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59 379 bytes (57.99K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 318


                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
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|                                                              :             |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|            -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-           |
|                                                                            |
|        rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB!        |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|   +31-(o)-548-54O-653   +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848        +tEL-NET        |
|     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-          -·>33k6 dUALS!<·-        23:30-06:00 gMT +1   |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY UFOk             oN nODE #03        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 23:03:13 , 08-06-1996   .

                   this cOllectiOn is dedicaded tO gina

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                    it is nOt elite, it's retrOspective

peOple, please welcOme a unglamOurOus release frOm crL.piOneer design.define

                       :                        :
                _____  :   _________            :
               |     |----|   _____/ .-----_____.---/\__---.
               |     |    |  __/-----|     \    |  /    \  |
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                    |  __/-----|     \    |  /    \  |
                       :                        :

     p r e f a c e

     lOOsers, welcOme tO my secOnd greatest hits-cOllectiOn. i dO nOt
     fear the peOple whO threatened me the last time when i released
     my first called 'just like a legend'. it was faked, and even
     nuked, but One must never give up.

     this is a perfect time fOr yOu new-cOmers in scene tO see what
     i did several mOnths agO, and it's a perfect time fOr all Old
     scener tO take a nOstalgic trip back in time.

     this cOllectiOn will cOver all my ascii-releases frOm OctOber
     in 1995 tO july Of 1996; nine mOnths Of pure ascii-fun

     signed: crL.piOneer design.define

                         'and the stOry cOntinues'

 ....................     ___:___ ___\    /\_____
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 :          . . a n d  t h e  s t O r y: c O n t i n u e s . . :      :
 :                                     :                       :......:

cOm: the peOple didn't like the style sO i decided that this cOlly shOuld
     be the last with this style. the sample is in a 3d-style that i tested.
     it was used by rayban On his bOard 'nO impulse' which is still
     piOneer design shQ

     .......................                       ..................
     :___   ___       _____:___    ___   ___   ___ : ___   ___      :
     /__/\_/__/\___  /____/:__/\__/__/\_/__/\_/__/\:/__/\_/__/\___  :
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     :       \__\/ \__\/   :      \_\/ \__\/ \__\/ :     \__\/      :
     :.....................:                       :................:

                                nO impulse

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 49O62 bytes

                          'milliOn dOllar mOuth'

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            `---^----^---^-------^-------' :     . `----^----':........:

cOm: i met trivial/ia! in malmOe On his sweden-tOur. we ate at mc dOnalds,
     i walked his uncles dOg, he flirted with my girlfriend, but we had
     quite fun! the styles in this cOlly was almOst identical tO the
     previOus One, but i tried tO make the lOgOs a bit higher. as fOr
     piOneer design it became a One-man-prOject. lOts Of requests and the
     cOllectiOns gOt a bit bigger and much better.

    /\  /\
 /\// \// \/\
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  `-----'                 `-----'[cRL]      .::  ..:::·/ \\  /\/  \/
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                                 intruder               \/

                 Original size Of cOllectiOn: 8882O bytes

                      'deserted islands and tequila'

        ________  ____   ___    __   _   __    ___   ____  ________
   ____/  _____/ /___/  /__/   /_/  /_\  \_\   \__\  \___\ \_____  \____
__/  ______(                                                   )______  \__
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           |    .: ..  :  : . :. .  . .  . .: ..  : .       \____/_.
           `--.      : . : . . ... : : . ::  :  : .: :.      \__   |
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                       `--.         .:  . :..:: . . : .    ______\______/
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                                             . .  . : .   /    \_|     \_
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                                                     .  .       \______/
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        \______\ \___\  \__\   \_\  \_/  /_/   /__/  /___/ /______/

cOm: fOr the first time i let a guestartist dO the titlescreen. i jOined a
     grOup called nine design, and released a cOlly On their label. big
     lOgOs seemed pOpular sO i let them grOw

                              :::::::::::    ___.____ .______
                              :::::::::::...   (_____ |      )
                              :::::::::::.' :
                        /\      :           :
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 |:.     |:.    |:. |:|:. |:.     |:. |:. |:.     |:\/\  |:/\/  \/\. |:. |
 `-------^------^---^-^---^-------^---^---^-------^-/  \/\/  \\ /  \-^cRL'
                                                    \\ /  \\ /\/\\ /
                                                     \/\\ /\/    \/
                               5th dimensiOn

                 Original size Of cOllectiOn: 87912 bytes

                                'the sign'

          _______   _____ ______ _________                      /\
      __ _\     /___     |    _/_        /___ _________________//\\
     |   \    _____/__          /  /____/   /                 /___\\
     |    \__________/___|_____/___________/                      |
     |                 ___________ ____  _________ _____  _____   |
    _|___              \    _____/__   \    _____/__    \/   _/_  |
   \\   /____________ __\_______   /    \_  \      /  \  \     /__|
    \\//              \___________/______/________/____\______/ -M-
     ( Art in the eye Of the behOlder )

cOm: i included sOme 'alt'-letters in my lOgOs. still much requests.
     nOw mOst Of the artists knew abOut me, which was shOwn in lOts Of
     gOssips and dirty rumOrs, much started by the grOup Onani.
     i shrunk the letters slightly, and i used many guestartists..

