File Archive

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File size:
94 726 bytes (92.51K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:21
Download count:
all-time: 495


 .                   this file has been frozen inside                     .
 :                            ____ _|_ __                                 :
 :                             \/  \ / \/,                                :
 : ______    ______    ______  ____      _____     ______   ______  ______:
 __) _  (____) __ (____)  _ (__)  (__  __)   /_____) ___( __)  _ (__) _  (__
/    /    _     (   _      __     __/_/   _ /   _   __(__/      __    /    /
\___/    /\____    /\___/   \____ (   \___/    /\____   _____/   \___/    /
 :  )___/gdm-)____/    /____/  )______/  /____/    )____/lkr/____/   )___/:
 :                 _                                    _                 :
 :         -   - -)_)- P ·  A  ·  L  ·  A  ·  C  ·  E -(_(- -  -          :
 :                                                                        :
 `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------'

    _::_   3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac    _::_
     \/      4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet       \/

 motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · dreamchart · hoodlum dkhq
 style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter!
    save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq

                 .   -  -  board dedushka-morozes  -  -   .
                 :                                        :
    zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · deliveryman
         ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg
                 :                                        :
                 . -^-  - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- -  -^- .

                 .                                        .

__________________________ ___ __ _         _ __ ___ __________________________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯      ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯




























                       fIRSTLY uPLOADED bY tHE aUTHOR tO:
                         tHE pUB (mY vERY oWN hOME bBS)
                                  eNDLESS PAIN
                                   eVIL MOON
                             cRAZY dEMOLITION sQUAD
                                 aGE oF tRANCE
                                 pUNISHMENT iNC
                                            _ __________________________ _.
                   ______                                              //_|
   __________ ____ \____/  _____ ________                                 .
  .)      __/    /_______ /     |_    __/___      ·hERE hE CoMEs LikE     |
  |      _/     /       //      _/   _/     |   AN ExPLodiNG MothERFuCk·  |
  |______|____________  //______|___________|                             .
               Mo!/aL-\/                                F·L·i·7·E         |

                     O · F     N · O     G · R · O · U · P

                           A · N · Y · M · O · R · E


                     |                                   |   sTZ!/sE
  _  ________  ______  ______ ______    ______ ________ _____  ______
  \\ \   _   \_\__   \_\__   \\    /___ \__   \\  ._   \\    \_\    /___
   ¯_/   /___/   /  _/.  /___/_____    \  /___/   |/   /     _/_____    \  _
    \______\\____\____|________________/__________|   /______| /________/ //
                     .                           /_____/ .                ¯
                                 . __
                                   \/ .
                                  ·  __


        ·D· ·I· ·F· ·F· ·E· ·R· ·E· ·N· ·T·     ·S· ·T· ·Y· ·L· ·E· ·Z·


   \  _/           ______
  __\/______ ______\_   _\_______________________.  __
  \     \   Y___ \____   ____//___     /  ____/  |-_\/_--TRE!--------------.
   \_____\____\/    /\  __\_____\`----/__________| \/\/                    |_
          ·   /____/  \  /                                                 \/
          :            \/    .t.h.e. .p.r.e.f.a.c.e.                       |
          :                                                                ¦
          :                                                                :
          :                                                                :
 .........·............ .... ... .. .                                      .
:   This colly is not a real  one as i                                     .
:   have not the time to  keep  up  my   .
:   work`o-holic like ascii  work  (as   .
:   i`m coding many doors at da moment   :
:   for /X and some CLI based tools).  ..:..
·.....................................:..·  :
                                      :   ..:.......... .... ... .. .
                                         :   As time  played  bad with me 
                                         :   and my friends in CS! i must
                                         :   announce that  i`m  free  in   .
                                         :   the ascii biz again. If  sum    
                                         :   groups need another peep who   .
                                         :   may do some asciis from time   .
                                         :   to time, lemme  know!          :
                                       ..:                  Sorry Zaphod!   :
                                      :  ·..................................·
        . .. ... .... ................:     :
        Limitatins: I won`t join SUKMAS, :
                    ARSE-KICK-NESS or    :
                    any other "wE ARE    :
                    THE fuCKiNG elITE"   :
                    talking groups.      :
 . .. ... .... ..........................:
                                Within this colly i don`t want  :
                                to  try  to place my arse into  :
                                the  world  of >> MOST POPULAR  :
                                AND  MOST RESPECTED ARTISTS <<  :
.   .  . . .. ... .... ........ instead  i  want  to  give  my  ·.........
                      :         friends  and  some respectable  ·
                      :         groups  some  work of mine for  .
                      :         their    use    within   their
                      :         collections     or     similar  .
                      :         productions.
                    :   :                                       .
                    :..::::            ........... ... .. .  .   .    .
                      :::::            :
                      :                :   If  you  think  this  colly is
                      ·.............. .: . lousy  short  ..   Well  ..  i
                                       :   just     made     logos    for
                                       .   RESPECTABLE   groups  not  for
                                       .   thus oNE DAY LIGHTS!



