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dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:
aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn )
ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga) · x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn · U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)
eNDzEiT wHQ (Amiga) · dARkSidE wHQ (Amiga)
aNAdUNe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga) · nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)
sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)
aLieNDeSiGN wHQ (Amiga-Tools) · tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)
sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs! eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!
dA sYSOPs aRe:
Node 1 : Node 2 & 3 :
USR V.90 I-Modem Euro ISDN
+49-(0)30-44730311 rAMSeS +49-(0)30-44730312
Node 4,5,6 : pASo
24h Telnet -- nO RaTiOs !!! --
/\_____________________/\ .
._) 2 0 0 1 (_:_ _
| |
| T H E Y A R D |_ _
| - --------------------- - \///_ _
| |
| Amiga/Ascii/Graffiti/N64 |
| Gameboy/NeoGeoPocket/Snes |
| Psx/Ps2/Dc/Smd/Oldies/Mp3 |
| Unix/Drugs/Chiptunes/Mods |
| |
__________ _____| ________ |
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: :
: Presents my latest achivement called: :
: .
: .
. : . : .
: . . : :...:.....
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...: ______ :.... ..\ | ...... ... .: ._____ :....
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: ______ · _________ _____________ _______ :
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. . _\ \_ / /_ - /_ __/ _/ . .
: /___________/__\______\_________\_____\________\dTR :
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: B l i t z k r i e g w i t c h c r a f t :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. .
: Hello! :. .
| |:. .
.:######| Yes, I'm back again with a new collection. Because of the |#:. .
.:#####| positive responce I got from the latest release I just |##:. .
.:####| had to release a new collection. I got some requests I |###:. .
:####| had to release somewhere, and a collection is just the |####:. .
:###| right place I guess. Hope to see some more action on the |#####:. .
:##| ascii-scene now then gyus. If you're wondering about the |######:. .
:###| title of this collection I can tell you that it's a song- |#####:. .
:####| title of one of my favorite bands, The Crown. Well, I |####:. .
.:####| won't keep babbling rubbish much more, keep it METAL!. |###:. .
.:#####| |##:. .
.:######: Jonas - Chrombacher/Epsilon^Design |#:. .
. :
[ Part I - Requested Logos ]
.____________________________________ _.__________.
| | |
| Natural Mystic ... Hiro Protagonist._|__________|
| Acid nature ................. Raver| |
| Mac classic ........ Mortimer Twang|__________. |
| Spot ......................... Spot | \| |
| Skope ........................ Spot |__________/
| Up Rough ..................... Spot ./ . |
| Member13 ................... Daeron | ______/| |__.
| The Yard .................... Zaner | |
| Abhorrence ............. Abhorrence |__________.__|
| Mortimer twang ..... Mortimer Twang | _. .
| Hiro Protagonist . Hiro Protagonist | \| | :
| Twisted (diz) .......... Abhorrence | | |__|
| Floating Point ............ Nagilum |____|__|____.
| Remorse (diz) .... Hiro Protagonist | |
| AdON! ........................ Adon._|____. |___._|
| The Lounge ............... Vladimir| \| | |
| Disclaimer ............... Vladimir|____________|
| Kill user ................ Vladimir | |
| Juan ......................... Juan | |
| Adidas ....................... Adon | |
| Bunkertor ................... Ninja | :
| House of Style ............. Ramone : .
| ................. Nike .
| Noches ..................... Noches .
| Twisted ................ Abhorrence . .
| Zito ......................... Zito ..........:
| Darkage ...................... Zito : ..... . :
| Darkage (diz) ................ Zito : : :
| Layout ....................... Zito : . . :
| Layout (diz) ................. Zito : . :
| Reason ....................... Zito : . ....: :
| Reason (diz) ................. Zito :.........:
| PKD-Guide .................... Zito : :
| PKD-Guide (diz) .............. Zito . :
| Showtime ..................... Zito .
| .
| [ Logo ] [ For ] . .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Natural mystic My comments: Wow.. return of the | :
:.......| For: Hiro Protagonist downward triangle.. :) |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
__________________________________________ ____ __ __ _
\ // // //
\ //___//_//__ _
\ .___. /
__________ ___\ | |___ _ ______ __________/.___.
./ ._ \____\__ \| ___/____ /____/ _ / | |_______ _ _____.
| |/ / _./ \ __ / /. _/ /__ \ __ _ |
| | /_ \| |\ \ /| | \ |\ \ |
|____|____________________________\________|____\____________________\ |
| _ _ _______ \ .___. / |
|_____ _____ /__ ___\_ | |___ .____. _/___ |
.\ \/ /. /_ /_/ ___/___|_ ___/__| |/ __/____ _ _ |
| \ / ___.__/ _\__._ \ | \ __ _ |
| \/____ |/ |/ |\ | |\ \ |
|______\ _ _______________________________________________\______.cRb/e^D.__|
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
_ __ __ ___\ /
\\ \\ \\ /
_ __\\_\\__\\/
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Acid Nature My comments: Hmmm.. a new style I | :
:.......| For: Raver happened to do. It's refundable :)|.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .__.
____ ____ : _._____|_ | .
._____)__ \_/ __/____: \: ___/ | .
| ___/ \ : \\ |______________________________:__.
|___ \\ __ \\ : :__ \ | :..|.. .
\_______ \________\ . \_.__.| |
| ______ ____ | |___ ____ _______ ______. |
| ___/ ._ \_____)__ \_ ___(__/ /_____/ _ /_/ __ | |
. ..|.. \ // ___/ \ __ /| /. _// /__ \____|__|
|_:___\___/ __ \\ __ \\ \______|__\ ._ \\ |
: /_______| \______\ \________\.cRb/e^D.\______| \_______|
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Mac Classic My comments: Oh, got the style wo | :
:.......| For: Mortimer Twang rking in this logo actually.. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. \
_____ _____ \ ____ _____ \
._) \/ (__\__)__ \__/ __(____ _ \
| \ / ___/ \ __ _ \
|_____\ / _ ____ \\ ____ \\ \ \
. \/___ ____\___.__\_. \________\_ ____ \ ____ .____. _____
. ._/ __(___| |________)__ \_ / __(___\/ __(___| |_/ __(___ _
: | \ ___ \ ___/ \____ \____ \ | \ __ _
:.cRb/e^D.|___ \\ \__ \\ _ \\ _____ \\ __ \\ \_______ \\ \
\________\ \______\\_______\ \________\ ______\ \________\
\ \
\ .
