--\\- EPSILON DESIGN, RUNKKARIT DOMINATION IN 1997 -------------------------//--
________/_:____ ______ :______/______ __\_____________¡ |
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/______\ /______\ zS! /_________\ / \______|
©nUP!/aT! / |
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_/ / \ /____/ ¬\_ \ \_ \_ / \ \_
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| ._| \_____/| ._____| | |___________| .____/
l____| l____| l____|bHe&fL l____|
.:¦| dancing dolphins |¦:.
________________________ _____/\_____ _________________________
\ /
\ Life is a constant contrast between pleassure and pain. /
\___ ___/
__//_. Pain is an essential experience for everyone. ._\\__
\\ |_______________________________________________| //
Newyear speech.
A new year, new expectations. New disapointments. 1997, what does that number
mean to you? I doesn't bother me a crap. Same shit, different package. Well, I
guess we'll need some major changes in hardware to keep the ami-scene going on
other than demo related stuff. And even if such changes appear, the amiga will
have a hard time gaining that support it once had. Ah what the heck, my a1200
wont leave the place it's got in my heart, no mather how many mhz's of pentium
I ever get. Enough of the sad babbling. Just got back from TP6 in Aars/DK,
where I did meet some of my idols :) No worries mates, you'll get yer hellos
at the end of this txtfile. Now find yer logo, critize all you want (I don't
care anyway) and then get back to whatever it was you were doing. Oh, and for
those who feel somewhat neglected, don't worry, a new TEAR will run down my
cheek in the near future.
- Cybergod! / e^D
Table of contets
o1. Desolation Row Ftp .o1
o2. Apathy (Diz) .o2
o3. Bk&Crux (Diz) .o3
o4. Leson .o4
o5. Ignition .o5
o6. Crems Labs (Diz) .o6
o7. Crux Design (Diz) .o7
o8. Funkiest .o8
o9. Dimensions of Reality .o9
1o. Tabacman .1o
11. Eleven .11
12. Ascii Orgy .12
13. Boone .13
14. Sea World .14
15. Terra Firma .15
16. Bird .16
17. Lush Garden .17
18. Cyberlife .18
19. Food .19
2o. Food (diz) .2o
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o1 | for: Hippo
_________ ___. ______ _ ___.
._\ \/ _|__ ____. _/___ ________ | _______
| \ \ __// |___ \ - / |/ /
|__________\ __)_______| )______\______|__//______(cG
.___________ _ ____. ________ _ _¦_ .____._ ____
|siteop: . ________) | ___/// |________¦ \| \ / ¦/
| H i p p O | \ _ _¦ | | - / \ Y |
-¦-------- --¦ \_________\ ______| |___|_ ______|_ __|\_____|
.______________ _____.
| _ /_ __________ ______/\_) |
| (_ /_ - / / \ |
eD|______¦\______\ _________|_______/\______|
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o2 | for: Octoplex
.------------------------- -.___.-- - ----.
¦cG ___________ _______.___| |eD _ __ ¦
_____) /__) __/ | |__. /__.
\ _ _.__/ _ | . | |_ / |
¦\_________¡ \___________|___|---'___/_____|
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o3 | for: Maniac
.______ ____ ___ _____._________ _._____
| _ / / /----/ __/| _. / | /
| ( \ /_ \aND/ Y |_ /_ /¦
| !
¦-[ <bADKARMA+CRUX> PRESENTS ON xx/xx/xx ]-|
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o4 | for: Leson
_ _______. __________ ______________ __________
.____. |______/ _____ \\ ________ /_________\ _ ___ \__________ _
| | _________/ _/_._____\ / ___________ \ ___________.
| |/ __| __/______\ - \ \) |
cG|____/____________________________ \__________\___\____________|eD
_ _____________________ _ ____ /__________/ ___________ _ _______ _
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o5 | for: Leson
.___|_ _______ ____.__ __._ __|_ _______ _ _|_ _ ____.__ __._
| ¦ / ___/______ \¦ \ / |/ ¦ ___/// ¦__________ \¦ \ / |/
| |/ /_ ./ \ Y | | | | _ / \ Y |
cG|___|\____________|____|\______| ___|______| _ __|_________|____|\______|eD
__ O
_ ______ \ \___
\\\___ \ \___//
_\ \_____
__ \_ <\___ \
\ \_/ / / /
_ __________ __ _\____/ (__\ _ __ ___________ _
__________ _ _//_/// \\\_\\_ _ ___________ _
The only way of saving the world from fanaticism is by giving all a proper
- spiritual knowledge -
_ ___ _ _ ___ _
\\/ \//
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o6 | for: Cyberlife
_____ ____________ ___ ________
--/ __/| _. / _/_.__| \ / /----
/ Y |_ /_ __| | Y __/_____
/___________|\___/_______|___\_/______ /
.___. ________ __/_____/
·Crems Labs· | | ______) _ / /
| |/ \ _ ( \ _/______
[xx/xx/xx] cG|___/____\___________\__ /
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o7 | for: Shane (?)