                               ______\_ _/______
                       )__ ._______________________.___(
                    .....)_| | ¦  :    ^    .  : | |_(.....
                    :      | | : _:    .    .  . | |     _:
  ________.   ______:   ___|_|__/ ¦____¦____:____|_|____/ |__.  ____.
  \    ___|__/.  ._  \./  ._  \. _.__|_\_ _.   /  ._  \. _.__|_/ ___|____.
   \   \|     |  |/   |   |/   |  |/   |  \|__/   |/   |  |/ ._\_____    |
.cRb\__ l_    |_ l    |___|    |_ l_   |__ l  |___|    |_ l  l____ l/    |
       \______| \_____|   |____| \______| \_______|____| \______| \______|e^D.
                    :                                     :

    nR  lOGO sHOWS                     mADE fOR                      sTATUS
    ·01· aGE oF tRANCE                  cOLUMBIA                     rEQUEST
    ·02· eLTECH                         dEVISTATOR                   rEQUEST
    ·03· mOGUE                          mOGUE!                       rEQUEST
    ·04· mO!                            mOGUE!                       rEQUEST
    ·05· eNDLESS pAIN                   mOGUE!                       rEQUEST
    ·06· sUKMAS                         nEMESIS                      rEQUEST
    ·07· hAT dIE wELT eINEN n2          hAUSFRAU                     rEQUEST
    ·08· dEFCON                         sMUDGE                       rEQUEST

      _ _/\
    ----_INFO ON CAUSTIC STYLES DEATH --------------------------------------

    ·09· pHAZE                          aNYBODY                         pHUN
    ·10· hIDDEN pOWER                   xAD                          rEQUEST
    ·11· lAST tRANSFER                  xTEC                         rEQUEST
    ·12· wHALE                          wHALE dUDEZ                     gIFT
    ·13· oMA                            oMA dUDEZ                       gIFT
    ·14· tWISTED                        tWISTED dUDEZ                   gIFT
    ·15· aRCLITE                        aRCLITE dUDEZ                   gIFT
    ·16· sHELTER                        sLAPSHOT                     rEQUEST

      _ _/\
    ----_sAD·CHART VOTE sHEET fORM -----------------------------------------

    ·17· sAVE oUR sOULS                 nEMESIS                      rEQUEST
    ·18· tOLPAN                         tOLPAN                       rEQUEST
    ·19· sILENT mOON                    tOLPAN                       rEQUEST
    ·2o· pOWERBOARD lTD.                cOUGAR & fRIENDS             rEQUEST
    ·21· rODONX                         dIABLO                       rEQUEST
    ·22· dIABLO                         dIABLO                       rEQUEST
    ·23· eVIL mOON                      cLYDE rADCLIFFE              rEQUEST
    ·24· mSGbASE dESIGN                 cLYDE rADCLIFFE              rEQUEST

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 01 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: aGE oF tRANCE        fOR: cOLUMBIA
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /         cOMMENT: nOT tHAT bAD ... lIKE iT sUMhOW
                    [-%-] ·a·G·E· ·o·F· ·t·R·A·N·C·E· [-%-]
                                                              _ _________
        _ ______                 _______ _        ________  __\\\  _____/
     .__\\\___ _\_. ________ _ __) ____///_.    __)__ _   \_)       _/
     |    ___///  l_) _ ___///_)    _\     |   |    ///            ¦
     |    \|          \\\_                 ¦   ¦                   :
     ¦                   |                 :   :                   . ÷f!
     : .....                               .   .
     . :::::
       :::  :      sLAVED sYSOP: cOLUMBIA
  _____       .            _ ______                 _______ _     _______ _
._)   _|_____. _______   __\\\___ _\_. ________   __)_ ___///_. __) ____///_.
|    ___/    l_\____  )__)   ___///  l_\____   \__)  \\\      l_)    _\     |
¦      |       _ __/         \|            |                              .:¦
:              \\\                         ¦                             .:::
.                                          :                            .::::
  nODE1: ++49-xxxx-xxxxxx (ISDN)       lOTSA hD sPACE fOR yOUR pLEASURE   ·::
  nODE2: ++49-xxxx-xxxxxx (ISDN)                                            ·
  nODE3: ++49-xxxx-xxxxxx (ISDN)       nICE cONFERENCES wITH sPLENDID fILES
  nODE4: ++49-xxxx-xxxxxx (ISDN)
  nODE5: ++49-xxxx-xxxxxx (ISDN)       fREE cC`s fOR hIGH sPEED tRADER

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 02 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: eLTECH               fOR: dEVISTATOR
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /    cOMMENT: mORE oR lESS oPEN eh?

                   :                                           :
                   :                                           :
              _____:                                __________ :
  _________ __)   _|____.              __________ __)   _____/_:     .______.
._)  _____/_)     \     | _____.     __)  ______/_)     )      l_____|      |
|    _\                 l_)    |_____)    _\                         |      |
|                  .          ____/                            .            |
¦                              |                                     |      ¦
:  .....           .                                           .     ¦      :
:  :::::           .                                           .     :      :
·..:::::. . .. .. .:..                                         :     .   ::::
   :::  :          :                                           :       ..::::
     :.:::         :      ____ ___               ___ ____      :     . : ::::
       :::         :     _\  _\\__| e·L·T·E·C·h |__//_  /_     :      ::..:
                   :     \\\/                         \///     :      ::: ÷f!
                   ·......... ... .. .   . .. ... ............·

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 03 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: mOGUE                fOR: mOGUE                  
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /    cOMMENT: tESTED A nEW oNE ...

                       :                               :
                       :           iT`z dA             :
                       :           __________ _        :     __________ _
            __ ______  :        ___) _ _____///_ __    :  ___)  __    ///_ _
    _ ______\// _   / _:________)    \\\__      \\/ .__:__)     |/___/    \\\
    \\\   _ \/ /    \_\\\__ _      ______        \__|        ______________\
_ ___ /    \  /__ __ _    ///      \ _  /__ _      /|        \ _ __ ___ __ _
 _ _//      \/  _ __ ______________///    _ __ _______________\\\\_))___ __ _
    /________\  \\\_\\__ ___ _ _         ///_//___ __ _: _ ÷f!
                       :                               :
                       :                               :
                       :        hITTIN` yA pHAZE       .
                       .                               .

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 04 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: mO!                  fOR: mOGUE!                 
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: mY fIRST tRY iN dOT! hANDMADE!