                        ,¼¼'  `¼¼
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       `-----------^-----^-----^-----^----¼¼.       ,¼¼'----------'
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                                lOrd chaOs

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 6OOOO bytes

                         't minus twelve secOnds'
.  .
 :._____.          _____  .______.    ________         __________
 _|     |_ _____  /   _/_ |      |____\____   \_______/     \ __/________
 \_     _/__/__ \/   /   \|      |       |/    \     /_      \________   \
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 :               \/
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                  `-----------'-------,                  --------        !
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   /___________\  _______/__________\         /       |/   \    \ __/____!
            /_________,                      /________/     \    \_______ \
                                                     /_______\     / `--'  \

cOm: i cOntinued On the same track. i made sOme cOmplete bOard-ads and
     enjOyed it. at this pOint i had tO create a new style. i tried and
     came up with sOmething that lOOked fresh, plain and simple. sOme
     wOuld call it 'back tO basics'..

           _______  ________ _______  _____    _____    _______
         __\ _l_ /__\  _   /_\   __/__\_  /__  \   /____\  l  /__
         \   | |   /   l    / \__    /  ____/_/    l   /----    /
  _______  _______  _______  _______  _____    _______  _______  _______
__\  l  /__\ _|_ /__\ ___ /__\ _l_ /__\   /____\ ___ /__\   __/__\   __/__
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 \___l___/\___|___/|___l    \__l_l__/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/

[-cAUSTIc sTYLe eHq-]¢[-kILLERs! & iMMUNe! gHq-]¢[rOADHOGz! mEMBERSBOARd-]
  [-pHAAAt! aSCII-POOl-]¢[-dEMOs/iNTROs/mAGs-]¢[-ONLINe aSCII-ORDERINg-]
     +49 5571 4808               sYSOp: zAPHOd/pURGe/kILLERs/rOADHOGz

                              mOstly harmless

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 75674 bytes

                       'a cOmpetitive artcOllectiOn'

                                  |  -  |
                                    .---.     .---.
      .-----.-----.-.-.-.-----.-----| __|_.---| __|_.---.--.--.-----.
      |  |--|  -  | ¡ ¡ | .___|  ===| ___/|   | ___/|   |  ¡  |  ===|
      `-----^-----^--^--^---' ^-----^-----^---^-----^---^-----^-----
             .---.             .---.---.           .---.
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 |  -  |   |-| ___/|  |--|  -  |   |   |  ===|  |--| ___/|   |  -  |  |  |
 `--^--^---' ^-----^-----^-----^---^---^-----^-----^-----^---^--cRL^--^--'
                 -<¢>- a cOMPETITIVe aRT-COLLECTIOn -<¢>-

cOm: this cOlly cOntained cOmplete bOard-ads tO the sysOps, and sOme
     were used then / are used tOday.. i started tO experiment with
     squares and came up with a nice style..

 <÷ cAn it pOSSIBLe be bETTEr ÷>                          ,¼¼¼¼
 ___________ _____ _____ ___________ ___________ ______,¼¼¼¼'
T:·  .______T:·   T:·   T:· ______  T:·  .______T:·   ¼¼¼'   jUSt
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`-----------^-----^-----^-----------^-----------^------' `¼¼¼¼.
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`------'    `-cRL-------^--------^-----^-----^-----------'         `¼¼.
 >> sPACEBALLs wHQ ...a4OO¢O4O¢18mb rAm... kINGPIn¢dEVIL&RAVEn [pSg/tRSi]
 >> cRUx nHQ...... ...2 gIg hd  28.8v34... sISKO^BILBO bAGGINs [M!]......
 >> lSd nHQ....... ...<<>----- -----<>>... jEDi [hLm]¢aXEn [lSd/sPb].....
 >> mOTIOn! sCHQ.. ....+47 515 93 12 3.... uFOk [mSt/pSg/lSd/iHs]........
 >> OLDSKOOl nHQ.. ....+47 515 92 43 O.... ¶RINCe Of tHIEVEs [pSg].......


