File Archive

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File size:
38 050 bytes (37.16K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:22
Download count:
all-time: 536


      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\

                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
__\\\\\___   \         __/_\\  ____/___       _/_\\ ____/_\\.__   /_\\___   /__
\    _______/                  \/          _/       __/  .   _/ _/  _______/  /
 \   \/      __   _____________________|__\\     ________|_ _\      \/       /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
|                haze/real - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real   /             |
|                                                                             |
|      your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm     |
|                                                                             |
|                           »» pc · amiga · c64 ««                            |
|                                                                             |

            ____                         /\
  _________|_  /__________              //\\       __ __ _   _
  \__     __/     \  - __/_             //\\·     /_/\ __  _   _
    /_____\|__|____\_______\      _/\_ /·   \     \_\/____  _  _
   _______________________________\__//      \ ___  _____ ________________
 _/   ____/  __  \_  ___/   ____/_    |_     |    |_     |_   ___/_    __/
_\___`   \  ` ____/ ` __)_ `     /     /     |    / |     /__`   \/    \
\________/      |________/______/_____/      |______|____/_______/______\
         |______|                 /ic!           \

first ascii colly from alex
more shit text in the end! =/

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : black listed /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

                          you are dead | meat phucking lamer
      .           .                   _|_  
                  .                    |  
      .   _____   :   ___  -[bLACK]             ____       ___ 
      .  _\_  (_______)  |_____________________/ __/_______|  |____
      : |  /__           |        __                          |   /
    ----|   /                                                    /----.
      . |__/    __________________/   _______________________\   \    :
          /____/                 /___/                        \___\   :
      .           .    :               .:.                            .
      .           .   .:.            .:::::.                  
      :                :           .:::::::::.  [LiSTEd]-             .
      :  ___     _:____     ____ .::::::: ___ :.__      _____ aLEx  ____
     ____)  |_______  (_____\ _/__________\  \   /______) _ /_______\   \
    |       |                \__             ___/        __/         \   \
    |                                                                     \
      .                                                               :
      .                                                               .

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : phunky shit  /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 


    .___________:_                                      .                .
    |           :    [ yOU cALLEd pHUNKY sHit ]         .
    |      _________ ____              ___.___     ___  :
    |      \       / \   \____    ____       _____/  /_ | ______         .
    |  _____\_/   /___\   \  /___|    \______\   /  /   |   |   \        .
    |  \       __/               |     \         \  \   |        \       :
    :   \_______________\  _____________\  _______\__\  |______|  \      .
    :                    \/              \/              /_________\   .
    .     .......           [pHUNKY]                                     :
          :          ____     ____            [sHit]  _____            . :
    .  :__|__:.  ____\ _/_____\   \____     __________\   /__ aLEx      .:
       :  |  :   \    \_       \   \  /_____\__        \   _(___        .:
       .  :  .    \                           |                /      . .:
          .        \_____________\  __________________________/       ..::
       .     .                    \/                                . .:::
                                                                  .  .::::
          .                                    .  .   ... .. .. . ..::::::

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : comment      /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

                           .                        .......
                           .     tOMBSTONE COMMENt  :     :
            .____  .__    _:-:..................          : aLEx
 ...........:   | .--'    '                    :..........:
 :      ___     :_|       _____  _____    ____      ___     ____
 :...  /  /____________  /    / /    /____\ _/______\  \____|  (__
      /  /     __      \//   /\//   /      _|        \      |   _/__ 
     /                 \/   / \/   /|                \\             \
    /________________   \__/  /___/ | ______________  \______________\
                     \______________|               \__\      
                                    :  [cOMMENt]
                 :.                 .


       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : bulls        /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

          .                  .
          .                  .
          .                  .            .       .   . . ............
          |                  |            |                          :
        _____ [bULLS] ____   :    ___     :  ___            ____     :
       _\_  (_________|  (________)  |_______)  |___________\ _/__   :
      |  /__          |              |          |            \_   |  :
      |   /                          |          |                 |  :
      |__/    ____________________________________________________|  :
        /____/                                                       :
                      |      |            |                    aLEx  :
          |           :      .            .                 :.    .  :
          .           .      .            .             . . .::..::.::
          .           .                   .                    .::::::
                             :............:        .  . . ....::::::::

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : alex         /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

