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File size:
57 157 bytes (55.82K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:37
Download count:
all-time: 499


                          /\_____________________/\ .
                        ._)       2  0  0  1      (_:_ _
                        |                           |
                        |   T  H  E    Y  A  R  D   |_ _
                        | - --------------------- - \///_ _
                        |                           |
                        | Amiga/Ascii/Graffiti/N64  |
                        | Gameboy/NeoGeoPocket/Snes |
                        | Psx/Ps2/Dc/Smd/Oldies/Mp3 |
                        | Unix/Drugs/Chiptunes/Mods |
                        |                           |
     __________    _____|      ________             |
 _ __\_ ____   \_ _\_   |__ _ _\_____  \_           |
        /  \    /      ___/       _/    /_ __ _     |
   _ __/   \\__/        |         \____/            |
      /      \_         |______                     |
        _ ___ /_________|    /___  _____ _ __ _     :
            \/          |        /\                 .
                   _____|       /  \   _______    _______
                _ _\_   |      /   .\ _\_____ \_ _\_____ \_ __ _
                     \____    /     \\    _/  _/__    /
                        |/   /       \\   \    _ /   /
                            /          \   \   //
               _ ___________\__________/____\  /_________ __ _
                        .                    \/     .
                        : AHS/DTR/AGEEMA!/ROYAL/PHT :
                     _ _| AEROSOL/LiGHTFORCE/MANGOO |
                     \\\/ LP!/BAD KARMA/UP ROUGH/DS |
                        | SOiA/MOPLAYAZ/TQL/PVM/100 |
                        | H E A D   Q U A R T E R S |
                        |                           |
                        | the  idea  of  s t y l e  |
                        |                           |
                        |     is  the   k  e  y     |
                        |                           |
                        |   to  all  f o r m s  of  |
                        |                           |
                        | r   o   c   k   i   n   g |
                        |_          __             _|H2o!
                          )_______ /\_\ __ _______(
                          \/       \/_//_/\      \/
[ non-relevant info above this ] ------------ [ back from the grave - cRb/e^D ]

       |                                                              |
       |                                                              |
     At  night I listen to  the sound  of the animals,  sleep has become a
     rare  commodity it seems.  I understand now that there are no  limits
     to  what you are capable of.  You don't even  see it yourselves,  the
     newsanchor on the TV-set talks  in a natural voice about rape, murder
     and  this weeks weatherreport without a change of tone. It seems that
     nothing matters as we close in on the turn of the millenium, violence
     and commerical brakes has  become the opium that used to be religion.
     Fuck you mankind - You're so ugly, so vain..                     |
       |                                                              |
       |                                      from Forensick - The Haunted

