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File size:
40 118 bytes (39.18K)
File date:
2021-10-29 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 515


  • CID205.DOC 6.76K
  • CID205.EXE 36.54K


       ThE..__________  _ _______   __________ ._    ______________
      ======\_   __   \/ \\     /==/  ___  /  \| \==/ __  /  ___  /====
      |.:::::/  /_/   /   \\/  /::/   \__\/       \/  > \/   \__\/:::.|
      |.::::/  / \  _/\___//   \/\\____  \\       /   \/\\____  \::::.|
      |.:/\/   \_/  \.:.../ _____/\___/   \\_|\  /\_____/\___/   \:::.|
      |./           /[12G]\/..../         /...:\/:.... /         /:::.|

       ThE CoNSoLe BRoTHeRHooD              GaNGBaNGeD ANoTHeR ReLeaSe

                   P R O U D L Y  P R E S E N T S :

                        CART_ID - Version 2.05
   Written by: Guido Sarducci - for the BizSNES Console Brotherhood
  Machine requirements:  IBM compatibles/XT-AT Class (384K required)

With the popularity of the consoles for various game machines, it has
become increasingly difficult to determine which cartridge images came
from which machine.  There are two good utilities presently available
to identify the images, but both are command line driven (you have to
type each of the image file names after the program name to see what
they are).

If you store most/all of your images on your hard drive (and quite
possibly in separate directories) and send them to your console, it is
very easy to spend a great deal of time trying to identifying each
image.  CART_ID allows you to identify several files during one

*NOTE: This version of CART_ID only supports the Super Magicom and the
Game Doctor family of cartridge images.

To use CART_ID, simply type CART_ID at the DOS prompt and you will be
presented with a list of all the files that are present in that
directory.  CART_ID will automatically detect whether a color or a
monochrome video card is present in your machine and it will
automatically switch into the appropriate mode.

If you wish to change the way in which the files are displayed, you can
press the "S" key and you will be allowed to choose how you wish to
have the files in the file directory displayed. You can sort the files
by file name, file extension, modification date or file size.

With the number of consoles available, there are no standards as how
the image needs to be stored on diskette.  CART_ID can to convert
images from one format to the other.  If you have an image that you
wish to convert, simply highlight the file name and press the "C" key.
CART_ID will determine the existing format and will automatically
choose the alternate format to convert the file to.

The converted file will be given the same name as the original file but
the extension will be changed to reflect the difference. (e.g. You want
to convert an image called BIG_GAME.SMC from the Super Magicom to the
Multi Game Doctor format; after the file has been converted, your Multi
Game Doctor file will have the name of BIG_GAME.MGD).

To identify a file, simply highlight the file name and press the ENTER
key.  You will be shown the information particular to that file.

The following is a quick list of commands that can be used:

Keys            Action
====            ======================================================
 S              Sort the file directory by name, size, extension or
                time in either ascending or descending order.
ENTER           Display information about the highlighted file.
 C              Automatically convert an image from one console format
                (Super Magicom, Multi Game Doctor or binary are
                presently the only supported formats) to another.
ESC             Quit CART_ID and return to DOS.

Questions/comments/complaints/bugs/etcetera - Contact Guido Sarducci
via any of the fine boards listed at the end of this documentation.

If anyone knows how to get ahold of R. Bubba Magillicutty, please have
him contact me (via Spatula City or the Skull Factory) or leave me a
message (again via Spatula City or Skull Factory) where I can contact
him.  I have a few questions I *NEED* to ask him about images/sending
files via the parallel port.

Version 1.00 - (09-11-92) Initial version.
               This version was never released. In-house use only.

Version 1.01 - (09-13-92) Fixed a couple of typos  - nothing critical.
               Initial release.

Version 1.02 - (09-14-92) Cosmetic changes made. Fixed a bug in the
               monochrome mode that would turn the image info screen
               colors on computers using certain BIOS types.

Version 2.01 - (09-15-92) Major modifications made to throughout the
   thru 2.04   entire program.  More stable identification of images,
               MAJOR speed increases due to tighter code. These
               versions were never publicly released.

Version 2.05 - (09-17-92) Added ability to convert files from one file
               format to another (Super Magicom, Multi Game Doctor and
               binary images are presently the only supported console
               images).  Disabled mouse support for this version due to 
               compatibility problems with various BIOS types.

       ThE..__________  _ _______   __________ ._    ______________
      ======\_   __   \/ \\     /==/  ___  /  \| \==/ __  /  ___  /====
      |.:::::/  /_/   /   \\/  /::/   \__\/       \/  > \/   \__\/:::.|
      |.::::/  / \  _/\___//   \/\\____  \\       /   \/\\____  \::::.|
      |.:/\/   \_/  \.:.../ _____/\___/   \\_|\  /\_____/\___/   \:::.|
      |./           /[12G]\/..../         /...:\/:.... /         /:::.|

                          ThE CoNSoLe BRoTHeRHooD

                 :+:+:+:+: CaLL OuR HeaD QuaRtErs :+:+:+:+:

     SPaTuLa CiTy    +1-707-451-2835  WoRLD HQ  CoNSoLE SYSoP: 8-BaLL
     SKuLL FaCToRy   +1-510-682-4090  U.S.  HQ  CoNSoLE SYSoP: 12 GAuGe
     Risky Bussiness +44-51-3530299   Eur0  HQ  CoNSoLE SYSoP: FROSTY
     TotAl rEcaLL    +1-707-426-9512      DIST  CoNSoLE SYSoP: T>B>H>
     Main Source     +1-215-426-9461      DIST  CoNSoLE SYSoP: The KOZ
     First Offence   +1-209-536-0576      DIST  CoNSoLE SYSoP: Night Fly