______ _ _________ ___. ____._____
/ __/____ _ // |_____ /
/ Y / (_ // | ./ \
\__________\ ___¦\____\________|____._____\
_.___ ___ .___ . ___ .____
|___) (__/__ `---, | (___) | (
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o8 | for: Hash
.___________. _ ___ ._______ _____ __ ___ ________ _______._
| ____/ |______ \ ____| / _/ / _/_.___\ / | __/
| __/ | ./ \) /_ \ | __| __/____| |
|_____|__________|____\____________\______\__|_______________ _____|
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.o9 | for: Tabacman
.________.___|_ _ _______ ___ _____ .___|_ ___ _____
| \/¦ | \ / /______. \ ___/ _/__| ¦_______ \ __/ _/___
| \| | Y __/ | \) ._ \ | / \) ._ \
_____ _ _____ _____ _
___\_\ (_____) (-- //_____ _ |___________________
|______________________ _________________| /______________.
| .________________ \_) _____.___. .___|_ _________ _ ____ |
| | _. / _/_.______) ¦_ | _____| ¦ ___/____. /____. |
| | |_ /_ __| _ // |/ | | | |_ / | |
| |_____|\____/_________________|___/______|___| _ _____|_______/_______| |
| ___________________. |
|______________________) |_________________________________|
Forgiveness is the basis of Love.
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.1o | for: Tabacman
__________________________ ¦________________________________
/______________| (__ __
______._ ____ ______ ____. _____ ___ ____. ____.___
| __/___) Y _ /_____) |/ __/____ \ / __|_) | \ _____.
| | _ ( \ _ | Y ./ Y \ _ | \) |
________________________________________. _______.
cG|_______________________\eD |_______
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.11 | for: Energy+Danster
_____________________/ |__________________________
____ ___. ____ ._________ _ __ (___ _
/ _/_____. | _____./ _/_____.___| / _/_____. \ ______.
/ ___/ | |/ | ___/ | | /_ ___/ | \) |
_ ___________________ _\cG eD|____________ _ _
__ __
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.12 | for: Fungus
.________________ __________________.
| /____________) |
_ _____| ____._____ _______ .___|_ __|_ |
_________) ¦_ /______/ ___/____| ¦ ¦ |
\ _ //____ \ Y | || | | _____________.
cG\___________| )_______\__________|___||___| |_____\ |
__ _________________. _ ________________ _ _____ |
\¦ _____________ _. / __/___________. /__!_.
| \ - \ |_ /_ /__ ./ |_ / |
| \____________\____|\____/_________|_______/_____._|eD
|________________________________ ¦
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.13 | for: Boone
________ ____________ ____.__ _____ _____
| _ /__________\ - \ \¦ \ / ¦/ /________.
| ( \ - \___________\ \ Y | ___/ |
cG|_________\__________\ |____|\_______| ____)_________|eD
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.14 | for: Boone
¦____________________. / |
_________ _| _______ |/ _____. |
_ \ /______/ /______|_______) ¦_ |
\ \______ \ __/ | _ // |_________________
\ cG)________\____)_______|\___________| (_____ _ __
\__ _______. _ _____________ ___. .__________
_/ _________/\ |__________ _. / | ______| \/
\ \ / \ | - \ |_ /_ |/ | \eD
\ \________________|\__________\_____|\_____/_ __/_______|__________\
\____________________. __________________ _ _
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.15 | for: Psyche
_____________________. / (____________ _ _
| ____________ ____ |/ .___________ __________ _____. |
___| _|__ ___/ /____| _. / _. /_______) ¦_ |
\ _\|\ | ___/ |_ /_ |_ /_ _ /// |
\ cG|_________|_.___)__________|\____/____|\____/____________| |
._\ .__________ __|_ _________ ____ ____________. _____. |
| | ____/ ¦ _. /_\ \ / __|_______) ¦_ |
| | __/ | |_ /_ Y \ _ // |
| |______| _ __| ____|\____/_____\_/___________\_____________|eD |
|_________________________________________. __|
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.16 | for: Bird
____________ ___
.__| (__/ \___________________________ ___
| ._________ ___|_ ___________ ________ // /
| | _ / ¦ _. / \/eD _//__/
| | ( \ | |_ /_ \ \_.
