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18 935 bytes (18.49K)
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2017-05-19 23:24:32
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      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\

[ SoF ]---------------------[ DEZIBEL/ARCADE/SPIES ]---------------------[ SoF ]

                  ...... .   .                          .        . ..::   ::
                  :::                                                     ::
  ____.  ______  __  _______ ____.         .__ ______                     ::
 .\  _|__\_   /_(__)_\ _   /_\  _|__   .__.| (_\_   /_    sPIES           ::..
 |_\_   /_(____\    /_ /_.__\_\_   /_  |_ l|  /_(____\                uP
  /______\__|  /_____\___|   /______\   /______\__|          yOUR
                  ...                                                  lIFE!
      __ ___ ______ :  .__  _____     ____     __  _______ ______ ____     ...
     .\ Y  (_\  _ (___.| (__\_   \   .\  /____(__)_\ _   /_ _   /_   (     ::
     |__._  /_  (  /_ l|  /_ /  _/_  |_  \  /_    /_ /____\ /_.__\ __/_ ...::
   Dz   |____\______\______\_\____\   /______\_____\___-' /___|  /____\ ::
                  ...                                                   ::.....
.   . ........    :::                            ... . .                     ::
           :::....:::                       .  ..::                      . ..::

           _    _  _     .___ ______  .____  __  ___.   ___________
           /__  /  /  ___|_ /. _   /__|_  /.(__)_\ _|___\ _   /_  /___
          /  / /__/  _\   / _| /_.__\   _/_|    /_ \   /_ /_.__\  \  /_
         /__/ ___/   /______\/___| /______\/_____\______\___|  /______\
         ______ _______      .____  _____ ____     .____   .___ ______
        .\  _ (_\ _   /_   __|_  /._\_   \\ _/_____|_  /.__|_ /. _   /_
        |_  (  /_ /____\  _\  _  _|_ /  _/_ \   /_  _  _|   / _| /_.__\
         /______\___-'    /___\__\ /_\____\_/____\__\__\______\/___|
           .____  ____ Dz  .___     ____.  ______  __  _______ ____.
         __|_  /._\  (_ ___|_ /.   .\  _|__\_   /_(__)_\ _   /_\  _|__
        _\  _  _| _\  /_\   / _|   |_\_   /_(____\    /_ /_.__\_\_   /_
        /___\__\/__\___\______\     /______\__|  /_____\___|   /______\
  [· Dezibel ^ Arcade Entertainment Inc ^ Spies Sixfive Conspiracy Network ·]

(  ( ((( INTRO ))) )  )
   Howdy! yesterday (sunday) night i had a conversation with a guy called
   martz on irc. he asked me what groups i was in.. i answered "arcade
   (amiga) and wax" his reply to that was "wax is dead"!  it came as a
   shock to me. i mean we were a new group with some really kickass
   old and newskoolers! we didn't deserve to die. we weren't aiming to
   hurt anyone, and we had absolute NO intensions to make any war with
   anyone! our goal was having phun!
   some lame guy in the group was accusted of ripping. i knew that.
   he was kicked from the group as soon as drax and gravedancer found out
   that he had ripped. i knew that too. but that this had destroyed the
   group and its reputation so bad that the whole group was going down
   i had no idea! i couldn't even imagine that a thing like ONE rotten guy
   could sink a whole group!! i mean , the guy WAS kicked as soon as this
   ripping-thing came to the leaders knowledge! to all who have ANYTHING
   to do with this dirty business to do i just want to say  F U C K  Y O U !
   anyway.. martz then invited me to join SPIES. it was a offer i just
   could not resist! my knowladge when it comes to the pc ascii-scene are
   very limited as i'm quite new in this biz, but as far as i know SPIES
   is one of the top five groups (i dont know if that's your opinion too,
   but i dont care. i just hope that you evil suckers wont fuck this group
   up too, as you did with wax)!
   Since i joined yesterday and the pack is (atleast SHOULD be =)) out
   today (monday) i had no time making a lot of logos, but i figured that
   i atleast could do a couple of them for the pack.. so.. keep that in
   mind when watching this MICRO-colly without NO design at all!! =)
   over and out..     / Dez ^ arcade entertainment inc ^ spies sixfive!

   NOTE: when i wrote the shit ab0ve i wasn't stowned. now i am. but neway.. .
   dRaXxxX00o0r sended sum textFile to me that the guy who had beem akkused
   of the rippin thiNg xplained that he had been setTed up / foowlEd n sHit.
   if wat he writezz in that teXt is trUe, then i myst say that it is MOsT
   TRaGIC!! i dunno whst rotten pers0n could od that soet of thing, but i guess
   he is happy now when the pErson in questin have left thw scene (?) and wax
   is dead!!   .  .. .