            .....        .::::.         .....    .
    .:::.  ::···::.    .:·   ·::       ::···::.  .
   ::· ·:: ::    ::  .:·       ::      ::    ::  ·..........................
   ::   :: ::   .:· .:·   .:::. ::     ::   .:·                             :
    ::  ·:.:·   :: .:·    :: :: ·::   .:·   ::            - mOGUE! -        :
  .::·   ·:·    ::.::     ·:::·  ::. ·::    ::.          ,,  .         .    :
 ::·      ·   .  ·:·              ::  ·::    ::     endle)) b|t(h of pa|n!  :
::    :.     :·                   ::    ·:::::      .                       :
::     :.   ::                   ::·  .....         |'am here to (hat ya!   :
::.÷f!.::  ::   .:.             ::· .:·   ·:.  .............................·
 ::. .:·: ::::.:· ::.         .:·   ·:.   .:· :
  ·::·  ::· ·:·    ·::......::·       ·:::·   .
        ·            ·······

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 05 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: eNDLESS pAIN         fOR: mOGUE!                 
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /     cOMMENT: mADE oNLINE bESIDE a cHAT

  ________  ______    _______   _____.    ________   _______   _______
 _) __   /__)___  \___\____  \__)  __|____) __   /___)  ___/___)  ___/_  _
|    /__/      /         |/        \         /__/   \___      \___     || | _
|_____________/    .___________________________________________________||_||_|
   ....... ... .. .  ___ __ _  _   _
   :               /\\__\\_\\\ \\  \\       [%] e·N·D·L·E·S·S - p·A·I·N [%]
   :     _________/  \    _____.  _______
   :   ._)___         \___)____|__)____  \__ ____ ___ __ _  _   _
   :__ | _ _/          \              /
 _ |  || \\\___                ._____/
|_||__||_____|/________________|    /_______ ___ __ _  _   _
   :............................................... ... .. .  .   .    .

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 06 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: sUKMAS               fOR: nEMESIS
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /        cOMMENT: sUCKS fOR sUKMAS

   [-%-] sUKMAS [-%-]
  ______ _     _ ____.       ._______   ____  ____   _ _______    ______ _  __
 _)  __///_____\\\   |_______|      /___\   \/   /___\\\___ _ \___)  __///__\/
| \______            |    _ _|              \/          __///     \______   \
|       |            |\   \\\_              /           \|              |    \
¦       .____________________|         ____/         ___________.       .____/
:       ¦                    |_________\  /__________\      ÷f! ¦       ¦
:.......: :::::                                                 :.......:
          :::  :   : :: ::: :::: ::::: :::: ::: :: :  :     dA  sUKk-mAZTAz

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 07 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: hAT dIE wELT EN2     fOR: hAUSFRAU
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: fIRST iN mY lATEST sTYLE ... LOOOONG!

              _____.    ______    ____.
         _ ___) _ _|____\__ _ \___)  _|___ _
          \\   \\\\_    __///        ____///
                   /    \|            |
        _ __ _____/_________________________ ___ __
       ________   ____.  ________
_ _ ___)____   \__)___|__)  __   \__ __ _  _
          |/          .     |/   /_
          /           |     /___////
 _ __ ___ _________________________ ___ __ _   .
                       _ _______ ________      .      ____.
                  _ ___\\\     (_)  __   \     : _ ___)  _|___ _ __ _  _
                          \         |/   /_    |         ____////
                         _/\_       /___////   |_ _       |
                    _ ____/\____________________////____________ ___ __ _
      ________     ____.   _______    ________      _______
  _ __)  __   \____)___|___)____  \___)  __   \_____)____  \__.
         |/   /_              |/         |/   /_       |/     .
         /___////             /          /___////      /      .
   _ __ _____________________/       _________________/       :
                            /________|               /________|      :::.....
     _     _______    ________    ____.                                  :::::
    ///\___)____  \___)  _    \___)  _|___ _ ___ __ _  _         .:::::::::::·
              |/         /           ____////               pART ::   ::
              /                       |                          ::   :: :::::
    _ __ ____/       __________________________ ___ __ _  _      ·::::::::::::
     ______    ______    _______   _______    ______    _______    _______
 ____\__ _ \___\     \___)  ___/___)  ___/____\__ _ \___)____  \___)  ___/___ _
\\   __///      \        \____        \_      __///        |/         \_    ///
     \|         |\           |         /      \|           /           /
 \\_______________________________________________________/       ________ __ _

      ·h·A·T· ·d·I·E· ·w·E·L·T· ·e·I·N·E·N· ·n·O·T·A·U·S·G·A·N·G· ·-· ·2·

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 08 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: dEFCON               fOR: sMUDGE
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /     cOMMENT: olD! rAThER oLD!

          :     ·
          ¦     :            ._________
  ________¡___ _¦___________ |      __/___________  __________  __________
  \      ____///     __    /_|      |__)  _ _____(/\)____ _  (/\)____    /__
.--\     \|           /___/         ___   \\\           ///         /      /--.
¦   \       _________        _      ! \____        ____        ____/      /   ¦
¦    \_______)     (________/:      ¦    (________/  (________/ _ /      /    ¦
¦                            .      :                          ///______/÷f!  ¦
¦                                   .                                         ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                 __ _                                    _ __                ¦
`----------------=\//_) Sceptic /X Design UK Headquarter (_\\/=---------------'

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·


      _________                                              /  \
   ___\__     /   ________                _______          _/    \_
  /    _/____/____\__     \_ _____      _/   ___/____ _____\__   _/_ ________
 /     \       /   _/      /_\   /______\_____      /  _     /     /_\_     /
 \____________/   _       /     /     /      /     /   \____/     /  _/____/__
            \_____/______/    _/     /____________/     \ _______/   \       /
                       \____________/rpd!      /_________\     \____________/
         ________                    ______
       _/   ____/____ ________ _____/     /       ___________
    ___\_____       / _      /_\  _/     /______ _\_  ______/
   /        /      /  \_____/_____      /      /     _____/____
  /_______________/    \         /     /  ____/____  \        /
              /_________\_____________/   \       /__________/

This  Group  has  been shut down the last days and will NEVER be back with these
members.   As  ZAPHOD  was forced to quit the scene somehow by the ·T··· and the
contact to Satan`s Fire broke down, Mephisto quitted the scene, Starlight closed
his BBS, Ayres never called the WHQ and sma1!  is inactive since the beginning i
was the only peep beeing left in CS!.

