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19 193 bytes (18.74K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
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all-time: 27


  • BLOODY.NFO 2.12K
  • DangerousDialer 14.22K
  • DangerousDialer.Doc 6.79K
  • DD.Prefs 2.57K
  • TeRRoR-lInE.TxT.displayme 3.07K


...again Magic Drummer proudly present

                      D A N G E R O U S     D I A L E R

Credits : - Best UserInterface ever seen in the scene.
          - Highly configurable even hard stuff (like MCI breaks)
          - Best edit functions on the market. Look at the Phonebook
          - Prepared for new frequencies by using a Freq Lab for changing
            existing Freq`s and adding two more custom Freq sets
          - Prepared for 14 Phreak Zones.
          - Unlimited number of Phonebook entries. (Only if you only have
            256 KB :-))) Have you guyz ever heard of real double-circle-
            linked Lists dynamically allocated ???
          - Full prefs storing almost everything (except for the phonebooks)
            including window positions...
          - All shortcuts are visible to the user (or mentioned within this
            doc)... DO YOU KNOW ROXBOX ???
          - Password for every entry may be entered.
          - You can let DD "write" the Password for you

Welcome to Dangerous Dialer V1.95

People  who  don`t  own OS 2.x till now should switch off their computer now
and  start  crying  because  this masterpiece was _ONLY_ made for OS 2.x and
that  it  the  reason  why  it  only eats up 31 KB on your lousy FloopyDisks
(don`t you have a HD yet ???)

Now to the real doc.

Installing Dangerous Dialer :

Copy the executable to anywhere you like.  The supplied DD.Prefs file must be
copied to DEVS:.  All Phonebooks will be saved/read to/from S:

---NEW---   notice the new PREFS FILE  DD.Prefs !!!
            the old one will not work!!!

Starting Dangerous Dialer (from here on called DD) :

Simply  type  Dialer  from  your  Shell or double click on it`s icon (if you
already  designed  one  :-))  -> And you will see......NOTHING.  Well DD was
made  for  people  who can`t deal with Shortcuts, not even remember them, or
for  people who suffer from paranoia.  You will have to hit a HotKey to open
up  one of the biggest control windows ever seen.  And because you are ElItE
(kewl eh ?) here`s the HotKey :  LEFT SHIFT + LEFT ALT + LEFT AMIGA.  If you
hit that HotKey, while the main window is being shown DD will close down the
window again.

Removing DD from memory :

Simply  hit  the  "Quit" Gadget or press qour Q key.  To remove DD while the
main  window  simply  hit  the  following  HotKey :  LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT +

The main window :

After  you`ve  successfully  opened  the  main  window  you  see all of it`s
beautiness.   There are four gadgets bringing up more windows.  "Save Prefs"
/ "Load Prefs" / "Hide" and "Quit" should be self-explantory...  (Remark for
those who really read the docs :  Save Prefs doesn`t save the Phonebook).

Dial window :

Just  select  the  number  you  want  to dial (You can surly move the Slider
Gadget  to  adjust  a  new bank) and then hit one of your desired functions.
Select  a  phreak-zone  from  the  ListView-Gadget  on the right side of the
window.   If  you  want to switch to an alternative PhoneBook hit one of the
Radio  Buttons.  These are seperated into BBS-Numbers, Phreak-Area and Voice
Numbers.   Some  of  the keystrokes are underscored but there are more which
are not to be seen by the "normal" user.  These are :

ESCAPE      : Break
UPSTROKE    : Dial
RETURN      : Break & Dial
HELP        : Go to park to not cash $ 4000
NUMERIC PAD : Dial touch tones (- takes # and * takes *)

You  can  change the channel the sounds are played on using the "Left/Right"
Radio Buttons.  If the selected entry has a password attached to it, it will
be  displayed within the "PW" Text Gadget.  This password my be "written" by
DD  automatically.   Say,  if  you  log  on a BBS you simply write down your
Handle  (I  assume  you`ll at least know that one) and then you just hit ALT
F10 and DD will insert the selected Password followed by a RETURN.
There  is a HotKey for opening, closing the Dialing Corner.  Simply hit LEFT
ALT + LEFT SHIFT + RETURN to open/close the Dialing Corner.

Edit Phonebook window :

Guess  what ?  You can edit your phonebooks here :-) Just select an item and
edit  the data.  Click on "New entry" and a new entry will be created at the
_END_  of the list.  Enter the new data and continue.  "Delete entry" should
be  doing  what  it  says.   "Sort  entries"  -> Come on, you know that one.
"Type" selects one of the three Phonebooks to be edited.  "Load Phone" loads
the  selected type of Phonebook (Note on Upgraders DD will load old Creme du
Blieb  files).  "Save Prefs" saves the currently selected phonebook in a new
format (only visually)...
If you have several lines (say for a BBS) you just have to select one of the
entries  for  a  line  and hit the "Clone Entry" gadget.  The selected entry
will  be  copied  and the copy will be appended to the end of the list.  The
list  will  jump  to  the  end of the list and you can start editing the new

Time laboratory :

This is for the real freaks (So why don`t you just leave the docs right here
???).  You can edit custom phreak areas and existing areas here.  Just enter
the new frequencies, hold/delay values, Tone types and dialspeeds here.  You
can also change the names for the Zones.

NOTE: The first four slots are marked for the zones defined within the Prefs
      file. These are : MCI,  PBX, and Alliance right in this order.
      So only edit these, if frequencies etc.pp will change. Never try
      to put a different zone on one of these, otherwise you won`t be able
      to abuse...

Furthermore  you can edit a statusmessage for each entry.  This message will
be  shown every time you dialed a number.  And of course there is a slot for
a Parknumber.

Frequency lab :

You  can  edit four different settings for frequencies here.  These are Box,
TouchTone and two custom settings.  Yes brothers and sisters, DD is prepared
for new dial modes and tones...

Dealing with String/Integer gadgets within DD :

Starting  with  OS 2.x there are StringEditHooks for String/Integer gadgets.
DD  makes  extensive  use  of  these.  The currently selected gadget will be
highlighted  (this  isn`t  a feature of the StringEditHook).  If you want to
rech  another  gadget  by  it`s  shortcut,  while a String/Integer gadget is
active  simply  press your RIGHT AMIGA key in conjunction with the shortcut.
You can move through gadgets using the TAB key (combined with SHIFT) or just
hit  the cursor keys.  To move by words within a gadget hit your CONTROL key
and either cursor key.  ESC and HELP escape a select gadget.

    For  bug reports and phreaking stuff try to reach Magic Drummer !!!!!!!

The end of this fabolous document :

Thank you very much for abusing AT&T, we appreciate your business.

Thank you, bye bye...