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21 567 bytes (21.06K)
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		* DFItF V1.05 - DMS Fuck It Fast Docs *

  Here is faaast dms adder; adds your s:tarheel file to the end
 of DMS file. This also can handle those 'hacked' dms files, that
 would give you only file including crc if you would use some
 other Dms Adder, f. ex. DmTar or DMSSR.

  That s:tarheel file MUST! BE! already packed dms file; use 
 extract command to make it; it should be in this package.
 > Or use any DMS TEXT precompressor, such as DTC or Tarheels
 > MakeDMSText.

  To use this with amiexpress replace this with lzh checker;
 put lzh check ON in you config file and change '.LZH' ->
 '.DMS' and 'lharc' -> 'DFItF' and copy this proggie in your
 c: directory with name DFItF. Should be a piece of flake for
 anyone who has used dms adders before, and we all have?

 To use this with TEMPEST, rename it as DMSADDER and put it in
 your c: directory.  It needs to be used with The Professors
 "INSERTAD (version 1.3+).  You need to do nothing else to run
  it The Professors tool does it all for you.  

  Using Requester library - just write DFItF! Should be easy enough
 even for you.

 Dos Usage:
 DFItF <filename.dms>

 For More information: contact me at my bbs for any reason about
 this proggy or using it..

 ZenLandia BBS

* DFItF V1.00 *
	Hardly working.

* DFItF V1.01 *
	Hacked files works.

* DFItF V1.02 *
	Better Error Reports.

* DFItF V1.03 * (10-26-91)
	Added Faker Protections (ALL CODERS SHOUD TO THIS! CRC YOUR
	Version number that Lamers cant NewZap them!). 
	Now s:tarheel file is checked for validity + informed.
	First Released version.

* DFItF V1.04 * (11-24-91)
	Will add .DMS if it aint already there.

* DFitF V1.05 * (11-27-91)
	Request library Support.