File Archive

File download


File size:
21 563 bytes (21.06K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:36
Download count:
all-time: 549


 ___     _______________________ _ _________
_\_/    / _  __  ______ _______/__  ___    /
| _ \  /     /  __/__/   /_ _   /   ___   /
|__\ \/ /___/_____________/____/____//___/
    \  /                   .------------.
     \/              «- -- ÷-  styLE!   ¡
 stRAtOS!/mGS!^gRt iS bACk `------------÷
 witH 3rd cOlLy cAlLEd!:                |
		   " hEAt sAFE asCii "  |
 -[O7.O5.95]------ ---- ---------·st!·--'
[%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%]

 .--------------------  ---(c)-[ mEGAStYLE! pRODUCtiON '95
 |    ____     _______________________________  _ _____________ _
 ! ___\ _/    / _  ___  __________  _________/_ __   ____       /
 . |    _ \  /      /  ___/_____/    /__ _      /    _//_      / -----.
 ¦ |st!  \ \/ /    /    /      /       /       /     _____    /   -- -÷ -»
 | |______\  /_______________________________________//______/ -------'
 |         \/           
-÷- -» _____________ ______          _____     _ ______      _ _______ ____
 |  ___\   ________/_     /_       _/    /___         /    _ __  _________/
 |  |__________     /    __/______/     /    \ /     /_______/  ___/_______
 |  |      |       /    /        /     /      \     /       /    /        /
 |  |______________________________________    \_________________________/
 .                              _  _ _____¬_____/
 `--------------------------------------------------- ------------ -[   -»

			    ¡     _____  _!____
			     \ ____  ____ /
			     \    (__)    /
			      \  ______  /
			      (_   ==   _)
			      ___/    \______    
   .--i-N-t-R-O-D-U-C-t-i-O-N ---------------¬--oOOOo-----------------.
   |                                                                  |
   | oki.. here is my 3rd colly packed with new asciis and stuff...   ¡
   | and im a little depresed coz of almost NO asciiorder for me.     .
   | this suxxx coz i wanna be verry active now and this is verry     
   | hard with almost no orders at all.... this colly is dedicated to
   | all my scene friends out there.... you guys are great without 
   | you all the scene would be boring shit.... 
   |                                                                __
   `-------------------------------------   -        -----         _\/_

 !  _____ _____ _ ____________________________________    ---  - ÷- --- -»
 ___\ __/_\ __/____   ___________  _____________     /_        .-'
 |     _||_      /  ____/______/     //_       /    __/_______ `----------.
 |st!_________  /     /       /    _______    /    /         /            |
 |______||__________________________//_______________________ _           |
 .                                                                        |
 |     _____________ _ _________________________________________          |
 |  ___\   ________/__  ______________    __________   ________/          |
 |  |__________     /     //_       /   _______/  /  ____/_______         |
 |  |      |       /    _______    /      /      /     /        /         |
 |  |____________________//______________/      /_______________ _        |
 |                                                                        .
 |       ___________   _ ___________  _ ______________________ _ _______ _
 |    ___\_____  __/____  _________/_  ___  ___________/  _ ___ /  _ ___
 |    |    /____      /___________   \_/     /________/      / /      / 
 |    |      |       /     /          /     /        /      / /      /
 |    |______|_______________________/_______________ _____/ _ ______ ___
 |                                                                        .
 |                                                                        |


    V Å R   D A T T E R   E V A   E R   I N G E N   M A S S E M O R D E R
			     -foreldrene til den arresterte hjelpepleieren

  .-] titLE!: sUSPiRiA
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: mADSEN/SUSPiRiA
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

      _____________ ___ ___ _____ __ ___________  _ ____ _________
   ___\   ________/_ _    //      __  _________/__ _  _ ___      /
   |__________     /     //       /___________   \_/ /___________ _ 
   |st!   |       /     //       /     /          /      /          

		     ______ __   _________ ________ _____________ _
		  ___\____/__   /___     /   _ ___  _____________ 
		  |         /    __/  __/       /     //_       /
		  |        /     \             /    _______    /
		  |_______________\   _ ______/______//________ _ 
				   \______ _ 

  .-] titLE!: aRCANE
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: aRCANE/sQUASH
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

 .--a-R-C-A-N-E------------------------------------.    .--.
 |                                              .--' .--'.-'
 |     ___________ __   _________ __ __________ `----'   `----.
 |  ___\_________/___  /___     /   __________/         .-----'
 |  |    ¬\___ _    /   __/  __//     /_________        `-------------.
 |  |st!    |      /    \     \/     /         /          - ---   -- -÷- -»
 |  |_______|____________\   _ ________________ __                    `-.
 |                        \_____ __ _                                   |
 |                  ___________ __ __  __________  _ __________         |
 |               ___\_________/______ \    _____/__   ________/         |
 |               |    ¬\___ _    /   \ \     \   /  ____/________       |
 |               |       |      /     \ \     \_      /         /       |
 |               |_______|_____________\     _ ________________ _       |
 |                                      \______/                        |
 |                                                                      |

