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31 636 bytes (30.89K)
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2017-05-19 23:23:37
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all-time: 420


._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |
         e^D-gay.TXT was uploaded by cg at 16:05 on 27 Feb 1998

:::                                   :::
:::                                   :::
                                      :::                                  :::
.::::: ::: :                   no will, no lust  : :: ::::::::::::::::::: :::'
·::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :  you made me numb                  : ::: ::::::.
   ____                                                                    :::
  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.                    :::
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________          :::
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____ ::
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \ :
       |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
                                                          cG/_____/   \____/.:
                        .::: and I hate you for it      :: :::::::  : ::: :::·
                        `:::::::::: ::::.

                                                (     )_
                                              _(  \ /   )
                                             (_    o    _)
                                     ____   o (_  / \  _)
                                    /    \ °   (_______)
                                   /      \
               ___                 \  .o  /                  ___
    _      __./   \           __ __ \____/ __ __            /   \.__
|_  /| __ /  |\___/           \_\\          //_/            \___/|  \ __ |_  /|
|\ /_|/_//___|                   /          \                    |___\\_\|\ /_|
|_\ /|                                                                   |_\ /|
|\ /_|                   Without space, without time.                    |\ /_|
|_\ /|                       I am deaf, I am blind                       |_\ /|
|\ /_|                   Without motion, without sound                   |\ /_|
|_\ /|                    Like a flower underground.                     |_\ /|
|\ /_|                                                                   |\ /_|
|_\ /|                            I cant see                             |_\ /|
|\ /_|                           I don't feel                            |\ /_|
|_\ /|                           I can't touch                           |_\ /|
|\ /_|                           I don't heal                            |\ /_|
|_\ /|                                                                   |_\ /|
|\ /_|                              apathy!                              |\ /_|
|_\ /|                                                                   |_\ /|
|\ /_|                      Isolation, Demarkartion                      |\ /_|
|_\ /|                        Solitary separation                        |_\ /|
|\ /_|                   No more joy, no more sadness                    |\ /_|
|_\ /|                     No emotion, only madness                      |_\ /|
|\ /_|                                                                   |\ /_|
|_\ /|                            I cant see                             |_\ /|
|\ /_|                           I don't feel                            |\ /_|
|_\ /|                           I can't touch                           |_\ /|
|\ /_|                           I don't heal                            |\ /_|
|_\ /|                                                                   |_\ /|
|\ /_|                              apathy!                              |\ /_|
|_\ /|                                                                   |_\ /|
|\ /_|                                                                   |\ /_|
|_\ /|                Corrosion from within - no future!                 |_\ /|
|\ /_|               No resistance in the cell - no more!                |\ /_|
|_\ /|                                                                   |_\ /|
|\ /_|                                                                   |\ /_|
|_\ /|                      - "APATHY" / KMFDM (US)                      |_\ /|
|\ /_|                                                                   |\ /_|
|_\ /|_ ____._______                                       _______.____ _|_\ /|
\\ / |_\\   |_     /                                       \     _|   //_|\ / /
| \  |   \__|/    /                                         \    \|__/   | \  |
            /    /   s o me one  is writing dO WN your       \    \
           /    /        m i s t a k e   s                    \    \
       __  |    |  __ someone's DOCUMENTING your <downfall>__  |    |  __
       \ \ |____| / /                                      \ \ |____| / /
        \ _.    ._ /       _ ____  /\________________.      \ _.    ._ /
        /_\|    |/_\    _:_\\\   \/          _ __    |      /_\|    |/_\
    _ _______   _ _______|  _ ____      _ ___\\\ \  _|_______   _ _______
   _\\\__   /___\\\__   /|__\\\  /______\\\ \     \_\\\__   /___\\\__   /__
  /\      _____\     \     \______     \     \     \     \     \     \     \
  \ \  _ _\     \  _ _\     \  _ _\     \     \     \  _ _\     \     \     \
   \ \_\\\______/\ \\\______/\_\\\______/\_____\_____\_\\\______/\_____\_____\
    \/_///_____/\ \_____\__/\/_///_____/\/_____/_____/_///_____/\/_____/_____/
                 \/_____/|                           |
          _____          |    E  p  s  i  l  o  n    |
       _ _\__ /__  _ ____|__   _ _____     _ __  _ __|_      _ _______
      _\\\  /    \_\\\__   /___\\\   /_____\\\ \_\\\  /______\\\__   /__
     /\     \     \      _____\______     \     \     \     \     \     \
     \ \  _ _\     \  _ _\     \  _ _\     \     \  _ _\     \     \     \
      \ \_\\\______/\_\\\______/\_\\\______/\_____\_\\\______/\_____\_____\
    = ===================|                           |==========(t0!/aLT)= =
          _.    ._       |      D  e  s  i  g  n     |        _.    ._
         \\|    |//      |___________________________|       \\|    |//
         /_|    |_\                                          /_|    |_\
           |    |                                              |    |
           ¦    ¦  a loa d ed  bladed , s i l e n t   <pain>   ¦    ¦
           |    :_                                            _:    |
           |     /   w i ll   NAIL you   to the world  again  \     |
           |    /                __ __  __ __                  \    |
          /    /_   ______ ____ / //  \/  \\ \ ____ ______     _\    \
         /      ._//     (_\  //              \\  /_)     \\_.        \
        /_____  |   .______  / .____.    ______ \    _____   |    _____\
              __:_  |     /____|   _|__./  _  /___._/  ._ \_ |
            ./  _/__|_   /|_   |   \.  \_   _/    |   _|/  /_:____
            |  /     /____./   |____|   /   \|    |   \    \)   ./
            | _\     \  ml|____|  /    /\____\    |    \        |
            |_________\     _____/    /      |____|    |\_______|
                |         _/         /            |    |     |___ _
                |         \    /_   /_______ _____|_   |
                |     _____\____\  /       //     ./   |  cYbERgAWd
                |     \_   (/     /   _   /       |____|
                |_____ /         /________\ ________\ ___________ _

