File Archive

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File size:
3 985 bytes (3.89K)
File date:
2021-10-29 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 468


  • changes.txt 187B
  • SlowFixV1.2 4.09K
  • SlowFixV1.2.doc 4.35K


                    ___  ____ ________   _  ___  __  _  _   
                   (__ \(___ \\_   ___)_( )|  _)/  \( \/ )  
                   / /\ \| |\ \ | | |  _  || | / /\ \\  /   
                  / /_ \ \ | \ \| | | | | || | \ \/ //  \_  
                  \___)(_/_) (_/(_) (_) (_)(_)  \__/(_/\__) 
                - -- ---=-==-===> PRESENT: <===-==-=--- -- -
                     Super Magicom Slow Rom Fixer V1.2! 
                - -- ---=-==-==================-==-=--- -- -
                       Coded by I.O for ICE/Anthrox! 

  This Util was coded for all you Guys with old Magicom's out there with
  SlowRoms.. It will save you having to Newzap the file or re-downloading 
  the whole game!                                     Enjoy!!  -ICE/ATX!-

  O.k..  Just added a few switches in here for all your slow/fastrom Needs!
  Thanks to Zigor/Atx for the Idea!
  O.k..  Also included -l switch for those non-standard fast/slow switching!

Switches added:
        -F : Convert FastRom to SlowRom (For Old Magicoms) ** DEFAULT **

        -S : Convert SlowRom to FastRom (Games run Slightly Faster!)

        -T : Toggle FastRom/SlowRom     (Incase You DON'T know what it is!)

        -K : Kill SlowRom/FastRom Code(Removes the Fast/Slow Initialization)
             Note: This SHOULD mean that it does not matter what type of
                   Magicom/Snes you have.

        -L : Last Resort (If None of the others seem to work)
             This one should remove all the non-standard ways of fast/slow
             switching. (eg. Jakicrush pinball etc)

 ** Default is -F **

Quick Dox:

  SlowFix <Source> <Destination> [-F/-S/-T/-K/-L]  

  -F/-S/-T/-K : Fast->Slow, Slow->Fast , Toggle, Kill! Switches!         
  Source      : Name of Source SMC file that needs fixing
  Destination : Name of Fixed SMC file 
Example: Fast->Slow (DEFAULT)

  Say you wanted to fix "REDOCTO.BER" and have the destination file called
  "REDSLOW.FIX" then you would do the following.

  Thats it!

Example: Slow->Fast

  Say you wanted to fix "REDSLOW.FIX" and have the destination file called
  "REDFAST.FIX" then you would do the following.

  The File REDFAST.FIX would be fixed back for FastRoms!

  Thats it!

Example: Kill Slow/Fastrom Code

  Say you wanted to fix "REDSLOW.FIX" and have the destination file called
  "REDALL.FIX" then you would do the following.

  The File REDALL.FIX SHOULD work on both FAST and SLOW rom's with no
  Slow down on FastRom Machines!

  Thats it!

       This tool was coded in 68000 (No Arexx or C) in an hour and have been
       tested on several different files and was found to work 100% But there
       still may be some bugs. If so then leave a message to ICE on the 
       following bbs's!

  Call these cool Anthrox Boards:

         MARTYRiUM.....  WHQ!  +1-713-460-8217  - 5 NODES RiNGDOWN          
         PiRATES HAVEN.  USHQ  +1-313-383-2116  - 2 NODES RiNGDOWN          
         FASTRAX.......  USHQ  +1-201-939-7597  - 5 NODES NO-RNGDN          
 HYPERSPACE.  EHQ!  +49-59-164-755     HYPERSPACE....  EHQ!  +49-59-166-369 
 F.X          OZHQ  +61-3-572-1381     ADDiCTiON.....  GHQ!  +49-610-231-564
 CiTY LiMiTS  UKHQ  +44-695-571-014    C.A.L.........  UKHQ  +44-81-346-6842
 FLASHBACK..  SHQ!  +46-866-403-14     DARKSTAR BBS..  DiST  +1-519-255-1073

  Call these other Cool Boards:
                     Reign In Blood   - +1-212-409-5306
                     Edge of Insanity - +1-708-499-4370
                     Danse Macabre    - +1-713-324-2139

  Greetings to the Following:  Hydro,Manx,Wintermute,Kirk,BlackCat,Vindex
                               Voyager+family, Skol,Mymurth,Thargoid
                               and all other ATX dudes out there!
                               And all who I have forgotten!

  Also Greets to these other OZ dudes: Sphinx, Itec, Microchip, Ginnie
                                       Krayzi, Viking Child and all 
                                       the others on Enterprise, Hotline
                                       & Southern Cross BBS's!