File Archive

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File size:
112 197 bytes (109.57K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 69


  • !SkullFuck! 1.55K
  • c\PPMore 13.60K
  • FunFactory 2.66K
  • LASTInfo.TXT 0.99K
  • libs\asl.library 39.81K
  • libs\compressors\xpkBLZW.library 2.01K
  • libs\compressors\xpkFEAL.library 3.18K
  • libs\compressors\xpkHUFF.library 2.63K
  • libs\compressors\xpkIDEA.library 3.85K
  • libs\compressors\xpkIMPL.library 3.92K
  • libs\compressors\xpkNONE.library 1.02K
  • libs\compressors\xpkNUKE.library 3.21K
  • libs\compressors\xpkRLEN.library 1.34K
  • libs\compressors\xpkSHRI.library 13.65K
  • libs\powerpacker.library 5.93K
  • libs\reqtools.library 37.53K
  • libs\xpkmaster.library 13.17K
  • 724B
  • prefs\ReqTools 9.86K
  • prefs\ 608B
  • rltd.displayme 764B
  • X-Music 7.40K
  • X-Music.doc 5.84K
  • 1.07K
  • 7.90K
  • 479B
  • X-Music.inst 2.29K
  • 466B


»» X-Music «« - by IOIO/X-CESSIVE
(a simple ProTracker Player)
                                                  ¯\  /¯  /¯ /¯ / /  / / / /¯
.... excuse the fooolllowink bed inglisch ... :)    )( = (  (-  ) ) / / / (-
                                                  _/  \_  \_ \_/ / /  \/   \_
~ has a very primitive usage:

1> X-Music <drive:><path/.../>modulename [-<option>]

I tried to waste not too much space in memory. Therefore X-Music won't inform
you about errors, like missing compressors, libraries or modules. X-Music will
just display its own usage.

I coded this program with MultiPlayer and DirOpus in my mind!

Multiplayer is the best Module-/Sound Player ever written! But there is one
disadvantage: MultiPlayer is too big and it takes too much time to load, if
one wants to hear a selected module in DirOpus. - By the way: The DirOpus
Module-Replay is too bad because it gets slower and slower if the CPU activity
is too high -. The possibility to use the ARexx-Port of MultiPlayer is one way
to solve this problem, but if I don't use MultiPlayer it just wastes memory.
PROP (The original ProTracker-Player) is another way to solve that problem,
but my modules are usually packed with XPK or PowerPacker. So I think it was
neccessary for me to code X-Music as a kind of replacement for PROP.

X-Music plays ProTracker modules. The modules can be crunched with XPK or
PowerPacker. X-Music can be used with ToolManager or DirOpus or any other
Directory-Utility to play selected modules.

You can use one of these options to exit the music-player:
-l = left mouse-button
-r = right mouse-button
-m = middle mouse-button
-b = both (left and right) mouse-buttons
-j = fire button on joystick

If you don't use one of the options - mentioned above - you'll see a usual
requester, which is very multitasking friendly.

- Use X-Music if your system supports XPK. (Just copy the "xpkmaster.library"
  and the "compressors"-directory and optional the "powerpacker.library" into
  the "libs:"-directory)
(- PowerPacker-Modules are supported only if you install the XPK-system[s.a.])
- Use PROP if you don't want to use the XPK-System.

The PT2.1-Replay was coded by Crayon/Noxious.

(I had only a PT3.1-Replay with DMA and not CIA timing, therefore I didn't use

Düsseldorf, 27.03.1993 IOIO/X-CESSIVE.


1) now displaying error-messages.

2) New option added on Friday, 07-05-1993:
-c = ^C  [<Ctrl> + "C"]

This option may help you, if you use X-Music with DirOpus or another Dir-
You can use this option to make sure that X-Music will not play two or more
modules at the same time. [Configure DirOpus like this: "X-Music {f} -c".]
You can also exit X-Music by pressing <Ctrl> + "C" or by using the Amiga-DOS
"break"-command. [like this: "1> break [process-number of X-Music] c". Use the
"status"-command to get the process-number.]

that's all, so far!

friendly regards to all X-CESSIVE members!

Düsseldorf, 07.05.1993 IOIO/X-CESSIVE.


New features added on Sunday, 16-05-1993:

1) Now showing the module-name besides the file-name in the Requester.

2) OK. The following feature is something I did not want to do, but I found out
   that the length of X-Music increases only for a couple of hundred bytes. The
   memory-usage is much higher, if the File Requester is used. But X-Music uses
   the ReqTools- or Asl-Library only, if the File Requester is used. So the
   memory usage will be as low as possible.

   A FReq (File Requester) is displayed, if no or a wrong filename is entered.
   X-Music will first try to use the ReqTools-FReq. If this operation doesn't
   succeed it will attempt to use the default Asl-FReq, which is available
   since and only on OS 2.0 or higher.

   OS 1.3 Users (or do you still use 1.2 or 1.1!) will not see any FReq, if
   they don't install the ReqTools-Library.

   By the way: I didn't configure the ReqTools FReq so that your default values
   for ReqTools are used. (Use the ReqTools preferences program.)

   The ReqTools-FReq will be opened on the active-window/screen. So pay
   attention, if you want to close the screen of the window, where the FReq is

3) X-Music's version-number can now be find out by using the "Version"-command
   of AmigaDOS. (current version should be 1.343 or higher)

Known Bugs:

- Pay attention if you close a screen when X-Music's FReq is opened. The system
  may crash if you ignore the FReq.

- I found a bug, which I couldn't remove so far: X-Music sometimes crashes if
  you start it like this: "/X-Music". I don't know the reason.
  Maybe that you have to path X-Music's directory or change to that directory.
  If you use the "FKey" commodity, just enter the line "X-Music" and path the
  directory of X-Music with the "Path"-command in the User-Startup or Startup-

- If compressors or libraries are lacking, X-Music will inform you about that.

- X-Music will not inform you about wrong module-formats. It may cause a guru-
  meditation, if you try to load a wrong module-file-format.

- Crayon's Replay Routine has a small bug: It craches if a module uses the
  effect-command "F00".

(I will remove the last two bugs in one of the next versions... :) )

PT-Replay 2.1 by Crayon/Noxious
XPK by Urban Müller, Bryan Ford, Christian Schneider, ...
ReqTools & PowerPacker-Library and ReqTools-Prefs by Nico François.

Düsseldorf, 17.05.1993 IOIO/X-CESSIVE.


- Fixed a BUG in the Display-Requester and optimized the Code...

Düsseldorf, 24.08.1993 IOIO/X-CESSIVE.

P.S.:	Das "AMIGA plus"-Magazin von ICP darf dieses Programm im Rahmen der
	XPK-Utilities mit dieser Anleitung veröffentlichen!
	Ich bin auch gerne bereit, den Source-Code zuzuschicken.

	Ansonsten darf dieses Programm nur auf Disketten veröffentlicht werden,
	die genau oder weniger als 5 DM + 0 Pf kosten!
	IOIO/X-CESSIVE signing off