                    Original size On cOllectiOn: 53O2O

                              'jamie walters'

                      ________/\______      __________
               ______/  ______  \   __\  ___\________/_________
               \    /  (_________\    \\/_    /     |  ___    /
           _____\  /_______|    |_____|\/    /______|  \_____/
           \ _________\               /_____/     \_________\

   ______    ______          _____           ____________     ____________
   \     |/\|     /_______/\|    _|_________/__ ___     /_____\__    ____/___
    \    /  \    /  ______  \    \____    ____/ \______/ ___   _/____       /
     \__________/  (_________\    | /      \__________\   \     \_________ /
              /_______|     |_____|/________\V-cut  /_____|\_____\       \/

             (^)   j  A  M  I  E     w  A  L  T  E  R  S   (^)

cOm: 'the cOmeback Of v-cut'. the Old classic-member was tO dO a cO-cOlly
     with me, but he tOOk the Offer back. but i managed tO steal One lOgO
     frOm him:) (it is nOt that bad tObbe) even mOre ads in this cOlly
     i tried twO new styles in this cOllectiOn; One hand-written-lOOkalike
     and One Other, much smaller than i ever had dOne..

       (--) O-1 dAY aMIGA ¢ hYDRA sUPPORT ¢ uSR sPORTSTER 28k8 (--)

     ¼    ¼'     ¼',¼        ,¼ cRL
 ,¼  ¼   `      `  ¼^¼       ¼ ¼
,¼^¼,¼ ,¼ ,¼¼  ,¼ ¼¼¼¼ ,¼¼¼. ¼ ¼
¼' `¼',¼',¼  ¼,¼' ,¼¼',¼  `¼ `¼' __  __   __   __  __  . __  __   __
`¼¼¼^¼¼^¼¼^¼¼^¼^¼¼¼ `¼¼^¼¼¼^¼¼^¼`-- `--' `  ' -'  |--' ` '  `--` `-- `--|
             ,¼                `¼                                     ¯¯
          ¼ ,¼'(--) iRIS dIST sITE¼¢ eLEMENT dIST sITE (--)
          `¼¼'                    `¼
           (--) dIZY/iRIS¢pRIDE/tWISTED¢nICKO/rOYAL/iNSANE (--)

                         (--) +45 328 4O5 17 (--)
          (--) sYSTEMPW: yES ¢ cURRENT nEWUSERPW: sELFESTEEM (--)

                            digital cOnspiracy

      _______ _______ _______ _\  \_  _______ _______ _______ _______
   ---\____-- \   ' - \___'   \__  /- \  --   \ | |   \  ,___ \   .__---+
      `-------^----'--^-------' `----'`-------^---'---^-------^----' cRL|
                crux ehq ¢ hellfire ehq ¢ prestige dkhq ¢               !
  |     enzO - mandrake/vanity ¢ fury/prestige/anthrOx/mOtiOn/crux
  |   -[devin&raven]-/prestige/trsi/crux ¢ cOlOnel/hOOdlum/cyberfOrce
  |raj/prestige ¢ snake&delbOy/prestige/myth ¢ -tcb!-/hOOdlum/cyberfOrce
                     nOde O1 -> +45 - 7 4 - e l i t e                   //
                     nOde O2 -> +45 - 7 4 - e l i t e                  //
                     nOde O3 -> +45 - 7 4 - e l i t e                 //|
                     nOde O4 -> +45 - 7 4 - e l i t e                // |
  |                amiga 4OOO cyberstOrm ¢ O6O ¢ 5O mhz
  |                   2gigabyte space ¢ dat ¢ cd-rOm
  \\\                fastlane scsi cOntrOller kicking
  |\\                ass hardware running ami-express
              systempasswOrd: yes!  ¢  newuserpasswOrd: nOne            |
                     suppOrting amiga ¢ psx ¢ cOnsOle                   |
    - - --- - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------+


                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 595OO bytes

                             'made in sweden'
                  _________                _ ______/     /___________
       .----------/        \_________________ ______    / _________ /
      /__________\/_________\___________    /______,___/ __________/
                            \___________,__/          \______/
                       /         /   '         \
                      /_________/___/           \
 __________              _ ______________    _________________
 /  ______/_________________ __________ /___/     /_________ /____________
/______       /   /\        \ _________/_____    / _________/   '         \
     /_______/_______________\___/   /______,___/_____/   /____/           \
                         m a d e  i n  s w e d e n

cOm: i gOt tired On piOneer design and was abOut tO let it r.i.p, but then
     strauss came frOm divine stylers and we made things happen again. p^d
     gOt alsO a ansi- and tradingdivisiOn and nOw we where back On track.
     the cOlletiOn was mainly a bOardstyle in that new, petite-style

