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 yOhO! sEArchIng fOr A AscII/AnsI grOUp tO jOIn!! nEvEr sEEn A fUckIn' [gEm]
 prOdUctIOn...?? hErE I Am, hErE It Is! [-gEm] dEsc. cOllEctIOn nO.²


         -yOhO slObbErIn' mEss! grEEn EyEd mOnstEr Is bAck wIth A bAng- 
      -thIs OnE gOEs OUt tO All dA fUckIn' shIt-hEAds ArOUnd, I lOvE yOU!-

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- -------------------------- ---------+-- -·

                   .f.U.c.k.  .f.U.n.k.  .b.E.  .p.U.n.k.
  _ _ _____________\_ ______ ______ ___\ _ __  ________\ ______________
    //  _____    __)//  ___//  ___//  ¬\ \_ _ /  ___/ ¬\/  /  ______  ¬\\_
 _  /   | ¬\|  ¦/ ¬\/  __)_/  __)_/  :  \_   /  __)_\_   _/  __)__/ ¦   \_ _ _
  _\\   ¦   /  ¦    / /    / /    /  ¦   // /  /    /|   |  /    /  ¦    /
     \___  /l__¦_  /____  /____  /\__¦  / _ \____  / | __|____  /\  ____//__
   _ __  \//     \/ _   \/   _ \/     \/ / _ __ _\/  |/  _ _  \/  \/ _
        \  \_ _ __ __\ _____ /____\ __________________________   _  /
               /  Y ¬\/    ¬\/   ¬\/  _______  __/  ___/    __) )_ _ _
         _ _ _/       \_ ¦   \ :   \__. ¬\\ /  |/  __)_|  ¦/ ¬\_ _ __ _
            \\   \ /   / ¦   / ¦    /¬¦   \/   |  /    /  ¦-gEm/
          _ __\___X_  /___  /__¦_  /____  /\  _l____  /l__¦_  //_ _ 
                    \/ _ _\/     \/     \/_\\/      \/      \/
                      /     /_ _          \ _ _ _        + [sA]'s mOrAl sUppOrt 

        .U.l.t.r.A. .-. .c.h.A.O.s.  .A.s.c.I.I. .c.O.l.l.E.c.t.I.O.n.

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- -------------------- ---------------+-- -·

                  + ultrA-chAos fEAtUrIng fOllOwIng crEw's: +

      dEcAdE + hOtlInE + nEmEsIs + qUArtEx + pArAdOx + fAIrlIght + pAndOrA
    fUsIOn + trsI + shAdEs + lEgEnD + gEnEsIs*prOjEct & fIrE EAglE + skId rOw
    crystAl + lEmOn + mElOn + tArkUs tEAm + UnrEAl + AlphA flIght + gOd + rtl 
   rAzOr 1911 + IntErpOl + vIsIOn + bAsElInE 2o91 + hErEsy + vAnIsh + prEmIErE
   ElEvAtIOn + rEbEls + sIlEnts + g-stylE + mInIstry + cOmAx + l.s.d + wIzzcAT
 scEptIc + sAnIty + dUAl crEw + scOOpEx + c.d.I. + rAncId + AnthrOx + crAck Inc.
 mAgIcAl + mAsqUE + bAcklAsh + c.A.f. + dytEc + sOnIc + prOdIgy + clAssIc + d&r
        AlcAtrAz + AnglEs + fAIth + sUpplEx + pIrAtEs...fUn Ends hErE!

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- -----------------------------------+-- -·

                ExcUsE mE whIle I pUll A knIfE OUt Of my bAck!

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- ---------------------- -----------+-- -·

                      .c.h.A.O.s. .s.t.A.r.t.s. .n.O.w.