       .                                  hey! look! i'm doin njuuuskool too!!
     _\|/_                                                            ..
      ¯'¯                                                             ||
                     \                   ____.
                  ·   \     -    - ------\   |             .____ ___$$$$$$
      -__,-------/--  -\-------/-    ___ ____¦__  Dz\65    ¦      ( $$$$$$
     _\         /       \     / ----'        :(_          /·      / $$$$$$
   _\\ ·   _     \       \     \      /      · / ------- /       /  $$$$$$
 _\        /_____\ ---,___\     \    /---,____/--|-     /       /   $$$$$$
_\_      _ __)  _|        (\     \.              ¦    _/       /_.  $$$$$$
/___._     |   \\_                ¦          .  _¡    \          |
    `------¦- -  /________        ! ---,_____.__\ ---- \         |  $$$$$$
                          '-------|-         ¦          \----,___¦_ $$$$$$
  *F*U*C*K*    fuckfuckfuck!! FUCK!          ·                   :
                                             .                   ·
 I get on irc, and WHAT THE FUCK do i hear??????????????!?????????
 spies2 is already out!!!  damn!! i was like 10-15 minutes to late with this
 piece of shit!! here i have been working my ass off for making this
 micro-collexxtion ready before deadline, and they dont even have the brains
 to wait for it!!! gaaahh!!  well..   it suxx anyway.. . !! not worth waiting
 for. .. !!   gee.. i'm stowned.. .  neway. .  so.. i had two (2) options then..
 1) make sum more of those crappy logos, ad sum design and make this colly of
 an almost axxceptablee standatd.. or.. . .  2) i could reliise it neway n make
 you wanna pjuwk coz of the non-existin d-sign and the ugly logos!! i chowsed
 the later one.. !! heheeew.. everythin to ruin yer day!  =))   baaah!!
 now scroll down for sum x-trordunary oWldsKool askee.. . !! extraordinsry
 UGLY that is.. !!  heeee..!!      //  D e Z ^ A r C a D e ^ S p I e S

_____  _  _
\____\ \\ \ ------ --- -  - - -   -  -     -     - -       -            -

  btw.. the logos all say the same thing (spies) and only shows some of my
 different styles.. some old, some new and some makes me wanna puke!
                                                  _\/_                 __
                                                  \/\/ warnung!       _\/_______
                                                                      \/\      /
                                                     logos kommin up!    \    /
                        __                                                \  /
                       /  \                                                \/
    _________________ /__ _\ ______________
    \     _/_  _    //      \\      _/   _/_
     \_     /  /  _//   Dz   \\    _/      /
      /_____\_____| \________//______\_____\
                         ____.  ______  __  _______ ____.
                        .\  _|__\_   /_(__)_\ _   /_\  _|__
                        |_\_   /_(____\    /_ /_.__\_\_   /_
                         /______\__|Dz/_____\___|   /______\

             ____.    ______    __    _______  ____. Dz
            .\  _|____\_   /___(__)___\ _   /__\  _|__
            |_\_       (____\           /_.__\  \_   /_

                                       _/____/_ /___________/__________/_
   [ LEGALIZE IT! ]                    /   _/__/ ___     __/  ____   _/__/_
                                     _/__        \____    / ___/__      /
                                     / _/________/_ _/_______    ______/_
                                       /        /   /     _/____/_    /
                                                          /    /   Dz
        _____   _______________________
       /   _/__/ ___     __/  ____   _/__
      /__        \____      ___/__      /
        /________/   /_______    ______/
     Dz                    /____/

                             Dz  _____      _______  ____   _____   _____
                              ___\  _/______\_    /__\  /___\  _/___\  _/___
                             \\  /_          /___/    \/      _)    /_     //

        \ _ /·
         \\//            ehh.. wat IS this??  and what the hell is it
          \\\_        _   doin in the middle of my colly?? eew.. strange..
             \_    _ __\

              \ _/___  _______    ___    ______   ____
              /__   /__\_._  /___(___)___\  __/___\ _/___
                /_____   |/________________ _)   ____   /_
              Dz     /___|                /______\  /____\

    ____                       ____       ____
  __\ _/__  _______   _____   _\ _/___  __\ _/__
_\\ /__  /__\_._  /__(_____)__\ _)   /__\ /__  //_
/_____/____   |/________________\___________/____\
          /___| Dz
                                       ____   _______  ____  ____     ____
                                    ___\ _/___\ _   /__\  /__\ _/_____\ _/___
         .                        _\\  /_       (____   \/    _)      /_    //_
       _\|/_                      /______________|Dz/_________\_______________\
                  ____    _______ ____   ____      ____
                __\ _/__ _\ _   /_\  /_ _\ _/___ __\ _/__
              _\\ /__  /_\  (____\ \/ /_\ _)   /_\ /__  //_

       _____      ________  ____    _______     _____  Dz
    ___\  _/______\_     /__\  /____\   __/_____\  _/___
   \\  /__         /____/    \/        _/       /__    //

