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- DayDream - USR 288OOv34 - A12OO O3O 24Mhz - CONNER 1.3GB HD -
- O8-7749532 -
Uploaded at 19:56:12 24-Apr-98!
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| -*( aQUARiUM bBS - oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN sWEDEN )*- |
| |
| · a1230/50mHZ/10rAM/4.4GiG oNLiNE/2*uSR mODEMS · |
| |
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| tHE kURWA cOPS aRE: |
| · fEARfLiGHt/2000aD/tRSI^LiGHTfORCE cHEWiE/dEPtH/GiANTS · |
| |
| |
| ·[=> nD#1 +46-31-553383 28k8 dS uSR nD#2 +46-31-PRiVATE 56k0 uSR <=]· |
| ·[=> sTATiC tELNET iP: AQUARiUMbBS.dYN.mL.oRG <=]· |
| |
| |
___________ ____
______/ \__// \__/____\ tHE tIME 13:19:57
_/ \_/ : //____\\ tHE dATE 04-18-1998
/| : : .. / \ tHE nODE 03
| | :: :: \ / tHE dEWD FOLAR
| | :| || \ \______/
| | _ || || __ |\ / | FiNE LiNE bBS aCCEPTS nO SHiT!
\| || || | / | \
| ___ || ___ || ____ | / /_\ \ LEAVE tHE AMiNET oN dA fUCKiNG NET!
| _ || _ || __ | / / \
\___/ \___/ | |/__/ \ BACK oNLiNE oNCE aGAiN! cALL uS sOON!
_\____/ \ /
WE WANT YOU ! /____ / 100% pURE AMiGA fILEZ nOTHiNG eLSE !!
FIND US ! / \ /
CALL US ! \______\_________/ hOME tO gALAHAD^FLT aGa FiXES
. .
: ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ :
¦ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¦
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
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__:\ ___:________) /| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |\ (________:___ /:__
_ :__\ : ¯-----------¯ : /__: _
: : : :
: : (· » PUNiSHMENT ^ BiOHAZARD « ·) : :
: : ---------------------------------- : :
: : : :
: : Come on God, answer me. For years i've been asking you why : :
: : : :
: : Why are the innocent dead and the guilty alive ? : :
: : : :
: Where is justice, where is punishment ? Or have you already answered ? :
: . . :
: Have you already said to the world here is justice, here is punishment :
: . . :
: : here ... in ME ! : :
_ :___ : : ___: _
__:_ /__:________ _____________ ________:__\ _:__
:/____:______ )_____ __\| |/__ _____( ______:____\:
:.....: )____ /________\ _| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |_ /________\ ____( :.....:
/_____________\| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |/_____________\
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:. x | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
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_.| /___:¾l `. ____ :: / |___________\_ \_ _ _| |_/ __|____
./ ||____// ¾¾ `x ¾' ._ _. _//// | _( \.
| l¾: `*. ¸x' |/ \| |_ \ |
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¾¾ /_______| . |_______/-ntr!
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.S.T.R.i.K.E.S. .T.H.E.E. .W.I.T.H. .A. .C.O.L.L.E.C.T.i.O.N. .B.Y.
. .
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
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,¸ | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
¸, x½' | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
`½½ x½' .________ ¾ | _____.
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_ _ ____/ __|_ :½l:½' _.| /______| |____/ __|____
_( l½:' ||_____// | _( \_ _
\ x:½l |_ \ _/// /
_ _ ____________ x½ l½: _________________________//_______________\
x½' :½l-ntr!
.x½' ½½ : ........
