File Archive

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File size:
23 768 bytes (23.21K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:36
Download count:
all-time: 526


  ___     _______________________ _ _________
_\_/    / _  __  ______ _______/__  ___    /
| _ \  /     /  __/__/   /_ _   /   ___   /
|__\ \/ /___/_____________/____/____//___/
    \  /                   .------------.
     \/              «- -- ÷-  styLE!   ¡
 stRAtOS!/mGS!^gRt iS bACk `------------÷
 witH 2nd cOlLy cAlLEd!:                |
                    " jAMAikEN bOBPi "  |
 -[24.O4.95]------ ---- ---------·st!·--'
[%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%]

 .--------------------  ---(c)-[ mEGAStYLE! pRODUCtiON '95
 |    ____     _______________________________  _ _____________ _
 ! ___\ _/    / _  ___  __________  _________/_ __   ____       /
 . |    _ \  /      /  ___/_____/    /__ _      /    _//_      / -----.
 ¦ |st!  \ \/ /    /    /      /       /       /     _____    /   -- -÷ -»
 | |______\  /_______________________________________//______/ -------'
 |         \/           
-÷- -» _____________ ______          _____     _ ______      _ _______ ____
 |  ___\   ________/_     /_       _/    /___         /    _ __  _________/
 |  |__________     /    __/______/     /    \ /     /_______/  ___/_______
 |  |      |       /    /        /     /      \     /       /    /        /
 |  |______________________________________    \_________________________/
 .                              _  _ _____¬_____/
 `--------------------------------------------------- ------------ -[   -»

   |                                                                |
   |   hello dudis.. prepere yourself for my latest production      !
   |   with my verry new style.... i used couple of months on      __ '95
   !   developing this style.. so i hope you like it!?.           _\/_
       this style is not 1oo% developt yet, but i felt like       \/\/
       releasing something so here it is... not so many logos but    
       i havent had so many request!. so in the future i hope on    ¡
                      getting more requests!...                     |
                                       l8er..  stRAtOS! |           |    |
             - -----------------------------------------÷-----------'    |
                                                        |                |

  .----j-A-M-A-i-k-E-N- -b-O-B-P-i --»  --------------- ---------------.
  |                                                                    |
  | ______________________________ __ _ ____________________ ___       |
  ! \_______   ____  ____    ___      /       _ _  ____   _ ___    .---'
 ______  _|     /   _//_      / \ \  /        /   _//_       /     `----.
 |     \/      /    _____    /   \ \/ /      /    _____     /           |
 |__________________//________ ___\  /______/_____//_______/   --  -  --÷-»
  .                                \/                                   |
  |   ______ _ _________________ _ __________________ __  __________    |
  ·___\____/___ _ ___________     /     /    ___________ \    _____//   |
   |         /     /_______/   __/  ___/   ____/____/   \ \     \       |
   |st!     /     /       /    \      \      /     /     \ \     \__    |
   |____________________________\     _ __________________\        /    |
  .                              \______ __ _              \______/     .
  |     ________________ _____________________ __________________________ _
  |  ___\_____    ___ __  __________ ______     ___ _  _ ___      /  _ ___
  |  |       /_ __/___/    //        /    /_ ____/__/ /__________/      /
  |  |        |      /              /      /       /      /    _/      /.
  |  |___________________________________________________/  __  ______/ |
  |                                                                     |
  `---------------------------------------------------------------------÷ -

  .-] titLE!: mAGZ
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: mAGZ/gROtEStiCLE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

         ____     ________________________________ ___ ___________     
      ___\ _/    / _  ___   ____    ___  ________/_ ________     /      
 .----|    _ \  /      /   _//_      /    /__ _     /  _________/___-- ---.
 `--. |st!  \ \/ /    /    _____    /       /      /     /         / .---.|
.---' |______\  /__________//_____________________/_______________/--÷---÷'
`---- -       \/                                                     `---'

