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File size:
29 461 bytes (28.77K)
File date:
2021-10-29 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 659


  • TT16.DOC 2.32K
  • TT16.EXE 23.53K
  • TT256.EXE 23.94K


                     /\ /\ _  _  _ _/\      /\  _      /\
                    / // // \/ \/ U X \/\/\o\ \/ \/\/\/ /
                   / / \ \_o \ (_  ( \    / \\ \o \    /
                   \___/_ /i_/__/_N_\ \/\/\_/__/__/\/\/
                        a Cyber Force subdivision
                              `present ya'
                              TT16 & TT256
                Char/Tile/Logo Editor in 16 or 256 Colors!
What's the purpose?
Well, you can use it as a Char/Logo/Tile Editor, or make 
whole screens with it!
How to start it
Just enter in the CLI or Shell:
 TT16 <filename>
Where <filename> is just put the name of the file you want your data to be
put in,  if  the  file exists  the dc.b  data  will  be  put  at  the  end 
of the file,  or  the  program will make the file if it doesn't exist yet.
         TT16 tiles
         will put the output in 'tiles'.
How to use it
It's really simple, if you don't understand it you must have an IQ of
less than 10 .. 
 The numbers on the screen are (depending on what color mode you are in)
from 0-15 or 0-255 each number stands for a color which you must
have defined in your source code (with the help of the Black Widow 
Color Mixer ofcourse).
You can also give the tile a 'comment' so you don't have to remember 
what which tile was.
That's it..
Black Widow is still looking for:
               C, E, 680x0, 80x86, SPC700 and  65816 programmers 
               who want to program utils, assemblers, demo's, games
               etc. etc. for the SNES and possibly in the future
               on the gameboy too 
               ( can anybody supply me with a Gameboy programmers manual? )
Black Widow Hideout
You can contact Black Widow on the following BBS
 FLiGHT 4o2 +3-110-461-4906
 This Fabulous BBS is the Black Widow WHq, Snes Coding area available!
Greetz & Thanx
(in no specific order)
Vision, Starlight, Focus, Eclipse, RTS, Justice ...
                      & many, many more ...
Weird things
 - My brother just walked in..
 + What would happen if you put dynamite in somebody's butt and lit it?
   That would be cool, Eh-hehe Eh-hehehe
 = Shut up Butt-head
 - Greetz to all of you!
 - The Wind/BLW