"` ^'" ..:..:..: : .... : . :
: .:..:..:..... : : : :
____________________|_ : : : : :....:...:
._____________ / | ....:..:..............: : :
_| // | :....... :
\_ / | : : P R E F A C E :
| | : .....:......................:..
| crime, crime against the soul | : : :
| it does more damage .|.:...:. : ....
| than anyone can know ! | : : : I'll keep this intro
| as the victims suffer | : : : text quite short. As
| the secrets that they hold will | :........: you can see, my new
| eat inside them | . : crew Inhale has been
| 'till they finally explode | ..:....... born. I'm extremely
| | : pleased with the
.____. _____ ______ _______ ___ | _______ ___ ______. _____
_ ___|_ |_\ _/_ _\ __/_ _\ _ / \ _\ _ \ / \ _\ |__\ _/__
_/ / _\ / \_ / _/ / \ / / // \ _/ _\
| / / / / \___/ \ \ _/_ \ |
_________\_______\________\____| /_________\____\___/________\_____|_______ _
| ________ _____ _____ ______
| _\ _____/ \ / \ _\ /__. artists I got into
| / __|/ \ / \ / / | this group, but you
| / | / \ \ / | can decide that for
| \______| \_________/______.__/____/_____| yourself soon.
| tGø| .
| | : : I developed a new
| desperate fool, unforgivable ! | .......:.. style again, and this
| we're gonna do away with you | . : time I intend to use
| desperate fool, unforgivable ! | : : it for some time.
| your kind won't stand a chance | ...:...:.
| | : : I'm currently working
| you call yourself a man ? .|.....:...... on some unofficial
| let's leave your fate up to | : : : ascii art pages, and
| those who've been raped | : : : it should be *the*
| you impose yourself a lot | : .:....... place to acquire news
| no means no | : : and other gossips
| you don't know when to stop | ...:...: about the current
| it's body, it's soul | . :...... scene. Also, all new
| it's all humanity | : . : releases will be
| that's what's violated | : : :.. online as soon as it
| can't you see | .:...:. : gets out. If you have
| you're really hated ? | .:..... any nice ideas, I'd
| step up the plate .|......:. : be glad to hear from
| you challenge fate | . :...: you. Just take a look
| you've earned a castration | : . : at the end of this
| you're face to face | :....:. collection on how to
| with your victims rage | : : reach me.
| you deserve this laceration | ...:..:
| | :.....: .: Well, that's all I
| | . : have to say, enjoy !
| /------------------------|- :....:.
|________// ......: : - Exile / Inhale
/ : : .
: ....:..... :......... : : :
.:....: .:....... : : : ....: ..: .....:. .:.....:. :.
.......: :.... : ....:.....: .......: . :..: : : :..:.:
: : : : . : .:.... : .:...: :
...:...: : ........: .:.......:. .:......:
: : ...:. :
: :
..........|_ ..
: : ............. : REPRESENT ...
:.... _. : : :
.. ...: \| :......: ._____ : _|.. . ._____
: ....: ._____ ______ | | :...: _____ | | ___ . .....|_
: | |____\ \| |. / \ | | / \_ ..:
: · | | \\ \ /_____ / \| |/ _/____ :....
_:..: | | / / / // _ \ | \ \ :
| |_____|___ / /|____\ \ ____/_____\____|____________\ :
. rDm \_____\ /_____/ ......... .: :
| ........ i N H A L E ! : :.....:.
| I N D E X « « « : :.................:_ ·
| . |
|/ o¹ Aalto ................. for Asphynx
/. o² Abhorrence ............ for Abhorrence
| o³ Age of dragon ......... for Neurotrance
| o4 Arcade ................ for Dezibel
| _,
| o5 Cosmic girl 2 ......... for Flower ____\_____,
. __(_, )___
| o6 Dezibel ............... for Dezibel ,__) __________ /_
| _\\___\ . . )____))_
| o7 Eurasia ............... for Kbl \________,_/ '
| ,__ / _ | _\
| o8 LSD my problem child .. for Asphynx _____/ // /(_ | _)\\
| _\__ ` (/_/______|____\)
| o9 Parasite .............. for Jekel \___ _/`\_______|____/
| `---' ) (
| ¹o Phunk ascii ........... for Dezibel _/ \_
| ._\______________/
: ¹¹ Psychedelic labs ...... for Hypno | | \____
· _|__________|______\__
. ¹² Red demon ............. for Red demon (___________\--------'
| ¹³ Stratosphere .......... for Tango
| ¹4 Style ................. for Folar
| ¹5 Timeout ............... for Grey
| ¹6 Trophy ................ for Neurotrance
| _____________ __ _
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| /_____________) /__________________\
l . e . t . s _
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\ _ imd! _ -`--, _/ _/ / : _|/ _/ /_. _
\/ __ _ \ / \_____|\_______.___\_____| |
\___ __ . | |
\_ |_ · s t a r t! ¯|
___ _
LOGO: a a l t o _____ FOR: a s p h y n x ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
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:... ____ :.. ...: ____
_ _____¾¾¾¾___________________________________________¾¾¾¾_____ _
___ _
LOGO: a b h o r r e n c e _____ FOR: a b h o r r e n c e ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
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\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
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| : a b h o r r e n c e | .
