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File size:
19 789 bytes (19.33K)
File date:
2021-10-29 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 270


  • LhA2SNES 36.82K
  • LhA2SNES.DOC 4.93K


       _     _          ___   ________   ____    __   _______   ________
      / \   / \        / _ \ /........\ |....\  |..| |.......\ /........\
      \ /   \ /        \// / |..______/ |.....\ |..| |...____/ |..______/
      / \   / \_______  / /  |____...\  |..|\..\|..| |...\     |____...\
      \ /   \ __ /\_ / / /    ____>...\ |..| \..|..| |.../___   ____>...\
      / \__ / \/ \/  \ \ \__ /....... / |..|  \....| |.......\ /......../
      \____)\_/\_/\_\/  \__/ \_______/  |__|   \___| |_______/ \_______/

                                  Version 1.6

                 programmed on 2.1.93,updated last on 20.3.93
                             by Ronnie the ARexxer

Introduction (What's this proggie useful for?)

If you have a SMC,Wildcard or whatever copier for the SNES and get the files
from the BBS's,then you know that the Files are always stored with BBS-Adds,
nice (?) ANSI's and stuff like that.Furthermore you noticed that those LhA-
Files are pretty small in comparison to the decrunched ones...
And the think : Who has so many space on his HD left to give it all to these
                nasty files?!
Yeah!Here comes LhA2SNES!


It does the following:
First you can just get your LhA-Files as they come out of the boards and
LhA2SNES will automatically extract the module from it.Both single-files and
split-files are supported (good if they have the same size,but a incrementing
number will do also (.1,.2,.3 ...)).
So all you get extracted is only the module and no fucking BBS-Adds ;-)
After that the module will be automatically sended to the SMC or so via a
'TransSNES'-Command.As you might know there is NO 'TransSNES'-Command arround,
in order that you can take ANY SNES-Send-Command which allows CLI-Params.
For example SMCPlay is used by myself...
Yes and after that sending LhA2SNES allows you to AUTO-DEL all the extracted

Is that NICE?! YEAH IT IS!

Syntax and Requirements

LhA2SNES has the following syntax:

LhA2SNES <Filename> <DestDir> [AutoDel]

 <Filename> is the COMPLETE Path AND name!!!You HAVE to include the
 extension of the archive,too.
 Don't care if you bind LhA2SNES into Opus or so...that's the way Opus calls
 the script...

 <DestDir> will be the directory path used to extract files to...

 [AutoDel] if set to 1 then the extracted files WILL be delled,
           if set to 0 or not specified then files will NOT!

What is absolutely essential for the proggie to work is the so called
'TransSNES'-Command in the C: (rename you sender into TransSNES).
LhA is needed also (in the C:).I embedded recognition for the version 1.35r
and the newest one(s) becoz I found out that the output of LhA changed during
it's developement...
The DELETE command is needed to delete temporary and the extracted file(s)...
Execute is needed and RAM: has to be present in your system...(temporary
The Libraries rexxplslib.library and rexxsyslib.library have to be in LIBS:
(both are included...)

Running the machine

It's best to put LhA2SNES on a button on you directory-util like Opus...
In Opus the Command-String would be (e.g.)   :   LhA2SNES {f} {d} 0
(This would disable the autodel-function...)

If you start the proggie without any option or just with a '?' then a short
help and the version-info comes up...

If you have any questions,suggestions or bug reports,then contact me at
Sysop is Gandalf,my handle is RONNIE


 1.0 : Written in 1 hour,sent always the last file (2.1.93)"
       Idea by HAJO (X-Venture)"
 1.1 : Fixed that (2.1.93)"
       Better Error-Handling"
 1.2 : Didn't delete .TMP - Fixed (5.1.93)"
 1.3 : To run on the 4000 of Alfred/Beerkrug : (24.1.93)"
       Embedded LhA-Recognition : Not all LhA's list the same way (24.1.93)"
 1.4 : Now different sized Split-Files are supported (30.1.93)"
 1.5 : Possibility to delete extracted Files after transfer (14.2.93)"
       If SNES-File is in a Subdir in the Arc,it could not"
       be found - Fixed (14.2.93)"
       Already present SNES-File (in destdir) will now be overwritten"
 1.6 : Improved the handling of 'special' Filenames which contain +.! etc."
       Along with this,Auto-Del was improved,too!(Now a DeleteList is"
       created for better compatibility...(20.3.93)"


This piece is copyrighted to Ronnie reacheable at LOS ENDOS BBS (and oothers...)
You may spread it as long as no change to the docs and/or the program is made
and as long NO charge is taken for it except if granted from the author.


Greetings to Shining 8 (hey CIBI!Get them guys working!!! ;-)
             Alfred/Beerkrug BBS
             Interactive (Yo Ice-T and hello Ali)
             Everybody who knows me (who's that?!)
Contact me if you want to see more like this or new proggies or some cool Ray-
Traces done by me...(Reflections and Real are the only ones!Real2.0 rules!)

C u NextAime,

    Ronnie the ARexxer