        [aLEx]        ___        _____       ____
       _______________)  |_______) _ /_______\  /______
       \   __            |        __/         \       /
        \                |                     \     /
         \__/   _____________________________/______/
           /___/                            /

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : main menu    /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

             ____       ___.-| __..         ___         __ |-.__..
       _.-.__| |         |   |-|             |           |-'     |
     [$] Global Mail Stats   [J] Join Conferences [G] Goodbye/Logoff      
     [E] Enter Message       [D] Download Files   [RL] Relogon to System   
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     [C] Comment To Sysop    [A] Alter File Flags [B] Bulletins           
     [CF] Select Conferences [Z] Zippy Scan Files [O] Operator Page       
     [SENT] Edit Sentby      [V] View Text File   [M] Ansi Graphics       
     [OPEN] List Doors Avail [N] New Files Scan   [W] Edit Setups         
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     [REQ] Request file      [FR] File Reverser   [X] eXpert Mode         
     [ADDBBS] add ya board   [FS] Global FileStat [ORDER] Order Ascii..   
               |         |    ........-'     |    |              |
               :_______  :....:   _________  :    :  ______ aLEx :
         ____  /      /_________________  (________ /     |_     :
         \   \/      /     __                      / _    | \    :....
          \   \_____/                             /__/       \
     ....  \________________/   _____________________________( 
        :                  /___/
        :......:     _.-'          :              |-._,....

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : main menu    /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

                    _______          ______        _____
     ....    ______/      /_____________  (_______/ _  |_       ....     
     :       \     \_____/   __                  /__/  | \         :    
     : [mAiN] \_______________/  _________________________\ [mAiN] :    
    [$] Global Mail Stats   [J] Join Conferences [G] Goodbye/Logoff      
    [E] Enter Message       [D] Download Files   [RL] Relogon to System   
    [R] Read Messages       [U] Upload Files     [L] List Users           
    [C] Comment To Sysop    [A] Alter File Flags [B] Bulletins           
    [CF] Select Conferences [Z] Zippy Scan Files [O] Operator Page       
    [SENT] Edit Sentby      [V] View Text File   [M] Ansi Graphics       
    [OPEN] List Doors Avail [N] New Files Scan   [W] Edit Setups         
    [WHO] Who's Online      [F] Files Menu       [S] User Statisitics    
    [REQ] Request file      [FR] File Reverser   [X] eXpert Mode         
    [ADDBBS] add ya board   [FS] Global FileStat [ORDER] Order Ascii.    



@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ        _______________
    ____\             /____
__  \  __ ASCii COLLY __  /  __
:                             :
:  ascii collection made by   :
: alex in 1997... first ascii :
:     colly made by alex      :
:         ____     ___  __ __ :
:_________\ _/____/ _/________:
|          \___               |
|  __                         |
|   /                         |


       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : nibbles      /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

              ________  _____  _____   _____     _____    _____
        _____/  (_____)_\_  (__\_  (___)   |_____) _ /____\  _/___
        |   /            /__    /__        |      __/      \___  |
        |  /                               |                     |
        |_/     _________     __     ___________________________a|Ex
         /______|       /____/ /____/

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : not4ya!      /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

             ___          ___  :
       _____/  |__________\ (  |_____
       |   /        __     ____|   a|Ex
       |  /                 |       |   
       |_/     ______________________________
                   ______________  [nOt4yA]-
                   |            /__________________
                   |           /        __        |
           _______________    __________ /  _____ |
                     /_______/          /__/      |


       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : wares        /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

        ____ [wARES]                 _____        _____       ____
       /   /_________________________\_  /________) _ /_______\ _/__
      /   /             __            / /          __/         \_   \
     /   /\                             \                            \
    /____/\\      _______/   _______ \   \____________________________\
           \______\     /___/     a|Ex\  /

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : internet     /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

         ____          ___   ___  :    _____    ____
        ______________/  |___\ (  |____) _ /____\_ /______
        |            /        ____|    ___/      / \   a|Ex
        |           /          |                _   \   |
        |__________/     ________________________\  /_  |
                  /______|        ___  _____ ___  \/ |  :
                            _____/  |__) _ /_\ (_____|  .
                            |   /      ___/   ____      .
               [iNtERnEt]   |  /               |        :
                            |_/     ___________|________|
                             /______|          |

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by Lazorus in 1997     _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : x-raid       /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

         ::                       ______________        
         :                        |             
          .                       |             
           .       ____  x-rAid  _____       ___  ________
            . _____\  /__________\_  /____________\      |
             .|     \             /              | \___  |
              |      \              __  __       |       |
              |___ /_______________  /___/  _____|      a|Ex
                . /                \/   /__/     |       |
                 .                |              |       :
                  .     .         :              |       .
                   .  .:::.       :              |
                    .:::::::.     .              :       .
                              .   .              .
                                  .              .