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:.: :..: :...: l____\ \__________/_____\ _________/\_________/
. ..\_____/ ...\___/ ...: . .
| | :.. :.. | |
| | | :
| | .
· .
___ _
LOGO: t h e a g e o f d r _____ FOR: n e u r o t r a n c e ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
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\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
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: : : : _/ ___ \__ ___/ \_ | \ ____/
: : : : | \ \/ __ \/ / l_ __ |
: : : : l_ \ ___________/ \________/ :..\______/ | .
: : : : \________/ ....: ...: :... | |
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_/ ___ | __/ _/ ___ \__ \ \) |
| \ \ \ \ \/ _ __ \\ |
|_ \ ______\ \_ \ ____________/ \______/ /_____\ | xl
. . . . :... :..
:..: :..: T H E A G E O F D R A G O N
___ _
LOGO: a r c a d e _____ FOR: d e z i b e l ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
. · .
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\________/.. \_____/..__ ..\________/..\________/. ...:
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. ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ .
. ¾¾¾ .
. ¾ .
· . ·
___ _
LOGO: c o s m i c g i r l _____ FOR: f l o w e r ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
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\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
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| \/ \ _________ _ \ / __________ \/ \_
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:..\_______/ .\______/___ / _____\ /_____/ _____________/.
:.. . |:.. ...\_______/ ...\/ \_____/ ...:
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| . \_____/. \_____/_______: ::::: ::::: : xl
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: :.... :.: ....:
. :.....:
___ _
LOGO: d e z i b e l _____ FOR: d e z i b e l ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
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LOGO: e u r a s i a _____ FOR: k b l ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
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| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
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:..... :... ....:
___ _
LOGO: l s d m y p r o b l _____ FOR: d e z i b e l ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
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_____ _/ |_____\_______ ___ | | _ \ / | (_ _____ |//____/_._ _| \\| ._ \\| \/ | _/__|__ |____/ ._ ._\\|\_._ /. ._\\|// _|_
¾¾¾¾¾ | | / \ | ¾¾ | \ \/ ___________ / ¾¾¾¾¾ | | |// | | |/ | |___._ / |_ | |/ |/ | |/ / | |/ | |/
¾¾¾¾ |_ l _ / __ \ _| .l_____\ /______ \/ / ¾¾¾¾ | |__| | | / | | |/ / |/ |__| / | /_/ | / | /
¾¾¾¾ ..\_______/ \_______/..\_______/ :.... \/ xl\_______/ ¾¾¾¾ `)____|.vK______('__| |\___|_____/\__/ | |___| |\______|\__| |\____|
¾¾¾¾ :... :..... ¾¾¾¾ <-------------------|____|--------------|___|------|___|-----------|___|------>
________ ________ ________ ___ ___ _______ ____ ¾¾¾¾
_) ___ \_\_____ \_) ___ \__) |_____ _) | _) ___/____) \ ___ Some weeks ago I was reading the newspaper. Suddenly my eyes fell on an big
| \ __/ _/ \ ___ \_/ |____| ___/ ___ \ / \ article that made it to the frontpage. In Rotterdam, one of the bigger cities
| _____ \ \ / | \/ / \ \/ _ \_ Holland, a 20 year old girl got raped by a mentally ill man. This man was
l____| .\____\ \________/_ / _ l __________/_____\ /_____/ wellknown to the police, and had been arrested several times before for jerking
____ :.... \_____/ ...\________/ \_______/... ....\/ ____ off in public and things like that. Anyway, one night this guy was walking on
¾¾¾¾ :.... ...: :..: ¾¾¾¾ the street, and noticed the girl riding on her bike. He walked towards her,
¾¾¾¾ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ¾¾¾¾ kicked her from her bike and dragged her to some park for a distance of one
¾¾¾¾ _) ___/______) |________(___)_____) | _______) | ¾¾¾¾ hundred meter ! At this moment, people were actually staring from their
¾¾¾¾_______ | \/ |_ ___________ |____/ ___ | _______¾¾¾¾ balconies while he raped her. This went on for about 15 minutes until a 50 year
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |_ ______/ | / | \ | ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ old women started kicking the man, later on helped by an off-duty policeman.