pants pulled down, dopehat slightly on the side.

                   silly me, silly you, silly world. do you have anything
                   to offer? is it worth the effort?. silly silly silly..


  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "iieeh, so I was bored", the artist grinned
                                          "necromancer"/necromancer |_______\

   ..........        : .ooooo. : fuck cG :: .
 ..: _____  :........: %¼¼¼¼¼% :............................................. .
 :  /     \ .__________%¼¼¼¼¼%__   ____________  __________________________
.: /       \|     \           _/_ /          _/./            \   /         \
  /               /\            /|             |       _      \ /           \
 /       \       /__\__         /|            /|      ._       /     |       \
/_________\          \/________/_|___________/_|______|/_______\\_____________\
       \\_______.      %  s o  n    of  a  g u n  -  s u p e r h e r o # 1
  _ _____  ____ |______%¼¼¼¼¼%__ _____         _______ _________ _____________
  \    °/  ¬     /     //       \     \|______/     _/.       _/     _       /
  /    /__      /      \   |     \     \     /        |      _/.    ._      /
 /______| _     |_______\____     \__\       \________|__      |____|/______\
 _____.-|       | .... %¼¼¼¼¼\_____\  \_______\ ........ \_____| ........ . ...
(me rox)|______.' :  : %¼¼¼¼¼% .................:      :.........:
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ . ........:  : ¬°°°°°~ :

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "shit for brains - born to kill" - kmfdm
                                                      "omi"/omicron |_______\

                %%½¼¼¼&&&& &¾½% omic r on ._______.        / \ cG
                _________________________ |       | ________ /_.
               _\                \       \|       |/       /   |
               \         \        \       |      .|       /    |
                \         \        \      |      %|      /     | :
                 \__________________\_____|      :|______\_____| ¦
               \_________________________ |_______| _____________|

