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File size:
13 912 bytes (13.59K)
File date:
2021-10-29 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 379


  • IntroAdd 8.34K
  • IntroAdd.C 2.53K
  • 536B
  • IntroStrip 7.93K
  • IntroStrip.C 1.40K
  • 536B
  • ReadMe.Txt 1.03K


IntroAdd & IntroStrip.

This is just gonna be a brief documentation, since i'm too lazy to write
all that much.. But i guess most of how it works is obvious. So..

IntroAdd, which was written for Censor, just adds an intro(or whatever)
onto a gamefile (or your favourite SNES demo? hehe) In this current
version it's only capable of handling 32kb intros. Planning to implement
a switch for 4kb/8kb/16kb/32kb intro sizes. 

What do i need to do in my intro to make it work with this util?
Well, not all that much actually...Eventhough the first couple of bytes
in your intro has too look like this:

	;Start of segment

Begin	Lda	#$00
	Jml	$000000
Start	Lda	#$00	;Put the RESET vector to this address.
	.. your intro..
	Bra	Begin	;to start execution of game.

Easy isn't it? oh well, if you have any questions, leave me mail.

I guess you all can figure out how IntroStrip works...

I included the portable C sources for the utils so you can compile it
on your favourite system... Amiga, IBM, Unix or whatever....