                                   ____   ______ ___ ____   ____
                                  |   _)_|   _  (___)  __) |   _)_
                                  l___   |  (___|   |  ___)l___   |
                                  l___   l___|Dzl___l___   |___   |
                                     `---'             `---'  `---'
     ___   ___  __  ____  ___
   ._) /_._).(_.)(._) _(._) /_.
   | \_  |  |  |  |  _) | \_  |               _\\|///
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |               |
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |              (_ .\  /
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |               |
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |               |  ____,
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |                )  U              .......
   |  |  |  ___|  |  |  |  |  |                 \___ _    .  . ..::   ::
   l_____l__|Dzl__l_____l_____|                                       ::... .
           :::.....                        ___   ___  __  ____  ___
                :::                      ._) /_._).(_.)(._) _(._) /_.
         .......:::                      | \_  |  |  |  |  _) | \_  |
         :::                             |  |  |  ___|  |  |  |  |  |
         :::                             l_____l__|Dzl__l_____l_____|

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ    ____   _______  ____  ____     ____
 ___\ _/___\ _   /__\  /__\ _/_____\ _/___
_\  /_       (____   \/    _)      /_    /_
/_____________|  /_________\______________\
 Dezibel presents a five-mins colly called
 - S P I E S   U P   Y O U R   L I F E ! -
<------------------------[ Dz/Spies 65 ]-->

          _.    _   ___   ___   ___   ___   _ _   Dz\65
        ./_|__.(_)./ _/_./ _ \./ _ \./ _ \./ Y \.
    .---| \_  |   l___  l__|  |  |  |  l__|  |  |---.
    `---|__|  |___l_____|--l__l_____l__|--l__.  |---'
           `--'                              `--'

  MY HISTORY IN THE ASCII BIZ!! Make sure you've got all of them!
  If you want any of the collys, just e-mail me and i'll send it!
 [·  NAX-RTD1.TXT - HIGH VOLTAGE  (as 'retard0' =))  - N-iCE     - 97.??.??  ·]
 [·  A!-N-DZL.TXT - /NICK DEZIBEL                    - ARCADE    - 97.06.27  ·]
 [·  A!-TWLVE.TXT - TWELVE                           - ARCADE    - 97.08.12  ·]
 [·  PNK-DZ01.TXT - PHUNKY!                          - WAX^PHUNK - 97.10.??  ·]
 [·  PNK-DZ02.TXT - UNNAMED..  (TRIBUTE TO RMRS'81)  - WAX^PHUNK - 97.11.??  ·]
 [·  65-SUYL!.TXT - SPIES UP YOUR LIFE!              - SPIES 65  - 97.11.25  ·]

    hey! look at that!! a brand new style was born when i tried to figure out
    which one to use for the 'history' and 'contact' logos.. hehe.. i'm
    creativity personified.. !!     naaahh.. .   !!  =)

          ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___    Dz\65
        ./ _/_./ _ \._\_ \./ _ \./ _ \./ _/_./ _ \.
    .---|  |  |  |  |  |  l__|  |  _  |  |  l__|  |---.
                                                         .   . ..::   ::
        for requests or anything else:                                ::
        e-mail ..........................     ::
        pulsarnet ................ #ascii, #amiwrz, #elitecafe            ::
        euefnet ............................ #ascii, #amielite            ::
        efnet ......................................... #ascii            ::
        and before you throw yourself on your mailer and mailbomb      ..
        me with complains of how badly desinged this colly is, please
        read the intro-text.. it's all explained in there.. !!         ..

          ___   ____  ___   ___   ____  ___   ___  Dz\65
        ./ _ \./ __/./ _/_./ _ \./ __/./ _/_./ _ \.
    .---|  |__|  _) l___  |  ___|  _) |  |  l__|  |---.

        respect to every goddamm artist that really put some effort down in
        what they do (not like me! ;)) and fights to keep their originality!
        but i feel that there are some ppl that i have to mention individually,
        and those my absolutely favourite artsits thro' times! (since i cant
        separete those creme de la creme artists, i've putter them in alphabetic
        order! =))
           chrombacher of epsilon design
                                                   desoto of ex. mo'soul
                           ramon of low profile
                                                           relief of twisted
        trivial of low profile
                                             R E S P E C T !

          _ _   _ _   ___   _   ___    Dz\65
        ./ Y \./ Y \./ _/_.(_)./ _/_.
    .---|  Y  |  |  |___  |   |  |  |---.

        the following music heroes makes life worth living..
        of other great hardrock / hiphop / techno / rock groups.. (yeah.. i
        am one of those people listenin to all kind of music, i dont give a
        fuck about what type of music it is.. as long as it's good!) peace!

     I have to finish this one now... just a quick greet to domino
     for letting me use his Amiga 12000 for doing most of this colly! =)

        SPIES UP YOUR LIFE!  (note: i *HATE* spice girls!!)

[ EoF ]---------------------[ DEZIBEL/ARCADE/SPIES ]---------------------[ EoF ]
      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\