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Skope My comments: Not much to say.. a | :
:.......| For: Splonk logo . |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
.____ _____ _.___. _____ ________ _ ______________ ___________.._______.\
| / __/__| |/ /_/ ._ \./ ._ / __/__ || \\
| ._\___._ _/ /__ |/ | _|/ / .___/__. || \.
| | |/ \ | | \_____/ |/ | || |.
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Spot My comments: Oh, I just had to do | :
:.......| For: Splonk something that looked like spots. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. .
. .
. .____. .
______ . _________.___ . _|___ .
/ ___/______/ ._ . /________ : ___/_________ _ _
_ _ ____\___._ |/ :_/ ._ \_: \
|/ _| | |/ | \
| \______| | | |\ ____ _ _
_ _ ____________________| | | |_______________\
. .cRb|_____________|e^D. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Up Rough My comments: <none> | :
:.......| For: Splonk |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
........ .
_ ______ ________:___ : .
_ __ /____/ ._ /...:....................................:..
/ / /. _|/ / :.:.. . .
/ /| | \_.____/__________ ________ _ _______ ________ | |______
\____________|____| ._/ _ /_/ ._ \_ __ /___ _. \. ._ \
.. . . ..:.. | _/ /__ |/ |/ / /. \| | |/ /
: :.:........| \ | | /| | \__ | | /_
:. cRb/e^D ..: |_____\__________________|__________|\_____/ |___|_____ _
. : : ..... .... ... .. . \____|
:.......: :...: :..: :.: :: :
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Member 13 My comments: A logo for my | :
:.......| For: Daeron only fan.. :) |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
| .____. |
_____ _____ | ______ ______ ______| _|______________ | __________
._\ \/ /_|/ ___/___\ \/ /| \._ / ___/_|_/ _ /
| \ / | .____/ \ / | |/ / .____/__ _/ /___.
| \ / | |/ \ / | | /| |/ \ |
| |
.cRb| :::: .:::::::. |e^D.
| ::::: .::::::::::: |
. ... .... ....|... . . .::::: .::::::::::::: . . ...|.... .... ... .
: : : : : : | .:::::: .::::::::::::::: | : : : : : :
: :.: :..: :...|________ .:::::::: ::::::· ·:::::: _______|...: :..: :.: :
.:::::::::: :::::: ::::::
::::::::::: .::::::
:::::: :::::::::·
:::::: :::::::·
:::::: :::::::::
:::::: ·::::::
:::::: ..... ::::::
:::::: :::::. ::::::
:::::: :::::: .::::::
:::::: ·::::::..:::::::
:::::: ::::::::::::::
:::::: ::::::::::::
:::::: ·::::::::·
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: The Yard My comments: Oh, this design | :
:.......| For: Zaner I used for another logo later|.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. \ ___ __ ___ _ _
.___. ._\_. \\ \\ \\
| |___. | |______ ______ \\__\\_\\___ _ _
| ____|_|_ ._ \ ___/_. \ _________________ ___
| \ __ |/ / _____|_____ \ \ \\__\.____.
| |\ \ | /_ |/ __ /__\ _\___ __________\___|_ |
.cRb|_____________|_____________/ /_ /___\__ \_/ _ / _./ |
\ _ _\___.__/ _./ _/ /\__ \| |
\ |/ \| \ \ |
_ _ ___ __ ___\ _ _________________________\_______________|e^D.
\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ ___
_ _ __\\_\\__\\ \ \_________________\\__\
\ .
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Abhorrence My comments: Loads of dots | :
:.......| For: Abhorrence around here :). |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .... . . . . .... ... .... . . . ... .. . . ..
... .:...___. .___. ....:.... . . . .: :... . ......:...:. . . ..:...
:.. ____: _|__|_ |_:___ ______ _______:_______ _____: _______ :____ ___:__:
__:_\__ \ \._ \ ._ \ ._ \ _ / _ / __ |/ ._ \/ __/_/ __ |
\_ _./ |/ |/ / |/ _/ _/ \.___|_ |/ \ \.___|_.
__ \| | | /_ | \ \ |/ | |\ |/ |
..: : .....: ... . ..:.... . : ...:e^D.
:.cRb...:.. . ..:... . . . .: . ..:.. . : .:.. . . . ..: :
. ..: :..: :. . ..:
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Mortimer Twang My comments: I will NEVER do | :
:.......| For: Mortimer Twang a logo in this style again!! |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. . .... | | ... . .
. . .:: |chuck n.| ::.. . .
_____ ____ _ _ _____ ______|________|_ _ _ ___ ____ _ ____ _ ____
_\ \ / _ \._\ _ _ ___ _.___ _ \ / _________ __ /
\ \/ / \\ | __// /__ | /: \. \ \ / ____/_ __// /__ _
\ /_______________: \_______ _ :__/ | |____\ / // ____ _\_______ _
_ _____\/ ._____: |__ _ :.. .`---' \/ _ __// _ ____|
| __ | /__________
- - - t e X a S _____\__(**)__/_____ r A N g e R - - -
_ __. (____________________)
|___ _ _____ _ _| o O | ______ __________ ____
____/_____ _ ___/\ : |/ : \ _ \\__\\ ._ \ __(_______
\ _/ \_ __ _:: .::. ::__\__\_ |/ / \_._ __/__ _
__ |\ ___ // /\ \\ \_ :::==::: _._ / / |/
/ _ | _ \____/ \________\\ :::::: \| _.___/ \_ _ / ___ _
/_//____\\_____\ \___ \ | //________ ____\\
\\_____--' \\___//
- cRb/e^D
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Hiro Protagonist My comments: Oh, damn long | :
:.......| For: Hiro Protagonist logos. :).. Won't fit. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
\ /
.____. \ / - [ H i R o ] -
| |__\___ _____ ___________ ______________/_ _ _ _ _ _____.