          After about 1 year of fun and enjoyment i closed the doors.

   I`m on the dole now and need a new job .. if you can offer a place of work
                      in your group ... Try asking me ...

                       Signed ... fli7e / SAD^KLF^ex.CS!


                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                   |      ____             (_______________
                   '______\  /_    -jD!        ____        |
              .  _ _\      \/ /_____ _ ________\  /________`_   .
             /(__\\\ \     __/_\__  \\\\__    / \/ \    __///___)\
            /         \   _\    /    _    ___/_    _\____         \
            \  _______\   \\\_______//_______//____\\___________  /
             \(    .   \  /           ____                 .    )/
              `  . | _ _\/__   _ _____\  /_____ _ ______ _ | .  '
                /(___\\\__  \_ \\\__  \\//  __///    __///___)\
               /        _/  _/__  /    _    \   _\____         \
               \  ______\      /______//________\\___________  /
                \( .     \    /                            . )/
                 ` |______\  /_____      ·nAZ¡S^rAUS!·     | '
                           \/      )_______________________|


                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 09 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: pHAZE                fOR: aNYBODY                
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: nO cOMMENT!

        #####     #         ######
        ###   ###         #########
         #  ##   ##      ##########
           #       #     #########
          #         #     ###
          #         #   #     ###
         #           #  ######  #
         #           #  #       #           gONNA fUCK yOUR aSS tONIGHT
         #           #  #       #
         #           #  # #    #
          #       # #   ##  ###
          #         #     ###
           #       #
            ##   ##
     ####     ###       ###          #
       ####           ##   ##       #
          ###        #       #       ##
            ##      #         #     #  #
             ##     #         #    #
              ##   #           #  #
               ##  #           # ##
                ## #           # #
                  # #         #
                    #         #
                     #  ÷f!  #
                      ##   ##

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 10 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: hIDDEN pOWER         fOR: XAD                    
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /           cOMMENT: tEST sTYLE .. rEALY sUCKZ

      _____        ____       _____       _____
     |     |      _\___|     |     |     |     |
     | _ __|___  |     |  ___|__ _ |  ___|__ _ |  ________    _______
.....| \\\     \_|     |_/     /// |_/     /// |__\      /_ __\      \_......
:    |  \\\_     |     |   ___///  |   ___///  |  _ __  /  |   \__     |    :
:    |     /     |     |   \       |   \       |  \\\__/   |     /     |    :
:    |    /      |     |           |           |           |    /      |    :
:    |___/       |_____|___________|___________|___________|___/       |    :
:       /        |                                            /        |    :
:      /_________|                                           /_________|    :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:           _______     _______     ________    ________    _________       :
:         __\      \_ __\      \_ __\      /_ __\      /_ __\       /       :
:        |   \___    |   \_      |   \       |  _ __  /  |         /        :
:        | _ ___/    |    /      |   /\      |  \\\__/   |    ____/         :
:        | \\\       |           |           |           |     |            :
:........|  \\\______|___________|___/\______|___________|_____|............:
         |     |÷f!

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 11 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: lAST tRANSFER        fOR: xTEC                   
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /       cOMMENT: pD bAORDS gET pD sTYLE aSCIIS

.__\   |___. ______            _ ____.
|      |   |_\___  \_. ________\\\  _|____.
|___       | ___     |_\   __/__.   ___/  | |=-------------------------.
   (_______| \   ____|  \_____  |__  |    |                            |
         |_______) |______  |   | (_______| sYSgOD: xTEC               |
                         (______|                                      |
  ____.                       _ ______                                 |
 _\  _|____. ÷f!       _______\\\___  \_.         _ _________          |
|    ___/  | _______ __\___  \_.   /    | ________\\\ ______/          |
|__   |    |_\___  /__ ___     |__/     |_\   __/__.  ____/____        |
  (________|  __/    / \   ____| (______|  \_____  |   | ____ /_       |
         |____\     /______)          |______  |   |___| \___/  | _______
               \   /                        (______| |___       |_\___  /__
                \_/                                      \______|  __/    /
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      |____\     /
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        \   /
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    \_/
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |
- -- --- --------------------------------------------------------------'

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 12 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: wHALE                fOR: whALE dUDEZ
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: fIIIPP ... sAVE dA wHALES

                      :                       :
           _ _______  : _____.    ______    __:__.    ________  ÷f!
      _ ___\\\     (__:_) _ _|____\__ _ \___) .__|____)  __   \__ __ _  _
              \       .  \\\\_    __///       .\         |/   /_
             _/\_     .      /    \|          .          /___////
        _ ____/\______._____/_________________._________________ ___ __ _
                      :                       :
                      : sAVE tHE oNLY aSCII   :
                      :                       :
                      :        wHALES         :
                      :                       :
                      :                       :
                      :                       :

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 13 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: oMA                  fOR: oMA dUDEZ              
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /    cOMMENT: whERES dA gRANDPA?