.\_______/|____| |__ __ l \ _|
:... ....|_____| \____/ \_______/\_______/... One week later, I was reading the newspapers again. Another sick article, this
:.... .....: time about a little village in Spain. Over one hundred males of the local
population, aging from 16 till 60 had been sexually abusing a 14 year old,
mentally disabled girl. This had been going on for years !
I'm sure you see similar articles when you open your local newspaper. Countless
examples of desperate fools who don't give a fuck about the consequences for
the victim. But what bothers me even more, are the times it doesn't get to the
newspapers. Cases where the victim is too scared to report it to the police.
I'm wondering in what kind of a *sick* society we're living where rapists and
killers get away with their crimes, while the victims have to carry what
___ _ happened with them for the rest of their lives. If I could only believe hell
LOGO: p a r a s i t e _____ FOR: j a k a l ._\ __ does exist ! It'd make things fucking more acceptable. I could go on about this
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____ topic for hours, but it only brings back hate and anger to me.
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___ That's all for this 'secret' part. Ohyeah, the ascii is done by Vouck (I didn't
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \ add your name to the credits part, as it would reveal too much about this text)
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/ Signed,
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T Exile / Inhale
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - : <----------------------------------------------------------------------------->
/____| | |_ ·
________ ______ ________ ______ : :
_) ___ \___\___ \__\_____ \____\___ \__ .____________________________
| \ ___ __/ _/ ___ | | (.
| _____ \ \ \ \ | | » P A R A S i T E « |
| | \ \ _____\ \_ \ _| |____________________________|
. | .\________/ ...\_____/\______/. . .
: | :.. :... ..: : :
| . _______ ___ ___ _______ : :
| | _) ___/_____(___)____) |__ xl _) ___/____ ___ __________.
| | \_______ __/_____| ___/ |
| | / | \/ _|
_| :_____ __ _ / __ __ ____________ __ __________(
| . ..\_______/ \_____/..\________/.. . .
. :.. ..: ..: : :
___ _
LOGO: p h u n k a s c i i _____ FOR: d e z i b e l ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
_____________ _______________________
___________\ _______ /_______________ ______) _________ /) _____ /_
________) ____________\ /____ (\ _______ /_) ______) /____) /_ /_
\ ________) (____\ /______) /____
________ ___ ___ __ __
_ _ __ ___) ___ \_) |________) |______) \ ______ ____ / \_ __ _ _
\\\\_\\_______/ |_ | | | \) |_) |/ //_////
| _________/ | | | \\ | _/ _/
:l____| |____| _____ ______\ \ \_ xl
:.. ...l_____| \____|.. \____ \_____/
:.. ..: ..l____|
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
A · S · C · i · i
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
___ _
LOGO: p s y c h e d e l . _____ FOR: h y p n o ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
_________________ __________) _______ /___
_________) ____________ /________ _____) __________) /___ /____ __
_ ___\ ________) /________ /___) _____) /_____ __ _
__ ____\ /________)
________ _______ ______ _______ ___ _______
_) ___ \_) ___/__) |_____) ___/_______) |_______) ___/___ xl
| \_____________ | \/ |_ | ___/ \_
| _____ / _____ _ _______/ | \/ /
l____| |_ / / \/ / \_______/ /____| ____________/ ...