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "and as of that day, he got closer to his inner kurwa"
                                                  "aquarium"/keldon |_______\

                   o  °
                    ()  _
                 ___  ((_)
                /  o\  _
    ____     .(_) o ° ___.       ____    ____________. ___.     ___
   /    \___________./   |____  /    \__/          / |/   |____/   \   _______.
  /      \          |    |    \/      \     _    ¦/  |    |    \    \ /       |
 /        \       _ |    |     \       \   _.    /   |    |     \    /        |
/__________\___\   \|___________\_______\__\|____\___|___________\_\    ______|
              cG\___\                                          _ o  \__/
                                                              (_) ° .

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "Inebriated leather-host" - kmfdm
                                        "commercial break"/venturus |_______\

>> I don't heal ·/· I don't HEAL ..idontheal
   _______________.________              _________. _________ ____________
  /     ___/      |       /_______.______\        |/       _/            /
./        |       |   \  /        |       \  /    |        /     _.     /
|_________|_______|____\    ______|_____    /_____|_________|____\|______\
                _       \___\          /___/
               ( )       ( ) ____________.  _______. _____.
                \\       // /     ___/___| /       |/     |  ( o mMER cial
                 \\     //./        |    |/        |      |
                  \\   // |_________|____|_________|_______\
                 ._\\_//_.                                          b
 |              ¯         ¯                      |                  r
 |   .__________________________________. .____. |
 |   |                                  | |%¼¼¼| |                  e
 |   | _______  ___________________ ____| |¼¼¼¼| |____. _____
 |   |/  _   / /     _     /     _//    | |¼¼¼¼| |   _|/    /       a
 |   |   )    \     _     /     _/.     | |¼¼¼¼| |   \       \
 |   |_________\___|\_____\_______|_____| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ |____\_______\     k
 |   |                                  |        |
 |   |                                  | <|  |> |
 |   |                           <cG-tV>|  .--.  |
 |   |__________________________________|  `--'  |
 |                                        on/off |

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "This is your life, this is your fucking life!"
                                                      "folar"/folar |_______\

                            o¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¼ %    % ½ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                            ¾                           ¾ ¾      ¾
                _________ __%___. _____.   ______. _____¾_¾_¾¾¾¾ ¾
              ./      __        |/     |  /      |/    _    ¾  ¾ ¾
              |        \  o.O   |      |./       |     _    ¾ /¾ ¾
              |_______|_________|_______\________|____|/______\¾ ¾
                        | | |¬|                         ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾
                        `-^-^-'                         ¾        ¾

>> Kopflose Soldaten in der Schlacht <<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <

      ________ ______._____.   ______. ____.
    ./     __//      |     |  /      |/    |  .___.
    |       \/       |     /./       |     | _|   |__.    _______ _______
    |______||________|______\________|______\        |   /    __//   ___/_.
                                             _.   .__| ./      |     \/   |
  .______.                                    |___|    |_______|____//____|
  |______| ._________. ____.      ___._____.  ________
  .______. |         |/    |____|__  |     | /      _/
  |______| |         |     |    \    |     /        /
           |____\   \|_____|_____\___|______\________\
                 \___\                   ___
      ___.    .___          ___.     ______/___ _  ___.        _____. ____.
     /   |____|   \________/   |____/     /_______/   |____   /     |/    |
    /    |    \    \      /    |   /\__          /    |    \./      |     |
   /_____|_____\__\      /_____|_____\/_________/_____|_____\_______|______\

    Fatal+Cybergod in cooperation? if not unserious, quite unusual indeed.

          creativity and madness guaranteed. order your requests at:


   state your name, the logo you want and from WHOM you want it (alt. both)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Insekten in Todeszuckungen <<

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "Take a hammer and brake a bone for me"
                                                       "MOB"/fungus |_______\