                                     :                           :
                                     .  __                       :
                ____________      _ ____\/_____      _ ________  .
    _ __ ___ ___)  __       \_____\\\ _ \/ _  (______\\\___ _  \___ ___ __ _
   \\\\ \\  \\      /                  \  /            ___///     //  // ////
     __ _                               \/             \|              _ __
     \_ __ ___ _________________________/         .______________ ___ __ _/
                                     . /__________| ÷f!          .
                                     .                           .
                                     .                           :
                                     :                           :
                                    .·.                          :
                          . .. ....:   :.... .. .                :
                                   ·. .·                         :
                                     :                           :

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 14 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: tWISTED              fOR: tWISTED dUDEZ
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /    cOMMENT: leT`s dO tHE tWIST aGAIN

                                                          ... .. .  .   .
       ____. ÷f! _______  ____.   _______  ____.     _____:__     .____
   _ __)  _|_____\     (__)___|___)  ___/__)  _|_____)  __   \____|_ _ \__ _
 \ \\\    ____/   \           .   \____       ____/     |/   /   __///
           |     _/\_         |       |        |        /___/    \|
 _ __ ____________/\______________________________________________________ _
                    tWIST · tWIST · gUMMY tWIST         :   :
                   . .. ... .... .........................:

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 15 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: aRCLITE              fOR: aRCLITE dUDEZ
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: fOLLOW mE iNTO tHE lITE (lIGHT)

      ______    _______÷f!________ : _____.   ____.   ____.    _______   ·
 _ ___\__ _ \___)____  \__)  ____/_._)_ __|___)___|___)  _|____)  __  \____ _
 \\\  __///     _ _|/  /__   )        \\\                ____/    |/   /  ///
      \|        \\\      /                                |       /___/
 _ ________________\    /_______________________________________________ ___
                    \  /____ ___ __·_ ___ __ _  _   _    _     _         .
    /\·R·(·L·|·7·E   \//___//__//_////                                   .
                                   .                                     :
                                   .  cAN yOU sEE tHE gLOW aROUND uS ?   :
                                   :                                     :
                                   :            .............            :
                                   :             ·.       .·             :
                                   ·...............·.   .·...............·

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 16 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: sHELTER              fOR: sLAPSHOT
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: fEEL dA sUBBE iM ...

   ______    ____.    _______  ÷f!____.    ____.     _______     _______
 __) ___/____)_ _|____) __   \____) __|____)  _|_____) __   \____)____  \____
\\ \___       \\\_      |/   /_     \         ____/    |/   /_   _ _|/  /__ //
      |          /      /___////               |       /___////  \\\      / _
_ __ ___________/___________________________________________________\    /_//
                                                                     \  /

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                           SAD - BBS & RELATED CHARTS

    If you`re related in the AMIGA BBS SCENE (AmiExpress, Fame, Tempest etc)
   then you should spend some minutes to fill in the sheet below and send it
            back to the email stated at the bottom of this textfile.

             Your Handle       ____________________________________
             Your Group(s)     ____________________________________
             Your occupation   ____________________________________
             Your Email        ____________________________________

  _____ _
._) __
|   \/

       Best Door Coder          Best DOOR                Best SYSOP
       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          ~~~~~~~~~                ~~~~~~~~~~
       1)                       1)                       1)
       2)                       2)                       2)
       3)                       3)                       3)

       Best BBS Prog.           Best ISDN BBS            Best TELNET BBS
       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       1)                       1)                       1)
       2)                       2)                       2)
       3)                       3)                       3)

       Best BBS Allover         Best BBS Design          Best TRADER
       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          ~~~~~~~~~~~
       1)                       1)                       1)
       2)                       2)                       2)
       3)                       3)                       3)

                                                                          __  .
                                                                          \/ _|
                                                                      _ _____\

                          Place 1 will get 5 point(s)
                          Place 2 will get 3 point(s)
                          Place 3 will get 1 point(s)

    You are NOT allowed to Vote for yourself or any person of your group(s)
                            you`re affiliated with.

          You ARE allowed to vote for SAD members, boards, doors etc.

     The RESULT will be released as a textfile including VOTER LIST, CHARTS
                                and EMAIL LIST.

      If you put your EMAIL straight on top of this sheet and send it back
             you`ll get the charts directly to your very own email.

    This chart may help us finding out what YOU the BBS SCENE like most and
         so we may keep up the work we do to match your personal taste.

                 Signed ... Fli7e / SAD ... Doorcoder and Sysop


                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 17 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: sAVE oUR sOULS       fOR: nEMESIS
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: wRACK aTTACK oN hIGH sEAS

· . ·              .................................
.::::.:            :        ,         ,            :
:::.·::            :        )ave ()ur )ouls        :
:· .. ¦            :     ____________              :
:·  __|___ _    ___:__   \          /  ________    :
:  _)  __///____\__ _ \___\        /___)  __   \__ :_ _  _
¦  \____        __///                     |/   /_  ./// /
|     |/        \|                        /___//// .
|_____________________________  _________________ _._ __ _
                   :          \/   ________     ___:____    _______ ÷f!
                   :           _ __)  _    \____\  .   /____)____  \____ _
                   :         \ \\\    /          \ .   \    _ _|/  /__ /// /
                   :                             |\.        \\\      /
                   :         _ __ _________________.___________\    /_ _
       ______ _   _:______     ________     _____. :    ______ _\  /
_ __ __)  __///___)  _    \____\      /_____)_ __|_:____)  __///_\/__ _
\ \ \\\____          /          \     \      \\\   .   \____
         |/                     |\                 .      |/
  _ _______________________________________________._______________ __ _
                   :                               :
                   :                               :
                   :                               :

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 18 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: tOLPAN               fOR: tOLPAN
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: aS yOU wANTED tO ...