·-- -+-------- ----------------------- ---------------------- -----------+-- -·

·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +gEm's cOllEctIOn+
   |     ______   ____ __ __                      <1
   | ·^-/ ____//\/___// ¬Y ¬\^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <2
   |  _/ // ¬\/   _)_/       \_  bAcK wItH 2dAy   <3
   |  \ _/_ _ /  | _ /  \ /gEm/<. uLTRa-cHAOs! .> <4
   |   \__\ //____ //\___X_  /  AsCiI cOlLeCtIoN  <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +gEm&lInk+
   |   ______ _____ _ _      _.   __ _    __. ___ <1
   |  /  ___// ___// Y \    / | _(__) \/\|  |/  / <2
   | /  // \/  _)_/    \\_ /  |/_ / | .  \_   _/  <3
   | \ _/ _ / | _ / \ /  //  _/ // || ¦gEm/ \ _\_ <4  -->fUtUrE prOjEct?
   |  \__ //___ //\__X  /&\___ //l__|_¦ //__¦\\ / <5
   | ·^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^\/· <6
   | %» Co-oP CHaoS No.1  [GeM/DCD & LiNK/ATZ] «% <7
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +dEcAdE+
   |    _____  ______ ________________  ______    <1
   |    \__  \/  ___//  ____/   \___  \/  ___/    <2 
   |     / | \\ __)_/  /  \/  | \\/ | \\ __)_     <3 
   |    /  ¦  \\    \ /»gEm\  .  \\ ¦   \   _\    <4
   |    \  ____/_\ //______/ _¦___/ ____/_\ //    <5
   | ·^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +hOtlInE+
   |     _ _  ____________.    ___  ___  ______   <1
   |    / ¦ \/    \__  __/| __(___)/   \/  ___/   <2
   |  _/    \\    \\// |/ |/ _ /  |  . \\_ _)__   <3
   |  \   .   \\   /   | _/  //gEm|  ¦   // _ /   <4
   |   \\ ¦___/___/\  _|_____/|___|__¦  /__ //    <5
   | ·^-\/^-^-^-^-^-\/^ReLeaSeD 2DaY:^\/^-^\/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +nEmEsIs+
   |     ___  _____ __ __  _____   ______ ______  <1
   |    /   \/  __//  Y  \/  __//\/ _____)   __/  <2
   |  _// .  \_ _)/_    _\\_ _)_\__. \|  |__. \   <3
   |  \   ¦ _ // _ / \ /gEm// _ /  ¦ \\ ||  ¦ \\  <4
   |   \__¦ //__ //___X_  /__ //\___  /__|___  /  <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +qUArtEx+
   |   ____  __ _  ___ ____________________  ___  <1
   |  /  . \/  ¦ \/   \\_    _)__  __/___  \/  /  <2
   | //  ¦  \  ¦ \\_¦  \|  ¦/ \_/  |  _)_\_  _/   <3
   | \   : //  :   /. _ / |¦gEm/  || / _ /   _\_  <4
   |  \____ \___  /_¦ //|__¦ //\  _|__ //__/\\ /  <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +pArAdOx+
   | _______ ___ _______ ___ ______  ______  ___  <1
   | \_  _  \   \\_    _)   \\___. \/   \  \/  /  <2
   |  |  / // ¦ \\| |¦/ \_¦  \_/ ¦ \\_  \\_ /_/   <3
   |  | ___/  .   /  ¦gEm/. _ /_ :   //  /   _\_  <4
   |  | _| \__¦  /|__¦  /_¦ //\\ ___/___/__/\\ /  <5
   | ·|/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^\/^-\/^-cracked:^-\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +fAIrlIght+
   | __________  ________   .   __ ______ _______ <1
   | \_  ___/  \(__)_   _) /| _(__/  __/ ¦ \__ _/ <2
   | _/ ___/ ¦  \_ |  ¦/ \/ |/  / | //\_   \\/ |  <3
   | \ _ |   . _ / | |¦gEm/ / // ||_/_ / .  // |  <4
   |  \\ |\__¦ //__|__¦  /____/|__|_ //  ¦__\  |  <5
   | ·^\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-CRaCKeD-^\/^\/^-^-\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +pAndOrA+
   |  _______ ___  ___ ______  __________ ___     <1
   |  \_  _  \   \/   \\___. \/   \_    _)   \    <2
   |   || /  / ¦  \_. \\_/ ¦ \\_  \\  ¦/ \_¦ \\_  <3
   |   | ___/  . _ /¦   /_ :gEm//  /  ¦ _ /.   /  <4
   |   | _| \__¦ //_¦  /\\ ___/___/|__¦ //_¦  /   <5
   | ·^|/^-^-^-^\/^-^\/^-\/^-PReSeNTS-^\/^-^\/^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +fUsIOn+
   |     _________ _    _______    __  ___        <1
   | ·^-^\_  ___/ ¦ \/\/ __/___)/\/ _\/   \^-^-^· <2
   |     _/ ___// ¦  \__. \|  .|   /  \ . \\_     <3
   |     \ _ |\   : _ / ¦ \\  || _/  // ¦gEm/     <4
   |      \\ | \___ //___  /__ |\____/__¦  /      <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^\|bACk-wITh\/^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +trsI+
   |  ____________    _______                     <1
   |  \__  ___   _)/\/ __/___) TRiSTAR  and       <2
   |    // ||  ¦/ \\__. \|  .|                    <3
   |   /   ||  ¦gEm/  ¦ \\  ||  RED SECToR iNC.   <4
   |   \  _||__¦  /____  /__ |                    <5
   | ·^-\/^-^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^\|-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +trIstAr And+
   | ____________  __  _____________ _______      <1
   | \__  __    _)(_ )/  ____  _/   \\_    _)     <2
   |   /  ||: ¦/ \| :|\__. \/  |  ¦  \|: ¦/ \_aND <3
   |  //  ||  ¦ _ /  |gEm¦ _\ :|  . _ /  ¦ _ /    <4
   |  \  _||__¦ //l__|____ // _l__¦ //l__¦ //     <5
   | ·^\/^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^-^\/\/^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +rEd sEctOr+
   | ______  _______    ________ ______________   <1
   | \_   _)/ _____.\  / __/ __// ___ _/  _   _)  <2
   |  | ¦/ \_ _)_/ ¦ \_\_. \ _)/_/ \/ |  /| ¦/ \_ <3
   |  | ¦ _ /gEm/_ :  /  ¦ \\ _ /  / :| / | ¦ _ / <4
   |  l_¦ //_  /\\ __/l___  / // //\  |\__l_¦ //  <5
   | ·^-^\/^-\/^-\/^-^-^-^\/^\/^\/^-\/^-iNC-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +shAdEs+