  .-] titLE!: mOSt wANtED
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: aRCANE/sQUASH
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»


 |      ____     __________________________________ _ _____ __           |
 |   ___\ _/    / _  ___  ___________ __  ________/__ _      /_          |
 |   |    _ \  /      /    //         /___________   \_/    __/_______   |
 |   |st!  \ \/ /    /               /     /          /    /         /   |
 |   |______\  /______________________________________________________   |
 |           \/                                                          |
 |                                                                       |
 |                  fill it in...                                        |
 |                                                                       |
 |                                                                       |
 |                                                                       |
 |                                                                       |

  .-] titLE!: splash
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: tribute!
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

 |      _____________ _ __________________       .-----'.----------------.
 |   ___\   ________/_  _ ___      /     /       `------'                |
 |   |__________     / /_____________ _ /_________                       |
 |   |st!   |       /       /    /     /         /                       |
 |   |_____________________/    /________________ _                      |
 |                        ___________ ______________  _  ______ ________ |
 |                     ___\_________/____  ________/__  __   _//_      / |
 |                     |    ¬\___ _    /___________   \_/   ______    /  |
 |                     |st!    |      /     /          /     //      /   |
 |                     |_______|____________________________//_______ _  |
 |                                                                       |

  .-] titLE!: basic instinct
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: acid/afl^grt^spa
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»


!   __________________________________________      ___________________   |
 ___\_____    ___ __  _____________  ________/__   /  _ ___ __________/   |
 |       /_ __/___/     //_      /___________   \_/      /     /_________ |
 |st!     |      /    _______   /     /          /      /     /         / |
 |_____________________//______________________________/________________ _!
.    ______ ____  _______________________ ______ ___          ______      |
| ___\____/_____ \    _____ __  ________/__ __     /_        /  _ ___     |
| |         /   \ \     \   /___________   \_/    __/_______/      /      |
| |        /     \ \     \_/     /          /    /         /      /       |
| |_______________\     _ _______________________________________/        |
|                  \______/                                          .----'
|           _______  _______________________________ _     ------- - -÷- -»
|           \______ \    _____ __ ______________     /_              `----.
|            |     \ \     \   /     /_________/    __/________           |
|            |      \ \     \_/     /         /    /          /           |
|            |_______\     _ _________________ _______________ _          |
|                     \______/                                            |
|                                                                         |

  .-] titLE!: megastyle file_id.diz
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: splash/mgs!^elt
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

	 ___      ______________________  _ ______ _
	_\_/     / _ __ _________ _____/_____ ____ 
	|  _ \  /    / ___/----/   /_ _   /  ______
	|___\ \/ /__________________/____/____//____
	|    \  /                       .----------.
	|     \/                    «-- ÷-  styLE! |
	|                               `----------÷
	|                                          |
	|                                          |
	|                                          |
	|                                          |


  .-] titLE!: eltech file_id.diz
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: splash/mgs!^elt
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

	    ___________    ___  _  _________________ _
	  __\  ____   /___/  /_  __ ______ _____  _//
	  |   __/-/  /   /  __/--/  __/-/   /--/ ____
	  |                                          | 
	  |                                          |
	  |                                          |
	  |                                          |
	  |                                          |
	  |                                          |

  .-] titLE!: essence
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: rahiem/essence
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

 |                                                        |
 .  _____________ ___ ________  _ __ _________   -    - --÷-- -»
 ___\  _________/__  ________/_ _ _  ________/_           |
 |    _____/_____/_________    \_/_________    \_   «- ---^------.
 |st!   |       /     /         /     /         /        .-------'
 |_______________________________________________ _  _   `-------------- -.
 .            _____________ ___  _______ _ ______________ ___________ __  |
 |         ___\  _________/____ \    ____ __ _ ___________   ____ _____/  |
 |         |    _____/_____/   \ \     \  /     /_______/  ____/________  |
 |         |      |       /     \ \     \/     /       /     /         /  |
 |         |_____________________\    _  _____________________________/   |
 |                                \______/                                |
 |                                                                        |
 `-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---'

  .-] titLE!: r.o.m
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: rahiem/essence
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

   |                                                      -     ----  -÷ -»
   |         _______________  ___ ______________  __ _ ________  _     |
   .      ___\_______      /__  ____________ __      /          _      .
 .------- |      ___/  ___/ /     //         / \ \  /           / -------.
 | r O M  |st!   \         /                /   \ \/ /         /  r O M  |
 `------- |_______\    _ ________________   _____\  /_________/ ---------'
		   \______ _ _   _                \/

  .-] titLE!: cocktails
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: rahiem/essence
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

