File Archive

File download


File size:
18 966 bytes (18.52K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 287


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __     ___  ____  _____    ___  ____
|  |__ /   \|    \/  ___|_ /   \|    \_
|  _  \  _  \  |  \  |  \ /     \  |  \|
|__|   \_|   \_|   \_    \\  |   __|   \
|     sECOND aSCII cOLLECTION bY       |
|     sHAI hULUD cALLED: l8ER^oN       |
adds are finished, now the real work !

               /(_______               .---------- a hANG^oN rELEASE '97
    /(__|____ /   ___   \             /(_______                      .
   /   _|_   /   /___\   \/(---:____ /   _____:___. /(________  /(---:____
  /    ___    \----|     /          /   /___      |/    _     \/          \
 `------|      \   `----/      |   `--------------/     Y      \     |     \
     |  `-------'      `-------`------' |        `--------------'----`------'
     `--------------------.             |                    `------96-[f@nK!]-
                          |	        |
 . tHIS iS tHE sECOND     |             |
 | aSCII cOLLEcTION bY    |             |
 | sHAi hULUd / hANG^oN   |             |

 Welcome to the second ascii collection by shai hulud / hang^on
 This ascii collection is made for the scene and to keep it alive!
 ascii collection is called: l8ER^ON

 If you want some fine ansi/ascii made for you, you can contact
 me at nEON^NOON. The numba is +31 (0)703680039 [33k6] 24 hours
 you can find all h^o ascii packs in conference 6 on my board,
 and ... ofcourse they are FREE for leeching, so.. COME iN!

 greets fly out to (in random order):

                    gREETS iN rANDOM oRDER gO tO:
                              eARTH cRISIS
                              tHE nOSE
                              aLL mSR dUDES

              ----- WELL ... LET'S ROCK THE SCENE NOW! -----

           _____ _________ __________ __________   ___    ___
           \____\\        \\         \\     ____\ /   \__/   \
            _____      _   \      ____\      ___/ \___    ___/
         .--     \     |    \         /       __)____/    \__--.
         | \______\____|_____ _______/____________/    __    \ |
         |   The Index Of The Ascii Colly   [shld]\___/  \___/ |
         |                                                     |
         | LOGO           FOR WHO?                             |
         | ~~~~           ~~~~~~~~           .--- -- ----- ----'
         | main menu      sysops             |
         | mysterious     mysterious members |
         | new user       sysops             |
         | project x      cumana             |
         | ami wares      sysops             |
         | upload         sysops             |
         | bulls          sysops             |
         | badmuts        badmuts            |
         | cumana         cumana             |
         | devil          dev!l              |

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Main Menu                                              |
| FOR : Sysops                                                 |
               ____   ____
              /    \_/    \____________    /--\    __________
             /             \           \ ___/\_____\        /
             \             /     /     /          //        \
              \   .   .   /\          /\         //    .     \
               \__;___;__/  \______;_/  \_______//_____;______\

            O.... PAGE SYSOP               C.... cOMMENT tO sYSOPS
            G.... LOGOFF                   X.... eXPERT mODE [oN/oFF]
            M.... ANSI MODE [ON/OFF]       Z.... SeaRch A FilE
            FR... FILE-REVERSE             U.... UplOad
            D.... DOWNLOAD                 N.... New FIlE ScAN
            E.... ENTER MESSY              DD... DoWNloAd DirFilE(s)
            J.... JOIN CONFERENCE (AREA)
                 ____   ____
                /    \_/    \________    __________
               /             \   ____\___\        /____  ______
               \             /    _____ //        \    ||     /
                \   .   .   /   _______//    .     \         /
                 \__;___;__/ )_________/_____;______\ ______/shld'97

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Mysterious                                             |
| FOR : Mysterious (MSR) Members                               |
 __________ __________       _________________  ___  _________________________
 \      / / \ \      /-------\   ____/       /_______\      /\   :   /       /
 /      \ \_/ /   ---\__   __/  _____     /  \       /      \    .   \   ----\
/     .  \   /---     \    \     ___/    _    \     /   ;    \        \____   \
\__;__;__/   \________/_____;_______/_____\____\___/ ________/________/_______/
         \   /shld'97

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: New User                                               |
| FOR : Sysops                                                 |
                      _________ __________ __   ___   __
                      \       //     _____\\ \__\ /__/ /
                     /         \      _____/  --   --  \
                    /     |     \    -----/           _;\
                    ------;----- ---------\-------------/
                  ____.____ ____________________ __________
                  \   |   //     ____/     _____\\     _   \
                 /    ;    \         \      _____/       __/
                /           \ -----   \    ------\   |__  \
                ------------- ---------'----------\__| \__/shld'97
               ]-[ uPLOAD sOME nICE tHINGS tO gET fAST aCCES! ]-[