   |        ______ _  ___ _____  ___________      <1
   |     /\/ __/  ¦ \/   \\__. \/  __/  ___/      <2
   |     \__. \   : \\_¦  \/ ¦ \\_ _)\__. \       <3
   |     /  ¦ \\  .   /. _ / :gEm// _ / ¦ \\      <4
   |     \___  /  ¦__/_¦ //  ___/__ //___  /      <5
   | ·^-^-^-^\/^\/^­^­^­\/^\/^-^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +g*p & f.E.+
   |     ____________              _____________  <1
   | ·^-/ _____   ._ \^-^GeNeSiS^-^\_  ___/ ___/· <2
   |  _// /  \|   |/ /   PRoJeCT   _/ ___// _)__  <3
   |  \  /_ _ /¦  __/       &      \ _ |/  /gEm/  <4
   |   \__\ //| __|    FiRe  eaGLe  \\ |\___ //   <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^l/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +lEgEnd+
   |     _.    _____  ______ _____ ___ ______     <1
   |    / | __/_ __/ / ____// ___//   \\___. \    <2
   |   // |/ _ / _)_/   / \/   _)/_ . \\_/ ¦ \\_  <3
   |  /   /  // / _ / _/ _ /  / _ / ¦gEm/_ :   /  <4
   |  \____  /___ //____ //____ //__¦  /\\ ___/   <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-\/^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +skId rOw+
   |    ______. __________  _______  ___  __ _    <1
   | /\/ __/  |/  / \___. \ \_    _)/  _\/  X \   <2
   | \__. \|    _/|  |/ ¦ \\_|¦ ¦/ \_  / \ / \_\_ <3
   | /  ¦ _\  \  \| ||  :gEm/|· ¦   /_/ //_     / <4
   | \___ //__|\\ /__|  ___/ l__¦ //\___/\\ X__/  <5
   | ·^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^cRACKEd^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +crystAl+
   |    _____________  ________________  _.       <1
   |   /  ___    _)  \/  / ____  __/   \/ | ____  <2
   |  // / \|¦ ¦/ \\_  _/__. \/ .|// ¦  \_|/ _ /  <3
   | /  /  _\· ¦   /|¦ |/  ¦ _\ ||   . _ //  //   <4
   | \____ //__¦ // |·_|\___ // _|\__¦ //__  /gEm <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^-\/^-|/^-^-^-\/\/^-^-^-\/^-^\/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +lEmOn+
   |      _.    _____ __ _  ____    _             <1
   | ·^-^/ |^__/_ __//  Y \/    \/\/ \^-^-^-^-^-· <2
   |    /  |/ _ / _)/_ _  \\_ / _\ . \\_ DeZiGN   <3
   |   /  _/  // / _ / \ /  //  // ¦gEm/prEsEnts  <4
   |   \____  /___ //\\ X__/____/__¦  /   2dAy    <5
   | ·^-^-^-\/^-^-\/^-\/^-^-^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +mElOn+
   |     __ _  ______  .    ____  ___             <1
   | ·^-/  Y \/  ___/ /| __/_  _\/   \^-^-^-^-^-· <2
   |  _/ _   \\_  _)_/ |/ _ / /  \ .  \_ DeZiGN   <3
   |  \ _ \ /  / / _ / /  // /gEm/ ¦ _ /brIngs u  <4
   |   \\ _X__/___ //___ //\____/__¦ //   2DaY    <5
   |  ·^\/^-^-^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +mInIstry+
   |     __ _  __  ___  ____________________  ___ <1
   |    /  Y \(__)/gEm\(__)  ____  __   _)  \/  / <2
   |  _/ _   \\_ |/ .  \_ |__. \/  |  ¦/ \\_. _/  <3
   |  \ _ \ /  /¦|  ¦ _ /¦|  ¦ _\ ¦|  ¦ _ /|¦ |   <4
   |   \\ _X__/__l__¦ //__l___ // _l__¦ // | _|   <5
   |  ·^\/^-^-^-^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/\/^-^-^\/^-l/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +tArkUs+ [A]
   |   ___________ _______ .__. ___ _ _  ______   <1
   |   \__  __/   \\_    _)|  |/  // ¦ \/  ___/   <2
   |     /  |// ¦  \|  ¦/ \| _  _/// ¦  \__. \    <3
   |    /gEm|   . _ /  ¦ _ /  \  \_  : _ / ¦ _\   <4
   |    \\ _|\__¦ //l__¦ //l__|\\ /___ //___ //   <5
   | ·^-^\/^-^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-\/^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +tEAm+ [b]
   |    _____________ ___  __ __                  <1
   |    \__  __/ ___//   \/  Y  \   TaRKuS TeaM   <2
   |      /  |// _)_/  ¦  \_     \_               <3
   |     //  |  / _ /  . _ /\ /gEm/  PReSeNTS:    <4
   |     \  _l___ //\__¦ //__X_ //                <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +UnrEAl+
   |      _ _  ___ _______   _____ ___  _.        <1
   |     / ¦ \/   \\_    _) / ___//   \/ | ____   <2
   |   _// ¦  \_.  \|  ¦/ \/  _)_/  ¦  \_l/ _ /   <3
   |   \   : _ /¦ _ /  ¦ _ / / _ /  . _ //  //    <4
   |    \___ //_¦ //l__¦ //___ //\__¦ //__  /gEm  <5
   | ·-^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^-· <6 
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +AlphA+ [A]
   |          ___  _.  _________._  ___           <1
   | ·-^-^-^-/   \/ | _\__ _  \ ¦ \/   \^-^-^-^-· <2
   |       _// ¦  \_l/gEm/ / //    \_¦  \_        <3
   |       \   . _ // _ / ___/  . _ /. _ /        <4
   |        \__¦ //__ //l__| \__¦ //_¦ //         <5
   | ·-^-^-^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-\/-^-\/^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +flIght+ [b]
   |     ________.    __  ______ _._ ________     <1
   | ·-^-\_  ___/| __(__)/  ___// ¦ \\__  __/^-^· <2
   |     _/ ___/ l/   / |  // \/  gEm\_/  |       <3
   |     \ _ |/ _/ _ / || _/ _ /  . _ /_  |       <4
   |      \\ |____ //l__|___ //\__¦ //\\ _|       <5
   | ·-^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-\/^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +g.O.d.+
   |            ______   ____   _____             <1
