File Archive

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File size:
57 795 bytes (56.44K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 261


          /                    iNDP PC HQ                        \
          \ A4000\040  1500MB DiSk SpACe /X 4.xx FAST! 0/1 daY'S /
          / -----»> AMiGA - SNES - PC - REQUEST!- PSX - <«-----  \
   _________  ________  ________ ___    __  ____.___  ________  ________
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                          O- - bERMUDA hOLLAND - -O
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 \\\\____| \__    V  /     V       V       V  ___/  V   |    V  /     \____////

                 500 user's in base .!!  AnD GOOD traders
         /           sYSOP!tRIANGLE     InDePeNdEnT PC HQ                \
          \    *sTAFF \ .fLASH/FLC zAnOk/MYT/ROY/CRx..JUNK/MYT          /
                           /join #bermudaNL on irc .!!\
             \ NODE1: +31-ONLY INVITED Us RoBoTiCS COURIER V34  33K6 /
             / NODE2: +31-ONLY INVITED Us RoBoTiCS COURIER V34  33K6 \
             \ NODE3: TELNET#sTATIc#### FrOm 22:00 Until 00:00  19200/
             / NODE4: TELNET#sTATIc#### FrOm 22:00 Until 00:00  19200\
             \ NODE5  TELNET#sTATIc#### FrOm 22:00 Until 00:00  19200/
                      -^(· FastAdd v1.1 by nIKE '94! ·)^-
- adds -

×x×x[ sof ]×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x[ NeB'96 ]×x×x

                       NOTiCE  -  NOTiCE  -  NOTiCE

              This is the FULL RELEASE of 'RESPECT - Part1'!
                Last Weekend There Was A Misunderstanding,
                 And A Preview Of What You're About To See
                  Was Released Without My Authorization!
                     The File Was Called NeB-PRE1.Txt.
                 Not To Be Mistaken By This Full Release!

                       NOTiCE  -  NOTiCE  -  NOTiCE

                                   :/   /\
                                   /___/  \
                                   \   \  /.


                       "Why is life like a dance on

                        red roses, when it could have

                        been a crawl on empty beer cans?"

                                                    ¬NeBraska '96

                                 .         _______
                                  :.      /      /\
                                     :   /      /  \
                                      . /______/    \
                   _____________________\      \    /__
           _ __  _/                      \      \      \_ __ _
               \ \_                                    _//
                  |                                    |
                  |                                    |
        :    .    | /\_                                |   _
__ _____|___ : __ |/  /________ _ _  __________________|__/ \___________ __
\          /_|/  \/  /\  _____ _ __ _ _____  \  ____  \  _   _ _/  _____ _/
  _  _____/ \_    \  \/  __)__  /  \  /_ _|   \/  _/ _/\/     \\____   \
 /   __)|   /   \     \  l    \_\__/ / \\\_    \_ \   \/___    \   l    \
/    |  |   \___/\____/___     /     \____|     / |\      /____/_______NeB
\____|--| fA!|----|------\____/-----------l____/--'-\ __ /---------------- -
        `----'    |                                  \\//
                  |         fiNE ARtS presents        \/
                  |                                    |
            _ __ _|                                    |_  __ _
                \\_         \   \                      _/ /
                  (_______/  \___\_____________________)
                          \  /   /
                           \/___/ .
                                         .:     __
                          ____    :            /_/\
                         /   /\  .  :.   :     \_\/
                        /___/  \ :   _______
                        \   \  /.   /\      \
                         \___\/    /  \      \
                                  /    \______\
                                  \    /      /
                                   \  /      /

            :           :                               :
        :   |       :   |        /:                     |   : /\___
     __ |   | ______|___|_______/_|___    _____   ______|   |/    /____
  __/  \|  _|/  _________   \___  __  \__/  _  \_/  ______  /    /  _  \__
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| /   \    /    l    \   _/   \   \   \/_  \_    _  l    \  \   \__\_    \ |
| \___|\___\_________/________/   |\    /___|    /_______/  |\    __|    / |
`-----------------------------`---'-\  /----l___/-------|NeB|-\  /--l___/--'
                                     \/                 `---'  \/

                           A NeBraska Production


                          :  . :
                         /\      \
                        /  \      \
                       /    \______\
                       \    /      /
                        \  /      /
                         \/______/ :  __

                                /   /\
                               /___/  \
                           :.  \   \  /
                          .     \___\/.

