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File size:
49 157 bytes (48.00K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 273


.---- --- -- - - --- ----.                   .__     .--- --- -- - - -- -- ---.
| -+ LordsCave Almere +- |  __/\___ ____: ___|  \    | -+ LordsCave Almere +- |
|                        .   _     Y    |/   |   \   |                        .
:  Nd1: +31/36-533-5138  :   |     :    |\_____   \  :  Nd2: +31/36-534-4665  :
.                        .   |    \_/   |/   |/    \ .                        .
:       ZyXEL 19K2       :   |  ___|    |\   ._____/ :      UsR V34 28K8      :
|                                                               .____.        |
|          __/\_________/\_________/\______________ ___/\_______|    |__      |
:         /   __________   ____________    /____   \ __   _______    __/      |
:         \____    \  /   ____/__/   _/___/_ __/  _/ /   ____/__|    |        :
.         |  |/     \/    \     /    \     / \__   \/    \     /|    |        .
:         |  . _____/\_______  /\_______  /___/   _\\_______  / |    |        :
.       +-|____/------------\_/--------\_/---/_______/-----\_/--|____|-+      .
.                                                        _____                :
          ___________/\  ______________/\_____ ___/\_____\_   \ :______       .
.        /____________ \  _______   \_______  \\__  ______|    \|    _/
        / \__   | /__/  \  |  __/  _/ |   |/   \_/ ____/__|   . \    |        .
        \   /   |/ \__   \ |  \__   \ |   .     /  \     /|    \     |
.        \___   |___/     \|___/     \|______  /\_____  / |    |\____|        .
^                                                                             ^
H=------ ------ --- - sYSoP: LoRD MaDNeSS aKa DeaTHFLoWeR - --- ------ ------=H

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                                      ____
   _____________/\  ___________  ____/  ./
...\______ \____  \/    \_____ \/   /  //.
..../  / / ./  / ./   /  /   / /   /  //..
.._/  / / //  / //   /__/  ___/   /  //...
..\__/\/\_/\____/\__/   \_/   \__/\__/....
    @f United ASCII Artist's Presents
  His c@llecti@n #3 Called *PiXeL Cha@s*

                             /\ /\
                            / .X .\
                         /\/  / \ \\/\
                        /.           .\
                       //  /\_   _/\  \\
  _ _ ______/\   _/\  //  //\\\_///\\  \\__________/\ __________/\____  __/\
   _ _ __     \ /   \//  _/ .\\ //. \_  \\________   \\________   \   \/    \
       /      //   _//  /.\  \\_//  /.\  \\_     /  ./  /     /  ./  ./    ./
      /            \   //  \  / \  /  \\   /    /  //  /     /  //  //    //
     /    ./  ./   /\ //    \/   \/    \\ /\   /  //__/     /  //  _/_   //
    /    //  //   /   \ __  //    \  __ /  .\  \___   \       //   ___  //
   /    //  //    \\  .\ \  \_____/  / /.   \\ /       \  ____/  ./    //
  /    //\__/    ./    \\ \_________/ //     //       ././ /    //    //
_/    //  _/    //      \\  \_____/  //     \\       ////_/    //    //
\_____/   \_____/\\ .    \\         //       /_______/_/ \_____/    //
                 /.  \   _/\       /\_  .   .\          /V\@!_/    //
                // .  \ .\ /   -   \ /   \   \\              \_____/
              _//   \    \\\_______//     \   \\_
              \      \    /         \\          /
               \_________/           \_________/
      is proud to Presents his Ascii Collection #3 called PixeL ChaoS 
  T@ watch this in the right way.. Y@u have t@ use CED... @ther wise, it will
       l@@k quit wierd. And t@ watch it 100% c@rect use a IBM F@NT!

 |                                  N@TE:                                    |
 |ASCII has bec@me an art.. Th@se @f use making ASCII c@nsider us self as    |   
 :artist's... We w@rk day by day am@ng the few p@sibilities @f the key       |
 :b@ard, BUT are still making art .                                          |
 :Y@U may n@t thing it's an art but we express y@ur self via @ur ASCII!!!    |
 :Try t@ make s@me ASCII f@r y@ur self, and see h@W difficult it is...       |
 :Then d@ c@nsider us as mutch @f an artist, as well!!                       |
 :@ur limits are very limited BUT still we manages t@ get s@me fine art @ut  |
 :@f @ur w@rk..@ur minds and fantasy are @nly making the limit's... If Y@U!  |
 :d@n't have the imaginati@n y@u can't make ASCII... Remember that 'WE' are  | 
 :@nly using the keyb@ard, and the limit the Edit@r's gives us. We can't use |
 :a m@use and s@me fanzy gadget's @nly @ur mind and the skill @f f@rming     |
 :letter's. Y@u d@n't bec@me a ASCII artist @ver night day.. It WILL take a  |
 :l@ng time t@ learn..                                                       |
 :                             ..::! !Peace!::..                             |                                                                    |
 :                                                                           |
 :                ..::|## M@RPH @f United ASCII Artist's! ##|::..            | 

           |And n@w @n t@ my small c@llecti@n number 3 @ut @f 3 :):