        .                   . ...
        .                ...... :
   . .:.:___.            :    : .     ___.          _  _ __.            :
 _____: _\  |__________ _:____:__  ___\  |________________ |____________:___
_\_ __/_\_  .__  ._   //  ._  _  \/  _   ._  _\___ \_ ___/ ._   ___/_ ._   /
\  \|       |/  _|/  /__  |/   \    /    |/   _._/   \|    |/   .___ _|/  /__
 \  \_      |   \         |  _ _\  /____ |    \|   \  \_   |    |/   \
  \______|__|    \______________\\//  _ ____________\______|  \_______\______
      :    _______   ....: . .:..\/.. .  .   .             ________     :
  .cRb:..............:   :    :.........................................:e^D.
                     :...:. . :.... .  .    .
                              .               .
                              :               .
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              :  [ . o F . ]  :
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              .               :
                  .                           .
 e P s i L o n  ._:__________________________________________.
            . ..|.:                                          |          .
 ______   ______|_ ___   ___ ___       ______ _______        |          .
_\  __/___\ ____  \ _/___\__\\  \_____/  ._  \_ __.  \.......|e^D.......:..
\   ____/   \_____/__        \   \    \_ |/      \|   \      |          :.:. .
 \ _\          __   _\        \  _\      |    \   \    \     |            :
  \_____________\_____________/________________\___\    \_   |            :
     :      .cRb|         .___                      \______ _|            :
     :          |   ______|  /_ _____   ______  ___  ______  |______      :
     :          |   \     ._ _/   __/__/  ___/__\__\/   _.  _\ __.  \     :
 . ..:..        |   :\    |/      ____/\____        \   \|  \   \|   \    :
     :.:........|...:.\   |      _\        _\        \   \_  \   \    \...:
       :    . ..|.. : :\_____________________________/\___/   \___\    \
       .        |_:_: :_________________________________\____/     \____\
                  : : :                               ..:. .  .
                  . : .       .          d E s i G n .:.:
                    .                         .       :
                      .       .                       .
                    .         .               .
                              :               .
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              :[presents some]:
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              .               .
        __________   _____\   .    /
      ./    _.    \./    __\      /_          .
      |_    \:    _|_    \  \_      \.    a  r  t  w  o  r  k
       /____ :    \./_____\  /___/\__|--------------------------- ______
    - -------: ____|------------ /\ _____.__________ _______ __ ./     /
             :             .___ /  \   __:         ./    __/  __|     /
                           |   /    \  \|_   zZ    |_    \    \_     /__
                           |_        \__\/________/ /_____\ ____\      /
                              .               :
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              :               :
                           .[ Under the name of ].
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              :               :
                              .               :
 _____.          ______________   ____________._ ____. ______
.\  __|__________\       _.   /._/  _          /     |/     /
|  \\___        /_\______\|_   |    /_________/_     /     /_
|_    |/       /          _// _|_  /_         _/_    \      \
 /_____      _____________\___\ /___/_________\ /____|\______\______  ________
  fTL/_______/        __\    ._        ._        /_\   _     \      \/       /
                      \   _ _|/____    |/       _      /     _\   _    _    /_
                      /   //____/ |    /_______//___________ /____\\  //_____\
 .______.     .______/_______|  __|_________\_:            //       \/
_|      |____ |     __|_________\   _________/:               .---------.
\_      ____/_|   \\\___        _    _____/___._              |  _    _ |
 |_    |\      _      |/        /__  \         /_             | |/ | |/ |
  /_______     /______/        /  /_____________\             |  \   |  |
          \______\  /_________/               .    ..........:|         |:....
                              :               ......::::::::::::::::::::::::...
     _______                  :            ___:__           _____________
   ./  ____/________  ________.___  _______\__   \__________\   ________/
   |  \\___        /-\\_         /__\____ _  /.   \       _      ____/_____
   |_    |/       /_   /________/     __//   _|    \__    / ___  \        /_
    `----/_________\----'  _\         \______\\     \/     /eD/____________\
                           /____________\     :\          /
                              :               : \        /        /\
                              :               .  \ _ ___/____/\  /  \
                              .                   \ \\_____    \/    \  /\  ___
                                              .    \  /    \          \/  \/___
                              .                     \/      \/\    /\    /\/
                                                               \  /  \  /
                                                                \/    \/
                              :               .
                              :               .
               .              :               :
               .              .___            :
             ._:___.__________|   |___  ______._______  _______
         . ..|.:   |    ._    \  _.__(__\_    _      /./   ._  \_.
             |     |    |/    /   |          _/     /_     |/    |
             |     |    /    /_   |\         \             |   ..|.. . .
    ..........................:               :................:........
    :                                                          .       :
    :  Well,  here I am again. Long time  no ascii for me I must  say  :
    :  and  I guess that'll show  in my  logos :).  I can't say  much  :
    :  about  the  scene  nowadays, but I  undestand it still exists.  :
    :  I've been to a  couple of times to check out what  :
    :  has been happening and maby  take a look  at any   new collys.  :
    :  A great initiative. Well what have I been up to lately  then ?  :
    :  I've  been busy entertaining my girfriend and playing music on  :
    :  my  sparetime and been some studying (computerscience) on  the  .
    .  rest of my time. Hence there has not been much time over to do
       things like ascii and stuff. If you like metal-music I suggest
    .  you  take a stop at my bands homepage, we're about to  release  .
       our  debut-album sometime  this spring. Fatal/e^D will do  the
       coverart  btw. The URL is Hope you
    .  like  my new stuff in this  collection I know  I don't :). E^D  .
       will  hopefully be a bit active, we'll see what'll happen,  if
       Fatal,  Cybergod, Juan or someone else will get off their buts
    .  and do some ascii. Well, keep it rolling!..                     .
    .                                    Cheers - Chrombacher / Jonas  :
    .  Get in touch with me at :                                       :
    :                                                                  .
    :  - fanmail(heh), reviews, new ascii-collections,
    :                      interviews or whatever..                    .
    : - Requests only.                       :
  ..:..                                                              ..:..
  : :.:..............................................................:.: :
  : ..:..                                                          ..:.. :
  :.:.:.:... .                                                . ...:.:.:.:
    :..::                                                          ::..:
       :                                                            :
       .                                                            .


