File Archive

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File size:
137 520 bytes (134.30K)
File date:
2020-05-08 01:59:01
Download count:
all-time: 550


          ________ ____ __  ________ /    \   _______  ___  _______
     _ __/   - __//    |  |/   ____//  \   \ /___  --|/   |/   __  |__ _
   - - --\_______/\_______|\___|---/   _\   \\_______|\___|\_______|-- - -
          -------  -------  ---   /____\_____\-------  ---  ------- 

   .---------------------/   e  u  r  a  s  i  a   /---------------------.
   \                                                                     /
                            Game Boy Tool DX 1.2.2 

                                type  -  util
                              system  -  DOS (requires DPMI) 
                                size  -  small enuff 
                              copier  -  GBX 

   .---------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------.
   \                                                                       /
                               release notes:

      Okay, here's a port of Bung's GBX transfertool with
      some additional stuff thrown in. Features are:
	* Backup carts
	* Flash Doctor GB card
	* Transfer SRAM data to/from PC
	* Support both 4M and 16M Doctor GB card
	* Support for more than 2 parallel ports
	* Support for the Pocket Camera
	* Several bugfixes of Bung's original code

      This tool will use port 378 as default. If you have your GBX
      connected to another port, set the GBXPORT environmentvalue
      at the DOS prompt or in your autotexec.bat file. 
      For example, if your GBX is connected to port 3BC use this line:
         set gbxport=3bc

      Also note that GBTDX needs DPMI support in order to do it's thing.
      If you run plain DOS, I recommend getting a package called 
      for a freeware DMPI server. Windows 95/98 users can configure a DOS box
      with DPMI support.
                                                  TEAM EURASIA


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                               call our sites

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                      contact us at : eurasia!

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                           we send our respect to:

                     Aggression, BlackBag, Crazy Nation, 
                          HitSquad, NIL, OldSkool.

   .---------------------------------/ /---------------------------------.
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                    eurasia - for pleasure, not pressure.

   \                                                                     /