| ._ \ /./ _ /_/ ._ |
| |/ / | _/ /__ |/ |
| | /_ _ | \ | |
|____|____________|____\_______________________ _ _ _ _ ___._ _ |
\ .___. / | |
____________\__________| |___ /____ ________ _______ | _________ |
./ _ / _ / ._ ___/_______/|__ \_ _. \./ ._ |/ ._ \|
| _/ / _/ /__ |/ \ __ _./ \| | |/ |/ /|
| \____/ \ | |\ \ \| \ | | ._|__. /_|
|___| _ _____\_______________________\________________ |____________| |__ _
_ _ ___ _ __ ___ \ / \___| | | | |
\\\\ \\ \ \ / | | | |
_ _ __\\\\_\\__\ \ / |__|____| |
\ / - [ p R o T A G o N i s T ] - / __/______|
\ / _ __\___._ |
\ / .___.|/ |
\ / ____ ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ _______| |________|
\ / / // // //// | | ____/___ _|
- cRb/e^D \/ /___//__//_////__ _ _ _ ____| | \
| |\
|___________ _
| |
: |
. :
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Twisted (diz) My comments: Oh, long time - | :
:.......| For: Abhorrence no desc-logos. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
.__. - cRb/e^D - -. .__. ..:... . .__.
| _|__ _______ : _ __| _|__ :._____|_ |
| __/___ _ /___:.. .___. __/___\_ _./ |
| |\ __ /\ : / __|_ |\ ___\ \| |
|________\___/\___:. :___ _____ __\_____|
| :::.._____/ \______\ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Floating Point My comments: Little to little| :
:.......| For: Naglium design maby. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
______ ___. ______ _____| |__ .____. __________________
./ ____/__ |_____/ ._ \_____\__ \ ___/___|_ |/ ._ \ _. \.
| ______/ \ __ |/ _./ \ __ _ | |/ / \| |
| | | |\ \ | \| |\ \ | | /_\ \__ |
|____| |___________\____________________________\__|____|_____________/ |
| .___. . \___|
| ________________ ____. _________| |___ : |
|/ ._ /._ \. |/ ._ \ ___/___ _ _ ___________| |
| _|/ / |/ | | |/ / \ __ _ |
| \_____/ | | | | /__ |\ \ |
|____| |__________|____|__ _|_________________\______________.cRb/e^D._|
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Remorse (diz) My comments: Hmm.. he'll be | :
:.......| For: Hiro Protagonist leaving Remorse? So to no use|.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
.............. - cRb/e^D
_ _:_____:: ___ :__________________ ___. ..
_ _ / __|_ \/ ._ _ _ / __(/ __|_ :
_/ /_ ___/_. \ / |/ _/ /\___ ___/_|
. : :: : |
. :.....::..[..:r e m o r s e ] |
: |
| |
| |
| |
| |
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: ADoN! My comments: Big style, a mu-| :
:.......| For: Adon tation of the small style. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. :
. .. ..: :.............................................................
. ..: :.. : ..: :.. :
:.:.: ._____ _______________ __________ _____________:.:___.
___:______|___ \_.\ ._ \ ._ \_./ ._ \ |
\ .__/ | |/ / |/ | |/ / |
\ |/ | | / | | | /| |
\ | | | / | | | /_|_ ___|
\______________|____________/|______________|_____|_________ _ _|
:.. ..:..
: :.. ..: : :..
:...:.cRb/e^D............................................:...: ..:
: .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: The Lounge My comments: <none> | :
:.......| For: Vladimir |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
: .
.___. . ..:___. ..:......
| |___. | |______ ______ . . ..:.: :
| ____|_|_ ._ \ ___/_.___________________:_______:_________.
| \ __ |/ / _____|__..... ... .. . : |
| |\ \ | /_ |/ |: : : : :: : : . |
|_____________|_________________|:..: :.: :: : : |
| . . |
|____. ________ ______ _ _________________ ____:_ |
| |_____/_ ._ \.__ /____ ._ \ _. \./ ___/_. |
| \ ___ |/ |/ / / |/ / \| | _____|__. |
| |\ \ | | /| | | /\_ \ | |/ | |
|___________\___________________|___|___________ |___________|___|
.cRb\____|e^D. :
: :
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Disclaimer My comments: I suddenly realised | :
:.......| For: Vladimir that this logo wouldn't fit 80 ch |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
.cRb/e^D:.. .
: .___. ... . . . . . . .....__.
:._.____|_ . . _____. __:__. .____. .___| :__|_ _____
/ _._/ : . / ___|__/ ___|____|_ |_____ _____|__ |_. _ \ / _ /.
\ \| | :_\___._ \ __ \ __ _ _./ : :\ \/ / |
._\ \ | :: |/ |\ \ |\ \ \| .____|_\ / |
| \________:..:::______________________\__________\________._| ____\/______|
| : :.. . . . ..../ ___/_. :
| . .:. | _____|__..:
| . . .:[ d i S c L a i m E r ]:. . . ..: :.| . |/ | |
| . _ __|___________| |
| This is a private system for the exclusive use of our _ _\ _ / |
| members. Any attempt at illegal entry, hacking, or | _/ /__ |
| access other than by authorization is a violation of | \ :
| federal regulations and a violation of members rights such :____\______ _.
| as free speech & privacy. No person is to violate FCC or . .
| any other copyright laws. .
| .
| ..If you agree Enter YES at the system prompt . :
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Kill User My comments: Dotty layout. | :
:.......| For: Vladimir |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. . ... .... .............. .............. .... ... . .
