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File size:
66 855 bytes (65.29K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:39
Download count:
all-time: 498


^^^^^^^^^^^ aLL sLOWER bOARDS pLACE yOUR aDVERTS aBOVE pLEASE ^^^^^^^^^^^^


                    .----------- -- -  - .             -  - -- ----.
                  __|___   __________   /|__   __________ `:::.:::.|
                _/ ____/_  \_  _   _/  / |  \  \_   ____/   `::::.:|
                \____.   \  /  |_  \  /  |   \  /  __/__      `:::.|
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          |:.::\_____|   /_____|-tK! .   |_____/   |______\        |
          |:.:·      ________________|\   ________                 |
          |:·  sAVE  \_   _   _/\_   | \  \_   __ \_   sAVE        |
          |    oUR    /   |   \  /   |  \  /  _   _/   oUR         |
          |.   sOULS /    |    \/    |   \/   |    \   sOULS       |
          |.:.       \_____     \_____    \___|     \             .|
          |::.:.          |_____/sOs!|____/---|_____/           .::|
          |::______   ________________|\   _____.       ______.::.:|
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          |\____.   \  /   |   \  /   |  \  /   |   \ \____.   \---'
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          \_____|::::::::· |_____/    |____/::::|_____/____|:|
          |:::. ·::::::· .:::::::.     ·::::::·       .::::::|
          |:::::. ·::· .:::::::::::.     ·::·       .::::::::|

                         - uKHQ - sAVE oUR sOULS 
                              _  __ ___________
       __________     _  __ __________    .___/__ ________
       \      __/__ _________   _   _/_   |     /  _     /__ ______
      __\__       /         /  __     /________/   /____/  /_____  \
      \__________/   /_____/___/     /  _  __ ____________/     /   \_
           _  __ _______\     /_____/             _  __ _____________/
                                        _  __ __________
                    ___________                        /__
                   /           \ ______._______       ___/__
                 _/      |      \_     |     _/_      \    /
              -M-\_______________/     |       /__________/
                           _  __ _____________/

                         - uKHQ - sAVE oUR sOULS 

   _/\__  /\_ __/\__   /\_   /\___  /\__  +------------------------------+
   \    \/  // /    \ /  /_ /     \/    \ |    0-Day Warez For Amiga     |
  _/ /) /  (/ /  /) //  // )   \__/  /) / |   and ALL Console Formats    |
  \ /)  \    /      \  (_\ I  \/ \      \ +------------------------------+
  / ____/ __/\  /\__/ _____/ ____/  /\__/ | 2 x 28.8s V.FAST.CLASS USR's |
  \/    \/    \/    \/     \/     \/      |   78o Megs Of Storage Space  |
 +-----------------+  _/\__   /\_   /\__  |   Running Ami-Express V4.8+  |
 |   MasterChef:   |  \    \ /  /  /    \ | 19 Special Confs (Coders Etc)|
 |  Ice-D/Anthrox  | _/ /) //  /\ /  /) / |    Long Rated Running Bbs    |
 |    Part-Time:   | \ /)  \  __ \      \ | Nice Looking Thought Out Bbs |
 | Thrash/Anthrox  | / ____/ / \  ) /\__/ | New User Password Is Needed! |
 +-----------------+ \/    \/   \/\/hydra!+------------------------------+
 Uploaded by phaid            From Gehenna             On 10-Jul-96 Node 3

                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
 _|_\_    / .   |  .   \_ __  ______\_.   \  ______ _\_.    /__| ___ /  __/__
  |  /   /  |   :  |    /   \|    /   l    \/  .   \   l___/\_ |/   /___    /
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 _l______/sc    :    _/    \____/         \__________/  _/     \___)         |
|               .    \_____|                            \______|             |
|                                                              :             |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|     -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-     |
|                                                                            |
|        rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB!        |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|   +31-(o)-548-54O-653   +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848        +tEL-NET        |
|     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-          -·>33k6 dUALS!<·-        23:30-06:00 gMT +1   |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY Rasta^eD         oN nODE #04        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 05:43:38 , 07-10-1996   .
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ______ _____ __: :___ ___ ___ .__
 _\    /_    / _/_ |  /__  \   \| /_epsilon!
 \  /_/ //__/_   / | /  /|  \_\ \  / design
-M-____/___\____/: |___/_____/_\__/ presents
- -- ------------: :------------------- -- -
Strawberry Delight. The fifth from Rasta/e^D
 - 36 requests... must be my lucky number -
- -- ---------------------------------- -- -

                                           ·                 ·
                                        _ _:_____________ __/_ _
                                           |_)          // /_
                                           |                 |
                                           |  · R A S T A ·  |
                ________   _______ _______    _______   _______  _
             ___\__     \__\___   \\     /____\      \__\___   \ \\
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          ¯                                .                 .
                                           |         sTZ!/sE |

                                   .__ .__
                                   `_/ |-

   __________    ___________   ____________________  _________________________
  /  \/_____/___/ _______/ /__/     ________/     /__\______/    /\____      /
 /________/   /   \_______/__/_____/ /     /___________/________/_____/     /
      \______/_____/                /_____/                          /_____/
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  /    __________/  \/_____/_____/     ________/  _____/_____\____      //__/
 /____/_/_____/ /________/   /__/_____/ /     /____/___    /_____/     /
                     \______/          /_____/    /_______/     /_____/-tre!/(!

