \    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\
        \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \
              \    \  /     \    \  /    /\    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /
           ____\____\/       \____\/____/  \____\/       \____\/       \____\/
          /    /    /\       /    /\    \  /    /\       /    /\       /    /\
         /____/____/  \_____/____/  \____\/____/  \_____/____/  \_____/____/  \
        /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /
       /____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/
       \    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\    \  /    /\
        \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \____\/____/  \
              \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /     \    \  /
               \____\/       \____\/       \____\/       \____\/       \____\/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

              > tdk                     \      \
                                    _____\      \  ______
                                    \     \      \/      \
                          ___________\     \      \      /
               ___________\_.         \     \      \   _/___
              _\            |__       ___    \              \
              \___          __/____   \ \     \      \       \
                 \           \/   /    \/      \      \       \
                  \______________/             /\      \       \
                               \______________/  \_____/\       \

                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                > 4mat          _____            __|      |__
                        ___\   /     |           \          /
               _________|   \ /      |_________   \_      _/
              /   _     |    X       |\        \___|      |
             /   /|     |__     /    | \_______    |      |
            /    ¯¯       /    /     |    \  /     |      |___
            \______     _/   \/\     |     \/      |         /
                  |_____|_____\ \____|      \      |\_______/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                    > vim       .           :
                   ............ :...........:...............
                   .            :           :              :
                   :           _____        .              .
                   _          /    / ____   .              :
                   \_____ __ /    / _\  /_. |____ ____ ____!
                    \    \\//    / /  \/  | |    \\  //    |
                   : \    \/    / /       | |     \\//     |
                   .  \    \   /_/        | |      \/      |
                   :   \      / |         | |   _   \   _  |
                   .    \    /  |         | |   \      /   |
                         \  /   |_________! |___/\    /____|
                   :      \/    !         . .     \  /!NE7 :
                   :            .           :      \/      .
                   :............:.......... . ..... \   ...:
                                :           :
                                .           .
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/
   \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /
   /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /
  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /
 /    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /
    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /
   /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /
  /    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
  \____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \
  /    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
  \    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \
   \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \
    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \
  \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /
  /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /
 /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /
/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \
/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \
 \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \
  \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \
    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /    \       /
    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /\    /\     /
   /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \   /
  /    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
  \____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \____/\____/ \
  /    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
  \    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \
   \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \
    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \
   /    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/    \/    \_/
   \    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \    /\    / \
    \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \  /  \  /   \
     \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \/    \/     \
                                             _________________   /        \
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   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

   > syphus
                           ________/_____     /________
                     _____/     _       /    /        /
              ______/     \    / \     /    /      __/____ ____
     ______  /     /       \ _/__/    /    /      /      /     \ _______
    /   __/_/___      _____/         /           /      /      //  ____/__
  __\_____   \/       /             /    /      /      /     _/_\______   \
 /      \/    \      /      \______/    /       \     /     /        \/    \
 \____________/_____/         /________/        /\__________\______________/
               !NE7/         /        /________/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

    > hoffman
                              /   _    \_____                     ___
                 _________   /   /     /_    \_______    /\      /   \
      ______    /         \ /  _ \____//     /       \  /  \    /     \
     /     /___/_          X  /   /  _ \____/         \/    \  /       \
    /     /   /  \    __  / \ \__/  /  / /  \         /\     \/        /_
   /      __ /   /    \/ /  /  /    \_/_/    \  \____/_/     /\    /  /  \
 _/       / /   /       /  /  /      /      \    \  /_______/__\  /  /   /
 \_______/_/___/       /  /  /      /\      /\___/         /_____/      /
      !NE7/           /__/__/      /  \____/                    /______/
          \_____________/  /______/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                   > panic

            _____________               __   _____    ___________
           /  _______    \     ______  /  \ /     \  /           \
          /  /      /     \   /      \/    \\_____/_/      \      \
         /  /    _ /      /___\     _ \     \/      \       \_____/_
        /   \    \/      /     \     \       \       \       \/     \
       /     \__________/ __    \     \       \       \       \      \
      /          / /      \/     \____/\      /\______/\       \      \
      \         / /_______/\      \!NE7 \____/          \             /
       \_______/            \_____/                      \___________/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