.___. ____: _._:_:..: :____. : :_ ______ :_:..: :______ _________
| |/ : : |____|_ |_____ _: :__ /___ / __|_/_ ___/_. _ /
| _/ /:_ : \ __ _ \ __ _ :/ / /_\__._ _____| _/ /__.
| \ : : |\ \ |\ \ : / /| |/ |/ \ |
|___\_____:_ _:__________\_________\: \______________________________\_______|
: . : : : :
. .cRb:............: :............:e^D.
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Juan My comments: Oh, the first | :
:.......| For: Juan big logo for my teammate. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. .
. ..:.: _ ___________ :.:.. .
: .______.__ /____ _ .______ ______________.
.______:________| |/ / __._______|___ \_./ ._ \ _____.
| / / | / \ | .__/ | |/ / |
| / / /| / \| |/ | | / |
| / /| / | /| | | | | /_ _ |
|____\_______________\_|______________|\_______________|_____|__________ _____|
: :
: [ j U a N . o F . e P S i L o N ^ d E S i G n ] :
. ..:.. ..:.. .
: :
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Adidas My comments: The title for | :
:.......| For: ADon! his new collection.Big style |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. . .
. . :
. ........................... . . . : :
. ...: ..cRb/e^D.: : :
. ..:.. ._____ :_____________ ____._____________ :_____. _____.
_ _ ____|___ \_.\ ._ \ |\ ._ _ _\____|___ \_/ ___|_____ _ _
.__/ | |/ / | |/ / .__/ |______._
|/ | | / | | \ / |/ |/
| | | /| | | \/ | |
_ _______________|__________/ |_____|__________/\__________________________ _ _
..... .... ... .. . ...................................: : .... ... .. . .
: : : : : : :: : : : : : : : :: : :
:...: :..: :.: :: : :........................................: :..: :.: :: : :
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Adidas My comments: Another design, | :
:.......| For: Adon! another style. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
| |
: ......... ......... :
...........: .___. :.....: .___. :.................
. . .....: .____ _____|_ |____.____| | :: .____ : _____ :.... . . .
______|__ \ _./ | | _. |____|__ \_/ __/____. .... .. . .
\ _./ \| | | \| | _./ |\___._ | :..: :.. . .
\ \| \ | | \ | \| |/ |___ __ _
. . .. \__________________|____|\_______|\____________________\\__\\__ _
. :.............................................................. . .. .
: . . :
:.. . . ..:.. ..... . . . ..:
: :
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Bunkertor My comments: <none> | :
:.......| For: Ninja |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. .
..:........ ........:..
. . ..:.: : : :.:.. . .
: : : :
.___| .___. |
| |____________ _________ ___. ____ _____ ________| |___ ____________|__
| ._ _ __ /_\ ._ \ |/ / ___/_. _ / ___/_/_ ._ _ /
| |/ / / |/ / _/ /_ _____| _/ /__ \ |/ _/ /__.
| | / /| | /_ \ |/ \ |\ | \ |
| |
: : : :
. . .. ... .... ..... : : : : ..... .... ... .. . .
: : :: :.: :..: :...: :.........: :.........: :...: :..: :.: :: : :
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: House of style My comments: Hmm.. nothing | :
:.......| For: Ramone to say really.. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. .
. ..:.: :.:. . .
.__:_. :
| |______ ________ _ ________ _____. ______ :
| ._ \ ._ \_._ /___ / ___|_____/ ___/_:
| |/ / |/ | / /_\____._ _____|__.
| | /_ | | /| |/ |/ |
./ ._ \_/ _______/____.__
| |/ | _.____________/
| | | |
| .|__. _ __|__ | .
|_______._____| |_________ /_______.____| ______ .
/ ___|____ | ____/__/_ / \ |______ / ___/_:
._\___._ \| \ \____._ \ __ _____|__.
| |/ | |\ |/ |\ \ |/ |
: :
. ..:.. ..:.. .
: :
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: My comments: Gimme an account| :
:.......| For: Nike for this logo :))) |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
....... .... ... .. . .
: : :..: :.: :: : :
______: _ _:____ _________________ .________________ __________________
.\ ___|_. __ /__. _ / ._ \| ._ / ._ \. _ / ._ \___.
| .____|_/ / | _/ /__ |/ | |/ / |/ | _/ /__ |/ / |
| |/ /| | \ | : _____/ | : \ | /_ _ |
|_______________________\______________.___| _ _ __________\________|______ _ |
| : : |
| . ..:.. : |
| :.:...: - [ e U R o p o R N . o R g ] - |
| : |
| . ______ __________________ |
|__ _ _ _ _ ___._/ ._ \_. _ / _. \.____ _ _ _ _ __|
| | |/ | _/ /__ \| | |
| | | | \ | | |
|______________________|__________|___\___________ |_________________________|
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Noches My comments: <none> | :
:.......| For: Noches |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. . .....
......................... :
:::::· : :
::· .___: .
.__ __________:______ ____. | |_____ _____ ______________________________.
| \ ._ \ ._ \/ ___|_|__ ._ \ __/_./ __/____. |
| | |/ / |/ \ |/ / .____|___._ | |
| | | /_ | |\ | / |/ |/ | |
: :
: :
: :
: :
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Twisted My comments: I seem to like that | :
:.......| For: Abhorrence design, don't I? |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. \ __ _ _
\ \\___ _ _ _ _ _________.
.___. \ _______ _ _ \ .___. .___|
| |__ _ _\___\ __ ___. _____\ | |__ ______________|_ |
| ___(_____ /\ \ |/ ___/__|_ __(__\ __ \ _._( |
| \ / \ \ _|\_____ \ \____|\ \\ |
|__ \\ \___/\______________ \\ __ \\ __ \\ \_ \ |
\_________\_ \ \______\_______ \________\_____|
_ _ __ \ \ |
_ _ __\ \ \ _ _ ______.cRb/e^D__|
\ .
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Zito My comments: Small with brick- | :
:.......| For: Zito design. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
.___. - cRb/e^D
. . .................______ .___| |__ ______................ . .