                _____________________________________________        /\
   respect..  __)                                           (__     /  \_
 _ ________     _________  ______/\ ________ _ _____/\_________/\ _/  __/____
           \ __/        / /        \        \         \          \          /
 ______    / \_  ______/_/  ________  __    / _________   _     ___________/
 /   _/  _/____  __)____\_____   \/ ___/   /  __)____/    |_____/     /____
/    \        /  l      \    /    \ \_____/   l      \    l     \    /     \
\____|\      /____  NeB /___      /   |  \_____      /____      /____  fA! /
       \ __ /    \_____/   \_____/____|       \_____/    \_____/    \_____/
        \\//  __                                             __
         \/     )___________________________________________(   ..part 1

                 An Ascii Production For A Digital Under-
                 ground Society, also known as the Scene.

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

                      |                            |                      :
              .       |  .   .                     |  .   .               |
    __________|\__ _ _|_ | __|___/\____________ _ _|_ | __|___/\__________|__
 __/ _     ____   __/   \| \  __   __  /  _______/   \| \  __   __ _/  _____/
 \   |____/   |   \   _  \  \_/     \_/   __)___.  _  \  \_/     \_\____  \
 /   l    \   l    \   \     /       \    |     |   \     /  NeB  \    |   \
 \________/________/___|\____\_______/_____     |___|\____\_______/________/
                      |                   `-----'  |                      |
 :              _  ___|_                           |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |         first words        |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |            index           |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |           the art          |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |           history          |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |          respects          |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |        guest artists       |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |          messages          |                      |
 |                    |                            |                      |
 |                    |           greets           |                      |
 |                    |                           _|___  _            ____|
 |                    |                            |                 /\   \
 |                    |                            .                /  \___\
 `--------------------|----------------------------:----------------\  /   /
                      | r e a l i t y    b y t e s |                 \/___/
                      `-- - --- -------------------'

