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55 676 bytes (54.37K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
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all-time: 46


  • !MAPHIA! 1.19K
  • -CReePiNGDeaTH-.DiSPLaYMe 3.64K
  • COMPENDIUM.doc 10.26K
  • PersonalGreets.txt 2.27K
  • tHE_GhEtto.DISPLAYME 8.13K
  • UADialer30.doc 5.26K
  • UADialer30.exe 33.88K


              ___/\  ___/\  ___/\                   
             /~    \/~    \/~    \  SiLenT CracKinG
            _\   \_/   /\_/\   \_/      SerVicE
           /~ \   \    \_/~ \   \  -=- PrEsEnTs -=-
           \______/\____/\______/UNLIMITED ACCESS V3.0
             TiMe fOr PerFEcTion       DIALER

			--- DISCLAIMER ---

	We take *NO* responsibility for the misuse of the
	program or any damage caused by it directly or
	indirectly in any way. Distribution is only granted
	for non-commercial purposes including spreading
	in electronical form via modem.
	All trademarks are trademarks to their relative

This program was orignally written by Tino Twist and Frank CodX. It was 
updated by  |)/|/\//SCS, /\()/SCS and me ([z¡$/\®/SCS), for several
reasons I`ll explain later on. 
I have always been a great friend of dialers like the UAD or the SCD, in
my opinion the SCD dialer is one of the best BBs available, more
about it later. First of all I`d like to start with a list of the most
popular BBs, and I will try to explain why you shouldn`t use them.

RoxBox V6.67		Nice looking, but no edit options of the tones.

WhiteBox Final		Only Scripts may be used, wrong ST,KP1,KP2 freqs
			it also crashes at my place very often.

Syndicate Dialer V1.1	Very poor Sinus waves, but nice tools(scanners)

Total FreeCall		You may only edit timings, killed my HD when I 
			tried to save my prefs.

Blieb VX.X		BUARG! Only 2 tones and no dialtone editing.

MfDialer V2.0           Not anymore state of the art, poor timings because
                        it has been coded in Basic, no edit options.

RastaBox 		Same like WhiteBox

Dangerous Dialer V1.75	Max. 3 Trunk seizing tones, all editable tones must
			have same length.

Now let me explain why we wanted to improve the good old Unlimited Axxess,
I always liked using it, but when it got necessary to use plain delays, it
became impossible using the UAD as it was impossible to use delays or lengths
longer then 999ms, it was also necessary to put in a freq to use the tone
that means that you always had to use some shitty 1hz tones only to make a
delay of 3 seconds. I also wanted to include a possibility of dialing with
the numeric keypad. The last thing that had to be improved was the Break
command, it only executed Tone1 and Tone2, but that is not enough anymore.
So you now execute tone1+tone2+tone3+tone4 by clicking on the Break
gadget.So put your delay in tone1, your ClearForward in tone2, your 26XX-26XX
in tone3 and your Seize in tone4. Cool eh?

                Improvements from V2.8E -> V3.0:

$1.) Delays now maximal 9999ms long
$2.) Length now maximal 9999ms long
$3.) Dialing with numeric keypad, A-H. Sorry A6oo :-), never buy a console!
$4.) You may dial by clicking on the numeric gadgets
$5.) Keypad shortcuts: TAB=Dial, ESC=Break, Return(Enter)=Break&Dial
$6.) `Break` now executes Tone1 to Tone4
$7.) Timing now with FULL MULTITASKING!
$8.) Easy editable Delays, just don`t enter a freq
$9.) Sound quality improved by disabling the audio filter
$A.) Several small bugs fixed
$B.) Option to switch between the settings (0-99) just insert "sX;" or
     "sXX;" or sth. similar into the phone-#, where XX is the setting-#.
$C.) Option to set delay within the dial string from 0-25000ms, dXXXXX;
$D.) End Sleeper with: LShift+RShift+Ctrl
$E.) StartUp-Code to detach from CLI/Shell *MUCH* improved
$F.) 'Quit' - routine fixed from crashing

You may keep on using your old Prefs, they will be automatically 
coverted to UAD30 standard...

         Signed by:       Dan/SCS
                          Agent Orange/SCS

We`d like to excuse ourselves for updating the BB without permission of the
orignal coders Frank CodX and Tino Twist, but we had no chance of contacting
you. But the developing of this BB should be also your ambition, respect to
you! If you mind anyway, don`t bother calling our fine boards:

	---> TimeWar		<-- +49-511-ELITE!	2 Nodes
	---> Dancing Experience	<-- +49-5031-ELITE!	2 Nodes
	---> Neutron Dance	<-- +358-0-ELITE!	3 Nodes

                        Crew Greetings:
Alpha Flight, Cyanide, Backlash, Spreadpoint, Crystal, Ministry, Fairlight,
Razor 1911, TRSI, Neutron Dance, Bloodsuckers, Scoopex, Beermacht, Silents,
Dual Crew, Anarchy, Interpol, Sanity, Rebels, Crusaders, Horizon, Brainstorm!

              Also greets also to all ·S·C·S· Members:

Czisar, Scrap, ViNix, Overkiller, Ragman, Bob, Priest, Dj T, Ashore,
Dan, Bass, Mirage, Enemy, Chester, Maku, The Knight, Marc, Heko,
Paul Atreides, Zycro, Agent Orange, Running Wild.

			The Future:

We will keep on developing the UAD.. The next Version V3.1 will have
more available phonebooks&longer dialstring, we will also fix bugs
which may still be in here, if you find any please don`t bother 
contacting Czisar on the Psycho Terminal...
But the best of all, will be for sure our planned 4.0 release it will
have inovative features... which I`will not give out yet. Anyway it
will look completely different and maybe it will only run on OS3.0!

The SCS Developing Crew

\                      !NEVER BUY, SELL OR SPREAD A BLUEBOX!                 /
/                         !END OF UAD V3.0 DOCUMENTATION!                    \