File Archive

File download


File size:
24 950 bytes (24.37K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 29


  • Danse Macabre 713-324-2139 1.41K
  • EXTRACTOR 31.50K
  • FaSTWaY 2.09K
  • SkArA_BrAe.DISPLAYME 1.40K


##   >> EXTRACTOR <<  Copyright by THE DEATH and ZAMMORA in 1992 !!    ##

                   Extractor V1.0 (24.12.1992)
                 © 1992 by The Death and Zammora

       This Program is Public Domain and so you didn`t have to
      pay anything for it !! But if you want to send me a little
       present like money - send it to the following address :

                  Accountnumber    : 1947753
                  Bank Code Number : 36050105
                  Savings Bank     : Sparkasse Essen
                  Owner            : Stuckmann
                  Use for          : Present for Extractor

       Well I hope this Programm will be a litlle help for you !!
        You can get new Updates under the following BBS Number :
                       CBFC  -  (49)-201-200-584
          Use this BBS for Bug reports and suggestions too !!
                   Spread it over the world ;-)) !!

This Utility helps you with extracting Archives of many different Packer.
You have only to say how this File is called and the Program identifies
it immediately !! Once the File has been identified the Program calls the
Packer for this Archive from the Path you have given in the `S:EXTRACTOR.CFG`
File.This File will be saved in `S:` when you start the Program the first
time.Then you can change the Paths for your Packer by your own !! You can
use this Program as a CLI Command or by clicking on the `ReqTools.library`
Gadgets !! So it`s easy to handle.Now the Usage :

EXTRACTOR - without a command will use the `reqtools.library` for Input and

EXTRACTOR Unknown File - This will examine the File and extract it when the
                         the Packer is known by the Program.The File will
                         be extracted in the Directory which you typed in
                         the File `S:EXTRACTOR.CFG` !!

EXTRACTOR unknown file TO destpath - This will do the same like that above,BUT
                                     you can take another Path instead of the
                                     path you typed in `S:EXTRACTOR.CFG` !!

           So I hope this Utility will help you a little bit !!

                     because I released it as PD....

# Supported Packer : #

LHA          - I used for testing V1.40

ZIP          - I used for testing V1.21

WARP         - I used for testing V3.0

SHRINK       - I used for testing V1.1

ZOO          - I used for testing V2.1

DMS          - I used for testing V1.11

ARC          - I used for testing V5.0

ZOOM         - I used for testing V5.4

If you have newer Versions please Upload them in the BBS I wrote above !!
       Send them to the SYSOP or to the User DEATH .... Thanx !!