                                 __ _ __/\          /\
                          _ _   _\      /\\__  _ __//\\__ _
                         / __ ____  ___/  \___ ____/  \ __ _
                    _ __/ /  _\_  \/ __/ /___ \\ _/ _/¯ /
                .____ /  /  /  /  /  / \___/ __  \ __ _ _____.
                |       /  /  /  / _/  / _/ __  /   /        |
                |    ,  \_/\_/__/\_\__/\____/  /___/nTw      |
                |    °¹°               _ __\  /__ _          |
                |                          \\//              |
                | [ Logo ]                           [ For ] |
                |                                            |
                | 1. Daeron ......................... Daeron |
                | 2. Low Profile .................... Daeron |
                | 3. 5 ............................. jaw^kkz |
                | 4. Man is darker than his shadow .. Daeron |
                | 5. Volatile ..................... Volatile |
                | 6. Dipswitch ................... Dipswitch |
                | 7. Dreamtheatre ................ Dipswitch |
                | 8. Dtr (diz) ................... Dipswitch |
                | 9. Demolition .................... Unknown |
                | 10.Metro ....................... Dedchylde |
                | 11.Midnight ....................... Ernest |
                | 12.Fatal ........................... Fatal |
                | 13.cG ........................... Cybergod |
                | 14.Thuglife ................ Thuglife crew |
                | 15.The ascii charts ........... Tac - crew |
                | 16.Stabilt .................. Hemlige Arne |
                | 17.Wu Fighters Club ................. Scaz |

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Daeron    \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Daeron     (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

           ........ ... .. .   .                                  .
           :  ::..: :.: :: :   :                                  :
          ___|__.                                                 :.|.. .  .
 _  _ ____\___  |__   ______  ___________________   __________ _____|_____ _  _   _
          ____\ _ ____\__   \/   _    /  ___    / _/    ._    \    ._
           \|        __./       /____/   \__   /__      |/         |/
            \         \|        \|          \           |          |
_  _ ________________________________________\_____________________|________ _  _   _
             |          ...............                             |
                        :           ..:.. .  .

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Low profie\\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Daeron     (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

  .___.       ______      ____ _  _   _    _  _ ____________________________.
  |   |____ _/  ._  \_____\   __ _              .    .                      |
  |   \    __ _ |/  ___   /\   \ ___ __ _ __ _  _                           |
  |__ |\    \   |    /   /  \   \\  \\ \\\\     .    .                      |
  ::\________\______/_____/\_____\\__\\_\\\\__ _: _  .______________________|
  ::::        ___________/__\___________    _ ___:    :____.   _  _ _________
  ::::        \_  __  _ _ __    /  ._   \_./  ___:__  |    |______ _  __    /
  ::::        |  __/    / _/   /__ |/     |   _____/  |    \    ___ _ _.___/_.
  ::::::.:. . |  \____./__\        |      :    | |    :__  |\     \___\|     |
  ::::::::.:..|____| /     \______________.____| :    : \___________ \_______|
                    /            \               :    .
               .cRb/______________\e^D.          .    .


                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: 5         \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: jaw^kkz    (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

                             ._:_ :::::::::::: __.
                         . ..|.: :::::::::::::   |e^D.
                             |   :::::::::::::   |
                             |  ::::::  ::::::   |
                             |  :::::            |
                             | :::::: .:::::.    |
                             | :::::::::::::::.  |
                             | ::::::::::::::::. .
                             | `:::::'   :::::::.
                             |            :::::::
                             | .....      :::::::
                             |::::::     .:::::::
                             |::::::.   .::::::: .
                             |::::::::..:::::::: |
                             | ::::::::::::::::..|..  .
                         .cRb|_ ::::::::::::::_:_|
                                 `::::::::::'  :

