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Brings ya
Super NES Transfer & Receive utility v1.20
This utility is to transfer files between your amiga and a Super NES using
a Magicom or SuperCom backup-unit. (I will call them both 'Magicom')
New in version 1.20:
- Small bugs fixed.
- Receiving is now also possible with the SMEGCable, the cable used by SM2.
[Requested by dCypher & Papillon]
New in version 1.10:
- Posibility to enter a filename after the command to directly send&run
the game. Also possible to enter a directory, which will become the
- Support of a HighRom fixed SMC, send will autodetect highrom games
and send the games correctly. (Only works for a HighRom FIXED SMC!)
(The "HighRom.Dos" is >NOT< needed for this! All fixing done during
transfering by the Amiga)
- Better handling of splitted files.
- Better transmit & receive routines.
- Game data transfer now works 100%.
- New gadget: "RECEIVE GAME CARD" to download the card in the cardslot!
[Requested by several people]
- And a lot more small fixes. (NTSC bug fixed, 2 color mode bug fixed, etc)
Still NOT included in this version:
- Complete support of the WildCard. I do not have enough information about it.
Starting SEND
When you start the program there are three possibilities.
1) Send can't connect to your magicom
This can happen when
- Your SNES is turned off
- Your SNES is busy
- Your cable is not correct
Send will constantly retry to connect. Correct the problem or use
the quit gadget to quit the program.
2) Send connects in Write-Only mode
This can happen when you have a Write-Only cable (See end of this doc)
In this mode you can only send files to your magicom.
3) Send connects in full read/write mode
In this mode all gadgets are available, and as a bonus, SEND
displays some info about the game cardridge plugged in.
For this program to work you'll need reqtools.library in your libs: directory.
The Gadgets
I will now describe the 8 gadgets:
When you press this gadget you can select a file from the directory.
If the file is a correct game, dos or data file it will be sent
to your SNES. After a game or dos has been sent it will be automaticaly
run. Multiparted games will be joined, and HighRom games will be sent
correctly automaticaly.
This option is for use with the SaveDos. When a file is selected
it will be send to the copier, but it will not be run. Also when
send detects a HighRom game (ProFighter or WildCard format), it will
ask you if it should send it as such. When you use the SaveDos to
save a game to disk, the game should NOT be send as a HighRom game.
If you select a multiparted file, send will ask you if it should
join the parts during transfer.
This will run a game file already in the magicom memory, if there
isn't one, your SNES will crash.
This will run the game card.
This will transmit the magicom save dos. See next chapter for more
This will receive the game file in the magicom memory. A file
requester will pop-up asking you for the file name. This button
only works correctly if the save dos is loaded!
This will receive the data from the battery backup-ram of your
This will receive the ROM IMAGE of the game card that's in the copier.
So now you don't need to save it to disk first to release that NEW
The save-dos
With the SEND util in your amiga and the save-dos in your magicom, you can
copy games from your amiga to the diskdrive of your magicom and reverse!
- Use "TRANSFER SAVE DOS" to send & run the save dos,
- Use "TRANSFER GAME FILE" to send the game to your magicom's memory,
- Wait for the file to be transfered.
- Now select "SAVE FILE" on your SNES and the game will be saved.
No need to enter a name, this is automaticaly done during transfer!
(Highrom games should NOT be fixed during send if you want to save them
to disk! You should send them and save them normaly and then use the
HighRom.Dos to play them)
- Use "TRANSFER SAVE DOS" to send & run the save dos,
- Select "LOAD FILE" on your SNES and select the file to load.
- Wait for the file to be loaded,
- Now select "RECEIVE GAME FILE" on your AMIGA. A requester will pop
up so you can enter the file name.
Game info
In the window you can allways see some info about the game last processed
by the program. This info is taken from the file and usualy is correct,
but is doesn't have to be!!
Starting from version 1.20 three kinds of cables are supported:
- A simple, write-only cable, connected to the parallel port only,
- A read/write cable which also uses the joystick port,
- A read/write cable which only uses the parallel port, but needs extra
hardware. This cable was made by SMEG. For the description of this cable
I refer to the files 'SmegCABLE.Doc', 'SmegCABLE.Iff' and 'SmegLED.Iff'
For the Write-Only cable you'll need to make the following cable:
SuperCom/MagiCom COM I/O Port Amiga Parallel port
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 --------------------------> 13
2 <-------------------------- 2
3 <-------------------------- 3
4 <-------------------------- 4
5 <-------------------------- 5
6 <-------------------------- 6
7 <-------------------------- 7
8 <-------------------------- 8
9 <-------------------------- 9
11 <-------------------------- 11
21 <--------------------------> 21
For the Read/Write cable (joystick port version) you'll need to add this:
SuperCom/Magicom COM I/O Port Amiga Joystick port 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
12 --------------------------> 1
15 --------------------------> 2
10 --------------------------> 3
13 --------------------------> 4
1 --------------------------> 6
21 <--------------------------> 8
BTW: If you are wondering which receive cable is best: In transfer speed it
doesn't matter at all. Even on a 68000 the receiving routines are faster then
the SNES, so there is no speed increase with either cable. So your choice only
depends on how much time you wish to spend on making the (new) cable, and
whether you use the joystick port much.
A very big thank you to these great betatesters:
I could not have done it without you!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Also thanx so SMEG for his nice cable. (BTW: My name is AragoRn!)
Greetz to: (A-Z order)
Anthrox, BSL, Elitendo, HBT, Legend, Magical, Movement (9ยนยน!),
Quartex (BamBam!!!!!), Sigma Seven, Submission (Empire!)
This program is warrented to use some processor time and take up some disk
space. Nothing more.
Beam me up Scotty, 'coz this planet suxx
________ _____ _____ _ _ _________ ___ __ ______
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ViSION WHQ \\ // USR DUAL 16k8
~~~~~~~~~~ \\_ + 3 1 - 7 3 - 1 3 0 1 3 8 _// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\/ \/
SlaveMaster: ARaGoRN CoMaster: TSM
Supporting: SNES / MegaDrive / GameBoy / GameGear