   Dizzer's ... I haven't made s@ many dizzer's but here they are any way..

|                                 *EXCALIBUR*                                 |
    ___________________ _____________/\
   / ____/  / ____ \  // ___  /  /____ \
  / _/\  __/__/__/ / //_ / / /  / ___/ /
 / /  \\ \ /  \\   \ / //  \ \ /  \    \_
/ /   //  \   //   // //   / /   / \ M@!/

|                                 *BLACK ICE*                                 |
_____      _   _ _ ___ _ ____ ____ _ _
\   .\::  / \______/\___/  //__________/\
 \__ \\|_/ :.\  _______/  //  ._/  / ___/
  //  /|.\ :_\\ :   ______/  //___/ ___/
 / \  \_ \\_/ \\:   /   .\  ///  .\   .\
/  /   /  \\_  \\_ /     \\_/  M@!\\_  \\_

|                                   *ACCESS*                                  |
\ ____   /     /     / ____  ____/ _____/
 \/__/  /  /__/  /__/  ___\___  \___  \/
 / \   /  /  /  /  /   :   \  \  \  \  \
\  \  \     \     \         /     /  M@!/
  <-- - -->> DaniSh DIviSi@n <<-- - -->

|                                   *ACCESS*                                  |

|  /   \     /     /  ___/  ____/ _____/ |
| /  :_ \ \_/\  \_/\  __/\____  \____  \ |
_/   _/  \_\  \_ \  \_:   \_ :   \_ :   \_
\    |    /    /     /     /      /   M@!/
| <-- - -->> DaniSh DIviSi@n <<-- - -->  |

|                                *End @f dizzer's*                            |

|                                 *  A@NE *                                   |
               ::                     ___________
              ::::___________/\_______\      ___/_____________
             _|  |_     __/ / \\\      \      \       ________>>>-- -
             \____/_:    \ /_  _\\     \\      \      ______/
              \:|/        \  ||   \     \\      \     \     \
              /\/ \__      \ ::    \     \       \     \     \::
            _/      |       \::     \_    \       \_         ::::
            \_______|        \_______/__  /\_____  /_________|  |_
                    |         \__       \/       \/         \____/
                    |___________/                            \:|/
                    :                                         \/
|                  Just a Little sumthing f@r my @wn b@ard 8)                 |

|                                 * REVIEW *                                  |

                                    _____                    _____
               _____/\  ___________/   ./_________________  /   ./
              /       \/  ____/   /   //   ./   ____/    / /   //
             /    /  ./  ____/   /   //   //   ____/    /\/   //
            /    /  //  /  ./   /   //   //   /  ./    / /   //
           /    /___/  /  //       //   //   /  //          //
           \___/    \_____/\_______/____/\______/\____/\____/

|                        Just a Little sumthing 8)                            |

...:::::#####@@@@@@=============:  BLACK ICE  :=============@@@@@@#####:::::...
                                                       / .\
                                                    /\/   \\
                                                   /       \\
           _________                        ______(__________)
   ______/\\__     /______  _______/\______/    ./_______________________/\
   \______.\/     /_    _/ /        /     /    // \__      _/     /  _____/
     /   / \\    //     .\/  ______/   __/    //   /     ./______/   ___/_
    /   ____/ __/\__  :__\\  \__  .\   _______/   /     // \__  .\  /    .\
   /    \_ .\ \__   \ __/ \\   :   \\  /    .\   /     //    :   \\       \\
  /      /  \\ :     \:    \\  :    \\/      \\_/     //     :    \\       \\
_/      /    \\_      \_    \\_      \\_      \\     //            \\_      \\_
\              /_______/______/________/________/____/\______________/        /
 \____________/                                              M@!\____________/