 E       P      S      I     L    O    N · D    E     S      I       G       N



                       .__ ._  .__  .__ .__  ._  _._ .__
                  -Ra! |_/ | ' l- , `-, l- , | \  |  `-, e^D
                       '   `    ¯¯  ¯¯   ¯¯  '    '  ¯¯


    _______     ______      _________    ________    _____
 ._/  ____//___\\    /_   _\\__      \ _\\____   \__\\  _/____
 | \_______         __/__     /    __/   ____/          \     \   _
 |        /         \         \      \_                 /\     \ (_)
 |_____________________________\______/ ________________/\_____/
                  ___.        _______     _________   _________   ____.__
               ._\\ _|_______\\ __  /____\\__      \_\\__      \_\\   |  \_
            _  |    \           \__/        /    __/    /    __/   \___    \
           (_) |     \                      \           \             |     \

       _____    _______     ____.   __     _______     ____.       ______
 .____\\_   \__\\ __  /____\\   |___\/____\\ ____/____\\   |______\\    /_
 |      /         \__/          |   \        \___         _            __/__
 |     /                        |               /         /            \    \
 |________________________________________________________/       ____________\

 S       T      R     A    W   B   E  R  R  Y · D  E   L   I    G     H      T

                  __.        __   __     __   __     __   __
_________    _____) l________)_\_/_(_____)_\_/_(_____)_\_/_(_____    __________
        /____\     __     .    \_/    .    \_/    .    \_/      /____\
 -Ra!  //____\\____\|  ___l___  |  ___l___  |  ___l___  |  ____//____\\   e^D

        It seems things aren't so bad after all. Groups such as  Style
        and  Save  Our  Souls  have  released  quite a few collections
        lately. Still a lot of bad style newcomers are  appearing  but
        I'll leave them be.

        Why I was asked recently to join Style I am unsure. I've  been
        in  Epsilon Design for less than a month and have no intention
        of dumping them for no reason. Sorry Stezotehic.

        Caught Tango in IRC the other  day  and  he  gladly  made  the
        Strawberry Delight logo for me, very fast. That is what I like
        because it's a short  time  between  collections.  Probably  a
        little  more  spaced  out when I'm back at college so you wont
        get your requests as fast. Fast enough though.

        I am soon to leave the Internet for a while, but you can still
        send your requests to the paradise address if you can't get me
        any other way!

        Just like Vietcong I may prioritise your request  if  I  think
        you'll be using it. I have fifty requests still to do so

        If you're looking for any of my previous collections email  me
        and  I'll  send you the ones your after. If you requested some
        logo's and didn't get  them...  it  may  be  a  good  idea  to
        download my previous collections to see if it's there.

        If I didn't use your 'Strawberry  Delight'  logo  it  means  I
        couldn't get in contact with you. You know my Email address so
        take the time to send it there and I'll be sure to get  it  in
                                             / Rasta of Epsilon Design
_________                                                            __________

        ____    ___     ___     .___    _____    ___     .___     .___
     .__)__/_.__\_ \_.__). \__._l _/__._)___/_.__). \__._l _/__.__| _/_.
     l_  l  _l_  l  _l___|   _l__ `  _l_ l-'__l___|   _l__ `  _l__`-, _|
   ·   \___/   \___/     l__/    \__/   \__/      l__/    \__/-Ra!\__/e^D·
   ÷---- -------- ---- -- -÷-- ----- -------- -------------- --- - -÷----÷
   | aMIGA . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 01 |
   | cONSOLE . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 02 |
   | aDULT aREA. . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 03 |
   | h/P/C/A (2) . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 04 |
   | rEQUESTS  . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 05 |
   | nEW uSER  . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 06 |
   | aSCII aREA. . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 07 |
   | fAME. . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 08 |
   | tEMPEST . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 09 |
   | eXPRESS . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 10 |
   | dAYDREAM. . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 11 |
   | aDDIES. . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 12 |
   | sYSOPS. . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .zOLTRIX | 13 |
   | SCRAPYARD . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cJA | 14 |
   | SCRAPMAN. . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cJA | 15 |
   | sTEZOTEHIC (2). . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sTEZOTEHIC | 16 |
   | sTZ . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sTEZOTEHIC | 17 |
   | dIGITAL uNDERGROUND . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sTEZOTEHIC | 18 |
   | pENT hOUSE. . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sTEZOTEHIC | 19 |
   | fOLAR . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fOLAR | 20 |
   | sECRET mAGIK. . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fOLAR | 21 |
   | lYRICAL gANGBANG. . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fOLAR | 22 |
   | zILLION hOURS . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tRAITOR | 23 |
   | aSTRO . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .aSTRO | 24 |
   | tHE rEXX cLUB . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .aSTRO | 25 |
   | CYBERWLF. . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cYBERWLF | 26 |
   | sAVE oUR sOULS  . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xCLUZIWE | 27 |
   | sOS . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xCLUZIWE | 28 |
   | xCZ . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xCLUZIWE | 29 |
   | tALE. . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xCLUZIWE | 30 |
   | rEALITY bYTES . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mADSEN | 31 |
   | mOST wANTED . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aRCANE | 32 |
   | mAILSCAN. . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fLOZZY | 33 |
   | eND oF mAILSCAN . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fLOZZY | 34 |
   | rEKALL. . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rEKALL | 35 |
   | dEXTER (ANSI) . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dEXTER | 36 |
   ÷---- -------- ---- -- -÷-- ----- -------- -------------- --- - -÷----÷
   ·                       ¡                                             ·