                                                   /\ ÷f!
         ____.     ________    _____.    _________/  \   _______
  _ _____)  _|_____)  _    \___)_ __|____)___         \__)____  \______ _
   \\       ____/     /         \\\      _ _/                /        ///
             |                           \\\___             /
 _ __ _______________________________________|/____________/________ ___ 

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 19 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: sILENT mOON          fOR: tOLPAN
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: aS yOU wANTED tO ...
· . ·
.::::.:                        ...................................
:::.·::                       :                                   :
:· .. ¦ ÷f!                   :      psssT ... sILENT moON        :
:·  __|___ _   ____.   _____. : _______     _______   ____.       :
:  _)  __///___)___|___)_ __|_:_)  __  \____)____  \__)  _|___ _ _: _  __
¦  \____                \\\        |/   /       /        ____////
|     |/                           /___/       /          |
|_____________________________________________/_________________ ___ __ __
                  _ ___  ___  : ________   ________     _______   :
              _ __\\\ _\/_ /__:_)  _    \__)  _    \____)____  \__:___ _
            \ \\\      \/          /          /             /        ///
                       /                                   /
           _  _  _ ___/       .___________________________/________ ___
                     /________|                                   :
                              ¦  mAN iN tHE mOON: tOLPAN          :
                              :  aSTROBOTS:                       :
                              :                                   :

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 2o [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: pOWERBOARD lTD.      fOR: cOUGAR
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: bEST wIShES fOR yoUR pROVIdER pLANS
      ______________    _______   _______    _______ _ __ ___ __ __ _
 _ ___)___      _   \___\     (___) __   \___)____  \\\\_\\__\\//_////
      _ _/      /        \          |/   /_    _|/  /__ _ ___ __ _
      \\\___            _/\_        /___///    \      ////
_ __ _____|/_____________/\_____________________\    /
                                                 \  / ÷f!
                       _____.   _______    ______ \/ _______     .____
              _ __ ____)_ __|___)  _   \___\__ _ \___)____  \ ___|_ _ \__ _
              \\\ \\    \\\___     /       __///       _|/  /__ __///
                            |/             \|          \      / \|
                _ _ ____________________________________\    /___________ _
                                            _ __ ___ __ _\  /_ __ ______
            _____.     ____.        .____  \\\\_\\__\\__ _\/__ ___ ____/
       _ ___)_ __|_____)  _|________|_ _ \__ _
      \\\\   \\\          ____/    __///
                           |       \|        ·p·O·W·E·R·B·O·A·R·D· ·l·T·D·
          _ __ _______________________________ __ _

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 21 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: rODONX               fOR: dIABLO
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: hE fORCED mE tO uSE tHIS sIZe!

               ________ ______     .____  ______  _______      _____
           _ __)___   /_)  _  \____|_ _ \_)  _  \_)____  \____|    /
           \\\   _/  /_    /      __///      /        /       |   /_
                 \    /           \|                 /              \
           _ _____\  /______________________________/         |______\
                   \/                              /__________|÷f!

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 22 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: dIABLO               fOR: dIABLO
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: hE fORCED mE tO uSE tHIS sIZe!

               .____    ____.  ______   _____.    _____.   _______
           _ __|_ _ \___)___|__\__ _ \__)_ __|____)_ __|___)  _   \___ _
              __///            __///     \\\___    \\\        /      ///
              \|               \|            |/                  ÷f!
            _ _  ____________________________________________________ _

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 23 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: eVIL mOON            fOR: cLYDE rADCLIFFE
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: hE fORCED mE tO uSE tHIS sIZe!

   . .. ... .... ..............
    [·] eVIL mOON [·]          :
              _ ____________ _ :   ÷f!
     ________ \\\          ///_:__.   _____.
_ ___)  __   \___\        /___)___|___)_ __|_____ _ ___ __ _
        |/   /_                        \\\      ////
 _ __ _______________  __________________________ __ _  _
                     \/        :
  .                _ ___  ___  : ________   ________     _______
               _ __\\\ _\/_ /__:_)  _    \__)  _    \____)____  \______ _
  .          \ \\\      \/          /          /             /        ///
  .                     /                                   /
  :         _  _  _ ___/       .___________________________/______ __ _
  :                   /________|
  ¦                            |
  ¦   dEVIL: xxxxxxxxxx        |
  |                            |

                   ..      ...:::::::··  ·:::·   ·::
                  ::::..:::::::··     ...          ::
                  ·:::::::         .:::·::         ::
                   ·::: :::     .::::· .:·  :.    .:·
                    ·:·  ::: .:::::·  .::   ::...::·::.
                          :::::::·   ::·:.   ·····   ·:.
                       .:..::::·    ::  ::.           ::tYLEZ
                     .::::::::      ::   ·:.         .:·
                    ·::::::::       ::.             .:·
                      ·:::::         ::.          .:·
                        ·:: iFFERENT  ·:::......::·

                                   -[%] lOGO nR.: 24 [%]-
                          /___________________________________ ___ __ _  _
_ __ ___________________//
                       //  lOGO: jUST mSG dESIGN      fOR: cLYDE rADCLIFFE
  dIFFERENT sTYLEZ    //__________________________________________ ___ __ _  _
  _ __ ______________//
                    /      cOMMENT: hoPE iT fIT`s yA nEEDS

   _ __ ___ __ __ _ .___   __ ..        __,  __,   __ .____ _ __ __ ___ __ _
  \\\\_\\__\\___ __ | | |.---|||    -- `---.|   ..---||   / __ ___//__//_////
                    |    `---'|`---    ----'`---'`---'`  /