: : : : ___\___ \| | ___(___/ _ \ : : : :
. . ...:.:..:...:..\ ___/__ | \ \\ \..:...:..:.:... . .
: : : : \___ \\ ___|__ \\ _ ___ \ \: : : :
. . ..:.:..:...:......\_______ _ \______ _ \_____/:...:..:.:.. . .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Darkage My comments: <none> | :
:.......| For: Zito |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. .
....... :.....................................................:..
.:_____:_ : ____ ________ __. ____ ____ ______ ____ :.:.. .
. .:\ _./ _|___\__ \/ _ /_/ |/ /____\__ \ _. \/ __/_. ....:. .
. ..:.\ \| . _./ _/ /_ _/ /_ _./ \| .___|_....:.
. ..:..\ \ . \| \ \ \| \_ |/ | .:.. .
. . :....\__.___:___________\_________\___________________/ ._______|..:. .
. ..:. : : .cRb\____|e^D. :
: : .
. .
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Darkage (diz) My comments: Hmm, now that's an | :
:.......| For: Zito odd style :) |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
_______ _ _______ _ _____cRb/e^D_______
./ _ _ /____ __ /. ___ __ _\____/ _ /
| // ___ _// /_|/ / // _ //__/|
|_____ // __\___ __/ /___/ // ____/ |
| /___/ / ___\____// _/\___ / |
|___ _ / _/ __ ___ /___/_ _____|
| \\ dARKaGe // |
| |
| |
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Layout My comments: <none> | :
:.......| For: Zito |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
_ _ _____ _ ____ .__.
.___. _____ __ /_ ______ _ _ /_| |___
.------| |_______)___\_/ /_ \_/ _ \_/ / (_ ___(___--------.
| | \ ___/ _____( \\ // __ \ \ |
`---cRb|_ \\ __ \\ __ \\ _ ___ \ _ ______/__ \\ \e^D---'
\________\_______ \______ _\_____ \________\
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Lauout (diz) My comments: Lot's and lot's of | :
:.......| For: Zito comments.. . eh... booring.. :) |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
__. _______ _/ |___ · [ LayOut ] ·
./ |_____/_ ._ \ ___(____ _
.--| \ __ _ |/ \ __ _- - --.
| | |\ \ | |\ \ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Reason My comments: <none> | :
:.......| For: Zito |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
..... .....
: :________ _______. ____ _____ _____ ______: :
.__ _ :_ _.\ _ \_/ __ |___)__ \_/ __(____/ _ \_/ _ \__ : _ __.
| _// /_ \____| __/ \____ \\ \\ |
|_ _ _ __.__\ __ \\ ___ \\ _____ \\ _ ___ \ __ \_.___ _ _ _|
: : \_______\_______ \______\ \_______ \______\____\: :
.cRb:...: :...:e^D.
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Reason (diz) My comments: This guy really re- | :
:.......| For: Zito quested alot of logos. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
_______ _____ _______
.______/ _ \ / __(____/ _ \______.
| _// /__\_____ // |
|________\ ___ // ___ / ________|
| .cRb\____ _ _\_______ _/___/e^D. |
| |
| - [ R e a s o n ] - |
| |
| |
| |
| |
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: PKD-Guide My comments: Hmm.. this one ended | :
:.......| For: Zito up quite odd. |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
.__. .
....____________ _________|_ |.._________ ______ . .__............
._:_./ _ __/_ // / __( |__\ _ \._ /__:___.____|_ |______.___:_.
| | __// __ _/ _/__ \\ | \ \\ | / (_ | __( | __ | |
|___| )_____/___\ _ __ \ |____\ \__ | // | \\ \____|_.___|
:.|___|........\_____ _ \____......\____( |____________:___ \ ._ \\ |.:
\___| . \____| \______|
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: PKD-Guide (diz) My comments: Oh, ok.. I'm lazy! | :
:.......| For: Zito |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
.... . . .__. . . ...
._:__ ____________ _________|_ |_________:_.
| ./ _ __/_ // / __( | |
| | __// __ _/ _/__ \\ |[pkd-guide]|
|___| )_____/___\ _ __ \ |___________|
| |___ cRb/e^D \_____ _ \____| |
| |
| |
| |
. . .
______ _|_ _________________._ _|_ ________ _|_ _ _____
________ _ \ _ | __ / __/__ | |___ __ | \| /_ ________
\____ _ \ _}--: \____/___ / : l \_ / : \ / ______/
. \___ _ \___ _|_ _| /___.___/____l_.______/_______l___\___/ ____/ .
: .\__. | :____ _|_ ________|______ _____ ______ .__/. :
:...: s| _____|_ | _ |___ / | .__/___ \| / |s :...:
..... c| \ __/ : _}--: ____/ : l_ / \ / |c .....
:...:...:___ _ \_______l______l_____/ _|_______/ \____/_ ______:...:...:
: | \_____| \_____| | :
: | Logo: Showtime My comments: Lovely designidea, | :
:.......| For: Zito eh ? :) |.......:
. |___________________________________________________________| .
. :
:... . - Blitzkrieg Witchcraft - (C) Chrombacher/epSiLon^dEsiGn 2001 - . ...:
. .
. \
...\ \ . . .......
: \___. _____\.___. :
____: | __|____ _____ ____\ | |___ _:__ ____ ______.
/ __(___| )__ _ \_/ _ \ /\ ____(__) \/ (/ __ |
_ __\_____ // // / \ \ \ / \____|_ _
_ ___ // ____/ _ ___ / _ _____/\_______ \\ _.__\/______ \\
\_____/ /____/_ \_____/ \_______| \_____ _
: \ \ :
:....... . \ \. ..:...cRb/e^D... . .
. \
. .
[ Part II - Collection design ]
Feel free to use these logos in
your collections.You're free to
re-design the things around the
logos in your own taste.
[ The End ]
. .
