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22 864 bytes (22.33K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:23
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all-time: 537


                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                           Sat Sep 16 11:46:44 1995

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/\___ crappy adds above ___/\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

                 -÷- tHiS wAS mADE pUBLiC aT ChaoS ³¢³ -÷-

                    _____ aSM|    |____   _____     _____
                 __/     \___|    |    \_/     \_  /     \__
      \\|//      |/_______\_ |    |_____\|______\|/_______\|      \\|//
       o O       |    l     |:    | |    |  |    |    l    |       O o
 --ooO-\-/-Ooo-- |__________|.    | :    |       |_________| --ooO-\-/-Ooo--
        ¥               `----|    |_|____|-vNc---'                  ¥
:              __               __       __                 __              :
::          | _\/_    __/\  __   _) |__|  _)   __  /\__    _\/_ |          ::
-+----------+ \/\/        \/    __)    | __)     \/        \/\/ +----------+-
:|:: MOdS   |                                                   |NiCe rAteS|:
:|:dD-STUff |     rUNNiNG DD / 1230.33.6 / 810 meGGS ONLiNe     | eASy AxX:|:
:|::SceNe!  |        STAff: ViNCe/aSM^ChS^dRc / KwON/dRc        |C0ol sYsoP|:
:+----------+-    +46-8-7108841 | NO NuP NOr SYSTemPASSwOrd    -+----------+:
:|::::::.                                                           .::::::|:
 `::::::::...···...···... alTeRNaTiVe sTaTe Of MiNd ...···...···...::::::::'

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                               __
   __                    .:·  /_/\ --  -
  _\/_     ..::::::::::.::·   \_\/-- - -
  \/\/  .:::::::·    .::·     ____  ____
_______::::::::::::.:::..    /    \/    \
\       ···:::::::::::::::::.\          /
 \___    \    .....  ··::::::::         \
    ___  ..:::::::::..::::::::::   aSM!  \
     ..:::::::···:::::::::::::·  \  /     \
______·:::::::    .·:::::::::    |\/|     /
       ·::::::·    ·::::::· `vNc-'  |____/
 pRESENTS·:::· tHE fiRST cOllY bY vNc
 cAllEd `nOTHiNG' <> uP'Ed aT ChaoS ³¢³

                             (__ |_  __. _ |_
                         _______)l_,(__ll 'l_,

                                 |        |
                                 |        |
                               \ |        | /
                                \|        |/
                                 \        /
                                  \\     /
                                   \\   /
                                    \  /

        -----//  Ok.. Here goes.....
             /   This is me first colly ever so don't
                 nobody think different (like for sure.. ;)).
                 I've allways been intrested in ascii's since
                 I started me base, and allways thought that
                 it would be cool (does ANYONE read this??)
                 to try makein' some ascii's and see what
                 the respons would be (still here?? skip this
                 and get to the ascii's instead ;)).
                 Most of the ascii's are inspired by some REAL
                 ascii artists... See creds ect etc etc....
                 The ascii's are just some ascii's I made for
                 me base, and some shit I just fixed while      /
                 havein' nothin' better to do... Well... cya   //-----

                            ._ _  __ ._   .
                            l ' )(_/,l )(_l
                    ____/\  _______________  /\____
                          \/               \/

                     1. Some ascii's for ChaoS ³¢³
                     2. Some ascii's for bbs's
                     3. Credz n' greet's n' stuff

                  7_  __ ._  __         __   _  _
                  l )(_/,l '(_/,  (_|_)(_/, (_)(_).......
                       ¯      ¯          ¯   _)


                       Some ascii's for ChaoS ³¢³

     ---// Chaos theory: the study of randomness generated by
        /  fixed mathematical principles. In chaotic systems,
           a minor change in initial conditions produces exponential /
           effects in outcome - SHIT HAPPENS - Get used to it.      //---

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :.......................... ChaoS advert |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :.................. none, did it for fun |\_\/_  _

                    _____ aSM|    |____   _____     _____
                 __/     \___|    |    \_/     \_  /     \__
      \\|//      |/_______\_ |    |_____\|______\|/_______\|      \\|//
       o O       |    l     |:    | |    |  |    |    l    |       O o
 --ooO-\-/-Ooo-- |__________|.    | :    |       |_________| --ooO-\-/-Ooo--
        ¥               `----|    |_|____|-vNc---'                  ¥
:              __               __       __                 __              :
::          | _\/_    __/\  __   _) |__|  _)   __  /\__    _\/_ |          ::
-+----------+ \/\/        \/    __)    | __)     \/        \/\/ +----------+-
:|:: MOdS   |                                                   |NiCe rAteS|:
:|:dD-STUff |     rUNNiNG DD / 1230.33.6 / 810 meGGS ONLiNe     | eASy AxX:|:
:|::SceNe!  |        STAff: ViNCe/aSM^ChS^dRc / KwON/dRc        |C0ol sYsoP|:
:+----------+-    +46-8-7108841 | NO NuP NOr SYSTemPASSwOrd    -+----------+:
:|::::::.                                                           .::::::|:
 `::::::::...···...···... alTeRNaTiVe sTaTe Of MiNd ...···...···...::::::::'