\_______/\________/ |_____| :
___ _______ ___ L A B S : ......:..:
_______) |_) ___/_____) | .____.______ ...... : ..... ..:....
_/ ___ | ___/ |____| | ___/__ : :.... : ..:..
| \ \/ | \_ \/ \_ ..:... ...: .
|_ \ ___________ l / _ / : ..... :.
\________/ ... \________/ |\_______/ ... : ..... :
: .... . |____| : : : ....:
..... : ..... : : : ..... : : ... ....: : :
:.... : ...: ......:.. : : ...... :.:... : ...: ...:.
: : . . : :..:.: : : : :
:...:....: :....... : .:....: :....
: :
___ _
LOGO: r e d d e m o n _____ FOR: r e d d e m o n ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
________ _______ ___
_ __ _\_____ \__) ___/___________) |_ ___ ______________________________
__/ _/ ___/ ___ (_.
\ \ \/ \ » Red Demon of Lo'Profile « |
_ ___ _____\ \___________ \ __ _ ________________________________|
...\_____/ ...\________/...
:.. : ...:
___ _______ ____ _________ __ xl
_______) |_) ___/____) \ ______) ___ \_) \ ______
... ..... _/ ___ | ___/ ___ \ / \ \) | .....
: : : : | \ \/ / \ \/ _ _ \\ | : :
:.: :...: |_ \ ___________/_____\ /_____/.\_____________\ |_ :...:
..\________/ ..\/ ..: ..\____/
:.. ______ :.. _________________ :...
____ _______\ _ )___ ________\ ____________ )___ __ _
___ )_______\ _______\)__ /______\ ________\ )__ /_________\ __
)____________\ /____________\ /_______________\
___ _
LOGO: s t r a t o s p h . _____ FOR: t a n g o ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
___________ ______________
....... _____\ ______ )______ _____( _________ /___________.......__
___: :__\ _____\ )_____ /_\ ____( /_____ /) ____: :_
_: :_____\ /_______\ /_____) : :
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\_______ __/____| __/ _/ ___ __/____) _______________
/ | \ \ \ | \ /
_ / _ _____\ \_ \ __ _ \ _ / _ _
\_______/.\________/ ...\_____/\______/ \________/ \_______/ \_______/
. . :... :.. ..: . .
: : » S T R A T O S P H E R E « : :
: : ________ ___ _______ ________ _______ xl : :
: : _) ___ \_) |_______) ___/___\_____ \___) ___/___ : :
: : | / |_ | ___/ __/ _/ ___/ \_ : :
: : | _________/ \/ \ \ \/ / : :
: : l____|..|____| ________________\ \___________/ : :
: : :.. |_____|... \_____/... _____: :_
_: :____ _______ ..: ________ ..: _____\ __: :__
__: :_ /______\ __ )____ _____) ___ /_______\ _____\ : :
:.....:/____________\ )___ /_____\ ____) /_____________\ :.....:
___ _
LOGO: s t y l e _____ FOR: f o l a r ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