 !  ____________ _ _______________________________ _ ______    .--------'
 ___\  ________/__  __________ __ _ ___________     /     / - -÷- ---»
 |      |_______/    //        /     /_______/   __/  ___/     `---------.
 |st!   |      /              /     /       /    \      \                |
 |________________________________________________\      \___            |
						   \________/            |
	______/\______________ ______________    _ ___ ________      ----^-
     ___\   _______  ____      /    ___     /     __  ________/_         
.--- |        / /   _//_      /      /     /______/__________   \_ ------. 
|    |       . /    _____    /      /     /      /     /         /       |
`--- |________/_____//_______ _____/______________________________ ------'
 `--------------------------------------------------  ----------------- --

  .-] titLE!: numb
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: messiah/numb^spb^lsd
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

|                                                                   ---  -»
| __ _____  __________ _____ _ __________ __ _ _________________ ___   _  |
| \_ _____ \    _____/__     //     ___      /       ______     ___ _     |
|   |     \ \     \   /     //       / \ \  /        /    /_ ____/____    |
|   |st!   \ \     \_/     //       /   \ \/ /      /      /         /    |
|   |_______\     _ __________________ __\  /______/________________/     |
|            \______/                     \/                              |
|                                                   .---------------------.
`-------------------------------------------------------------------- --- |

 .--------------------  ---(c)-[ mEGAStYLE! pRODUCtiON '95
 |    ____     _______________________________  _ _____________ _
 ! ___\ _/    / _  ___  __________  _________/_ __   ____       /
 . |    _ \  /      /  ___/_____/    /__ _      /    _//_      / -----.
 ¦ |st!  \ \/ /    /    /      /       /       /     _____    /   -- -÷ -»
 | |______\  /_______________________________________//______/ -------'
 |         \/           
-÷- -» _____________ ______          _____     _ ______      _ _______ ____
 |  ___\   ________/_     /_       _/    /___         /    _ __  _________/
 |  |__________     /    __/______/     /    \ /     /_______/  ___/_______
 |  |      |       /    /        /     /      \     /       /    /        /
 |  |______________________________________    \_________________________/
 .                              _  _ _____¬_____/
 |            .===============.
 |           /st!              \
 |   ____ __/___________________\___ ____     all shape & design...     
 |   \  (/                          \)  /  
 |    \________________________________/               stRAtOS!/mGS!^gRt
 |       \__/  ______    ______ \__/  
 |       /_\   ¬----/    \----¬  /_\    
 |       \/\\      (______)    _//\/
 |        \_/   _____________  \__/
 |         /   /\| | | | | |/\  \ 
 |         \     `-^-^-^-^-'    /
 |          \______       _____/      
 |                `·-------'
 |   ---*«-^ members of megastyle:. ^-»*----
 |                                                              stRAtOS!
 |                                                                liZARD
 |                                                                spLASH
 |   ---*«-^ messages for the people:. ^-»*--
 |        mADSEN/sPA:  start ordering something normal.. ;)
 |     gRIMLOCK!/gRt:  you are nice & active now.. i'll call voice soon.
 |  aCID/aFL^gRt^sPA:  nice to see basic#? open now.. talk l8er..
 |     aRCADE/sQUASH:  havent seen you l8li... gotten a new cap?!? ;)
 |          mAGZ/gRt:  so you closed down eh?... open soon m8.. ;)
 |       hUMBRAY/sPA:  din 14ookr mann.. ;)
 |      superted/sPA:  woow the diary was verry intresting ;)
 |         jORUN/gRt:  du ligner på ene julenissen i the julekalender ;)
 |       sPLASH/mGS!:  rule on with your tools m8.. let me in on the design
 |       liZARD/mGS!:  wooow... you are gettin busy with your code ....
 |       bAFFLE!/sta:  when are you opening bbl at new location?!?
 |         cHRiS/sPB:  finished watching nypd yet??? ;)
 |  -----*«-^ order ascii ^-»*-------
 |  so to order ascii from me, leave an message to "stRAtOS!" at these
 |  boards....
 |  checkpoint, everyware, genetic waste, basic instinct, hardcore
 |   skytower, bodycount, serpent hill, dial hard, cyclone, neon city
 |                child in time,  mentale hangover
 |  ----*«-^ to the people who deserves ^-»*-----
 |    madsen, acid, magz, grimlock!, jorun, superted, humbray, helene
 |       arcane, elmore, mozell, benjamin, pluspant!, hole, crowd
 |         baffle!, shade!, bonbon!, chris, tim, lizard, splash
 |   candyman, norby, blockhead, substance, iron, trash head, laimbrain
 |               general lee, flynn, ranger, noodle, toxic
 |                     .--------------------------------------.
 `----.   .------------÷--.                   .---------------'
   .--'   |         .--÷--'                   `-----------------------.
   `------'         `--'  .-------------------------------------------'