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File size:
30 478 bytes (29.76K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 383


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZd              ||                 .
E              :|
G  .            :
E R  A t I O N     6        5
   :...... .   .   in control again .... .

                                  ·_   _·            :::::  :
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._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |
         d2-100.txt was uploaded by volatile at 18:02 on  6 Feb 1998
                             .......         /        \                        
                             :::::::        /          \                       
  .__________________        :::::::      _/___:_   ____\                      
.__\___________   __/________:::::::      /    |    |                          
 \     ________.__\__________    /::     .     |    |                          
  \_______\     \   ____________/;::___ .______|____:____                      
                 \  l/                /__\_____________  \                     
                  \__________________/___________    ____/______________       
            ._   .___,.   .__:::::::  _____/_____________           ___/       
          ,:##@l&#####@#.#@#####&::' _\  _______________/____________\         
    :~~.@l#####;##'  :##l##;  !##;:~/    l/                 \ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~:   
    :      ;###:##:  l##|##l  l##::/_________________________\_            :   
    :      :###|##:  ­##:##;  :##l''        .__\__________    /            :   
    `~~~ ~ l### ^#####&'~`@#####~.~.~~~~~~ ~ \   ____________/______~ ~~~~~'   
                             :::::::___.      \  l/                /           
            \_____   _________/_________\\     _______/____                    
          :    /____ l/             _/_  \\                \                   
       .  |       /___________________/   \_________________\                  
     .::  |                  :::::::                                           
   .::::.................... ::::::: .................................. .      
  :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . 
   `:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::''   '  '      
     `::  .                  :::::::                                           
       `  |             .....:::::::......        _______ _                    
          |             `::::::::::::::::'    _ __\                            
          |               `::::::::::::'                                       
          |                 `::::::::'  oO  tANGO - 1oo percent mate           
          |                   `::::' ù-\__/         and still goin             
          |         __/\__      `'                                             
          |         \ o0 /  rOMAN  - yeah mate , nice one                      
          |         (__*_)  _.----._                                           
 .       _|____             \  Oo  /                                           
.:.... .  |   //            / (__) \  mARTZ - mines a fish&chips with          
 :        : _/__            \_ n  _/            extra vinigar thank            
 :          /  /              `--'                  you kindly                 
 :       _____/   .  /   ///\///. tMJ - fairenuff :)                           
 :      /__                                         ___ _    _ _______         
.:....:.  |_________  _            ./\      _________\               /         
 :    :     /_////___/ )_____/\   // _\______\ _\\\ \            _ _/__        
 .    :           . .:.....:.  \\//    \                           /  /        
    :.:..............:     :    \/     ,_______________              /         
    | . ___________      ._:________  /_______________/______       /          
    |___\_______   \______\_________\//          _\_\___    /______/_________  
   /__________     /___ ___   \     \/          /     _/  __\________       /  
    |      /         _/________\____|          /______|  /__________/     _/_  
    |     /             / .:........|________________\|_________\  /________/  
    |    /_____________/   .      /\               :       _ __/_____          
    |                - -------(-((())-)------______:_________ /     /// /      
    |____________   .___________  \/______  /_______________/______________    
.___\__________  \___\_____    /___\______\//        ____\____   /_   ____/___ 
 \______     l/    / _________/  /  ______\/        /________/     \__________\
    |  /__________/________________/       |_______________|________\          
   -|----------.                                  .:......    .:..:.           
    :   .------|----.   R O M A N & d 2 M A C C Y       .:.....:  :            
        | .---------|---------------------------------------------:--- -       
        | `----|----'                                             :            
        `------'                       .__________________.       .            
               .______________________. \   _____________///__/______          
        ._____\\________________      |._\________________          /          
         \             ._______/      ||                l/         /           
          \            |              ||                /         /        .   
       \\  \           :              ||               .         /             
     .---\  \         .___________.   ||                        /   -- - / -   
     -\- -,__\_________\_____    /    ||    ._____________     /        /      
       \   \     ___________/ .___\___||___/____.  ______/____/_______.        
        `---\__________________\____________   /   \                 / ----.   
     ........ . \            \     ___________/_____________________/ - ----'  
     :  .        \            \   l/               /       /          .  .     
     :  :         \            \__________________/      -/-  -         ::     
     :....... .     .  d              ||                 .            .:::     
        .              E              :|                              ::::     
        :.......... .  G  .            :                              ::::     
                       E R  A t I O N     6        5                  ::::     
                          .                                           ::::     
                          :...... .   .   in control again .... .     ::::     
                        A degeration65! production                    ::::     
               ................................................. :::: .        