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \                    ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Man is darker than his shadow : : :: :                        :
 |                    ___. \\___ _  ... .  . .:.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Daeron     (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

   |                                                                       |
.__|_  ___ _ ____ ._______   .___. _____    ..... .... ... .. .            |
|  _ \/ _ ___\__ \|  ._   \  |   |/  __(___.:   : :  : : : :: :   .        |
|   \  /      _.     |/   /  |   |\____.   |:...: :..: :.: :: :   :    :   |
|____\/______ \|   ._|   /.  | __|___ \|   |    ..[ d a r k e r ].. . .:   |
   |    .   \______| |____|    _____\_   _ |____:_______. _________________:
   |    .            :    :    \    _.   __\__    _   / |/   /  _  .  _   /.
   |    . [ m a n   i: s ]._ __ \   \|   .  _.   _/  /_ _   /_  _._| _/  /__
 ._|_.  :___.        .         \ \__ \  _:_ \|  _\      \     _ \|   \      \
 |   |  |   |____  ____ ._._____    \:   |\_____| \______\____|\____. \______\
 |  _._/|__ ._   \_\__ \|  ._   \    |   ._    \   /  __(___.       .      .
 |   |      |/   /  _.  |  |/   / .  |   |/    /   \___.    | [ h i.s.]..  :
 |_  |\   __|   / _ \|  |__|   /_ .  |___|    /_   __ \|    | . ..:.:   :  |
   \_______ |_____ \____|  |__._  :  .cRb|_________|\___.___| _  _:_____:  |
   |             _ __  _____  |   |_____  __________|   | _________    /:__|_ _
. .|.[ t h a n ]    / /  __(__|_  ._    \_\__ \.   _.   |/  ._  \/.   /\   __ _
   |_:________ _  _ __\_____.     |/    /  _.  |   \|   |   |/    |  /  \   \
     :              _ ____ \|  ___|    / _ \|  |\__ \   ___ |     |___/\_____\
     .                   \______  |______ \____|  \_____| \_______|e^D. :
                          :                                       :     :
     .                    :. . ...:[ s h a d o w ]:.. .   .   . ..:.....:

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Volatile  \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Volatile   (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

                                                        .  ..... .... ... .. .
                ._________________________________.________:_. : :  : : : :: :
      ________ _| _                     ___.            .  :.|.: :..: :.: :: :
  _ __\     _________ ____.       ______\  |__    .     .____|  _ _________
       \     /  ._   \    |_______\____    __/____.     :    |_____ __    /
        \       |/        \        _._/    \      :     :    \      _.___/_  _
        |\      |         |\       \|      |\     :.    :    |\     \|
 _ _______________________________________________:::.. :________________ _  _
 .   .  .. .....|..                               :     :    |
 :   :  :: :.:  |_:_______________________________:     .____|  - cRb/e^D
             :    :                               .
    .[ v o L a t i l e ].... .. .                       .
             :....: :..: :.: :: :  :  .           .

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Dreamtheatre      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Dipswitch  (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

       ....................                      .
       :                  :___.cRb/e^d.. .  .  ..:... .  .
       :          ________|__ |__________________:   ___________  _______ _  _
.______._ _  _ .  \      _._/ ._  __    /  __    |___\___     _ \/ _
|                  \     \|   |   _/   /__ \.____|    _./     \    /
|              .    \     |   |   \         |/        \|       \  /_____ _  _
|   ____.      .    :\________|____\_____________.______________\/
|  _\   |__.   :  __|_____:_______.   _______\   |__.    _________________.
|  .    ___|___|  \_._      __    |___\___  .    ___|_____  __    / __    |
|  |    \      ___  |/      \.____|    _./  |    \     __ _ _/   /_ \.____|_ _
|__|    |\       \  |        |/        \|   |    |\         \        |/
   |________________|_______________________|________________\_____________ _
       .                  : ..... .... ... .. .   .
       .                  : :   : :  : : : :: :   :    .
       :..................: :...: :..: :.: :: :   :    :     :     .