     > dalezy        ________    \             \_____________
                _____\_      \    \             \            \______
  __________   /       \      \____\_     ______/             \     \_______
 /          \_/____     \      \     \       \  \_______      /      \      \
 \     ___   \   \/      \      \     \    __/______  /    __/_\_     \      \
  \    \_/    \   \       \      \     \_   \/      \/           \     \     /
   \          /    \      /       \     /           /             \__       /
    \________/\____/\____/ \___________/\__________/\_____________/  \      \

                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
    \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
    /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
       \    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /\    /
       /_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\
         \/    \/    \/    \/    \/    \/    \/    \/    \/    \/    \/
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

      > zalza                  __________
  _______________              \         \
  \              \   ___________\_        \ ______________   ___________
   \              \ /             \        \\             \ /           \
    \__________   / \       ___    \        \\________    //      ___    \
         /   ____/___\      \_/     \        \ /     ____/_\      \_/     \
        /             \       \      \        /             \       \      \
       /               \       \      \       \              \       \      \

                                             _________________   /        \
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   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                                   \        \
      > subi                     ___\        \________
                     _________  /    \        \       \   ______
         ____________\        \/      \                \__\    /_
        /     ___    \\        \       \        ___     \  \  /  \
        \     \______/__        \       \        \ \     \  \/    \
       __\_______       \        \       \        \ \     \        \
      /        \/        \        \       \        \/      \        \
      \         \        /\        \      /\               /\        \
       \________________/  \_____________/  \_____________/  \_______/!NE7

                                             _________________   /        \
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   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

         > kaneel                  _____________
                                 __\           /
                     _______    /   \ _       /       ________
           __  ____ /       \  /     \/    __/_____  /        \_______
          /  \/   // __      \/           / /      \/   ______/      /______
         /      _//  \/      /\          / / ______/   ____/_/      /      /
        /       \/    \       /         / / ____/__\___   \// \    /      /
       /___/\____\____/\     /         / /     \/   \_/_____\_/__________/
               /        \_/_/    \     \_____________/!NE7

                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
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 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                  > goto80
                              .   !          _____  _____
                    _____ ____|   |_ __     / __  \/  __ \
                   /  ___/_ _\_   _/__ \ __ \_\/__/  / /  \
                  /   \_ _/ \/ \  | \/  \\//   \/  \ \/   /
                  \__   \______/  |_____/  \_______/_____/
                     \___|    |___!NE7

                                               little mini ascii :)
                                               to go with the big-1's *grin*

                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

      > xerxes
         _____ ____ _________ _________   ____  ____  _______ _______
        /     /    \    ____//   __    \ /    \/    \/ _____//   ___/_
       _\__  /  ___/  ____/_/    \_____/_\_   /  ___/   _/___\______  \
      /           \      \/ \    /    \/           \    \/   \/   \/   \
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

                        ^X' x.

                               ^X' x.

                                      xXx       .x. ^'
                                     "^XX'     xXXX
                                   .x. ^'    .xXXX'
                                  xXXX       ^XX^
                                .xXXX'        "

                        ^X' x.
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

   > napalm: 4 my old team mates: /           \_______
             __________  _________\      __    \      \              ____
            /          \/          \     \/     \      \   _______  /    \
  __________\           \           \     __     \      \__\__    \/      \
 /           \      __   \    /\     \     \      \      \    \    \       \
 \      \     \     \/    \   \___    \     \      \     /     \  \    \    \
  \      \     \      \    \     \____/\     \      \          /   \    \    \
   \_____/\____/\_____/____/      \!NE7-\____/______/\________/\___/\___/\___/
                                       ^ this last ones'esp. for Danz' \o_

