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  • UCON.DOC 9.85K
  • UCON.EXE 74.89K


                      aNoTHeR                  ReLeaSe        December 3, 1993
  ______. ____ ____.______.___.___.______.__     ______.______.__ ______  ___
  \___  |/  . \  . \   |  |       \   |  |  |    \___  |__  __|  \   .  \/   \
  /  |  |   |_/  |_/   .  |  .  . |   .  |  |    /  |  | |  |    |   |__/_ __/
 /   _  |   | \  | \   |  |  |  | |   |  |  |__./   _  | |  | .  |     \ __\ \
/____|  |\____/____/\_____/__|__|_|\_____/_____/____|  | |__|____/__|\  \  __/
     |__|                                           |__|              \_|_/

          uCON v1.0  'What Every Console User Needs'  By Chicken & chp


uCON v1.0 Documentation By chp

Table of Contents

  I. Introduction -- What is uCON?
 II. Command Breakdown -- What does each command do?
III. Common Procedures
 IV. Release History
  V. Shouts

I. Introduction -- What is uCON?

uCON is the latest console utility to hit the PC scene.  uCON started out as
a Multi-Game Hunter-specific program (the original MGHPATCH), and eventually
grew into what you have today.

uCON is all you need to get an image to work on the various console backup
units available.  Because of its Multi-Game Hunter roots, there are a few
commands tailored specifically for MGH users.

I want to mention that uCON was created from scratch.  Nothing was taken
from CTOOL, MTOOL, STOOL, or SU-PRO, except for some Licensee names.

II. Command Breakdown -- What does each command do?

uCON is a command line utility with a number of commands.  Just type uCON and
press ENTER to get the main command help screen.  Every command has a
separate help screen which you can view by typing uCON [command] ?.

Let's start with the commands common to both Sega Genesis and Super NES
images.  Then, the Super NES-specific commands will follow.

Common commands:

= c   Convert between image formats. =

This command is one of the most useful commands of uCON.  It will convert an
image from one format to another.  For example, a Sega Genesis image in
Super Magic Drive (SMD) format will be converted into Multi-Game Doctor II
(MGD2) format, and vice versa.  A Super NES image in Super Magicom (SMC)
format will be converted to MGD2 format, and vice versa.

Multi-Game Hunter (MGH) users, take note.  When converting an image from
SMD to MGD2, the filename will automatically have the MD prefix and the .008
suffix.  SMC files converted to MGD2 will have the SF prefix.

= e   Apply Baseline patch. =

This command is used to apply Baseline patches (.BSL) to images.  At this
time, the code is not implemented, so it will simply call IBM2.EXE,
assuming that it is in your path.  A later version of uCON should have the
code implemented.

= h   Rewrite image header. =

Occasionally the header of an image is damaged causing problems for some
users.  The cause is usually another console utility program that insists on
plastering its name in the header.  Other times, it is caused by the
operating differences of the different console backup systems.  This command
will rewrite the image header (in case you didn't know, the MGD2 format does
not use a header, so this command doesn't apply).  On Super NES images, the
resulting header will be of the SMC or Super Pro Fighter Q (FIG) format.

= i   Apply IPS patch. =

Use this command to apply an IPS (International Patching Standard) patch to
an image.  This code is internal so an IPS patcher (such as PATCH.EXE) does
not have to be in your path.

= j   Join split images. =

Images larger than 12M are usually split into multiple files, although it is
common to see split files for images less than 12M.  The j command is used
to join the files back together.

= o   Show image information. =

This is the command used most often.  If no command is specified, (as in
uCON aladdin.smc) this is the default command.  The image will be examined to
determine which console it is for.  Then, information such as the title,
licensee, and file size will be displayed.  uCON has the largest library of
Super NES licensees seen yet, and is the first to have Sega licensees.

= p   Pad image size. =

This command originates from the original utility.  Often times when an intro
or trainer is added externally to an image, the file size is not evenly
divisible by one (1) MegaBit.  On the MGH, Super NES images that are an
uneven size will not work without modification.  An image will be padded by
this command to the next size evenly divisible.