             D@n't kn@w ANY thing ab@ut these guy's Greets anyway

|                             *  B@DY J@HN  *                                 |

              _            :::::                      :::::
 _ _ _ ______/ \_________/\:::::  _________/\_________:::::_ ______________ _
 _ _ _ _______  \_   ____  \    \/   |  ____/   _/  | __/  |/ __/
       |     /  /  |  \  \  \    \   |  |  \  |  \  |  \  ||   \__    ___ _ _
       |    /  /\  :   \  \  \___    |  |   \ :   \ :   \ |     \      |
       |    \    \_.    \_    \_|    |  :    \_    \_    \:      \_    |
      _|     \     /_____/_____/|::::|        /_____/_____/       /    |_
 _ _  \:     /    /             ::::::       /        |   :      /     :/
 _ _\\\\::::_____>>>---         :::: :______>>>---    :::::_____/ :::::/
       /:::::                   :.:                   :::::[M@RPH] .:::\
      /:::::                    ..                                  ..::\
     /:::::  Sys@p: DEVILSTAR The Team: SCA - LECT@R - BLACK VIRUD * .:::\
    /|:::::                                                           :::|\
    \|:::: -= Running: A4000 at 25MHZ * 440 MB @NLINE * HST and DST =- ::|/
     |::::                                                              :|
     |:.. - --== * AMIGA SCUMS * 24H * SPECIAL GFX/MUSIC C@NF! * ==-- -/ |
     |:..                                                             / :|
     |. \     >>>--<<< (HST) >>>--<<< (DST) >>>--<<< (XXX) >>>--<<<   \ :|
     |. /             N@de #1        N@de #2        N@de #3            \.|
     |::           +45 PRIVAT     +45 -PRIVAT-   +45 -PRIVAT-           ::
     :.::                                                              :::
     .::::  --<< V I R T U A L  D R E A M S  D A N I S H  D @ K >>--  ::::\
    /::::::                                                          :::::/

|                             *  B@DY J@HN  *                                 |
                                    /\ /\
                                   / .X .\                         ______/\
    ___________/\  ___________  /\/  / \ \\/\____________  _______/      ./
    \_________   \/           \/.           .\____       \/      /      //
      /      /   /      /    .//  /\_   _/\  \\  /      ./      /      //
     /       \  .\     /    ///  //\\\_///\\  \\/      //      /      //
    /        /   \\   /    ///  _/ .\\ //. \_  \\     //             //
  _/             //       _//  /.\  \\_//  /.\  \\_  //\_______     //
  \______________/________\   //  \  / \  /  \\   /__/             //
        __________________/\ //    \/   \/    \\ /\________________/_______
       /    ______/      /   \ __  //    \  __ /  .\__       \__       ___/
      /    /    ./       \\  .\ \  \_____/  / /.   \\/      ./ /     ./
     /    /    //     /  /    \\ \_________/ //     /      // /     //
    /    /    //     /  /      \\  \_____/  //     \\     // /     //
   /    /    //     /   \\ .    \\         //       /    // /     //
 _/         //          /.  \   _/\       /\_  .   .\   //_/     //
 \__________/\_________// .  \ .\ /   -   \ /   \   \\__/ \______/
                     _//   \    \\\_______//     \   \\_ /X\@!
                     \      \    /         \\          /
                      \_________/           \_________/
        These tw@ was f@r DevilStar and his B@ard called B@DyJ@hn
          AND hey! DevilJ@hn. G@ @n use that ANSI l@g@ wimp 8)..

|                             * CYCL@NE Z@NE *                                |
                         _____         _____                    ______
                        /   ./        /   ./                   /    ./
   _ ________/\   _____/   //___/\   /   //__________/\  _/\  /    //_____/\
  _ _ ___     /__/    /   //     /__/   //_________    \/  .\/    //  _____/
   ..../  ___/  .\   /   //  ___/  .\       .\    /   ./    \\   //  _____/...
   .../  /       \\     //  /       \\       \\  /   //         //  /    .\...
   ._/            \\_  //            \\_      \\_   //     \   //         \\_.
   .\______________/  //\______________/________/___/\_____/\ //\___________/.
          \___________/               \/       \//    ./     \/     /X\@!
                ________/\                      /    //
              ..\         \___________/\  _/\  /    //______/\..
              ...\_____/  /________     \/  .\/    //  ______/..
              .../  _____/  .\    /    ./    \\   //  ______/...
              ../  /         \\  /    //         //  /     .\...
              ./              \\     //     \   //          \\_.
              .\_______________/_____/\_____/\ //\____________/.
|                             * CYCL@NE Z@NE *                                |