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Dipswitch \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Dipswitch  (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

   :::::::::::::.:.:.. .   .                   - cRb/e^D  ..:....
   ::            .                          .     .   . ..:.:   :.... .  .
   .:       .                               .     .       :     ::
   :.   .___.    .                     _____: _  _.___.   ::....::.___.. .  .
___.:___|_  :    ._______________    __\    ___ _ :_  |__   _______\  |_______
\     __._\ :    :   ._    / ___/___/   \    \    |  ___/__  __._/__  ._     /
 \     \|        : __|/   ____._    |   /\    \   |   \       \|      |/    /
  \     | __.    | \________  |/    |  /  \   _\  :__ |\    __ \   .__|    /_ _
   \______/ :    :___| _ __\____________/\___/    ._\________\_____| /_______ _
   .        .    :                          :     .                ||  || | ::
   .:            .                          .                      |:  || : :|
   ::::.. . .             _    _    _  _ __       . _______________|:..::.: ||
                 .                          .

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: DTR (diz) \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Dipswitch  (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .
                  _ ______|_  /__.  _ _________ -- cRb/e^D --.
                    _._    / .___|__ _  ._    /              |
                 |   |/   /  |/        _|/   /___ _ _ _ _ ___|
                 |_______/_____________\         D r e a m   |
                 |                      \______T_h_e_a_t_r_e_|
                 |                                           |
                 |                                           |
                 |                                           |
                 |                                           |

                               __.                   - cRb/e^D
                  _ _ _________\ |___ _ ________ _  _   _ ___.
                      _\._    \  ___/__ __    /              |
                     /  |/    /  \|     |/   /__ _ D r e a m |
                  ._ _ ______/__________\      T h e a t r e |
                                         \______ _  _   _ ___|
                  .                                          |
                  .                                          |
                  :                                          |

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Demolition\\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For:            (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .
       |                                                .               |
       |___.             ____ _  _             .___.    .               |
 _ ____|  _|__________  /  _ _____ ____.  .____|   |__. :____:_____ .___|_____
      _.    __     _  \/  /   ._  \    |__| _  |   ___|_:_   . ._  \|   ._    \
      \|    __.__/  \  \ /    |/       |    __ |   |           |/   |   |/    /
_ ____ \_ __ \|    __\  /|___ |    __  |\    \____ |\   | ___. |   _____|    /.
     \____ \_______\  \/    \______/\_________\  \______: _  \______/   |_____|
       |                                                .               |

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Metro     \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Dedchylde  (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

                    ____:_ _  _  ___.      :
           ______  /  _   _______\  |__.  _:________  ______
           \  _  \/  /   __     /   ___|__ : __    /_/  ._  \_.
               \  \ /  _ ______/    |     __ _/   /__ _ |/    |
           _____\  /___:__\|     __ |\     \_\       __ |     |
             .cRb\/e^D.: \________\_________\ \_______\______/
                       :         . :.:::.:::

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Midnight  \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Ernest     (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

. .......___________________________________._________________________.
: :.:..:|  ______ _.     .___.         .    .        .___.     .___.  |
  ______| /  _._   ._____|__ |_________._  _:________|   |_____|_  |__|
 _\  _  \/  / .    :    _._/_._  ._    :/  \|    _. _._  ._     / _.__|__ _
      \  \ /  :    |    \|   |   |/    |    :    \|_ |   |/        |    __ _
_  _ __\  /___|___ :\___ \_  |___|     :_   .\_____/ |___|   _.___ |\    \
    .cRb\/e^D.:    .    \____|   |_____._  _    \____|   |____|  \________\
        |     .                        .    .                       ..|.. .

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Fatal     \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Fatal      (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

            . . ....                                      .... .  .
                   :                 _.                   :
             _  _ _:____   _____  __/ |___  _____ ____.   :
                    ___/_._\__  \_\   .__/__\___ \\_  |___:___ _  _
                    _____| _./        \     _._/      |     __
                     |     \|         |\    \|        |\
            _  _ ____|\_______________________________________ _   _
                ...:..                                  ..:.. .
                     :                                  :
                     .                                  .