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

                          .    .                   _
 _ ________________ _ ____|___ |_______   ________/ \__ _ _______________ _
                  ///        / |   __  \ /  ______   _  \\\
                   __  _____/  .   _/ _/_\___   \     \_
      FiRST        /   __)|    |   \   \____|    \ fA! \       WoRDS
                  /    |  |    |   |\      /_____/_____/
 .----------------\____|--| NeB|---'-\    /-------------------------------.
 |                        `----'      \  /                                |
 |                                     \/                                 |
 |                                                                        |
 |                            - Intoduction -                             |
 |                                                                        |
 |      Phuu... Getting back into the scene (Swedish) after about         |
 |      three years absence is not easy, let me tell ya! All my           |
 |      accounts, or most atleast (thanks Rille at Imagine! =] ),         |
 |      are gone. All the cool people I used to know have just            |
 |      vanished (except you Norad, you gotta be the grandpa' of the      |
 |      swedish scene!), and have been replaced by new fanatics           |
 |      trying to get respect in this crazy underworld! Well let me       |
 |      put it like this, it's nice to back on track! Many thanks to .    |
 |      ZeNdor for supporting me with modems etc!                     :. _|
 |                                                                      /_/\
 |                                                                      \_\/
 |                              - Respect -                               |
 |                                                                        |
 |      Well here you go, RESPECT (part 1), my third collection           |
 |      over all. This collection I'd like dedicate to my fellow          |
 |      ascii artist working day and night to support the scene with      |
 |      in most cases very nice ascii stuff!                              |
 |      The work in this collection is based on pUNK!'s 'mOSt             |
 |      rEspEctEd aSCII-aRTISTZ 03' (probably not the latest release      |
 |      but I havn't got a hold of any newer one.. so I guess this        |
 |      one will do). It's a list of the best in the ascii scene, so      |
 |      I decided on creating some Artist logos for those guys. This      |
 |      time (Part 1) I only had time to do the top 20 artists, but       |
 |_     look out for further RESPECT parts soon to be released.           |
/\_\                                                                      |
\/_/                                                                      |
 |                          - Artist Ratings -                            |
 |                                                                        |
 |      For those who care, I'm working on a Rating System for ascii      |
 |      artists and groups. I been looking through a couple of            |
 |      collection marking them with a 'grade' ranging from 0-100%.       |
 |      By adding all the markings from an artist's collections           |
 |      (s)he'll get an average rating which will be compared to          |
 |      other artists ratings. Finally I can put em' all together in      |
 |      a list showing who really is the best! To make this possible      |
 |      I need YOUR help! The only thing I want you to do is get in       |
 |      touch with me 'Nebraska' in the Swedish scene, and Nebraska_      |
 |      on IRC (euroside), and send me all your collections so that       |
 |      I can rate them. The ratings will be released monthly, with       |
 |      one chart 'OverAll' and one for 'LastMonth', starting as    .     |
 |      soon as possible.                                            : . _|
 |                                                                      /_/\
 |                                                                      \_\/
 |                        - Guide Mag 'Scene?' -                          |
 |                                                                        |
 |      I'm also thinking about releasing a GUIDE-MAG, where info on      |
 |      the ascii scene etc will be presented (including the rating       |
 |      stuff I just talked about...). Yet again I need your help,        |
 |   .  to come up with a cool name for the mag. I was thinking           |
 |      about 'SCENE' but if I remember correctly that name has           |
 |  :   already been used and put to sleep, right? I also will need       |
 |  .   a couple of co-pilots that'll help me collect material for        |
 |_     the issues, contacts me if you're interesed. =)                   |
/\_\                                                                      |
\/_/                                                                      |
 |                        - Amiga Dead, Really? -                         |
 |                                                                        |
 |      What the hell has happend to the Amiga scene?? Ok the Amiga       |
 |      is dead, physically, but the spirit should still keep people      |
 |      attached to what has been our affection for a long time.          |
 |      Well it seems like more and more people are leaving for the       |
 |      fast growing Pc scene, too bad, that scene'll never be the        |
 |      same as the Amiga scene was. It's just a matter of who has    :   |
 |      the most money to spend on his (her??) computer, to beat the   .  |
 |      rest of the kids by uploading those 100+ meg releases. =(       :_|
 |                                                                      /_/\
 |                      /\__                                            \_\/
 |                _____/   /____________ ______   ________                |
 `----------------\_  /   /  ______ __  \ ___  \_/  _____/----------------'
               NeB/  /\   \  |   \  _/ _/   |   \____   \fA!
 _ ___________ _ /         \ |    \ \   \___|_   \  |    \ _ ____________ _
              \\\\___/\____/______/ |\      /____/_______////
                                `---' \    /
                                       \  /

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

                  ___   __________   i n d e x    ______.
                ._\ /___\        / _______________\     |_____
                |  \/    \      /__\_        ____/     _/    /_
            [fL]|     .___\          )    .__--'    .__\      /
            - --|_____|----\______________|--\______|---\____/-- -

          - --(   Respect Part 1 - Top 20 Artist's Logos   )-- -

   [o1]...................mOGUE!           [11]..............cHROMbACHER
   [o2]......................h2o           [12]...................tREACh
   [o3]....................u-mAn           [13]...................sTYLEz
   [o4]......................nUp           [14]..................cOUNt-o
   [o5]....................kARMa           [15]....................2fASt
   [o6]...................dESOTo           [16]...............sTEZOTEHic
   [o7].............sHAPEcHANGER           [17].....................sK!n
   [o8]...................dANZIg           [18].................cRUSADEr
   [o9]...................eXOCEt           [19].....................gOZZ
   [1o]....................tANGo           [2o]....................fATAL

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o1    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      mOGUE!      |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

              :__                               :__
            __|  \      ________ _ _____________|  \     _________ _ ____ _
         __/  |   \  __/                        |   \ __/        ////
         \ _  l    \ \   __   ____  _________   |    \\_  ______/
         /  \    _  \/    |    \/   \__   \/    |     \_  __)____
_ ___ _ /    \  /    \    l     \     l    \    l      /  l      \
     \\\\_____\/_____/____  NeB /____      /____      /____  fA! /
                         \_____/    \_____/    \_____/    \_____/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o2    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \       h2o        |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

          .       .
 _ _____  |       |______________________________ _______________     _____ _
        | |       |        _____________         \         _     \_  |
  h2o   | :.      l         \/         __________/__________)      | |  h2o
        | :::.    _          \         l                        ..:: |
 _ _____| NeB:.___l__________/________________________________.::fA! |_____ _

