File Archive

File download


File size:
26 307 bytes (25.69K)
File date:
2021-10-29 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 552


  • HS-Split 2.89K
  • HS-SPLIT.DOC 2.06K
  • kd_freq.library 43.80K


Super Magicom File Split Program V1.1
Programmed by Nightshade

Are you tired of using some LAME IBM clone to transfer your SMC games over
to 1.44 Meg disks? Well, I sure am... So here's a little program I came up
with that will split up 8 Meg files so they fit on low-density disks.  The
program will also detect MGDII files and automatically convert them to SMC

** First you should copy the kd_freq.library into your LIBS: directory!

If you don't use Workbench 2.1 then you'll need  something like Multidos,
MSH, or CrossDos so you can read/write 720k MSDOS disks.  Format (2) 720k
disks and run the program from the CLI.  At the first file requester enter
the name of the file you want to split.  On the second requester enter
where you want the first half of the game. I recommend copying it directly  
to one of the 720k disks as "IBMA:game.1"--you can use any name as long as
it's under 8 Chars and ends with .1.  Repeat the same process for disk 2 of
the game but remember to use the same name and .2 on the ending.  There are
instructions on the top line of the requester is case you get confused.  Now
that you have the 2 files, you can either play them directly on the Magicom
or transfer them to (1) 1.44 Meg disk.  To play the game from 2 disks, just
load disk1 and switch to disk2 when the copier asks for it. If you want to
put the entire game on 1 high-density disk then load the program 'STOOL1.BIN'
on your Super Magicom.  Use the load/save options to copy both of the game
files onto a 1.44 Meg disk.  This way you wont have to waste 2 disks per
game and save yourself the extra diskswap.

**Important Note**
This program will only work if you have the NEW version (V31H) of DOS in
your SMC. The easiest thing to do is put the 32k DOS file on the same disk
as your game. Just load it before you play the game and it will work fine.
You also need a continuous 512k chunk of memory on the Amiga.

If you have any suggestions or problems you can contact me on Thunderdome
or Terminal Disaster.
                                          Brought to you by /\/ightshade