                       (---  c  h  O  O  s  e ---)
   ______ ______ ______ _____  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
 --\ ---- \_ --  \_ `   \_ _/- \_ ,__ \_.___ \_ ,__ \_ `   \ ---- \_ ,__cRL
  `------^------^--'---^\  \--^------^---'  `------^--'---^------^------'
                    c h O O s e  a  c O n f e r e n c e

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 77663 bytes

                           'whO the fuck cares'

                          _______.---.___ _______
                 .-------|  ` '  |   .   |   -   |
                 ¦       `---'---^---l___|-------'
                 ¦       .---.__ .---.___ _______
                 `-------|  ___/-|   .   |   ,___|-----------.
                         `-------^---^---^-------'           ¦
                      ______  ___ ___ _______ _______        ¦
                     |  ___/-|   |   |   ----|   ' --|-------¦
                     l____\--^-------^-------^---'---'       ¦
            !     _______  ______ _______ _______ _______    ¦
          --·----|   ----|-\___  |   .___|   ,___|___ ---|---'
            ¡    `-------^--`----^----'  `-------^-------'cRL
                                  |:· ·:|
                     w h O  t h e  f u c k  c a r e s

cOm: i jOined elements and made sOme lOgOs fOr their pcb-dOOrs. i released
     a cOlly On elt-label cOntaining bOard-lOgOs. sOme whO did care were
     the us-sysOps, whO seemed tO like the style since many lOgOs can be
     fOund at us-systems. the new (again) style was based On the Old and
     was just straightened Out..

                    ______ _______ ____ _______  ______
            .-----.-\____ |       |    |___--  |-\____ |------.
            |     `--`----^--`-'--^----l___----^--`----'      |
            |     _______  ______ _______ _______ _______     |
            `----|  ` '  |-\____ |   .___|   ,___|___ ---|----'
                 `-------^--`----^----'  `-------^-------'cRL
                           a m i g a  w a r e s

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 4OOOO bytes

                            'ascii gOes elite'

               .-..-..-..-..-. .-..-..-..-. .-..  .-.¡  .-.
               .-|`-.| ! |  |  |-.| || |`-. | ||   | |- | |
               | |  ||   |  |  | || || |  | |-'|   | |  | |
               | |  || ¡ |  |  | || ||-'  | | ¡| ¡ | |  |-'
            cRL`-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-'`-'`-'`-' `-'`-'`-'`-'`-'p^d
                    |  a s c i i  g O e s  e l i t e  |

cOm: back On p^d-label again. this cOllectiOn was 'swedish elitelist'
     in art-fOrmat. since i had already cOmpleted my next cOlly i
     had tO thrOw it Out as quick as pOssible; explaining the bad lOgO
     in style; i was back tO the 'made in sweden'-style
                 _____  ______ _\ \_  ______ ______ ______
    - - - -------\_ _/- \_ '   \_ _/- \_ '   \_ .__ \_ ,__cRL-----+
                `\__\--^------^------^------^----' `------'       |
                         __                                       |
    ÷     ______ ______ _\ \_  ______   ____ ______ ______ ______ |
    ¦     \_ ,__ \_ `   \_ _/- \_ .__.--\__  \_ `   \ ---- \_ ,__ '
    `----`------^--'---^------^----' `---^--^--'---^------^------'
                       f u t u r e  e n t r a n c e

                          + 4 6 - 6 O 5 7 4 4 6 7
                          + 4 6 - 6 O 5 7 4 4 6 5
                          + 4 6 - 6 O 5 7 4 4 6 1

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 15OOO1 bytes

                          'trebbianO di rOmagna'

          .....         ...       ....
       ...:t0!:....  ...: :   ....:  :.. .... :.
       :          :..:    :...:        :.:  :..
    . _:_/\_                               . _:_/\_     . ___/\_
 ____\\_   /__  . _______/\  . _______/\   _\\_   /__   _\\_   /__  . _/\
 \__      ___/___\\_  _    \__\\_  _    \_/     _    \_/     _    \__\\__)_
  /      /     /      /_____/      ______/      /     /      /     /      /
_/_     /    _/_     /    _/_     /    _/_     /    _/_     /    _/_     /
\/______     \/_____/     \/______     \/___________\/___________\/. ___/___/\
      /_____/                   /_____/       :                    _\\____    \_
       :                                      :..                 /     _      /
     ..:... .   .                            ...:               _/_     /     /
     :.:                                     :..                \/. _______/\/
                                _/\           .:                  _\\_  _    \_
       .               . ______/   \. _/\  .  :                  /      /     /
                       _\\_  _     (_\\__)_                    _/_     /     /
       .              /      /     /      /                    \/_____/     /
       .            _/_     /    _/_     /                        . _/_____/\
   . __:____/\      \/___________\/_____/                         _\\_  _    \_
   _\\_  _    \_                              :                  /      /     /
  /      /_____/                            ..:                _/_     /     /
_/_     /                                   : ...              \/___________/
\/_. __/____/\                              :.:.:
   _\\_  _    \. ___  /\__  . _______/\  . ___:___/\  . _______/\  . _______/\
  /      /    (_\\_ \/    \__\\____    \__\\_  _    \__\\_  _    \__\\____    \_
_/_     /     /     \/     /     _      /      /     /      /     /     _      /
\/___________/_     /    _/_     /     /______     _/_     /    _/_     /     /
       :    \/_____/     \/___________/_    _______\/_____/     \/___________/
     ..:..  ..... /_____/...    .... \/_____/ :          /_____/
     : :.:..:   :..  ....: :... :Ed:....   ...:
     :...:        :..:        :.:      :...:

