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54 613 bytes (53.33K)
File date:
2023-10-28 05:45:01
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all-time: 15


  • X-PLAY.DOC 15.70K
  • X-PLAY.EXE 51.63K


³         Û²  ÜÛ      Û²ßßÛÜ Û²     ܲßßÛÜ Û²  ÛÛ Û²ßßÛÛ Û²ßßÛÜ            ³
³         Û²  ÛÛ   Ü  Û²  ÛÛ Û²     Û²  ÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Û²     Û²  ÛÛ            ³
³         ß² ÜÛß  ²Û  Û²  ÛÛ Û²     Û²  ÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Û²Ü    Û²  ÛÛ            ³ 
³         ܲ ßÛÜ  ²Û  Û² þÛÛ Û²     Û² þÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Û²ß    Û² þÛß            ³
³         Û²  ÛÛ  ²ß  Û²ßßß  Û²     Û²ßßÛÛ ß²ÛÛÛß Û²  ÛÛ Û²ßßÜ             ³
³         Û²  ÛÛ ÄÄÄÄ Û² ÄÄÄ Û²ÜÜÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Ä ÛÛ Ä Û²ÜÜÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ V2ú99á     ³
³   PROGRAMMER þ RAY^[RADiCAL RHYTHMS]^[BLANK]                             ³
³       DESiGN þ COSMiC^[RADiCAL RHYTHMS]^[D-LUSiON]^[K.L.F]               ³
³   (C)1994,95 þ RAY & COSMiC                                              ³
³ DiSTRiBUTiON þ UNDERCOVER & RADiCAL RHYTHMS                              ³
³      RELEASE þ VERSiON V2.99á -/- 03/09/1994                             ³
³                                                                          ³
³ þ X-PLAY ReQUiRES þ                                                      ³
³                     [ FREE MEMORY, 4 MEGS OF RAM SHOULD WORK           ] ³
³                     [ AT LeAST a 386SX/16                              ] ³
³                     [ A SoUNDCARD (GUS/SB/SBPRO/SB16ASP/SBAWE32)       ] ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ þ X-PLAY - AN OVERViEW þ                                                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³ What is X-PLAY? X-PLAY is a player for DMF files, created  using the one ³
³ and only tracker - X-TRACKER ( ;)) ). Playback is  possible with  nearly ³
³ any  soundcard  and, to be exact, these  are: SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster ³
³ Pro, SoundBlaster  16 (ASP), SoundBlaster  AWE  32 and  the Gravis Ultra ³
³ Sound card. You  may  also  use  any clone  of the  above, but  we can't ³
³ guarantee  playback on  these. As we  can't guarantee  playback  on  the ³
³ original cards either, this should not matter <smile>.                   ³
³                                                                          ³
³ X-PLAY features a command line only interface for settings, but  you may ³
³ use its add-on, X-SHELL, to keep track of these. X-PLAY is also intended ³
³ for quick and successful playback which means that no brilliant gfx have ³
³ been included for your pleasure.                                         ³
³                                                                          ³
³ X-PLAY normally (except for beta releases) is accompanied by X-SHELL, an ³
³ easy-to-use, userfriendly shell. Please read its doc for more info!      ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ DISCLAIMER: You use this software at your own risk. The authors  can not ³  
³ be held reliable for any damage  caused  by  this program. By  using the ³
³ program you state that you agree with the above.                         ³
³ This program  is  copyrighted  software. It is not free. You may use and ³
³ copy it as long as the following restrictions are obeyed.                ³
³ The copyright and all other rights remain with the authors.              ³
³ You  must not disassemble, manipulate or reverse engineer X-PLAY and its ³
³ code.                                                                    ³
³ The program (X-PLAY) may NOT be distributed by any commercial company or ³
³ person. You must  NOT  distribute  this  program  on  a  CD-ROM. You may ³
³ distribute  this program on  disk but  NOT if  this disk is sold for any ³
³ price (it does  not  matter if  the disk is sold or if the customer pays ³
³ for copying the disk). This  program  must NOT  be sold on any so called ³
³ "PD", "FREEWARE" or "SHAREWARE" disk.                                    ³
³ By copying, distributing or using this program you agree with the above. ³
³ If  you  want  to do  anything apart from the above you need the written ³
³ permission of the authors.                                               ³
³ And  just to let you know: "We don't  make  money with this stuff, so we ³  
³ do not want other people making money of it either!"                     ³
³ A word of warning: "We already got some people selling our stuff. Now we ³
³ got more than we would have taken if they had asked us before."          ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ þ HOW TO CONTACT THE AUTHORS þ                                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³ You can contact the authors at the following address:                    ³