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :....................... ChaoS displayme |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :.................. none, did it for fun |\_\/_  _

|.              7_  7__ .  __  T¯¯'.7 __    __  __.._ _  __              .|
|\.             l__,l  )l__)   l¯  ll(_/,  (__ (__ll ' )(_/,            ./|
|:\.  \\|//                            ¯                  ¯     \\|//  ./:|
|\:\.  = Ø                   T¯¯'.__  __ ._ _                    Ø =  ./:/|
|:\:\. \-/        /          l¯  l  '(__)l ' )          \        \-/ ./:/:|
|\:\:\. ¥        /\/¯¯\/\_________________________/\/¯¯\/\        ¥ ./:/:/|
|:\:\:\.        /                          ___     ___    \        ./:/:/:|
|\:\:\:\.            __ 7__  __. __   __     _)l__|  _)           ./:/:/:/|
|:\:\:\:\.   _/\  _ (__ l  )(__l(__)__)    ___)   l___) _  /\_   ./:/:/:/:|
|\:\:\:\:\.     \/  °¤×øæøפ×øæøפ×øæ.æøפ×øæøפ×øæøפ°  \/     ./:/:/:/:/|
|:\:\:\:\:\.                                                   ./:/:/:/:/:|
|\:\:\:\:\:\.                                                 ./:/:/:/:/:/|
|::::::::::::.   rUNNiNG DD / 1230.33.6 / 810 meGGS ONLiNe   .::::::::::::|
|:::::::::::::.     STAff: ViNCe/aSM^ChS^dRc / KwON/dRc     .:::NiCe:axX::|
|::::::::::::::. +46-8-7108841 | NO NuP NOr SYSTemPASSwOrd .::çØol:S¥søP::|
|:::::mODs::::::.    __                             __    .:::::::::::::::|
|:::dD-StUff:::::.  _\/_                           _\/_  .::::::::::::::::|
|::::SceNe::::::::. \/\/ alTeRNaTiVe sTaTe Of MiNd \/\/ .::::fRieNdShiP:::|
|:::::::::::::::::::.                                 .::::::::RUleS::::::|
|:::pØWeR:tØ:tHe::::::.        .:::::::::::.        .:::::::::::::::::::::|
|::::::peØPle:::::::::::.    .::::fAsciSm::::.    .::::::::::W.A.R.WHQ::::|

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :............................ ChaoS logo |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :.................. none, did it for fun |\_\/_  _

     _________       |      |   _________      _________         _________
    /         \______|      |  /         \    /         \       /         \
___/           \     :      |_/           \__/           \___  /           \___
| /_____________\__  .      |/_____________\ |____________\ |_/_____________\ |
|        l         |        |                |     |        |        l        |
|                  | .      |       .        |     :        |                 |
|__________________| :      |       :        |              |_________________|
              |______|      |_______|        |______________|
                     |______|       |________|
      __                                                               __
     _\/_                                                             _\/_
     \/\/          /\            ___        ___            /\         \/\/
              ____/  \    ____     _) l___|   _)  ____    /  \____
                      \  /       ___)     | ___)      \  /
                       \/                              \/

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :......................aSM file_id.diz 1 |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :.................. none, did it for fun |\_\/_  _

-95 ____________/\  /\/\  /\____________ vNc
   /              \/    \/              \
  /  __.77_   __ .__ .__  __.7_  .    __ \
 /  (__lll__,(_/,l  'l  )(__ll__,l\_/(_/, \
/              ¯                       ¯   \
  __7_   __.7_   __   __ T¯¯ ._ _ ..__  __7
__) l__,(__ll__,(_/, (__)l¯  l ' )ll  )(__l
|:pROUDLY::|                               |
|:pRESENTS:|                               |

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :..................... aSM file_id.diz 2 |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :.................. none, did it for fun |\_\/_  _

   __                    .:·  /_/\ --  -
  _\/_     ..::::::::::.::·   \_\/-- - -
  \/\/  .:::::::·    .::·     ____  ____
_______::::::::::::.:::..    /    \/    \
\       ···:::::::::::::::::.\    \/    /
 \___    \    .....  ··::::::::         \
    ___  ..:::::::::..::::::::::         \
     ..:::::::···:::::::::::::·  \  /     \
aSM!__·:::::::    .·:::::::::    |\/|     /
  ____ ·::::::·    ·::::::· `vNc-'  |____/
  \  /   ·:::· giVES yA:

                                |¯¯ o
                       Some ascii's for bbs's

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :................................. ascii |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :................................ me? ;) |\_\/_  _

            ____/\_____         _ __  _______________
   _________\          | _____________      /       /
  /   _      \___\_____|/            /_____/_______/
_/   _/       \_ \      /     ______/_     |       |
\____\         /       /___          /     |_______|
      \_______/____   /   \__aSM!___/______|vNc
          /        \ /
         /          ¥