        ...... : ........                                        ::::          
        :   .. : ...... : ...   Wellcome to 1oo% percent , this  ::::          
        :   :. : ... .  :   :   colly was started 6 odd  months  : ::          
  :     :..... : ...... : ..:   ago :) ( trust me it aint worth  .  :          
  |            :........:  the wait  either )  it  was ment2b a     :          
  | Joint colly with Tango , but tango went back up to carlisle                
  | and  i  went  off  to  europe  for a  while so it was never     .          
  | finnished , or really started , but i have decided to  save                
  | some  effort  and  make  this REALLY SMALL colly together ,                
  | its mostly to put about to find a new group , anyway have a                
  | look , there only 5 odd asciis i think so dont be excepting                
  | much , bit of a anticlimaxs after all that shite at the top                
 _|__                tNt     d2MAC&rOMAN                                       
   //____________________  _   _             _ ____________                    
       greetz to every1 i know , especially the mart0r  _/___ _                
        for being this mAD raBBI geezer , truely fucked                        
_ __     in the head bloke :) , also to the tMJ ( this                         
  /     blokes gotta have the weirdest sex life i know:)                       
 /          both of em are mad geezers , respect flies 2                       
/___     both of yer  :))                                                      
   //______  _                                                                 
              ( BTW i know there are tooo many arrows in this colly =) )       
             _\__________.           ______                                    
 _\________.   \     _  ________ _  /     /\                                .  
   \   1  /_____\                  /_____/  \- -----------------------------l- 
    .   o   Percent .___ _         \     \  /   logo : diety                |  
         0%          \              \_____\/      for : me                  |  
 - ---------------//  \  - -------------------------------------------------|- 
         this was a group that was sort of gonna start but never did .         
                      .  .......:::::::::''                                    
            . ....::::::::::::::::::::::'                                      
                   .`..::::::::::::::::.................. .                    
      . .........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... .           
   ` ~^""""..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::''''' '        
 . .......::'__________.`::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.........     
.___________|____      |       `::::^"_______.-----.__________"^::::::::::::.  
.\   ___________/  __ _|______________\______    ____________/_____~::'______ _
:.\________________\___________    \       _/_   l/          _____/___|        
 `..............\    _____________/_\________/_______________\_       |        
::::::::::::::::.\   l/                 /  .................  \____        ___ 
 `````~"^::::::::.\____________________/ .::::::::::::::::::'.  /__________ _  
 . .........`::::::::::::::::...........:::::::::::::::::::::::...........     
               ` ```````::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   
 .      .. .                 ~ ~~~~~~~~~`````````:::::::::::::::::::::::::'    
.:......:.                              . ........`:::::::::::::::::::::'      
 :      .                             :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::''''        
 :                                      `````:::::::::::::::::'''              
 :                                              `::::::::::''                  
 :                                                  ::::::::.                  
 :                               . ............... .  ::::::;:                 
 :                                                     `::::'                  
 :                                                       `:                    
.:..........:.                                            .                    
 .          :                                                                  
         . .:......................... .                                       
             _\__________.           ______                                    
 _\________.   \     _  ________ _  /     /\                                .  
   \   1  /_____\                  /_____/  \- -----------------------------l- 
    .   o   Percent .___ _         \     \  /   logo : GLF                  |  
         0%          \              \_____\/      for : Tango               |  
 - ---------------//  \  - -------------------------------------------------|- 
        .___ _                                             _ ___.              
     .__|_                   ________\___ _                    _|__.           
      \ :                  ._\_       \            R   O        : /            
    _ _\     A              \          \        F          N     /_ _          
           G ___Y__________  \        ._\__________________                    
            /   __________/___\_____. _\     _____________/   t                
  /        /    \_                 /  \     _________/                    \    
 /__:__ _ /_______________________/    \________\                   _ __:__\   
    |                       L    \__________\  N            :           |      
   _|__         :             i               o             |         __|_     
      /_________|_              B          i               _|_________\        
              rN|   .             E  r a T              .   |                  
                |__/__                                 __\__|                  
                  /_______________/_       _\ ____________\                    
**NOTE** errr before ne1 gets the wrong idea like :) , tango asked me 2 do this
 and reckoned that i wouldnt release it in a pak , but he aint about no more   
                                so fuq it :)                                   
             _\__________.           ______                                    
 _\________.   \     _  ________ _  /     /\                                .  
   \   1  /_____\                  /_____/  \- -----------------------------l- 
    .   o   Percent .___ _         \     \  /   logo : Studio 54            |  
         0%          \              \_____\/      for : me                  |  
 - ---------------//  \  - -------------------------------------------------|- 
  ___________.                                              .___________       
 \\_____.  _/________     .    .......        .      ________\_  ._____//      
   :   /____________//// / .   :::::::       . \ \\\\_____________\            
   .___________                :::::::                                         
    \   ______/_________       :::::::......................       .           
  ___\______________   /                           :::::::::                   
 /                l/  /---.___________             :::::::::     '             
/____________________/  .____________/_______  _:__:::::::::___/_  _           
                 /      l/       .__________/___|             /                
     :          /_________________\             :            /  .____________  
     |                             \________________________/____\___        \ 
     |              .                   .__________\      __________/         \
     |          _ ___\_________________/      ___   \__________________________
     |                \               /______________________\                 
     |                 \________________/          :::::::::                   
  .__|                                        .    :::::::::                   
  _\____   .  S  T   U  D  i  O   ___________/_    :::::::::       5  .  4     
     //___/_          /\   ______\\         /  _/_ :::::::::  .................