   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾                                             ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
   ¾ ..... ¾              s                              ¾ ..... ¾  .....
   ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾          a       t                          ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾  |_ _|
   ¾ ¾   ¾ ¾       n             e                       ¾ ¾   ¾ ¾  |¬`¯|³
   ¾ ~¬  ¾ ¾    o                  r                     ¾ ¾  ¯~ ¾  | ¬-|-.
   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾  m        _______       y                   ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  `---' `fUx
      _____¾__________/      /  ____________________  ___¾_________________
______\                     /___\____               \/         _          /
                           /        /               /\        //         /__ __
                          /        /                  \         _          // /
                      /            \___________________\       //         // /
        _____________/     /________\            /_______________________//_/
_ ______\  ¾   cGimp/_____/                  o           ¾
           ¾                ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ f ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
           ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾                       b    ¾    r
                          ¾ ¾                          l ¾ u
                          ¾¾¾                            ¾
                                                         ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾ ¼ %

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "All we want is a headrush"
                                                "bomb squad"/boheme |_______\

                                                              __ _ __
     .______________________.________        .______________  \ \-/ /
     |     _       /        |       /________|     _       /  \\/¯\//
     |     (      /         |  \   /         |     (      /   _|100|_
     \____________\_________|___\     _______|\___________\   \|Mt!|/
                                 \____\                        |rox|
                   ¾¾¾¾¾% % :                                  `._.'
         ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾
         ¾   ____¾_¾___    .__________. ____.          ______. __________
         ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾      /____|__        |/    |______   /      |/         /
         ¾ ¾  \¾_            /      _ |     |      \./       |         /
         ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾/___________/____\  \_|_____|_______\________|________/
         ¾ ¾     ¾ ¾        ivilcG\__\
         ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾
         ¾         ¾

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "I was born to %MURDER% the world.."
                                                  "mailscan"/_diZZ_ |_______\

                           |                      |
                           |\         ,.         /|
        .__________     _| | \_______o¾¾o_______/ | |_
        |  _____  /_____\  :         ¢¾¾¢         :  /_______ _  __
 ______   /    /    _____.___| ___.       _____   ·  ________ _____.___
 \     \ /     \   /     |   |/   |  ____/    /_____/     __//     |   \|_____
 /   \  \   /   \./      |   |    | /   /__        /       |/      |    \    /
/_____\____/_____\_______|___|____//____\ /_______/\_______|_______|__\      \
                      ___  .                      .  ___             cG\______\
                        /  :______________________:  \
                        |                            |

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "She got your head and now you're dead"
                                         "outside world"/ghostrider |_______\

         ____________      /
        /           /____. |_    ._____. ______    |___. _________ ______
       /     _      /    |_______|     |      /______  |/        /     _/
      /     //     /     |       \     / __         /  |        /      /.
     /__    /     /______|________\_____\ /________/ __|_______/________|
       /__________/ ______ __                          |
   /________________\ _________
             ______  /        .\
     _______/     /_/ ·:::.  .::\  __________________.         __________
     \     /     /     ::::  ...:\/   _        /     |  ______/         /
      \      /  /      ·.   :::: /    _       /      | /     /         /
       \    /________  .::.  ·: /____|/_______\______//______\________/
        \__/  cGisGAY\_______ _/eD

  / o. \        .________.       .______.      .______.
 -------- ______|        | ______|      |______|      | _________
  \____/ /      |        |/      |      /      |      |/        /      ____
       ./       |    ____|       |      |      |      |        /____  / .o \
    /  |________|____\  |________|_______\_____|______|______  /   / --------
   /                                                      cP/_____/   \____/
  /_______| "A magic-carpet-ride to hell"
                                                   "mysidia"/druggy |_______\

xxoo. ...     .   ...ooxx
##%:. ____ ____ ____ :%##
#%:  /    \\  //    \  :%
%:  /      \\//      \  O _______               _             _
O  /        \/        \ o/      /__________   .(_). _________(_). ________.
o /    /\       /\     \/      //   /     /___|_  |/         /  |/        |
 /    //\\     //\\     \_____ /   /__          \ |    /    /   |    |    |
/____//__\\___//__\\_____\  /_____/cG/__________/_|________/|___|_________|
o.                     .o
O%:.                 .:%O
##%:.               ::%##
###%::. .        ..::%###