. \ ___ __ ___ _ _
.___. ._\_. \\ \\ \\
| |___. | |______ ______ \\__\\_\\___ _ _
| ____|_|_ ._ \ ___/_. \
| \ __ |/ / _____|__. \ .____.
| |\ \ | /_ |/ ___|__ \_______________|_ |
.cRb|_____________|_____________/ ___/__/ ._ \ _./ |
\ | _____/__ |/ / \| |
\ | |/ | /_ \ |
_ _ ___ __ ___\ |_____________|________________|e^D.
\\ \\ \\ \
_ _ __\\_\\__\\ \
\ .
. .
[ Contact ]
... . . . : . . ......
. ... . . . . ...... .........:.___.cRb/e^D..: :___...... .....
.. : _____ ________:.:_________| |__. _____ _____ : |___ :..:. .:
:.:/ __/____/ ._ \_/ ._ \ ___|______\__ \/ __/__| ___/____:__ .
.__| \ |/ |/ / \ _./ \ \ ___/_.
| | |\ | | /_ |\ \| |\ |\ \ |
| |_________________________|______________________________________________\ |
| |
[ Requests ]
. .
. .
. ..|.: :.|.. . .
______________ __|____ _ ____ ____ ____ | _|____ ____
./ _ / __/___/ ._ \_ /____/ __/__./ __/____|_ ____/____/ __/_____.
| _/ /_ .___/_ |/___ / /. .___/|___._ \ _____._ |
| \ |/ | \ \ /| | |/ |/ |\ \ |/ |
. ..|.. ..|.. .
|_:______________________________:_| - cRb/e^D
: :
. .
[ Index ]
._______________ _ _ .___. _ _ ____._____________________________________.
|____. ________________|__ | _____ ____| / |
| |/ ._ \ _._/ |/ __/__\ _| / |
| | |/ /\ \| | .___/ \._ \ [ - i n D E X - ] |
| | | /_ \ \ | |/ |/ \. |
[ Messages ]
...... . . . . ........ . . . ....
: ............................ :: .......................... :
_____ ._:___ _____ _____ ____: : ____ ________. _____ :_.___
._\ \/ /_/ __/__/ __/___/ __/____:_\__ \ _. |/ __/__ / __/_____.
|\ \ / .___/\___._ ___._ _./ \| .___/_\___._ |
|______\/ |/ |/ |/ \| \ |/ |/ |
| /_______________________________________________ _____________________|
| :..........................: :.......cRb\___|e^D......: |
| |
[ Respects ]
...... .....
.. . . . ....: :...cRb/e^D.. . ..... . . ..: :___.. . . . ...
: ___________:__ __:_ ________:_____ _____. : _:____ ____ :
:/ _ / __/__ / __/____/ ._ / __/__./ ___|__|_ ____/___/ __/_____:
| _/ /_ .___/_\__._ _|/ / .___/| \ __ \ _____._ |
| \ |/ |/ \_.___/ |/ |\ \ |\ \ |/ |
|____\__________________________| |_____________________\_________\_________|
:.. : ...:.. . . : : :.... :
:.. . :.....:..:.. . . . .:.. . . . ..: :. . . . ..:
[ Preface ]
. .
. .
..:............ . .cRb/e^D. . .............:..
. ..:.: :.:.. .
______:___________ ____ _____ .____ _____. _:___
_ _____./ ._ _ / __/__./ __/____|___ \/ ___|__/ __/__________ _
| _|/ / _/ /__ .___/_ ____/ _./ \ .___/__.
_ ____| \_.___/ \ |/ |\ \| |\ |/ |____ _
|____| :____\__________________| \____________________________|
: :
: :
. :
. .
[ URL ]
....... . .
: _ ____________
: _ ____ /_____ ______________ _____. . . .....
. . ..: / / /._/ _ / |__________ _ :.. .
...:..../ / | _/ /___ \ __ _....:
..: .__ / /| | \ |\ \ __. :... . .
..:.cRb| \_________________|_______\___________________________\ |e^D.
| [ - Please visit some of my favorite URL's - ] |
| |
[ Logos ]
_____. __________ ____________ __________ ______.
_ _/ _|________/_ ._ \_. _. \._/ ._ \_./ ____|_______ _ _
\ __ _ |/ | \| | |/ |\_____._
\ \ | | \ | | | |/
|\ \ | | \__ | | | |
_ _ _______________\__________|\_______/ |______________|________________ _ _
[ Credits ]
.___. .___.
____. ________ ____. _______|_ |____| |__ _____
.cRb./ __|___/ _ / ./ ___|_\ _./ | | __/___/ __/____.e^D.
| \ _/ /__| ____/_\_ \| | | \ \__._ |
.---| |\ \ |\ \ | : |\ |/ |---.
| |____________\_________________________: .___________________| |
| . . |
| . |
[ Intro ]
. .___.
._:___. _________| |___ __________ _______
. ..|.: |/ ._ \ ____(____/ _ / ._ \_.
| | |/ / \ __ _/ /_ |/ |
| | | /_ |\ \ \ | ..|.. . .
[ Contents ]
. .
cRb....... . . . .___. .___. . . ...:....e^D
_:___: _______ ________| |___ _____ ________| |___ __:__ :
./ ___|__/ ._ \_/ ._ \ ___/__/ __/_./ ._ \ ___/___/ __/_:__.
| \ |/ |/ / \ .___| |/ / \ ___._ |
| |\ | | /_ _ |\ |/ | /__ |\ |/ |
:...:.. . . . . . . ..:...:
: .
. - [ c o N T e N T s ] -
..Yep, you've reached the end of it all..
.___. .___.