   | ·-^-^-^-^-/  ___/^-/   _\^-\__. \-^-^-^-^-^· <2
   |   GLoBaL // // \_ //  /  \  / ¦ \\_          <3
   |         /  _/ _ / \ _/  // /_ :   /oVeRDoSe  <4
   |         \____ //gEm\____/  \\ ___/           <5
   | ·-^-^-^-^-^-^\/^-prEsEnts:-^\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +r.t.l.+
   |   ________  ________  _.                     <1
   |   \__   __) \__  __/ / | ____ r.AISINg       <2
   |    |  ¦/  \_  /  |  // |/ _ /   t.RADEr      <3
   |    |¦ ¦  _ / /gEm| /  _/  //     l.UNATIx    <4
   |    l__¦_ //· \\ _|·\____  /·   pRESENTs      <5
   | ·^-^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +rAzOr1911+
   |   _______  ___ _______    _________          <1
   |   \__   _)/   \\___  _\/\/ _\__   _)+ ¹9¹¹ + <2
   |    |  ¦/ \_ ¦  \_ /  //gEm/ _\  ¦/ \_        <3
   |    |  ¦ _ / . _ //  _//\ /  //  ¦ _ / bACK   <4
   |    l__¦ //__¦ //\  ____/____/l__¦ //  wITH   <5
   |  ·^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +IntErpOl+
   |  __  _______________________________  _.     <1
   | (__)/   \___ __/ __/_    _)_  _  \  \/ | __  <2
   | |  |  .  \_/ |/  _)_|  ¦/ \|  /  / / \ |/ _\ <3
   | |¦ |  ¦ _ /_ |  / _ /  ¦gEm/  __/_/  / /  // <4
   | |·_|__¦ //\\ |___ //l__¦  /l_ | \___/___  /  <5
   | |/^-^-^\/^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^\|^-^-^-^-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +vIsIOn+
   |        _ _  _____________    __  ___         <1
   | ·^-^-^/ ¦ \(__ )  ___/___)/\/  \/gEm\^-^-^-· <2
   |     _/  ¦ \\_ ¦|__. \|   |/  /  \ .  \_      <3
   |     \ _ :   /  |  ¦ _\  ¦|  /  // ¦ _ /      <4
   |      \\ ___/___|___ //___|\____/__¦ //       <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +bAsElInE 2o91+
   | _______ ___  ______ ____  .   __ ___  _____  <1
   | \_  ___)   \/  ___// __/ /| _(__)   \/  __/  <2
   |  | /:  \_¦  \__. \// _)_/ |/gEm/| .  \_ _)__ <3
   |  |  : _ /. _ / ¦ _\ / _ / / _ / | ¦ _ // _ / <4
   |  l___ //_¦ //___ //__ //___ //__|_¦ //__ //  <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-\/^2091^\/^-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +hErEsy+
   |      _ _  ____________  _____   _____  ___   <1
   |     / ¦ \/  ___/_    _)/  __//\/ __  \/  /   <2
   |   _/    \\_  _)_|  ¦/ \_  _)_\__. \\_. _/    <3
   |   \ _ .gEm/ / _ /  ¦ _ / / _ /  ¦ _\|¦ |     <4
   |    \\ ¦__/___ //l__¦ //___ //____ //| _|     <5
   | ·^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^|/^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +vAnIsh+
   |         _ _  ___  ___  ___________ _         <1
   |        / ¦ \/   \/   \(___)  ___/ ¦ \        <2
   |      _/  ¦ \\_¦  \_.  \_  |__. \    \\_      <3
   |      \ _ :   /. _ /¦ _ / ¦|  ¦ _\ .gEm/      <4
   |       \\ ___/_¦ //_¦ //___l___ // ¦__/       <5
   | ·^-^-^-\/^-^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-^-^-\/\/^-^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +rEbEls+
   |    _______  ___________  _____  .     ____   <1
   |    \_    _)/ ___/_  ___)/ ___/ /| _/\/ __/   <2
   |    t|: ¦/ \_  _)_| /:  \_  _)_/ |/ \__. \g   <3
   |    h|  ¦ _ / / _ /  : _ / / _ /_/  |  ¦ \\E  <4
   |    el__¦ //___ //l___ //___ //___  l___  /m  <5
   | ·-^-^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-\/^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +prEmIErE+
   | ___________  ____ _ _  __  __________  ____  <1
   | \_  _ \   _)/ __// Y \(__)/ __/_    _)/ __/  <2
   |  |  / / ¦/ \_ _)/_ gEm\_ |  _)_|  ¦/ \_ _)__ <3
   |  |¦ _/  ¦ _ // _ /\ /_ / | / _ /  ¦ _ // _ / <4
   |  | _|l__¦ //__ //__X //__l__ //l__¦ //__ //  <5
   | ·|/^-^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +ElEvAtIOn+
   |    ____ .   ____ _ _  ___________  ______    <1
   |   /___//| _/ __// ¦ \/  \__  _(__)/  \gEm\   <2
   |  / _)_/ |/ \ _)/_ ¦_/ ¦  \/  || ¦|  / \.  \_ <3
   | / / _ /_/_ // _ / :\  . _ / ¦||  | / //¦ _ / <4
   | \__ //__ //__ //  __\_¦ //  _||__|\__/_¦ //  <5
   | ·^-\/^-^\/^-^\/^\/^-^-^\/^\/^-^-^-^-^-^-\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +sIlEnts+
   |    ________   .    ______ ___ _____________  <1
   |   /  ___/__) /| __/_ ___//   \\__  _/ ____/  <2
   |  .\_.  \|  |/ |/ _ / _)_/  . \\_// |\_.  \   <3
   |  |  ¦  _\ ¦| _/  // / _ // ¦   /gEm|  ¦  _\  <4
   |  l____ //__|___ //___ //\__¦  /\  _l____ //  <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/^-\/^-^-^-\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +g-stylE+
   |     ______      ___________  ___.    ______  <1
   |    / ____/___  /  ____  _  \/  /| __/_ ___/  <2
   |   /  /  \_\__\.\_.  \// |\_  _/ |/ _ / _)__  <3
   |  / _/_ _ /    |  ¦  \\  | | ¦| _/  // / _ /  <4
   |  \____ //-gEm l____  / _| | _|___ //___ //   <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-^\/\/^-^l/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +cOmAx+
   |         ______  __  __ _  _______  ___       <1
   | ·^-^-^-/  ___/\/ _\/  Y \/   \_  \/  /^-^-^· <2
   |       // /  \_  /  \_   \\_¦  \\_  _/        <3
   |      /  /  _ /_/gEm/ \ /  /. _ /   _\_       <4
   |      \____ //\____/  _X__/_¦ //__/\\ /       <5