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |             Sentenced to [ 01 ] Year
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Amiga ::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                 _____     __  ___   ___     _____    _____
              ___\___ \____)_\/__/___)_/____/ ___/____\___ \___
              \   _\/    /   \/    .     .    \__   /  _\/    /
           -Ra!\  \/\___/\   /_____l_____l____/\/  /\  \/\___/e^D
                \____\    \____\             /____/  \____\


  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 02 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Console ::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

       _____    _____      _____     ______     _____     _____     ____
   ___/ ___/____\___ \_____\___ \___ \  __/_____\___ \___/    / ____\__/_
   \    \/_   /   \/    .    \/    /__\___    /   \/    /   _/__\    ___/___
-Ra!\___/\/  /\____\____l____/    /\___l/    /\____\___/____\    \___\/    /e^D
       /____/               /____/     /____/                \____\  /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 03 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Adult Area :::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

              _____          ___     ____     _____   __) l__
           ___\___ \________/  (_____)  /____/    / __\__ __/
           \   _\/    /   _/    .      /    /   _/__\    _l___
            \  \/\___/\   \_____l__   /  __/____\    \___\    \
             \____\    \___/       \____/        \____\   \____\

                   _____      ______    ____      _____
                ___\___ \_____\___  \___\__/_  ___\___ \___
                \   _\/    .    _/  _/   ___/__\   _\/    /
             -Ra!\  \/\____l____\    \___\/    /\  \/\___/e^D
                  \____\         \____\  /____/  \____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 04 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ H/P/C/A ::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

              ___        .__________     _____                  _____
 ____________/  (________l_         \___/ ___/__________________\___ \______
 \           \__   \__    /__________/    \/_        \__         _\/       /
  \__________/       /______\      \_______\/          /         \/_______/
            /_______/                  -Ra!\__________/\__________/e^D

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 04 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ H/P/C/A 2 ::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

            ___  _____       _____         ___  ___    _____      _____
    _______/  (__\___ \_____/ ___/________/  (__)_/____\___ \____/ ___/___
    \    \_    /  _\/    .    \/_   /   _/____/     .    \/   \    \__   /
     \___/    /\  \/\____l____/\/  /\___\    \______l____/    /\___/\/  /
        /____/  \____\       /____/      \____\         /____/    /____/
  ._____       ___   _____    ____    _____        ___  ___   _____      _____
__l_   (______/  (___\__  \___\__/_ __\___ \______/  (__)_/___\___ \____/ ___/__
   /____/   \_    /   _/  _/   ___/_)_ _\/   .  _/____/     .   \/   \    \__
_____\  \___/    /\___\    \___\/    / \/\___l__\    \______l___/    /\___/\/
           /____/      \____\  /____/\____\      \____\        /____/    /______
           _____    _____     _____        ___  ___   _____      _____
       ___/ ___/____\___ \____\__  \______/  (__)_/___\___ \____/ ___/___
       \    \/_  \   _\/   .   _/  _/   _/    .     .   \/   \    \__   /
        \___/\/  /\  \/\___l___\    \   \_____l_____l___/    /\___/\/  /
           /____/  \____\       \____\___/             /____/    /____/
        _____    _____     _____     _____    _____         ___ _____
     ___\___ \___\___ \____\___ \____\__  \__/ ___/________/  (_\    \  ___
     \   _\/   .   \/   \   _\/   .   _/  _/   \/_   /   \_    /_\____\/  /
  -Ra!\  \/\___l___/    /\  \/\___l___\    \___/\/  /\___/    /\___l/    /e^D
       \____\     /____/  \____\       \____\ /____/    /____/     /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 05 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Requests :::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

  ______    ____     _____      ____     ____      ______     __) l__   ______
__\___  \___\__/_ ___\___ \_____)  /_____\__/_     \  __/_____\__ __/   \  __/__
    _/  _/   ___/_\_   \/____     /   .   ___/______\___    /    _l______\___
____\    \___\/    /_____\  /_   /  __l___\/    /\___l/    /\____\    \___l/
     \____\  /____/       \/  \____/      /____/ -Ra!/____/e^D    \____\  /_____

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 06 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ New User :::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                         _____      ____     _____
                      ___\___ \_____\__/_ ___)   /____
                      \    \/    /   ___/_\_    /    /
                       \___/    /\___\/    /__ /\_  /
                          /____/     /____/   \/\__/

                     ____     ______      ____      _____
                 ____)  /____ \  __/______\__/_ ____\__  \_
                 \     /    /__\___    /   ___/_\_   _/  _/
              -Ra!\   /  __/\___l/    /\___\/    /___\    \e^D
                   \____/       /____/     /____/     \____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 07 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Ascii area :::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                   _____     ______      _____    ___   ___
                ___\___ \___ \  __/_____/ ___/____)_/___)_/___
                \   _\/    /__\___   \    \/_   /     .      /
                 \  \/\___/\___l/    /\___/\/  /\_____l_____/
                  \____\       /____/    /____/

                    _____       _____    ____      _____
                 ___\___ \______\__  \___\__/_  ___\___ \___
                 \   _\/    .    _/  _/   ___/__\   _\/    /
              -Ra!\  \/\____l____\    \___\/    /\  \/\___/e^D
                   \____\         \____\  /____/  \____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 08 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Fame :::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                      ____   _____     __  ___    ____
                 ____/___/___\___ \____)_\/__/____\__/_
                 \    \/___/  _\/    /   \/    /   ___/___
              -Ra!\    \   \  \/\___/\   /____/\___\/    /e^D
                   \____\   \____\    \____\       /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 09 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Tempest ::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