         /______//\  /  \._\_     \\_______/_  /   :::::::::..........:::::::::
                   \/    \\                                   :::::            
             _\__________.           ______                                    
 _\________.   \     _  ________ _  /     /\                                .  
   \   1  /_____\                  /_____/  \- -----------------------------l- 
    .   o   Percent .___ _         \     \  /   logo : embronic             |  
         0%          \              \_____\/      for : void                |  
 - ---------------//  \  - -------------------------------------------------|- 
      .         . .......................................                      
      :                             .            ::::::::                      
   .__:________.  .__________/\   -    ......... :::::::: ............         
 \ \\______   /__\\   ___ _   \\  /    ::::::::  ::::::::     ::::::::    .    
      |  /_____________\        \/ .   ::::::::  ::::::::     ::::::::         
     .|________________._  _           ::::::::..::::::::     ::::::::         
   ___\_________      /            :              _ _________ :::::::: ______. 
  /    ______________/_______  _ __|____________________.     ::::::::   ___// 
 /    l/                ,___/_____ |  .________________/____  ::::::::    |    
/________________________\________\l /                      \ ::::::::    |    
      |  d2-rN^_      /___________\_/                        \::::::::    |    
      |          .                 |                 _________\:::::::    .    
    __|_ _      //\       . ____.  |________________/   ________/:::::_________
/ //________/\\//  \\ .____\\         . .______ _  /    \____________          
              \/    \/      \\_______/ /     _ ___/___________________________/
                                                 /            ::::::::         
      .......................                  .              ::::::::         
      :::::::::      ::::::::                                 ::::::::         
      :::::::::..... :::::::: ................................::::::::         
                 `::::::::::::::'       . .,E.M.b.R.0.Y.0.N.i.C,. .            
                   `::::::::::'                 BY v0ID                        
             _\__________.           ______                                    
 _\________.   \     _  ________ _  /     /\                                .  
   \   1  /_____\                  /_____/  \- -----------------------------l- 
    .   o   Percent .___ _         \     \  /   logo : satwar               |  
         0%          \              \_____\/      for : martz               |  
 - ---------------//  \  - -------------------------------------------------|- 
                             .          .____________________                  
                     .__/\  /__________.|          .      __//_/__             
                 _____\   \/ \__       ||                       _/             
   .___________. \__                   |:    _ __/____:         |              
    \  ________/___|_ _____            :________/    _|_________|___  _        
_____\________________    /   ,_________\______    _ ___________________ _  _  
\                   l/___/_____\_______.   /_/        |         |              
d\____________________\               /      \________|         |              
 2-rN!    ,________|___\______________________\                 :              
  .________\_           /__            .             S A T U R D A Y           
 _\        /\           ,__\__________.|.                     W A R            
/____________.  _________\_______.    /||                       .              
       .      \_\               / _ ___\|____                   |       .      
       :         \_____________________      \                  |              
                   |          /    __/    ___/__________________|__ __/_ _     
                  _|_   .    /_____\                       - --   /  // / /    
                 /____   \          \____________________________/             
                  //____/\\//\_________||                       |_             
                          \/            |                     ____\            
                                        . _____________________\               
  this is deffinnatly not finnished , but i am putting it in ere anyway so...  
             _\__________.           ______                                    
 _\________.   \     _  ________ _  /     /\                                .  
   \   1  /_____\                  /_____/  \- -----------------------------l- 
    .   o   Percent .___ _         \     \  /   logo : In Bloom             |  
         0%          \              \_____\/      for : nahal               |  
 - ---------------//  \  - -------------------------------------------------|- 
                                   :::::::: :                                  
                                 . :::::::: |                                  
           .____ _          _ ___: ::::::::_|_______  _      _ ___.            
           |               _______.:::::::: :                     |            
       .___l_             _\_______\:::::::_______.              _l___.    ,   
     .__\          ,_____/_________\\     _______/____               /__       
 :____\ __ _        \               \\                \              __/___l_  
 l     \             \_____________/:\_________________\              .    |   
 |      .           ._______       ::::::::                  .____________.:   
 :.________.      .__\_     \      ::::::::     ,___________ |  .________/__   
 /    ____/________\ ____   _\_____::::::::     _\__________\| /            \  
/     \__________       /  /   __      .__\____/_____.      \_/              \ 
_______________________/  /___________/_         __   \______|                \
d2-rN^_   _ _____.     \________\  ::/_________________\     |_________________
                /__:_              ::::::::              _:__ _   _            
                   l_____:_        ::::::::        _:_____l                    
                         |       . :::::::: :       |                          
                         |_______| :::::::: |_______|                          
                                 | `:::'::: |                                  
                                 |   : . :: :                                  
                                 :   .    .                                    
                               t . H . E                                       
                                     E . N . D                                 
._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |

                           !SPEEDHUNK OPTIMIZED!

                       -> f R I E N D S   O N L Y <-

                            ONE OF THE FASTEST 

                           !SPEEDHUNK OPTIMIZED!