                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

      _[]_ _[]_   When the night has come and the land is dark   _[]_ _[]_
      \\// \\//   And    the moon    is the only  light we see   \\// \\//
      _/\_ _/\_   No, I won't be afraid, oh, I won't be afraid   _/\_ _/\_
                  Just as long as you stand,       stand by me
      _[]_ _[]_                                                  _[]_ _[]_
      \\// \\//   So                darling,          darling,   \\// \\//
      _/\_ _/\_   stand    by    me,    oh,    stand   by   me   _/\_ _/\_
                  Oh,    stand, stand   by me, stand   by   me
      _[]_ _[]_                                                  _[]_ _[]_
      \\// \\//   If      the      sky    that  we  look  upon   \\// \\//
      _/\_ _/\_   should         tumble       and         fall   _/\_ _/\_
                  Or  the  mountain  should crumble to the sea
      _[]_ _[]_   I won't cry,                I won't cry, no,   _[]_ _[]_
      \\// \\//   I won't                          shed a tear   \\// \\//
      _/\_ _/\_   Just as  long  as you  stand,  stand  by  me   _/\_ _/\_

                  And     darling,    darling,     stand by me
      _[]_ _[]_   Darling,          darling,       stand by me   _[]_ _[]_
      \\// \\//   Whenever       you're        in      trouble   \\// \\//
      _/\_ _/\_   Won't  you  stand by me,   oh,  stand  by me   _/\_ _/\_

                                    - Ben-E-King / Stand By Me
                                             _________________   /        \
                     _______________________/                 \ /          \
   _________________/                      / \                 X            \
  /                / \                    /  /                / \            \
 /                 \ /                    \ /                 \ /            /
 \                  X______________________X___________________X____________/

----------------------------------------------------   .   --------------------
    _____                          ____       ____     |     /\    ____
   /     \ ____________ _____ _____\_  \  ____\  / ___-+-_  /  \__/  _/_ _____
  _\____  \ ___  \ ___ \ ___//_ __   \  \/   /-\/-/\  \|  \/   /__  ___/ ____/
 /   \/    \ \/  / \/  / \_/   \\/   /       \   /  \  \   \    /    /  __/__
 \___/\____/____/_____/__/\    /____/___/\    \ /   /\_/\__/   /____/_______/
      /_____/    /         \__/           \____X___/!NE7/__________\
          /_____/                            \/

                       Dedicated to my pal Meteorik (rip).             __/\__
   +                                                                .  \    /
             .  __/\__           Miss U Buddy :(                       /_  _\
       __/\__   \    /                                        __/\__     \/
-------\    /---/_  _\----------------------------------------\    /-----------
       /_  _\     \/              .                           /_  _\     +
         \/                +                         .          \/

Richard Thompson   wrote  the following  song when he was ONLY  seventeen years
old confronting feelings of loss and also talking about said loss in a positive
light... 'the ledge'  in the song   was  a  huge  low hanging  tree branch on a
big  old  oak tree where  Richard    and  his  pals would congregate on to play
(and climb)  when they were little kids... as well as being  a wonderful bit of
music + lyrics (especially for a 17yr old!) it also totally  sums up how i have
been  feeling   the   last few weeks...

<3 - ne7

                              We  used   to say,
                              That come the day,
                           We'd all be making songs...
                           Or  finding  better  words,
                        These  ideas  never  lasted long

                                The way is up...
                               Along  the road...
                            The air is growing thin,
                           Too many friends who tried,
                  Were blown off this mountain with the wind

                              Meet on the ledge,
                       We're gonna meet on the ledge,
               When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends,
                              Meet on the ledge,
                        We're gonna meet on the ledge

                           If you really mean it,
                          it all comes round again

                               Yet now I see,
                               I'm all alone,
                        But that's the only way to be,
                        You'll have your chance again;
                       Then you can do the work for me...

                              Meet on the ledge,
                        We're gonna meet on the ledge,
                              When my time is up;
                        I'm gonna see all my friends,
                              Meet on the ledge,
                        We're gonna meet on the ledge,

               If you really mean it, it all comes round again,

                               Meet on the ledge,
                       We're gonna meet on the ledge,
               When my time is up I'm gonna see all my friends,
                               Meet on the ledge,
                       We're gonna meet on the ledge,
               If you really mean it, it all comes round again

                     Meet on the Ledge / Fairport Convention


               I'll leave ya with this quote from a wise old man:
             'Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
                and the life of the candle will not be shortened
                   Happiness never decreases by being shared.'

                                   .x. .x.