                   t r e b b i a n O  d i  r O m a g n a

cOm: my friend tOmmy/e^d cOnfided me with a titlelOgO tO this cOllectiOn
     that cOntained iff2ascii-pics; sOmething that was new fOr me, but
     tOO fun tO abandOn. i cOllected sOme Of my best cOnverts intO
     this cOllectiOn.

                     .-..-.. ..-.. .¡-.. ..-..-..-..-.
                     `-.| || |`-.|<.| || |||||||| || |
                     | || || || || || || |||||||| || !
                     | || || || || || || || || ||-'|
                     `-'` '`-'`-'` '` '`-'` '` '`-'`
                              `-._    __
                            _æømw_  w*"___
                            د ¸ ¶   ,#"¯¬¶ç
                            ¶__¯_Æ   ÆL ° ¸#    ___µµ___
                  ____       ¬¶Ø°¯    ¶æwø@ __µØ°"¯"__Ø@æw_
              _ææØM°°°q__      0  ____æF_aµ*P°Ø æmwæK¬"#¬K°K
             µ#"J&æm_a Ø#**mwwæØ#¶°""°¶Æ°¯  _æ@W_   __Æ' Q ¬#_
            JF  ¬ØL___æ@¶m  ¸Ø´¸_     _¬#_ _ØØ°°¶*4P"   #   ¶,
            Ø    Q¯"""¯¶x¬#_Ø a##mwwm#°*¬#*MWP           ¶    0
           JF    0      °m Ø             0m@"            ]L   JL
           Ø     JL      ¬Ñ#             0               Æ     Q
           #      &        Q             0              µ#     0
          JF      ¬#       0      ___    0             æP      0
          7F       ¬b      ¬K    aZ"°    0           _ÆK       Æ
          Æ         ¬&      0     Z"_¸   Ø          ¢Æ_        Ø
          Ø          ¬K     JL    ""¯¯  JK           ¬°¶¶***mgæF
          0        __æK      ¶_        æP ,_____         _µø*M°
          ÆWµ__µµm@P"   _     ãmwµµµµø#Z  Æ"°°°°¶Þ   __æP¯
           ¬¶ÄZ_   __µæ@¶,   µP        ¶wJ@    _ØÞm**P°¯
              ¬°*wJØ"¯   0_ æK          ¬#____øP
                   ¬#_    ¶Æ"            ¬°°°"  cRL

                       english: dirty Old lObster!!!

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 87OOO bytes

                             'as if yOu cared'

                              _______   ________
                          .---\___   |--\   ----|
  ...                     |   ___/   |   \___   |  ...................
  : :                     `---\______l____------'  :.................:
  : :                         ____    __________
  : :                     .--/    \--|         /.
  : :                     |  \____/  |     ___/ |
  :.:                     `----------l_____|----'
                       _________   ____    _____            .......
                    .--\    '  /---\  /---|    /-----.      :..   :
                    |   \__   /|    \/    |    \/    |        :   :
      ...        cRL`----------^----------^----------'p^d     :   :
      : :________       ____________________________     _____:_  :
      : :\       ---.---\___   |   ___    /   _____/ .---\      | :
      : :|\_________|   ___/   |     /  _/|  ______)-|    \     | :
      :.:`----------^---\______|-----\___\`----------^-----\____| :

                 a  s    i  f    y  O  u    c  a  r  e  d

cOm: i began tO hate ascii again and the title, plus the pOems by gerald
     williams and the endtext started a death-rumOr. it was released at
     the same day as p^d-tdr!.txt but this cOntained samples Of a new style..

