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23 215 bytes (22.67K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 410



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                   --  --+-----+------------- -----   ---
                        : tHURsdAy ->> saturday  
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                          >>>  !cOMPo tiME! <<<
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we dreamt the year 2o11, low pro was kicking asses within the blink of an eye.
but that's just one of the shining lights we do celebrate. this time we gather
ed again zefyros rollin already when nobody else felt the call. "thursday is s
oon", he said, set down on the table, putting on some good old schellak,  turn
on tune in drop out, he just thought. there is no raztaman vibration, yet!
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      ..                        ,:.
    .::.'.                    .:::::.
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                 i have no raztaman vibe :
                     .        ......     :
                         .     ___ __     _____    ___ __     _____
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     .   .           )   .   \   |/    _   :/    _  _//    _   :\__/_ ) )) )
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              ::: :::::       :::::: .'  \\___\/      \\___        \
               ::: :::         `::::' zfr `---\_______/`---\_______/

       output of!          !2o81fakedes!gn
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spot went on. sharing the virtual way his process. zefyros, already started th
inkin' about matches. about three men... on a boat. i read that before. "there
is only three to come. well, well...", he mumbled. "hey pal", so spot saying o
n the corner to the hallway smilin...
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     ___ ___\    :      |      |     |_/     /     /         /___ ___   

       output of!          !2o81fakedes!gn
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and with some minutes delay to that particular moment, dipswitch, knocking the
still opened door, a bottle of good bear called "bier" in his left hand. the d
isk containing his newest creation. waving with a smile, zefyros turning aroun
d switching on the monitor of the a4060. "in the disk", he pointing at dipswit
ch. "hopefully you got the lighter my friend, coz without..."
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     .___     .___    __.     ____.   .___    _. _____ .___    .___
  .__|_ /___ _|_  \_ /  |___ /    |_ _|_  \_ _\|/    /_|_  \_ _|_  \_.
  |  _/    //  /   //__    //      //  /   // \/   _//  /   //  /    |
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  |_ /   _     _   /  _   \    _  _    _     _      _       _  /    _|

       output of!          !2o81fakedes!gn
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shoes to the basket. music a little louder. "didnt zito mention some bass guit
ar?" spot asks. "yeah, i do remember, but ask a child for the time, my friend.
.." dip nodding with a questionable smile.  "you know where. and you are going
to tell, otherwise..." spot getting up with a freightening kinda smile. "other
wise?" zito in the doorway. a loki where other wear trousers & a guitarbag.
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                    ,                      : let jah music clean our mind
                    :                      | mamma  ganja  connecting  to
                   .:.                     : and smile baby, smile for me
          :       .:::.                    . when we catch our ride home!
         :::.     :::::                    |                            
        :::::     :::::             .      | for bob, that one           
         ::::.   .::::::        .:::.      |
tried to draw an extraterestrial:big:blunt.|when i built one for real the fake
reality dissolved infront of my:eyes...late unfitting logo with spirit inside!
   :::::.   :::: :::::::   .::::::      .  :                             :
_ __|_:::____:::__:::::__.:::::______.:::._|_ _____ __________________ __|_ __
    |_____    ____     _______   ______   ____   ____        ____   __   |
  __\     \ __\   \_ _/      /_ _\     |__\   \_|_   \____ __\   \_|  \__|__ 
 |  /     /|   \   \|  _____/  |  \____|   \   \| \   \   |   \   \|   \    |
 |__\     \l___/    \_/________l_______|___/    \__\___\__|___/    \____\   |
    |\_____\  /_____/                  z!o/_____/            /_____/     \__|
    |         . ,_______   _______  _______  ,___     .  ______  ,______ |
 ---+/______)-|-\_______}-|------{-|-------)-)_______-|-(______)-)      )+-- -
    :      .:::.  :::::    :::..           :                             |
          ::::      ::       ::            |                             |
    .  already fallen:in love, thank you paja mamma for the winter time! :
       music, people,:green in eyes in views, ideas of paradise, smilin' .
                    ::                     |
                    ::                     | evry need got an ego 2 feed
                     :                     :
                     :                     .

       output of!          !2o81fakedes!gn
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"huhu, we are all in, aren't we?", zefyros grining. "but i have a feeling it i
s still not the time to enlighten this little piece of rollin'art to give us a
pleasure of reconnection to the mother in quick time." "cheers,  i say,  there
is time to spend a lot... wanna play a little superfrog, zito?" "ah,  you  got
me! ...huh, that song got a nice bassline..."
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:::::...                                      /
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::::::::::::                       _ __:__//////-----. ____:__ _
:'      ``:::                          | /            `"   |  |
            ::                         |                   |  :
             ::                        |                   |  '
              ::      .:      _..      |    _              |  '
       ....    `:.__.:::.__.:::::::.   |__.'| rastaman     |
    .::::::::. _____________    _______ ______________  ___|
   .::::::::::.\            |  /      / \             `.
  .:''        `:`._________ | /______/ : \______________\ _
 .'    _        :  ______  ||/_______  |____  _  _______|\ |
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                                    .  |                   | .
                                    :  |           _.   _  |
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                                       :  \\\\\\\____.'    :
                                           " \

       output of!          !2o81fakedes!gn
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"hey alter, ehrm... we were just playin around, scour. late man", zito with ey
es open wider than a policemen would need to detect something unusual. "late m
y ass, douchebag", with one jump on the couch where there was no place left be
fore. "wanted to turn to the floor anyway", zito changing places. "now it is t
ime!", zefyros stated. "lighter, matches..." "and 5 man on a boat..." they joi
ned together. "forget about the votes",  dipswitch smirking "we know who is th
e best in here anyhow!" spot, getting up the spotty freightening kinda way wis
pering like the joker told him "do we?"                                                      suspicious?scour9zito7spot4dipswitch4zefyros3causedbysillyideaofcompetitiontherebyitsnoneasabysalreadysloganed...
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         !                                                          !
         ! spot's stay unfinished, dipswitch and zito had some good !
         ! talks. it was nice meeting each one of you guys. thanks! !
         !   n   o   w   o   p  e  n  u  p  f   o   r   t   h   e   !
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ         .

sAtURdAy cOMPo #2 - raztaman vibrations ascii art competitions
 *doublefixed version in case anybody*
noticed the series of faux-pas' caused!
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                   --  --+-----+------------- -----   ---
                        : sAtURdAy ->> monday themed...  
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                          >>>  !positivity! <<<
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                               !          :


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