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: cG        \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Cybergod   (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

                                                      .. .  .         . . ..
                                                . ....: ______    ____  . .:..
                                                 . .:  /  ___/___/___/____   :
.__ _  _                           _    _  _ ________ /   /   __  \._    /.__:
|                                               . .. /   /|    \   l/    _|  |
¦                                              . ..:.\__________\________\   |
:                                                   :.. .  .cRb/e^D.     . ..|
.                                                                            |

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \ _______...... .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Thuglife  \\      |:   : :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                     .___. \\_____|:...: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                    _|   |_                          ......... ......
 | For: Thuglife-crew(_ o O._)                   ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _   : - :  .  .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

                 .                                           .
                 .                                           .
           .  . .:. . -  w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g - ..:.. .  .
     .________ _ :                                           : _ ______.
 ____|      .____:     _ _______                       .     .         |
_\   |__.   |  __|___ _ __     /__ _ _______ ____.     : _ __: ______ _|____.
.    ___|___|  \_._     /     /  /.    _.   .    |_____:_    |/  ___/ __    |
|    \      ___  |/    /     /    |    \|   .    \     __ _  |   ____ \.____|_
|    |\       \  |    /     /|    |     |   :    |\    .     :    |    |/
|________________|____\___________|\______  |__________:__ _ .____|__________ _
     |           :                  .cRb\___|e^D.      :     .         |
     |________ _ :                                     .     : _ ______|
 .  . .. ... ....:                                         ..:.. .  .
 :  : :: :.: :..::.........................................:.:

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \       .   . . .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: The ascii charts.  . .:: :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\___ _ .:::: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: tac-crew   (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

                .                                                 .
                                                                  .  .
                .                                                 :  .
                .                                                 :..:
                :                                                 ....
                |                                               . :..:
       ____.    | .____.                                     .  . ....
      _\   |___.: | ___|_____ _________.                        : :  :
     _ _   ____|._| \__._    /  __     |                     .  | :..:
       |    \     __ _ |/       \._____|_ _  _             ..:..|.....
    ...|..  |\         |         |/                 .  . ..:.:  |  ..:.. . .
. ..:..|_:_____________|    ___________ _  _     .         :....|..:.:
    :.:..:  ....:......:___________      _______ ._____.     .  |  :
      :   . :___|___\___       ___/_____/   ___/_:_    |_____.  |  .
      .   . :\      _._/    \____._         \          |     :  |
      . ..:.: \     \|    .      |/         |\         |     |  |  .
   .......:.:  \_____.__ _:______________________:_____:.    |__|
   :       _____|_   | ___:______._______________._ \   |___.:  |_____
   :      /   ___/___|_\__._     |\___      _     /     ____|._/  ___/___ _  _
   :...... .  \.     __ _ |/      _._/     _/    /__ _   \   . \____._
         |    |\      \   |       \|       \             |\         |/
.cRb/e^D.|________________|_________________\_____________________________ _  _
                |                                               |
                |                                               |
                :                                               |
                .                                               :

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \       .   . . .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Stabilt         .  . .:: :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\___ _ .:::: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Hemlige arne_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .

                  .                                     .
                  .                                .    .
           .......:..__.              ___.     .   .    : __.
           : _____:.:\ |____     _____\ _|_____:   .__. |_\ |____
           :/ ___/__   ____/_____\___   \__    :_  :  |___  ____/___
          ._\__.       |     ___  _./    |/    :__ :  \     |    __/
          |   \|       |\     \   \|     |     :   :  |\    |\    \
          |____________________\______________/.   ._______________\
          :........:  |                        .       |
                      |_cRb/e^D__________ _  _     . __|

                       _____ _   _                             _  _ __.
 (c) cHRomBacHer 2001  \             [ Back from the grave ]          |
 .______________________\                                             |
 |                       \       .   . . .... ... .. .         .     .  . .....
 | Logo Saying: Wu fighters club.  . .:: :  : : : :: :                        :
 |                   .___. \\___ _ .:::: :..: :.: :: :       .    .  . .......:
 |                  _|   |_                            ......... ......
 | For: Scaz       (_ o O._)                     ..... :   :      : ..|.. .
 |_____________ _  _ : - :  .    .    .  ..:::::.:...:.:...:. ....:_:_|
 [ ePsiLon^deSiGn - hardhitting, honest asciistyle since 1993! ]    .
                                            :..                          . 
   _________   _ _______                ..... :... .                     .
_____      /______     /____ ___________:___:_________ _  _     _  _ ____:_.
|  /      /    _/     /    /.           :   .                            :.|.. .
| /      /\     \    /      |           .                                  |
|/      /  \     \  /|      |               .                              |
/________/\______/__________|___________.___:___________ _  _              |
|     .     .        .___.      .___.   :...:                              |
|  ___:_____.________|   |______|   |___  _ ________ _________________     |
:_/  ___/__ :   _.       ._     \   ___/___ _  __   \    _     /  ___/_____|
.    _____/ :   \|       |/     /   |    __ _  .____/   _/    /\___._      |
      |     |    \__     |     /    |\    \    |/       \          |/      |
._____:___ _:\_____/ |___|   _ ____________\_____________\________.________|
:     .    .cRb\_____|e^D|____ _  _                          .    .        |
|                                                 _ _______  .___ :        |
|                    _  _ ____ ______. .___.    _ __      /__:    |________|
|                             /   ___|_|   |_____  /     /   /    ._      /|
|                            /    /        |     __     /    |    |/     / |
|                           /    /|        |\     \    /|    |    |     /  |
|____ _  _      _  _ _______\______________________\_________|_________/___|