        __.                                                         __.
      __) l__    ____    __  ___   ._____    ____      ______     __) l__
    __\__ __/____\__/_ __)_\/__/___l_    \___\__/_     \  __/_____\__ __/
    \    _l__\    ___/___  \/    /  /_____/   ___/______\___    /    _l___
 -Ra!\___\    \___\/    /__/    /\____\   \___\/    /\___l/    /\____\    \e^D
          \____\  /____/  /____/              /____/     /____/       \____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 10 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Express ::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

       ____  _____      ._____    _____    ____      ______     ______
   ____\__/_ \    \_____l_    \___\__  \___\__/_     \  __/____ \  __/____
   \    ___/__\____\_/   /_____/   _/  _/   ___/______\___    /__\___    /
-Ra!\___\/    /    /_\_____\   \___\    \___\/    /\___l/    /\___l/    /e^D
        /____/____/                 \____\  /____/     /____/     /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 11 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Daydream :::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

      ___  _____    _____            ___   _____    ____      _____     __  ___
_____/  (__\___ \___\    \  ________/  (___\__  \___\__/_  ___\___ \____)_\/__/_
   _/    /  _\/    /_\____\/  /   _/    .   _/  _/   ___/__\   _\/    /   \/
   \____/\  \/\___/\___l/    /\   \_____l___\    \___\/    /\  \/\___/\   /_____
____/     \____\   -Ra!/____/  \___/e^D      \____\  /____/  \____\    \____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 12 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Addies :::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

            _____          ___       ___  ___     ____      ______
         ___\___ \________/  (______/  (__)_/_____\__/_     \  __/____
         \   _\/    /   _/    /   _/    /     .    ___/______\___    /
      -Ra!\  \/\___/\   \____/\   \____/\_____l____\/    /\___l/    /e^D
           \____\    \___/     \___/               /____/     /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 13 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 13 ] Years
 Offender [ Zoltrix ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Sysops :::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

         ______    _____       ______     _____     ._____   ______
         \  __/____\    \  ___ \  __/_____\___ \____l_    \_ \  __/____
       ___\___    /_\____\/  /__\___    /   \/   \   /_____/__\___    /
   -Ra!\___l/    /\___l/    /\___l/    /\____\___/\____\   \___l/    /e^D
           /____/     /____/     /____/                        /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 02 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 14 ] Years
 Offender [ Cja ::::::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Scrap Yard :::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

              ______      _____     _____   _____      ._____
              \  __/_____/ ___/_____\__  \__\___ \_____l_    \_
            ___\___   \    \/_   /   _/  _/  _\/    .   /_____/
            \___l/    /\___/\/  /\___\    \  \/\____l_____\
                /____/    /____/      \____\____\

                  _____       _____       _____        ___
                  \    \  ____\___ \______\__  \______/  (_
                 __\____\/  /  _\/    .    _/  _/   _/    /
             -Ra!\___l/    /\  \/\____l____\    \   \____/e^D
                     /____/  \____\         \____\___/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 02 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 15 ] Years
 Offender [ Cja ::::::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Scrapman :::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

   ______      _____     _____   _____    ._____   __  ___   _____    _____
   \  __/_____/ ___/_____\__  \__\___ \___l_    \__)_\/__/___\___ \___\___ \___
 ___\___   \    \/_   /   _/  _/  _\/   .  /_____/   \/    /  _\/   .   \/    /
 \___l/    /\___/\/  /\___\    \  \/\___l____\   \   /____/\  \/\___l___/    /
 -Ra!/____/e^D /____/      \____\____\            \____\    \____\     /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 16 ] Years
 Offender [ Stezotehic :::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Stezotehic :::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

              ______    __) l__    ____       ______    _____
              \  __/____\__ __/____\__/_  ____\__  / ___\___ \___
            ___\___   \    _l__\    ___/__\    ___/__\    \/    /
            \___l/    /\___\    \___\/    /\    \l___/\____\___/
                /____/      \____\  /____/  \____\

                __) l__    ____          ___  ___      _____
              __\__ __/____\__/_ _______/  (__)_/_____/ ___/___
              \    _l__\    ___/_\_   \_    /      .    \/_   /
           -Ra!\___\    \___\/    /___/    /\______l____/\/  /e^D
                    \____\  /____/   /____/            /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 16 ] Years
 Offender [ Stezotehic :::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Stezotehic 2 :::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

        ·_________________ ____ _
  _____ | ______   _____    _____ -Ra!  . ______   _____   __.     _   _____
._) __/_¦_\_ __/___) __/____\__ (_______¦_\_ __/___) __/___) l____(_)__) __/_.
¦_____   .   |   .  __/  .    ___.  __   .   |   .  __/  .  __   .   .   |   ¦
l__ \)  _l_  l  _l_ \)  _l_  (/ _l_ \)  _l_  l  _l_ \)  _l__\|  _l___l_  l  _|
   \___/|  \___/   \___/   \___/e^D\___/|  \___/   \___/     l_/       \___/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 17 ] Years
 Offender [ Stezotehic :::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ STZ ::::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

     _______                          __) l__                      _______
     \  ___/__________________________\__ __/     _________________\___  /
 _____\___              \__              _l_______\__                ___/____
 \_____l/                 /______________\          /                \l_____/
   -Ra!/_________________/                \________/\_________________\e^D

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 18 ] Years
 Offender [ Stezotehic :::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Digital Underground ::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

              ___   ___    _____    ___   __) l__   _____     _____
      _______/  (___)_/___/ ___/____)_/___\__ __/___\___ \___/    /
      \    _/     .     .   \__   /     .    _l__\   _\/    /   _/___
       \   \______l_____l___/\/  /\_____l____\    \  \/\___/____\    \
        \___/              /____/             \____\____\        \____\