___________ _____________................
____________ ____) ______ /___ ____\ _________ : :_
_______) _______ /_____) ____) /___ /_) _____\ /_: :_
\ ______) /____ (\ __) /______) : :
\ (____\ : :
» S T Y L E « : :
_______ ___ ______ ___ _______ xl : :
_) ___/____) |__ _) |______) | _) ___/______ _ :
\_______ __/____| | |____| ___/ :
/ | ______ | \/ :
__ _ / _ /_ \/ _ l _______________ _ :
\_______/ \________/..\_______/ \_______/... . :
...: :.. ...: : :
: :
" better watch out or we'll do it live ! " : :
_ _____ :______________:_
_ /________ _________ ___( _ /_____\ ___________:_
/_________ )_______ _____) ____ /______\ __(/__________\ :
)______ /______\ ____) /____________\ :..............:
___ _
LOGO: t i m e o u t _____ FOR: g r e y ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
___ ¾¾¾¾ _____ _ ·
_) |__ ¾¾ ___ ____\ _ _______ |
__ _/ __/______(___)__) \\ /_____) ___/___ - ------+-- -
¾¾ | | ____________ \\// ___/ \_ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
l_ / \ \/ _ \/ / ¾¾¾¾ |
\________/_ _______\ /_____/\________/ » t I M E O U T « ¾¾¾¾ ·
____ \____/ \/ ¾¾¾¾ .
· ¾¾¾¾ _________ ___ ___ ¾¾¾¾
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| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ | \ | | _/____ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
- ----+--------- l_ | | | \_
| \______/_____ _ /
. \____|\________/
___ _
LOGO: t r o p h y _____ FOR: n e u r o t r a n c e ._\ __
_________ _____ ____/_ _\______ ______________ _______|_ __|__ _____
_\ __ \_\ __/ _\_ / _\ _ \ _ ____ \\ / _\ /_\ __/
| | / / _/___/ /__/___| |/ / / / / / _ /__ _/ _/___
| |/ / \ \____ /| / / /___/ _/ _/ / | | \ \
| __/ / |\ / /_| _/ / _/ \___\ \___ _ | |_ |\ \
|_\____/_____:_______/_____\| \___//____ /_\ / |____|_ |/_________/
- -- -----/ _ / \___| \ __\___/___\___/__|----: |------ - -
_/ / /\ // \| /_. _|_____|_/\T
\ /___/ \_______________// \ | | :
- ---VtR_\ _/- ------------------ -\______/ |--- - - :
/____| | |_ ·
........ ______ ___\ /___ ______ ........
___: :______) /____) (____\ (______: :___
_ ___\ : ¾¾¾¾ : : ¾¾¾¾ : /___ _
___ ¾¾¾ : ________ _________ ___ ______ :
_) |__ ¾ __\_____ \_______________) ___ \_) |______) |_____
_/ __/___\ __/ _/ __ \ |_ | | (_
| | \ \ \/ __________/ |______ /
l_ _____\ \__ \ __ | ..|____| __ \/ /
\________/.. \_____/ \_______/ |____| :.. |_____| \_______/ xl
. ..: ..: ..: .
: ¾¾¾ . . ¾¾¾¾ :
: ¾¾¾¾ : The trophy compo, held on #trophy, IRCnet : ¾¾¾¾ :
: ¾¾¾¾ : ------------------------------------------- : ¾¾¾¾ :
__: ¾¾¾¾ :_____ ________ ________ _____: ¾¾¾¾ :__
__ ___\ : ¾¾¾¾ : )_____\ (_______) /_____( : ¾¾¾¾ : /___ __
:......: :......:
. .
: ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ :
¦ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¦
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
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_______ ________ _______ | ¾¾¾¾ ___· ___ ___ _______
_) ___/____\_____ \__) ___/___________) |___(___)____) |__ xl _) ___/__ __
| \/ __/ _/ ___/ ___ __/____\_______
|_ \ \ \/ \ | /
\_____________\ \___________ \ __ __ _ / __ _
· C · R · E · D · i · T · S ·
Main Artwork
------------- Exile / Inhale
Additional Artwork
------------------- Abhorrence / Inhale
,_____( )___ Flower [ aka Cyberkid ] / Inhale
,__\ ,_ _/____
,___/ ___________ _(___, Folar / Style
(_ __\____ ___(__ /
_\ /_ ø' _ ø' _/ (_, Insane Madman / Independant
/__ _\__ , _____/_ _/
`--' )`---' _( `--' Neurotrance / Inhale
_/ ) ( \
) (_ _) \ Red Demon / Lo'Profile
_/ /._________\_\___)__
\ `-|__________,__,-,_() Tango / Mo'Soul
)____ __) (__ _)
/ /_(__) `--' Venturus / Alien Technology
\__________________/ note : I'm unsure about Flower's tag, but the
/ | \ ascii peeps are his !