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o3    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      u-mAn       |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                                                           .    :
               :__                :__                      :    .
             __|  \             __|  \      _____      ___ |    |
          __/  |   \         __/  |   \  __/     \  __/   \|   _|__
          \_   |    \    _   \ _  l    \ \_   _   \ \      \   \  /
          /    |     \_ (_)  /  \    _  \/   _|    \/   _   \   \/
.- ------/     l      /-----/    \  /    \   \__    \    \      |----- ---.
|NeB     \_____      /      \_____\/_____/____|      \___|\     |      fA!|
` - -- -------\_____/-------------------------l______/-----\____|-------- '

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o4    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \       nUp        |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                            .____.   :__ _ __________
                        ___ |    | __|  \            \
                __   __/   \|   _|/  |   \  _  __    / __
               /  \  \      \   \    |    \/ ___/   / /  \
               \__/  /   _   \  /    |    /  \_____/  \__/
                    /     \    /     l  _/     |
                    \_____|\   \_____   \______| NeB'fA!
                            \____|  \_____/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o5    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      kARMa       |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                 /\__    ___     _____      :___      ___
 _ __ __________/   /____)  \ ___\__  \_____|   \_____)  \_________ ___ _
              _/  _/__  _|   \    _/  /___  |  _ \   _|   \
     karma    \      /  \_    \_  \      / _  /   \_ \_    \_    karma
  _ ___________\    /____|     /___\    /___\/     /__|     /_________ __ _
                \  /     l____/     \  /    l_____/   l____NeB'fA!
                 \/                  \/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o6    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      dESOTo      |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

    _____.______ _ ________________________ __ ____________________________
NeB \    |  ____ _/ ______    \__    ___   \__
fA!__\ _ .  __)__\___   \ . __  /_   | . __  /           dESOTo
  /   _/    l    .  l    \   /  \|   |    /  \ __ _________________________

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o7    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \   sHAPEcHANGER   |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

      _______ _ /\        _____ ____ _______ _ ________
     /         /  \__  __/     \\  /        \         /     _____
   _/  _____  /     /  \_   _   \\/_  __    /  ______/     /\    \
   \_____   \      /___/   _|    \/ ___/   /   __)____    /  \____\ :..
  _/    /    \  __/    \_  \__    \ \_____/    l      \   \  /    /.  . .
  \____      /  \__     /___|  NeB \  |   \_____      /    \/____/   :
      \_____/____/     /    l______/__|        \_____/
                /     /                 .____.           shapechanger
    ________ _ /     /_ ______      ___ |    |_______/\__________________
 __/          /     /         \  __/   \|  __/         \                 \
 \_   _      /     /___    _   \ \      \  \_  ________  ____________    /
 /    |______   __/    \_ _|    \/   _   \ /   \__   \   __)___/   _/  _/____
/     l     \   \__     / \__    \    \   /      l    \  l      \  \        /
\_____      /____/     /___|      \___|\  \_____      /___  fA! /__|\      /
     \_____/    /     /    l______/     \____| \_____/   \_____/     \ __ /
               /_    /                                                \\//
                 \  /                                                  \/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o8    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      dANZIg      |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                                                     _ ____
                                   .____.                 /
 __ __________      _____      ___ |   _|________/\  _\  /. ___________ __
/\_\          \  __/     \  __/   \|   \           \|  \/_|/           /_/\
\/_/________   \ \_   _   \ \      \    \______/   /|    \_  __________\_\/
     /     /    \/   _|    \/   _   \   | /    ___/_|_   /   \__   \
:   /     /      \   \__    \    \      |/     l      \ /      l    \
::  \______  NeB /____|      \___|\     |\______      / \_____  fA! /     :
:::.      \_____/     l______/     \____|      \_____/    |  \_____/   .:::
::::::.                                             |     .         ..:::::
                                                    `--- -'

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  o9    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      eXOCEt      |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

             _______\_  \  ________ _ _______ _ _______________
_ ______ _ __\  ______   \/  ____  \     _   \_  _______   _  /
        \\\\//  __)__ \  /  /   |   \    |____/  __)__/     \/__ _ ______ _
            /   l    \/  _  \   l    \   l    \  l    \      \\////
            \________/   /   \_______/________/_______/______/
            --------/___/\  __/-------------------------------
                          \/                            NeB'fA!