              - -- ---[%] aLL cONFERENCES wITH sCANNED [%]--- -- -

        mY pERZONAL gREETINGS lIST           .::              ··::.
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          :·                  ··::.
                                            :                     ··:.
          mOGUE / aRCLITE ^ SaD             :         ..            ·:.
                                            :.      ·:.::..         ·.
              tOLPAN / oMA               .:·:::.      ·:. ··:         :.
                                         ·:  ··:        ·   ·:        .:
             hAUSFRAU / oMA               :.                 ·:    ..:·
                                           :.                 ·:::··
            rELiEF / tWISTED             :::.:.                 :.
                                         ·:  ::::......         :.
          dEVISTATOR / tWISTEd           :           ·······::..::
                                         :                    ·:.
                 aMBLIN                  :                     ·:
                                         :                      :
               sLIME / BP!              .:....             :..  :
                                        ::·····::...       ··::··
              dESOTO / M`s                        ··:.       ·:
                                             ...::..:::       ·:.
               tREaCH / C!                .::·     ··::.        :
                                         .:           ·:.       :
               sTYLEz / c!               :             :  ....:::
                                         :             ::··· ··:.
              pUNK / hEAD!              :            .:        ·:.
                                        :           ::          ::
             zAPHOD / Ex.CS!             :          ·:   .       :
                                         :           :   :.      :
             sMA1! / eX.cS!              ·:          ::  ··     .:
                                          ·::.       ::..      .:·
         sATAN`s firE / ex.cS!             ·::::... ..: ·::.. .::
                                           :·    ······    ·:::·
                 rAIDEN                    :                 ·:.
                                           :          :.      ·: ·:::..
                 cOUGAR                    :          ·:  :    ·:     ·:.
                                          .:          ·:  :    ::      ::
               h2o/Contra                .::.         ::  :    :       :·
                                         :···:.        :  ·   .:      .:
                                        ::    ···::...::.   ..:·     ·::...
                                        :                 ···            ··:
                   AND                 ::                                  :.
                                       ::          .:::...                 ::
                    2                  ::          ·:..:····.        .::...:·
                                        ::          ·:      ::       :·
                   ALL                  ::.         ·::      :       ::
                                        :::......::::::.     ::...  .::
                   WHO                  ::            ·:.    :. ······
                                        :             . :.    :
                rEQUEStED               :             :  ·    :
                                       ::             ::     .:
                   SUM                 ::             ·:     ::
                                        ::.           ::.    :·
                  aSCII                  ···::..      ::··:::·
                                               ··::.  ::
                    !                              ·::::

                                                            _. cDr/e^d
      _______  _______  _____  _______ _______ _____   ____/_|_  _____
   ___\_    /__\_    /__\  _/__\_    /_\_    /_\  _/___\ _   _/__\  _/___
   \  _/   /    /___/   _\      /___/   /___/     \     \/   |   _\     /

                       mO!  t0!  h2o  rLF  dVS  dS!
                      dTO!  gEM  jD!  hF!  tRE!  sYz

                               AND NO ONE ELSE!!!
       _________   ______  ____    ____    _____   _____   ______  ____  :
     ._) _   _  \__) ___/__) _/____) _/__._) _  \__) _  \__) ___/._) _/__.
     |   |   |   |   _/__\____   \____   |   _   |  _|___/   _/__|____   |
     |___|   |   __  |   __  |   __  |   ____|   __ \_   __  |   __  |   |
   sYz   `---|___| \_____| \_____| \_____|   |___| \_____| \_____| \_____|

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
mOGUE:       |//
             ¦  Hey Chris ... Was machen meine Designs fuer den MS?

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
tOLPAN:      |//
             ¦  Na hat ja nu doch noch geklappt eh?

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
hAUSFRAU:    |//
             ¦  Hmmm .. dann nimm das Ascii halt fuer HDWEN Teil 3 ...

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
2fAST:       |//
             ¦  Bist schon so`n richtiger arrogantling eh? Und Feige auch
             :  noch oder wie? Naja wenn du nich gegangen waerst waerst du
             .  warscheinlich eh geflogen. Besser so fuer dich.

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Scandic:     |//
             ¦  Penner sterben nie aus, wa? Hast auch weniger Freunde als
             :  du denkst.

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Axe:         |//
             ¦  Sagmal Micha, is dein modem im Dutt oder wo bleiben deine
             :  calls?

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Strider:     |//
             ¦  Siehe oben. Auch modem im arsch?

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
h2o:         |//
             ¦  Na Kunkel .. das mit deinem BBS und dem ganzen drumm rumm
             :  is ja echt FINZTA --- so wie du zu sagen beliebst!

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Slapshot:    |//
             ¦  Da da dank ich aber auch fuer das HQ .. hehe ... Hoffe
             :  du kanst das ascii brauchen da oben in der colly.

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Marodeur:    |//
             ¦  Jop ... Shelter mate!

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Devistator:  |//
             ¦  Hope you get this colly like it is! Gimme a short email
             :  if you`ve received and attach my requested asciis to it!

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Relief:      |//
             ¦  Hi master bitch of ascii ... How are things going! We need
             :  to talk some shit out again soon ... Ehm lost ya email
             .  please gimme that thingy back.

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Smudge:      |//
             ¦  Hey Dean, how is FIDE PRO running? All bugfree? Haven`t got
             :  any bugreport from your side yet.

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Sonny:       |//
             ¦  Same as smudge + How are things hoing in uK? Are you still
             :  running mad on the german football fans? hehe

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
Marc Panther:|//
             ¦  Have you received my postage sending?

             ._ ___________________________________ ___ __ _  _   _    _
aLL aRTISTS. |//
             ¦  If you have the time please do me the following asciis:
             .  Flite, The Pub, SAD, Shelter, Keen Like Frogs ...
                If you do ansi and/or animation then please do ascii &
             .  anim/color ...

                                                         ::·    .:.
                         ......                         ::·   .:::::..:
                      .:::::::::                  ...:::::  .:::··:::::·
 |   ..:::..   ::.::·       :::::::··  ·:::. .:::·    :::.::·      :·      |
 |  ::::··:::. ::::        :::::::      ::::.::·      :::::·       ...     |
 | ::::·    ·:::: .:     .::·::::  . ..::::.::·      .:::::    ..::··:::   |
 | ::::       ·· ::: ..::·· :::::.·······..:::     .::.:::  ..::·     :::  |
   ·:::       ::··::::.....::··            ·::::··     ·::·  ·:::....:::   :
    ·:::     ::·  ::: ·····                                    ··:::::·dto/m's
     ·:::...:::   :::
       ··::::·    :·

          fIRST fLI7e aScII .................................. mOGUE!
          iNtRO aSCII ........................................ tREACH
          cONTENTS asCII ................................. cROMBACHER
          nAZIS rAUS aSCII ............................. jACK dANIELZ
          cREDITS aSCII ..................................... dESTOTO
          BIIIG Greets aSCII ................................ bASTARD
          rESPECTS aSCII ................................... cRUSADER
          mESSAGES aSCII ..................................... sTYLEZ
          tHE eND aSCII ....................................... U-Man

                        aLL oTHER aSCIIS bY fLI7e/ex.cS!

        fULL oF bOARDS ... uSE tHE lIST bELOW tO gET iN cONTACT wITH mE.