                      :                 ::.
                     :::               :::::
  __________________:::::_____________:::::::___________/\__  /\_______________
  \__         ./\   |   .\          ./\     |             \ \/    .\          /
   /     /   // /   |    \\    /   // /     |__   __     ./ .\     \\   _____/
 _/     /____/ /    :     \\  /____/ /      | .\   /    //   \\     \\  ____/
 \      \___.\/            \\ \____\/\      |  \\ /    //     \\     \\ :  .\
  \      :   \\________     \\ :      \_        \\    //     \        \\_   \\_
   \_    :   / /              \:       /         \\_ //       \         /     /
     \________/_______________/_______/____________/_/_________\_______/  M@!/
  - - ---<____/               X                           - - -Y--<_________/
             . ______________/_\__________/\  ___/\____________;/\
            .\.\             \          \   \/    .\             //.
           .\\\.\           ./   _     ./    \     \\     ______///..
          ..\\\\.\______/  /_    /    //      \     \\   _____/...
         ......../   ______/.\  /    //     \  \     \\ /    .\\\.
           .  __/   /        \\     //       \        \\      \\\.
          ..\ \               \\_  //         \         \_     \\_
         ..\\\ \________________/__/___________\_________/       //.
                                   - - - - -----<<<<____________///..
|                                * EXCALIBUR *                                |
    _  _ ______    ______      _____________ __________        _____     _
      _______  \  /    ./_____/\    .\__    \\__   ___/_/\____/ __ /_____/\
     /  ____/   \/    //   ____/  :  \\/    / /    _____  \  /  _ /____  ./
    /  ____/          /   /   .\ _:___/\   /_/     /   /  / /   ./   :/ //
   /  /   .\         .\  /     \\\_    \\   .\    /    \ .\    //    /  .\
 _/  /     \\         \\        \\:     \\_  \\_ /      \ \\_ //     \   \\ _
 \__________/   /\     \\_________:_______/____/_\__________/_/______|\____ _
   _ _ _ ______/  \_______ _ _ _ /V\@!                               :

|                               * HPA HEAVEN *                                |
     /   ./_____________________/\         ____                 ____
    /   // _ ________  \_______   \   ____/  ./_________/\  ___/  ./________/\
   /   _/   ./ /    /  ./ ___/   ./  /   /  //  ________  \/  /  // ________  \
  /   .__  // /    /  //  \__   //  /  _/  //  ___/ __/  ./  /  // ___/   /  ./
_/   //   //_/    ____/    /   // _/  __  //  /  /  \   //  /  // /  /   /  //
\____/    /\_____/   \____/    /  \___/   /\____/  _/___/\_____/____/___/   /
    \____/               \____/      \___/    \___/               /V\@!\___/

         Greets J@shua... D@n't really kn@w any @ther @f Excalibur.....
                     HEY! J@shua.. NUKE THAT LAMER 8)

...:::::#####@@@@@@=============:  UPL@AD   :=============@@@@@@#####:::::...
       /     ./_______________  ________    _____/\________/\___________
      /     //    \_________  \/      ./   /      .\         _______   .\
     /     //    ./        / ./      //__ /        \\    :   .\     \   \\
    /     //    //        / //      //   /     :    \\   :____\\     \   \\
   /     //    //        / //      //   /      :     \\  ____/ \\     \   \\
  /           //        / //           /       :      \\ :      \\     \   \\
 /            /       .___/_)         /        :       \\:       \\     \   \\
/            /       // (__)         /                  \\        \\_        \\
\____________\_______/   \_______@___\___________________/__________/_________/
                          \  \/.    \      /     .\              /X\@!
                           \ //     /     /   .   \\
                           (_\     .\____/   //\   \\
                             /      \\  /   //  \   \\
                            /        \\(  .\/    \/  .)
                            \.       ./ \  \\_  _/  //
                             \\     //   \  / \/ \ //
                              \_____/     \/  /\ .\/
                                \_/       /  /  \ \\
                                 @      _/  /    \ \\_
                                        \__/      \__/
              Just f@r phun.. Y@u may rip it if y@u like 8)

...:::::#####@@@@@@=============:  LEECHER  :=============@@@@@@#####:::::...
     ________                                      ______
     \__    /  _________/\_______/\_______/\______/    ./__________________/\
      /    /  /    ______/  ______/  ______/     /    //   ____________    ./
     /    /__/    _____/   _____/   /    ./     /    //   ______/    ./   //
    /    /   \   /   ./   /   ./   /    //    _/    //   /    ./    //   //
   /    /   ./  /   //   /   //   /    //    __    //   /    //    //____/
  /    /   //  /   //   /   //   /    //     /    //   /    //    ///X\@!
_/        //      //       //        //     /    //        //    //
         \/      \/                             \/        \/
          *- RemeMber -* It's BeTteR t@ Give *- Then t@ ReCiVe -*

              Greets Metal F@rce... An @ldtimer. Use it dude!

...:::::#####@@@@@@=============: DREAMLINE :=============@@@@@@#####:::::...

