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File size:
113 983 bytes (111.31K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 2


  • Crime.Displayme 1.83K
  • 624B
  • Docs\PSTT.Effects.txt 2.26K
  • Docs\ 1.62K
  • Docs\PSTT.FileFormat.txt 4.23K
  • Docs\ 1.62K
  • Docs\PSTT.ReadMe! 4.86K
  • Docs\PSTT.ReadMe!.info 1.62K
  • Docs\PSTT.TempoCalc.txt 1.16K
  • Docs\ 1.62K
  • Docs\PSTT.Update! 1.24K
  • Docs\PSTT.Update!.info 1.62K
  • Docs\PSTT.Version! 382B
  • Docs\PSTT.Version!.info 1.62K
  • Docs\PSTT1.0.txt 792B
  • Docs\ 1.62K
  • PS.config-00 1.00K
  • PSTT1.0 68.79K
  • 1.68K
  • PSTTracker.Guide 52.12K
  • 509B
  • QED.displayme 1.81K
  • 624B
  • Sources\PSTT-CIAPlay.s 24.58K
  • Sources\ 1.62K
  • Sources\PSTT-Play.s 21.98K
  • Sources\ 1.62K
  • Taskforce.displayme 1.00K


PSTTracker V1.1xß Release A - (C) 1992 PARASITE (tm)  1992

PSTTracker is a Public Domain program, and may may be copied freely and
included in any PD library. You may not charge anything for the program
other than the cost of the disk and the PD-service.

Message to Lars "ZAP" Hamre & co:
Instead of writing brand new textfiles, I've just modified your original
PT1.2 textfiles. Hope you don't mind.

This disk should contain the following files:

  PSTT1.0                  -  The main program.             -  The Icon for PSTTracker.
  DOCS/PSTT.TempoCalc.txt  -  How to calculate tempo etc.
  SOURCES/PSTT-Play.s      -  Playroutine for the Seka or DevPac assemblers.
  SOURCES/PSTT-CIAPlay.s   -  Playroutine for CIA timing.
  DOCS/PSTT.FileFormat.txt -  Description of the file format.
  DOCS/PSTT.Effects.txt    -  Quick help on all effect commands.
  PSTTHelpText             -  Online helpfile for PSTT1.0 (press the Help key).
  -|-  -|- -|-             -  Read-/Printable version of the help file.               -  AmigaGuide HyperText Document File
  PS.config-00             -  Default configuration file.
  DOCS/PSTT.Update!        -  Textfile with changes from PT1.1B(PT2.0)
  DOCS/PSTT.ReadMe!        -  ****--> This file <--**** 
  DOCS/PSTT.Version!       -  Textfile explaining the versionnumber 
  C/PPMore                 -  This Program is used for Online Help !!!
Some info..
If you are going to make make a compact-disk containing PSTTracker, please 
include PSTTHelpText, PPMore and powerpacker.library

For more info, press the HELP key when you have started PSTTracker.

It isn't possible to load old configuration files with PSTT1.0, but if you
load an old config-file into an editor and change the first 4 letters to
"PST1", you might be able to use it, but some new functions may be set to
zero though. Remember to check the DMA-wait and all the other functions
or you'll experience some crashes etc...

--- PSTTracker history ---

First Version 1.0 (A) - Full of bugs...

 Improvements from PT1.1B(& PT2.0) to PSTT1.0:

- MIDI Stuff Completely removed...
 According to NOXIOUS they didn't work anyway so i removed them completely.

 Besides... Nobody i know used them anyway.
 Maybe the space will be used for something else !!

- The Salvage song option was removed..
 The function didn't work so instead of making it work, i removed
 it together with the code that apparently saved the song in case
 of the dreaded visit to India.
 This function also didn't make sense on a mutltitasking machine..
 (Using absolute adresses is a BIG nono.)

Known bugs, errors, stupid things and other crap:

- If you load a song or module that's not a proper ST-module,
  PSTTracker may trash the upper left of the screen and/or crash.
  This screen-trashing may also happen other times. Don't ask us why
  or when. There is really no proper way to check if a file is a module
  or song. I check for "M.K." at offset 1080, and if isn't found,
  PSTTracker asks if you want to load it with 31 samples, since it may
  be a Startrekker module. If you answer no, PT assumes it's an old
  15 samples song/module.

- If you format a disk with PSTTracker, it's possible to save files to the
  disk, but if you try to load the files you just saved, nothing comes up
  in the disk op. screen.  If could be that the Amiga has some problems
  validating the disk, but there are no such messages. We'll have a look
  at the Format routine.If you get any problems, try to take out the disk
  and insert it again. PSTT should now re-read the dir.

- You cannot have two presets with the same name on different ST-disks.

If you send us bug reports, please describe the bugs properly, so that we
can figure them out without too much trouble. State how, when and where
the bug appeared, if it's there all the time, or just happened once.
If you can tell us how to duplicate what you did to get the bug, it
would be great. THEN we can try to eliminate it, ok?

Things to come in newer versions:

- Intuition compatible, multitasking.

- Synthetic sounds.

- MIDI. ??

- Module Recognition (ProPacked and other types)

- ProPacker 2.1 module support ??

We really don't know when the 'REAL' PSTT will be released. Wait and see...

If you want to contact us for any reason (please do) write to:

 John "SHAYERA" Hinge Of PARASITE (tm)
 Gudrunsvej 68,IIIth. v1
 DK-8220 Brabrand

 Also try and use my other utilities :

 TrackPlayer V1.8x :
 An Intuition and Kick2.0 based PT/PSTT Module Replayer (NEAT !!!)