                ____      _____          ___     ____     _____
            ____)  /______\___ \________/  (_____\__/_ ___\__  \_
            \     /    .    \/    /   _/     .    ___/_\_  _/  _/
             \   /  ___l____/    /\   \______l____\/    /__\    \
              \____/       /____/  \___/          /____/    \____\

           _____     _____   _____        ____      _____          ___
       ___/ ___/_____\__  \__\___ \_______)  /______\___ \________/  (_
       \    \__   /   _/  _/   \/    .      /    .    \/    /   _/    /
    -Ra!\___/\/  /\___\    \____\____l__   /  ___l____/    /\   \____/e^D
           /____/      \____\           \____/       /____/  \___/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 19 ] Years
 Offender [ Stezotehic :::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Penthouse ::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                   ._____    ____     _____     __) l__
                ___l_    \___\__/_ ___\___ \____\__ __/
                \   /_____/   ___/_\_   \/    /    _l___
                 \____\   \___\/    /___/    /\____\    \
                              /____/   /____/       \____\

                   ___  _____        ____     ______      ____
           _______/  (__\___ \_______)  /____ \  __/______\__/_
           \    \_    /   \/    .      /    /__\___    /   ___/___
        -Ra!\___/    /\____\____l__   /  __/\___l/    /\___\/    /e^D
               /____/              \____/       /____/     /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 03 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 20 ] Years
 Offender [ Folar ::::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Folar ::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

               ____    _____      ______      _____       ______
         _____/___/____\___ \____/     /  ____\___ \______\__   \_
         \     \/___/    \/     /    _/___\    _\/    .    _/   _/
      -Ra!\     \   \_____\____/_____\     \   \/\____l____\     \e^D
           \_____\                    \_____\_____\         \_____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 03 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 21 ] Years
 Offender [ Folar ::::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Secret Magik :::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

        ______      ____      _____     ______     ____    __) l__
        \  __/______\__/_ ___/ ___/_____\___  \____\__/_ __\__ __/
      ___\___    /   ___/_\_   \/_   /    _/  _/    ___/_\_   _l___
      \___l/    /\___\/    /___/\/  /\____\    \____\/    /___\    \
   .      /____/     /____/   /____/       \____\   /____/     \____\

   ¦        __  ___     _____       _____      ___          ______
   |     ___)_\/__/_____\___ \_____/ ___/______)_/_________/     /
   |     \    \/     /   _\/    .    \__    /       .    _/_____/
   `---- -\   /_____/\   \/\____l____/\/   /\_______l____\     \---------.
       -Ra!\_____\    \_____\       /_____/               \_____\e^D <---'

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 03 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 22 ] Years
 Offender [ Folar ::::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Lyrical Gangbang :::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

        _____   _____        _____    ___     _____    _____     _____
       /    /   \    \  _____\__  \___)_/____/ ___/____\___ \___/    /
      /   _/_____\____\/  /   _/  _/      .    \/_   /  _\/    /   _/___
 -Ra!/____\    \___l/    /\___\    \______l____/\/  /\  \/\___/____\    \e^D
           \____\  /____/      \____\         /____/  \____\        \____\

    _____    _____    _____      _____ ____         _____    _____      _____
___/ ___/____\___ \___\___ \____/ ___/_)_  \________\___ \___\___ \____/ ___/___
\    \__   /  _\/   .   \/   \    \__   /   \_   \   _\/   .   \/   \    \__   /
 \___/\/  /\  \/\___l___/    /\___/\/  /\____/   /\  \/\___l___/    /\___/\/  /
    /____/  \____\     /____/    /____/     \___/  \____\     /____/    /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 01 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 23 ] Years
 Offender [ Traitor ::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Zillion Hours ::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

          ______    ___   _____    _____    ___    _____      _____
      ____\__  / ___)_/__/    /   /    / ___)_/____\___ \_____\___ \___
      \    ___/__\      /   _/___/   _/__\      .    \/    .    \/    /
       \    \l___/\____/____\    \___\    \_____l_____\____l____/    /
        \____\               \____\   \____\                   /____/

                   ___  _____       ____       _____   ______
           _______/  (__\___ \______)  /_______\__  \_ \  __/____
           \    \_    /   \/    .     /    .    _/  _/__\___    /
        -Ra!\___/    /\____\____l__  /   __l____\    \___l/    /e^D
               /____/              \____/        \____\  /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 02 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 24 ] Years
 Offender [ Astro ::::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Astro ::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                _____     ______     __) l__    _____   _____
             ___\___ \___ \  __/_____\__ __/____\__  \__\___ \___
             \   _\/    /__\___    /    _l__\    _/  _/   \/    /
          -Ra!\  \/\___/\___l/    /\____\    \___\    \____\___/e^D
               \____\       /____/       \____\   \____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 02 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 25 ] Years
 Offender [ Astro ::::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ The Rexx Box :::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                        __) l__        ___   ____
                      __\__ __/_______/  (___\__/_
                      \    _l__\    \_    /   ___/___
                       \___\    \___/    /\___\/    /
                            \____\ /____/     /____/

                        _____    ____  _____   _____
                    ____\__  \___\__/_ \    \__\    \___
                    \    _/  _/   ___/__\____\_/\____\_/
                 -Ra!\___\    \___\/    /    /_\/    /_\e^D
                          \____\  /____/____/  /____/