³                                                                          ³
³ RAY^RADiCAL RHYTHMS                                                      ³
³ c/o Christian Bartsch                                                    ³
³ Flottmannstr. 117                                                        ³
³ 44625 Herne                                                              ³
³ Germany                                                                  ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Tel.: from Germany         -   0 23 23 460 525                           ³
³       from other countries - +49 23 23 460 525                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Please do call between 10 am and 11 pm.                                  ³
³ When you're calling from  the other side of the globe, our local time is ³
³ different from yours - please check! I love American  dudes calling, but ³
³ not at 4 am! ;)                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Mailbox: Germany           -   0 23 23 460 094                           ³
³          other countries   - +49 23 23 460 094                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³ You may call this number 25 hours a day (hm?). Leave a mail to COSMIC or ³
³ RAY. Call the UNDERCOVER!                                                ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ þ HOW TO USE THE PLAYER þ                                                ³
³                                                                          ³
³ As we already stated, X-PLAY works by using the command line. The syntax ³
³ is:                                                                      ³
³                                                                          ³
³ X-PLAY filename.DMF <parameter1 parameter2 ...>                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ "filename"  can be  any valid DMF file. If  no file is  found, ".DMF" is ³
³ added as its extension. If  the  file  can't be  located  hereafter, the ³
³ the execution of X-PLAY is aborted.                                      ³
³                                                                          ³
³ "parameter1" and  so  on  are  additional, optional parameters. They are ³
³ single words, separated by a space (" "). You may add as many of them as ³
³ you like.                                                                ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Valid key words are:                                                     ³
³                                                                          ³
³   "/Cx"    - sets color                                                  ³
³   "/O"     - overrides .INI file sound card settings.                    ³
³   "/V:xxx" - sets the output volume (ranges from 1-255).                 ³
³   "/W"     - waits for a keypress before starting / stopping the music.  ³
³   "/NF"    - turns off fading.                                           ³
³   "/NSB"   - turns off ShowBeat(tm).                                     ³
³   "/NSH"   - turns off internal "Shell to DOS" function.                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Running X-PLAY without parameters will pop up an info screen:            ³
³                                                                          ³
³          Û²  ÜÛ   Ü  Û²ßßÛÜ Û²     ܲßßÛÜ Û²  ÛÛ Û²ßßÛÛ Û²ßßÛÜ           ³
³          ß² ÜÛß  ²Û  Û²  ÛÛ Û²     Û²  ÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Û²Ü    Û²  ÛÛ           ³
³          ܲ ßÛÜ  ²Û  Û² þÛÛ Û²     Û² þÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Û²ß    Û² þÛß           ³
³          Û²  ÛÛ  ²ß  Û²ßßß  Û²     Û²ßßÛÛ ß²ÛÛÛß Û²  ÛÛ Û²ßßÜ            ³
³          Û²  ÛÛ ÄÄÄÄ Û² ÄÄÄ Û²ÜÜÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Ä ÛÛ Ä Û²ÜÜÛÛ Û²  ÛÛ Version   ³
³  Ä-Ä-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍ] featuring ShowBeat (tm) technology [ÍÄÄÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÄÄÄ-Ä-- ³
³         X-PLAY Version / Date - (c) 1994, 1995 by RAY & COSMIC           ³
³                                                                          ³
³ PROGRAMMiNG þ RAY^[RADiCAL RHYTHMS]^[BLANK]                              ³
³      DESiGN þ COSMiC^[RADiCAL RHYTHMS]^[D-LUSiON]^[K.L.F.]               ³
³  (C)1994,95 þ RAY & COSMiC, REPLAY ROUTiNES BY D-LUSiON                  ³
³                                                                          ³
³ USAGE: X-PLAY <MusicFile.DMF> [/Cx] [/NF] [/NSB] [/O] [/V:xxx] [/W]      ³
³  e.g.: X-PLAY RAN-JUST.DMF /W /V:222                                     ³
³                                                                          ³
³/Cx sets color: /C0 = normal, /C1 = red, /C2 = green, /C3 = blue, /C4 = ..³
³/O overrides .INI file sound card settings.                               ³
³/V:xxx sets the output volume (ranges from 1-255).                        ³