__ _/__________|_________\_. __
/__( `-----------|___________||_\`------------------------------------------ -
________ _______ _______ ________ _______ ________ ___
_\_____ \__) ___/_____) ___/____) ___ \_) ___/____) ____/_____) |__ xl
| __/ _/ ___/ \_______ \ ___/ \/ __/___
| \ \ \/ / _____ \/ _ | \_
l____\ \____________ / __ | \__________/ \__________ /
<-----\_____/-----------\_______/-| |----------------------------\________/>
· R · E · S · P · E · C · T ·
My deepest respect to the following ascii gods!
Axeblade ÷ Grimlock ÷ H2o ÷ Paszcsak ÷ Relief ÷ Venturus
_ __ __ _
/_____________________________ _____________________________\
_) (_
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
| ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ |
_______ ________ _______ | _______ | ___ _______
_) ___/_____\_____ \__) ___/_____) ___/_____) |__ _) ___/_____________
| \__ __/ _/ ___/ ___/ __/____\________ (.
|_ \/ \ \ \/ \/ | / xl |
\______________\ \_______________________ _ / __________|
.... \_____/ \________/ \________/
.::::::. Greets & Notes
::: ::: __ ---------------- ___ _______ _______
:::::: __) \ __________________) |__ _) ___/_____) ___/_______
.:::::: :::: | \) __ __/____| ___/ \________ (.
::::: :::::: | \\ \/ | \/ / |
:::: :::::: l_____\ _ \ _ _____________ / ____|
I'd love to light a phat one with each of you guys !!
2Fast ÷ Abhorrence ÷ Asphynx ÷ Axeblade ÷ B! ÷ Behemoth ÷ Blue ÷ Boheme
Crusader ÷ Cybergod ÷ Dezibel ÷ Elvis ÷ Fatal ÷ Flower ÷ Folar ÷ Fungus ÷ H7
Hiro Protagonist ÷ Insane Madman ÷ Manta ÷ Mark Ryder ÷ Mjolnir ÷ Msw
Necromancer ÷ Neurotrance ÷ Nike ÷ Ramon ÷ Red Demon ÷ Sal One ÷ Satans Fire
Shock G ÷ Speed Devil ÷ Tango ÷ Taxi ÷ Threaz ÷ Tommy ÷ Trivial ÷ Trooper
Venturus ÷ Volatile ÷ Vouck ÷ War Child ÷ Wise-K ÷ Xcluziwe
Some words of wisdom for these fellow artists
----------- I'm looking forward to your first Inhale
release mate, keep up the good work !
------- I'm in need of your webdesigning skills
but i'll get back to you about that :)
------- It's hard getting in contact with you, if you
read this, could you leave me some mail ?
Hiro Prot.
----------- Do something about your inactiveness in the
scene, you give the PC scene a good name !
------ Once more, I'm sorry I had to remove your bot
Satans Fire
------------ I thought we were going to set up this group
together ? If you won't get back to me I don't
see any reason to keep you as a member !
------ Eeeeeeeeh, wrong choice you made there m8 :)
--------- In case you're thinking about releasing another
gazette, better check the facts before
releasing invalid information !
_ | · | _
\/| . |\/
___ ________ ____.| | ___ _____._____
___\ /_\ _ _ \\ __||__ |/ \.\ |\ _/____
\ \/ |\/ / / \ _ \/ \ | _/ /
/ · / / \/ · · | \ \
: _ /__________/ ____/ _______. |_________\ _ :
| .xX( I N H | | A L E )Xx. |
-|----------------------------------| _ |-----------------------------------|-
: | /.| :
ih-despe.txt 17/o4/98 69 kb Desperate fool by Exile
: :
| .xX( C O N T A C T U S )Xx. |
: :
» For general questions about Inhale «
Email »
WWW » [soon]
» For contacting Exile «
Email »
WWW » [dutch!]
