File Archive

File download


File size:
17 656 bytes (17.24K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 46


  • (312) 777-4184 2.07K
  • bbsspeak.lf 856B
  • BeYoNd.DiSpLaYmE 1.11K
  • ficken.txt 1.94K
  • lamerfrazer 14.37K
  • lamerfrazer.doc 4.31K
  • 839B
  • SoftAGAexplain.txt 3.29K
  • 839B
  • Wild Side.DisplayMe 2.07K


                             PWS Proudly Presents:

    *                         ___  _       ___  _       ____   ___   _    *
    *     /    /|   /|  /|   /    / \     /    / \  /|  \     /     / \   *
    *    /    /-|  / | / |  /--- /__/    /--- /__/ /-|   \   /---  /__/   *
    *   /___ /  | /  |/  | /__  /  |    /    /  | /  | ___\ /___  /  |    *
    *                                                                     *
                                 (C) PWS 1993.

    Sick  of being kicked off pirate boards because you don't sound like a guru
hacker?   No-one ever speaks to you on multiline boards?  Does everyone move to
a different channel/conference when you arrive?  Or do you just want to impress
your friends with your cool jargon?

    If  so,  you need -=*LaMeRfRaZeR*=-.  With -=*LaMeRfRaZeR*=- everything you
type  gets  translated to truncated illiterate BBSspeak.  You will sound like a
real  pro  and  everyone will think you're a way cool hacker with lots of 0 day
warez.   Even  if  you're  at 300 baud!  Instantly everone will want to talk to
you:   if  they're not then its because they're trying to wrack their brains to
say something witty to you so you won't think they're lamers.

    You  can  also  translate  your message texts or other documentation before
they are distributed.

    Best  of all, -=*LaMeRfRaZeR*=- moves with the times, and can be updated as
trends change in the world of BBSspeak.

    -=*LaMeRfRaZeR*=-  is invoked from the shell or CLI, but don't worry if you
don't  know  how  to  use the CLI because we have also provided a special AREXX
program  that  can  easily  be incorporated into either ToolManager (to be used
from the WorkBench) or your BBS program for instant and easy use.

    Not convinced? How about a little demonstration:

You type:   hey guys what software do you all have?
Out comes:  yo dudez wot warez do u all got?


You type:   i had a PC clone before this computer.
Out comes:  i had a PeeCee clown b4 diz 'puter.


You type:   im going to get into phone freaking.
Out comes:  im gonna get inta fone phreaking.


You type:   see you later people!
Out comes:  c u l8r ppl!



    Type Lamerfrazer <text bbsspeak.lf

    where  "text"  is  the  filename  of  your  lamer-babble  that  needs to be
fixed...this  MUST  be  a file, you cannot just enter loose text on the command
    bbsspeak.lf  is  the  included  file that provides the rules for converting
text  to bbs-speak.  This can be substituted for your own or other PWS released
vocabulary modules (look out for Sysopspeak for example).

    To  install  -=*LaMeRfRaZeR*=-  into  your comms program, you will need one
that  has  an  AREXX  interface.   The scripts for Term and Ncomm are included,
however  you  will  need  to modify one if you want to use a different terminal
program.  Simply install the appropriate script into a macro, and activate!


About PWS.

Be sure to catch our many other quality software releases:

PWSInfo     Amiga diagnostic/benchmark program
GreatChess  The definitive computerized chess game
PWSHiTerm   High speed terminal program.
SoftAGA     gave us a few chuckles did that one! ** It really works :) **
PWSMods     Various atonal mods to make your ears bleed.

Soon to be inflicted upon the public:

PWSDemo     yes our first ---++++===MeGa===+++--- Demo will be released some
            time in the next few months...

Want  to  join in the fun at PWS?  We are establishing PWS(M)C ...the Piss Weak
Software  (Mega)  Consortium:   an  international  group  of  fans, supporters,
contributors  and  critics  of  PWS  with  the  greater  aim of increasing user
awareness  and  supporting higher standards of programming on the Amiga.  As an
introductory  offer,  new  members receive the PWS Gold Collection:  the entire
PWS  Collection  on  disk  with  a  special preface written by the PWS founding
members,  and even some rare, never before published PWS stuff, including mods,
programming  outtakes,  and  other material not deemed suitable for general PWS

l8r then dudez!