                                t h r i l l e d
                           d     _____ ¾ _____
                           e     ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     s
                           s     ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     k
                           p |½  ¯¯¯¯¯.¾.¯¯¯¯¯  ½| y
                           e ¦½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½¦ h
                           r |½  _____·¾·_____  ½| i
                           a     ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     g
                           t     ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾     h
                           e     ¯¯¯¯¯ ¾ ¯¯¯¯¯
                                  f u c k e d

                                               ¯¯¯7 Idea, design and artwork :
                                                                    - cybergod
                                                    additional art : >mjolnir<
                                                                    & >boheme<

                 ¾¾¾                /      /             ¾¾¾
          greets:¾ ¾               /      /              ¾ ¾:respect
                   ¾              /      /____           ¾
                   ¾             /           /           ¾
                   ¾            /           /            ¾
                   ¾           /____.      /             ¾
                   ¾                |     /              ¾
       ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   |    /  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾     ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
       ¾                 ¾      ¾   |   /   ¾      ¾                 ¾
       ¾               . ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾   |  /    ¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ .               ¾
       ¾.    ::¾¾     ¾¾ ¾  ¾¾ ¾¾   | /     ¾¾ ¾¾  ¾ ¾¾     ¾¾::    .¾
       ¾¾.      ¾   .¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾   |/      ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾.   ¾      .¾¾
       ¾¾%:. ¾¾ ¾ .:%¾¾¾       ¾¾           ¾¾       ¾¾¾%:. ¾ ¾¾ .:%¾¾
             ¾  ¾               ¾           ¾¾              ¾  ¾
             ¾  ¾               ¾¾¾¾%    %¾¾¾¾              ¾  ¾
             ¾  ¾                  ¾¾    ¾¾                 ¾  ¾
             ¾¾¾¾                  ¾¾    ¾¾                 ¾¾¾¾
                                   ¾¾    ¾¾
Talon, Infusion + rest of delight  ¢¾    ¾¢  Folar,   Boheme,   U-Man,  Mogue,
HZ,  Teddyboy,  Fungus, Cesspool,   ¾    ¾   BeeeeEeEE!,    Treach,    Exocet,
Fatal,  Chrombacher,  Gozz  + the .:¾    ¾:. Stezotehic,      Zeus,     Elvis,
rest     of    Epsilon    Design. :%¾    ¾%: HausFrau,   Mortimer  Twang,  Red
Volatile, Radicator, Venturus and : ...... : Demon,  Ramone and probably a lot
the lot in #ascii (more or less). :.:.::.:.: more  if I could ever get my head
GDM,    Dartagnan,    Bird   (zen   :    :   sorted..  :P
brother!!).    Zoltrix,   Wraith,   :    :                    ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
Keldon, Etrigan, and the few nice   :    :  .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾    .   ¾¾        %%  ¬¾¾
peeps    in    #amielite.    Hiro   :    :.:%¾      ¾¾    ¾   ¾¾      ¾ ¾¾   ¾¾
Protagonist, Necromancer, Trivial   :       .. ¾¾¾¾%%%¾¾%:%:%¾%%¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
Omicron,  Meggahertz  and them in   :      .%¾ ¾¾   ¾¾    ¾   ¾¾
Remorse.  JONAS[K] (the #synthare   :        ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾%::%¾¾
och  lill-älg  *porra*) + so many   :        ¾          ¾¾                   %%
more I'll forget anyways..  :P    ..:        ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾%:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾

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| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
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|                                                                           .
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