                           There are SAD boards only

                    .:::::.                          .::::::::.
          .       .::·   ·::          .:::::.        ::.     ·::     .
                 .:·       ::       .::·   ·::       .:·       ::
          .     .:·        ::      .:·       ::     .:·    :::  ::   .
               .:·  :.    .:·     .:·   .::. ::.   .:·    :: :: ·::
          .   .::   ::...::·::.  .:·   :: ::  ::  .::    .:·  :: ::. .
          .  ::·:.   ·····   ·:..::     ·:·   ::.::·    .::   ::  :: .
          . ::  ::.           ·::·             ·:·      ::·  ::   :: .
          : ::   ·:.                   .:                :::::   ::· :
          : ::.             .::.       ::      .::.             ::·  :
         _:  ::.          .:· ::.     ::·     ::·::.          .:·    :
        _\¦_  ·:::......::·    ::.  .:::.   .:·   ·:::......::·      ¦
          \/     ·······        ·::::· ·::::·        ·······         ¦
          ¦                                                          ¦
          `- -= [ Sceptic ] =---= [ AmiExpress ] =---= [ Design ] =- '

     -------------------- -------- --------------------- ------------------
     nAME                   sTATUS sYSOP                           lOCATION
     -------------------- -------- --------------------- ------------------
     THE PUB                   WHQ FLI7e                            Germany
     EVIL MOON                 EHQ CLYDE RADCLIFFE                  Germany
     ENDLESS PAIN              GHQ MOGUE!                           Germany
     GOD`s HAREM              DIST LANCE                            Germany
     DEFCON                   UKHQ SMUDGE                    United Kingdom
     SYNCOPATION           UK TEST MARC PANTHER              United Kingdom
     WELSH COAST              DIST SONNY                     United Kingdom
     BUMBLE BEE LAND           NHQ BAFFLE                         Norwegian
     SILENT MOON              OZHQ RUDOLF H.                      Australia
     HIDDEN POWER              IHQ XAD                              Italian
     THE TRIP                 DKHQ JAWLOG                           Denmark
     FORBIDDEN PLANET        IRLHQ GREEN BERET                      Ireland
     -------------------- -------- --------------------- ------------------
     RAVELAND                  GHQ H2o                           -oFFLINE!-
     TRADERS ASSAULT          DIST STARLIGHT                     -oFFLINE!-
     PARADISE LOST            DIST PICARD                        -oFFLINE!-
     -------------------- -------- --------------------- ------------------
                              Or call one of these

     -------------------- -------- --------------------- ------------------
     nAME                          sYSOP                           lOCATION
     ----------------------------- --------------------- ------------------
     AGE OF TRANCE                 COLUMBIA                         Germany
     CRAZY DEMOLITION SQUAD        MARODEUR                         Germany
     ----------------------------- --------------------- ------------------

        bYE, cHEERS, mACHTET jUT, sLUT, fIN, BABA, Areviderci and WECH!

                   ______________ ___:        /__________
                  |        _     |   :       /    __    /
                  |________/     |   :      /    /_____/_.
                     /___________|   :_____/_____________|
                   ___________       :_________ _ __________
                  /     _    / ______:        /_ ____      /
                _/     /____/_.      \       /      /     /


                                oRIGINAL fILE iD

                   __________ ____ \____/  _____ ________
                  .)      __/    /_______ /     |_    __/___
                  |      _/     /       //      _/   _/     |
                  |______|____________  //______|___________|
                               Mo!/aL-\/ pRESENTS
                    << my FIRST independent aSCII cRIME! >>
                         eNTITLED: ··dIFFERENT stYLEZ··
                      MSG:cAUSTIC sTYLe iS dEAD fOREVER!!





























__________________________ ___ __ _      _ __ ___ __________________________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯         ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

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 __________ ____ \____/  _____ ________
.)      __/    /_______ /     |_    __/___
|      _/     /       //      _/   _/     |
|______|____________  //______|___________|
             Mo!/aL-\/ pRESENTS
  << my FIRST independent aSCII cRIME! >>

 .                   this file has been frozen inside                     .
 :                            ____ _|_ __                                 :
 :                             \/  \ / \/,                                :
 : ______    ______    ______  ____      _____     ______   ______  ______:
 __) _  (____) __ (____)  _ (__)  (__  __)   /_____) ___( __)  _ (__) _  (__
/    /    _     (   _      __     __/_/   _ /   _   __(__/      __    /    /
\___/    /\____    /\___/   \____ (   \___/    /\____   _____/   \___/    /
 :  )___/gdm-)____/    /____/  )______/  /____/    )____/lkr/____/   )___/:
 :                 _                                    _                 :
 :         -   - -)_)- P ·  A  ·  L  ·  A  ·  C  ·  E -(_(- -  -          :
 :                                                                        :
 `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------'

    _::_   3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac    _::_
     \/      4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet       \/

 motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · dreamchart · hoodlum dkhq
 style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter!
    save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq

                 .   -  -  board dedushka-morozes  -  -   .
                 :                                        :
    zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · deliveryman
         ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg
                 :                                        :
                 . -^-  - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- -  -^- .

                 .                                        .

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·