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                             GUSTRACK 1.03
                                Made By
                            EJ Botterman jr.
                             Uranuslaan 26
                           3318 EV Dordrecht
                            The Netherlands

                      1 ............ Introduction 
                      2 ............ Legal Stuff
                      3 ............ Keys and Buttons
                      4 ............ Special Effects
                      5 ............ File Formats & Bugs
                      6 ............ Thanks
                      7 ............ Trouble Shooting
                      8 ............ Technical Info

     Welcome to gustrack. Gustrack is a ProTracker compatible
     4 track mod editor for the Gravis UltraSound music card.
     This means you can load, save and edit standard modfiles.
     Its also possible to load and play 8 track mod's but it is
     NOT possible to save or edit one.

     To use gustrack you'll need atleast a 286 computer but a 386
     is recommended.
     You need a MicroSoft compatible mouse.
     You need a Gravis UltraSound card.
     You need a VGA card and monitor.

Legal Stuff:

     EJ Botterman  specifically  disclaims  all  warranties,  expressed  or
     implied,   including  but  not  limited  to  implied  warranties  of
     merchantability  and  fitness  for a particular purpose with respect
     to  defects  in  the  software  and  documentation.
     In no event shall EJ Botterman be liable for  any  loss  of  profit
     or  damage, including but not limited to special,  incidental,
     or consequential damages.

     Gustrack is not cripple ware. What you see is what you get.
     all functions in the registered version perform the same way
     as in the not registered version.
     You may use this program for 30 days after that you MUST register !!
     You will then receive you personal copy.

     Shareware programs  lacking  so  many  features  that  they
     become useless to the user are called CrippleWare.
     Since i do not believe in the idea of CrippleWare i distribute
     the complete version. You may call it stupid but atleast its fair !!

     GusTrack is  a  Shareware  program.  This yields the following

     You are  allowed  to  test  GusTrack  for a period of 30 days
     after  receipt,  to  see  if it fits your needs. After
     this  period  you  are  not  allowed  to  use the program any

     Whomever gets  himself  another version of GusTrack to get
     himself  another  30 days of testing incurs penalty ( ever
     seen a HardDisk disintegrating to stardust? ).

     GusTrack may  be  freely distributed, even after expiration of
     the testing period.

     Even Shareware-Distributors    or    dealers,    who    are
     distributing  Shareware  by  mail,  may  put  GusTrack  in their
     collection.   The   same  is  valid  for  other  distribution
     If you do it please send me a note so i know.

     GusTrack may  not  be used commercially in the testing period.
     This includes  single  sale and bundling with other soft- or
     hardware.   Exceptions may be granted after contacting me. If
     I agree, I will send you a written permission.

     GusTrack may  be  used  for  display  purposes, as long as the
     source of the program can be recognized unmistakably.

     GusTrack may  not  be  modified  and  this  is  valid  for the
     distribution  archive,  too. This includes adding advertising
     textfiles for BBS or something like that to the archive.

     Disassembling GusTrack  does  *not*  incur  penalty.  But when
     using my routines, please state the original author.
     Saying this i have to be fair and say i took a big look on some
     of the GUS hardware routines made by Joshua Jensen.
     And that the above text was written by the author of WOWII,
     a great modplayer for the SB(pro) and DACS.
     ( Not for the GUS though :-(  )
How do I register you ask ?

      To register send me $20, or the same amount in your
      currency (NO COINS !!!) and a self-addressed envelope including a
      disk but without a stamp to me.
      Also include a piece of paper stating your name, address and GusTrack
      version so if you ever ask for an update i'll now its you.
      You'll then receive a personal copy of GusTrack and you are entitled to
      upgrades for a minimal price, this means for free when you
      pick it up by modem or for the costs of sending it by mail.

    Dutch users: speciale prijs, maar f25,- !

      You can also send me the money only and then download the program
      from MultiByte BBS.
      If you want this, include in your letter the password and name
      you want to use to login, and as soon as i have received your money
      GusTrack is ready for you to download.
      You must login to the BBS, this means you can't request it with a
      Fido Mailer.

                EJ Botterman jr.
                Uranuslaan 26
                3318 EV Dordrecht
                The Netherlands

               Fido Address:   2:285/306.4
             Multi-Byte BBS:  +31-78-190355
      If you don't send me the right amount of money you will receive nothing
      and you are never entitled to a refund. I will let you know though.