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  1o    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      tANGo       |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                          .__.        _
_ ___________________ _ __|  |_______/ \_______/\_______________________NeB
                        \__  |      / _ \      _ \      _____       __  \fA!
     t  a  n  g  o       /   l        _         \ \     \__  \      l    \
_ _____________________ _\____________|__________\___________/___________/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  11    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \   cHROMbACHER    |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

             __   |                                     |
             \//  |   :   .                             |          .
             \/   |   |   :             _             _ |          |\
   _ _____________|___|_  |____________/(_____________)\|__________| \
          ____        :   |  _____________  \         _____    _   |  \
             |____        |   \         _/ _/___      |  \      \  l _ \
             l   \       __    \        \      /      |   \      \  /   \
    _ ___________/_ ______/    /_ ______|\    /_ _________/_ _____\/____/
                  |      /    /           \  /          |
                  |     /__  /             \/           :
                  |        \/          :   .    c h r o m b a c h e r
    :   |         |                    |   :            :        _
 _ _|___|___ _ ___|____________________|_  |____________|_______/(___
  _ _____   \__      _____________     :   |  ____    _____________  \
    |   |\_   /     _|   \       |____     |   \      __)__      _/ _/___
         _/   \     \_    \      l   \    __    \     l    \     \      /
 _ ___________/_ ____l____/_ ________/_ ___/    /_ ________/_ ___|\    /
                  |                       /    /        |          \  /
                  |                      /__  /         | __        \/
    NeB'fA!       |                         \/          | \ __
                  |                                     |  \\/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  12    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      tREACh      |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                   __  ____________________________  __
                   \                                  /

                     \          t r e a c h         /   _ ___ _
  __________:____     \                            /        ////\____
  \           __/______ _ ______________________:_____________/     /
   \ ___  _____  __    \     _____________      |_   _      \_     /___
    \/      |    _/   _/___  __)____./   _      _/   l______/   __/    \_
   _/       |    \__      /         |    /      |    |      |   \__     /
   \________|_______\    /___.      |_____      |_____      |____/     /
                     \  /    `------'    `------'    `------'   /     /
                      \/     \              /    NeB'fA!       /___  /
                              \            /                       \/
                               \          /
                                \        /
                                 \      /
                                  \    /


     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  13    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      sTYLEz      |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                      \      |
 -: sTYLEz :-          \     |_____   _:
         _______________\__  |    /  / |      _________________   NeB'fA!
       _/   ______    __  /  l   /__/  |___ _/   ___________   \_
   _ __\_____   \\     \_/\___   \\    |   \\    __)__//   _____/__ _
     ____   l           \    |         l         l         |    ____
 _ __\  /________________    l     _____________________________\  /__ _
      \/     _ __ _________________/                             \/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  14    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \     cOUNt-o      |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

      .......           _____                                     ......
      :::   _______/\__/     \__     :__                             :::
      :: __/         \   __    /   __|  \          .____.     /\      ::
      :  \_   _           |    \__/  |   \     ___ |    |    /  \_     :
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        /     |     \_____           |     \_      \                 /
  10    \_____      /    \______     |          _   \    __  _______/
    .        \_____/ 7         \_____            \       /     /____
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        __________/\   6.      . 3..               \____\_____      /_
        \           \    5 .. 4      2 . 1 .                 \_____///
         \______/   /     _________         0
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                \______    |      \_____    /  __/     \__             .
      :               \_____          _/  _/___\   __    /             :
      :                    \______    \             |    \    NeB'fA! ::
      ::                         \____|\            |     \      ....:::
      ::::....                          \    /\_____      /
                                         \  /      \_____/

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  15    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      2fASt       |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

         __________           _____:___________________________:____ ___ _
         \         \          \                  /                 /
         _ ______   \  2fASt  _\   __________   /   _______   ____/ __ _
            /   ____/__ ____ /     __) /    _   \____   \/     |
           /    l      /  ///      |  /     /       /    \     |
           \___________\__\\\______|  \__________________/____NeB'fA! ___ _

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  16    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \    sTEZOTEHic    |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

__                                                         /\___ __       __
\/______________________________ _________________________/    //  \ _____\/
_/  ______   __  /  _________   \  _   \__   __  /  _____/    /_\__/      \_
\____   \     \_/   __)_/   ____/  |    \     \_/   __)_/_ __/  \__   |____/
/   l          \    l       |      l           \    l      \__    /   l    \
\___________________________________________________________/    /_______NeB
                                                           /__  /
 s       t       e       z       o      t        e       h    \/ i       c