 _________               ________    ____    _____         ____            __
|   _____/  _____.----.--\   ----|--/    \--|     |----.---\  /---.-------/  |
|  ______)-|     ¦    |   \___   |  \____/  |     |    |    \/    |      /   |
        _________________    ________    ____                       __
    .---\      |   _____/ .--\   ----|--/    \--.-----_____.-------/  |
    |    \     |  ______)-|   \___   |  \____/  |     \    |      /   |
 cRL`-----\____|----------l____------^----------^------\   |-----/____|p^d

                  e  p  s  i  l  O  n   d  e  s  i  g  n

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 34444 bytes

                       'the singletOn Of auchrOisk'
                 _/...                                ...\_
                 | :.:.       __._       __          .:.: |
                 |   ··.       _i _i_\ _i_/         .··   |
                 |             \  \   \\___/              |
       .____  ___¦__ _______ ____   _____  _______________¦__ _______
    ___l  _/__\_____Y __    Y __/__/.   / / ___ /_. ____/._  Y  __   \.
  __\  \______  /   |  |    | \__   | _/_/_ \__/  |   |  l/  |   |    |_
  \_\\___   /  /____l__|    ¦__|    ¦_\    \____  ¦___l______l___|    (_)
       /______/  T¯¯ ¯¯`----'¯¯`----'¯ \____\¯`---'¯¯¯ ¯¯¯T      `----'
                 |                __    ___               |
        -·  · ·::|              _¡  ¡ _i_                 |::· ·  ·-
                 ¦              \ __! \                   ¦
 __________ ___ _¦_ _____  .__.____ _______ _______ ______¦__  .___. ___
/   ___    Y   Y   Y  __/__| _l__  Y______ Y  ___  Y____/  _/__|  _l/  /
\    l/    l   ¯   _  l    ¦ \__    _  l/  /   l/  _    l_____ ¦  \    ¯\
 \___/     ________l__________|     l___\  ¯\______l_______________\     \
    /______|     T:·:::::::·::l_____|·:::\___\·::::·::::::T         \_____\
                 ¦     .     ·::::::    ·::::       .     ¦ xCz
                 : ..::                              ::.. :
                 . :.:                                :.: .
                 ¯\____ __ _  _              _  _ __ ____/¯

                        the singletOn Of auchrOisk

cOm: as yOu might have fOund Out, i've changed my style quite much. the
     mainreasOn tO that has been that i had nOt fOund a style that suited
     me. but i gave this new style anOther chance and i released yet
     anOther bOard-stylecOlly. this became One Of my better cOllectiOns...

             _______ ______        ____                  _______
    __   .---\___   |\__   \___.---\  /---.-----_____.---\___   |
   \\/---|   ___/   |   \  ___/|    \/    |     \    |    __/   |
         `---\______|----\/----^----------^------\   |----\_____|
    /\                                    _______ \__|
    \//   _________  _____         ____   \     /     _________
    __   |   _____/ |     |----.---\  /---.\   /_____|   _____/
   \\/---|  ______)-|     |    |    \/    | \_/_____/|  ______)-.
                      a  m  i  g  a    e  l  i  t  e

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 84738 bytes

                           'chevalier mOntrachet'

         c  h  e  v  a  l  i  e  r    m  O  n  t  r  a  c  h  e  t

cOm: a farewell tO ascii. i was fed up and hated ascii sO much i deleted
     all cOllys frOm my hd. this was the end tO my carrer.... i thOught!
     the cOllectiOn cOntained Only sOme halvdOne lOgOs; wOrk-in-prOgress
     it came directly frOm the wOrk-area....

                      ¦              ¦
             _______ _¦______________¦___     _______ _____
         .---\      |   __     /   _____/ .---\___   |\    \____
   .-----|    \     |    /   _/|  ______)-|   ___/   | \__  ___/.-----.
   ¦  crL`-----\____|----\____\`----------^---\______|----\/----'p^d  ¦
   ¦                 _¦____        __¦____   ________ _________       ¦
   ¦      _____.----|      |---.---\___   |--\   ----|   _____/       ¦
   ¦     |     ¦    |      '   |   ___/   |   \__    |  ______)-.     ¦
                      ¦              ¦
                      ¦              ¦
                       d  r  e  a  m  p  h  a  s  e

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 31926 bytes

                            'pOntus gårdinger'

      |'   _______   _______   ___ ___   ___       ___ ___   _______   `|
      :   /___    \ /       \ /   \   \ /  _|___  /   !   \ /   ___/_   :
      ·  /    |____)    |    \         \  _ ___/__    |    \____     \  ·
      : /         \     |     \   :     \   |     \   :     \   |     \ :
      |(           )    |      )  |      )         )         )         )|
      | \_________/___________/___|     /_________/_________/_________/ |
     _`------------(flare . p^D)--!____/--------------------------------'_
   |' ______  ___/\__ _______     ___ ___ ______  ______  _______ _______ `|
   : |  ___/_|___`   |___    |___|   |___|   |  `|  ___/_|   -___|___    | :
   : |  \_   |   |   |   |___|   |   |   |   |   |  \_   |   |   |   |___| ·
   · |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   | .
         `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'       `---'   `---'   `---'   `---'
                         -·- pOntus gårdinger -·-

cOm: One mOnth after my death i returned tO the scene. i missed it tOO
     much. but i prOmised myself that i shOuld be a bit mOre restrictive
     abOut the releases. i cOntinued with my new style and cOntinued tO
     dO bOard-ads and sOme requests. i alsO changed my handle. c-real
     was shOrtened tO 'crL'; same as my tag. sOme nice iff-cOnverts
     were featured. Otherwise, this cOllectiOn cOntained several
     bOardads. this is One Of the best...