                     _____    _____     ____    ___
                 ___/ ___/___/    / ____)  /____)  \_______
                 \    \/_   /   _/__\     /   .     \_    /
                  \___/\/  /____\    \   /  __l______/   /
                     /____/      \____\____/        \___/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 01 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 26 ] Years
 Offender [ Cyberwlf :::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Cyberwlf :::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

    _____   _____       __          ____     _____   _____     _____      ____
___/ ___/___\    \  ____) \_________\__/_ ___\__  \__)   /____/    / ____/___/_
\    \/_   /_\____\/  /    \_    /   ___/_\_  _/  _/    /    /   _/__\    \/__/
 \___/\/  /\___l/    /\_____/   /\___\/    /__\    \__ /\_  /____\    \    \
    /____/     /____/      \___/     /____/-Ra!\____\ \/\__/e^D   \____\____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 27 ] Years
 Offender [ Xcluziwe :::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Save Our Souls :::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                  ______     _____      _____        ____
                  \  __/_____\___ \_____)   /________\__/_
                ___\___   \   _\/    .   _ /     .    ___/___
                \___l/    /\  \/\____l___\/    __l____\/    /
                    /____/  \____\       \____/       /____/

                        _____        ____       _____
                     ___\___ \_______)  /_______\__  \_
                     \    \/    .      /    .    _/  _/
                  -Ra!\____\____l___  /  ___l____\    \e^D
                                    \___/         \____\

              ______     _____        ____     _____    ______
              \  __/_____\___ \_______)  /____/    /    \  __/____
            ___\___   \    \/    .      /    /   _/______\___    /
            \___l/    /\____\____l___  /  __/____\    \___l/    /
                /____/               \___/        \____\  /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 28 ] Years
 Offender [ Xcluziwe :::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ SOS ::::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

       _______                          _____         _______
       \  ___/__________________________\___ \_______ \  ___/________________
   _____\___              \__             \/      __/__\___                 /
   \_____l/                 /_____________________\_____l/                 /
     -Ra!/_________________/e^D                         /_________________/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 29 ] Years
 Offender [ Xcluziwe :::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ XCZ ::::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

    _________________          _____                             _______
    \                \________/ ___/_____________________________\___  /
     \________________\___/     \/_             \__                ___/____
     /                /___\_____/\/               /                \l_____/
    /________________/     -Ra!/_________________/\_________________\e^D

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 04 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 30 ] Years
 Offender [ Xcluziwe :::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Tale::::::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

             __) l__         _____       _______             ____
       ______\__ __/  _______\___ \_____/      /     ________\__/_
       \        _l____\       _\/      /     _/______\        ___/_____
    -Ra!\_______\      \      \/\_____/______\        \_______\/      /e^D
                 \______\________\            \________\      /______/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 01 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 31 ] Years
 Offender [ Madsen :::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Reality Bytes ::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

        _____    ____      _____     _____    ___     __) l__  _____
    ____\__  \___\__/_  ___\___ \___/    / ___)_/_____\__ __/  \    \  ___
    \    _/  _/   ___/__\   _\/    /   _/__\       .     _l_____\____\/  /
     \___\    \___\/    /\  \/\___/____\    \______l_____\    \___l/    /
          \____\  /____/  \____\        \____\            \____\  /____/

             ___        _____       __) l__    ____      ______
            _)  \_______\    \  ____\__ __/____\__/_     \  __/____
            \    \_    /_\____\/  /    _l__\    ___/______\___    /
         -Ra!\____/   /\___l/    /\____\    \___\/    /\___l/    /e^D
                 \___/     /____/       \____\  /____/     /____/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 01 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 32 ] Years
 Offender [ Arcane :::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Most Wanted ::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

                   __  ___    _____     ______     __) l__
                ___)_\/__/____\___ \___ \  __/_____\__ __/
                \    \/    .    \/    /__\___    /    _l___
                 \   /_____l_____\___/\___l/    /\____\    \
                  \____\                  /____/       \____\

           _____     _____      _____     __) l__    ____         ___
        ___)   /_____\___ \_____\___ \____\__ __/____\__/_ ______/  (_
        \     /    /  _\/    .    \/    /    _l__\    ___/_)_  _/    /
     -Ra!\__ /\_  /\  \/\____l____/    /\____\    \___\/    /  \____/e^D
            \/\__/  \____\       /____/       \____\  /____/\___/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 02 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 33 ] Years
 Offender [ Flozzy :::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Mailscan :::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

          __    ____     _    __          ____     ____   ____     __
    __/\_/_/____\__ \___(_)__/  \________/ __/____/ __/___\__ \___/  \____
    \__\_/  ____  __  ___________    ___ \__  ___  /  ____  __  ____\ \  /
         \_/    \____/           \__/   \____/   \___/-Ra!\____/e^D  \__/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 02 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 34 ] Years
 Offender [ Flozzy :::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ End of Mailscan ::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

    ___  __         ___      __ ____   _   _        ____   ____ ____   __
 __/ _/_/  \_______/  / _/\_/_/_\__ \_(_)_/ \______/ __/__/ __/_\__ \_/  \____
 \_ _/ ___\ \  _ \_  (OF)_\_/  _  __  _______    _ \__  _  /  __  __  __\ \  /
   \__/    \__/ \___/       \_/ \____/   -Ra!\__/ \____/ \___/  \____/e^D\__/

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 01 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 35 ] Years
 Offender [ Rekall :::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Rekall :::::::::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

             _____    ____        ___  _____     _____    _____
         ____\__  \___\__/_ _____/  (__\___ \___/    /   /    /
         \    _/  _/   ___/_\_  /____/  _\/    /   _/___/   _/___
      -Ra!\___\    \___\/    /__\    \  \/\___/____\    \___\    \e^D
               \____\  /____/    \____\____\        \____\   \____\