  .-] titLE!: fUCk yOU  -[ fRAMED ]-
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: mAGZ/gROtEStiCLE   
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

   |                                                                    ¡
   |      __________________ ___ _ ___________________ _ ______         |
   |   ___\_  _______ _    //      __ _ ___________     /     /         |
   |   |    ______/ /     //       /     /_______/   __/  ___/          |
   |   |st!    |   /     //       /     /       /    \      \           |
   |   |_______|   )__________________________________\      \___       |
   :                                                   \______ _/       |
   |                     -^ f U C K   y O U ^-                          |
   |            ______   __  ______________________ ___ _ __            |
   |         ___\    /___ _ __  __________ _ _    //       /            |
   |         |      /    \  /    //        /     //       /             |
   |         |     /      \               /     //       /              |
   |         |___________ _ ________________________________ _          | 
   |           _________¬___/                                           |  
   |                                                                    | 
   |                                                                    |

  .-] titLE!: gRIMlOCk
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: gRIMlOCk!/gROtEStiCLE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

   ___________ _ _   __________________ __ _ ________
___\  _______/___   /___     /    ___      /        /
|      /__ _    /    __/  __/      / \ \  /        /
|st!     /     /     \            /   \ \/ /      /  -------------------.
|________________ ____\   _ _____/_____\  /______/            .---------'
                       \_______  _      \/                    `----------.
           _____   _ ___ _______________________________ _ ______        |
        ___\___/_________ _ ____     __  ____________     /     /        |
        |     /        /     //      /     /_______/   __/  ___/         |
        |    /        /     //      /     /       /    \      \  --------'
        |__________________________/_______________ ____\      \_       

  .-] titLE!: sUPERtED          
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: tRiBUtE! -2- sUPERtED/gROtEStiCLE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

     _____________ _ _____ _______________________________ _  _________
: ___\   ________/__ _   //      / _ ___     __  _________   /___     /
. |__________     /     //      / /__________/  ___/_____/    __/  __/ --.
| |      |       /     //      /      /     /    /      /     \     \    |
`-|__________________________________/     /___________________\     \_-÷'
              ___\   ______  _______________          /                  
 .----------- |        / /  ___/_____/    //     st! / -----------------.
 |  G R O t   |       . /    /      /    //         /   E S t i C L E   |
 `------------|________/___________________________/ -------------------'

  .-] titLE!: bLOCkhEAD
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: tRiBUtE! -2- bLOCKhEAD/gROtEStiCLE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

   ________ _ _________  _ ___________________________________ _ ______
___\_____  ____ _     /     __ _  ___     ___  ____________     /     /
|       /_ _/__/     /______/     //      /     /________/   __/  ___/ --.
|st!     |    /     /      /     //      /     /        /    \      \    | 
|_____________________________________________________________\      \_--'
                        g R o t E S t i C L E
        ____  _ __  _  ______________________________________________ 
     ___\ _/_ _______ __   ___________  __________________          / 
 .---|    __||___     /  ____/______/     //_      /    //         / --.   
 |   |   __________  /     /       /    ______    /    //         /    |
 `---|______||___________________________//______/_______________/ ----'

  .-] titLE!: mADSEN
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: tRiBUtE! -2- mADSEN/sUSPiRiA
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

         ____     _____________________________________
      ___\ _/    / _  ___   ____    ________          / 
 .--- |    _ \  /      /   _//_      /    //         / ----------.
 |    |st!  \ \/ /    /    ______   /    //         /            | ------.
 `--- |______\  /__________//______________________/ ------------'  .----'
 ----.        \/      _____________ _ ______________  __________    `---.
  .--'             ___\   ________/__  _____________ \   ______/  ------'
  `-------. .----- |__________     /  ___/______/   \ \     \ ---------.
    ------' |      |      |       /    /       /     \ \     \__       |
            `----- |__________________________________\        / ------'

  .-] titLE!: rEALity bitES  -[ fRAMED ]-
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: mADSEN/sUSPiRiA
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

    :______________________________________________!_  __
    !                                              +------------.
   __________ _ _____________________________                   ¡
___\______   ____  _________   ___ _   /    /                   | 
|      __/ __/ /  ___/____/    //_    /    /______              |
|st!   \    \_/    /     /   ____    /    /      /  @^rEAlitY^@ !
|_______\    /  __ ___________//___________ __  /____        ______ ______
    ¡    \___ __ _  _                    /     /    /_      /     //     /
    |                                   /     /    __/_____/_____ ._____/
    |                                  /     /    /       /  /     /  
    !   @^bitES^@                     /_____/____________/_  ___  /
    _____________ ___________        ________________________  \_/
 ___\______   ___ _    /    /_      /   __________  ________/_  . 
 |        /_ _/_/     /    __/_____/   ___/_____/___________  \_|
 |         |   /     /    /       /     /      /     /         /|
 |__________________/____________/____________________________/ |
    .                                                           |
    ¡                                                .----------÷-----.
    |                                                |          |     |
    |                                                |       st!|     |
    `------------------------------------------------+---------÷+-    | 
                                                     |                |
                                     -    --  -------÷----------------·