   | ·^-^-^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^\/-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +l.s.d.+
   |              _.        ________              <1
   |   ·L·S·D·   / |   __/\/ _____  \   ·L·S·D·   <2
   |            // |/\/ /\__. \/  ¦ \\_           <3
   |  BRiNGS Ya/  _/ _ /|gEm¦ _\  :   /  ToDaY    <4
   |           \____ //·l____ // ____/            <5
   | ·^-^-^-^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^\/\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- -+wIzzcAt+
   |      __ _  ____________  ________ ________   <1
   |     /  X \(__)__  \__  \/ ___/   \\__  __/   <2
   |   _/ _/ \ \_ |/  ///  // /  \_ ¦  \_/  |     <3
   |   \ _   gEm/ |   //\  //\  _ / . _ /_  |     <4
   |    \\ _X__/__|  ___/ ___/_ //__¦ //\\ _|     <5
   | ·^-^\/^-^-^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-\/^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +scEptIc+
   |    ______ _________________________  ______  <1
   |   /   __//  ___/  __/_  _\__  _/__ )/  ___/  <2
   |  .\__. \// /  \_  _)_|  /  / :||  :|/ /  \_  <3
   |  |:  ¦  \ /  _ / / _ /  __/_  ||gEm| /  _ /  <4
   |  l____ //___ //___ //| _| \\ _|l___|___ //   <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-\/^|/^-^-\/^-^-^-^-^-\/^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +sAnIty+
   |   _________  ___  __________  ___            <1
   |  /   __/   \/   \(__\__  _  \/  /            <2
   | .\__. \  ¦  \_.  \_  |/ :|\_  _/ prOUdly     <3
   | |   ¦ _\ . _ /¦ _ / :|gEm| |¦ |    prEsEnts  <4
   | l____ //_¦ //_¦ //___|  _| | _|              <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^|/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +dUAl crEw+
   | _____  _.  __  _.      ________  ____ _ _    <1
   | \__. \/ ¦\/  \/ | ___ / __/   _)/ __// X \   <2
   |  / ¦ \\_¦ \¦  \_|/_ // / \| ¦/ \_ _)/_/ \ \_ <3
   | /_ :   /:  / _ // /// / _ / ¦ _ // _ /  gEm/ <4
   | \\ ___/_ //¦ //_ // \__ //l_¦ //__ //  X__/  <5
   | ·\/^-^-^\/^-\/^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^\/^\/^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +scOOpEx+
   |   ______________    __________________  ____ <1
   |  /   __/  ___/_ \/\/   _\_  _  \ ___  \/  _/ <2
   | .\__. \  /  \_ \gEm\  / _\  / // _)_\_\ _/   <3
   | |   ¦ \\   _ /  \_ /_/  //  __/ / _ /   _\_  <4
   | l____  /__ //\____/\____/| _|\___ //__/\\ /  <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^\/^-pReSeNtS-^-l/^-^-^-\/^-^-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +c.d.I.+
   |    _____________    ___                      <1
   | ·^/  ___/\____. \^-(___)^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <2
   |  // /  \_  /  ¦ \\_|   |     CoPYRiGHT       <3
   | /  /  _ / /_  :gEm/|  :|  DeSTRoYeRS iNC.    <4
   | \____ //  \\ ____/ | __| PRouDLY  PReSeNTS   <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^-l/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +rAncId+
   |    _______  ___  ___  _______________        <1
   |    \_    _)/   \/   \/   __/___)___. \'9³    <2
   |     |: ¦/ \_ ¦  \_.  \_ / \_gEm|/  ¦ \\_     <3
   |     |  ¦ _ / . _ /¦ _ // _ /  :| _ :   /     <4     dOn't mIss thEm!
   |     l__¦ //__¦ //_¦ //__ //l___|\\ ___/      <5
   | ·^-^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-· <6
   |              ..UnwrIttEn rUlEs..              |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +AnthrOx+
   |    ___  ___ ________ _ _______  ______  ____ <1
   |   /   \/   \\__  __/¦ \\_    _)/  _\  \/  _/ <2
   | _// ¦  \_.  \_/  |  gEm\_  ¦/ \_ / _\_  _/   <3
   | \   . _ /¦ _ /_  |  . _ /  ¦ _ //  //   _\_  <4
   |  \__¦ //_¦ //\\ _|\_¦ //l__¦ //\___/__/\\ /  <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^\/^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +crAck Inc.+
   |      ____________  ___  _________. ___       <1
   |     /  _____   __)/   \/gEm___/  |/  / I     <2
   |    // /  \_  ¦/  \_ ¦  \_ /  \_  / _/   N    <3
   |   /  /  _ /  ¦  _ / . _ //  _ /  _ _\_   C   <4
   |   \____ //l__¦_ //__¦ //___ //l__|\\ /    .  <5
   | ·^-^-^-\/^-^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^-\/^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +mAgIcAl+
   |     __ _  ___  ________  _____ ___  _.       <1
   |    /  Y \/   \/  ___/__)/  __//   \/ | ____  <2
   |  _/ _   \\_¦  \_// \_  |  / \_  ¦  \_|/gEm/  <3
   |  \ _ \ /  /. _ // _ / :| / _ /  . _ // _ /   <4
   |   \\ _X__/_¦ //__ //l__|__ //\__¦ //__ //    <5
   | ·^-\/^-^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +mAsqUE+
   |        __ _  ___  ________  _ _  _____       <1
   | ·^-^-^/  Y \/   \/  __/   \/ ¦ \/  __/^-^-^· <2
   |     _/ _   \\_¦  \_. \  ¦ _\ ¦  \_ _)__      <3
   |     \ _ \ /  /. _ /¦ _\ : // ¦gEm// _ /      <4
   |      \\ _X__/_¦ //__ //___ \__ //__ //       <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^-\/^-\/^-^\/^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +bAcklAsh+
   | _______ ___  ______. ___.   ___  ______ _    <1
   | \_  ___)   \/  __/ |/  /| _/   \/  __/ ¦ \   <2