  S T R A W B E R R Y ^ D E L I G H T   |
________________________________________|   Committed [ 01 ] Counts of Request
                                        |           Sentenced to [ 36 ] Years
 Offender [ Dexter :::::::::::::::::: ] |______________________________________
    Crime [ Dexter -ANSI :::::::::::: ] |
________________________________________|   R A S T A / E ^ D

               ___    ____  _____     __) l__     ____      _____
       _______/  (____\__/_ \    \____\__ __/_____\__/_ ____\__  \_
       \    _/    /    ___/__\____\_/    _l__\     ___/_\_   _/  _/
        \   \____/\____\/    /    /_\____\    \____\/    /___\    \
     -Ra!\___/         /____/____/        \____\   /____/     \____\e^D

           ____        ___  ____     _______       ____    _______
     ______\__/_   ____)__\/___/_____\____  \______)__/___/      /
     \      ___/___\_     \/      /    _\/_     /        /     _/_____
  -Ra!\_____\/      /_____/      /\    \/\/____/\_______/______\      \e^D
            \______/     /______/  \______/                     \______\

 _ ____ _____________________________________________________________ ____ _

                      ____        ________      ________
                  ____)__/________\___    \____/   ____/____
                  \          \      _/    _/      _\/_     /
               -Ra!\_________/\_____\      \______\/\/    /e^D
                                     \______\     \______/


 _ ____ _____________________________________________________________ ____ _

                             Misfit  [ Epsilon Design File_id ]
                         Stezotehic  [ Rasta ]
                             Treach  [ Epsilon Design ]

               ._ . _ .__  .__ _._     __. ._  _._ . .__ _._ .__
         -Ra!  l/ l_/ l- , `-,  |      \_l | '  |  | `-,  |  `-, e^D
             `--'      ¯¯  ¯¯   '          `    '    ¯¯   '  ¯¯

                              Tango  [ Strawberry Delight ]
                              Tommy  [ History ]
                          Countzero  [ Epsilon Design ]
 _ ____ _____________________________________________________________ ____ _

 _ ____ _____________________________________________________________ ____ _

     2fast Chrombacher Countzero Cybergod Dartagnan  Daytona  Devistator
     Fatal Fli7e Folar Gozz Grimlock HotWire Karma Misfit Mogue Mortimer

           __. ._  _._ . .__ _._    ._  .__  .__ .__ .__  .__ _._ .__
      -Ra! \_l | '  |  | `-,  |     | ' l- , `-, |_/ l- , l  , |  `-, e^D
               `    '    ¯¯   '     `    ¯¯  ¯¯  '    ¯¯   ¯¯  '  ¯¯

     Nemes!s Twang Nup Paszczak Relief ShapeChanger Tango  Tommy  Treach
     Trivial U-Man
 _ ____ _____________________________________________________________ ____ _

 _ ____ _____________________________________________________________ ____ _

     2bad Fatal Members Fungus Iggy Silva Kostek Mic Flair NetCop Radavi
     Roadrunna Smash Sticky Fingaz Tango Zoltrix

                    ._ ._  .__  .__ _._ . ._    ._ .__
              -Ra!  l/ | ' l- , l- , |  | | \   l/ `-, e^D
                  `--' `    ¯¯   ¯¯  '    '   `--' ¯¯

     Contra Epsilon Design Motive Save Our Souls Style Twisted Whale
 _ ____ _____________________________________________________________ ____ _

 _ ____ _________|___________________________________________________ ____ _
                 |          . . .__  .__ .__ __.   ._ .__  .__
                 |    -Ra! /l/| l- , `-, `-, \_l   l/ l- , `-, e^D
                 |            '  ¯¯  ¯¯  ¯¯      `--'  ¯¯  ¯¯
           Tommy | Don't  forget   the   file_id.diz   in   your   next
                 | collection!  I  fixed  it but seems some others were
                 | incapable. The chip-tunes you sent me were great!
       Speedevil | Hi man.. Your style isn't that bad, I just think  it
                 | needs a little smoothing off ;)
         Nemes!s | Hmm... Now I have done two sets of the  same  logo's
                 | in  different  collections  for  you. Must have been
                 | some mix up as I thought I hadn't done them yet.
                 | Get rid of the ! in your handle.. I don't like it ;)
         Zoltrix | Yeah, thanks for all the  requests, you ascii  leech
                 | You're a cool guy so I know you'll be using 'em ;)
          Misfit | I like your diz as you can see :)
          Desoto | I was sure you were an ascii  artist!  Why  did  you
                 | tell me you were only a lamer in IRC? ;)
        The Rest | I've got at least 50 requests yet to do. Maybe yours
                 | will be in the next collection.
 _ ____ _________|___________________________________________________ ____ _