____. ________ ____. _______|_ |____| |__ _____
./ __|___/ _ / ./ ___|_\ _./ | | __/___/ __/____.
| \ _/ /__| ____/_\_ \| | | \ \__._ |
.---| |\ \ |\ \ | : |\ |/ |---.
| |____________\_________________________: .___________________| |
| . . |
| . |
| Main ascii-artist .................... Chrombacher/Epsilon^Design |
| Guest ascii-work ......................................... Daeron |
| .............................. Lingon(Lebbmobil) |
| ................... ............... Shapechanger |
| ................... ..................... Splonk |
| .... ..... .................... Avenger |
| ... .... .... ..... ....................... Gozz |
| ... .... .... ..... .......................Fatal |
| Editors ............ .... .... ..... ............. Cygnus ed v3.5 |
| ............ .... .... ..... .............. EditPad v3.51 |
| ............ .... .... ..... ............ Windows wordpad |
| Original filesize .. .... .... ..... ............... 112000 bytes |
| Number of lines .... .... ..... ....................... 2727 |
| Releasedate ........ .... .... ..... ................. 2001-03-24 |
| Support ............ ......... ..... ........... Linda/Girlfriend |
| Musical support .... ......... ..... .................. The Crown |
| .... ......... ..... ............... Dimmu Borgir |
| .... ......... ..... ................... Centinex |
| .... ......... ..... .................... Emperor |
| .... ......... ..... ............... ..and oceans |
| .... ......... ..... .......... Children of bodom |
| .... .... ................. Dissection |
| .......................................... Tiamat |
| ...................................... Sacreliege |
| |
....... . .
: _ ____________
: _ ____ /_____ ______________ _____. . . .....
. . ..: / / /._/ _ / |__________ _ :.. .
...:..../ / | _/ /___ \ __ _....:
..: .__ / /| | \ |\ \ __. :... . .
..:.cRb| \_________________|_______\___________________________\ |e^D.
.___| [ - Please visit some of my favorite URL's - ] |___.
| |
| ............... My asciiography online |
| .............. My personal page |
| ................ My band's homepage |
| ............. My favouvite band |
| ................... Great ascii-page |
| .. The ascii-cartel |
If you'd like to have a logo from me, mail your request to:
.-----------÷ Asciiography: ÷-----------.
| |
.____`-- Name: Size: Year: --'____.
| |
| CRB_ACOLL.TXT 17687 -93 |
| CRBCOLL2.TXT 44000 -94 |
| CRBCOLL3.TXT 48000 -94 |
| CRBCOLL4.TXT 52000 -94 |
| MIGHTBE.TXT 120000 -94 |
| CRB^BDZ.txt 28000 -94 |
| CRBCOLL6.TXT 60000 -94 |
| CRBCOLL7.TXT 55000 -94 |
| CRB^A2G.TXT 25000 -94 |
| CRBCOLL8.TXT 66666 -94 |
| CRB^TRiB.TXT 37000 -94 |
| CRB^SML.TXT 26000 -94 |
| CRBCOLL9.TXT 56000 -94 |
| CRB^SWE.TXT 160000 -94 |
| CRBCOLL5.TXT 60000 -94 |
| CRB^C2.TXT 9020 -94 |
| CRB^NCF.TXT 65000 -94 |
| CRB^GNR.TXT 40000 -95 |
| E^D-PREV.TXT 11111 -95 |
| E^D-MAJS.TXT 70000 -95 |
| E^D-NAJS.TXT 80000 -95 |
| E^D-NAME.TXT 50000 -95 |
| E^D-JOF.TXT 68000 -95 |
| E^D-PAL.TXT 63000 -95 |
| E^D-2M.TXT 30000 -95 |
| E^D-III.TXT 5555 -95 |
| E^D-CYP.TXT 70000 -95 |
| E^D-P9OS.TXT 30600 -95 |
| E^D-SI!.TXT 212121 -95 |
| E^D-DUH!.TXT 6000 -95 |
| E^D-FCM3.LHA 409154 -96 |
| E^D-HEAD.TXT 56000 -96 |
| E^D-TDA.TXT 60000 -96 |
| E^D-TD.TXT 140000 -96 |
| E^D-HU.TXT 160000 -96 |
| E^D-NMB.TXT 10000 -96 |
| E^D-CITW.TXT 14141 -96 |
| E^D-FLAM.TXT 53000 -98 |
| E^D-MVH.TXT 42000 -00 |
|_______ E^D-BFG.TXT 53333 -01 ________|
E^D-BKW.TXT 112000 -01
Total: 2775388 Bytes
./ _ :
________ |_ _/ :____ . .The whole crew from.
._\__ /__/ \____. /_:_ . [ 1993 - 2001 ]
|_ /___/ .______\ l____ \ :
- - -----------/___________|------------/______\ _:_____
: ./ /___
|_ / _\_________
/_______./ /
sandman - frame - fatal - cenobite |_ zZ /______
chrombacher - stash - rasta - grimlock /_._____._ /
_______harpoon - java - terminal silence - cybergod : :/ /
____\__ _| gozz - mammoth - dale - crazy - ajax __: /_____/
./ _/ \. juan - desoto - crusader - tommy \ o :__
|_ \ :____ pace - manta \ /
/______.____ /___. \\ /
|_ /___/ |___ . ._____\\ /
/________. /___. :_______ ._____:_ \ /
l____ : ./ __/___: :/ /\/
[-hardhitting, honest /_____: l__ \_ .___/_____/
asciistyle since 1993!-] - -----: :/____/______|---------------------- -
-------------------------------( File_id.diz )---------------------------------
_____ __ - cRb/e^D -
./ ___/__/ \ _________ ___________________.
| .____(_/\_\ ._ / |
| |/ |/ / - Chrombacher - |
|__________._ _/ /. |
| |_______/.: presents his latest |
|[ epsilon^design ].: achievement called: |
| ..:... |
|- hardhitting, honest : Blitzkrieg.. |
|asciistyle since 1993!: ..witchcrafT |
-------------------------------( File_id.diz )---------------------------------
.---------- - [ Tresspassers will be delt with! ] - ----------.