Or write a msg to EXiLE on Boondocks or Filadelfia
__ _ _ __
_\ __ _ _____ __ _______ ____ ______ _ __ _ ___ _ _____ /_
____)¬\\_) __/___ / (___) ._ // __/___/ ._ ¬\\____)¬\\_) ¬\\_) __/___
__..) _ \___) /(_._ l/ __) /_ l/ _/_ _ \_ ___) /.__
\ || ) _/ l/ (_._/ _//___\ (_ _) ¬ \ _/.| /
\||_________________ /________|_________ /__________\___________\______||/
· \/ · \/ ·
-÷ [ e x i l e / i n h a l e 1 9 9 8 « » d e s p e r a t e f o o l ] ÷-
____._____ ___._.___ ___._.___ ____.
.) |_ /__) | | | | | | | | .) | _____
<= ===========|____|=======|___|_|___|=|___|_|___|=|____|__)___/==[aBHO]=== =>
_______ | |____ :____
___:_\ _ \| _ /____ | /_______
._\ | |/ /| / / _ /_|_ \ _ \
| | / /_| / / | . / /
| | \______/ _ | |_ /___/
| |___| \___ |____|____/ _/ \__
-| |- --------- -|____|----:--/____ /
_|____| \__/
: A new asciicrew is born ...
Inhale presents you a new colly by Exile
entitled ... D E S P E R A T E F O O L
: 13:19:57 : . : .
: 04-18-1998 : _\Y/_
: FOLAR : ___)_-_(___
: aRRiVED oN nODE03 : \. \c|o/ ./
:___________________: \\_/_\_//
\ || ||||| || /
\|| FiNE||·||LiNE ||/
________ ___ ________ :|___ |: :|____.|: ___ ________ _____
.\ __ /_\ /_\ _ _ \\ _/__| |\ ||__\ /_\ _ _ \\ _/____
| _/ \/ |\/ / // _/ / | |/ \/ |\/ / // _/ /
| | :/ / /· \ \ | · :/ / /· \ \
. |_ .___________/ \ _________\ |_ |_ ________/ \ _________\ _ .
-:\-_:/___|_---------/______\| | _:/____/-----:--/______\---------\/-/:-
|_\\/ : | ___|. _|__\/ ___|_ | /_|
| | .\ _|___\ _||__\ _/___ | |
|Tristar & Red Sector| | \_ \ \_ \\___ / | Back In The Days! |
|Lightforce ^ Ram Jam| |_ / / / / / \ | Lamers Should Learn |
| Looker House | _:/___) ___) _______\|_ From The Past! |
| Faith | \/ /_____\|/_____\ | \/ |
| Save Our Souls | | | | | |Rage Against The AmiNet|
| Low Profile | | /. |BBS| .\ | |100% AmiNet Files free!|
|_ X-tREK^DC | |//___|: :|___\\| | _|
|(_ FAiRLiGHT | ||·|| | _)|
_ | · | _
\/| . |\/
__ ______ ___|___|___ ___ _____ _
/ \ ________\_ /____ / \\ _ \ __\ /_\ /____ ___ /____
/ \\ / / _ / \\/ _// \/ | / _ / \/ _ /.
/ · _ · \ \/ · : · · \ \/ \/ \/ |
[fL]/___________\ ____________________/| ____________________/ |[sE]
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/\ Q U A R I U M B B S | || / **** 04-18-98 & 20:36:20 ****
-----------------------------------| ||/ ---------------------------------
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TWO available ANALOG nodes | |· STATIC IP: ·
THREE available nodes via TELNET | |· AQUARIUMBBS.DYN.ML.ORG ·
| /.|· ·
- /\ Q U A R I U M - B B S -
[-AquaAdder v1.0-]