           ____.    ____          ____.
          .\_ ¬l__  \__/  /\___ __)  ¬l_  · ______   ______   _/\ __ ·
          |   __ ¬\ ____ /  __/_\_   __/_ :/  __ ¬\ /  __ ¬\ /   Y ¬\:       .
          |.   |   Y.  ¬Y_____ ¬\|.   l ¬\¦.   l   Y.   |___Y    '   ¦
       t0!|:.  |   |:.  |:. ¬'   |:.      |:.      |:.  |   |-----   |e^D    ·
          `----l___|----^--------^--------^--------^----'   |:.  .---'       :
  |   name of collection     name of file      size     length    mm-dd-yy   |
  |                                                                          |
  | [ Glass Finger       ] [ e^d-ra01.txt ] [ 82,405 ] [ 1920 ] [ 06-23-96 ] |
  | [ Colour Blind       ] [ e^d-ra02.txt ] [ 50,490 ] [ 1291 ] [ 06-27-96 ] |
  | [ Bbs Ansi's         ] [ e^d-ra03.lha ] [ 13,731 ] [ ---- ] [ 06-30-96 ] |
  | [ Surface Spray      ] [ e^d-ra04.txt ] [ 51,158 ] [ 1273 ] [ 07-04-96 ] |
  | [ Strawberry Delight ] [ e^d-ra05.txt ] [ 56,182 ] [ 1662 ] [ 07-10-96 ] |



              ._  __. .__ _._ __.     .__ .__
              | ' \_l `-,  |  \_l     `_/ |-
              `       ¯¯   '              `
       _       _       _                    _       _
   .__j \__.__j \ _.__j \_______.__.    .__j \ _.__j \ _.
   l_ ____/l  ___\ |  _____/____l  |____l  ___\ l_____\ |
   |  ___)_|   ____l___    |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |
   |  |    |    |  |  |    |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |
   |  l    |    |  |  l    |    |  l    |  l    |  |    |
 : l___    l____l  l___    l____l___    l___    l__|    |                 :
-+----l____|---- -----l____l-------l____|--l____|--l____|---------- ------+- -
 ¦ :                    .      _       _       _            _       _     ¦
-:-+----- --------------+- .__j \ _.__j \__.__j \_______.__j \ _.__j \ _. :
 : ¦Harpoon        Fatal¦  l_____\ l_ ____/|  _____/____l__.  \ l_____\ | :
 : :Chrombacher    Frame:  |  |    |  ___)_l___    |    |  l____j  |    | .
 . .Stash Cenobite Tommy:  |  |    |  |    |  |    |    |  |    |  |    | :
 : :Grimlock  Java Rasta.  |  l    |  l    |  l    |    |  l    |  |    | :
 ¦ :Gozz        Cybergod:  l___    l___    l___    l____l___    l__|    | ¦
 +-:--- ---------- -----: ----l____l--l____l--l____l-------l____l--l____l-+ -
c0!:raveland     another:                                                 :
wL!.step  zillion  hours:                       . ._                      .
   :domestic      subway.                       | | \
   :monastary   of  blur:                         '
   ¦the rexx club       ¦                  _. __. __. .
   +--------------------+                   | \_| \_| |__
                                            l   l   l l_/

                                           ( 10 of JULY )

            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_
  /   / ¯¯/  _/   /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /  _/   /  _/   /   / ¯¯/  _/   /
 /___     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \
 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \
   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

         rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4OOO wITH a cYBERSTORM O6O/5O mHZ/22 mB
                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--
          ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

 +31-(O)-548-54O-653   +31-(O)-548-521-716/521-848          +tEL-NET
   -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-           -[ 33k6 dUALS ]-       -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: Rasta^eD         ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 04 ]]-]
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 05:43:38, 07-10-1996 ]]-]

?# Upload to the Burger Bar by phaid            Frm Gehenna             ?#
?# On 05:12:29 10-Jul-96 Node3 (ehq anthrox bbs just hanging in for fun)?#


                     - UKHQ - sAVE oUR sOULS - UKHQ -

                    .----------- -- -  - .             -  - -- ----.
                  __|___   __________   /|__   __________ `:::.:::.|
                _/ ____/_  \_  _   _/  / |  \  \_   ____/   `::::.:|
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          |:.::\_____|   /_____|-tK! .   |_____/   |______\        |
          |:.:·      ________________|\   ________                 |
          |:·  sAVE  \_   _   _/\_   | \  \_   __ \_   sAVE        |
          |    oUR    /   |   \  /   |  \  /  _   _/   oUR         |
          |.   sOULS /    |    \/    |   \/   |    \   sOULS       |
          |.:.       \_____     \_____    \___|     \             .|
          |::.:.          |_____/sOs!|____/---|_____/           .::|
          |::______   ________________|\   _____.       ______.::.:|
          |_/ ____/_  \_   _   _/\_   | \  \_   |___  _/ ____/_::.:|
          |\____.   \  /   |   \  /   |  \  /   |   \ \____.   \---'
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          /     _____/\_____     \_____    \_____     \    _____/
          \_____|::::::::· |_____/    |____/::::|_____/____|:|
          |:::. ·::::::· .:::::::.     ·::::::·       .::::::|
          |:::::. ·::· .:::::::::::.     ·::·       .::::::::|
____ __________ __________   ______ __________________________ __________ ___
   __\____ _  /     ___   \__\     \    __       /   ________/     __    \
  /     _/  \/   ___|_\    \  \     \   \/______/______/_______ ___|\_    \_
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mR!___________/_____|  \_____\\______/_______________________//_\\________m'S
_ _________________ _____________ ______     _____________ ________________ _
                   _\    ___     /     /____ \     _      \
        s P A C E /      _/     /     /     \     \\       \ D   O U t
                 /      \\__   /     /_\     \      \______/
_ _______________\_____________\______//_____/_______| ____________________ _

                     - UKHQ - sAVE oUR sOULS - UKHQ -
          : THIS FILE WAS DROPPED OFF AT 10:03:58 ON 07-10-1996 : 
vvvvvvvvvv tHiS bBS hAD iT lONG bEFORE aLL tHE BoARDs lISTED bELOW vvvvvvvvvv