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  17    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \       sK!n       |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                                                         _ _      /\___
                                                  ____  /        /    /
                            __/\__________ _ /\___\    /  ____  /    /
                            \  _________    /    /_\  /_. \   \/    /
 _ __ _______________________\__   \  /    /    /  \\/  |_/    \    \
                               l    \/   _/   _/___     |     _ \    \ __
            s k i n                  \   \        /     |      \      \\/
  _ ___ _____________________________/____\      /_____ | _____/\_____/
                                           \    /       |
                                            \  /        :       NeB'fA!

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  18    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \     cRUSADEr     |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                        _ __                   __ _
 _ ___________________ ._ _(  c r u s a d e r  )_________________________ _
    _______ _        __| \                         .__       _ ________
  _/  _     /_ ___ _/  |  \    _______________ NeB |  \___________ __  \
  \   |_____  __  \\   |   \ _/  ___________  \____|  _/  _____/   _/ _/___
  /   l    \  _/ _/___ l    \\____   \     _   /  _____   __)__    \      /
  \________/  \      /______/    l    \    /   \  \   |   l    \___|\    /
          |___|\    /     _ __________/________/      |________/     \  /
 _ _____________\  /_________________________\________| ______________\/_ _

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  19    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \       gOZZ       |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

                                                     :               |
                                     :               |               |
        - gOZZ +     :               |           _ __|_______________|__ _
                     |           _ __|_______________|________       |
     :           _ __|_______________|________       |/    _________/|
 _ __|_______________|          _    |/    _________/|               |
     |   ____________|        __/    |               |_______________|__ _
     |   \_______    |               |_______________|__ _           |
     |          |    |_______________|__ _           |               :
 _ __|_______________|__ _           |               :
     |               :               :                            NeB'fA!

     _                                               _  .-------------------.
 ___/(______________________/\_______________________)\_|___                |
 \_____  \  _____/  ________ __   \  ______  _    _    __  / number:  2o    |
__/  _/ _/  __)__\___   \_/ __/   /  __)_/   |____/     \_/                 |
\_   \   \__|       l    \\\\____/   |    \  l    \      \      fATAL       |
 |   |\    /_____________/   /NeB\________/_______/______/                  |
 `---' \  /              \  /                           `-----------------fA!
        \/                \/

               :                            .
               .                            :
         _ ____:_________ ___ _             .     :
         \\    _                            :       .        _ /
 . .. .....\   l___________/\_________  ___/|         :    __//__
               __)  _  \  _  _  /  _  \ \  _|___       .
               |   _|   \/    \/  _|   \/  \    \       `o  fATAL  o.
          _    |   \_   /      \  \_   /    \   /           ___ _    :
  . ..... /    |____|   \______/___|   \_______/          //          .
        //_____|    `----'         `----'   :             /              .
               :                            .
  NeB'fA!      .                            :

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

                   ...                  .:·
                .::·  ··.             .::·
               .:·      .:           .::·
       .:      ·:..   ..:·          .::·
      .::    :: ··:::::·            ::·
     .:::   .::   ..               :::                .....
    .:::·   :::  :::     .·.::::...::.             ..::::::::..        .::
    ::::    ::  .::   ..:·     ····::::::::...    ·:::::··  ··::.    .:::·
   ::::: .::::: ::· .::·          :::   ···   ...  ·:·       .::  .:::·
  .:::::    :: :::  :::..         :::        .····:.        ..:· .:::·    .::
  ::::::   .:: :::   ···::::..    ::     . .:·     ·:.   ..:·· .:::·    .:::·
 .:::::   .::: :::         ··::. :::    :·.:·      .::   :·  .::::.....::::
.::::::   ·::· :::         .::·  :::  .:·.::      .::: :.·:.          .::·
:::::::        ::::...  ..::·    :::.::: ::::....::::· :: ·:::.     .:::
 ·::::          ·:::· .:::·      ·:::::   ::::::::::· .::  ·::::.  .::·
                    .:::·          ···     ·:::::··   ::::  ·::::: ::· xCz
                  .:::·                                      ·:::· ·
                .::·                                           ·

  #1   NeB-AA.ASC     -   Awesomes Asciis   -   Defiance      -   93-08-25
  #2   NeB-Tri.Txt    -   TribePride        -   Independent   -   94-03-01
  #3   fA!-Res1.Txt   -   Respect Part 1    -   fiNE ARtS     -   96-09-21

                             pretty active ha?