                                ¦               ¦
                           __w*°"               ¯°^mw_
                         _æ°¯   :               :    "*w_
                      _aæ¤      :               :       "*_
                     ø°         :               :         ¬*_
                   µF           :      .---------------.    ¬b_
                  d´  .----------------|               |      ¶_
    _______ __________|   _______    __|____    ____   |  ________ _________
.---\___   |   __     /---\___   |---\ :    |---\  /---.--\  -----|   _____/
|   ___/   |    /   _/|   ___/   |    \:    |    \/    |   \__    |  ______)-.
`---\______|----\____\`---\______|-----\    |----------^----------^----------'
              J       |                |\   |          |          #
              F       |________________|-\  |----------'          ¶
              á    _____        : __      \ |___:__ _____         ¬Þ
              #   |     |----.---/  \---.--\  -----|\   /_____     F
              F   |     |    |   \__/   |   \__    | \_/_____/|    F
              Q   |_____|----^----------^----------^----------'    F
              ¶                 supreme. wOrld hQ..               J
              JL                decisiOn eurO. hQ..               #
       .-------0                Osiris.. eurO. hQ..              J-------.
       ¦        ð               real.... eurO. hQ..             ,F       ¦
       ¦        ¬K              Outlaws. germ. hQ..            _F        ¦
       ¦         ¬ð_            lsd..... dist. site           µK         ¦
       ¦           ¶_           sad..... dist. site          ø"          ¦
       ¦            ¬b.         :               :          2P            ¦
       ¦              °*.       :               :       _æP              ¦
       ¦crL             ¬*w_    :               :    _aæ°             p^d¦
       `-------------------¬9mw_:               :__w*°-------------------'
 -·- sysOp: picard.hellfire.supreme.lsd.sad.decisiOn.Outlaws.Osiris.real -·-
    cannibal.hellfire · divisiOn · mOsh.decisiOn.real
                                ¦               ¦
      [nOde O1]·[28k8]·[+49-?]·[fastline v.34]  ¦ [amiga..] [tempest]
      [nOde O2]·[64kO]·[+49-?]·[fastline v.34]  ¦ [cOnsOle] [pOrnO..]
      [nOde O3]·[64kO]·[+49-?]·[fastline v.34]  ¦ [amiex..] [cbm 64.]
                                ¦               ¦
                                  paradise lOst

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 79755 bytes

                              'sandra scream'

        _____ _    __ ______                  ._____.            __ ______
      _/  __//_   ___\\___  \.__________ _____|__ _ |___________ __\\___  \.
     _\_____   \./   _ __//  |    __    \.   ___//  |   _      /   _ __//  |
   ./     |/    |    //      |    |/     |   \|     |   /_____/    //      |
   |     _/_____|____________|__ _/      |____\_    |____|  /_____________eD
   fTL___\                       \_______|     /____|                    ______
   _________                                                       _____\\  ___
__\\  ______)) s   A   N   D   R   A       s   C   R   E   A   M ((________\\
     _____ _    _______ _            _______       __ ______
   _/  __//__ ./   ___//__ ._______./__ ___//_    ___\\___  \._____     ____
  _\_____    \|    \|     \|   _   :  / _____//_./   _ __//  |     \  _/  _//_.
./     |/     |     \_     |   /___:_/  \|      :\.  //      |  ____\//  /    |
|     _/______|______/_____|____|  |_____|_     |_|__________|_\\_  \/  /     |
|_____\                                    \______| . ........ .  \    /------'
                                                        ·::·       \  /
                                                         :·         \/

cOm: my gOOd-Ol-pal fatal/e^d insisted On making me a lOgO tO my new cOlly
     and kind as i am i let him :) piOneer design was nO lOnger as gOOd as
     it Ones was sO therefOre i let xtc/p^d take Over the leadership. i gOt
     a bit pervert in my file_ids, but nOOne seemes tO have been Offended.
     even mOre bOard-ads, but alsO sOme requests..