                                                        /  \\
              .                                        /     \
      :::::___:                                   ::::::_____/
      :::::   |_________________________/\      __::::::_______________________
      |   |  _____    /       |   _______ \    / __/   |_____)       |        |
    __|   |   | /    /  ______|   :    |// \  /   |    |_____)____   |   _____|
   /      |   |/    /   _____| ___|    :/   \/    |   _|_____)   |   |   ____|
  / /     |   |    /    |    | \      /|   \  /   |   \____|_)   |   |   |   |
_/ /      |  /|    \    |    |  \__   /|    \/    |    |   |_)   |   |   |   |
\         |  \|     \   :    |    |    |    ||    |    :   |_)   |   |   :   |
 \        |   |      \_      |    |    |_   ||    |        |_)   :   |       |
  \       |___|\______/      |____|_____/___||____|        |_)___|___|       |
   \______|        |_________|              ::    |________|    [M@!]|_______|
          :                                                :
           Greets T.BECK.... Damn nice CD-R@M util.. Keep it up br@!
        And remember CNet rules N@thing else w@rks. Greets PMK as well :)

                       A c@uple @f l@g@ff screens:

         _______________________________    _____________________  ___________
      __/   _____/   _______/   _______/    \__    /     /   _   \/    /  ___/
     /  \_______ \   ______/    ______/      /    /     /    /   /    /    /
    /           \ \  \     \    \     \     /   _/     /    /   /    /    /
  _/               \  \     \    \     \    \____     /    /   /      M@!/
  \________________/________/__________/      /______/\_______/\________/
  /|   B@ARD NAME    |    PH@NE.    |    M@DEM    |   @PEN   |    SYS@P    |\
  /|Amerikan Dild@s  | +45 55555555 | 28K8 DUAL ..| 24 h@urs | The Jerk@.. |\
  \|                 |              |             |          |             |/
  /|                 |              |             |          |             |\
  \|                 |              |             |          |             |/
  /|                 |              |             |          |             |\
  \|                 |              |             |          |             |/
  /|                 |              |             |          |             |\
  \|                 |              |             |          |             |/
  /|                 |              |             |          :             |\
  \|                 |              |             :          :             |/
  /|                 |              :             :          :             |\

    ....\_        //    .\     .\______ .\____     /   :   .\    ____/......
   ..___/   ___/__/   :  \\ :   \\    |  \\  :  __/_   :    \\   ___/_ ......
  ...\      \_   .\   :   \\:    \\   :   \\ :  \ . \  |     \\  |   .\.......
   ...\      /    \\  :    \\     \\  :    \\:     \ \____§   \\ |    \\.....
  . ...\_          \\ |      \      \ .      \      \ \         \:  M@!\\_..
  :  ....\__________/________/______/________/________/_________/________/.
  :|:==--==--== ArE y@U BraVE PunK? ThEn Try t@ CaLL ThEsE B@aRdS ==--==--==|.
 _|_|_ |  B@ard Name.   ||Ph@ne number.||  M@dem type. ||   @perat@r.   |  :|:
 \   / `----------------'`-------------'`--------------'`---------------'  :::
  \ /  | B@dyJ@hn  #1   ::+45 44444444 |:28K8 V.34 DUAl:| DevilJ@hn.....:  |:|
   :   | B@dyJ@hn  #2   ::             ::              ::               : _|_|_
   .   | Z@ne 7         :/             ::              :: Intern J@ke @): \   /
   |   |                /.             ..              ..               :  \ /
   |   |                \:             \:              :.               :   :
   |   |                |\             |\              /|               |   |
   |   |                |/             |/              \|               |   |
  _|__ |                /|             /|              |\               | __|_
   | /\|                \.             \.              ./               ./\ |
   |/  |                ..             .\              /.               .  \.
 __/   |\               ..             ./              \:              /.   \_
   |   ./               ::             /:              :\              \.   |
   __\/|                ||             .|              /|               :\/__
       |                ::             .:              ::               .
       :                ..              .              ..
         Greets. Mr.Hyde... HEY.. H@w's That f@r Hydra????????????
       These tw@ are manly used @n CyCl@ne Z@ne and The Ultimate S@luti@n

#-------*************************   M@RPH:  ************************---------#
                     ..      ...            ..  ..
                    ....    .....   ...    .... ...
        . .  . ... ... ..  ... .........  ... ....... . . .
        ________________._...   .__._ .....__ _....  ___ _   /\
        \............/(  .../\  /(      ../(    ..  /(      /..\
         \........../ (__  / .\/ (_______/_(_______/ (__   /....\
          \......../  | .\/   \\ _______/        ./  | .\ /......\
           \....../   |  \\  : \\  /   /  _____///   |  \\........\
            \..../    |   \\ |  \\/   /   \_____/    |   \\........\
             \../    \_/   \\    \\   \     .\       |    \\........\
              \/ _____|     \\_____\   \     \\_ _ __|     \\________\
               \/     |______ \ _|__\___\_____ \_ _ _:______ \
                      :      \/         \/    \/            \/
       This @ne is made f@r fun, and f@r testing @f a new style maby :-/
#-------*************************   @MEN:  ************************---------#
       __________________________________  _______________________________
       \___            \_________        \/             \_________        \
         /             /      / /        /       _______/        /        /
        /      /      /      / /        /       _______/        /        /
       /      /      /      / /        /       /      /        /        /
      /      /      /      / /        /       /      /        /        /
    _/             /      / /        /              /        /        /