                 .  ....                         _  _ ___
               . ....:.:.. .  .             _ __/  ___  /_ _   _
                 ____: :_______ _______ _____  ___/  /_   ____
          _  __ /  __:_.  _   /  __   /  _   \/  /  __/__/ __/___
         _ ___//  /    / _/  /__ /___/   /   /  /  /    /\___   / - cRb/e^D
             |                                                   |
             |  Guest ascii:                                     |
             |   'Back from the grave' by Fatal/e^D              |
             |   'Artwork' by Gozz/e^D                           |
             |   'Index' by 610/nTw                              |
             |   'Epsilon design' by Gozz/e^D                    |
             |   'e^D' (diz) by nUp!/pA                          |
             |                                                   |
             |  Musical Support:                                 |
             |   The Crown         - Deathrace King              |
             |   At the gates      - Slaughter of the soul       |
             |   Bobby Trafalgar   - Kung fu girl                |
             |   The Haunted       - s/t                         |
             |   Dark Tranquility  - The Gallery                 |
             |                                                   |
             |  Hardware:                                        |
             |   Amiga 1200 w. CygnusED v3.5                     |
             |                                                   |
             |  Original size:                                   |
             |   53333 bytes                                     |
             |                                                   |
             |  Releasedate:                                     |
             |   2001-02-15                                      |

                  ___  ________ ___ ___   ___   __.  ____ ___
                 .\  \/  /. _ /___(___(___\_ \./ _|_. _ /___(_
             .___|___\/___|____(____/___/_____|__(__|____(___/cRb/e^D (1993)
             |                                                   |
             | Fatal .... Mer majs mer majs mer majs mer majs!!  |
             | Cybergod.. Mer majs mer majs mer majs mer majs!!! |
             | tb-3o3 ... Hey! Why not make a comeback like      |
             |            everyneelse is these days :-)          |
             | Tac-crew . Great work! I request a top-notch-     |
             |            review in the next issue :-)           |
             | Thuglife . Great that someone has the energy to   |
             |            keep the ascii-scene alive!.           |

                   .-----------÷ Asciiography: ÷-----------.
                   |                                       |
              .____`-- Name:            Size:      Year: --'____.
              |                                                 |
              |        CRB_ACOLL.TXT    17687       -93         |
              |        CRBCOLL2.TXT     44000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL3.TXT     48000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL4.TXT     52000       -94         |
              |        MIGHTBE.TXT     120000       -94         |
              |        CRB^BDZ.txt      28000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL6.TXT     60000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL7.TXT     55000       -94         |
              |        CRB^A2G.TXT      25000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL8.TXT     66666       -94         |
              |        CRB^TRiB.TXT     37000       -94         |
              |        CRB^SML.TXT      26000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL9.TXT     56000       -94         |
              |        CRB^SWE.TXT     160000       -94         |
              |        CRBCOLL5.TXT     60000       -94         |
              |        CRB^C2.TXT        9020       -94         |
              |        CRB^NCF.TXT      65000       -94         |
              |        CRB^GNR.TXT      40000       -95         |
              |        E^D-PREV.TXT     11111       -95         |
              |        E^D-MAJS.TXT     70000       -95         |
              |        E^D-NAJS.TXT     80000       -95         |
              |        E^D-NAME.TXT     50000       -95         |
              |        E^D-JOF.TXT      68000       -95         |
              |        E^D-PAL.TXT      63000       -95         |
              |        E^D-2M.TXT       30000       -95         |
              |        E^D-III.TXT       5555       -95         |
              |        E^D-CYP.TXT      70000       -95         |
              |        E^D-P9OS.TXT     30600       -95         |
              |        E^D-SI!.TXT     212121       -95         |
              |        E^D-DUH!.TXT      6000       -95         |
              |        E^D-FCM3.LHA    409154       -96         |
              |        E^D-HEAD.TXT     56000       -96         |
              |        E^D-TDA.TXT      60000       -96         |
              |        E^D-TD.TXT      140000       -96         |
              |        E^D-HU.TXT      160000       -96         |
              |        E^D-NMB.TXT      10000       -96         |
              |        E^D-FLAM.TXT     53000       -98         |
              |_______ E^D-MVH.TXT      42000       -00 ________|
                       E^D-BFG.TXT      53333       -01