  ___________  |     __________     ____       ____________ | ___________
 .\          \ |.----\         |---\\  -------.\          / ||          /---.
 |_\__________\_|___  \__ _____|_ __\\__     _|_\______  /_ _|      ___/  __|
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crL __      ___|__        _______ ______    :          :    |_   p^d      ___
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|   \\_    | \__/____/|   __/    | \__/____/:          :  /    \  |     /    |
  :            |                                            |      :
  :          the Official spermbanque Of the sOuth-eastern us      :
  :            |                                            |      :
  :       3O5 222-2251/ringdOwn; telnet 'masturbatiOnstatiOn.cOm'  :
  `------------|                                            |------'
               |eight nOdes ringdOwn 24/7 - 28.8 pOwer Only |
               |                                            |
         amiga - pc - cOnsOle - pOrn - cd-rOm - express utilities
               |                                            |

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 52OOO bytes

                        'a breathtaking experience'

               _____     ________           ____ ._____
     ____     |    /____.) __   /___________\ _ )|    /__   _____
  ___\ _ ).   :  ____,  |  `/  /_\ _    / __ \/  :    __/___\   /____.  ___
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 `--------'       \/----'---'  `--------'_/\_         `-----'   `----'
          _____         ____ ._____      \__/  (c)dNO/iA!
  ...    |    /__    ___\ _ )|    /___  _____.          _____
  ..:..  :    __/___| __ \/  |  _____/__\   _|  /\_____|  _ /____   ....
  :.: :  |___/.  \_ |--------| `-_______l\__/|--\ _    :  \/     | ... :
    ..:       `-----' ..:..  `---'           `-----'---`---------' :.:.:
                      :.: :              _/\_                    ....:
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`-------'   `--|   ___/--------|  /____/----'-------'-----'---'      `-------'
                `---'           `---'
                       [( a breathtaking experience )]

cOm: i called 'euphOria' at O1.OO and made dinO stay up One hOur lOnger tO
     cOmplete this title-lOgO. a Ordinary crL-cOlletciOn with sOme

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            :      @" ¬K       µ@ :          :       :
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            :           Q _ÆP                :
            :           ¶W#"                 :
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                      Ø° V

                 Original size On cOllectiOn: 8366O bytes

                              end Of cOllage

                            l a s t  w O r d s

well fOlks, that's it, that's me. i intend tO cOntinue On my ascii-carrer
in One grOup Or anOther. a new cOllectiOn is On it's way, the name is still
a secret, but as a special bOnus, just fOr yOu, here is a sneak-preview:

                        µ_                __
                        "¶Ñw_         _ æØ@¹
                           "¶æw_   _µÆ@°             .      .
                  .           ¶#m_æ#°     .        ..:......:..
                ..:...........  ÆÑ#_ .....:..        :      :
                  :           ,Ø" ¬#m_    :          :      :
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  .      | \_____|   |   |  \/   |  _//  |  \_/  |  | |  | __/---.
  :               .        Ø             ¬#_         :      : crL.p^d
..:.............. :       J#              ¬#       ..:......:..
  :               :       ¬#              :¶Q        :      :
                ..:....... 0_.............:.Ø
                  :        ¬#_            : ØÞ
                            ¬°              Ø


a very xcluziwe preview fOr my mOst fans. as yOu see, it's the same style,
a bit smaller and a nice iff2ascii added. it sure lOOks gOOd On this
screen, and it sure dOes at my pal's sO stay in-scene! this will be
sOmething tO die fOr..... until release in the beginning Of august...

peace, lOve and respect........   signed: crL.piOneer design.define

                             g r e e t i n g s

                the kestrel fOr deserted islands & tequila
                            misfit fOr the sign
                    trivial fOr t minus twelve secOnds
                          v-cut fOr jamie walters
                        strauss fOr made in sweden
                      tOmmy fOr trebbianO di rOmagna
                  xcluziwe fOr the singletOn Of auchrOisk
                        flare fOr pOntus gårdinger
                          fatal fOr sandra scream
                    dinO fOr a breathtaking experience

                          annika fOr being here
                          my parents fOr my bOdy
                 gerald williams fOr absOlutley nOthing:)

and alsO tO all yOu sceners Out there... it's a dirty wOrk but damned it's fun

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZO n l y f O r i n t e r e s t e d O n e s
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 aæ@°__µæ*@°¯¯  crL.p^d| |Only fOr the  |
J#æ#@¶°   presents     | |artpeOple, nOt|
  the very best Of crL!| |fOr Other!    |
 |   95/1O tO 96/O8    | `--------------'
O n l y f O r i n t e r e s t e d O n e s@END_FILE_ID.DIZ

               t h a n k  y O u  f O r  w a t c h i n g           / crL


            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
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   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

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                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--
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   -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-           -[ 33k6 dUALS ]-       -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: UFOk             ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 03 ]]-]
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 23:03:13, 08-06-1996 ]]-]