#-------*************************   @MEN:  ************************---------#
     _ _ _ ______________
      _ _ _ ____         \/\    _____________________/\__/\    /\________ _ _
              /     .       \   \_   ___/             /    \  /     ____ _ _
             /      |        \  /      \       ______/      \/       \
            /       |         \/        \     ______/_       \        \
           /        |      \    /        \   /        \    \  \        \
          /         :       \  /          \ /         \\    \           \
        _/          :       \\/            \_          \\_   \           \_
        \           .       /||             /          / /    \           /
         \                 / ||            /______    / /_____/\_        /
    --»»»»\      _________/»»|:_____      /«««««»»\____/««»«»«»»»\______/«««--
           \____/            ::     \____/                         M@!

#-------*************************   @MEN:  ************************---------#

               __________________  ____________________________
       ........\__   __     /    \/      /       \________     \_          _ _
      /\......../     /    /            /    ______/     /     /.\        /
     /  \....../     /    /    / /     /    ______/     /     /...\      /
    /    \..../     /    /    / /     /    /     /     /     /.....\    /
   /      \../     /    /    / /     /    /     /     /     /M@!....\  /
 _/     _ _\_\_________/____/\/_____/__________/_____/_____/_._._....\/_ _

                              RaVer'S  In
                                ::                                 ___
                               ::::   _____              _____    (___)
      __________/\__________ _::::::_/\____\_______/\___/\____\   ________
   ...::_____     \   __/   \\_  __)/ /    /____     \ / /    /  /  ____  \
        |   /     /:   \     \| ___)\/____/    /     / \/____/  /   /  /  /\
        |  /     /_|    \     \  __)   __/\   /     /_____   \  \__/__/__/ /
        |  \     \\_     \      ___)  /    \__\     \    /    \  \_\__\__\/
      __|   \     \:_     \_     __)         / \     \__       \____ _ _ _ _
  ....::_____\      /      /      _)________/___\      /_________ _ _ _ _ _
   ««««««««««»\    /      /»\   ___)»»»»»»»»»»»»«\    /««««««««««»»»»»»»-- -
             \ \  /|_____/ \ \    _)M@!         \ \  /
              \ \/ :____/   \ \____)             \ \/
               \/  :         \/___/               \/
           That's it. N@ m@re @MEN stuff this time... And Greets g@es:
                      The Dancing duck LeAder @f The @men
               Hey!!! Keep y@ur hands @fF Karinas BUTT!!!!!!!! 8)

#-------**********************  REVIEW: ***************************---------#
   This is used when The Priest reviews Dem@'s in the H@A_DEM@ C@nference

                                   ::::::::__       :     :
      _ _ _ _ _ _________/\_____/\_|      /__)_______/\   :___________ _ _
        _ _ _ ______      / _____/ |     /___)   _____/   ||        __ _ _
              |    /     / ____/   |    /____)  ____/     /\       /
              |   /   __/ /    \       /_____) /    \             /
              |   \     \__     \_    /______)       \_   /\     /
         - --<<____\      /______/___/_______)________/  /  \___>>-- -
         _ __ _ _ __\    /_ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ______/[M@!]
                     \  /

#-------********************  SECRET FLIES 8)  ********************---------#
 ____ - - - -- -- -- --- --- ----------------:::::----- --- --- -- -- -- - - -
/ __ \______________________________________:::::::______/\____________________
\_\                 /     ________/           /_____     ./ ________/        ./
 /_\   :___________/     ________/  _________/    :/    // ________/        //
  __\____________ .\     :      .\  :       .\    /     /  :      .\   _____/
 //// /         :  \\    :       \\ :        \\   \     \  :       \\   .\
 \////          :   \\            \\.         \\  :\    .\          \\   \\
  \//                \\_           \\_          \_:/\    \\          \\_  \\_
   \___________________/_____________/___________/:       \\___________/____/
    `----.<<- - -- ---- --- --- --- - -- -- - ->>/         \\<<-----.   /V\@!
         : _______________/\______/\_____________\__________/______ :
         | \___ _          /     __/    ./    _______/  __________/ `--.
  .------'  /     ________/     ./     //\   _______/___________ .\    :
  |        /     _______/      //     // .\  :     .\          :  \\---'
  |       /         ./        //          \\ :      \\         :   \\
  `--->>_/         //        //            \\_       \\_            \\_
        \__________/_______  /_______________/_________/______________/
  <<<-<-<- --- ---- -- -- -\/-- ---- --- --- -- -- - - --- -- - - -- -->->->>>