                               Total: 2587247 Bytes

     Useful URLs:
     |                                                                   |
     |            - My personal page        |
     |             - My ascii-archive        |
     |              - My bands page           |
     |                 - Great ascii-scenepage   |
     | - The asciicartell with a |
     |                                           HUGE asciiarchive.      |

          If you'd like to have a logo from me, mail your request to:


                          ./     _     :
                 ________ |_    _/     :____         .   .The whole crew from.
               ._\__    /__/    \____.     /_:_      .      [ 1993 - 2001 ]
               |_  /___/    .______\ l____     \     :
-  - -----------/___________|------------/______\   _:_____
                                             :    ./      /___
                                                  |_     /   _\_________
                                                   /_______./          /
                      sandman - frame - fatal - cenobite   |_   zZ    /______
                    chrombacher - stash - rasta - grimlock  /_._____._      /
          _______harpoon - java - terminal silence - cybergod :     :/     /
      ____\__   _|   gozz - mammoth - dale - crazy - ajax   __:     /_____/
    ./     _/   \.     juan - desoto - crusader - tommy     \ o     :__
    |_     \     :____           pace - manta                \        /
     /______.____    /___.                                    \\     /
            |_  /___/    |___           .                ._____\\   /
             /________.     /___.       :_______   ._____:_     \  /
                      l____     :      ./    __/___:     :/     /\/
[-hardhitting, honest     /_____:      l__   \_      .___/_____/
asciistyle since 1993!-] - -----:       :/____/______|---------------------- -

        .        .
      _/l____  _/l____
nUp!__\ ____/__\ __   \-[ ePSILON dESIGN ]-.
   /   \/_/     \//    \                   |
 _/      \      _/      \::::. cHRomBacheR |
:\ ___ _ _/\  _ ________/::::::.. presents |
¦.\/        \/ .   .  .::::. on 2001.02.15 |
| l_ _                                     |
¦              [ - bacK fRom tHe gRaVe - ] |
[ non-relevant info below this ] ------------ [ back from the grave - cRb/e^D ]
                                              ¡ "bEYONd thE EdGE Of REAlitY..."
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |.
  .|                                          ||
  ||  AEROhOliCS / MO'PlAYAZ / dREAM thEAtRE  !| _
  |!  MANGOO / AEROSOl / diSCiPlES OF AGEEMA   | ;
  |                   bAd kARMA / ARCAdE WHQ   |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7    liGHtfORCE / ROYAl lOW PROfilE / SOiA   |
  :          UP ROUGh / PUNGAS / 1OO PERCENt   |
  ¡       tEQUilA / PhUNk GHQ / PhANtASY EHQ   |
_ |                                            | "...dON't PlAY US ChEAP!"
; |   AMiGA/ASCii/GRAffiti/dRUGS/N64/GAMEbOY   !
  |   GAMEbOY COlOR/NEOGEOPOCkEt/SNES/OldiES    ___.     ______.      drn\lp!
  |   PSX/PS2/dC/SEGA/MP-ThREE/ChiPtUNES/MOd   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =C64/SPECCtRUM/AtARi-8/cPc/liNUX/*NiX!   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   PRiVAtE SYStEM With thREE diAlUP NOdES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   fiVE BlAStiNG 24h tElNEt NOdES ON ADSL       `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                              ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   Y A R d   _______,| 
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\   ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\   !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'