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

                                    ....:::..            ..   .:·
                          ..       ::::··  ·:.            ·:..:·
                        .··::.   .. ···     ::   ...     .  :::..
           ...::::..  :.·  .:· .:·      .  ::· .:··::  .·  .:··::::.
        .::::··    ·: ::  .:· .:·    ·. ·:.:· .·  .: .:·  .:·   ·::·
        ·:::       :·.   .·  ::·      ·::::·  :  .· .:   .:·      ·
         ·:      .:· ·:.·    ·:...::::.  ::  .:.:· .:    ::
               .:·     :..    ···   :::  :: · :.   ::.   ·:
          :. .::.       ·::..       .:·  ::.  ·:.   ·:.   ·:.    .:.
          ::  ·:::...      ··:.    ::·   :::   ··:.  ·:.   ·::..:::·
          ::.   ·:::::::....  ·  .:·     :::     ·:..  ·:..  ····
          :::.     ··:::::::::· .·       ···       ··:   ··· xCz
          :::::        ·::::·  ·

      Respects goes to the best in the Ascii Scene, Judge Yourselfs!

         Special respects goes to the following people for staying
         in the ascii scene all these years...  (no special order)

                       Danzig  ·  Boomer    ·  Skin
                       Desert  ·  Nemesis   ·  Karma
                       SalOne  ·  Sy-Klone  ·  Manta
                       Amblin  ·  Enforcer  ·  Vinzi

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

              ._     :                _
     _________| \ _ _|________________)\_____
  __/ ______  |  \    _____/  _______   __  /
  \_  \_  \   |   \   __)__\___   \/     \_/
  /    l   \  l    \  l       l    \      \
  \________/_______/_______________/______/____________ _
                     |  _  .___.           _
 NeB ________________|_/(__|__ | __________)\_____________
  __/  _  \  ____  \ _   __  / |/  _______   __  /  _____/
  \_  _|   _/  _/ _/___   \_/  |\___   \/     \_/\___   \
  /   \_    \  \      /    \   |   l    \      \    l    \
  \____l____/__l\    /_____/   |________/______/_________/_______ __ _
                 \  /|     `---'
                  \/ |
                     |  'index'..........................fOLAR/Style
                     |  'history'.......................xClUZiWe/sOs
                     |  'respect'.......................xClUZiWe/sOs
                     |  'messages'......................CyberGod/e^d
                     |  'greetz'.......................viNZi/Mo'Soul
                     l_________________________________________________ _

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

 _____   ________   ________ _________     ___________  ______   ________
|     \ /     __/_._\      / \       /_____)      ___/_|   __/_._\      /
|      Y       ___|     __/___\   __/_\    _      /_        ___|     __/_______
|_____\_/__________________      ____      _____________________________      /
                       cG/______/  /______/                         eD/______/

v-cut   thanks for the account man... havn't tried it yet.. hopefully it's
        still alive.. lapin kulta sucks =)

tango   thanks for your kind words on irc.. hehe what have you been doing
        all these years since we left was it defiance?? =) .. good old

danzig  still ruling the ascii scene.. havn't seen anything of yours in a
        while, but the stuff you created a couple of years ago still stands

zendor  thanks for everything buddy.. accounts, modems, hookups, free sex
        and all of that other shit that friends are good for.. hehe

madmax  THIS is the full release.. =) ...time to spead eh!?

vinzi   too bad my dcc send fucks in mirc.. but i'm running amirc now..
        believe it or not.. the dcc send actually works now! wooho..
        will send you some other stuff, if you feel like talking to the
        guys on top.. you know what I mean...

topfli. hehe the continual question.. 'will ever topflight get his hands on
        nebraska's printer?? .. i guess only time will tell.. hehe I'll
        call you buddy...