  .-] titLE!: cHRiS
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: cHRiS mELAND/sPACEbAlLS
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

                    chRIS mELANd ^¹^ sPACEBALLS
       __________ _ __ ____ ________  ___________________________
    ___\  ______/_ __   __//_    _   /___     /   ____  ________/_ 
 .- |      |_______/   _______   /    __/  __/      /__________   \_-----. 
 |  |st!   |      /     //      /     \     \      /     /         /     |
 `- |__________________//______________\     \____/_______________/ -----'
                                        \____  ____ _ enters chat!

  .-] titLE!: liZARD
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: tRiBUtE! -2- liZARD/sPACEbAlLS
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

        ______   _ __ ____________________
     ___\____/            _________      /    
 .-- |      |_______/      /  __________/___ --------------------.
 |   |st!   |      /      /     /          /      l i z a r d    |
 |   |___________________/_______________  ___ _  -- ------------'
 |                      ___________ _ _   __________________________
 |                   ___\______  _/___   /___     /_____           /
 |                   |    \____      /    __/  __/    //          / ------.
 |                   |      |       /     \          //          /        |
 `-----------------  |______|______________\  _  _______________/ --------'
                                            \______ _

  .-] titLE!: diAL hARD  -[ fRAMED ]-
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: fURy/pREStIGE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

   |                                                        ¡
   !  __________________________________________            |
   ___\_______      /    ___  ____       /     /      -  -- ÷------»
   |         /     /      /   _//_      /     /________     |
   |st!     /     /      /    ____     /     /        /     |
   |____________________/_____//_____________________/      |
   .                                                   .----÷----------.
   ¡---------------------------------------------------÷- - --         |
   .        ____  _ __  _________________   _________________________  |
   |     ___\ _/_ _______    ____       /  /___     /_____          /  |
         |    __||___    /   _//_      /    __/  __/    //         /   |
         |   _________  /    ____     /     \          //         /    |
         |______||___________//______ _  ____\    _ _____________/     |
                                              \____ _ ___ _            |
       -  -  ------- ---------- ---------------------------------------·

  .-] titLE!: fURy  -[ fRAMED ]- 
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: fURy/pREStIGE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

 - --f-U-R-y -/- p-R-E-S-t-i-G-E----- ------------------------------.
 ^        _________________ _______   _________  _____              |
 .     ___\   _______ _   //      /  /___     /_/    /___     .-----'
 ¦     |     ____/ /     //      /    __/  __/      /    \    `--------.
 |     |st!   |   /     //      /     \     \      /      \            |
 |     |______|   )____________ _ _____\     \__________   \_          |
 |                                      \____ _  _ ___ ¬____/ .------. |
 |                                                            |      | |
 `----a-N-S-W-E-R-S-- c-H-A-t---------------------------------÷------÷-'
                                                              `------÷- -»

  .-] titLE!: mOtiON
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: fURy/pREStIGE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

         ____     ___________________________      
      ___\ _/    / _  ___  __________ _     /_      -^ m O t i O N ^-
 .--- |    _ \  /      /    //        /    __/_______ -------------. 
 |    |st!  \ \/ /    /              /    /         /     - --- ---|--  -»
 |    |______\  /__________________________________/ --------------' 
 |            \/            ______ _ ______________ __  _________    
 |                       ___\____/___  __________ ____ \    ____/ 
 |                       |         /    //        /   \ \     \ ---------.
 |                       |        /              /     \ \     \__       |
 `---------------------  |______________________________\        / ------'