   |  | /:  \_¦  \_/ \_ / _/ |/ _\¦  \_. \  gEm\_ <3
   |  |  : _ /. _ / _ / _ _\_|  //. _ /¦ \\ . _ / <4
   |  l___ //_¦ //_ //__|\\ /_ //_¦ //__ //_¦ //  <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^\/^-\/^-^-^\/^-\/^-^\/^-^\/^-^\/^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +c.A.f.+
   |     ______   ___   ________                  <1
   |    /  ___/  /   \  \_  ___/   cYBERaCTIF     <2
   |   // /  \__// ¦  \__/ ___/                   <3
   |  / _/ gEm/\   . _ /\ _ |    tRAINED  tODAY   <4
   |  \____ //· \__¦ //· \\ |·                    <5
   | ·^-^-^\/^-^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +dytEc+
   |         _____ ___  ____________ _____        <1
   | ·^-^-^-^\__. \\  \/\__  __/___//  __/^-^-^-· <2
   |          / ¦ \\\_  _// :|/  _)/_ / \_        <3
   |   dYTEC /_ :gEm/|: |/_  |  / _ // _ / dYTEC  <4
   |         \\ ___/ | _|\\ _|___ //__ //         <5
   | ·^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^l/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^\/^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +sOnIc+
   |          ______ ____  ___  ___  ______       <1
   |         /  ___//   _\/gEm\(___)/  ___/       <2
   |        .\__. \//  / _\ .  \_  |  /  \_       <3
   |        |   ¦ _\ _/  // ¦ _ / :| /  _ /       <4
   |        l____ //\____/__¦ //___|___ //        <5
   | ·^-^-^-^-^-^\/^pRESENTs^\/^-^-^-^-\/^-^-^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +prOdIgy+
   | _____________    ________  ___  _______  ___ <1
   | \_   _ \_   _)/\/ _ ___. \(__ )/ ____  \/  / <2
   |  |  /  /  ¦/ \_  / _\/ ¦  \_ ¦| // \_\_  _/  <3
   |  |¦ __/|  ¦ _ /_/  //_ :gEm/ ·| \\  / |  |   <4
   |  |·_|  l__¦ //\____/\\ ___/___|__ //  | _|   <5
   | ·|/^-^-^-^-\/prEsEnts\/^-^-^-^-^-\/^-^|/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +clAssIc
   |     ______.    ___  _______________  _____   <1
   |    /  __/ | __/   \/  ___/  ___/___)/  __/   <2
   |   /  / \_ |/_ / ¦  \__. \\__. \|   |  / \_   <3
   |  /  / _ /_/ //  . _ / ¦ _\  ¦ _\gEm| / _ /   <4
   |  \___ //__ //\__¦ //___ //___ //___|__ //    <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-\/^-^-^-^\/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +dIAmOnds & rUsts+
   | _____  __  ___  __ __  ___  ________  ______ <1
   | \__. \(__)/   \/  X  \/  _\/gEm\__. \/  ___/ <2
   |  / ¦ \\_ |/ ¦  \_   _ \_ / \ .  \_¦ \\__. \  <3
   | /_ :   / |  . _ /\ / _ // // ¦ _ /:   / ¦ _\ <4
   | \\ ___/__|__¦ //__X_ //___/__¦ // ___/___ // <5
   | ·\/^-^-^-^-^-\/^AND^\/^-RUST-^\/\/^-^-^-^\/· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +AlcAtrAz+
   |    ___  _.    __________________ _________   <1
   |   /   \/ | __/  __/  \___ __   _)   \__   \  <2
   | _// ¦  \_|/_ / / \_¦  \_/ |  ¦/ \_¦  \/  //  <3
   | \gEm. _ // // / _ /. _ /_ |  ¦ _ /. _ /  //\ <4
   |  \__¦ //_ //___ //_¦ //\\ l__¦ //_¦ //  ___/ <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-\/^-^-\/^-^\/^-\/^-^-\/^-^\/^\/^-^· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +AnglEs+
   |        ___  ___  ______ ____ _.   ______     <1
   |  BACK /   \/   \/  ___// __// | _/_ ___/     <2
   |     _// ¦  \_.  \_// \/  _)/_ |/_ /_. \ WITH <3
   |     \gEm. _ /¦ _ /\\  / / _ /_/ //  ¦ _\     <4
   |      \__¦ //_¦ //__ //___ //__ //____ //     <5
   | ·^-^-^-^-\/^-^\/^-^\/^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-^\/^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +fAIth+
   |   ___________  ____________ _                <1
   | ·^\_  ___/   \(___)__  __  ¦ \^-^-^-^-^-^-^· <2
   |   _/  __// ¦  \_ ¦| /  |/gEm \\_             <3
   |   \ _ |\   . _ / ·|//  | _ .   / pRESENTs:   <4
   |    \\ | \__¦ //___|\\ _|\\ ¦__/              <5
   | ·^-^\/^-^-^-\/^-^-^-\/^-^\/^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +sUpplEx+
   |   _______._ _____  ______  _.   _______  ___ <1
   |  /  ___/ ¦ \\_  _\/\_  _ \/ | _/_ ___  \/  / <2
   | .\_.  \  ¦  \|  /  /  /  /  |/_ / _)_\_  _/  <3
   | |  ¦gEm\ : _ /  __/|¦ __/  _/ // / _ /   _\_ <4
   | l____ //__ //| _|  |_ | \___ //___ //__/\\ / <5
   | ·^-^-\/^-^\/^|/^-^-^-\|^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-^-^\/· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +pIrAtEs+
   | __________________  _________________ ______ <1
   | \__  _ (___)_    _)/   \___  __/ ___//  ___/ <2
   |  |  /  /  ¦||  ¦/ \_ ¦  \_/ ¦|/  _)__\_.  \  <3
   |  || __/|  ·||  ¦ _ / . _ /_  |  / _ /  ¦gEm\ <4
   |  |·_|  l___|l__¦ //__¦ //\\ _l___ //l____ // <5
   | ·|/^-^-^-^-^-^-^\/^-^-\/^-\/^-^-^\/^-^-^-\/· <6
   |                                               |
·--+1--------------------------------------------44+-- - +fInAlly: thE rUlE!+
   | __________  ___  _ _  ___ _____  __________ _____   
   | \_  ___)__)/  _\/ ¦ \/   \\__  \/   \_    _)\__. \
   |  | /:  \_ |  / _\    \_¦  \_// /  ¦  \_ ¦/ \_/ ¦ \\_
   ¦  |  : _ / | /  // . _ /  _ /  //\ . _ / ¦ _ /_ :gEm/
   ¦  l___ //__|\___/__¦ //_¦ //  ___/_¦ //__¦ //\\ ___/
   : <====\/============\/===\/=\/======\/====\/==\/====>
   ·      .U.R.B.A.N. fUCKIN' .D.I.S.C.I.P.L.I.N.E.

