File Archive

File download


File size:
301 598 bytes (294.53K)
File date:
2019-09-23 23:20:15
Download count:
all-time: 832


  • AddressingModes.Guide 11.59K
  • Advanced.Guide 10.86K
  • AGA.Guide 133.00K
  • ASM-One.Pref 275B
  • ASM-One_Rescuer 15.60K
  • 2.63K
  • ASM-One_Rescuer.readme 1.23K
  • ASM-One_V1.48 281.70K
  • 3.75K
  • ASM-One_V1.4x.Guide 107.10K
  • 3.11K
  • 2.74K
  • Clipboard.Guide 15.84K
  • CommandMenus.Guide 7.33K
  • Directive.Guide 47.63K
  • Errors.Guide 52.59K
  • History.txt 6.76K
  • 2.17K
  • Install ASM-One V1.48 8.74K
  • Install ASM-One 2.02K
  • PPC.Guide 54.23K
  • README 3.35K
  • 2.17K
  • REGSDATA 99.47K
  • SymplifiedMnemonics.i 3.13K


Bug fixes and enhancements since Revision 471a (ASM-One V1.47)

Revision 482

- ASM-One V1.48 Public Release (31-12-2002)

Revision 481

- There is no Memory Directory at the moment

- Fixed file size in 'V' command (now shows up to 999 Mb
  instead of only 999 Kb).

- Cleaned up 'V' output.

- 'V' will now always show you the current directory. While
  'V<path>' will show you the contents of the <path>

  Previously ASM-One would mixup things which made the 'V'
  directive not very usefull to use..

Revision 480

- FRxx was never allowed.

  Fixed now...

- The mtspr opcode was not recognized.


- ASM-One's PPC register support was (to put it nicely) weak !!

  Only a selected few where actualy recognized as PPC registers,
  the rest gave errors. I don't understand why I didn't test
  this before releasing V1.47 and claiming to have PPC support ??

  However, all these bugs have been fixed...

- Rearranged new PPC errors.

- Added PPC Errors to the ASM-One Guide.

- General PPC/FPU/AltiVec Registers allowed numbers between
  0 and 39. Now only between 0 and 31.

- GPRxx and FPRxx where never allowed !!!

  Fixed now.

- Forgot to clear the AA and LK bit when disassembling the
  (conditional)branch opcodes.

- When disassembling, all general PPC registers and most numbers
  under 40 where always zero !!

  Not anymore..

- Edited some of the PPC Errors.

- Branch instructions used the wrong offset for calculating
  the relative branch.

  Fixed now...

- BO and BI where never allowed to be numbers.

  Fixed now..

Revision 479

- Added PPC specific assembling errors.

Revision 478

- Fixed the Write Link in combination with XDEF problem..

Revision 477

- FPU opcodes with Byte as immediate operand could never be debugged
  since the byte size was never recognized by the debugger.

  This had no effect on the assembly or disassembly of the opcode and
  thus NEVER on the generated executable !!!

- A FPU EQUate will show up as being a '- FPU EQU -' in the symbol

- Added EQUates with FPU sizes:

  EQUS = Single
  EQUD = Double
  EQUX = Extended
  EQUP = Packed

  Also, FPU opcodes now work with EQU's (set, =) if the size
  of the opcode is not Byte, Word or Longword, but the value size is.

  Example 1:

hello:	equ	1

a:	fmove.s	#hello,fp0

  Example 2:

hello:	equs	5.5

a:	fmove.s	#hello,fp0
	fmove.d	#hello,fp1

  Note: As you can see, you can use a value defined as a Single as
  a Double in the opcode. ASM-One will save the value as Single if
  you used EQUS, and ASM-One will restore this value when parsing
  the opcode. But when the actual code is written, the value will be
  written as the size defined by the opcode (in the above example
  as Double) !!

  Another Note: ASM-One is allocating extra memory for the FPU Data
  that is generated during an Assembly run. The size of the allocated
  memory is expanded if that's needed.

  Every Assembly run the memory is cleared (that is, we start at 0).

  The memory is only Freeed when you quite or restart ASM-One.

  I've chosen this method to prevent memory defragmentation. Typically
  the extra memory will only be allocated when you use EQUS, EQUD, EQUX
  and/or EQUP. If you never use them, no extra memory will be allocated.

Revision 476

- The MOVEM routines in combination with REG and EQUR where much
  to complex.

- Removed OPT directive

- When debugging, the disassembled line was never cleared so sometimes
  disassembled stuff from the previous line was still visable.
  (RTG Only)

- Filename was only changed when a sources was read or written ?

- When swapping to an empty source, the current dir will be set to
  the StartUp Dir !!!!

- Directories where not properly initialized when swapping the source.

Revision 475

- FMOVEM was assembled wrong (mode and registerlist where mixed up).

- During debugging, FPU output was never updated.

- Debug registers have been moved below the source instead of beside it.
  This is only true when in RTG mode...

- PPC instructions b, ba, bc, bca, bcl, bcla, bl and bla where never
  correctly assembled because the operands wher never examined !!

- Fixed badly visable cursor in menubar (during searching, etc.)

Revision 474

- When using the BLOCK function 'Registers', the menubar was left
  blanc. So you could never see the results.

  Fixed now

Revision 473

- Fixed a bug that 'V' complained about an invalid directory. ASM-One
  now takes the Current Directory.

- Fixed a bug that when doing 'V<directory-name>' ASM-One would take that
  directory as the new Current Directory (this should only happen when
  u use 'V <directory-name>')

- Fixed a bug that when using 'V' ASM-One would update your current source
  in the wrong directory (ideal for losing files or filling up your HD B-)

- Fixed a bug that ASM-One would write to the wrong directory. It would
  write to the last directory accessed with V, W or R regardless of what
  the current source was.

  Source swapping works now correct for these directories.

- Fixed a bug that sometimes ASM-One updated a file (when using U)
  because it thought the file was gone (which was not the case).

  This only happend when the directory you where in was not the
  same directory as where the source was u loaded.

- Fixed problems with new Directories

  ASM-One has now 5 different directories and Filenames.
  They are as follows:

  Dir/File Buffer 1:
  ReadSource, WriteSource, WriteBlock, InsertSource

  Dir/File Buffer 2:
  ReadBinary, WriteBinary

  Dir/File Buffer 3:
  ReadObject. WriteObject, WriteLink

  Dir/File Buffer 4:
  WritePreferences, ReadPreferences

  Dir/File Buffer 5:
  DirectOutput, WriteProject, ReadProject

  Dir/File Buffer 1 is saved when you switch to another source.

  Except for Buffer 1, the other buffers only work when using
  the requester, a direct command (examp.: RB <filename>) will
  not set any buffers.

  The reason for this is that it's probaly to difficult to remember
  5 different locations. And since the 'V' command only works with
  Buffer 1, you can't check where a Buffer is pointing too using
  a direct command.

- When you break off a Source Read/Write (or when it fails), the source
  name will no longer change in the Sources Menu or in the Title bar.

- Rewrote Startup Directory related stuff

- Rewrote Requester Routines to use new file/directory buffers

- Changed directory structure (5 directories instead of only 3)

Revision 472

- Removed some lines of coding in the CD (Create Directory)

- Commenting and cleaning up of the source

Revision 471b-c

- Canceling the Screen Requester could exit ASM-One in
  some cases.

- Removed some lines of coding in the ADD and SUB
  parser routines.