Newest Version:
      You can find the newest version of this program on MultiByte BBS and
      on BBS Geniaal II both are in the Netherlands.
      Phone Numbers:
                    Multi-Byte BBS +31-78-190355    ( V32bis )
                    Geniaal II     +31-2290-43038   ( V32bis )
                                   +31-2290-45816   ( V32bis )

Keys and Buttons:
     If you are familiar with another tracker you'll have no
     problem using GusTrack.
     If you have never used a tracker before try to get hold of a
     program called ModEdit ( written by Mark J. Cox ).
     It will probably not run on your GUS but it has a great
     manual describing all facets of MOD files.

     Buttons are used by moving the mouse onto them and click the
     left mouse button.

     Most buttons explain themselves so i won't go into them.
     Also read the GusTrack.Rev file for some features.
     Just follow a few general 'rules'.

     The left mouse button is used to press and release the
     buttons on the screen.
     Everywhere there is something to be typed, a filename, the
     names of samples or the song name, click the right mouse button onto
     it and a cursor will appear.
     While playing the right mouse button will stop the playing.

     Samples must have the extension .SMP to appear in the
     diskwindow. It is possible to load a sample with a different
     extension by typing in the filename of the sample. The same
     goes for MOD files and the extension .MOD

     The loading of a sample may take some time because other
     samples might have to be shifted inside the GUS memory to
     make some space. This takes some time. As soon as the
     loading is finished you can move the mouse arround and the
     name appears in the sample window.
     Gustrack does not check if there's enough memory on the GUS left
     to load the sample, so if there is'nt the result will probably be
     that you can't hear the sample.
     Also for GUS owners who are still working with 256K DRAM i would like
     to advice you to update the memory to 1 Meg since alot of Mod files
     exceed the 256K border in samples.

     Also do yourself a favor and save your mod file after
     changing samples because the memory on the GUS might be
     fragmented. This means that a sample could take much more space
     than it needs.
     After saving it reload it and continue editting your MOD file.

Configuration File:
     Version 1.03 and up use a configuration file called GusTrack.Cnf
     This file will be made when you press the Save Cnf button.
     Inside this file will be saved :
                                     - The current Module Directory
                                     - The current Sample Directory
                                     - The Master Volume
                                     - The Panning settings
     On startup GusTrack will search for this file. If it cant find it
     GusTrack will default to the current directory as Module and Sample
     directory, the master volume will be 50 and the panning for channel 1
     till 4 will be in the middle.

     With the keyboard you can play notes. You won't hear a note
     if the cursor is not on a note position inside a track.
     A track looks like this :

     \_ Sample 
     | | ||
     C-3 01234

Special Keys:

     Escape - Will get you out of most windows also used to quit
              the program and stop playing.

  Space Bar - When playing it will stop the playing. When not
              playing it will toggle Edit.

  The key left to the 1 (`) is used to shell to DOS. It is possible to
  shell while playing. It is not possible to shell when you are in the
  Disk or Mixer window.

         F1 - Low Octave
         F2 - High Octave

         F5 - After editting a note or command the cursor will
              not advance to the next line in the pattern.
         F6 - Cursor will advance 1 line.
         F7 - Cursor will advance 2 lines.
         F8 - Cursor will advance 4 lines.

        Tab - Advance cursor to next track.
  Shift+Tab - Advance cursor to previous track.
 Arrow keys - Move the cursor arround.
  Page Down - Advance cursor 8 lines.
  Page Up   - Go 8 lines up.
  Home      - Go to line 00.
  End       - Go to line 63.

L.Shift + Arrows - Go forward or backwards in the song.
L.Ctrl  + Arrows - Go to next or previous pattern.

 Right Alt  - Play Pattern.
 Right CTRL - Play Song.
It is possible while playing to change from play pattern to play
song and vice versa. (buttons will not be updated !)

 Right Shft - Record Pattern. ( not very accurate )

Editing keys:
     Insert     -   Insert position.
     Delete     -   Clear position.
     Back Space -   Move track up 1 row deleting the row above.
     Shift F3   -   Cut Track (copy track to buffer and clear)    
                              (track.                        )
     Shift F4   -   Copy Track    (to buffer)
     Shift F5   -   Paste Track   (from buffer)

     Ctrl  F3   -  Cut Pattern
     Ctrl  F4   -  Copy Pattern
     Ctrl  F5   -  Paste Pattern

Special Effects:

