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File size:
15 979 bytes (15.60K)
File date:
2020-06-05 19:28:19
Download count:
all-time: 194

Screenshot (by pouë



  • CBUST.DOC 4.12K
  • CBUST.EXE 18.86K
  • file_id.diz 0B
  • KRU$TY.ßß$ 1.32K
  • ty.nfo 3.11K


                         THIS FILE CAME TO A STOP AT ...
            ___   __________  ___   ___   _______ _________ ___   ___
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           |  /\   \ |     \/|   | |   \/___   / /  |   |     |   |
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           |___| \___\___|___|\_______/\_______/    |___|     |___| -[BTM]-
                         ____   _______    _______ ______
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                      \________/__---___\__\____/ |______/

                        THE KRUSTYLAND BBS - PYRODEX WHQ
        Now already OVER 800 Modules available - Giant Demo Conference
             Huge Console Conference - Many free-download sections
                So give your telephone a kick to Krustyland NOW:

    --> Console Buster Infotext - (c) 06/09/92 13:58 Bartman/Pyrodex <--

Some examples:
   - CBUST mariopad.smc /cm
     This converts the Magicom mariopad.smc (Mario Paint) into the Multi
     Gamd Doctor file mariopad.mgd.

   - CBUST mariopad.smc /s
     This splits mariopad.smc (8 MBits) into 2 parts @ 4 MBits. The split-
     ted files will have the extensions .1 and .2.

   - CBUST mariopad.smc /s4 /cm
     Oops ... what's this ? This is another feature of Console Buster:
     Multiple Commands. This will split the Magicom file mariopad.smc
     into 4 Multi Game Doctor Parts (extensions as usual : .1, .2, .3, .4)

   - CBUST mariopad.smc /s?
     Aha... again a stunning feature ... This will again split your Magi-
     com file mariopad.smc, but now you are the master (hahaha) and can
     manually select the size of each splitted file. Lemme give you an
     example: The following line will appear :

 Size of 1st Splitfile ( 8M/ 8M). '+' and '-' to change, <RETURN> to accept.

      Now, press the '-' key and you will see that the first 8 has changed
      into a 7. Great !!! Press it again and there will appear a 6. Unbe-
      lievable !!! (Just kiddin') if you now press Return, the first split-
      file will be generated and after that this line appears:

 Size of 2nd Splitfile ( 2M/ 2M). '+' and '-' to change, <RETURN> to accept.

      Do the same procedure as above (select 2 or 1 MBits) and press Re-
      turn. If you selected 2M, the procedure is complete as soon as the
      second splitfile has been generated. If you selected 1M, another
      splitfile (1M) will be generated (the third), but you won't be asked
      for the size. Damned Util ... No !!! Because you couldn't have selec-
      ted anything else than 1M. Console Buster recognizes this automati-

What you shouldn't do:
   - CBUST *.* /cm, because of this:
     The first SMC-file has been processed. (xxx.smc -> xxx.mgd)
     There are no other SMC-files but xxx.smc. But there is also
     the converted xxx.mgd. So this will be processed again and
     destroyed. So, never use wild-extensions !!!

   - CBUST xxx.smc /j /s, because of this:
     Joining and splitting ? this is absolute crap ... think about
     it ...

   - CBUST xxx.smc /csm, because of this:
     Converting into SMC and MGD ??? see above ...

   - CBUST xxx.smc /s3, because of this:
     If xxx.smc is a 8 MBit-file, you can't split it in three parts
     with the same size. (Hmm, lemme see... 8 / 3 = 2.666666666, have
     you ever seen a file with a size of 2.666666666 MBits ???)

That's it, I think... if you find any bugs or new ideas please let it
me know. Just leave me a mail on our WHQ Krustyland (Number+Account
see Helptext). <> B/\rtman/Pyr()dex <>