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : system expr. /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

        ____           ____     _______     ___________________
     ___\ _/___________\ _/_____\     /_____\ _         __    /
     |   \__            \__     _\  _/        \____   \/     /       
     |                       _  \________       \  \   \____/
     |___________    ________|          |________\  \___\          
             /_______\       |                         
                             :   SYSTEM EXPRESS       
                 ______   ____    ______    ____________    ____  ____
                _\  _ /___\  /____\_ _ /____\_       _ /____\ _/__\ _/____
                |  __/     \       / _/      /      __/      \__   \__   |
                |           \     /            __                        |
               a|Ex______ /______/      ______  /________________________|
                         /      /_______\     \/                          

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : rules        /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 
        ________.   ___.   ______ ____     
      __\_      |___)  |___\  _ / \ _/_____
      |  /      |      |     __/   \__    |
      |    __          |     \            |
      |___  /__________|      \__________a|Ex
          \/           |
             [rULES]   |


       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by _Baphomet in 1997   _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : nocturnal de./___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

         ___                _______  ._____  _____      __       ____
   _____/  |____________    \     /__|    |__\_  /_____/ |_______)  |_____
   |   /      __       /_____\   /   |        /       /             |    |
   |  /             __/      _\      |          __   /      __      |    |
   |_/     _______       __  \_________________  /__/    ____/  _________|
    /______|     /______/ |                    \/  /_____|  /__/
       nOCtURNAL     _______ ______   ____  ___   _____    ______
                     \     |_\  _ /___\ _/________\_  /____\  _ /___
           dESiRE    _\_       _______ \__         /         __/   |
                    / _/          |  |               __            |
                   /______________| a|Ex____________  /____________|
                                  :                 \/

       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by aLEx in 1997        _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : enter        /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

     ______ pUSH-  ___      _______   ______    ____                 
   __\  _ /_______/  |______\     /___\  _ /____\_ /               
   |   __/       /          _\  _/      __/      / \               
   |   \        /        _  \_______    \           \             
  a|Ex_________/      ___|         |______________  /         
              /______|   | eNter-                 \/


       _____                               ___________ 
    ___\_  /                               \_________/ alex 1st colly!
    |   /   Eqested by radicat in 1997     _)(_____|________
    |     __                              _\__  _______ _ _/
 __ :  __  / logo desc.   : elite maa    /___(  \' ___/_/_/
    .    \/  collection   : alex 1st    / )____  \/__/_/_/
    .                                  /__________/ | '/'
                                      --'|        __:_/ 
    .         _                          |       _| .
               \_________________________|       '  .
    .                                    | 

         ______  ____  ___  _______     ____________________
    _____\  _ /__)  |_______\     /_____\  _         __    /_____________
    |      __/      |       _\   /         _____   \/     /             |
    |      \        |     _ \__________    \    \   \____/  __    __    |
   a|Ex___________________|           |_____\    \   \  /____/  __ /  __|
                          | eLitEmAA-             \___\     /__/  /__/

 that was all for this time! =/ check out for more ascii colly's by alex
 in the future!.... I promise there will be more...

 check the latest collys on alex board +46-371-14601 
 open 22-7 in swedish times! =).... sure...

 greets to : iCE - for tha nice ascii inspiration..
             SIMS - another ascii&ansi designer!
             cASE - hav'nt seen you around...
             enterprice - tombstone member!..
             all other guys! - sEE yA around!

             and the last thing tHE pRODiGY RULES! =)
             get there albums and enjoy the cool music!...........



                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
__\\\\\___   \         __/_\\  ____/___       _/_\\ ____/_\\.__   /_\\___   /__
\    _______/                  \/          _/       __/  .   _/ _/  _______/  /
 \   \/      __   _____________________|__\\     ________|_ _\      \/       /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
|                haze/real - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real   /             |
|                                                                             |
|      your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm     |
|                                                                             |
|                           »» pc · amiga · c64 ««                            |
|                                                                             |

      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
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