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- -------------------- --------------+-- -·

         I crIEd whEn I hAd nO shOEs 'tIl I mEt thE mAn wIth nO fEEt!

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- ------------------------------- ----+-- -·

...jOpS! nOw tImE fOr grEEtIngs!

-tOdAy's spEcIAL's flyIng OUt tO:
-> lInk      -yOyOyOyO! mUthA-fUckIn' kEwl AscII's frOm yA, bUt -gEm rUlEz!-
              hEhEhEhEhE...! mUthA-fUckIn' grEAt cOllEctIOn dUn by dA bEst...
-> skIn      -yO mAn! AlwAys nIcE AnsI's! thAnx fOr grEAt lOgO's! hOpE tO mEEt
              yA OnE dAy...
-> phAzE     -yOyOyOyOyO! whAt's Up mAn? bOdycOUnt Is In thE hOUsE! cU On
              dA bc gIg thIs mOnth?
-> mAz       -grEAt Ansi's frOm yA! wAItIng fOr nExt cOllEctIOn frOm yA!
              whAt's Up wIth thE wEEkEnd mEEtIng's?? gIvE mE A cAll!
-> nO lImIt  -mEgA cAllEr! hEhEhE! grEAt phOnEbIlls! thAnx fOr yOUr grEAt
              sEndInx! I'm bAck vEry sOOn! hEhEhE! cU!
-> cAlypsO   -hI mAn! whAt's Up On blAck mOOn? cAll yA sOOn As pOssIblE!
-> t.I.m.    -thAnx fOr EvErythIng! whErE'rE dA grEAt tUnEs frOm yA ?????!
              snEs rUlEz! AlwAy's snEs stUff AvAIlAblE! cOmE And gEt It!
-> rUnt      -sOrry fOr lOng dElAy! trOUble wIth my hArdwArE! shIt! cAll yA
              vEry sOOn!
-> mAlcOm s. -yO mArc! mEEt yA OnE dAy!
-> nIkO      -jOjOjO mAn! whAt's Up! I hAvE fEw hArdwArE prOb's! I'm bAck
              sOOn As pOssIblE!
-> sEcAm     -bErlIn rUlEz! cAll yA OnE dAy, hOpE yOU'rE At hOmE! grEEtz!
-> zIgzAg    -grEAt AnsI's mAn! whAt's Up wIth OUr cO-Op cOllEctIOn!? cAll
              yA OnE dAy!
-> AdAm      -sAbOtAgE rUlEz! hEhEhEhE kEwl bOArd lAn! 
-> rEdskIn   -mEgA kEwl AnsI's And dEscrIptIOns! hAnsA rUlEz All! Only
              hAnsA mAkEs thIs pOssIblE! hOpE tO mEEt yA OnE dAy! bOOzE!
-> x-trEmE   -jEp! lEt's stArt AttAckIng bEtA blOckEr's mEssAgE-bAsE! hEhE!
-> rOmOlUs   -whAt AbOUt A chUrch Or sUpErmArkEt On mArs? 
-> gAndAlf   -lOs EndOs bAck In tOwn? cAll yA OnE dAy! cOOl gUy!
-> trItrOn   -thAnx fOr grEAt hElp! my sErIAl pOrt sUcks! stIll sEArchIng fOr
              A lOgO??? If yEs, cAll mE Up!
-> nObbI     -mEgA thAnx AgAIn fOr grEAt jOb On my pOwEr sUpply! nOw It wOrks
              mUthA-fUckIn' grEAt!
-> bUsch     -tj hOOkEr rUlEz All, hEAthEr's stIck ActIOn Is fUckIn' grEAt!