  I guess these are the @nly tW@ that has any thing t@ d@ with Impact DK...
  Greets MUST g@ t@ these GreaT guy's.... The Priest,Fazi@n,Unis@n,IZI,J.S.L
  ANd all the rest @f ImpaCt DK ... Watch @ut f@r these guy's, De drenge kan
  lave kaffe 8) AND UFFE... HIHIHI <<--- Said with a special v@ice 8)

^^^^^^^^^^--------->>>>>>>>--: SUBMANIA :--<<<<<<<<<------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                    :::::                                   /\/    \
  ::               :::::::          /\                ______\ _____/
 ::::______________|     |_________/  \    ___________\   - ->>>__________ ::
_|  |_         >>--|    _|_____    \   \  /   _/   __ _\      \____)   ___::::_
\____/   _____/    |     |    /    /    \/       .  \   \      \___) .  \_|  |_
 \:|/______   \    :     |    \    \   \  /     _:   \ \ \      \__)_:   \____/
  \/      |    \   :     |     \    \   \/      \_    \ \        \_)\_    \:|/
 _/       :     \        |_          \_ ||       |     \ \        \) |     \/
 \______________/_________/___________/ ::_______|      \_\________/_|      \_
   ___ _ _ _    :         :        :::::       : [M@RPH]  :    _ _ :>>>><<<>>-
- -\-+----------.---------.--------------------:-------------------.-----+-/- -
    \|          .SuBacId Supp@rT B@aRd..  1200+ M@DuleS @nLine..   .     |/
     |\               ISDN +45-87**-*0*0 AmyNeT 39:140/119.             /|
     |/                SyS@p: Mikkel Andersen (Mr.N@BraIn)              \|

^^^^^^^^^^--------->>>>>>>>--: SUBMANIA :--<<<<<<<<<------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                       :::::::::::             ____
               ________         - -/\-Ø_   @_@   _Ø-/\- -     /\   \
_ ____________/   ____»______/\/\««--»»|_  (_) __|««--»»»»»»»/  \__/___««--
 _ __     ___/    Ø_______    /\ \ \/ /\ \_____/ :__\/  _____\_/\    \ \
   /    ____/     __/    /   / /  \  /__\_/\_/\_/___\  /// //   /\____\ \_
  / _______/    ___/____/   / /    \//   \\ - ____/  \//  /    /\_____/  »-- -
-«____    _\     _/ \    __/_/           //     \/    \       /\_____/|   \
_/   : _____\    /   \   \/      / /     / :     \  \  \     /\_____/_:    \
Ø    :  _ __/   /    /   /      / /     / _|_   _ \  \  \   /\_____/Ø___    \
/    : ____/ __/        /  \   / /     /-Ø___  / __\  \    /\_____/   :      \_
\      _ _/       /    /   /  /\/     /\   |  /_ ___\_ \__/\_____/  __:       /
 \  _____/_______/____/___/  /_/        \__|  /_ ____/ |  \_____/___: :      /
  \_____/«««««««--»»»E______/«E_______  /«»|  / _ __/__:«««««««--»»»| [M@!] /
- --- ---«»«»«»«\/»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«\/«««E_______/»»»»«»«»«»«\/»«»E______/

                     Guess y@u wasn't able t@ read that 8)
^^^^^^^^^^--------->>>>>>>>--: SUBMANIA :--<<<<<<<<<------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                 /  \\
   _ _ ________________ _____________  ____/\________________/\  ___________
    _ _ __      __/   / \____  \     \/  _ _/__    _\______    \/  __/__    \
        /   /   /    /__/    \  \        _ /_/      /     /    /  _ /_/     /
       /   /___/\   /   \    /  /  / /  / / /      /     /    /  / / /     /
       \_______  \ /    /   /  /  / /  / / /      /     /    /  / / /     /
       /      /   \    /    \  \ /\/  / / /      /     /    /  / / /     /
_ _ __/      /    /   /     /  // /   \/        /     /    /   \/       /
 _ _ ____________/___/_________/  \___/\_______/\____/____/\___/\______/

                  Greets: Mr.N@brain... Y@U ARE VERY SICK.. 8)
                                Xen@link STINKS