Protracker V1.1b Effect Commands
0 - Normal play or Arpeggio             0xy : x-first halfnote add, y-second
1 - Slide Up                            1xx : upspeed
2 - Slide Down                          2xx : downspeed
3 - Tone Portamento                     3xx : up/down speed
4 - Vibrato                             4xy : x-speed,   y-depth
5 - Tone Portamento + Volume Slide      5xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
6 - Vibrato + Volume Slide              6xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
7 - Tremolo                             7xy : x-speed,   y-depth
9 - Set SampleOffset                    9xx : offset (23 -> 2300)
A - VolumeSlide                         Axy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
B - Position Jump                       Bxx : songposition
C - Set Volume                          Cxx : volume, 00-40
D - Pattern Break                       Dxx : break position in next patt
E - E-Commands                          Exy : see below...
F - Set Speed                           Fxx : speed (00-1F) / *tempo (20-FF)
*E0- Set Filter                          E0x : 0-filter on, 1-filter off
E1- FineSlide Up                        E1x : value
E2- FineSlide Down                      E2x : value
E3- Glissando Control                   E3x : 0-off, 1-on (use with tonep.)
E4- Set Vibrato Waveform                E4x : 0-sine, 1-ramp down, 2-square
E5- Set FineTune                        E5x : set fine tune value
E6- Jump to Loop                        E6x : jump to loop, play x times
E7- Set Tremolo Waveform                E7x : 0-sine, 1-ramp down. 2-square
E9- Retrig Note                         E9x : retrig from note + x vblanks
EA- Fine VolumeSlide Up                 EAx : add x to volume
EB- Fine VolumeSlide Down               EBx : subtract x from volume
EC- NoteCut                             ECx : cut from note + x vblanks
ED- NoteDelay                           EDx : delay note x vblanks
EE- PatternDelay                        EEx : delay pattern x notes
*EF- Invert Loop                         EFx : speed

All effects are implemented except the ones starting with a *. (E0 & EF)

File Formats:
     GusTrack will read 4 track ProTracker files and also Star Tracker files.
     ( ID's M.K. and FLT4 )
     And it will read 8 Track Mod files made with Tritons Fast Tracker the
     Star Tracker or the Octalyzer.
     ( ID's 8CHN, FLT8 and OCTA)
     ( Does anyone know if the FLT8 format really excists ?)

     If it can't find one of the ID's it will assume its an old 15 sample
     mod file.

     When an error is encountered while reading you'll see the border round the
     screen turn red for a very short period of time.
     It has then refused to read the patterns and samples from the so called
     Mod file.
     The header is read though and you'll see some strange ASCII characters
     in the sample window as sample names.

     Probably :-)
     If you found one please write me a NetMail so i can correct it in future
     Also try to describe the situation when the bug took place and what was
     loaded in memory (TSR's Device drivers etc..)

-   Special thanks go out to the Renaissance demo group for the info
     on programing the GUS.
-   Also to Gravis and Forte for giving out the excellent SDK
     and for making the GUS itself ofcourse.
-   To Joshua Jensen for the awesome mod player GUSMOD. (only BPM is missing)
-   Mr. Triton for his Fast-Tracker, the best tracker there is.
     (But it does'nt work on my GUS sniff! :-(  )

Trooble Shooting:

   -  The edit window does'nt scroll smoothly with fast Mod's.
      This is because your computer is too slow. Since GusTrack runs in
      graphics mode it takes more time to put everything on the screen
      then it would using text mode.
      Try to solve it by turning off the bar's.
      If it's still not running smoothly and your computer is not an 12 or 10Mhz
      286 report it to me.

   -  GusTrack only displays a message saying :
                              Could Not Find A Gravis UltraSound.

      This means you either don't have a gus in your computer or
      GusTrack can't find it.
      If you have this problem and you do have a GUS please report it to me
      with your GUS setup ( IRQ DMA Port etc etc).

   -  GusTrack only displays a message saying :
                              This Program Needs a Mouse.
      Means you don't have a mouse or a mouse not microsoft compatible.

   -  GusTrack only displays a message saying :
                               Sorry, this program requires a VGA card.

      GusTrack could not find a VGA card. If you get this message please report
      it with your brand and type of VGA card.

   -  When I switch of the bars, the window goes away but some of
      the bars stay.

      I know this problem and i haven'th been able to solve it (yet).
      Try turning off the music and then push the Bars button.

   -  GusTrack won't save my MOD file !!!

      You cannot save an 8 Track's mod file.
      If you did'nt try to save an 8 Track mod file and GusTrack is
      still refusing to save your Mod file it is likely that something
      has changed the program itself.
      Please send me the GusTrack.Exe file so i can see who or what has
      messed up my program.

Techical Info:

     GusTrack is made using   - Borland C++ 3.0  (only C used though)
                              - TASM 3.2
                              - QEMM 6.02
                              - A 386SX 20Mhz computer.
                              - ñ 12003827482 cigarettes
                              - coffee !!!!
                              - a few months of time whitch should have
                                been used for my study.