__¦ |__________\ ___| _ ____|\____/_________\ |
\ cG| .________________________. |
\_________| dMX INFLUENCED dOORS!! |______________|
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.17 | for: Bird
WHERE ALL THE JUNKIES GO¦______________________. ______________.
.____________ | |______\ ._______. |
| .____. /__| ____. _ _____ .______| | |
| | | _______/ |_______ / | | | |
| | |/ | ./ __/______| . | |
_|cG|____/___________________|\____ ____|-------' _|
______\ /__________/ \ .___
/ _________ ____. _ ________ _______ _____ ____ \___|
/ / ____/____________) | _. / \/ _/_____| \ ________.
/ /_ ./ _ | |_ /_ \ __/ | \) |
\_____________|____________|____|\____/________\ __)______|____\_________|
_ _____________________. _____________ _
| ___________________________________\
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.18 | for: Cyberlife
______ _ ____ _________ _____ __________ __. ___|_ ______ ___
cG/ ___/___. /___. _ / _/____. _. / | ___. ¦ ____/ _/____.
/ Y |_ / | ( \ __/ | |_ /_ |/ | | __/ __/ |
\___________/_______|________\__)_____|____|\___/___/____|__|____| _ __)_____eD
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.19 | for: Aphazel
_| |
_¦_____________\ !FUCK·OF·OR·DIE! |_______________
| .____________ ____________ ___________ /
| | ____/________\ - \ \/ /.
| | __/ - \___________\ \ |
|cG|________| \__________\ ______. ¦__________\eD|
________________ .___ _ .__ __ .__ _. .___ __ .__ .__ _
\ \ |__// \| )(__ | | )(_| |__/(__)|__|--'|--| | | ) `--.
______\ \_______________ _____ '
\ \\ \ // / .
_\____\\______________\___________//___/_ nO.2o | for: Aphazel
____ ___ _ _
-\___\-\_\-------------- FUCK OFF OR DiE //-
.__________ _ _________
| ____/______ _________ \/eD
| __/ _ / _ / \
-- ------------------------------ -------- -
the interesting part
Greets: The nutty ascii artists I met at TP6 (Folar, Boheme, Mogue, HausFrau,
SpeedDevil, Adon and Vietcong). Ofcourse also to CHROMBACHER AND FATAL of the
never ending Epsilon story. Furthermore (party greets): Fury (Heya Chris, BP
power oder was? :)) Mario (Thank you for psychiatric help at the pub :Þ :)),
ECS (Mail me some more Birdhouse stickers, I need to decorate my hometown :)),
Slime (Allo FRASSSE!!! Nice to finally meet you, pity you'll have yer exams
during the symposium), Whirlwind (You looked even happier than I could imagine),
Euronymous (Hehe, anonymous to me, though you were there all the time.. I need
new glasses or something :)), Prospect (Micke, din lilla strids-pitt-frilla :)),
Recall (Och du bara skrattade, är jag så fruktansvärt ful? :Þ), Baffle (well,
what can I say. You came, you drank, you conquered bwuhauhaha), tentacle (you
looked a bit suprised..? :)), Franky (Hehe, not as noisy as in #amielite huh?),
Demolee (that videotape is now confiscated :)), Harpoon (Mannen med de röda
ögonen * 25 :)), Zinko (Well, I managed! :) Keep clear from them french
sceners (no names, she's already slapped me once :)) hehe), Pride (Ok, I admit,
yer even more charming than I am.. buhaeauhe..)
Other hellos to: Fungus, Cesspool, Javis, Shock-G, Stezotehic (hehe hehum..),
Dr.G (awesome tape Fabio!), Acbs (Expecting the little one soon?), Wise-K,
Treach (hey, where were you?), and the lot that I've forgotten. You don't know
who you are. Heuhuehue....
Special ones to Mogue: Danke für alle Cigaretten und das Bier.
HausFrau: (oder HausSau :)) Thanks for the beer. And the
Interesting sales-lession :)
Vietcong: 7-11, 7-11, 7-11, 7-11, 7-11 HehEHeh
d a n c i n g d o l p h i n s
swimming in the clear wells of
.·:¦| Epsilon ^ Design |¦:·.
Trained by Cybergod!
--\\- EPSILON DESIGN, RUNKKARIT DOMINATION IN 1997 -------------------------//--