  .-] titLE!: diGitAL  -[ fRAMED ]-
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: fURy/pREStIGE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

 |                                                                    |
 |    _________________________________    ______ _  _                |
 | ___\_______      /    ___  ________/_ _/    __                     |
 | |         /     /      /    /__ _     /      /                     |
 | |st!     /     /      /       /      /      /   - d i G i t A L - -÷- -»
 | |____________________/_____________________/                       |
 |                               ______/\_ _____________________      |
 `-------- -------  -»        ___\   ______  _____       /     /      !
                              |        / /    _//_      /     /________
 .----------- ----  -»        |       . /     ____     /     /        /
 |                            |_______ /______//_____________________/
 |                                                                    ¡
 |                                                                    |

  .-] titLE!: cRUX  -[ fRAMED ]-
  `--.--__------------------------------ -----------------.
     | _\/_  -     -  -----]--  ------- ------------------'
     | \/\/                  rEQ!: fURy/pREStIGE
     `-----.-- ----- ---»  
       «- -^- -»

  |                                                              |
  !  __________ __   _________  ______ _______ ______ _______    |
  ___\   ________   /___     / /     //      //     //      /    !
  |      |______/    __/  __/ /     //      / _____ _  ____/__   
  |st!   |     /     \     \_/     //      /       /         / c R U X - -»
  |___________________\     _ ____________________/_________/    .
                       \_______ __ _                             |
  ¡                                                              |



 .--------------------  ---(c)-[ mEGAStYLE! pRODUCtiON '95
 |    ____     _______________________________  _ _____________ _
 ! ___\ _/    / _  ___  __________  _________/_ __   ____       /
 . |    _ \  /      /  ___/_____/    /__ _      /    _//_      / -----.
 ¦ |st!  \ \/ /    /    /      /       /       /     _____    /   -- -÷ -»
 | |______\  /_______________________________________//______/ -------'
 |         \/           
-÷- -» _____________ ______          _____     _ ______      _ _______ ____
 |  ___\   ________/_     /_       _/    /___         /    _ __  _________/
 |  |__________     /    __/______/     /    \ /     /_______/  ___/_______
 |  |      |       /    /        /     /      \     /       /    /        /
 |  |______________________________________    \_________________________/
 .                              _  _ _____¬_____/
 |   -^ credits:. ^- 
 | - --------------------
 |                       shape & movements.                     stRAtOS!
-÷--------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -»
 |   -^ members of megastyle!:. ^-
 | - ----------------------------------
 |                                                              stRAtOS!
 |                                                                liZARD
 |                                                                spLASH
-÷---------------------------------------- --------------------- -------»
 |   -^ messages for the people:. ^-
 | - ------------------------------------
 |       aCID/aFL^gRt:  so how goes your hd???? Open BI soon!...
 |      gRIMLOCK!/gRt:  here it is.... my 2nd colly.. wheres yours? ;)
 |           mAGZ/gRt:  hahaah your modem sux... when your gettin a new?
 |         mADSEN/sPA:  you stoped swappin yet? and nice trading l8li!!
 |   sUPERtED/gRt^sPA:  woow 1st place.. not bad.. so   ..I Want U.. ;))
 |          jORUN/gRt:  haaha guess that guy with the blizzy was mad at u?
 |         lIZARD/sPB:  stop hiring shizo people as guards at "tg"!! ;)
 |      aRCANE/sQUASH:  nice cap... ;))
 |        bAFFLE!/stA:  fuck.. your modem has really fuckt up this time!.
 |          cHRIS/sPB:  nice and drunk are we.;) pitty i got sick. ;(
 |            tIM/sPB:  you are funny drunk... ;))
 |               eALL:  can some of you make an "stRAtOS!" logo, and
 |                      put it in your next colly?!?
-÷--------------------------------------------------- ----- ---     -»
 |   -^ 2 order ascii ^-
 | - ------------------------
 |  so to order ascii from me, leave an message to "stRAtOS!" at these
 |  boards....
 |    checkpoint, everyware, genetic waste, basic instinct, hardcore
 ÷----------------------------------------- ------------------------  --»
 |   -^ greetings ^-
 | - -------------------
 |  madsen, acid, magz, grimlock!, jorun, superted, humbray, helene
 |   arcane, elmore, mozell, benjamin, pluspant!, hole, crowd
 |  baffle!, shade!, bonbon!, malakai, chris, tim, lizard, splash
 |   candyman, norby, blockhead, substance, iron, trash head, laimbrain
 |             general lee, flynn, ranger, noodle, toxic
 |                   and the rest i forgot...
 `--------------------------------------------------- ------------ -[   -»