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :................................. confs |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :............................ ehmmm, me? |\_\/_  _

            _ __ _________             .::::' `:::
    _____________   __    \______      :::::____/\______
   /            /    /     \    _|____ :::::\          /
  /       _____/___________/     ¦   .:::::::.__ \____/_  ___
  \____         /         |___¦_       \::::    \      / /  /__
      \________/--/vNc/--     |________/::::          / /  // /_
   ____ _ __ ___ ________ _____________:::::_ aSM!_  / /__//_////..
   \                                  .:::::.      \/

  _  ____ .---------------\/----------------------------÷-----. ____  _
_ _ __/\_\|   nAMe   :............................. the scene |/_/\__ _  _
  _  _\/_/| reQ'd bY :............ yet another req'd by me :) |\_\/_  _

_ __ _______
           /_                                  ______
 _ __ ____////.                         ___ ___\    /_____ __  _   _
   ______________   ____________        \       \  /
   \      /     /__/_          /         \/------\/-- --  -
    \____/     /    /   /_____/_                   __
        l___|_     /___        /         ___/\  _ _\/_ _  /\___
            l_____/   \_______/               \/  \/\/  \/

              ____/\__________________________________    ____________
              \          /           /           /   _|__/           /
               \__ \____/_     _____/_    /_____/_    ¦   |   /_____/_
               /_ \      /___        /___        /_¦_     |__        /
   /\------------\      /   \_______/   \_______/  |      | \_______/--/\


                         Credz n' greet's n' stuff

                 /                                            /
            ---// Top of the world, ma'! Top of the world... //---
               /                                            /

                           __ ._  __  __7   __
                          (__ l '(_/,(__l __)
.--------------\/---------------------÷------------------- -----  ---  -- -
| Most of the ascii's was inspired by some of the artist mentioned in da
| greets. So have a check to see if ya name is in there... ;)
| The ascii's was made purely by FORCE... That is by all the elite bbs's,
| that demands that you either are a elite or know people that knows people
| that knows people etc etc... OR, that you'r an ascii artist.. So here it
| is.. Something to show up, and just maybe get in to a elite bbs (anyone
| givin' me a break now?? ;))....
| "I would like to thank the academy for giving me this oscar. And I would
|  like to say thanks to me mom, dad, the director..........." ;)
|                                           __
`-------------÷-----------------------------\/-------------- ---- --- -- -

                                \      /
                                \ \  / /
                                 \ \/ /
                                  \  /

                           _ ._  __  __ 7_   __
                          (_)l '(_/,(_/,l_,__)
                           _)     ¯   ¯

.------------\/--------------------------÷----------------- ------ --  -
| ascii fly-outs:   TANGo/aC! <> Cyber Kid/?? <> Crusader/e^d
|                   vIETCONg/os! <> nUp!/p^a <> eLv!s/p^a <> yop/sx
| personal greets:  Kwon/dRc....... For all the "the c and s looks terrible"
|                   Sanctuary/???.. So howd'ya like 'em?? ;)
|                   Drooler/tpj.... Do ya think I still need some drool-made
|                                   ascii's, or are these ok?  ;)
|                   Maxx/aSM....... Come on and start yar base now...
|                   Mace........... For all the unintressted looks and yawns!
|                   Hydra/ins...... For the great DD.. Hope 1.14 will come
|                                   in a near future.. ;)
|                   and the rest of da boys n' girlz I've forgot.......
|                                            __
`--------------÷-----------------------------\/------- ---- ---  -- -  -

                                \      /
                                \ \  / /
                                 \ \/ /
                                  \  /

                            __ 7_   . T¯¬T¯¬
                          __)  l_,(_l l¯ l¯
.---------\/-----------------------------÷---------- ----  ---   --   -
| music:      juice! <> randall/suburban <> prodigy <> dax/ravebuster
|             counting crows <> pearl jam <> stone tempel pilots
|             alice in chains <> oasis <> tori amos <> and more...
| equipment:  a1200/030/6mb/810mb <> ced pro 3.5
| hrs spent:  two days ;( (should go faster I think)... ;)
| food:       day one: coca cola, kebab, yellow right, snacks.. ;)
|             day two: coca cola, hamburgers, yellow right, snacks.. ;)
| reached at: internet:
|                  bbs: ChaoS ³¢³ +46-8-7108841 (sysop/vince)
| fight:      the power, facism, racism, abuse and injustice
| preserve:   friendship, peace, justice, love and understanding
|                                         __
`---------------÷-------------------------\/-------------- --- -- - -  -

                          7_ 7_  __    __ ._  _7
                          l_ l )(_/,  (_/,l )(_l
                                 .æ¥æ.        :
                                ( o o )
                                   ^          ·
                                  |||         .

     ««[e][o][c]»» [e]nd [o]f [c]olly

                             Sat Sep 16 11:46:45 1995

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·