| |
| i |
| ]@ ,_- |
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| ~Y@@@s Y[,z !~@@@@@@@@[ @@@@@@i @b_m@@@P |
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| ' ~~`'MK~*+ @-@@@@@@@@W gW@@M@@@@@[,W[ i@!~*- |
| '@s ![]@@@@@@*L_ , _g@@@@@A@@@@fM/@` !` |
| ]W ,`]@@@@@@dATWgsW@@@@@@@@@b@@A\_!@Z |
| @i ,Z !,@@@@@AM* V@@@@@@@@@@@@@W@f ~Y@W+f~ |
| i g_Z@gA '~ W5W@A\sg@W@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A ,@fVb |
| ]W ,g'~@MWY5 dif8\W@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~~~ ,@[ b |
| ,_gW@@A` ,A*b MW@ gt@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A` ,Wf @sgm! |
| ~V@@@W ! ~WKA`ZWW@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A` , g@~em@@@@` |
| @P'V+ 'MAWA@@@@@@@@@@@@@M@@f !GA` Y@*@b |
| f 'V@WV@@@@@@@@@@@!WA*` -esW8P ]P '` |
| , '*@DAV*@@@@@@Ad@` _m@K*A*Y- ' |
| ]s -@VM@@@@@8K7TGP~_d@@DK` ` |
| _d@W@f W ~~t7~*M@@@P~ ]@bmZ` |
| 'V*@@@b iW.-K2*'~ e@@@@@` - fTL/e^D - |
| @PVMW ,_d@@@f` ]@*Mb |
| A` ~ V*@@@@ ]P ~` |
| ]@V*W. ' |
| !` |
| |
`---------- - [ Tresspassers will be delt with! ] - ----------'
* *
* *
* * * *
\ * * *
_|\____ \ _*__*__*_
|___ __> _\_____ |_ _____ _| Well... I guess I have to have one of theese hidden messages to get the size of this collection to a nice round figure.. :)
\ \_____/ /____\__________\_____/_____
\_ Lebbmobil \ ..this lebbmobil was made by the guitarist of my band.. it was so cool I just HAD to include it :)
\---/(*)-----------------/(*)-------/ -LnG
¡ "bEYONd thE EdGE Of REAlitY..."
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |.
.| ||
|| AEROhOliCS / MO'PlAYAZ / dREAM thEAtRE !| _
| bAd kARMA / ARCAdE WHQ | _
| | ;
7 liGHtfORCE / ROYAl lOW PROfilE / SOiA |
¡ tEQUilA / PhUNk GHQ / PhANtASY EHQ |
_ | | "...dON't PlAY US ChEAP!"
; | AMiGA/ASCii/GRAffiti/dRUGS/N64/GAMEbOY !
| GAMEbOY COlOR/NEOGEOPOCkEt/SNES/OldiES ___. ______. drn\lp!
| PSX/PS2/dC/SEGA/MP-ThREE/ChiPtUNES/MOd \\ !___ \ !__ _ _ ________
| =C64/SPECCtRUM/AtARi-8/cPc/liNUX/*NiX! \\ .__/--\\ ._ \ / ._ /
| _\ ;/ \ !/ \ !/____/_
| PRiVAtE SYStEM With thREE diAlUP NOdES /___/ _____/ __ / __\
_! fiVE BlAStiNG 24h tElNEt NOdES ON ADSL `----' `----' `----'
\\; . ______ ___ _ _ _________ _______ ¡
\ !/ __ /___\_ \ / _ __ /___\_ // t h E Y A R d _______,|
_\ _/ \ / _ / / \ / / /______________________\ ____|_
/_____); ______ ) __ \ ______ /_ ___,_________________________\ !
,_____\ `----' `----\ `----'
| \\ |
| :____. .____. .____. \\ |
| | |____ _______ | | ________ | | _______ \\|
|__ _ | | |_\__. \| _|___ \___. \| | ._\__. \_ _ _\\
| | | | | | \_ \_ | | | _| | | \
| | | | | | | | | | |__/ | | | |
| | | | : | | | | | | / | | | |
| | : | .___/| | | : | : | : | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|__ _ | | | | | | | | | _ __|
| ¯\_______/|____| |____| |\_______/¯\_______/|________/¯ |
| |____| |
| : : |
| .____. .____. .____. |
| ________| | _________ | | _______ | | .____. |
| _/ | _|___ ._\ _____/ | | ._\__ \_ | | | |
| | . | \_ \| __)__ | | _| | | | | | |
| |____| | | | | | | |__/ | . | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | |
| | | | | : | | : | | | |/\| | |
| | | | | | | | | | : : | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| |____|____| |\_______/¯ ¯\_______/|____| |\____/\____/¯ |
| |____| |____|·AbN· |
| : : : : |
| dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for: |
| |
| aMiGa · pC · mAC · aRCHiMEdEs · cONSoLe · aScII ( c64 & aTaRi sOOn ) |
\ |
\\ Node 1 : Node 2 & 3 : Node 4,5,6 : |
|\\ USR V.90 I-Modem Euro ISDN 24h Telnet |
| \\ +49-(0)30-44730311 +49-(0)30-44730312 |
| \\ |
[mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
.| w o r l d h e a d q u a t e r s ||
|| bad karma - phantasy - up rough !| _
|! divine stylers - dtr - ageema blues | ;
| aeroholics - black maiden - mvp | _
| | ;
7 g e r m a n + e u r o p e a n h q's |
: lightforce - oldskool - rising sun |
¡ supplex - royal - soia - low profile |
_ | drunken - 1oo% - true school - asl | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
; | !
| amiga/ascii/graffiti/handheld consoles ___. ______. drn\lp!
| n64/snes/gb/gba/ngp/wsc archive/ngc \\ !___ \ !__ _ _ ________
| apple macintosh/pc audio-gfx apps/dd \\ .__/--\\ ._ \ / ._ /
| =c64/atari/speccy/sample soundbank _\ ;/ \ !/ \ !/____/_
| /___/ _____/ __ / __\
_! daydreaming on 5 telnet nodes. 24h/day. `----' `----' `----'
\\; . ______ ___ _ _ _________ _______ ¡
\ !/ __ /___\_ \ / _ __ /___\_ // t h E y A R d _______,|
_\ _/ \ / _ / / \ / / /______________________\ ____|_
/_____); ______ ) __ \ ______ /_ ___,_________________________\ !
,_____\ `----' `----\ `----'