 _  __ ________________________ _ /   /\
                              ////___/  \ _ _________________________ __  _
                                 \   \  ////

                                       :   :.................................
                               . ......:         ____                  :::·
 _ _ ___________._______________________________/   /__     __________  ::
  \\\\     _    |   _     / ____    /  ____   __   ___/___._\_____   /   ·
    . \    \    |   /____/    /____/.    /____/.    \     |    _____/_ >vNZ
    :: \_____   |____|    \_____    |\_____    |\_____    |_____      \ _ _
    :::   /_____|              |____|     |____|     |____|    |_______\\\\
    :::               .....
 ..::::...............:   :....... .

         Greetings and Hi's goes to all my new and old friends...

                            (no special order)

             Ghost Rider, ZeNdor, TarJan, Pac, Natas, Crispin,
             Ection, daBalHead, wEz!, Marwic, Renko, Sy-Klone,
             Rohan, Norad, Rille, V-Cut, Chucky, Kaka, Broder,
             Tango, Ozone, Fix, Topic, Xstaz, Bendel, Aragorn,
             Ice, Manta, Loxley, Mike, Deathwing, Zeus, Porta,
             Psychotron, 13th Angel, Smokie, Blacker, Armando,
             Skalman, Kitcho, Topflight, Hyde, MadMax, Vinzi..


                   To All The Other Punks Working Their
                 Asses Off To Keep The Amiga Scene Alive!

           Special Thanks Goes To All Users That Used To Support
            My Boards, Traders Island  &  Above The Horizon...

              To find out more what NeBraska & fiNE ARtS are
              upto call any fiNE ARtS hQ (soon in your local
              store..hehe), or look for NeBraska_ in #AmiElite.

                ¬¶ØØØØØØØØØ#m__¬"°¶@@PP°¯ _µÆØØØØØØØØP
                     ¬°¶#ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØP"       NeB'fA!

             Until The Next Time.. 'Smoke Em' If You Got Em'!'

××x×[ eof ]×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x[ NeB'96 ]×x×x
          :    .         :  *FULL RELEASE!*
  _ ______|____:_ _  :   . _________ __ _
  \\\          | ___ |   | \
    _\ _____  __/   \|   | _\ _______ _
   /   __)|   \   _  \   |/   __)_____ fiNE
  /    |  |   /    \     |    |      | ARtS
o-\____|--|   \____|\____|____.   NeB|-----o
|         `----'              `------'     |
|   Presents A NeBraska Ascii Production   |
|__ 'RESPECT' part 1  Released: 96-09-21 __|
/\_\                                    /_/\

- adds -
          /                    iNDP PC HQ                        \
          \ A4000\040  1500MB DiSk SpACe /X 4.xx FAST! 0/1 daY'S /
          / -----»> AMiGA - SNES - PC - REQUEST!- PSX - <«-----  \
   _________  ________  ________ ___    __  ____.___  ________  ________
   \____   /_ \_ ____/_ \_  _  /_\_ \  / /_ \_  |  /_ \____  /_ \_  .  /_
_ __|  / _   \ / __/   \ /  _    \ \ \/ /  \ /  |    \ /  /    \ / _|___ \_____
\\\_|    /    V         V   |     V \  /    V   |     V  /      V  ____/  \___/

                          O- - bERMUDA hOLLAND - -O
        ________  _______  ____.   ____.   _______  _______  _______
        \_   |  \ \_ __ /_ \_  |__ \_  |__ \_  . /_ \_    /_ \____ /_
_ _ _____| __|   \ /  /   \ /  /  \ /  /  \ / _|__ \ /  .   \ /  /   \______ _ _
 \\\\____| \__    V  /     V       V       V  ___/  V   |    V  /     \____////

                 500 user's in base .!!  AnD GOOD traders
         /           sYSOP!tRIANGLE     InDePeNdEnT PC HQ                \
          \    *sTAFF \ .fLASH/FLC zAnOk/MYT/ROY/CRx..JUNK/MYT          /
                           /join #bermudaNL on irc .!!\
             \ NODE1: +31-ONLY INVITED Us RoBoTiCS COURIER V34  33K6 /
             / NODE2: +31-ONLY INVITED Us RoBoTiCS COURIER V34  33K6 \
             \ NODE3: TELNET#sTATIc#### FrOm 22:00 Until 00:00  19200/
             / NODE4: TELNET#sTATIc#### FrOm 22:00 Until 00:00  19200\
             \ NODE5  TELNET#sTATIc#### FrOm 22:00 Until 00:00  19200/
                      -^(· FastAdd v1.1 by nIKE '94! ·)^-