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Project-X                                              |
| FOR : Project-X BBS Sysop                                    |
  ________________________________   ______   __________  ____________________
  \          /          /         \__________ \         \/         /          \
  /     /    \      /   \          \         \/    -----/         /        \--/
 /.   _______/   _  ____/    /      \\        \    ======   -------         \
//       | /     |\   \             //        /   ______           \         \
\________| \_____| \__/ ___________//       _/_________/___________/_________/
                                ___/        \                          shld'97
                                 ____     ____
                . .. .. ... ..../    \   /    \.... ... .. .. .
               - -- -- --- -----\     \_/     /----- --- -- -- -
             = == == === ========\           /======= === == == =
               - -- -- --- ------/     _     \------ --- -- -- -
                . .. .. ... ..../     / \     \.... ... .. .. .
                                \____/   \____/

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Ami-Wares                                              |
| FOR : Sysops                                                 |
`--------------------------------------------------------------'                                    _
            __________ _________  _____
            \\       //         \/     \  _________________________
            /    ;   \           \      \ aMIGA wARES oNLY iN hERE!
           /          \  .   .   /      /
           ----------- --'---'--- ------ shld'97
           __   ___   __ ____________________ ________  __________
           \ \__\ /__/ / \\       /\     _   \   _____\/     ____/
           /  --   --  \_/    ;   \/       __/    _____\         \
          /             /          \   |__  \    ----- /------    \
          <------------)------------\__| \__/----------------------'

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Upload                                                 |
| FOR : Sysops                                                 |

                         [%] fILLING uP yOUR cREDS [%]
          _____._____________________  _______________________________
          \    |   /         /      / /         \   __    /\______   /
          /    '   \     /___\     /---_    .    \  \__   \|     /  .\
         /          \    |  \          /    :    /    |    \    /    \\
         \__________/____|   \________/_________/__________/__________/

               fOR fREE dOWNLOAD, aSK tHE sYSO oR rEAd bULLetIN 3

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Bulls                                                  |
| FOR : Sysops                                                 |
              _________ _____._________     _____    __________
              \     . / \    |   /\    \    \    \   \        /
              /    /  \ /    '   \/    /    /    /   /    ----\
             /      /  \          \   \----/    \----._____    \

                 1 gET mORE aCCES!        10 wEEKLY sTATS
                 2 sYSTEM iNFO            11 tOP 40 uPLOADERS
                 3 hANG^oN iNFO           12 tOP 40 dOWNLOADERS
                 4 bOARD rULES!           13 tOP 40 mSG wRITERS
                 5 eCHO mAIL              14 tOP 40 cALLERS
                 6 iNTERNET sTARTERkIT    15 wEEKTOP
                 7 bAUDRATE cHARTS        16 cONFtOP
                 8 cHAT tOP 40            17 cONFtOP tHIS wEEK
                 9 tIME sTATS             18 cONFtOP lAST wEEK

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Badmuts                                                |
| FOR : Badmuts                                                |
  \         \         \         \         \    |    \__   ___/         \
  /     -----\   __.   \     ____\         \   '     \/   \__     ------\
 /        ____\   _     \         \  _  _   \        /       \____      /

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Cumana                                                 |
| FOR : Cumana                                                 |
    __________ _____.____ __________ __________ __________ __________
 .--\         \\    |    \\         \\         \\         \\         \-------.
 |  /    ______/    -     \          \    __.   \          \    __.   \shld'97
 | /           \           \   .  .   \    _     \    |    /     _     \     |

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Devil                                                  |
| FOR : Dev!l                                                  |
             _________ __________ ___    ___ ________ _______
          .--\        \\     ____\\  \--/   \\______/-\      \-------.
          |  /         \      ___/    --     \ ______ /       \shld'97
          | /     --->  \      __)__         /       \         ---.  |
          `---\_________/__________/________/ _______/____________/--'

      ()_______ _____  _ _________   ()        \ \ __________
  /\____\____ _\\    |________    /\___()____/\ \_\\         |
 /    ______/__ /    __     _ \  _\_______     \  __\________|
/__________    /_______\ ____\ \/    __\__\   __\/        /
   / _____  _/  |______ \______/   \/   _______\\______   \ ()
. -\/---/______/-\_____\-wARP!-\__________/-oTW!-()\______/-- -.
|                                                              |
| LOGO: Good Bye                                               |
| FOR : Sysop Phoenix-Base                                     |
   ___________________________________         ____________     _____________
  /        \       /        /         \        \     __\   \___/   /    ____/
  \     _  /       \        \      __  \       /        \         /     \____
  /   __/ /    ;    \   ;    \         /      /       ---\__   __/      ____/_
 /________\_________/________/________/shld'97\__________/ `___' \___________/

YUPS!, this is the end ;( but soon I will be back with new cewl requested
ascii's and other cewl ascii's

Below this double typed ascii line you will find out where this
cewl ascii colly has been uploaded in the scene!

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·