= s   Split image. =

This command will split any image into two even files.  This is usually done
to break a 16M image into two (2) 8M images, but it will work for any image

MGH users, if a file is in MGD2 format, this command will automatically
insert the appropriate prefixes and suffixes on the output filenames.

Super NES-only commands:

= a   Join FIG images. =

This is a command left in from earlier áeta versions.  Its usefulness has
been absorbed by the join (j) command.

= b   Convert Boxer to FIG. =

Use this command to convert a Super NES HiROM image in the Game Boxer format
to Super Pro Fighter Q (FIG) format.  The Game Doctor SF 3 copies images in
the Boxer format, so this command will convert it for FIG and Super-
WildCard (SWC) users.

= f   Convert FIG to Boxer. =

This command will convert a Super NES HiROM image in FIG or SWC format to
the Game Boxer format.  This is necessary to get the image to work with the
Multi-Game Doctor II, the Multi-Game Hunter, and the Game Doctor SF 3.

= l   Attempt NTSC/PAL fix. =

Licensees on the Super NES have the option of using code to detect the
video mode of the console.  This can be used to prevent users of PAL
machines from running NTSC programs, and vice versa.  This command will
search for and destroy any such code it can identify.  It is recommended
that you run it on a file in 1 part, rather than on each individual split

= n   Create MGH name file. =

This command is one of use to Multi-Game Hunter users.  It will create a
name file (.MGH) to accompany an image.  The title of the Game Pak will be
saved in the file, and the MGH will display the title next to the filename.

On áetas with improper info, you can insert your own name by following the
filename with a short name.  (i.e. uCON n cen-nhlf.smc ea-nhl)

= r   Attempt slowROM fix. =

Console backup systems with slow RAM often have problems with images that
run with FastROM.  Use this command to convert one such image to work.  It
is recommended that you run this on a file in 1 part, rather than on each
individual split file.

= t   Remove image header. =

This is another command left in from áeta versions.  It basically strips the
header off of an image.  This is useful with uneven size Super NES images on
the Multi-Game Hunter.  The image will work if it is in MGD2 format.  (Which
it is, if a SMC format is stripped)

= w   Convert SWC images. =

This command will convert an image from FIG to SWC format, and vice versa.
This consists of changing the header.

= The /sg, /sn, and /q switches =

uCON tries to identify images, but if the checksum of a Super NES image has
been tampered with (often by groups adding intros), the image will not be
identified.  The /sg switch will force uCON to assume an image is for the
Sega Genesis.  The /sn switch will force uCON to assume an image is for the
Super NES.  The /q switch is the "quiet" mode switch, which will clutter
your screen up a bit less.


 uCON o cen-nhl.smc /sn
 (To show image information, and force Super NES mode, since Censor nuked the
 checksum adding their intro)

 uCON i atx-clay2.smc clayfix2.ips /sn

 (To apply the IPS patch to fix Clay Fighter for the MGH.  Needed since you
 are dealing with a split file, other than the 1st)

III. Common Procedures

Here are some common situations and the procedures to follow if you have a
Multi-Game Hunter.

A)  A 16M Sega Genesis game in SMD format.

    1. Join the files, if split.  (uCON j lethal.1)
    2. Convert from SMD -> MGD2.  (uCON c lethal.smd)
    3. Split file.                (uCON s mdlethal.008)

B)  A 16M Super NES game in SMC format.

    1. Join the files, if split.  (uCON j tmntfght.1)
    2. Convert and split.         (uCON s tmntfght.smc sftmnt_a)

C)  A 12M HiROM Super NES game in FIG format.

    1. Join the files, if split.  (uCON j raiser2.1)
    2. Convert FIG -> Boxer.      (uCON f raiser2.smc)

IV.  Release History

December 3, 1993 - uCON v1.0  The release

V.  Shouts

Shouts to Califboy, Chicken, Iceman, The Hobbit, and all Accumulators

If you find any problems or have any requests, leave mail to an ACC member,
or contact The Underworld (ACC US HQ and Public Enemy Member BBS).

I'm outta here..      chp