^^^^^^^^^^--------->>>>>>>>--: THE SUBM@ :--<<<<<<<<------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        : :                                                    : :
       _:_:__  _/\_______________/\_______/E_________________ _:_:__ _ _
       (_/\_) -E  _§_______    ___   \      \       ______§   (_/\_)
      /  --  \ :____________   \     _\_     \      _____/_  /  --  \
      \:::O::/     M@!(_\____   \     ___     \     \      \ \::O:::/
        ::::             \____   \_     \      \     \      \_ ::::
         ::               E______-´____-´\____-´\___________-´  ::
 - - - ---= = = ==== ============\´====\´=====\´============\´==== = = =--- -
   ___    /\___________________________________/E  __________________ _  ___
  /  /\  /       ___§     |  __§   ___   _§´     \/    __§   _   __§    /\  \
 /__/  \ \      ´   \     |    \   r  \    ´\           \     \     \  /  \__\
 \ _\_ /_/\______    \_   ´     \_     \_    \  \  /     \_    \     \_\_ /_ /
  \__\/         : - --´      - --´       \    \  \/   - --´     \_      \/__/
                :    -´_________-´_________- -´__::______-´     ´
  _ _ ________________´=========\´=========\__´==::======\´______________ __

^^^^^^^^^^--------->>>>>>>>--: THE SUBM@ :--<<<<<<<<------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                 ______ _     _____ _ _    ___ _ _         ___ _ _
 - - - -------<<½ ___ _______/ ___ _ _____/ __ _ _________/ ________________
  _ _ ___          \      /     \            \__________     \             ½>-
       /   ________/     /      /  ____      /         /     /    __      /
   ___/______     /     /      /      /     /       / /     /      /     /
  /         /    /     /      /       \     \      / /     /      /     /
_/              /            /        /     /     /\/     /            /
\__________    /____________/      __/_____/     / /_____/____________/
 - - --<<<½___½>>-------<<<½________½>--<½______½>>>>---- - - - - M@!

               Greets Gifair Gifar giraffen gif what ever 8)

                          end @f PiXel Cha@S!!!!!

  If y@u want t@ j@in United ASCII artist's Then c@ntact me @n y@ur l@cal
  Danish B@ARD... @r via these mail numbers 

      FID@ 2:236/24.0 H@A 10:1/16.0 AMY 39:141/136.0 CLINK 912:2000/3.0
             ..::##: N@TE @NLY PR@'S ARE ALL@WED T@ J@IN :##::..

MeMbers are until n@w : Relief ( [rLf] ) 
                        M@RPH  ( /X\@! )

F@r pr@ ASCII c@ntact [rLf] @r ME!

      .                                                              .
       ..  .                                                           .
      . . .      __/\__________/\_____/\  _____/\___________/\_____/\: . .
      ..   .    /     \          \  ___/ /   ___/            /      /     .
       .. :    /    /  \_______  / ___/_/   ___/____     ___/ _____/ : . .
      ::. ::::/  __/ __/_    /  / /    .\  /    .\/    __/_______ .\:::: ..
      ::::.::/   \___   .\  /   \/      \\/      \\     /        \ \\::::..
      ::::::/    /       \\/     \_      \\       \\   /          \ \\:::::
      ...../    /         \\     ./       \\       \\  \_            \\_:::
      .....\_______________/    //_________/________/___/______________/..:
                   \____/  \   //                             /X\@!
                            \ //
                         Must g@ t@ these Great guy's

      The Priest...........................................................
      Fazi@n......................                                        .
      Unis@n......................                                        .
      J.S.L.......................        ........  ......  ..........    .
      The rest @f Impact DK.......       ........: ......: ..........:    .
      Metal F@rce.................    .  ...:      ...     ..    ....:    .
      Black Hawk..................    ..  .......  ......  .....          .
      DevilStar...................    ...      ..: ...     ..    .....    .
      Mr.hyde.....................    ...:.......: ....... ..........:    .
      Relief......................    ...........   .....:  .........:    .
      Hr.Berg.....................    :::::                         ::    .
      Kr@ni@n.....................    :.:. .......   ..  .......... ..    .
      FLASH.......................    . .. ......:   .:  ..:  .....:.     .
      The Dancing Duck............      .  ......:   .:       .....: .    .
      J@shua......................    .    ......:   .:   .........:      .
      PMK.........................          ..........   ..:  .....:      .
      Mr.Beam.....................             ......    ..:  .....:      .
      EB..........................             ......     .........:      .
      Enkidu......................              : : :      :  :::::       .
      Indra.......................              . . .      .  :..:        .
      Shad@w......................                                        .
      All the Dudes @n CLINK...............................................

                          And all the rest I've f@rg@t 8)


.---- --- -- - - --- ----.                   .__     .--- --- -- - - -- -- ---.
| -+ LordsCave Almere +- |  __/\___ ____: ___|  \    | -+ LordsCave Almere +- |
|                        .   _     Y    |/   |   \   |                        .
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H=------ ------ --- - sYSoP: LoRD MaDNeSS aKa DeaTHFLoWeR - --- ------ ------=H