³/W waits for a keypress before starting / stopping the music.             ³
³/NF turns off fading. /NSB turns off ShowBeat(tm).                        ³
³                                                                          ³
³ After checking the file, X-PLAY sets up the memory manager and will look ³
³ for a file called "X-PLAY.INI". This  file  is  stored  in the same path ³
³ where  the  X-PLAY executable is placed. If this file is present, X-PLAY ³
³ will take  all  player  information (soundcard  and  settings) from this ³
³ file. If this file can't be  found,  X-PLAY will prompt you to enter the ³
³ settings on the setup screen:                                            ³
³                                                                          ³
³ First, you'll be prompted  to enter  the sound  device  you wish to use. ³
³ Use the cursor keys (left&right) to choose the device. X-PLAY will check ³
³ and see if this device is present lateron.                               ³
³ If you  choose "SB", "SBPRO" or "SB16" you  will then be asked to choose ³
³ the mixing frequency. This  will affect  the  quality  of the output and ³
³ depends on the power of your processor. You can not  play back a song on ³
³ an ordinary "SB"  with  a  386  using  a mixing frequency of "44000" Hz. ³
³ Try - if  you  have any  pops or  drop outs, your  processor is not fast ³
³ enough. Delete  the .INI file  and try with a  smaller mixing frequency. ³
³ Use the cursor keys (up&down) to select the value.                       ³
³ If you use the Gravis  Ultra Sound  or the SoundBlaster AWE 32  you will ³
³ not be  prompted  to enter the  value because the  mixing is done by the ³
³ hardware itself. Therefore, the mixing  frequency is  always the maximum ³
³ the card can use.                                                        ³
³ Enter the other functions as desired, using the cursor keys.             ³
³                                                                          ³
³ SB 16 users please note: when  selecting  an 8-bit DMA channel (<5), you ³
³ will loose your 16-bit features and will hear 8-bit mixed music.         ³
³                                                                          ³
³ AWE Users please note: The replay routines on the AWE work without using ³
³ any DMA  or  IRQ functions. X-PLAY  will  display IRQ 2  and DMA 1  when ³
³ selecting the  AWE 32 but will  not use  them. So: don't worry, you only ³
³ need the correct base address.                                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³ The  main player  screen will  show  some information about the song and ³
³ a function overview. On the right, the 32 channels are shown with a peak ³
³ meter, which is only  updated when an instrument is played on a channel. ³
³ If you want hot graphics, use other players. ;)                          ³
³                                                                          ³
³ You can leave the player at any time by pressing ESCape.                 ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Other functions can be  activated by pressing the corresponding key and, ³
³ as they are self explanatory, will not be discussed within this doc.     ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Some general notes:                                                      ³
³                                                                          ³
³ If the cards memory is written in RED chars, double sound mem is active. ³
³ This happens if  the on board memory (only GUS&AWE) is  to small to keep ³
³ hold of the song's samples. In  this case, all  samples are recalculated ³
³ to fit into half  the memory  they'd normally need. If  your  card's mem ³
³ is still to small after this operation, X-PLAY will abort execution.     ³
³                                                                          ³
³ The DOS Shell is not very safe to use - it is there, so  use  it on your ³
³ own risk. If it crashes.. well, shit happens!                            ³
³                                                                          ³
³ Some modules contain  Show Beat (screen  flashing while playing). If you ³
³ experience  any loss  in sound  quality just  disable  this function and ³
³ there you are.                                                           ³
³                                                                          ³
³  Greetings from RAY go to: everybody at RADiCAl RhYthMS, BlANk,          ³
³  D-lUSiON, lEGENd dESiGN, k.l.f. (Germany), klf (USA), CREW 242.         ³
³  Persona grata: MANhUNtER.CYbERdECk, RAP.CYbERdECk, ChiCkEN.ECR.S!P.     ³
³  Sorry, if I forgot your name in this list. Just let me know...          ³
³                                                                          ³
³                                   Goodbye and keep on raving - yours RAY ³
³                                 And remember: "Winners don't use drugs!" ³