-hIhO's tO thE fOllOwIng...

-> thE whOlE `EInk' fAmIly! I lUv yA All! hOpE grEAt tImEs nEvEr End!
-> thE gUys At thE `krEIsEl'! AlwAys drUnkEn And cOOl! >bOys dOn't cry!!!
-> All grEAt AscII/AnsI ArtIsts ArOUnd (thAnx fOr InspIrAtIOn gUys!)
-> EvEryOnE whO lIkE my fUckIn' chAOs stylE (UsE thE chAOs!)

        ·And fInAlly tO All lOnghAIr's wOrld-wIdE: bE Ugly And prOUd·

-tOdAy's spEcIAl kIck's flyIng IntO fOllOwIng fAcEs... 

-> mAdbAll   -bAstArd! sEnd my mOnEy! mAn my mOdEm's pOwEr sUpply Is tOtAlly
              brOkEn! A gOOd frIEnd Of mInE dId An ExEllEnt jOb On It And
              yOU fUckEd It! fUck yOU!!
-> frEEdy    -I cUt yOUr mUthA-fUckIn' dIck Off And wAtch yOU blEEd tO dEAth
              mUthA-fUckIn' nAzI!!!! I gEt yA & yA frIEnds! ...dIE!

thIngs nEEdEd..!

hAnsA pOwEr (nEvEr EnOUgh!), mUzAk (gOOd Old hArd-cOrE: bIOhAzArd, shEEr tErrOr,
sIck Of It All, chArlEy's wAr, kIllIng tImE, yUppIcIdE, kIckbAck, sfA, bAd trIp,
bUrn, gOrIllA bIscUIts, AgnOstIc frOnt, slApshOt, bOdycOUnt, rAncId, sAmIAm,
spErmbIrds, mAdbAll, cItIzEns ArrEst, bOnEsAw, pOInt blAnk, spUdmOnstErs...),
!gIrl-frIEnd! (thE OnE And Only), tOO mUch cOkE, bIOhAzArd's -UrbAn chAOs gIg-,
rIch kIds On l.s.d. - gIg, cygnUsEd prOf. 2, dArksEEd, ArAbIAn nIghts,
3× tj hOOkEr (hEAthEr's stIck ActIOn Only), t.I.m.'s bArbArIc mOrAl sUppOrt!,
AmIgA2ooo (wIth sErIAl fUck Up), 33o!dm fOr mUltI fAcE cArd, 13odm fOr nEw lp's,
sOngs Of fAIth And dEvOtIOn (dEpEchE mOdE's bEst!)...

·-- -+----------------------- ------------------------------ -------- ----+-- -·

   Ok! fInAlly yOU rEAchEd thE End Of thIs fIlE! cU yA All In OnE Of my nExt
   prOdUctIOn's! grEEtz & byE ... [dOn't hAtE mE cAUsE I'm bEAUtIfUl...-gEm] 

                                          ___________    __    ._   ___    
     AnOthEr cOllEctIOn whIch Is         /  ____/   ¬\/\/ ¬\__ |¬\ /  ¬\·:+·. 
   dEdIcAtEd tO thE OnE And Only..      .\__. ¬\  ¦  \\  : \\_\| \\_ ¦ \\_·:+:.
                                        |  ¬¦  \\ ¦  //  ¦   / ¦  ·/    ·/.:·:+;
                                        l______ /___·/\\ ¦__/ ____/__¦_ /.sA:+:·
                                              \/   \/  \/    \/ ·>»gEm\/.+:+;:·
·-- -+-------- ----------------------- --------------- -------------------+-- -·

I'm A sInnEr And my sOUl shOUld bE clEAnsEd...I'll tAkE my chAncEs whEn I'm dEAd

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------+-- -·

                          fInAl wOrds tO thE mAssEs
          thErE's A tImE tO mAkE thIngs hAppEn And thE tImE Is nOw!

             ·s·t·O·p· ·f·A·s·c·I·s·m·     ·E·n·d· ·r·A·c·I·s·m·

·-- -+-------- ----------------------- --------------- -----!AdvErts!-----+-- -·
rEmEmbEr: bOys dOn't cry                                            EnD Of fIlE!